God and Gender Identity: “The Bible and the Life of Transgender Christians” with Austen Hartke

  • Опубликовано: 27 окт 2024

Комментарии • 378

  • @KoiaruTan
    @KoiaruTan 2 года назад +12

    When Christians think about gender, they tend to go back to the beginning. In Genesis, we find two stories about how things came to be, one of which says “So God created man in His own image; in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them.” (Genesis 1:27, NJB). If you grew up hearing these stories and living with people who seemed to fit inside these gender boxes, the existence of transgender people might seem to fly in the face of God’s created order. However, when we look just a little closer at each of these passages we find a much more complex and beautiful world. For instance, when God creates men and women in Genesis 1, it’s after creating opposites in every other corner of creation--day and night, land and sea, flying birds and swimming fish. Humans, then, are also created in an opposite pair--male and female. But the problem with a literal reading of this text that even though Genesis 1 sets up these binaries, God’s creation exists in spectrums.
    In between day and night we have dawn and dusk; between land and sea we have tide pools and estuaries and beaches; between flying birds and swimming fish we have penguins and beavers, not to mention that uncategorizable favorite the platypus! No one would argue that a penguin is an abomination for not fitting the categories of Genesis 1, or that a tide pool isn’t pleasing to God because it’s neither land nor sea. In the same way, God gives every human a self that is unique and may not always fit neatly into a box or binary. Among cisgender people -- that is those whose gender identities align with the sex they were assigned at birth, or non-transgender people -- there is a wide variety in height, strength, hair distribution, size and shape of reproductive organs, and nearly all other physical characteristics, which makes it hard for every single person on earth to fit neatly inside one culture’s categories of man or woman. There is, too, a diversity among transgender and non-binary people when it comes to bodies, personalities, beliefs and experiences. But rather than writing Genesis 1 off as fiction that doesn’t match reality, many affirming Christians recognize that the stories set down in this chapter were never meant to catalogue all of creation (in which case, it would just be an encyclopedia), but rather to point us towards God’s power and love. Not every microbe and constellation must be named in this chapter in order to have a purpose and a blessing.
    Genesis 2 gives us a different perspective on the creation story, and here a non-gendered human is created first and then later a piece of the first person, Adam, is made into the second person, Eve. Based on the order of creation in this story, some theologians argue that this passage upholds a structure called gender complementarity. Gender complementarity asserts that God created two fundamentally different genders which have strict corresponding societal roles; in short, men were created to lead and women were created to follow. We don’t have the space here to explore the rich biblical scholarship that has demonstrated the theological and pastoral need for Christian Egalitarianism, but suffice to say these views, even when held with the best intentions, have a consistent history of leading to emotional, spiritual and physical violence against anyone, regardless of their assigned sex or their gender identity or presentation, who does not completely and unwaveringly conform to gendered expectations. Alternatively, moving away from gender complementarity frees Christians up to explore identity, community and relationship--alternatives based on the example Jesus set and called for in his teachings, rather than on gender difference. And Jesus taught love above all else. All too often I see and hear stories of youth and adults taking their own lives or hurting themselves because nobody accepts them. That brings me to the next topic:
    One of the ways that Christians have historically understood the existence of suffering in the world is to attribute it to the idea that things are not now as they were originally created before the sin of Adam and Eve later in Genesis. Since the Fall, humans have experienced and caused things that are out of sync with God’s plan, and some may question whether the existence of transgender people may be a result of the Fall, rather than something that God intended from the beginning. However, it’s important to know that transgender people have existed across cultures and times -- dating back thousands of years. We also know that when it comes to the suffering that transgender and non-binary people experience, most is linked to the stress and oppression caused by other people and not at all tied to their own ideology. Studies show that when transgender people are affirmed and loved, their well-being also benefits.. With this in mind, it would be more likely that sin is at play in the oppressive and damaging ways we treat each other, and not in the very fact of someone’s existence.
    1 Corinthians Chapter 13
    13-1 If I have all the eloquence of men or of angels, but speak without love, I am simply a gong booming or a cymbal clashing.
    13-2 If I have the gift of prophecy, understanding all the mysteries there are, and knowing everything, and if I have faith in all its fulness, to move mountains, but without love, then I am nothing at all.
    13-3 If I give away all that I possess, piece by piece, and if I even let them take my body to burn it, but am without love, it will do me no good whatever.
    13-4 Love is always patient and kind; it is never jealous; love is never boastful or conceited;
    13-5 it is never rude or selfish; it does not take offence, and is not resentful.
    13-6 Love takes no pleasure in other people’s sins but delights in the truth;
    13-7 it is always ready to excuse, to trust, to hope, and to endure whatever comes.
    13-8 Love does not come to an end. But if there are gifts of prophecy, the time will come when they must fail; or the gift of languages, it will not continue for ever; and knowledge - for this, too, the time will come when it must fail.
    13-9 For our knowledge is imperfect and our prophesying is imperfect;
    13-10 but once perfection comes, all imperfect things will disappear.
    13-11 When I was a child, I used to talk like a child, and think like a child, and argue like a child, but now I am a man, all childish ways are put behind me.
    13-12 Now we are seeing a dim reflection in a mirror; but then we shall be seeing face to face. The knowledge that I have now is imperfect; but then I shall know as fully as I am known.
    13-13 In short, there are three things that last: faith, hope and love; and the greatest of these is love.

    •  3 месяца назад

      Yahweh is androgynous. He is both male and female. Which is why we are created male And female in his androgynous image. Not male OR female. This corresponds with the biological fact that all anatomical males are actually transsexual. They started out androgynous and then only later transitioned to a male phallus. Dr. Carl Gustave Jung, the greatest psychiatrist of the 2Oth century demonstrated that the human psyche is androgynous just like Yahweh. 💙

  • @melaniexoxo
    @melaniexoxo 9 месяцев назад +4

    These comments are wild. A believer is a believer. You can’t change that, it’s in Gods hands. I think Austen is pretty clearly Christian. I’ve learned so much from him. He also has a study group Transmission Ministry Collective. It’s not letting me tag here but they are here on YT. ❤

    • @glennsimonsen8421
      @glennsimonsen8421 9 дней назад +1

      I believe this person is a Christian if that's what she says she is. But she doesn't have the right to confuse others and twist the Bible into a pretzel in order to change the meaning.

  • @jayc3141
    @jayc3141 4 года назад +17

    Trans man here and I'm quite extreme on the Christian side so I'm constantly trying to figure this out with God and the Holy Spirit alone. 90% of the time it is right, and right with God - then I have the 10% doubting as he didn't make me this way.
    I also view homosexuality as a sin - not judging those who do it. We all have to work on a relationship with God to know if this is for or against his plan for us.
    Also I've tried to detransition and I was both physically and mentally ill to the extreme despite praying with all my might. In the end I gave up the detransition and it seemed to sit right with Him that I continue to live as male. Particularly I do not function without Testosterone replacement.

    • @jayc3141
      @jayc3141 4 года назад +8

      ALSO, I don't agree with the term TRANSGENDER - I didn't change my gender. I went through a lot of pain and suffering to change my secondary sex characteristics. I prefer the term, Man with an intersex condition a very rare condition which needs medical treatment.

    • @lilmisspeace
      @lilmisspeace 4 года назад +9

      God uses all things for the good of those who love Him and are called according to His purpose.
      Maybe just try looking past gender to gaze upon Jesus and He will lead you in the path of righteousness and use it all for His glory.
      Just lay yourself at His feet and give up your identity to Him and let Him show you who you really are ❤ bless you

    • @theskeptic8489
      @theskeptic8489 4 года назад +6

      if you truly understand Christian theology then there is nothing for you to figure out; That's why Jesus was sacrificed. What you're trying to figure out is how to get other Christians or your church to accept you based on how they interpret the bible or, like the Catholics, all the extra stuff they add by way of additional texts like the Catechism. But Christianity in its bare bones is the creation of Jesus Christ whose sacrifice forgave all your sins should you believe that to be true.

    • @lilmisspeace
      @lilmisspeace 4 года назад +6

      @@theskeptic8489 I would simply add to that the truth that Jesus tells us to repent and believe in Him.
      Repent has become a tainted world, but it just means to turn from the life formed in sin and turn TO the life Jesus alone offers us.
      He doesn't just HAVE the answers; He IS the answer.

    • @theskeptic8489
      @theskeptic8489 4 года назад +6

      @@lilmisspeace The struggle the commenter faces is that he or she genuinely feels as if he or she was born in the wrong sex and feels more comfortable living in the sex he or she thinks/believes he or she should have been born in. He or she is trying to reconcile his or her feelings with the teachings in the bible that otherwise condemn the way he or she feels as a sin. I agree with you as per the text, but I think there are some situations for which repentance does not work and so one must accept that some people are imperfect and that imperfection is acceptable in God's eyes because of the sacrifice of Jesus Christ. I don't think that God would want someone to avoid living a life of sin if that meant living a life that would evoke suffering.

  • @rdhd49
    @rdhd49 5 лет назад +59

    It's funny to me that human beings, who do not have true love for and full knowledge of a person, are so freely able to judge others. Judge not, lest ye be judged. No human is God, therefore no human can judge others. You are so quick to tell someone they're going to Hell. Focus on yourself...i'm sure there's plenty to work on. Leave the judgement to God.

    • @rdhd49
      @rdhd49 5 лет назад +5

      I respectfully disagree. You can bring more people to God without judging them.

    • @rdhd49
      @rdhd49 5 лет назад +1


    • @rdhd49
      @rdhd49 5 лет назад +8

      Take 4 minutes and watch the above video. You pick and choose what verses you deem "truth". You have no idea the damage you inflict on other people, There are so many hypocritical "christians" out there. You misquote the bible to fit your own lifestyle, can't you see that?

    • @Hibernial
      @Hibernial 5 лет назад +1

      I tend to view judge not lest you be judged in verse as a spelled out condition of principle. To judge necessarily opens one up to the same standard one uses to judge others. Hence the Lord Who is the only rightly and able Judge above all will one day judge each man according to the mercy or lack thereof expressed from his heart towards those lowly in spirit, and to the persecuted church.

    • @ColonPal
      @ColonPal 4 года назад

      Christians have perpetually told LGBTQ folks they're 'going to Hell' for 2020+ years and still heterosexual Christians die the same horrific deaths as everyone else. Christians who say they are 'protected' by God still die at the same rate and of the same afflictions as everyone else, which proves your God doesn't answer your idiot prayers.And Don't be silly because for God to JUDGE, she would first have to EXIST, which She does not. So, good luck trying to prove God can judge you idiot.

  • @normarohadfox5832
    @normarohadfox5832 2 года назад +12

    He is correct that God made us male and female..and we must understand that what God made us is what he made us. It is our choosing to be something else that what God created which is wrong. Jeremiah 1:5 says
    Before I formed thee in the womb I knew thee;
    God knew whom he created male or female. He loves us all but His word will stand on judgement and obedience to his word is what will judge us.
    God makes NO mistakes.

    • @KoiaruTan
      @KoiaruTan 2 года назад +5

      Then what of their minds? Did God not make that too? He makes no mistakes thus it must not be a mistake that God made a man who carries woman’s body or a woman who carries a man’s body.
      A person is the sum of all of their parts, mind, body and spirit. God created all of that and he’s never wrong in his creation.

    • @normarohadfox5832
      @normarohadfox5832 2 года назад +2

      @@KoiaruTan a man cannot give birth so not understanding your comment about a man carrying a woman. And yes God did give us minds and he also gave us a choice. We can follow Him or follow man. Isiah 55:8-9 says..
      For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, saith the LORD.
      For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts.

    • @haysbrickell9579
      @haysbrickell9579 Год назад +2

      ​@@KoiaruTanWoe to those who call evil good and good evil. Isaiah 5:20

    • @haysbrickell9579
      @haysbrickell9579 Год назад +3

      Sorry, if a man thinks he is actually a woman and also thinks God actually approves of such a delusion, then he needs to seriously contemplate Isaiah 55:8-9

    • @ColonPal
      @ColonPal Год назад +4

      You’re right that God doesn’t make mistakes, but God also makes humans who’s brains don’t match their genitalia known as transgender people who have been naturally occurring in Nature from before Christ was ever born and God didn’t make a mistake, you’ve got it wrong! His creations are much broader than your tiny mind can understand or comprehend which is a personal problem you can ask a therapist about. Transgender people are God’s children JUST AS THEY ARE CURRENTLY! Keep that in mind going forward. Thanks!

  • @bongHITZx
    @bongHITZx 5 лет назад +11

    “Everything exists within these constructs” correct.
    But not everything is “good”
    The middle ground is how you get pulled away from God. This is some mental gymnastics you’re pulling to justify going against his Word.

  • @B34RProductions
    @B34RProductions 3 года назад +15

    God says for us to be more like Jesus and to love our neighbors. I would be welcoming and live this person and treat them equally like I would anyone else. I don’t agree with transgender at all but I do believe it is important we show them love kindness and humility. God also puts ppl in our lives that we normally wouldn’t even look at but as to grow as a person and closer to him as he is preparing us for heaven. I pray for all Christians out there to show love even to those who would hurt or that you don’t agree with, doesn’t mean we have to conform to their beliefs but to show love. Praise Jesus!

    • @ColonPal
      @ColonPal 3 года назад

      For your Sky Fairy to 'say' something, S/he would first have to EXIST, but the ONLY place your God exists is in your imagination. There's ZERO supernatural Gods, so no need to worry or act like Jesus, who's a fictional character and a myth from the Bible, the World's first FAKE NEWS!
      Just trying to be honest with you dude.

    • @ColonPal
      @ColonPal 3 года назад

      Would you let you son date a transgender woman?

    • @B34RProductions
      @B34RProductions 3 года назад +4

      @@ColonPal that’s would be his choice not mine, I’ll let him know I don’t agree with it and that’s not a lifestyle for me but I would treat that person with respect and show love like Jesus would. The same way I believe the Bible is true and that Jesus died for our sins, I would share this with my son but again his choice to believe or not. God doesn’t want us to be forced to believe in him, he wants us to choose him and have faith.

    • @ColonPal
      @ColonPal 3 года назад

      @@B34RProductions Lol! But since your God is only part of your IMAGINATION, you can’t show him to me, which means you’re out of luck in convincing me of any of your nonsense. Produce your God in the flesh and I’d be happy to look. But don’t bug me until you have proof. The Bible saying something is true does not make it true. And science has disproven vast amounts of your ‘Good book’ and found thousands of scientific errors, total lies and the Creationism account in Genesis is frankly laughable to evolutionary biologists.
      There’s an amazing documentary on Creationism being pushed in schools called ‘Flock of Dodos’ that really brings it in to focus of how ridiculous it was.
      Biblical Creationism is false and SHOULD NEVER be taught in school!
      Would be like teaching children that Spider-Man and Superman are actually real.

    • @ColonPal
      @ColonPal 3 года назад

      @@B34RProductions I also believe that children who are taught about God as if it’s a facial claim should be put in foster homes. No worst child abuse than filling an innocent child’s mind with mutilations and sacrifice and scare them with nonsense Satanic nonsense.
      As a public educator it’s my hon ro ensure children know the Truth that there’s no supernatural stuff at all that’s ever been pretty Ben.

  • @richardkasper5822
    @richardkasper5822 10 месяцев назад

    💙🙏🏻💙🙏🏻💙 Isaiah 56 : 4 & 5 For thus saith the Lord unto the eunichs that keep my sabbath, and choose the things that please me, and take hold of my covenant ;

  • @alicezavaletta5250
    @alicezavaletta5250 2 года назад +9

    Christian trans people are a light in dark places, where few other lights purposefully dwell. Don't forget how important we are to the world in spreading the love and good news of God. Every step we take back in our identity and our faith can be a step back for someone else as well. We are strong together.

    • @jrhineman
      @jrhineman Год назад +1

      dont be decieved there will be many false prophets

  • @trisssmith7772
    @trisssmith7772 4 года назад +19

    Can't say I agree with everything, but glad to see a message showing continuity between OT and NT and not Bible dipping. Also, wasn't Dueteronomy written as ceremonial rules specific to the Hebrew under the old covenant? Just how I justified my perception of that verse anyway.

    • @MLGB0Yz
      @MLGB0Yz 3 года назад

      It depends, I didn’t watch this garbage because he isn’t a Christian and says many lies. Don’t listen to this person, listen to God.

    • @ColonPal
      @ColonPal 3 года назад +1

      Triss, the Bible endorses and excuses some of the most depraved human behavior including rape, torture, genocide and even the stoning to death and BURNING to death of one's own children. The Christian deity commanded Abraham to MURDER his own son by burning him alive as a sadistic offering to the blood-thirsty deity, which is all I needed to hear to stay far away from such total nonsense and insanity. You could save some heartache if you did the same.

    • @alm1t3cabbage85
      @alm1t3cabbage85 3 года назад +3

      @@ColonPal Hi Bob. I recognise that there are many foreign and challenging stories in the bible but remember that God sent and angel to stop Abraham from sacrificing his son as God's purpose was to test Abraham's faith before making the covenant to create the jewish nation in his family line which would lead to the birth of jesus, God's son who God offered as a sacrifice for all people's sin which Jesus gave willingly. In fact, after the angel stopped Abraham, he named that very place "Lord will provide" to show how God will provide the sacrifice for us to be in relationship with him. I think one of the great things that Austen has shown in this video is that the key to finding the truth is through being prepared to be open, genuinely curious and vulnerable which I think all Christians should be in reading the bible and in loving people.

    • @ColonPal
      @ColonPal 3 года назад

      @@alm1t3cabbage85 It’s besides the point that Abraham was prevented from murdering his child. The sadistic act was the deity being sadistic enough to even suggest he kill his own child! And then on top of it, you would then WORSHIP such a cruel and bloodthirsty senile delinquent?
      I know the Christian God doesn’t exist. If for one second I DID ever believe in the God of the Bible, I would make it my LIFE’S MISSION TO DESTROY HIM! And then would figure out a way to destroy him. And you can tell Him I said that. I don’t fear your superstition or belief in a sky fairy. No Gods will ever exist.

    • @alm1t3cabbage85
      @alm1t3cabbage85 3 года назад +3

      @@ColonPal Theres nothing in the text to suggest that God would have taken pleasure in the suffering of Isaac. In fact I'd say he would have been happy that Isaac did not die. So God is not acting sadistic in any way. Cruel is a more difficult term to accuse God of from a definition point of view. By God asking Abraham to sacrifice his son to test his faith would be more of an insight into Abraham's character than God. God stopped Abraham from sacrificing his son suggesting he does not want bloodshed and is therefore not bloodthirsty. God never intended on Abraham sacrificing Isaac, he was not changing his mind and was therefore consistent in his plan the whole time meaning we was not senile. A delinquent is a young person who commits crimes and a God would exist before time itself and dictates the very laws of the universe he certainly isnt young and does not break any laws. I find it strange that someone who is so emotionally aggressive towards something that doesn't exist would waste their time or energy on something that doesn't exist. And to "know" is quite a strong claim. I also do not believe in a sky fairy and I don't consider myself to be superstitious. I have found that the evidence for the possibility of a first cause for the cosmos is likely to be an intelligent one and the evidence for Jesus' resurrection in my opinion is convincing to suggest the best explanation for the first cause or "creator" is the Christian God. I'm sure you will continue to use fighting, inflammatory words and use buzzwords to belittle people but if i may offer some reflection: If you don't believe in a God that you know doesn't exist, why not spend your time and energy living exactly how you feel the best way to live is? Does your moral compass (whatever its foundation) suggest that the best thing you can do is write rude throwaway comments to people who are trying to support and understand this man's views and life experience?

  • @TaishaArena
    @TaishaArena 4 года назад +11

    Do not judge according to appearance but judge righteous judgement (John 7:24)

    • @ColonPal
      @ColonPal 3 года назад

      "Please do *NOT* pee on my leg and tell me it's raining!" ~ Judge Judy

    • @ColonPal
      @ColonPal 3 года назад

      And thanks for showing us some of the places where the Bible contradicts itself. There's thousands of contradictions.

    • @MLGB0Yz
      @MLGB0Yz 3 года назад +1

      Righteous judgement is easily saying transgenderism is wrong, it means whether you’re ugly or not, race. Maybe read the original text because it’s obvious in English, but clearly your English is wack.

  • @sabcayen9814
    @sabcayen9814 5 лет назад +12

    Ugh this is what I'm trying to get away from. As Christians we can't be saying that this is ok. I struggle with gender identity, and stuff like this definitely does not help me get on the right path.

    • @Hibernial
      @Hibernial 5 лет назад +2

      Sab Cayen Just pray to Christ in where your life should lead. I’d agree that terminology as it exists and is conceptualized today falls short of God’s wisdom. Theorems on aspects of identity that are philosophical, similar to theological differences in scholarly debate, aren’t solidly true. Communication within study is always necessary between those respective approaches. Things may have a degree of truth in the matter of words, but will still lack truth in the measure of Spirit and Wisdom.
      This is my opinion, and not anything objective and determined as scientific truth. I believe with some few persons, there are those who have an identity of a certain sex that their body or flesh ought to match and express, yet their physical flesh (due to man’s fall) at instances works in a manner that is mismatched against them. Deeper than soul and physical body is each man having a spirit, an inner-man which functions like an organ to contact, communicate, and contain Christ’s nature by His communing Spirit regenerating our spirit.
      In Christ’s grace I believe an adult person caught up in an intersex dilemma, perhaps being born a hermaphrodite or perhaps not but still with chromosomal differences, is given an opportunity and choice if their distress is great. If a person finds peace in choosing their biological gender to pursue a conventional manner of living and relationship in God’s design, then that’s fine. I would also think preferable wherein the raising of children who may grow to innately desire a nuclear family. If a person rather finds themselves as an unabashed eunuch, and wishes to live in outward characteristics that reflects their inward sense of self, than I do believe that is permissible. Christ still desires to be a person’s spiritual core and foundation, to establish a genuine relationship.
      However what does not match the spirit of that genuine relationship is harboring a desire for promiscuity. Hence temple prostitution and whore mongering in the Old Testament being abhorred by God. Due to the destructiveness of such an attitude of spirit stemming from idolatry and false worship, God’s temple ended up being destroyed a handful of times throughout the course of ancient Israel’s history.

    • @carolkey5208
      @carolkey5208 4 года назад

      Read your Bible

    • @maychiu1419
      @maychiu1419 3 года назад

      Psalm 55:21 The words of his mouth were smoother than butter, but war was in his heart: his words were softer than oil, yet were they drawn swords.

  • @gregoryjudson6616
    @gregoryjudson6616 2 года назад +6

    the Bible is clear on this subject.May God have mercy on anyone who follow this ideology an indoctrination🙏🏿

  • @mrweaverface
    @mrweaverface 5 лет назад +14

    I have trouble understanding the correlation of someone of XX with female anatomy identifying as male and XY with male anatomy identifying as female, in the comparison to the actual physical changes of those who have rare genetic conditions as Kleinfelter's Syndrome (XXY), Jacob's Syndrome (XYY) and Triple X syndrome (XXX). Yes, XXY is a male with more female traits. XYY is just a man that is more manly with possible learning problems and XXX is a woman that is taller with possible learning disabilities.
    God originally created male XY and female XX. The creation was perfect. Only afterwards, through the serpent's temptation of Eve in the Garden of Eden, did sin and death and imperfection enter the world, thus the XXY, XYY, XXX syndromes.
    Deuteronomy 22:5 is there to protect God's people from the "gods" (actually demons, evil spirits posing as gods) because He is the One True God. To associate in the behavior of cross-dressing of other "gods" in pagan, idolatrous behavior means rejecting God as the One True God of Creation. God still wants a relationship with us, which you can read in the Old Testament. Time and time again, Israel lived in prosperity when following the commands of God, but when Israel turned their backs against God, God allowed them to wallow in their sin. But God is also merciful, longing for Israel to repent, giving us free will to turn away from worshiping other "gods" and come back to Him.
    This is the same today, that if we acknowledge that we are sinners and not perfect and repent of sin, believe that Jesus is Lord and the Son of God, that He shed His blood for us when He died to be the perfect sacrifice, was raised from the dead and ascended into Heaven, then we are saved. You will hate sin and exhibit the fruits of the Holy Spirit as He dwells within you. You will long for prayer time with God and will want to read the Bible and find out as much about God as you possibly can because you love Him, and He loves you.
    Gender fluidity and gender identification is confusing, for everyone! Not only for those not going through it, but especially for those who are XX who feel that they are males and XY who feel that they are females. The One True God is not the author of confusion. So, someone who is trying to figure out who they are and suffering...I would encourage you to take a break from finding out who you are and try to find out more about who God is and the healing and saving power of Jesus Christ, that His name is above any name, in Heaven, on Earth and Under the Earth. I believe a lot of what's going on now is more spiritual than psychological. The enemy is so good at deceiving people on what is "normal," when actually it is not and possibly leading you further from the Truth.

    • @vigooden5990
      @vigooden5990 4 года назад +2

      DNA is a lie to what the gender is.

    • @productofmud7636
      @productofmud7636 4 года назад +5

      Mr. Weaverface to long didn’t read

    • @paulinaoosthuizen
      @paulinaoosthuizen 4 года назад +2

      @@productofmud7636 Lol.

    • @tonyvoeller1427
      @tonyvoeller1427 4 года назад

      Very well put, I seriously appreciate your deep thoughts on this stuff. I'm a college student and I meet bi-weekly with a friend of mine in my college ministry. She holds lots of different beliefs than myself so it leads to incredibly fruitful and challenging discussion. I plan to bring this topic up to her in regards to her twitter bio (which specifies her 'gender identity') and your words are incredibly helpful in defending the beliefs I already hold. In particular your last paragraph is so helpful and well worded. Thanks so much for sharing your thoughts and using the reality God created to support the truth's asserted in His Word

    • @mrweaverface
      @mrweaverface 3 года назад +1

      @Instagram Ts_jazzmine Rewriting the Bible to justify evil behavior is obviously wrong. Anyone would agree with that. 1 Timothy 1:10 even speaks out against slave traders. So your using the actions of evil slave owners with a bad Bible version as a reason to believe that the Bible is not truth? 2 Timothy 3:16 "All scripture is God-breathed and and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness." Are are you using that "slave bible" as an excuse not to believe and justify your own sinful behavior? We're all sinners. No one has any amount of righteousness to stand in front of God at judgement to justify themselves. Please don't rebel and think you can face God's judgement without faith in his Son Jesus Christ, a free gift, btw, given to those who believe. Only through Jesus will you become righteous by faith (Hebrews 11). The whole "Bible has be rewritten so many times" is factually incorrect and leads people astray. It's always translated from original Hebrew and Greek, never other translations, but some translations are blatantly wrong, which you can learn to avoid through studying. If you feel judged from the Bible, good! Those are the words of God! He is convicting you to repent and believe that Jesus died for your sins once and for all. Believe in that and repent of sin so that you may be saved! Better than be convicted of sin, repent and be saved, than taking that pride with you to eternal darkness where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth.

  • @rentiadutoit3526
    @rentiadutoit3526 3 года назад +5

    "I warn everyone who hears the words of the prophecy of this book: if anyone adds to them, God will add to him the plagues described in this book, and if anyone takes away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God will take away his share in the tree of life and in the holy city, which are described in this book."

    • @KoiaruTan
      @KoiaruTan 2 года назад

      1 Corinthians Chapter 13
      13-1 If I have all the eloquence of men or of angels, but speak without love, I am simply a gong booming or a cymbal clashing.
      13-2 If I have the gift of prophecy, understanding all the mysteries there are, and knowing everything, and if I have faith in all its fulness, to move mountains, but without love, then I am nothing at all.
      13-3 If I give away all that I possess, piece by piece, and if I even let them take my body to burn it, but am without love, it will do me no good whatever.
      13-4 Love is always patient and kind; it is never jealous; love is never boastful or conceited;
      13-5 it is never rude or selfish; it does not take offence, and is not resentful.
      13-6 Love takes no pleasure in other people’s sins but delights in the truth;
      13-7 it is always ready to excuse, to trust, to hope, and to endure whatever comes.
      13-8 Love does not come to an end. But if there are gifts of prophecy, the time will come when they must fail; or the gift of languages, it will not continue for ever; and knowledge - for this, too, the time will come when it must fail.
      13-9 For our knowledge is imperfect and our prophesying is imperfect;
      13-10 but once perfection comes, all imperfect things will disappear.
      13-11 When I was a child, I used to talk like a child, and think like a child, and argue like a child, but now I am a man, all childish ways are put behind me.
      13-12 Now we are seeing a dim reflection in a mirror; but then we shall be seeing face to face. The knowledge that I have now is imperfect; but then I shall know as fully as I am known.
      13-13 In short, there are three things that last: faith, hope and love; and the greatest of these is love.

    • @richardkasper5822
      @richardkasper5822 10 месяцев назад

      Aren't you glad that applies only to the book of revelation?

  • @KeijiAkuma
    @KeijiAkuma 3 года назад +2

    why do you remove a NOT hating and NOT violent comment? If you disagree then write it as reply instead of removing it. To remove a civilized comment is like forcing someone to be silenced and this is also against christianity.
    I made a screenshot of my comment like I do on every other channel. I collect my own comments as proof that I DONT attack others!

  • @mgvillanmp478
    @mgvillanmp478 10 месяцев назад +1

    This world just gets more and more unbelievable by the DAY 😒....smh

  • @tm33398
    @tm33398 3 года назад +14

    Interesting view. I am beginning to read your perceptions of Scripture and looking for validity of it because i am trans and have just recently started my medical transition but have been a conservative believer for most of my life and felt i was a backslidden christian because of my transgender desires. Thank you

    • @ColonPal
      @ColonPal 3 года назад +1

      You’re gonna grow out of religion pretty fast!

    • @rasniwolf8153
      @rasniwolf8153 3 года назад +8

      Don't listen to this person who replied to you, you can do it, stay strong, friend. :)

    • @doriangray7723
      @doriangray7723 2 года назад +3

      First off, the flesh body is temporal. The entire reason for people to have male or female reproductive organs is merely for the propagation of the species. Reproductive organs do not define you, nor are we reproductive organs. And as far as things, activities, clothes, hair styles somebody decided one day what individuals of one sex were going to wear, do etc....
      It's all a big mind program.
      The reason why boy toys are usually geared to work, war, i.e., toy dump trucks, building sets, play guns, to condition boys one way. Girls they target them with strollers, dolls, and bake sets, it's all conditioning.
      Fortunately, some are divergent and don't fit into one or the other category nicely.
      You are being programmed in many ways.

    • @tm33398
      @tm33398 2 года назад +1

      @@rasniwolf8153 THANKS!!

    • @ColonPal
      @ColonPal Год назад +3

      God loves transgender people just like all His children, and don’t let homophobic Christians tell you any different. If they truly knew God, they would know it’s a blessing to be LGBTQ +! It’s something we should CELEBRATE!

  • @beccacertifiedpersonaltrai3636
    @beccacertifiedpersonaltrai3636 3 года назад +25

    I just started watching this. Thus far, I find this very intriguing, I am a Christian, and more and more, I feel my anatomy at birth does not match my gender. The view that only genitalia determines one's gender is a bit myopic. I was married for 19 years and my former wife and I had 2 daughters. I realized that I am likely trans later in life.

    • @ColonPal
      @ColonPal 3 года назад +9

      God WANTS you to be the gender you are! Don't let your CHURCH tell you what gender you are, your brain does a good job of it and you should be the gender you perceive! So I wish you great luck and you should let a doctor know, get on hormones and start your sexual reassignment surgery right away, you'll be so much happier!

    • @ColonPal
      @ColonPal 3 года назад +5

      The Bible contains over 368 admonishments to heterosexuals and only 6 for LGBTQ folks. This doesn't mean that God doens't love heterosexuals, it just means that God feels heterosexuals need much more supervision. But God loves straight people, just not the same way He loves the gay Community, His Chosen people.

    • @Loki-gp7py
      @Loki-gp7py 3 года назад +5

      The devil is a liar bro.. stay strong. Our hearts are deceitfully wicked

    • @ColonPal
      @ColonPal 3 года назад +2

      @@Loki-gp7py No Loki, again, Devils, Gods, Demons, Heaven, Hell are all 100% MAN-MADE inventions. It was us HUMANS who invented the first God and us humans have invented Gods for thosuands of years to please ourselves with. It's a totally selfish and self-serving exercise in delusional futility and self-denial.
      Denying yourself so that powers that be keep you quiet and happy. That way, the rich and powerful invented religion to control weak people such as yourself Loki. You believe because you've been BRAINWASHED TO BELIEVE!

    • @Loki-gp7py
      @Loki-gp7py 3 года назад +6

      @@ColonPal Lol Sorry bruh you might fool other ignorant folk but you can't fool someone who has dealt with the spiritual realm.
      I used to practice many forms of the occult. I've seen that there is demonic power out there. I've seen demons. And I've seen that Jesus is much more powerful when I came to Christ.
      It has nothing to do with pleasing myself or being selfish. Quite the opposite. It's not keeping me poor. It's not oppressing me. God has taught me to refrain from things like porn, fornication, drugs, alcohol, hatred, theft, violence-- the list goes on. Without God I would do all of those things and without any remorse. Because you do not know God but know He exists, you behave as a bastard. So you suppress your knowledge of God's existence so you don't feel like you have someone to answer to. The fortunate reality is you do. You will stand before the very God you claim doesn't exist and give an account for your sins. Your sins will be punished. You can either have that wrath poured out on you in full, or you can accept Jesus taking the wrath of God for you on the cross and be saved. Your choice.

  • @opengates777
    @opengates777 2 года назад +3

    2Ti 3:16 All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness:2Ti 3:17 That the man of God may be perfect, throughly furnished unto all good works.
    Deu 22:5 The woman shall not wear that which pertaineth unto a man, neither shall a man put on a woman's garment: for all that do so are ABOMINATION unto the LORD thy God.
    When something is an ABOMINATION unto God himself, how can that be the law of Moses?

    • @doriangray7723
      @doriangray7723 2 года назад +2

      Okay, I am going to put my fig leaf on. Or my loin cloth, or kilt/skirt, or robe/dress. If it is pink or blue does it matter? What if my t shirt has flowers and butterflies, or Spiderman on it?
      You people wash your hands, but that doesn't make you clean.

    • @gingerty9628
      @gingerty9628 Год назад

      ​@@doriangray7723 why get angry?

    • @doriangray7723
      @doriangray7723 Год назад +3

      @Ginger Ty I am not angry. However, much of humanity has become ludicrous. To think an individuals reproductive organs have anything to do with all their other interests, behaviors, mannerisms, temperament, likes, dislikes, and personality is why this gender issue has become monumental. Things and activities don't have gender. Furthermore, throughout history, people in general did what needed to be done.
      All individuals have physical and intellectual limitations.
      People have invented bizarre notions of what a man or woman is supposed to be like or act like. In my world there's one standard of goodness and righteousness for all. And all individuals everywhere should have always had the same civil rights and liberties under just laws.
      By the way my prior post was pointing out the absurdity of human fashion. The idea that some man or group prescribed a particular dress, hair style and behavior based on reproductive organs is a form of brainwashing and enslavement by oppression. People have done this from the beginning to any number of groups of people based on some physical feature. I am a free individual, at least the inner man. Only two forms of slavery; the external form; which often cannot be avoided and the inner form. I will let no man (fe/male) affect my inner state of being; that's my privilege alone.

    • @opengates777
      @opengates777 Год назад

      @@doriangray7723 So there is no God in your eyes? Are you Atheist?

    • @richardkasper5822
      @richardkasper5822 10 месяцев назад

      Christians don't follow the Judaic laws.

    @TheTREEHOUSE18 3 года назад +4

    Do you not see that Satan has deceived you! Jesus is God and man. He made us male and female and that's it. Stop changing Gods word you are risking your eternity!!

    • @KeijiAkuma
      @KeijiAkuma 3 года назад +1

      I agree on that. After I showed facts, the content creator of this channel removed it. Facts that are written in the bible.

    • @pathowogenempire9968
      @pathowogenempire9968 2 года назад

      He can't lose his salvation

  • @andrewmartin6445
    @andrewmartin6445 4 года назад +8

    This person comes across to me as being a trans activist using Christianity for propaganda purposes.

    • @apollicino1705
      @apollicino1705 4 года назад +6

      The very same could be said about cisgender, binary folks using holy texts as propaganda against trans identity.

    • @andrewmartin6445
      @andrewmartin6445 4 года назад

      @@apollicino1705 So what?

    • @vigooden5990
      @vigooden5990 4 года назад

      Mathew 7:1-3 ..

    • @andrewmartin6445
      @andrewmartin6445 4 года назад

      What about it?

    • @ColonPal
      @ColonPal 4 года назад

      Andrew, I use Christianity as a douce process. They made the pages of the Bible very thin for when the Hotel runs out of toilet paper, I use them and the pages are soft and thin, yet strong. I think the trans person is using Christianity as an enema. And I think it's a great idea. I wished all Christians would do the same and maybe God would take you to Heaven and we could finally have peace on earth and live in Harmony.

  • @davidbiddle8583
    @davidbiddle8583 3 года назад +3

    The person without the Spirit does not accept the things that come from the Spirit of God but considers them foolishness, and cannot understand them because they are discerned only through the Spirit.

    • @ColonPal
      @ColonPal 3 года назад

      David, there's no 'spirit' and if you had seen such a thing, you'd be able to prove it. There's ZERO supernatural Gods and never will be any. So as soon as you understand why you dismiss Allah, Nimrod or Baal, you'll know why sane people dismiss your looney belief in your own Spirit which is just as fake and phony as all the rest. So simple.

    • @davidbiddle8583
      @davidbiddle8583 3 года назад +3

      @@ColonPal thank you for further confirming my understanding that people without the spirit cannot will not understand or accept things that are of this spirit thank you very very much

    • @ColonPal
      @ColonPal 3 года назад

      @@davidbiddle8583 Thanks you for further confirming for me and my understanding that folks who say they are 'with the Spirit' are so full of shit. You really make it apparent in that you can't show me anything that actually PROVES you are 'With the Spirit' other than your flapping gums saying you are. Can I get a quote from your DEITY that you're 'with the Spirit'? Yep, that's right, your sky fairy is only part of your overactive IMAGINATION, so you can't communicate or you would have already sent a video of you and God. LOL! Don't make me laugh!

    • @davidbiddle8583
      @davidbiddle8583 3 года назад

      @@ColonPal wow are you alright

    • @davidbiddle8583
      @davidbiddle8583 3 года назад +1

      @@ColonPal the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, long suffering, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control. ...

  • @cactuscallie5090
    @cactuscallie5090 2 года назад +2

    The Bible is "a touchstone that we can all gather around and say 'Hmmm, I wonder what's going on here?'" Really? The Christians, the Bible is God's word. It is what lays out the path for our eternal salvation. To call it THAT (the touchstone nonsense) is insulting, and frankly, a big blasphemous.

    • @bluexephosfan970
      @bluexephosfan970 2 года назад

      The bible is just not God's word? It's people recording their memories of when they experienced God's word. So of course it's a touchstone for conversation because it's nothing but conversation about when Gods word was spoken on earth

  • @gracebarrett523
    @gracebarrett523 2 года назад +1

    We're all souls god is everything and ppl are Bron themselves in life it's sicenice but we're all who we say we are because we're all gods children there's gender but we're all souls and we can't understand why we all don't live way were Bron were all missing something cuase God made use that way to show we're all souls same were all different this was all for reson like everything else is in life we don't know why but it is good works in mysterious ways he loves use we're just living and putting a print in this life to help each other.

  • @keyboarddancers7751
    @keyboarddancers7751 Год назад

    We've now been informed that Jesus was a transgender! The Lord does indeed move in mysterious ways for He is both bountiful and enby.

  • @aaron2fresh705
    @aaron2fresh705 3 года назад +2

    I feel like all of us have sin at something I use to be homophobic but why should I hate on gay people we all sin not just gay people. Not everybody read the Bible correct

    • @MLGB0Yz
      @MLGB0Yz 3 года назад

      We don’t all sin, real Christians no longer sin.

    • @gen2777
      @gen2777 3 года назад

      @@MLGB0Yz have you lied? Ever? There's so much shit that's a sin thats small, how is just loving someone a sin

    • @rentiageyvanpittius7376
      @rentiageyvanpittius7376 2 года назад

      @@MLGB0Yz All Christians sins everyday. But the difference is Christians repent and ask for forgiveness. The world keep on sinning. It's only God's grace that saves you,not your good deeds.

  • @TaishaArena
    @TaishaArena 4 года назад +11

    God doesn't make mistakes. He forms us while were in the womb. God has a plan with the woman he created you to be. This is all based on "feelings" not truth. Seek the truth in Jesus. Repent. Turn away from sin, not make your sin okay. It's what the word says not what we "feel". God bless.

    • @maychiu1419
      @maychiu1419 3 года назад

      @Instagram Ts_jazzmine it's calleddysphoria

    • @nathanlush507
      @nathanlush507 3 года назад +1

      AMEN! Well said! Jesus is LORD!

    • @locklick_6515
      @locklick_6515 2 года назад

      it's not like people just wake up one day and decide to be trans. it's not just feelings, they're born that way, so it's pretty clear that if anything God wants people to transition

    • @doriangray7723
      @doriangray7723 2 года назад

      No one is their body, let alone reproductive organs.
      Reproductive organs serve the purpose of propagation of the species.
      All the extensions beyond reproductive functions, are man made traditions.
      So to be a man or woman isn't exactly correct but, to be an individual is more accurate.
      The problem is people have decided to define everything else around an individuals reproductive organs.
      Clothing, hairstyles, behaviors, mannerisms, activities they can or cannot participate in, and on and on.
      So unfortunate. I will be me, to the best of my ability. And it's difficult when people try to take life, and the totality of existence and all created things in the heavens and earth and simplify the extremely complex.
      You can't do that.
      You and I are just a piece of life, like everything else in the totality of creation. The attitude that boys blue, and baseball and girls pink and baller doesn't begin to describe how MAN MADE TRADITIONS destroyed many, because they didn't fit, were oppressed and cheated from life by the other is sad. Stop it.

    • @mrweaverface
      @mrweaverface 2 года назад

      @Instagram Ts_jazzzy Yeah, it's the Sword of the Spirit trying to divide yourself from your sinful nature with truth. That's why you feel conflicted.

  • @Gizmodrums
    @Gizmodrums 2 года назад +1

    If God made creation and said “it is good”, including men and women; by us changing our appearance to fit our EXPERIENCES and how we FEEL, are we saying that God, our perfect God made a mistake when he made YOU?
    Just a question I think we should think about.

    • @doriangray7723
      @doriangray7723 2 года назад +1

      Lol...So the clothes you wear, the hairstyles, the activities or career you choose or whether you can study at university or what subject or if you can play football or not and if you ate going to change your appearance with a football uniform. Give us a break. Reproductive organs is where it should have been let. And because men created all this other nonsense around an INDIVIDUALS reproductive organs is why we are were we are. My mannerisms are mine and they are not mannerisms of a male or female. Lol

    • @Gizmodrums
      @Gizmodrums 2 года назад

      @@doriangray7723 your response was based around social constructs. Mine wasn’t. I’m not sure that we’re talking about the same thing.

    • @doriangray7723
      @doriangray7723 2 года назад +1

      @@Gizmodrums Right! Biological reproductive organs are what they are.
      Certainly the transgender can can alter the external portion and have the internal removed. The problem with this is the reproductive organs no longer function.
      As far as I see it, reproductive organs are for propagation of the species. And certainly, marriage and propagation should have always been the choice of the individual.
      Unfortunately, we know people are coerced into marriage. We know people are enslaved and used for breeding, we know people are molested and raped. We also know most people's intelligence gets high jacked by their hormones, usually in their teens. Life isn't anyone of our nice, picture perfect dreams. Infact, I would say life is complex, and messy. Moreover, most things outside of your inner world are not going to happen your way. Truth be told your inner world probably isn't happening your way. Perhaps your mind and emotions are running the show, opposed to theind and emotions doing what you desire them to do.
      Anyway, no one knows what God's Kingdom is like. We do know Adam and Eve were created from the dust, and flesh was going to decay. Adam and Eve were not going to live in flesh forever. So before they were created mortal death would have occurred. You can't have millions of species male and female propagating after their own kind infinitely on a finite earth, or finite resources. So we must assume they died the day they took of the knowledge spiritually.
      We know there's no male or female in Christ. We know in the eternal there's no marriage or propagation. And I certainly don't think I am my flesh body, let alone reproductive organs. But, let people live their lives.

    • @doriangray7723
      @doriangray7723 2 года назад

      Quite frankly, I am asexual. I have no interest in humans sexually. And really have a difficult time understanding people that only think about sex and what other people got between their legs. I mean it's like sex on the mind 24/7 with the majority of people.
      The idea of sharing bodies is just gross to me.

    • @doriangray7723
      @doriangray7723 2 года назад

      I don't mind sharing ideas but, bodies, come on.

  • @tiffanyw3064
    @tiffanyw3064 3 года назад +3

    I listened to a transgender Rabi yesterday and she talked of the scripture "male and female" and she said God gave us all a bit of male and female, some more male and some more female, and some between. Since I transitioned I've looked at that scripture and thought it says male and female, not male or female, so all of us who aren't intersex are the abnormal ones.

    • @doriangray7723
      @doriangray7723 2 года назад

      I am asexual, so what does that make me? An 😇

    • @doriangray7723
      @doriangray7723 2 года назад

      It doesn't matter. In the eternal there's no more marriage or giving in marriage we will be like the angels.
      In other words, male and female are part of this earth age, for the propagation of the species.
      No sex organs in the eternal, because there's no more propagation.
      We have a temporal body but, that's not what we are.
      The problem is people are obsessed with sex and sex organs.

    • @willyr4
      @willyr4 2 года назад

      @@doriangray7723 sexuality is different from gender. Being asexual makes you asexual.

    • @ColonPal
      @ColonPal Год назад

      There’s no such thing as an abnormal sexuality. The V important part is to have one! Lol

  • @SirSvotter
    @SirSvotter 3 года назад +8

    Watching this video has kickstarted the revival of my faith in humanity. Going through the comments has immediately made it commit suicide again.

    • @jxshuua_9
      @jxshuua_9 3 года назад


    • @glennsimonsen8421
      @glennsimonsen8421 9 дней назад +1

      Jesus and the Bible are what you need rather than a heretical video.

  • @beccacertifiedpersonaltrai3636
    @beccacertifiedpersonaltrai3636 3 года назад +6

    In addition to this video, would there be a similar video from a Christian trans woman?

    • @jayjacobs1783
      @jayjacobs1783 3 года назад +2

      God Is Grey is a great RUclips channel with an emphasis on LGBTQ affirmation (among many other things)

  • @KostisPlayz
    @KostisPlayz 4 года назад +11

    Can we all say that Jesus supports trans rights and get this shit over with?

    • @ColonPal
      @ColonPal 3 года назад +1

      Jesus was the first transgender human on earth, which is where she got her super powers! God has both male and female traits as the bible describes, so naturally GOD would be either hermaphroditic or transgender or some combination thereof. That's why God created the Rainbow for the LGBTQ Community!

    • @ColonPal
      @ColonPal 3 года назад

      @Aubrey Aubrey, don't be silly. Everyone with a brain knows that Jesus Christ was a FICTIONAL and mythical character from the Bible. IT doesn't mean he really existed and Christians get confused on this constantly and don't even realize that the people who AUTHORED the Bible didn't expect people to ACTUALLY BELIEVE IN THE JESUS CHARACTER, it was written as a metaphor to tell a story with a moral.
      It never was meant to be taken as a historical account. Christians are rarely smart enough to figure this out, so we need to educate them when we can.
      Thanks Aubrey, I saw we get over this Jesus shit too, its' 100% pure HORSE SHIT! None of the Bible is true!
      HOly Bible was the Worlds First FAKE NEWS!

    • @maychiu1419
      @maychiu1419 3 года назад

      Fuk no

    • @ColonPal
      @ColonPal 3 года назад

      @@maychiu1419 Jesus was transgender himself, which is why he surrounded himself with men and his disciples. Jesus was a transgender woman, they just dind't have hormones and sexual reassignment surgery in those days.
      That's why God gave the LGBTQ Community the RAINBOW as our Symbol to remind us we're his Chosen people. And although the Bible contains nearly 400 admonishments to heterosexuals and only 6 for homosexuals, it doens't mean that God doens't love heterosexuals. It just means that God feels you heterosexuals need MUCH MORE SUPERVISION!
      And I don't mind straight people at all, AS LONG AS THEY ACT GAY when in the public sphere! So be sure and have them do this, so they don't get arrested or beat up. thanks.

    • @ColonPal
      @ColonPal 3 года назад

      @@maychiu1419 And we're not gonna end any lockdowns! The Lockdowns will stay in place UNTIL SCIENCE DETERMINES it's ok to open back up businesses. Joe Biden will let you know when the Scientists say it's safe. Until then, WEAR YOUR MASK if you're in public, or STAY THE FUCK AT HOME!

  • @bongHITZx
    @bongHITZx 5 лет назад +8

    You’re comparing naming a creation (creating a name) to changing creation (recreating aka transgressing), imo.

    • @maychiu1419
      @maychiu1419 3 года назад +2

      Psalm 55
      The words of his mouth were smoother than butter, but war was in his heart: his words were softer than oil, yet were they drawn swords.

    • @soggybogwitch
      @soggybogwitch 3 года назад

      Wouldn't it follow that like industry is transgression then? Would it also be wrong to take some trees that god created and turn them into a house? Would it be wrong to take a cow and turn it's hide into a blanket?
      And if this transgression is only limited to our own bodies, where is the line?
      Am I allowed to get a drastic haircut? Artificial limb? Is it a sin for a doctor to remove one of my limbs if keeping it is going to kill me?

  • @piotrgogoc8393
    @piotrgogoc8393 3 года назад +8

    Utter rubbish! The person cheated to become a Christian. Maybe should look more at God, not on self. God set it clearly!
    As a Lutheran you supposed to be taking the Bible but you are twisting God's word!

    • @IHateSmilingFriendsTheTVShow
      @IHateSmilingFriendsTheTVShow 3 года назад

      Hail Satan kill god all together

    • @jxshuua_9
      @jxshuua_9 3 года назад

      @@IHateSmilingFriendsTheTVShow even if you tried he would blink and you would cease to exist entirely 💀

    • @IHateSmilingFriendsTheTVShow
      @IHateSmilingFriendsTheTVShow 3 года назад

      @@jxshuua_9 only you can kill god with your mind. He is a concept

    • @nathanlush507
      @nathanlush507 3 года назад

      @@IHateSmilingFriendsTheTVShow good luck with that :D Yawheh made you! and... if you dont repent... He will destroy you... you will see!

    • @IHateSmilingFriendsTheTVShow
      @IHateSmilingFriendsTheTVShow 3 года назад

      @@nathanlush507 god is dead and I killed him, you should do the same

  • @rentiageyvanpittius7376
    @rentiageyvanpittius7376 3 года назад +2

    Galatians 5:19-21
    19 Now the works of the flesh are evident: sexual immorality, impurity, sensuality, 20 idolatry, sorcery, enmity, strife, jealousy, fits of anger, rivalries, dissensions, divisions, 21 envy,[a] drunkenness, orgies, and things like these. I warn you, as I warned you before, that those who do[b] such things will not inherit the kingdom of God.
    Colossians 3:5
    5 Put to death therefore what is earthly in you:[a] sexual immorality, impurity, passion, evil desire, and covetousness.

    • @r-platt
      @r-platt 2 года назад +3

      Exactly! It's not the body we should love. It's the mind, heart and soul.
      So if we're given the wrong body (an opportunity for healing, not a mistake) then changing that body is far more important than suffering in silence, hiding your mind and heart from the world.
      I mean, how can a person love others if they despise themselves?

  • @bongHITZx
    @bongHITZx 5 лет назад +5

    Having being bullied and rejecting someone as a sexual partner are things lots of people have in common. You’re putting the LGBT community on a pedestal. Yikes.

  • @Small_Clips_Apologetics
    @Small_Clips_Apologetics 2 года назад

    31:34 - JOSEPH: All you can to do is read the story:
    Genesis 39:7-9 CSB
    After some time his master's wife looked longingly at Joseph and said, "Sleep with me." [8] But he refused. "Look," he said to his master's wife, "with me here my master does not concern himself with anything in his house, and he has put all that he owns under my authority. [9] No one in this house is greater than I am. He has withheld nothing from me 🔴except 🔴you, ☝️because you are his wife. So how could I do this ⛔immense ⛔evil, ☝️and how could
    I ⛔sin ☝️against🔸God?"

    • @Small_Clips_Apologetics
      @Small_Clips_Apologetics 2 года назад

      38:57 - Jesus after His Resurrection:
      If you read The Bible without The Holy Spirit within us Testifying of Jesus our Saviour then false teachers will bring in deceit.

  • @jonedward3208
    @jonedward3208 2 года назад

    1 Corinthians 6:9 Darby Translation (DBY)Do ye not know that unrighteous persons shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not err: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor those who make women of themselves, nor who abuse themselves with men,
    Deuteronomy 23:1 - He that is wounded in the stones, or hath his privy member cut off, shall not enter into the congregation of the LORD.

    • @MusicalRaichu
      @MusicalRaichu Год назад

      The talk deals with Deut 23.1. Isaiah said that God was inclusive, that they should be accepted. Unfortunately, Ezra's approach was to ignore that and be a stickler to tired old traditions. It became the dominant view in Judaism, and just read the gospels to see what Jesus thought of it. Don't repeat Ezra's and the pharisees' mistake.
      The term "soft ones" in 1 Cor 6.9 referred to people who don't have the moral backbone to do what's right and thus take the easy way. At the time this was considered a feminine failing, hence your translation. It was a sec-cyst view that has no place today. It's immoral to quote a Bible that translates it that way.

  • @francescipriani4886
    @francescipriani4886 2 года назад +1

    Sodom and Gomorah,choose wisely.I was the biggest tomboy my whole life but I knew I was a girl who liked doing boy things,that's not a sin,what you are doing is a sin and your church is wrong.

  • @glennsimonsen8421
    @glennsimonsen8421 9 дней назад

    Sorry, but you're not even close when you change the prohibition on cross-dressing to mean "weapons of war". You very clearly try to twist and stretch the scriptures to mean what you prefer it said. God made them male and female is certainly clear, and it's not talking about "estuaries". You seem like a nice person, but you're on very dangerous ground when you try to delude and confuse other people.

  • @bongHITZx
    @bongHITZx 5 лет назад +4

    Now you’re using the Talmud as a source?!?!?

  • @sunday1149
    @sunday1149 5 лет назад +4

    Interpretation is everything. Compare the words here compared to your own Bible.

    • @ColonPal
      @ColonPal 4 года назад +4

      That's why God created the Rainbow to remind his LGBTQ people he has our backs at all times. The Rainbow is God's promise to his LGBTQ Chosen People! And although the Bible contains 368 admonishments to heterosexual and only 6 for homosexuals, this doesn't mean that God doesn't LOVE you heterosexuals, it's just that God Feels that Heterosexuals need MUCH MORE SUPERVISION. And Sunday 11, transgender people, LIKE GOD HIMSELF have both female and male traits, which is why God loves transgender folks more than you. And Sunday, I don't mind you heterosexuals as long as you ACT GAY in public. So be sure you do this right away.

    • @livinglifetthefullest7722
      @livinglifetthefullest7722 4 года назад

      Bob Judd shut up 😂😂 you can’t preach love with hate . You guys are people nothing special.

    • @ColonPal
      @ColonPal 4 года назад

      @@livinglifetthefullest7722 I don't believe in preaching hate Living to the Shittiest. I believe in American Values like Diversity, Equality, Freedom of and Freedom FROM Religion and Peace to all who Respect life! And DEATH to all who disrespect life or diversity. It's out DIVERSITY and Multiculturalism that makes the USA The STRONGEST Nation on earth until the Orange Rapist made us weak.
      So, not sure what 'hate' you're referring to. I don't hate religious fools, I feel pity for being misled and lied to, they are merely VICTIMS.

    • @ColonPal
      @ColonPal 4 года назад

      @@livinglifetthefullest7722 And Living to the Shittiest: If you knew how to read, you'd know that God DOES love heterosexuals, He just feels you heteros need much more supervision. God still loves you, so quit whining about 'hate'. Sounds like your life is FILLED with hate and rage. Why do you feel so insecure about being heterosexual, I mean, God still loves you and he build the storm clouds for heterosexuals, so remind you he can kick your ass.
      And please be sure you act gay in public, so God doens't have to kick your ass. Thanks!

    • @livinglifetthefullest7722
      @livinglifetthefullest7722 4 года назад

      Bob Judd you are a complete dumb ass sin is sin gay or not gays get punished just like heterosexuals.

  • @KikoKiko88-fw8zp
    @KikoKiko88-fw8zp 4 месяца назад

    God doesn't have gender repent before it too late

  • @bongHITZx
    @bongHITZx 5 лет назад +4

    Conscious omission of the truth is a lie. You are talking about sinning and you have Christians laughing in agreement. Wow..
    If God blesses you, even though you have faults, you do not have anything else to fear. So you admitted to being afraid of not graduating, lying to yourself to deceive them/lying to them to deceive yourself and don’t call yourself out for it?

    • @theskeptic8489
      @theskeptic8489 4 года назад

      Jesus died for his/her faults...that's like basic Christianity: God's acknowledgment and forgiveness of human imperfections.

    • @vigooden5990
      @vigooden5990 4 года назад

      Mathew 7:1-3 ..

    • @ColonPal
      @ColonPal 4 года назад

      LOL! Christy, with all due respect, how is one supposed to know when 'God Blesses You', does He give you an anal orgasm or a pinch on the back of the neck? Or does he feed it to your mind telepathically or through osmosis? Does he tell you though plants and photosynthesis?
      I sure haven't had God tell me I"m blessed, but if God spoke to me, I would be known as a SCHITZOPHRENIC! So, can you tell us about how you know 'God Blessed You'?? I'm eager to find out how you knew... Pray Tell??

  • @xolove3435
    @xolove3435 3 года назад

    Romans 1:16 and down. AND
    Deuteronomy 22:5
    The Word of God is Blessed!

    • @ColonPal
      @ColonPal 3 года назад +1

      There's no 'word of God'. The Bible was written by us mere mortals, will never be anything more. Genesis proves there's no God which describes a flat earth 'firm and unmovable' yet we hang in space held by gravity and spin both on our axis and around the sun, making the Genesis account frankly laughable if not preposterous.
      So, the Bible is a lot of things, but it's no 'WORD OF GOD'. You'd have to first PRODUCE GOD to provide evidence of this to make it a fact. I hate liars.

    • @TastyTamerah
      @TastyTamerah Месяц назад

      The Bible is merely a history book. Times have changed

  • @rentiadutoit3526
    @rentiadutoit3526 3 года назад

    But false prophets also arose among the people, just as there will be false teachers among you, who will secretly bring in destructive heresies, even denying the Master who bought them, bringing upon themselves swift destruction. And many will follow their sensuality, and because of them the way of truth will be blasphemed. And in their greed they will exploit you with false words. Their condemnation from long ago is not idle, and their destruction is not asleep.

    • @r-platt
      @r-platt 2 года назад

      The common teaching is that treating gender dysphoria is a sin. However that means living with untreated gender dysphoria. (Talk therapy is insufficient.)
      Living with gender dysphoria means:
      - Lying to every person you meet. You don't introduce yourself, you introduce your body.
      - Hiding 1/2 your heart in shadows because you dare not express that part of you. (That a sin.)
      - Unable to work consistently as the dysphoria is a constant distraction.
      - Joy and peace are rare and never last even 1 day.
      - Anxiety and depression get worse.
      - Love is confusing; how can you love someone if you despise yourself 24-7?
      Treating gender dysphoria means:
      - Altering the body shape to match the person inside.
      - Telling people WHO God made you, not what this fallen world produced.
      - Ending the cycles of pain and distraction.
      - Loving fully and completely. (The sensation of having your heart suddenly bathed in light is AMAZING!)
      - A joy and peace lasting days, weeks, even months.
      Which do you think God would prefer? How can treating something that produces such love, inner peace, joy and truth be a sin?

  • @adejokeloye
    @adejokeloye 4 года назад +4

    You cannot transform the word of God

    • @Somtejesstudios
      @Somtejesstudios 3 года назад +2

      @Aubrey he is

    • @LycheeCore
      @LycheeCore 3 года назад

      @Aubrey some people might find comfort in God and that is great, I’m sorry you can’t find comfort in religion (I can’t either)

  • @hannahstewart9622
    @hannahstewart9622 Год назад +1

    This is dangerous and false teaching. Know you bible, so that you can recognise when the scriptures are being twisted ❤

    • @MusicalRaichu
      @MusicalRaichu Год назад

      Why is it false teaching? You shouldn't make a claim without evidence. I was moved and impressed by this presentation.

  • @moniquevanleeuwen6514
    @moniquevanleeuwen6514 3 года назад +2

    She is confused, not God

    • @r-platt
      @r-platt 3 года назад

      How rude. Austin is a HE.
      But then your god doesn't care about love or compassion. Your god is about the rules and morals you decide are important.
      You find reasons to deny others access to God.
      We find reasons to accept people as they are, not as we want them to be.

    • @pathowogenempire9968
      @pathowogenempire9968 2 года назад


  • @evieealba1004
    @evieealba1004 3 года назад +4

    Loved it. So inspiring ❤️💜💜💙💛🌈🙏🏼💕

  • @mudalad1215
    @mudalad1215 5 лет назад

    Are you considered a doll if you are non binary
    Im male i promise.

    • @vigooden5990
      @vigooden5990 4 года назад +5

      are you considered a moron if you have a brain but never use it???

    • @ColonPal
      @ColonPal 3 года назад

      No, you're considered Non-binary. There's a fabulous book out called Non-Binary with transgender pioneer, cultural engineer and pandrogyne Genesis Breyer P-Orridge, a late artist and front man of industrial band Psychic-TV. If you want to know about being non-binary, I would check it out.
      Genesis had surgery to literally BECOME his own wife. Had breast implants and facial reconstruction surgery to appear to look like her. A wonderful Art Project they called the Pandrogyne.

  • @arcadealchemist
    @arcadealchemist 4 года назад +4

    Delusion to perversion. yeh ok

    • @arcadealchemist
      @arcadealchemist 3 года назад

      Christianity give people community, common purpose and a like minded extension of the family.
      there are benefits for any religion to a fault, if you don't believe in something you can't really force others to see what you feel is delusion however.

  • @zacel3027
    @zacel3027 3 года назад


  • @Dave-if5qj
    @Dave-if5qj 10 месяцев назад

    Just stay out of the boys room

  • @eaker8892
    @eaker8892 2 года назад

    I AM REPORTING A FALSE PROFIT REVIEW ON MY FACEBOOK !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • @BoriPR82
    @BoriPR82 3 года назад

    It's a good thing that Jesus tells us we are all born wrong, that is why we must all be born again. You cannot be gay or trans and hold on to these identities and be truly born again. You can deceive yourself into believing so but the word of God tells us our hearts are deceitful. You must die to yourself, you must carry your cross....these are Jesus words not mine. The moral laws still stand to this day, that is why it is reaffirmed in the new testament. And Jesus debunks the idea that homosexuality is ok by says in Mark 7:21 that porneia which is all sexual immorality including homosexuality, says this evil in your heart defiles you. You are wrong and teaching in error. Repent

  • @hudsontd7778
    @hudsontd7778 4 года назад +4


  • @edenswaterislife9214
    @edenswaterislife9214 2 года назад

    Their are only 2 genders in the Natural spirit. Mama means highness. Dada means ready made. The spirit enters us in the water of Mama's womb , who sheds her blood to crown us life. These forked tongue men mock this as they speak against her spirit while pushing a male spirit on you. Him in woman creating with man is forbidden. He has many genders because they are born of knowledge and not wisdom. Many will deny this because they do not understand what they have done. But when they are before the Nature l Spirit who is Mama in wombs of women and animals giving life they will understand they are their fathers and not hers. It is choice made through guilt lies fear and trickery. Seek before just giving up the spirit you received in the womb.

  • @ywhistlee
    @ywhistlee Год назад

    God made MAN and WOMAN. The devil corrupted them into gay demons

    • @atoyebikayode
      @atoyebikayode Год назад

      That was exactly what had happened! Explosion of information/knowledge has plummeted the world into a state of confusion!