好多謝老師分享。如果a picture is worth a thousand words,咁呢部戲真係….我記得大概十多年前讀大學時,同一位本來就好崇拜黑澤明,來自南韓嘅同學好偶然地得閒冇事入戲院睇《亂》(當時其實冇乜好大嘅expectation,畢竟唔係佢最負盛名嘅作品)。好深刻記得當時係由頭震撼到落尾,中間有啲位甚至目瞪口呆,覺得呼吸都困難(原來breathtaking係咁意思)。結束之後我哋成個人呆晒咁行出戲院,大家互相對望、啞口無言了一會兒。真係到而家都唔知點形容呢種震撼。好似你話齋,一定要去親身體驗
舒先生, I was watching your recent episode of 《只要有電影》: 【突發速遞】鄭佩佩與金燕子;胡金銓Vs張徹(下) And somehow this one came up : 《亂》(4K修復版)(下):漂流人間地獄、回望一生罪孽;所有璀璨皆成碎片,蒼天也在哭泣《只要有電影》第243集(2023-24-05) So I looked for 第242集 and found : 《亂》(4K修復版)(上):年少叱吒風雲,影響遍及全球影壇卻失意本土,75高齡幾近失明卻拍出最璀璨傑作《只要有電影》第242集(2023-20-05) Now I have watched both 第242集 and 243集 Very interesting. Many thanks for your time and effort. I remember I watched 黑澤明’s 《亂》 at the Lee Theatre 利舞臺, possibly in 1985. I think 《亂》is a magnificent movie, especially because the war scenes are absolutely stunning, as you said. But I seem to remember someone saying ( at that time ) that the war scenes in 《亂》 failed to surpass his own 《影武者》( 1980 ). Also, in comparison, I think as a whole I like 《爭霸》 much better than 《亂》 Its original name is 柳生一族の陰謀 (1978) And the cast includes 三船敏郎 and 千葉真一 You probably have also watched 《爭霸》 Would you kindly give some detailed comments about 《爭霸》 ?? Many thanks.
好多謝老師分享。如果a picture is worth a thousand words,咁呢部戲真係….我記得大概十多年前讀大學時,同一位本來就好崇拜黑澤明,來自南韓嘅同學好偶然地得閒冇事入戲院睇《亂》(當時其實冇乜好大嘅expectation,畢竟唔係佢最負盛名嘅作品)。好深刻記得當時係由頭震撼到落尾,中間有啲位甚至目瞪口呆,覺得呼吸都困難(原來breathtaking係咁意思)。結束之後我哋成個人呆晒咁行出戲院,大家互相對望、啞口無言了一會兒。真係到而家都唔知點形容呢種震撼。好似你話齋,一定要去親身體驗
Indeed 睇到你講嘅電影元素,多謝
舒先生, I was watching your recent episode of 《只要有電影》: 【突發速遞】鄭佩佩與金燕子;胡金銓Vs張徹(下)
And somehow this one came up :
So I looked for 第242集 and found :
Now I have watched both 第242集 and 243集
Very interesting. Many thanks for your time and effort.
I remember I watched 黑澤明’s 《亂》 at the Lee Theatre 利舞臺, possibly in 1985.
I think 《亂》is a magnificent movie, especially because the war scenes are absolutely stunning, as you said.
But I seem to remember someone saying ( at that time ) that the war scenes in 《亂》 failed to surpass his own 《影武者》( 1980 ).
Also, in comparison, I think as a whole I like 《爭霸》 much better than 《亂》
Its original name is 柳生一族の陰謀 (1978)
And the cast includes 三船敏郎 and 千葉真一
You probably have also watched 《爭霸》
Would you kindly give some detailed comments about 《爭霸》 ??
Many thanks.
Well said !
其實你會否覺得當年日本人的欣賞能力仍是偏低, 所以黑澤明得不到尊重或電影公司的支特, 定或那個時候的日本電影工業仍然偏向功利和商業主義? 因為似乎黒澤明的地位在歐美當年比在日本高很多.
黑澤影片的格調是偏西方人口味, 而不是東方日本人的口味。 就等如年青時候的張藝謀, 早年作品是著眼中國以外市場。
與黑澤對比的是小津安二郎。 東京物語才是那個年代, 較能被接受的日本庶民視角。
沒有細數,但印像中起碼有2/3 係外景,加上千軍萬馬,不大可能在舞台上有充分發揮啊!