The Twilight Saga: New Moon reviewed by Mark Kermode

  • Опубликовано: 24 июл 2024
  • New Moon might sulk and moan, but Mark's still a sucker for The Twilight Saga
  • КиноКино

Комментарии • 72

  • @Face6099
    @Face6099 11 лет назад +23

    It makes me feel better if I think that Kermode thinks about the plot of this film much deeper than the director or even author of this book series did.

  • @daolumachine
    @daolumachine 14 лет назад +13

    My gosh people the guy is just analysing the themes and his experience watching the movie. Just because his opinions aren't the same as yours, doesn't mean he's wrong.

  • @Beatmyguest001
    @Beatmyguest001 6 лет назад +8

    I've gone back and forth on Twilight so many times and I really have to admit that I've settled on really enjoying them for what they are. There's a case to be made that they are rife for genuinely interesting and important analysis on female sexual desire. I also quite liked the ''sulkiness'' as I think that strangely enough for a teen movie this film handles depression really well. It also has a lovely soundtrack. The moment when Bella touches the floating apparition of Edward in the water to ''Slow Life'' by Grizzly Bear is actually quite gorgeous.

  • @mowgli123456789
    @mowgli123456789 13 лет назад +4

    EVERY single point he said liked about the film has already been done by buffy. i'd love to hear that review ..

  • @kermodeandmayo
    @kermodeandmayo  11 лет назад +3

    I don't think he is.

  • @elspoko
    @elspoko 14 лет назад +3

    You see guys? Even the good doctor needs his sweets from time to time. Nothing wrong with that.

  • @madeoutofcake8444
    @madeoutofcake8444 4 года назад +2

    I would love to see them in speedos even if they aren't as buff to be honest

  • @ohthepeppers
    @ohthepeppers 14 лет назад

    question - has the over-used formula of male vampire / female human ever been done in reverse, and done well? (besides in 'near dark' and 'let the right one in')

  • @mettashade
    @mettashade 12 лет назад +2

    he makes a lot of good points. I have to say I didn't hate this movie nearly as much as the others. maybe because the character of Jacob is loads more appealing to me than the vampire, who wasn't in the movie as much.

  • @ReXtion88
    @ReXtion88 11 лет назад +2

    It's important to distinguish between Twilight the books and Twilight the films. Twilight the films, to be quite frank, did the source material a justice they really didn't deserve. There's a core of a good story in Twilight the books, a good story that's been told before mind you but a good story nevertheless, that suffers from a lot of interference and unfortunate decisions. jermodeandmayo liking the films is perfectly legitimate, if they liked the books that would be more alarming

  • @moviemanwill
    @moviemanwill 12 лет назад +1

    apparently kermode thinks that the star wars series is worse than the twilight movies. granted, the prequel trilogy is bad, but a new hope and the empire strikes back more than makes up for it. every twilight movie, to me, is equivalent to the shoddy film making that is attack of the clones.

  • @allaboutdmagic
    @allaboutdmagic 11 лет назад +10

    It's even painful to listen to a brief clip of Twilight.

  • @Garciamrcool
    @Garciamrcool 14 лет назад +1

    the bird is fit though

  • @MattCipolla
    @MattCipolla 11 лет назад +1

    I'm say it. I don't think these films are horrible, and I agree with Mark on each argument he presents.

  • @leviterande
    @leviterande 13 лет назад +1

    Halleluja folks, do yo believe. This is the first movie he actually enjoy and admit so!!!!!!! sure it has flaws but it is enjoyable!

  • @Jcolinsol
    @Jcolinsol 14 лет назад

    Yes I am well aware of this.

  • @WhichDoctor1
    @WhichDoctor1 14 лет назад

    uptilthesky- My point still stands. He watched Transformers and didn't like it, was he supposed to lye about his feelings towards that as well?
    All you can really ask for is honesty.

  • @bamboosa
    @bamboosa 13 лет назад

    I tried to watch Twilight online about a year ago, I lasted about 20 minutes...I like the Doctor and I usually agree with him, but his affection for this series baffles me utterly!

  • @deathbunny32
    @deathbunny32 13 лет назад

    Has he seen Thirst?

  • @emperorglenuff
    @emperorglenuff 14 лет назад +1

    @o2theh Seriously I still follow his podcasts, but he keeps making a point of defending such tripe? I really don't get it.

  • @kerealciller
    @kerealciller 14 лет назад +1

    I saw the first expecting crap and honestly thought it was an alright movie. I'll probably see this one on dvd.

  • @Face6099
    @Face6099 11 лет назад

    My theory on this whole movie/book series is - Stephenie Meyer had a wet dreeam and decided to write a book about it. Seeing the success of the books Summit entertainments decided to make a film series to appeal to young teenage girls (and Kermode apparently...) and earn some cash, and create a legion of overzealous teenagers who will defend the series no matter what.

  • @Croix1
    @Croix1 12 лет назад +1

    @Transformers2themax I think you might want to drop this and go write a book

  • @embu07
    @embu07 13 лет назад

    @ec123456789able he only dislikes "let me in" because he feels it was a completely unecessary remake of a wonderful film not because of the quality of the film itself but because it is essentially "let the right one in for people who are too lazy to read subtitles" I can't really comment on this as i've only seen the original and not let me it

  • @Samplelord
    @Samplelord 14 лет назад

    My comment was not meant as an attack...
    Most people are unaware of the origins of a lott of mythic horror figures,
    Twilight is a prime example of dumbing down great legends.
    I would like to see a return to true tales of the past...and less teeny crying.

  • @BigUncleKerch
    @BigUncleKerch 11 лет назад +2

    i love u kermode

  • @LoserNamedWyn
    @LoserNamedWyn 14 лет назад +1

    109 actually

  • @yhctower
    @yhctower 14 лет назад +1

    i see this video has made it to the twilight fan sites

  • @chrishiggins7166
    @chrishiggins7166 Год назад

    The film is stylish, original for A sequel & is well directed, however the film’s acting, characters, effects & lack of intrigue is poor. (35%) (2/5 stars) (mixed to negative)

  • @kerealciller
    @kerealciller 14 лет назад

    Really solid review. Even if you don't agree you at least have to agree that he has real points to back up while he enjoys it. Mark Kermode is the best.

  • @jabbawaka
    @jabbawaka 14 лет назад

    wow just because the critics say is bad doesn't mean there bad apparently you check 24 senven on what the judges say then your never going to see a good movie some movies that they give an A there not even good

  • @uptilthesky
    @uptilthesky 14 лет назад

    Transfomers is an entertaining, talk-to-its-audience movie and he called it porn. I've noticed some male reviewers for some reason don't judge Twilight as rigorously as they would have.

  • @Samplelord
    @Samplelord 14 лет назад

    Vampirisme is much older than Stoker...
    Read up on your history, in my country of Croatia, these stories, buriel rites, tec were/are a way of live for centuries.
    Read about the Vorculac, the lord of the vampires...
    The original vampire is a dead body possesed by a demon, not an undead human.

  • @clemarochies
    @clemarochies 14 лет назад

    If someone enjoys Twilight movies why should they pretend like they don't? Everyone likes different genres of movies and just because Marks views don't fit in with yours does not mean he is wrong!

  • @joshwaloveslotr
    @joshwaloveslotr 14 лет назад

    I'd be interested in knowing your favorite movies so far this year? A lot of your videos take on a negative tone to me. What is it you like? I suppose I was just taken back when you praise the Twilight series and yet you spend several videos moderately bashing Tarantino and his Inglourious Basterds.

  • @uptilthesky
    @uptilthesky 14 лет назад

    Your point is irrelevant, you can presume every critic writes his/her honest opinion, I expect more than that. I expect more consistency in his judging criteria. I'm not interested in his "feelings", he needs to explain why he likes it, what makes it work as a film. I'm sure he's aware of the criticism the twilight films have received, I expect him to discuss it instead of just mentioning the bits he likes in the film. All the ideas he likes e.g. angst, immortality have been done better.

  • @JamesOhGoodie
    @JamesOhGoodie 14 лет назад

    @nicemandan They shouldn't have hired Shia LeBouf as her acting coach.

  • @NotMissSunshine
    @NotMissSunshine 14 лет назад

    will all due respect, im going to have to contradict you there. twilight, although pretty intolerable, does have a few upsides, such as a good cast list and a decent sound track. However, the way it has ruined the vampire genre and overshadowed such great films such as Let The Right One In and An Interview Witg The Vampire is a sin that is yet to be commited by Pirates Of The Caribbean.

  • @NeverAloneForever
    @NeverAloneForever 12 лет назад

    Every good critic has their weakness. Ebert's is big.

  • @colemartinst123
    @colemartinst123 12 лет назад

    You gotta remember something everybody is going to view a film different to everyone else. I dont like Twilight, because there not made for me. But, Kermode likes them and let him like them.

  • @spaceodds
    @spaceodds 14 лет назад

    Right on. WTF bad review for Inglourious Basterds but a good review for this dreg? Kermode's comments sometime hold merit, but a good review for this made me wonder whether he is being sarcastic, but no he was being serious. Bad move Kermode.

  • @hughoc
    @hughoc 14 лет назад

    Just saw it having been dragged along by my girlfriend. The audience of teenage girls applauded afterward. I even heard one comment that "it was the best of experience (yes, experience) of her life". It was like Beachcombers with vampires. Obvious, cliche ridden, slushy.....beautifully filmed mind. Nevermind, its my pick next time

  • @DumbfoundAdog
    @DumbfoundAdog 14 лет назад

    well the first carribean film is fun, 2nd is ok in parts but overall is a bit dull, 3 is just really bad, too long, confusing, and the bit a the start with the kids being executed what the hell was that.. as for let the right on in I have not seen that yet, i know it will be better than twilight, but that film is for a different age group,but i am planning to buy ltroi on blu-ray

  • @WhichDoctor1
    @WhichDoctor1 14 лет назад

    AlexEwing- Probably because he liked it, or is that a bad reason? Come on, films are about entertainment. if you are entertained by a film that is supposedly lowbrow are you meant to say you didn't like it even though you did? If Mark was that kind of reviewer he wouldn't be so popular.

  • @Jcolinsol
    @Jcolinsol 14 лет назад

    Nah, in fact, twilight is the death-rattle of the genre.
    Of course, the concept of the vampire arose of child abuse in the victorian era, it was co-opted by Stoker in order to comment on the modern conflict between science and religion, and was an admonition against tyranny (Dracula is depicted as a megalomaniac serial-rapist)
    As U.S. culture became increasingly exploitative , wealthy, and militaristic the vampire was reworked as a sex symbol, rather than tyrant or child-molester.

  • @bluegold21
    @bluegold21 10 лет назад

    "Kermode dreams of Vampires."The first Twilight was better than some V films but the saga has monopolised the market on Vampires using, what else, teen sexual angst.Put teen sex into the plot and it doesn't seem to matter how boring the narative,or how bad the acting is you can make the same movie five times over.(I do hope the warewolves hair isn't a suggestion of puberty because it doesn't grow that fast,it is a lot more difficult to get rid of and does not have a silky sheen)Maybe I'm just below average in the belief that i wil get the chance to be bitten by a good looking vampire.But all I see in these films is "artistically void hypnotism."

  • @leon1699
    @leon1699 14 лет назад

    Well I did it to find out why everyone says it's bad, to form my own opinion afterwards. And wow did it suck! Then people told me the movie sucked and to grasp it, I needed to read the books, so I did. And now, I wish I hadn't. Too much sexist, racism and hidden Mormon values for my taste. I actually like to treat my girlfriend with respect and let her have an opinion.

  • @90mv
    @90mv 14 лет назад

    Mark should be happy to know a third twilight one if being put out already ...oh goody all of a sudden im glad i didn't wacth any of the films.

  • @MbFilmReviews
    @MbFilmReviews 14 лет назад

    i thought the first Twilight wasnt that bad, but New Moon was GOD AWFUL! And u said Transformers 2 was terrible. that was MUCH better than Twilight 2 in my opinion. so kermode, i agree with u on the 1st movie, but heavily disagree with u on the 2nd. i wonder wat he thinks of the 3rd.

  • @leon1699
    @leon1699 14 лет назад

    I'm not chicken to admit I hate the movie, the books and the obsessed fans. And sorry, I had to watch the movie to develop this hate. I dislike how some Twi-hards say that I can't say anything until I watch and read the books and then others say I shouldn't waste my time on them. I had hopes before watching/reading the series but was very disappointed in the end.

  • @prigg88
    @prigg88 13 лет назад +1

    Have to say Kermode prefers the context behind twilight instead of twilight as a movie. He always talk about what its about rather than the direction/cgi/acting/script.

  • @ignominni
    @ignominni 12 лет назад

    You're not gay, you're British because sulk as you might, I can see it in your eyes that you love six pack abs and teenage romance. I recognize the look because I see it in the mirror, although I'm queer. Breaking Dawn is one of the better films I've ever seen...not because it is good, but because of what came before like this, which has me wrapped up completely with these characters.

  • @NotMissSunshine
    @NotMissSunshine 14 лет назад

    sorry mark, i think your a great reviewer and everything but i cant help but think: how can you slate pirates of the caribbean yet praise this? pirates was no work of art but it beats freakin' twilight!

  • @NotMissSunshine
    @NotMissSunshine 14 лет назад

    but what im trying to say is that twilight soiled the genre. The Pirates films may be over rated, but they arent sexist, pedophillic and down right brainwashy (ok, maybe a little extreme, but you get the gist).

  • @jabbawaka
    @jabbawaka 14 лет назад


  • @DumbfoundAdog
    @DumbfoundAdog 14 лет назад +1

    twilight is way way way better than pirates of caribbean

  • @orkavorn
    @orkavorn 12 лет назад

    Oh come on Kermode! Liking the first one was forgivable (I suppose!), but the second one?! Ugh! No doubt he started blubbering half way through.
    And I'm just a Twilight hater, I know it gets a lot of flak and is easy to pick on. I know people who loved the first film but who were, at best, indiffernt towards this one.

  • @surfaceslider
    @surfaceslider 13 лет назад

    No, he's just into teenage girl heroines.

  • @moeezS
    @moeezS 14 лет назад

    I need to see this movie to see how bad the dialogue and how terrible the CGI is and how terrible the plot is, and the godawful acting. Of course, I won't pay for it, but FINALLY A MOVIE SO BAD ITS GOOD! XD

  • @iveywebb44
    @iveywebb44 14 лет назад

    actually you can judge a film to be good or bad, new moon is a bad film because it is terribly made garbage from every technical stand point, with the exception of the soundtrack. it doesnt mean that kids cant like it, i havent got any problem with people that like new moon(it was a decent film) but the fact remains it is a really bad film.

  • @czgibson
    @czgibson 12 лет назад +4

    The film was a meaningless flow of images with witless dialogue that could have been put together by a primary school child.
    Mark liked this but didn't like The Big Lebowski? Baffling.

  • @dominickerley
    @dominickerley 14 лет назад

    twilight is the worst thing to come to cinema since high school musical.
    i fear for the film industry, and i have lost all respect i ever had for Mark Kermode.
    that film has destroyed vampires.

  • @patrick2976
    @patrick2976 14 лет назад

    T'was duller than a dull thing in my opinion. Laboured and self indulgent. Thought the 1st one was watchable but this...contrived and up its own jacksie. And the cgi werewolves..give us a break!

  • @zaftra
    @zaftra 12 лет назад

    @moviemanwill Star Wars is the most grossly over rated set of films ever.

  • @bertfromseasamestreet
    @bertfromseasamestreet 2 года назад


  • @clemarochies
    @clemarochies 13 лет назад

    For a movie that you all hate you seem to spend allot of time talking about it! Get a life!

  • @Croix1
    @Croix1 12 лет назад

    @Transformers2themax Something with lots of ranting.

  • @66633
    @66633 12 лет назад

    This movie sucked! I hated it, just some stupid teenage girl moaning for 2 hours. The Good Doctor is so wrong about this film, it was rubbish! The pure definition of rubbish! BORING!

  • @embu07
    @embu07 13 лет назад

    @ec123456789able he only dislikes "let me in" because he feels it was a completely unecessary remake of a wonderful film not because of the quality of the film itself but because it is essentially "let the right one in for people who are too lazy to read subtitles" I can't really comment on this as i've only seen the original and not let me in