Name : Fauzul kamilah Class : 1E PBI Review Analytical exposition is a text that elaborates the writer's idea about the phenomenon surrounding . Purpose : to expose and defend the argument using relevant sourves and evidences. Generic structure : 1 Thesis 2 argument 3 reiteration Linguistics featured : 1. Using relational process. 2. Using internal conjunction 3. Using casual conjunction 4. Using simple present tense 5. Using word that link argument and reasoning through casual conjunction.
Tugas Rohmatul Amanah_206121258_PBI1G Thesis: Parents certainly feel happy when they see good growth and development in their children. However, when children begin to reach adolescence, they prefer to spend time without wanting to be watched by their parents. This is one thing that is worrying and quite dangerous for teenagers. Therefore, the role of parents is still very necessary for the growth and development of children, even though they are already adults. Argument 1: Starting with the character of a teenager who is curious and wants to try many new things, they often can't tell what is right and what is not. Argument 2: In addition, adolescence is a time when children begin to learn about who they are and how they adapt to their surroundings. Argument 3: Thus, the role of parents is needed as a support so that children do not fall into the wrong hole and can place themselves well in their environment. Communication between parents and children is also an important role in educating and guiding adolescents, for example by helping to direct, love, advise, and so on. Reiteration : Based on this statement, parents will always play an important role in the growth and development of their children. Even though they are teenagers, they still need to be controlled and nurtured by their elders.
Shedy Amalia Rozzaqi_206121191_1F Thesis: Maintaining the health of the mouth area, especially teeth, is an important thing to pay attention to. Because, when you experience a toothache, it can cause discomfort. In fact, you can also experience dizziness and decreased endurance. Maintaining healthy teeth is very important. Argument: We already understand that since childhood maintaining healthy teeth is important. As long as you are disciplined and diligent in caring for it, your teeth will actually be healthy. Simple steps you can take is to brush your teeth about 2 to 3 times a day. However, sometimes this is like forgetting or lazy for us to do. Reiteration: Dental health is very important for us to maintain. Because every day when we chew food, we use our teeth. If dental health is not disturbed, the health of the body can also be disturbed. This can cause food intake to be insufficient and become susceptible to disease because they do not get enough nutrition.
Adi Faisal Arrozi 216121116 - PBI/1E Argumentative writing: Argumentasi berpihak pada satu sisi. Analitical = mengungkapkan argumentasi-argumentasi suatu hal. Hortatory sama dengan analitycal tetapi memberi tanggapan atau sugestion di akhir teks. Analytical exposition adalah teks yang menguraikan gagasan penulis tentang fenomena yang ada di sekitarnya. Tujuan: untuk mengungkap atau mempertahankan argumen dengan menggunakan sumber dan bukti yang relevan. Generic structure: Thesis, Argument, Reiteration.
Putri Siti Aisyah (216121034) - 1B/PBI Review Argumentation Text/Analytical & Hortatory Exposition -Definition •Analytical Exposition is a text that elaborates the writer's idea about the phenomenon surrounding. •Purposes: to expose and defend the argument using relevant sources and evidences. -Generic Structure •Thesis: Introducing the topic and indicating the writer's point of view. •Argument: Explaining the argument to support the writer's position. Argument must be supported by evidence and explanation. •Reiteration: Restating the writer's point of view to strengthen the thesis. -Linguistics Features in Argumentation Text •Using relational process •Using internal conjunction •Using casual conjunction •Using simple present tense •Using Compound and complex sentence. •Use word that link argument (such as firstly, however, therefore, etc)
Farizka Widya R (216121138) 1E/PBI •Analytical Exposition is a text that elaborates the writer's idea about the phonemenon surrounding. Its social functuon is to persuade the reader that the idea is important matter, and to analyze the topic that the thesis/opinion is correct by developing an argumenr to support it •Generic Structure : -Thesis : Introducing topic and idicating the writers point of view -Argument : Explaining the argument to support the writers position . - Reiration : Restating the writers point of view/to strengthen the tesis.
Angga Dhanar Kencana(216121045) PBI 1B Argumentive text/analytical exposition text contains the author's thoughts about things that happen around him , whether objects, events, or places. This text also shows an opinion (argument) against something. and not to change the reader's point of view vidionya sangat jelas,simple sehingga mudah di pahami
Tugas : Nama : Vivi Novita Sari Nim : 206121224 Kelas : 1F *_TESIS_* Music is Fun for Learning English Learning English through music and songs can be very enjoyable. You can mix pleasure with learning when you listen to a song and exploit the song as a means to your English progress. Some underlying reason can be drawn to support the idea why we use songs in language learning. *_ARGUMENT 1_* Firstly, “the song stuck in my head” Phenomenon (the echoing in our minds of the last song we heard after leaving a restaurant, shopping malls, etc) can be both enjoyable and sometimes unnerving. This phenomenon also seems to reinforce the idea that songs work on our short-and-long term memory. *_ARGUMENT 2_* Secondly, songs in general also use simple conversational language, with a lot of repetition, which is just what many learners look for sample text. The fact that they are effective makes them many times more motivating than other text. Although usually simple, some songs can be quite complex syntactically, lexically and poetically, and can be analyzed in the same way as any other literary sample. *_ARGUMENT 3_* Furthermore, song can be appropriated by listener for their own purpose. Most pop songs and probably many other types don’t have precise people, place or time reference. *_ARGUMENT 4_* In addition, songs are relaxing. They provide variety and fun, and encourage harmony within oneself and within one group. Little wonder they are important tools in sustaining culture, religion, patriotism and yeas, even revolution. *_ARGUMENT 5_* Last but not least, there are many learning activities we can do with songs such as studying grammar, practicing selective listening comprehension, translating songs, learning vocabulary, spelling and culture. *_REITERATION_* From the elaboration above, it can be suggested that learning through music and songs, learning English can be enjoyable and fun.
Devi Nur Aini 216121137 1E .... Review Argumentation text ¤ definition : analytical exposition is a text that elaborates the writer's idea about phenomenon surrounding. ¤ purpose : to expose and defend the argument using relevant sources and evidences. ¤ generic structure - thesis : introducing the topic - argument : to support the writer's position - reiteration : restating the writer's point of view ¤ Linguistic features - using relation process - using internsl conjunction - using causal conjunction - using simple present tense - using compound and complex sentence - using word that link argument. Thank you sir, the video is easy to understand🙏🙏
Name : Dina Aprilia Nim : 206121173 Class : PBI 1E Thesis : The education in Indonesia nowadays is still quite far behind with the education in other countries in the world. Even Indonesia itself is still inferior with neighboring countries such as Malaysia and Singapore in the field of education. It can be seem from the large number of the population who get education upnto higher education. Meanwhile in our country, the number of people who get education is still far behind other countries, especially in remote area such as NTB, NTT, Papua and many other countries. Argument : The bacwardness of education in these areas is due to the unequal education in Indonesia. The government only builds educational facilities in Urban areas, especially in Java. Not only about educational facilities, the limited number of teachers in the area also contributes to the furhter distance access to education in the regions. Reiteration : Finally, the education in Indonesia is not evenly distributor and trends to be left behind, so it is not get able to compete with other countries in the world.
Syita Fitryadesy 216121134 Argument Text / Analytical (used to find in collom of opini) & hortatory expotition (giving suggestion at the end) Generic Structure : 1. Thesis (introducing the issues) 2. Argument (Explaining the argument) 3. Reiteration (Repetation and give solutions) Linguistics features : 1. Relational procces = firstly, secondly, then, after that 2. Internal conjunction = and, so, but. 3. Casual conjunction = because, before, after 4. Obligate to use simple present tense in order to relevant
Rissa Asmaul Khusna (216121048) 1B Argumentation text commonly caleed analitycal and hortatory text. but analitycal and hortatory text have difference. in analitycal just contain the arguments about a issue without a reiteration/recomndation, while hortatory contain the arguments and the reiteration/recomnedation too. generic structure of argumentation text: 1. thesis 2. argumnentation 3.reiteration Linguistics Features 1. Using Relatinal Process 2. Using internal conjunction 3. Using causal conjunction 4. Using simple present tense 5. Using compound and complex sentence 6. Use word that link Argument this video is very helpfull for me to know the difference betweet analitycal and hortatory and also the explanation about the generic srtucture and lunguistic featues is so easy to understand.
Fitroh naqiyah 216121124 Class 1E Analytical exposition is a text that elaborates the writer's idea about the phenomenon surrounding . Purpose : to expose and defend the argument using relevant sourves and evidences. Generic structure : 1 Thesis 2 argument 3 reiteration Linguistics featured : 1. Using relational process. 2. Using internal conjunction 3. Using casual conjunction 4. Using simple present tense 5. Using word that link argument and reasoning through casual conjunction.
Ardhea Almayra Putri 216121113 Class 1E Analytical Exposition is a text that elaborates the writer's idea about the phenomenon surrounding to persuade the reader that the idea is important matter by developing an argument to support it. The purposes of Analytical Exposition is to expose and defend the argument using relevant sources and evidences. Generic Structure: 1. Thesis: Introducing the topic and indicating the writer's point of view. 2. Argument: Explaining the argument to support the writer's position. 3. Reiteration: Restating the writer's poiny of view and give a recommendation.
Fachri Nurfaizi | 206121205 | PBI 1F Thesis Aftermarket muffler should be use on track only Some peoples always adore how beautiful the sound of Race car or race bike is. The sound when it on idle state and when the it reving. But thats the sound of 4 cylinder engine in motorcycle and 6 cylinder V or more in race car. when the aftermarket muffler is installed on 1 or 2 cylinder moto or 4 cylinder car, its just a loud sound. there is no harmony when the engine is reving. Argument 1 Firstly, motorcylce is a common ride for our people. everyday we've seen many kind of motorcycle from many factory. but the thing is, it feel boring if the muffler doesnt sound loud for some people. on the other hand, there are people who doesnt like the loud sound coming from the muffler. imagine being on your 40s-50s, sitting on your yard, enjoying the nature. and suddenly, some boys with their motorcycles with aftermarket muffler passing by your residence. that would be so disturbing. and thats the point, the muffler produce disturbing sound since it so loud Argument 2 Secondly, it broke the law. in one of our law it stated that the sound of a muffler cant exceed 80 dB for 175cc engine and 83 dB for above 175cc engine (Peraturan Menteri Negara Lingkungan Hidup nomor 7 tahun 2009). because these type of muffler doesnt use any catalyst and dB Killer, it mean that the engine produce raw sound since the exhaust is a straight pipe. Argument 3 Last but not least, the muffler isnt proper for daily use. the muffler will disturb other rider and driver especially when you're at the red light. the sound can distract other rider attention from the road. you should use the muffler on track only because no one in there except you. Reiteration From the elaboration above, we can conclude that aftermarket muffler should be use on track only.
Irvianinda Fatkhiatur Rohmah_206121073_PBI_1B Should Students Take Part Time Job Thesis:Working and going to school is challenging, it can be a rewarding experience if you use some foresight. However, you’d better think a hundred times before you decide to take a part time job. There are a lot of things that should be factored in on the decision to take a part time job. Argument 1:On the negative side, working and still maintaining a good grade at school is not an easy task. Having less time for schoolwork becomes the main negative effect. Consequently, many students who work part time fail to perform at their best both on schoolwork and on examinations. Moreover, a part- time job can really interfere with the students’ free time. It also cuts into their studies and/or social life. Argument 2:On the positive side of things, a part time job helps students to support day to day living expenses. Working can be a valuable part of a student’s life, if taken on responsibly. Students can derive a great deal from working, considerably more than just money. In most cases, they can acquire a nice dose of discipline and a whole new set of skills and experiences. Another benefit of part- time work is the opportunity to expand the resume. Ideally, a student should try to find a job that is related in some way to his/her selected fi eld of study. But even not, a student can still gain some work experience and develop skills. Reiteration:Working takes a lot of time and energy, so students need to make sure to be able to handle both employment and their current commitments. Finally, if you are considering working parttime, talk to your school counsellor to discuss this move. Simply explain your goals to someone else can help you make decisions and figure out your priorities.
Mufida Fauzia, 206121240 ,PBI 1 G The importance of books (Thesis) Someone say that “ when you open a book , you open a new world.” Books is something that can take you to a new place , it can take you anywhere. Books filled with knowledge , life lesson , and many other things. There’s a reasons why you should reading book. (Argument 1) First , book is a cognitive exercise.Ken Pugh , director of research at the Yale - affiliated Haskins Laboratories said that “People are clearly reading fewer books now than they used to , and that has to have a cost because we know book reading is very good cognitive exercise , ” By concentrating on the words and storyline , it stimulates your brain and cognitive function. This simulation can help sharpen your mind. (Argument 2) Second , fiction books can improves social skills.According to the New York Times, a study published in the journal Science has revealed that after reading excerpts from literary fiction (like Anton Chekhov and Lydia Davis), subjects performed better on tests measuring empathy, social perception, and emotional intelligence. (Argument 3) Third , books can lower stress level. By reading a novel can help solve the stress issues by letting your mind and body to relax. When you reading a novel , you'll focuss on the storyline not on your stress. (Reiteration) In conclusion , books is very important because it can be intertaining and educating. Reading a book is very beneficial in all aspects of our lives.
Avinda Defiana 206121047 PBI 1B (Thesis) We have to make efforts to pick out the trash. Trash is unwanted residual material after the end of a process. There are many types, ranging from natural trash, consumption trash, to industrial trash. Trash that accumulates can cause bad problems, whether for humans, animals or the environment. (Argument 1) Trash not only damages environmental sustainability, but also disturbs public health. Pollution that can be through air, water, soil, or contact with other organisms can cause disease. The direct impact reduces the quality of the environment. This can have an effect on human life and health. Trash can be a source of disease, become a nest for mosquitoes and cause unpleasant odors to the environment and even its existence can damage nature. (Argument 2) Information obtained from the KLHK (Ministry of Environment and Forestry), said that the average person in Indonesia produces 0.7 kg of trash per day and waste piles throughout Indonesia reach 65.8 million tons per year. However, as much as 24% is still unmanaged. Unmanaged organic trash, apart from causing unpleasant odors and disturbing aesthetics, is also a medium for vector and rodent breeding. Therefore it is necessary to make efforts to overcome this. (Argument 3) The trash problem should be a concern, and all elements of society can work together to be part of the solution to this problem, one of which is by sorting trash. Efforts that can be done are in the form of collection of packaging trash that aims to educate and shape the community's habit of sorting trash to support packaging waste recycling. Because there is also trash that has value and benefits. (Reiteration) By sorting the trash, it can minimize the bad impact of garbage accumulation. In practice it must be done by all parties in order to achieve the goal.
Tugas Nama : Faradilla Tasniin Al Madjid NIM : 206121058 Kelas : 1B PBI Thesis Have you ever blown food or a hot beverage? Most people often blow on hot food. This was done on the grounds that food would cool off quickly and could be enjoyed immediately. However, such habits can have a negative effect on our physical health. Argument 1 In the religious view, Islam clearly promotes a culture that includes eating and drinking, that is, you must not blow out food or hot drinks because it can harm your body's health. Argument 2 For cooling food will bring us a blessing in itself. Furthermore, health experts say that blowing hot food will cause bacteria or viruses coming from the mouth to pass on foods that will be consumed. As a result, we are susceptible to diseases caused by these viruses. Reiteration Therefore, the custom of blowing hot food must be to prevent our bodies from escaping bodily harmful diseases. We can wait for cold food or water first before consuming it.
Anindita Yarsista Candradevi (216121136) Class : PBI 1E Review : Argumentation text / Analytical and Hortatory Exposition Analytical Exposition is a text that elaborates the writer's idea about the phenomenon surrounding. Purposes : to expose and defend the argument using relevant sources and evidences. Generic structure : 1. Thesis 2. Argument 3. Reiteration
Firdausi Nandang Sukowati 216121122 1E Analytical exposition is a text that elaborates the writer's idea about the phenomenon surrounding. Generic structure: -Thesis -Argument -Reiteration
Name : Pratiwi Kusumajati Class : 1G PBI NIM : 206121238 the impact of social media today THESIS Social media is something that has become an obligation at this time, where the economic, education, and even health sectors use social media as an intermediary to facilitate society and also during this pandemic, social media is very influential in life today and in the future. ARGUMENT 1 Social media can be backfire for those who are not wise in using it, many of us encounter today, cases of children involved in defamation cases, because they comment loudly about their idols on someone's social media, to the point that they have to dealing with the police, even though he was still in elementary school. ARGUMENT 2 : Social media can be an effective way to build a business, nowadays there are almost a lot of online businesses available, just by opening an online shopping application looking for items that suit your taste and costs, then in a matter of minutes the transaction is complete, online business can also become a job side for a student and even an employee, because it can be done anywhere and anytime. ARGUMENT 3 in the current situation, learning from elementary school to university uses online media and face-to-face virtually, this is an effort to prevent transmission of covid19 but the effectiveness of learning is reduced, because many lessons are not obtained through online learning, for example ways to respect other people and also learning discussion was less effective. REITERATION For children who are underage, there must be supervision from parents so that their children can use it properly and for those of us who are able to sort out what is good and bad, we should use social media wisely.
Name : Laella Chomsah Le Giolist NIM : 216121132 Class : 1E/PBI Review : Analytical exposition is a text that elaborates the writer's idea about the phenomenon surrounding Purpose : to expose and defend the argument using relevant sources and evidences Structure : 1. Thesis 2. Argument 3. Reiteration That explanation is very clear and easy to understand
Nama: Arfiani Nur Halimah Nim: 206121179 Class: PBI 1E Indonesian Education Now THESIS: Education is a form of factor which can reflect how’s the country looks like, Development or developing? Indonesia is the developing country. We are not a poor country like others countries in the Africa continent. Based on the fact, The education which as the main factor to build the great generation. ARGUMENT 1: Education is the strongest way to be survive, as the key to assesses of someone’s successes. On the scope of the state, education is the main instrument in the formation of future generation. The success of a country depends on the quality of Human Resources. Indonesia, with one of the ideals contained in the preamble of the 1945 Constitution, as like paragraph 4 “the intellectual life of the nation“ as the promise of independence. And the only exeptions to reach that goal is a knowledge. ARGUMENT 2: But in 2010 there are 1.080.000 student quited their study because of the high cost education. There prefer to not study and work to make a money rto survve their life. This is a bad situation if Indonesia wants to be developed country, We must get the better education first. ARGUMENT 3: The Infrastructure being the second problems that Indonesia have in education sector. This is so pity by seeing the region in the east of Indonesia that students there cannot go to school comfortably and they get only a broken facility in their school, like roof, floor, and also chair and board the school have. ARGUMENT 4: The third is when looking the uneven distribution education in every region in Indonesia. Not all the city can have the equals education. Means in the small village and compare to big cities is totally different in all the aspect. REITERATION: So this is the homework of government to solve the problemor case in education sector in purpose to get better place in Indonesia especially Education.
Name : Mirza Aqliyan A.W NIM : 216121037 Class : 1B PBI Analytical exposition is a text that elaborates the writer's idea about the phenomenon surrounding . Purpose : to expose and defend the argument using relevant sourves and evidences. Generic structure : 1 Thesis : Introduction the topic 2 Argument : Explaining the argument 3 Reiteration : Restarting writer's point of view Linguistics featured : 1. Using relational process. 2. Using internal conjunction 3. Using casual conjunction 4. Using simple present tense 5. Using word that link argument.
Khalida Zahwa_206121249_1G Thesis Global warming has become a hot issue in most parts of the world. Every country is seeking alternative solutions to reduce the rise in global warming. Global warming is due to a number of human fault factors. Argument 1 The greenhouse effect played a major role in global warming. This phenomenon is a term for the planetary warming process. The heat collected from the earth is trapped by gases in the atmosphere. This causes the heat to be reflected back at the earth's surface rather than forwarded into space. The excessive greenhouse effect would have disrupted the climate. Argument 2 Global warming is also the result of one lifestyle error - electrical waste. Electricity energy savings are not only meant to save costs, but also to prevent global warming Argument 3 Another major factor is motor vehicle pollution. Motor vehicles mostly fuel fuel. This results in wasteful exhaust of carbon dioxide gas. This gas played a major role in the amount of heat that would otherwise have gone into space. The more carbon dioxide gases there are on earth, the more threatening global warming will be. Reiteration A reduction in global warming should be a Shared responsibility for all earth's inhabitants. Therefore, it would be better if every person on earth thought about and applied alternative solutions to reducing global warming
nama : Andini Fitri Cahyani NIM : 206121161 kelas : PBI 1E Thesis : The Java Day Program carried out has many positive and negative impacts. When viewed from the positive impact, namely using Javanese language in communicating, Javanese culture will certainly not be easily lost to the times. Argument1 : Even more so when considering the current condition where most of the young generation who come from Java cannot even use the Javanese language. This of course is caused by several factors, such as the environment in which they live, not practicing the habit of using Javanese. Argument2 : So that if on an occasion you have to interact with the outside environment using Javanese language, you can be sure that communication will be hampered. Reiteration : However, when viewed from the negative impact of Java Day, there is a high probability that this program could pose a very big risk. This is because students who study on the island of Java are not all native Javanese. Because of course there are many students from outside Java who cannot speak Javanese, so it hinders them from receiving lesson information.
Yasmin Latufa Wardani 216121127 PBI 1E Argumentation text/ analytical and hortatory eksposition Argumentation text be interpreted as text whose contents are dominated by the argument of the author on an issue Generic structure = 1. Thesis 2. Argument 3. Reiteration
Lalu Muhammad Helmy Suryadi 216121140 1E Argumentative text is a text where the author writers an opinion In favor of one argumentation is also called exposition
Tugas : Nama : Annas Khoiru Wiguna NIM :206121200 Kelas : 1F The importance of books (Thesis) Someone say that"when you open a book, you open a new world". Books is something that can take you to a new place, it can take you anywhere. Books filled with knowledge, life lesson, and many other things. There's a reasons why you should reading book (Argument 1) First, book is a cognitive exercise. Ken Pugh, director of research at the Yale-affiliated Haskins Laboratories said the that has to have a cost because we know book reading is very good cognitive exercise," By concentrating on the words and storyline, it stimulation can help sharpen your mind. (Argument 2) Second, fiction books can improves social skills. According to the New York Times, a study published in the journal Science has revealed that after reading excerpts from literary fiction (like Anton Chekhov and Lydia Davis), subjects performed better on test measuring empathy, social perception, and emotional intelligence. (Argument 3) Third, books can lower stress level. By reading a novel can help solve the stress issues by letting your mind and body to relax. When you reading a novel, you'll focuss on the storyline not on your stress. (Reiteration) In conclusion, books is very important because it can be intertaining and educating. Reading a book is very benefical in all aspects of our lives
Tegar Nur Sapitri 206121039 PBI 1B The behavior of teenagers nowadays has deviated far from the moral values prevailing in society. This is due to several factors, such as the lack of filtering of western culture entering Indonesia. The cultures that enter are considered examples of good life and are made into a new habit by today's youth. What is unfortunate is that the behavior that is imitated is the bad behavior of the western culture, for example free sex, drugs and so on. The second factor is the lack of knowledge of religious knowledge by teenagers. In fact, religious knowledge is very important and useful, because it can control oneself to avoid a despicable act. The last one is the lack of supervision from parents. Parents are very responsible for the behavior and interactions of their children. Parents who do not care about their children can cause them to feel unloved so that they seek that affection outside the family which tends to be negative and of course artificial, such as drinking alcohol, night clubs, drugs and even free sex. As a result, the behavior of teenagers today does not reflect the noble culture of our nation with existing values and norms.
Nama: Alia Ghina Farihah Kelas: 1G NIM: 206121234 Tesis: Every human being has her own problems and stress levels, both from the way she thinks, the way she deals with a problem, the way she finds a way out. problems are things that are definitely inherent in humans since she was born, but in every human being has her own level of stress in the problems they face, here it is necessary to have other people's relationships to help him deal with his problems, such as listening to stories, understanding the situation, or comfort her, with the aim of helping reduce her stress Argument 1: Stress is an individual's adaptive response to various external pressures or demands and produces various disorders including: physical, emotional, and behavioral disorders. (Goliszek, 2005: 1) Stress is a condition of mind and body, physical and psychological condition of a person who cannot function normally. so according to him stress is a mistake in thinking patterns that are too deep, in my opinion stress is caused by the impact of the environment, other people's words, a hurt heart, chaotic thoughts, and another one is fatigue. Argument 2: According to the journal Unmul, environmental stress is a characteristic of a stressor or environmental stimulus that causes pressure on a person, the stimulus is a stimulus that threatens someone from nature. So stress can result in mental and mental pressure on someone who feels hurt and feels overwhelmed by people and the environment. Argument 3: quoted by wikipedia, namely sociopsychological factors, namely factors that affect a person's attitude due to psychological factors (psychic), such as in the example of someone who is accustomed to social situations and someone who only chooses to be alone will have different behavior in everyday life, in my opinion, this is influenced by psychological factors experienced by each of these people because one person is accustomed to socializing, to face something or in his daily life he is more cheerful and more courageous but is different from people who like to be alone in their behavior, they will certainly feel embarrassed in doing something or he is more quiet when in a crowded environment. Those are some examples related to factors that influence a person's behavior. Because of the pressure felt there are many dangerous factors that can be experienced by humans, such as excessive trauma, self-playing, selfharm, self-isolation, and even suicide. the need for "mutual respect" is very necessary in human life, because basically every human being has feelings and thoughts, and every human being is obliged to control himself, like what he says, what he does to others, so as not to hurt his mind or physical, and not psychologically disturbing or damaging other people psychologically, which in essence everyone has their own limits to stress. Some are only snapped feeling depressed, some are hit feeling depressed, or just pinching them feel depressed, well from that, the "mutual respect" of others is necessary, so there is a saying and knowledge about •HUMAN BEING• Reiteration: So I suggest you respect other people's feelings, because it is necessary, if you want to refuse, you can say that you refuse, because you also have the right to refuse if you feel uncomfortable. because basically something that is well spoken of is something that is not wrong, and if you want to help someone who is under stress, do what you can. And if you feel uncomfortable, don't blame others just for looking right. keeps other people's feelings going, why? because other people will also take care of your feelings, because every human being must have their own problems, if you don't want to, I will emphasize again reject it, that's also your right, if you can help please help, because psychological healing of people can only be done if people has good faith in the right person, whom he can trust.
intan garnita putri 206121226 1G New Habit Adaptation Period (New Normal) Thesis The adaptation of new habits is a health protocol that must be carried out by all levels of society in order to break the chain of the spread of Covid-19. Of course, various health protocols must be followed and obeyed in their implementation. What are they and why should we do it? Here is the explanation. Argument 1 The first thing that remains to be done is to avoid physical contact. Because the main spread of the virus that causes Covid-19 is physical contact. Viruses cannot live in the open air, but can live in the hands or clothes that we wear for a while. At that time, the virus can move from one person to another who comes in contact with it. Argument 2 Then washing hands can kill viruses that we can get from touching other objects or people. Hands are the part of our body that comes in contact with foreign objects the most. Therefore, washing hands is one of the main things that must be done during the adaptation period of new habits Conclusion So it's a good idea to comply with various health protocols for the adaptation of new habits which include: maintaining distance, avoiding physical contact, traveling less, wearing masks in crowds, and always be diligent in washing hands and staying healthy. Not just for yourself but for everyone.
Nama : Muhammad Rizal Pahlevi Nim/class: 206121251/ 1G PBI Electric cars as a solution to reducing pollution from fossil energy use The Indonesian electric car is a relatively new technology, but outside Indonesia it is already being used in place of the use of conventional or fossil-fuel engines. It can be called an internal-combation machine and a more environmentally friendly one. It’s true that electric cars have a huge advantage but on the other side of electric cars. It can also become more polluting the environment, as electric cars take in energy sources from electricity and electricity from coal that can pollute the environment more than conventional machines. On the other side of the car with a conventional or internal engine combation had something no one could find in the electric car, which was the most peculiar sound and roar of the engine, and was unique in a unique way from the electric car. This keeps the conventional car loose and continues to exist even though electric cars may one day become replacements for conventional cars. But even if people wanted to he would have both cars because they had something unique and could be something more. And usually automobile lovers or petrolhead prefer to own both cars because they know that each car has a distinct soul and a sense of its own. But to make or support the performance of electric car programs is not easy because electric cars are still subject to battery consumption or battery energy that can travel only a certain distance and would be reduced to the value of electric cars. In addition, if the technology is brought to Indonesia, it will be scarce because Indonesia still has room to recharge batteries or energy from electric cars. The lack of infrastructure in Indonesia about electric cars makes its own minus one because it would be a critical lack because the lack of infrastructure in Indonesia has yet to support electric car technology. Reiteration From a lack of infrastructure in Indonesia to receive this technology for electric cars. But if the government and all its governments are willing to build infrastructure and this is done then nothing is impossible if the roads of Indonesia will be flooded with electric cars and none of them will stop the use of conventional cars to die because they will continue to share the unique sound and soul of the petrolhead or the automotive lover.
Nama : Muhammad Rizal Pahlevi Kelas : PBI 1G Nim. : 206121251 *Electric cars as a solution to* reducing pollution from fossil energy use The Indonesian electric car is a relatively new technology, but outside Indonesia it is already being used in place of the use of conventional or fossil-fuel engines. It can be called an internal-combation machine and a more environmentally friendly one. It’s true that electric cars have a huge advantage but on the other side of electric cars. It can also become more polluting the environment, as electric cars take in energy sources from electricity and electricity from coal that can pollute the environment more than conventional machines. On the other side of the car with a conventional or internal engine combation had something no one could find in the electric car, which was the most peculiar sound and roar of the engine, and was unique in a unique way from the electric car. This keeps the conventional car loose and continues to exist even though electric cars may one day become replacements for conventional cars. But even if people wanted to he would have both cars because they had something unique and could be something more. And usually automobile lovers or petrolhead prefer to own both cars because they know that each car has a distinct soul and a sense of its own. But to make or support the performance of electric car programs is not easy because electric cars are still subject to battery consumption or battery energy that can travel only a certain distance and would be reduced to the value of electric cars. In addition, if the technology is brought to Indonesia, it will be scarce because Indonesia still has room to recharge batteries or energy from electric cars. The lack of infrastructure in Indonesia about electric cars makes its own minus one because it would be a critical lack because the lack of infrastructure in Indonesia has yet to support electric car technology. Reiteration From a lack of infrastructure in Indonesia to receive this technology for electric cars. But if the government and all its governments are willing to build infrastructure and this is done then nothing is impossible if the roads of Indonesia will be flooded with electric cars and none of them will stop the use of conventional cars to die because they will continue to share the unique sound and soul of the petrolhead or the automotive lover.
Dani Ahmad Haidar 1f 206121192 Thesis Equitable quality of education in Indonesia can be said to be very uneven. In general, the quality of education in urban areas is superior to areas that are far from urban or remote areas. This condition is supported by city facilities that are more adequate than remote areas. This makes many remote areas difficult to develop. Argument As mentioned above, the facilities provided in the city area are more adequate. For example, several well-known universities in Indonesia, such as Gadjah Mada University, Bandung Institute of Technology, University of Indonesia, Surabaya Institute of Technology, and Padjajaran University. The five universities are located in urban areas. Thus, the people of the city can get easy access to proper education. Meanwhile, people in remote areas, they need to migrate to get access to proper education like those in the five universities. Not to mention the addition of other very complete supporting facilities such as libraries, educational recreation, and other supporting facilities owned by urban areas. Even the city community is also supported by other supporting access, such as roads and public transportation. For the most part, these facilities are not owned by people in remote areas. Reiteration The unequal quality of education in Indonesia can be influenced by many factors. However, the main cause of the inequality of education in Indonesia is due to the facilities for obtaining this education. City areas have a lot of access and easy access to education. The opposite condition occurs in remote areas. Efforts should be made to make education equitable in Indonesia. One effort that can be done is to build facilities and easy access to all regions in Indonesia.
Task Putri Alifatul-206121229-PBI 1G : Watching scary or horor movies needs to be prohibited for children in under 10 years. A well known study by Harrison and Cantor of the University of Wisconsin shoss that allowed the younger child to watch scary movies gonna make a several negative impact. (TESIS) The first Is health problems which can cause the heart attack by a trombosis when children watched scary movies. The second negative impact Is psycological disorder that so dangerous for children. It Is like a sleeplessness beacuse they had a nightmare, also develop they grow older with some trauma or anxiety, phobia when they already adulthood, they more likely to have decreasing emotional responses. The study in 1999 shows that 52 percent of children had a harder time for sleeping The third impact Is the social environment that presenting terrorism actions. (ARGUMENTATION) Parents should understand the main content of the movies and make a decision whether their children should be allowed to watch it or not. (REITERATION) Thanks!
Nama : Fatiha Yasmin Nabila NIM : 206121042 Kelas : PBI 1B Motorbikes should be banned in Housing Areas Introduction Motorbikes are considered as a nuisance and one of major causes of great distress. Although motorbikes are considered as one of the most convenient forms of transportation, I think they are dangerous to humans, animals as well as the environment. I think motorbikes should be banned in housing areas due to the following reasons which are the cause of unreasonable amounts of noise, air pollution, diseases, and accidents. Argument 1 First of all, I would like to point out that motorbikes are a major contributor to the pollution in the world. Research has shown that motorbikes emit a deadly gas that is dangerous for the environment. As a result, the long-term emission of gas that motorbikes produce becomes a major contributor of global warming (Science Daily). Argument 2 Secondly, according to BBC News Channel, motorbikes are also responsible for causing disease such as bronchitis, cancer, asthma, and high blood pressure. Argument 3 Finally, motorbikes are responsible for horrible accidents in which in some cases there are deaths. The riders go so fast that they are unable to stop on time and end up hitting other people or animals. Fields (1993) states that motorbikes are known to be the biggest killers on the road. Conclusion In conclusion, from the arguments above, I strongly believe that motorbikes should be banned in housing areas.
Rassiyani Dwi Yuliana 206121069 PBI 1B Relocation of the capital city of Jakarta to Kalimantan Efforts to move the capital city of Indonesia began in 2019 during the presidency of Joko Widodo. Through a limited government meeting on April 29, 2019, Joko Widodo decided to move the nation's capital outside Java Island. The relocation of the capital city is contained in the 2020-2024 National Medium-Term Development Plan. On August 26, 2019, President Joko Widodo announced that a new capital city would be built in the administrative areas of North Penajam Paser Regency and Kutai Kartanegara Regency, East Kalimantan. As law-abiding citizens of Indonesia, we should naturally support the plan to move the capital city of Jakarta to Kalimantan. Before the transfer was carried out, there must have been good planning from the government. The positive and negative impacts of moving the capital city must also have been very carefully considered. Jakarta as the capital city is currently very dense and has a fast population growth, it is hoped that by moving the capital city of Jakarta to Kalimantan there will be an even distribution of population growth. In addition, President Jokowi said that one of the reasons for choosing Kalimantan as the new capital was the minimal risk of natural disasters such as the earthquake and tsunami in Kalimantan. This will certainly be a positive impact on moving the capital city. Those are some reasons why Kalimantan is suitable as the new capital. If the capital city of a country is stable, the stability of the country will be better maintained.
Rosyiana Mutmainnah 206121051 PBI 1B I'm sorry sir, I thought I had collected it before, but my comment was not sent Equitable Education in Indonesia Preliminary: Equitable quality of education in Indonesia can be said to be very uneven. In general, the quality of education in urban areas is superior to areas that are far from urban or remote areas. This condition is supported by city facilities that are more adequate than remote areas. This makes many remote areas difficult to develop. Body of Argument: As mentioned above, the facilities provided in the city area are more adequate. For example, several well-known universities in Indonesia, such as Gadjah Mada University, Bandung Institute of Technology, University of Indonesia, Surabaya Institute of Technology, and Padjajaran University. The five universities are located in urban areas. Thus, the people of the city get easy access to a proper education. Meanwhile, people in remote areas, they need to migrate to get access to proper education like those in the five universities. This is not to mention the addition of other very complete supporting facilities such as libraries, educational recreation, and other supporting facilities that are owned by urban areas. Even the city community is also supported by other supporting access, such as roads and public transportation. For the most part, these facilities are not owned by people in remote areas. Conclusion: The unequal quality of education in Indonesia can be influenced by many factors. However, the main cause of the inequality of education in Indonesia is due to the facilities for obtaining this education. City areas have a lot of access and easy access to education. The opposite condition occurs in remote areas. Efforts should be made to make education equitable in Indonesia. One effort that can be done is to build facilities and easy access to all regions in Indonesia
Vina Oktaviani Dwi P_206121225_1G The salary of Indonesian workers with the energy and time spent is not commensurate. This is proven when they only get a very minimal wage from the factory where they work or, moreover, a factory owned by a foreign company if it is calculated from the product profit earned by the factory owner. Even their purchasing power for their own production goods is still very low. ( tesis) In the 17th century AD, a German economist named Karl Marx for the first time made observations of European workers at a time when the phenomenon of the industrial revolution in Europe was in full swing. He criticized that the wages received by workers were irrelevant to the energy they spent. This is due to the exploitation of the bourgeoisie against the proletariat. ( Argument 1) We are still witnessing the conditions of European labor in the 17th century in Indonesia. Sadly, even though the government monitors the massive exploitation by the owners of capital, there are still no more actions for the welfare of local workers because the government does not have the authority to control the company. Indonesia is still based on the ideology of shifting towards capitalism, so indeed government control of foreign companies is very difficult. ( Argument 2) The alternative offered is by suppressing the growth of foreign companies in the country, issuing laws that differentiate the wages of foreign factory workers from local factories, and imposing different taxes between foreign and local-owned companies. This step will suppress the level of production of foreign companies and will increase the level of production of local companies which will affect the economic rate and welfare of Indonesian workers. ( reiteration)
Rafi Arga Ramadhan 206121241 PBI 1G Thesis : the online school is not efective indonesia if they will make it permanent. Argument : in indonesia, only small area are covered with good signal of internet and not all of student joining the online school with the Wi-Fi so the students who do not have that previlliges will be harder to consentrate with the matery who the teacher give, and it will be cost much expensive to join study online if the students use the mobile data or someting like that. Reiteration : the online school is not effective in indonesia if they make it permanent, there is still have a previllige to the student who are live in good signal areas and use Wi-Fi for online school and the other side, the students who do not have that will be harder to consentrate to learn the material.
Tugas : Aulive Diandra Cahayu_206121060_1B_PBI (Tesis) Every human being has her own problems and stress levels, both from the way she thinks, the way she deals with a problem, the way she finds a way out. problems are things that are definitely inherent in humans since she was born, but in every human being has her own level of stress in the problems they face, here it is necessary to have other people's relationships to help him deal with his problems, such as listening to stories, understanding the situation, or comfort her, with the aim of helping reduce her stress Argument 1 Stress is an individual's adaptive response to various external pressures or demands and produces various disorders including: physical, emotional, and behavioral disorders. (Goliszek, 2005: 1) Stress is a condition of mind and body, physical and psychological condition of a person who cannot function normally. so according to him stress is a mistake in thinking patterns that are too deep, in my opinion stress is caused by the impact of the environment, other people's words, a hurt heart, chaotic thoughts, and another one is fatigue. Argument 2 According to the journal Unmul, environmental stress is a characteristic of a stressor or environmental stimulus that causes pressure on a person, the stimulus is a stimulus that threatens someone from nature. So stress can result in mental and mental pressure on someone who feels hurt and feels overwhelmed by people and the environment. Argument 3 quoted by wikipedia, namely sociopsychological factors, namely factors that affect a person's attitude due to psychological factors (psychic), such as in the example of someone who is accustomed to social situations and someone who only chooses to be alone will have different behavior in everyday life, in my opinion, this is influenced by psychological factors experienced by each of these people because one person is accustomed to socializing, to face something or in his daily life he is more cheerful and more courageous but is different from people who like to be alone in their behavior, they will certainly feel embarrassed in doing something or he is more quiet when in a crowded environment. Those are some examples related to factors that influence a person's behavior. Because of the pressure felt there are many dangerous factors that can be experienced by humans, such as excessive trauma, self-playing, selfharm, self-isolation, and even suicide. the need for "mutual respect" is very necessary in human life, because basically every human being has feelings and thoughts, and every human being is obliged to control himself, like what he says, what he does to others, so as not to hurt his mind or physical, and not psychologically disturbing or damaging other people psychologically, which in essence everyone has their own limits to stress. Some are only snapped feeling depressed, some are hit feeling depressed, or just pinching them feel depressed, well from that, the "mutual respect" of others is necessary, so there is a saying and knowledge about •HUMAN BEING• Reiteration So I suggest you respect other people's feelings, because it is necessary, if you want to refuse, you can say that you refuse, because you also have the right to refuse if you feel uncomfortable. because basically something that is well spoken of is something that is not wrong, and if you want to help someone who is under stress, do what you can. And if you feel uncomfortable, don't blame others just for looking right. keeps other people's feelings going, why? because other people will also take care of your feelings, because every human being must have their own problems, if you don't want to, I will emphasize again reject it, that's also your right, if you can help please help, because psychological healing of people can only be done if people has good faith in the right person, whom he can trust.
Herda Nur Sita Resmi 206121190 PBI 1F _THESIS_ Working and going to school is challenging, it can be a rewarding experience if you use some foresight. However, you’d better think a hundred times before you decide to take a part time job. There are a lot of things that should be factored in on the decision to take a part time job. _ARGUMENT 1_ On the negative side, working and still maintaining a good grade at school is not an easy task. Having less time for schoolwork becomes the main negative effect. Consequently, many students who work part time fail to perform at their best both on schoolwork and on examinations. Moreover, a part- time job can really interfere with the students’ free time. It also cuts into their studies and/or social life. _ARGUMENT 2_ On the positive side of things, a part time job helps students to support day to day living expenses. Working can be a valuable part of a student’s life, if taken on responsibly. Students can derive a great deal from working, considerably more than just money. In most cases, they can acquire a nice dose of discipline and a whole new set of skills and experiences. Another benefit of part- time work is the opportunity to expand the resume. Ideally, a student should try to find a job that is related in some way to his/her selected fi eld of study. But even not, a student can still gain some work experience and develop skills. _REITERATION_ Working takes a lot of time and energy, so students need to make sure to be able to handle both employment and their current commitments. Finally, if you are considering working parttime, talk to your school counsellor to discuss this move. Simply explain your goals to someone else can help you make decisions and figure out your prioritas
Nama: Devina Hajar P NIM: 206121218 Kelas: PBI 1F [Thesis] Much of our learning takes place outside the classroom. We learn how to maintain budgets, forge friendships, develop business relationships, and more. Imagine extending those skills on a global level. We would immediately cease to believe the world only contains the people and things we can see but, rather, a wide variety of opinions, customs, beliefs, and ethics. This is why every college-level student must study abroad during their undergraduate years. They will learn more in that semester abroad than in any other academic year. [Argument 1] According to IES Abroad, a company that encourages students to become international leaders, students who study abroad are more likely to be accepted into the graduate degree program of their choice. In fact, 90% of students who studied abroad with IES are admitted to their first or second choice for graduate school. [Argument 2] Beyond college, students who study abroad will be better equipped to succeed in the workplace. Their broadened worldview will help them relate to their co-workers, especially in a worldwide organization. This increased scope of knowledge allows 25% of students who study abroad to receive higher starting salaries. That is clear evidence that their experiences and views are valued by employers. [Argument 3] In spite of all these benefits, some parents simply will not allow their children to study abroad. A portion will argue that it is not safe. Others will argue that studying abroad costs too much money. In these cases, it is important to take a look at one semester’s financial aid statement. How much does it cost to be a student at a local university? When tuition, housing, textbooks, transportation, and meal plans are considered, it becomes difficult to argue that there’s a stark difference in the cost of a semester at home versus a semester abroad. [Reiteration] Studying abroad will have long-lasting, positive implications on a student’s future as an academic and a professional. New windows of opportunity will be flung open the moment an undergraduate boards a plane. Why not make an appointment with the study abroad center at your university? You have nothing to lose by starting a conversation today.
Mutiara Hasnatuz Dzakiyah (216121133) Class: 1E/PBI Analytical exposition is a text that elaborates the writer's idea about the phenomenon surrounding. Generic structure: -Thesis -Argument -Reiteration
Irvianinda Fatkhiatur Rohmah_206121073_PBI_1B Should Students Take Part Time Job Thesis:Working and going to school is challenging, it can be a rewarding experience if you use some foresight. However, you’d better think a hundred times before you decide to take a part time job. There are a lot of things that should be factored in on the decision to take a part time job. Argument 1:On the negative side, working and still maintaining a good grade at school is not an easy task. Having less time for schoolwork becomes the main negative effect. Consequently, many students who work part time fail to perform at their best both on schoolwork and on examinations. Moreover, a part- time job can really interfere with the students’ free time. It also cuts into their studies and/or social life. Argument 2:On the positive side of things, a part time job helps students to support day to day living expenses. Working can be a valuable part of a student’s life, if taken on responsibly. Students can derive a great deal from working, considerably more than just money. In most cases, they can acquire a nice dose of discipline and a whole new set of skills and experiences. Another benefit of part- time work is the opportunity to expand the resume. Ideally, a student should try to find a job that is related in some way to his/her selected fi eld of study. But even not, a student can still gain some work experience and develop skills. Reiteration:Working takes a lot of time and energy, so students need to make sure to be able to handle both employment and their current commitments. Finally, if you are considering working parttime, talk to your school counsellor to discuss this move. Simply explain your goals to someone else can help you make decisions and figure out your priorities.
Tugas : Nama : Annas Khoiru Wiguna NIM :206121200 Kelas : 1F The importance of books (Thesis) Someone say that"when you open a book, you open a new world". Books is something that can take you to a new place, it can take you anywhere. Books filled with knowledge, life lesson, and many other things. There's a reasons why you should reading book (Argument 1) First, book is a cognitive exercise. Ken Pugh, director of research at the Yale-affiliated Haskins Laboratories said the that has to have a cost because we know book reading is very good cognitive exercise," By concentrating on the words and storyline, it stimulation can help sharpen your mind. (Argument 2) Second, fiction books can improves social skills. According to the New York Times, a study published in the journal Science has revealed that after reading excerpts from literary fiction (like Anton Chekhov and Lydia Davis), subjects performed better on test measuring empathy, social perception, and emotional intelligence. (Argument 3) Third, books can lower stress level. By reading a novel can help solve the stress issues by letting your mind and body to relax. When you reading a novel, you'll focuss on the storyline not on your stress. (Reiteration) In conclusion, books is very important because it can be intertaining and educating. Reading a book is very benefical in all aspects of our lives.
Thank u for the information sir 🙏🏻
thanks for information sir 🙏👍
manstafbh kakak
Name : Fauzul kamilah
Class : 1E PBI
Analytical exposition is a text that elaborates the writer's idea about the phenomenon surrounding .
Purpose : to expose and defend the argument using relevant sourves and evidences.
Generic structure :
1 Thesis
2 argument
3 reiteration
Linguistics featured :
1. Using relational process.
2. Using internal conjunction
3. Using casual conjunction
4. Using simple present tense
5. Using word that link argument and reasoning through casual conjunction.
Tugas Rohmatul Amanah_206121258_PBI1G
Parents certainly feel happy when they see good growth and development in their children. However, when children begin to reach adolescence, they prefer to spend time without wanting to be watched by their parents. This is one thing that is worrying and quite dangerous for teenagers. Therefore, the role of parents is still very necessary for the growth and development of children, even though they are already adults.
Argument 1: Starting with the character of a teenager who is curious and wants to try many new things, they often can't tell what is right and what is not.
Argument 2: In addition, adolescence is a time when children begin to learn about who they are and how they adapt to their surroundings.
Argument 3: Thus, the role of parents is needed as a support so that children do not fall into the wrong hole and can place themselves well in their environment. Communication between parents and children is also an important role in educating and guiding adolescents, for example by helping to direct, love, advise, and so on.
Reiteration :
Based on this statement, parents will always play an important role in the growth and development of their children. Even though they are teenagers, they still need to be controlled and nurtured by their elders.
Shedy Amalia Rozzaqi_206121191_1F
Thesis: Maintaining the health of the mouth area, especially teeth, is an important thing to pay attention to. Because, when you experience a toothache, it can cause discomfort. In fact, you can also experience dizziness and decreased endurance. Maintaining healthy teeth is very important.
Argument: We already understand that since childhood maintaining healthy teeth is important. As long as you are disciplined and diligent in caring for it, your teeth will actually be healthy. Simple steps you can take is to brush your teeth about 2 to 3 times a day. However, sometimes this is like forgetting or lazy for us to do.
Reiteration: Dental health is very important for us to maintain. Because every day when we chew food, we use our teeth. If dental health is not disturbed, the health of the body can also be disturbed. This can cause food intake to be insufficient and become susceptible to disease because they do not get enough nutrition.
Adi Faisal Arrozi 216121116 - PBI/1E
Argumentative writing:
Argumentasi berpihak pada satu sisi. Analitical = mengungkapkan argumentasi-argumentasi suatu hal. Hortatory sama dengan analitycal tetapi memberi tanggapan atau sugestion di akhir teks.
Analytical exposition adalah teks yang menguraikan gagasan penulis tentang fenomena yang ada di sekitarnya. Tujuan: untuk mengungkap atau mempertahankan argumen dengan menggunakan sumber dan bukti yang relevan. Generic structure: Thesis, Argument, Reiteration.
Putri Siti Aisyah (216121034) - 1B/PBI
Review Argumentation Text/Analytical & Hortatory Exposition
•Analytical Exposition is a text that elaborates the writer's idea about the phenomenon surrounding.
•Purposes: to expose and defend the argument using relevant sources and evidences.
-Generic Structure
•Thesis: Introducing the topic and indicating the writer's point of view.
•Argument: Explaining the argument to support the writer's position. Argument must be supported by evidence and explanation.
•Reiteration: Restating the writer's point of view to strengthen the thesis.
-Linguistics Features in Argumentation Text
•Using relational process
•Using internal conjunction
•Using casual conjunction
•Using simple present tense
•Using Compound and complex sentence.
•Use word that link argument (such as firstly, however, therefore, etc)
Farizka Widya R (216121138)
•Analytical Exposition is a text that elaborates the writer's idea about the phonemenon surrounding. Its social functuon is to persuade the reader that the idea is important matter, and to analyze the topic that the thesis/opinion is correct by developing an argumenr to support it
•Generic Structure :
-Thesis : Introducing topic and idicating the writers point of view
-Argument : Explaining the argument to support the writers position .
- Reiration : Restating the writers point of view/to strengthen the tesis.
Angga Dhanar Kencana(216121045)
Argumentive text/analytical exposition text contains the author's thoughts about things that happen around him , whether objects, events, or places.
This text also shows an opinion (argument) against something.
and not to change the reader's point of view
vidionya sangat jelas,simple sehingga mudah di pahami
Tugas :
Nama : Vivi Novita Sari
Nim : 206121224
Kelas : 1F
Music is Fun for Learning English
Learning English through music and songs can be very enjoyable. You can mix pleasure with learning when you listen to a song and exploit the song as a means to your English progress. Some underlying reason can be drawn to support the idea why we use songs in language learning.
Firstly, “the song stuck in my head” Phenomenon (the echoing in our minds of the last song we heard after leaving a restaurant, shopping malls, etc) can be both enjoyable and sometimes unnerving. This phenomenon also seems to reinforce the idea that songs work on our short-and-long term memory.
Secondly, songs in general also use simple conversational language, with a lot of repetition, which is just what many learners look for sample text. The fact that they are effective makes them many times more motivating than other text. Although usually simple, some songs can be quite complex syntactically, lexically and poetically, and can be analyzed in the same way as any other literary sample.
Furthermore, song can be appropriated by listener for their own purpose. Most pop songs and probably many other types don’t have precise people, place or time reference.
In addition, songs are relaxing. They provide variety and fun, and encourage harmony within oneself and within one group. Little wonder they are important tools in sustaining culture, religion, patriotism and yeas, even revolution.
Last but not least, there are many learning activities we can do with songs such as studying grammar, practicing selective listening comprehension, translating songs, learning vocabulary, spelling and culture.
From the elaboration above, it can be suggested that learning through music and songs, learning English can be enjoyable and fun.
Devi Nur Aini
Argumentation text
¤ definition : analytical exposition is a text that elaborates the writer's idea about phenomenon surrounding.
¤ purpose : to expose and defend the argument using relevant sources and evidences.
¤ generic structure
- thesis : introducing the topic
- argument : to support the writer's position
- reiteration : restating the writer's point of view
¤ Linguistic features
- using relation process
- using internsl conjunction
- using causal conjunction
- using simple present tense
- using compound and complex sentence
- using word that link argument.
Thank you sir, the video is easy to understand🙏🙏
Name : Dina Aprilia
Nim : 206121173
Class : PBI 1E
Thesis : The education in Indonesia nowadays is still quite far behind with the education in other countries in the world. Even Indonesia itself is still inferior with neighboring countries such as Malaysia and Singapore in the field of education. It can be seem from the large number of the population who get education upnto higher education. Meanwhile in our country, the number of people who get education is still far behind other countries, especially in remote area such as NTB, NTT, Papua and many other countries.
Argument : The bacwardness of education in these areas is due to the unequal education in Indonesia. The government only builds educational facilities in Urban areas, especially in Java. Not only about educational facilities, the limited number of teachers in the area also contributes to the furhter distance access to education in the regions.
Reiteration : Finally, the education in Indonesia is not evenly distributor and trends to be left behind, so it is not get able to compete with other countries in the world.
Syita Fitryadesy
Argument Text /
Analytical (used to find in collom of opini) & hortatory expotition (giving suggestion at the end)
Generic Structure :
1. Thesis (introducing the issues)
2. Argument (Explaining the argument)
3. Reiteration (Repetation and give solutions)
Linguistics features :
1. Relational procces = firstly, secondly, then, after that
2. Internal conjunction = and, so, but.
3. Casual conjunction = because, before, after
4. Obligate to use simple present tense in order to relevant
Rissa Asmaul Khusna (216121048) 1B
Argumentation text commonly caleed analitycal and hortatory text. but analitycal and hortatory text have difference. in analitycal just contain the arguments about a issue without a reiteration/recomndation, while hortatory contain the arguments and the reiteration/recomnedation too.
generic structure of argumentation text:
1. thesis
2. argumnentation
Linguistics Features
1. Using Relatinal Process
2. Using internal conjunction
3. Using causal conjunction
4. Using simple present tense
5. Using compound and complex sentence
6. Use word that link Argument
this video is very helpfull for me to know the difference betweet analitycal and hortatory and also the explanation about the generic srtucture and lunguistic featues is so easy to understand.
Fitroh naqiyah
Class 1E
Analytical exposition is a text that elaborates the writer's idea about the phenomenon surrounding .
Purpose : to expose and defend the argument using relevant sourves and evidences.
Generic structure :
1 Thesis
2 argument
3 reiteration
Linguistics featured :
1. Using relational process.
2. Using internal conjunction
3. Using casual conjunction
4. Using simple present tense
5. Using word that link argument and reasoning through casual conjunction.
Ardhea Almayra Putri
Class 1E
Analytical Exposition is a text that elaborates the writer's idea about the phenomenon surrounding to persuade the reader that the idea is important matter by developing an argument to support it. The purposes of Analytical Exposition is to expose and defend the argument using relevant sources and evidences.
Generic Structure:
1. Thesis: Introducing the topic and indicating the writer's point of view.
2. Argument: Explaining the argument to support the writer's position.
3. Reiteration: Restating the writer's poiny of view and give a recommendation.
Fachri Nurfaizi | 206121205 | PBI 1F
Aftermarket muffler should be use on track only
Some peoples always adore how beautiful the sound of Race car or race bike is. The sound when it on idle state and when the it reving. But thats the sound of 4 cylinder engine in motorcycle and 6 cylinder V or more in race car. when the aftermarket muffler is installed on 1 or 2 cylinder moto or 4 cylinder car, its just a loud sound. there is no harmony when the engine is reving.
Argument 1
Firstly, motorcylce is a common ride for our people. everyday we've seen many kind of motorcycle from many factory. but the thing is, it feel boring if the muffler doesnt sound loud for some people. on the other hand, there are people who doesnt like the loud sound coming from the muffler. imagine being on your 40s-50s, sitting on your yard, enjoying the nature. and suddenly, some boys with their motorcycles with aftermarket muffler passing by your residence. that would be so disturbing. and thats the point, the muffler produce disturbing sound since it so loud
Argument 2
Secondly, it broke the law. in one of our law it stated that the sound of a muffler cant exceed 80 dB for 175cc engine and 83 dB for above 175cc engine (Peraturan Menteri Negara Lingkungan Hidup nomor 7 tahun 2009). because these type of muffler doesnt use any catalyst and dB Killer, it mean that the engine produce raw sound since the exhaust is a straight pipe.
Argument 3
Last but not least, the muffler isnt proper for daily use. the muffler will disturb other rider and driver especially when you're at the red light. the sound can distract other rider attention from the road. you should use the muffler on track only because no one in there except you.
From the elaboration above, we can conclude that aftermarket muffler should be use on track only.
Irvianinda Fatkhiatur Rohmah_206121073_PBI_1B
Should Students Take Part Time Job
Thesis:Working and going to school is challenging, it can be a rewarding experience if you use some foresight. However, you’d better think a hundred times before you decide to take a part time job. There are a lot of things that should be factored in on the decision to take a part time job.
Argument 1:On the negative side, working and still maintaining a good grade at school is not an easy task. Having less time for schoolwork becomes the main negative effect. Consequently, many students who work part time fail to perform at their best both on schoolwork and on examinations. Moreover, a part- time job can really interfere with the students’ free time. It also cuts into their studies and/or social life.
Argument 2:On the positive side of things, a part time job helps students to support day to day living expenses. Working can be a valuable part of a student’s life, if taken on responsibly. Students can derive a great deal from working, considerably more than just money. In most cases, they can acquire a nice dose of discipline and a whole new set of skills and experiences. Another benefit of part- time work is the opportunity to expand the resume. Ideally, a student should try to find a job that is related in some way to his/her selected fi eld of study. But even not, a student can still gain some work experience and develop skills.
Reiteration:Working takes a lot of time and energy, so students need to make sure to be able to handle both employment and their current commitments. Finally, if you are considering working parttime, talk to your school counsellor to discuss this move. Simply explain your goals to someone else can help you make decisions and figure out your priorities.
Mufida Fauzia, 206121240 ,PBI 1 G
The importance of books
Someone say that “ when you open a book , you open a new world.” Books is something that can take you to a new place , it can take you anywhere. Books filled with knowledge , life lesson , and many other things. There’s a reasons why you should reading book.
(Argument 1)
First , book is a cognitive exercise.Ken Pugh , director of research at the Yale - affiliated Haskins Laboratories said that “People are clearly reading fewer books now than they used to , and that has to have a cost because we know book reading is very good cognitive exercise , ” By concentrating on the words and storyline , it stimulates your brain and cognitive function. This simulation can help sharpen your mind.
(Argument 2)
Second , fiction books can improves social skills.According to the New York Times, a study published in the journal Science has revealed that after reading excerpts from literary fiction (like Anton Chekhov and Lydia Davis), subjects performed better on tests measuring empathy, social perception, and emotional intelligence.
(Argument 3)
Third , books can lower stress level. By reading a novel can help solve the stress issues by letting your mind and body to relax. When you reading a novel , you'll focuss on the storyline not on your stress.
In conclusion , books is very important because it can be intertaining and educating. Reading a book is very beneficial in all aspects of our lives.
Avinda Defiana 206121047 PBI 1B
We have to make efforts to pick out the trash. Trash is unwanted residual material after the end of a process. There are many types, ranging from natural trash, consumption trash, to industrial trash. Trash that accumulates can cause bad problems, whether for humans, animals or the environment.
(Argument 1)
Trash not only damages environmental sustainability, but also disturbs public health. Pollution that can be through air, water, soil, or contact with other organisms can cause disease. The direct impact reduces the quality of the environment. This can have an effect on human life and health. Trash can be a source of disease, become a nest for mosquitoes and cause unpleasant odors to the environment and even its existence can damage nature.
(Argument 2)
Information obtained from the KLHK (Ministry of Environment and Forestry), said that the average person in Indonesia produces 0.7 kg of trash per day and waste piles throughout Indonesia reach 65.8 million tons per year. However, as much as 24% is still unmanaged. Unmanaged organic trash, apart from causing unpleasant odors and disturbing aesthetics, is also a medium for vector and rodent breeding. Therefore it is necessary to make efforts to overcome this.
(Argument 3)
The trash problem should be a concern, and all elements of society can work together to be part of the solution to this problem, one of which is by sorting trash. Efforts that can be done are in the form of collection of packaging trash that aims to educate and shape the community's habit of sorting trash to support packaging waste recycling. Because there is also trash that has value and benefits.
By sorting the trash, it can minimize the bad impact of garbage accumulation. In practice it must be done by all parties in order to achieve the goal.
Nama : Faradilla Tasniin Al Madjid
NIM : 206121058
Kelas : 1B PBI
Have you ever blown food or a hot beverage? Most people often blow on hot food. This was done on the grounds that food would cool off quickly and could be enjoyed immediately. However, such habits can have a negative effect on our physical health.
Argument 1
In the religious view, Islam clearly promotes a culture that includes eating and drinking, that is, you must not blow out food or hot drinks because it can harm your body's health.
Argument 2
For cooling food will bring us a blessing in itself. Furthermore, health experts say that blowing hot food will cause bacteria or viruses coming from the mouth to pass on foods that will be consumed. As a result, we are susceptible to diseases caused by these viruses.
Therefore, the custom of blowing hot food must be to prevent our bodies from escaping bodily harmful diseases. We can wait for cold food or water first before consuming it.
Anindita Yarsista Candradevi (216121136)
Class : PBI 1E
Review :
Argumentation text / Analytical and Hortatory Exposition
Analytical Exposition is a text that elaborates the writer's idea about the phenomenon surrounding.
Purposes : to expose and defend the argument using relevant sources and evidences.
Generic structure :
1. Thesis
2. Argument
3. Reiteration
Firdausi Nandang Sukowati
Analytical exposition is a text that elaborates the writer's idea about the phenomenon surrounding.
Generic structure:
Name : Pratiwi Kusumajati
Class : 1G PBI
NIM : 206121238
the impact of social media today
Social media is something that has become an obligation at this time, where the economic, education, and even health sectors use social media as an intermediary to facilitate society and also during this pandemic, social media is very influential in life today and in the future.
Social media can be backfire for those who are not wise in using it, many of us encounter today, cases of children involved in defamation cases, because they comment loudly about their idols on someone's social media, to the point that they have to dealing with the police, even though he was still in elementary school.
Social media can be an effective way to build a business, nowadays there are almost a lot of online businesses available, just by opening an online shopping application looking for items that suit your taste and costs, then in a matter of minutes the transaction is complete, online business can also become a job side for a student and even an employee, because it can be done anywhere and anytime.
in the current situation, learning from elementary school to university uses online media and face-to-face virtually, this is an effort to prevent transmission of covid19 but the effectiveness of learning is reduced, because many lessons are not obtained through online learning, for example ways to respect other people and also learning discussion was less effective.
For children who are underage, there must be supervision from parents so that their children can use it properly and for those of us who are able to sort out what is good and bad, we should use social media wisely.
Name : Laella Chomsah Le Giolist
NIM : 216121132
Class : 1E/PBI
Review :
Analytical exposition is a text that elaborates the writer's idea about the phenomenon surrounding
Purpose : to expose and defend the argument using relevant sources and evidences
Structure :
1. Thesis
2. Argument
3. Reiteration
That explanation is very clear and easy to understand
Nama: Arfiani Nur Halimah
Nim: 206121179
Class: PBI 1E
Indonesian Education Now
THESIS: Education is a form of factor which can reflect how’s the country looks like, Development or developing? Indonesia is the developing country. We are not a poor country like others countries in the Africa continent. Based on the fact, The education which as the main factor to build the great generation.
ARGUMENT 1: Education is the strongest way to be survive, as the key to assesses of someone’s successes. On the scope of the state, education is the main instrument in the formation of future generation. The success of a country depends on the quality of Human Resources. Indonesia, with one of the ideals contained in the preamble of the 1945 Constitution, as like paragraph 4 “the intellectual life of the nation“ as the promise of independence. And the only exeptions to reach that goal is a knowledge.
ARGUMENT 2: But in 2010 there are 1.080.000 student quited their study because of the high cost education. There prefer to not study and work to make a money rto survve their life. This is a bad situation if Indonesia wants to be developed country, We must get the better education first.
ARGUMENT 3: The Infrastructure being the second problems that Indonesia have in education sector. This is so pity by seeing the region in the east of Indonesia that students there cannot go to school comfortably and they get only a broken facility in their school, like roof, floor, and also chair and board the school have.
ARGUMENT 4: The third is when looking the uneven distribution education in every region in Indonesia. Not all the city can have the equals education. Means in the small village and compare to big cities is totally different in all the aspect.
REITERATION: So this is the homework of government to solve the problemor case in education sector in purpose to get better place in Indonesia especially Education.
Name : Mirza Aqliyan A.W
NIM : 216121037
Class : 1B PBI
Analytical exposition is a text that elaborates the writer's idea about the phenomenon surrounding .
Purpose : to expose and defend the argument using relevant sourves and evidences.
Generic structure :
1 Thesis : Introduction the topic
2 Argument : Explaining the argument
3 Reiteration : Restarting writer's point of view
Linguistics featured :
1. Using relational process.
2. Using internal conjunction
3. Using casual conjunction
4. Using simple present tense
5. Using word that link argument.
Khalida Zahwa_206121249_1G
Global warming has become a hot issue in most parts of the world. Every country is seeking alternative solutions to reduce the rise in global warming. Global warming is due to a number of human fault factors.
Argument 1
The greenhouse effect played a major role in global warming. This phenomenon is a term for the planetary warming process. The heat collected from the earth is trapped by gases in the atmosphere. This causes the heat to be reflected back at the earth's surface rather than forwarded into space. The excessive greenhouse effect would have disrupted the climate.
Argument 2
Global warming is also the result of one lifestyle error - electrical waste. Electricity energy savings are not only meant to save costs, but also to prevent global warming
Argument 3
Another major factor is motor vehicle pollution. Motor vehicles mostly fuel fuel. This results in wasteful exhaust of carbon dioxide gas. This gas played a major role in the amount of heat that would otherwise have gone into space. The more carbon dioxide gases there are on earth, the more threatening global warming will be.
A reduction in global warming should be a Shared responsibility for all earth's inhabitants. Therefore, it would be better if every person on earth thought about and applied alternative solutions to reducing global warming
nama : Andini Fitri Cahyani
NIM : 206121161
kelas : PBI 1E
Thesis : The Java Day Program carried out has many positive and negative impacts. When viewed from the positive impact, namely using Javanese language in communicating, Javanese culture will certainly not be easily lost to the times.
Argument1 : Even more so when considering the current condition where most of the young generation who come from Java cannot even use the Javanese language. This of course is caused by several factors, such as the environment in which they live, not practicing the habit of using Javanese.
Argument2 : So that if on an occasion you have to interact with the outside environment using Javanese language, you can be sure that communication will be hampered.
Reiteration : However, when viewed from the negative impact of Java Day, there is a high probability that this program could pose a very big risk. This is because students who study on the island of Java are not all native Javanese. Because of course there are many students from outside Java who cannot speak Javanese, so it hinders them from receiving lesson information.
Nama : imroatin afifah lutfiah
Nim : 206121232
Kelas : 1G
Yasmin Latufa Wardani 216121127
Argumentation text/ analytical and hortatory eksposition
Argumentation text be interpreted as text whose contents are dominated by the argument of the author on an issue
Generic structure = 1. Thesis 2. Argument 3. Reiteration
Lalu Muhammad Helmy Suryadi
Argumentative text is a text where the author writers an opinion In favor of one argumentation is also called exposition
Tugas :
Nama : Annas Khoiru Wiguna
NIM :206121200
Kelas : 1F
The importance of books
Someone say that"when you open a book, you open a new world". Books is something that can take you to a new place, it can take you anywhere. Books filled with knowledge, life lesson, and many other things. There's a reasons why you should reading book
(Argument 1)
First, book is a cognitive exercise. Ken Pugh, director of research at the Yale-affiliated Haskins Laboratories said the that has to have a cost because we know book reading is very good cognitive exercise," By concentrating on the words and storyline, it stimulation can help sharpen your mind.
(Argument 2)
Second, fiction books can improves social skills. According to the New York Times, a study published in the journal Science has revealed that after reading excerpts from literary fiction (like Anton Chekhov and Lydia Davis), subjects performed better on test measuring empathy, social perception, and emotional intelligence.
(Argument 3)
Third, books can lower stress level. By reading a novel can help solve the stress issues by letting your mind and body to relax. When you reading a novel, you'll focuss on the storyline not on your stress.
In conclusion, books is very important because it can be intertaining and educating. Reading a book is very benefical in all aspects of our lives
Fadhilla Agustin Rahmayandani
Tegar Nur Sapitri
The behavior of teenagers nowadays has deviated far from the moral values prevailing in society. This is due to several factors, such as the lack of filtering of western culture entering Indonesia. The cultures that enter are considered examples of good life and are made into a new habit by today's youth.
What is unfortunate is that the behavior that is imitated is the bad behavior of the western culture, for example free sex, drugs and so on. The second factor is the lack of knowledge of religious knowledge by teenagers. In fact, religious knowledge is very important and useful, because it can control oneself to avoid a despicable act. The last one is the lack of supervision from parents. Parents are very responsible for the behavior and interactions of their children.
Parents who do not care about their children can cause them to feel unloved so that they seek that affection outside the family which tends to be negative and of course artificial, such as drinking alcohol, night clubs, drugs and even free sex. As a result, the behavior of teenagers today does not reflect the noble culture of our nation with existing values and norms.
Nama: Alia Ghina Farihah
Kelas: 1G
NIM: 206121234
Tesis: Every human being has her own problems and stress levels, both from the way she thinks, the way she deals with a problem, the way she finds a way out. problems are things that are definitely inherent in humans since she was born, but in every human being has her own level of stress in the problems they face, here it is necessary to have other people's relationships to help him deal with his problems, such as listening to stories, understanding the situation, or comfort her, with the aim of helping reduce her stress
Argument 1: Stress is an individual's adaptive response to various external pressures or demands and produces various disorders including: physical, emotional, and behavioral disorders. (Goliszek, 2005: 1) Stress is a condition of mind and body, physical and psychological condition of a person who cannot function normally. so according to him stress is a mistake in thinking patterns that are too deep, in my opinion stress is caused by the impact of the environment, other people's words, a hurt heart, chaotic thoughts, and another one is fatigue.
Argument 2: According to the journal Unmul, environmental stress is a characteristic of a stressor or environmental stimulus that causes pressure on a person, the stimulus is a stimulus that threatens someone from nature. So stress can result in mental and mental pressure on someone who feels hurt and feels overwhelmed by people and the environment.
Argument 3: quoted by wikipedia, namely sociopsychological factors, namely factors that affect a person's attitude due to psychological factors (psychic), such as in the example of someone who is accustomed to social situations and someone who only chooses to be alone will have different behavior in everyday life, in my opinion, this is influenced by psychological factors experienced by each of these people because one person is accustomed to socializing, to face something or in his daily life he is more cheerful and more courageous but is different from people who like to be alone in their behavior, they will certainly feel embarrassed in doing something or he is more quiet when in a crowded environment. Those are some examples related to factors that influence a person's behavior. Because of the pressure felt there are many dangerous factors that can be experienced by humans, such as excessive trauma, self-playing, selfharm, self-isolation, and even suicide. the need for "mutual respect" is very necessary in human life, because basically every human being has feelings and thoughts, and every human being is obliged to control himself, like what he says, what he does to others, so as not to hurt his mind or physical, and not psychologically disturbing or damaging other people psychologically, which in essence everyone has their own limits to stress. Some are only snapped feeling depressed, some are hit feeling depressed, or just pinching them feel depressed, well from that, the "mutual respect" of others is necessary, so there is a saying and knowledge about •HUMAN BEING•
Reiteration: So I suggest you respect other people's feelings, because it is necessary, if you want to refuse, you can say that you refuse, because you also have the right to refuse if you feel uncomfortable. because basically something that is well spoken of is something that is not wrong, and if you want to help someone who is under stress, do what you can. And if you feel uncomfortable, don't blame others just for looking right. keeps other people's feelings going, why? because other people will also take care of your feelings, because every human being must have their own problems, if you don't want to, I will emphasize again reject it, that's also your right, if you can help please help, because psychological healing of people can only be done if people has good faith in the right person, whom he can trust.
intan garnita putri
New Habit Adaptation Period (New Normal)
The adaptation of new habits is a health protocol that must be carried out by all levels of society in order to break the chain of the spread of Covid-19. Of course, various health protocols must be followed and obeyed in their implementation. What are they and why should we do it? Here is the explanation.
Argument 1
The first thing that remains to be done is to avoid physical contact. Because the main spread of the virus that causes Covid-19 is physical contact. Viruses cannot live in the open air, but can live in the hands or clothes that we wear for a while. At that time, the virus can move from one person to another who comes in contact with it.
Argument 2
Then washing hands can kill viruses that we can get from touching other objects or people. Hands are the part of our body that comes in contact with foreign objects the most. Therefore, washing hands is one of the main things that must be done during the adaptation period of new habits
So it's a good idea to comply with various health protocols for the adaptation of new habits which include: maintaining distance, avoiding physical contact, traveling less, wearing masks in crowds, and always be diligent in washing hands and staying healthy. Not just for yourself but for everyone.
In addition you can tell the difference of analytical and hortatory
Nama : Muhammad Rizal Pahlevi
Nim/class: 206121251/ 1G PBI
Electric cars as a solution to reducing pollution from fossil energy use
The Indonesian electric car is a relatively new technology, but outside Indonesia it is already being used in place of the use of conventional or fossil-fuel engines. It can be called an internal-combation machine and a more environmentally friendly one.
It’s true that electric cars have a huge advantage but on the other side of electric cars. It can also become more polluting the environment, as electric cars take in energy sources from electricity and electricity from coal that can pollute the environment more than conventional machines.
On the other side of the car with a conventional or internal engine combation had something no one could find in the electric car, which was the most peculiar sound and roar of the engine, and was unique in a unique way from the electric car. This keeps the conventional car loose and continues to exist even though electric cars may one day become replacements for conventional cars. But even if people wanted to he would have both cars because they had something unique and could be something more. And usually automobile lovers or petrolhead prefer to own both cars because they know that each car has a distinct soul and a sense of its own.
But to make or support the performance of electric car programs is not easy because electric cars are still subject to battery consumption or battery energy that can travel only a certain distance and would be reduced to the value of electric cars. In addition, if the technology is brought to Indonesia, it will be scarce because Indonesia still has room to recharge batteries or energy from electric cars. The lack of infrastructure in Indonesia about electric cars makes its own minus one because it would be a critical lack because the lack of infrastructure in Indonesia has yet to support electric car technology.
From a lack of infrastructure in Indonesia to receive this technology for electric cars. But if the government and all its governments are willing to build infrastructure and this is done then nothing is impossible if the roads of Indonesia will be flooded with electric cars and none of them will stop the use of conventional cars to die because they will continue to share the unique sound and soul of the petrolhead or the automotive lover.
Nama: Arfiani Nur Halimah
Nim: 206121179
Kelas: PBI 1E
Nama : Muhammad Rizal Pahlevi
Kelas : PBI 1G
Nim. : 206121251
*Electric cars as a solution to* reducing pollution from fossil energy use
The Indonesian electric car is a relatively new technology, but outside Indonesia it is already being used in place of the use of conventional or fossil-fuel engines. It can be called an internal-combation machine and a more environmentally friendly one.
It’s true that electric cars have a huge advantage but on the other side of electric cars. It can also become more polluting the environment, as electric cars take in energy sources from electricity and electricity from coal that can pollute the environment more than conventional machines.
On the other side of the car with a conventional or internal engine combation had something no one could find in the electric car, which was the most peculiar sound and roar of the engine, and was unique in a unique way from the electric car. This keeps the conventional car loose and continues to exist even though electric cars may one day become replacements for conventional cars. But even if people wanted to he would have both cars because they had something unique and could be something more. And usually automobile lovers or petrolhead prefer to own both cars because they know that each car has a distinct soul and a sense of its own.
But to make or support the performance of electric car programs is not easy because electric cars are still subject to battery consumption or battery energy that can travel only a certain distance and would be reduced to the value of electric cars. In addition, if the technology is brought to Indonesia, it will be scarce because Indonesia still has room to recharge batteries or energy from electric cars. The lack of infrastructure in Indonesia about electric cars makes its own minus one because it would be a critical lack because the lack of infrastructure in Indonesia has yet to support electric car technology.
From a lack of infrastructure in Indonesia to receive this technology for electric cars. But if the government and all its governments are willing to build infrastructure and this is done then nothing is impossible if the roads of Indonesia will be flooded with electric cars and none of them will stop the use of conventional cars to die because they will continue to share the unique sound and soul of the petrolhead or the automotive lover.
Nur Sari Dewi H
Kelas : PBI 1E
Nama : Mifta Khuljanah
Kelas : PBI 1E
NIM : 206121155
Madarina Hikmah Nst_206121055_1B PBI
Zhaqinah Widiastuti_1G(206121245)
Name : Sri Ensiwi Rahayu Ningsih
Class : PBI 1B
NIM : 206121048
Dani Ahmad Haidar
Equitable quality of education in Indonesia can be said to be very uneven. In general, the quality of education in urban areas is superior to areas that are far from urban or remote areas. This condition is supported by city facilities that are more adequate than remote areas. This makes many remote areas difficult to develop.
As mentioned above, the facilities provided in the city area are more adequate. For example, several well-known universities in Indonesia, such as Gadjah Mada University, Bandung Institute of Technology, University of Indonesia, Surabaya Institute of Technology, and Padjajaran University. The five universities are located in urban areas. Thus, the people of the city can get easy access to proper education. Meanwhile, people in remote areas, they need to migrate to get access to proper education like those in the five universities.
Not to mention the addition of other very complete supporting facilities such as libraries, educational recreation, and other supporting facilities owned by urban areas. Even the city community is also supported by other supporting access, such as roads and public transportation. For the most part, these facilities are not owned by people in remote areas.
The unequal quality of education in Indonesia can be influenced by many factors. However, the main cause of the inequality of education in Indonesia is due to the facilities for obtaining this education. City areas have a lot of access and easy access to education. The opposite condition occurs in remote areas. Efforts should be made to make education equitable in Indonesia. One effort that can be done is to build facilities and easy access to all regions in Indonesia.
Task Putri Alifatul-206121229-PBI 1G :
Watching scary or horor movies needs to be prohibited for children in under 10 years. A well known study by Harrison and Cantor of the University of Wisconsin shoss that allowed the younger child to watch scary movies gonna make a several negative impact. (TESIS)
The first Is health problems which can cause the heart attack by a trombosis when children watched scary movies.
The second negative impact Is psycological disorder that so dangerous for children. It Is like a sleeplessness beacuse they had a nightmare, also develop they grow older with some trauma or anxiety, phobia when they already adulthood, they more likely to have decreasing emotional responses.
The study in 1999 shows that 52 percent of children had a harder time for sleeping
The third impact Is the social environment that presenting terrorism actions. (ARGUMENTATION)
Parents should understand the main content of the movies and make a decision whether their children should be allowed to watch it or not. (REITERATION)
Nama : Fatiha Yasmin Nabila
NIM : 206121042
Kelas : PBI 1B
Motorbikes should be banned in Housing Areas
Motorbikes are considered as a nuisance and one of major causes of great distress. Although motorbikes are considered as one of the most convenient forms of transportation, I think they are dangerous to humans, animals as well as the environment. I think motorbikes should be banned in housing areas due to the following reasons which are the cause of unreasonable amounts of noise, air pollution, diseases, and accidents.
Argument 1
First of all, I would like to point out that motorbikes are a major contributor to the pollution in the world. Research has shown that motorbikes emit a deadly gas that is dangerous for the environment. As a result, the long-term emission of gas that motorbikes produce becomes a major contributor of global warming (Science Daily).
Argument 2
Secondly, according to BBC News Channel, motorbikes are also responsible for causing disease such as bronchitis, cancer, asthma, and high blood pressure.
Argument 3
Finally, motorbikes are responsible for horrible accidents in which in some cases there are deaths. The riders go so fast that they are unable to stop on time and end up hitting other people or animals. Fields (1993) states that motorbikes are known to be the biggest killers on the road.
In conclusion, from the arguments above, I strongly believe that motorbikes should be banned in housing areas.
Rassiyani Dwi Yuliana 206121069
Relocation of the capital city of Jakarta to Kalimantan
Efforts to move the capital city of Indonesia began in 2019 during the presidency of Joko Widodo. Through a limited government meeting on April 29, 2019, Joko Widodo decided to move the nation's capital outside Java Island. The relocation of the capital city is contained in the 2020-2024 National Medium-Term Development Plan. On August 26, 2019, President Joko Widodo announced that a new capital city would be built in the administrative areas of North Penajam Paser Regency and Kutai Kartanegara Regency, East Kalimantan.
As law-abiding citizens of Indonesia, we should naturally support the plan to move the capital city of Jakarta to Kalimantan. Before the transfer was carried out, there must have been good planning from the government. The positive and negative impacts of moving the capital city must also have been very carefully considered.
Jakarta as the capital city is currently very dense and has a fast population growth, it is hoped that by moving the capital city of Jakarta to Kalimantan there will be an even distribution of population growth.
In addition, President Jokowi said that one of the reasons for choosing Kalimantan as the new capital was the minimal risk of natural disasters such as the earthquake and tsunami in Kalimantan. This will certainly be a positive impact on moving the capital city.
Those are some reasons why Kalimantan is suitable as the new capital. If the capital city of a country is stable, the stability of the country will be better maintained.
Rosyiana Mutmainnah 206121051 PBI 1B
I'm sorry sir, I thought I had collected it before, but my comment was not sent
Equitable Education in Indonesia
Equitable quality of education in Indonesia can be said to be very uneven. In general, the quality of education in urban areas is superior to areas that are far from urban or remote areas. This condition is supported by city facilities that are more adequate than remote areas. This makes many remote areas difficult to develop.
Body of Argument:
As mentioned above, the facilities provided in the city area are more adequate. For example, several well-known universities in Indonesia, such as Gadjah Mada University, Bandung Institute of Technology, University of Indonesia, Surabaya Institute of Technology, and Padjajaran University. The five universities are located in urban areas. Thus, the people of the city get easy access to a proper education. Meanwhile, people in remote areas, they need to migrate to get access to proper education like those in the five universities.
This is not to mention the addition of other very complete supporting facilities such as libraries, educational recreation, and other supporting facilities that are owned by urban areas. Even the city community is also supported by other supporting access, such as roads and public transportation. For the most part, these facilities are not owned by people in remote areas.
The unequal quality of education in Indonesia can be influenced by many factors. However, the main cause of the inequality of education in Indonesia is due to the facilities for obtaining this education. City areas have a lot of access and easy access to education. The opposite condition occurs in remote areas. Efforts should be made to make education equitable in Indonesia. One effort that can be done is to build facilities and easy access to all regions in Indonesia
Vina Oktaviani Dwi P_206121225_1G
The salary of Indonesian workers with the energy and time spent is not commensurate. This is proven when they only get a very minimal wage from the factory where they work or, moreover, a factory owned by a foreign company if it is calculated from the product profit earned by the factory owner. Even their purchasing power for their own production goods is still very low. ( tesis)
In the 17th century AD, a German economist named Karl Marx for the first time made observations of European workers at a time when the phenomenon of the industrial revolution in Europe was in full swing. He criticized that the wages received by workers were irrelevant to the energy they spent. This is due to the exploitation of the bourgeoisie against the proletariat. ( Argument 1)
We are still witnessing the conditions of European labor in the 17th century in Indonesia. Sadly, even though the government monitors the massive exploitation by the owners of capital, there are still no more actions for the welfare of local workers because the government does not have the authority to control the company. Indonesia is still based on the ideology of shifting towards capitalism, so indeed government control of foreign companies is very difficult. ( Argument 2)
The alternative offered is by suppressing the growth of foreign companies in the country, issuing laws that differentiate the wages of foreign factory workers from local factories, and imposing different taxes between foreign and local-owned companies. This step will suppress the level of production of foreign companies and will increase the level of production of local companies which will affect the economic rate and welfare of Indonesian workers. ( reiteration)
Name : Eka Oktafiano
Class : PBI IE
Nim : 206121180
Rafi Arga Ramadhan
206121241 PBI 1G
Thesis : the online school is not efective indonesia if they will make it permanent.
Argument : in indonesia, only small area are covered with good signal of internet and not all of student joining the online school with the Wi-Fi so the students who do not have that previlliges will be harder to consentrate with the matery who the teacher give, and it will be cost much expensive to join study online if the students use the mobile data or someting like that.
Reiteration : the online school is not effective in indonesia if they make it permanent, there is still have a previllige to the student who are live in good signal areas and use Wi-Fi for online school and the other side, the students who do not have that will be harder to consentrate to learn the material.
Name : Avista Eka Audila
Class : PBI 1E
NIM : 206121151
Nama: Ivany Oktanur Ardany
NIM : 206121242
Kelas : PBI IG
Tugas :
Aulive Diandra Cahayu_206121060_1B_PBI
Every human being has her own problems and stress levels, both from the way she thinks, the way she deals with a problem, the way she finds a way out. problems are things that are definitely inherent in humans since she was born, but in every human being has her own level of stress in the problems they face, here it is necessary to have other people's relationships to help him deal with his problems, such as listening to stories, understanding the situation, or comfort her, with the aim of helping reduce her stress
Argument 1
Stress is an individual's adaptive response to various external pressures or demands and produces various disorders including: physical, emotional, and behavioral disorders. (Goliszek, 2005: 1) Stress is a condition of mind and body, physical and psychological condition of a person who cannot function normally. so according to him stress is a mistake in thinking patterns that are too deep, in my opinion stress is caused by the impact of the environment, other people's words, a hurt heart, chaotic thoughts, and another one is fatigue.
Argument 2
According to the journal Unmul, environmental stress is a characteristic of a stressor or environmental stimulus that causes pressure on a person, the stimulus is a stimulus that threatens someone from nature. So stress can result in mental and mental pressure on someone who feels hurt and feels overwhelmed by people and the environment.
Argument 3
quoted by wikipedia, namely sociopsychological factors, namely factors that affect a person's attitude due to psychological factors (psychic), such as in the example of someone who is accustomed to social situations and someone who only chooses to be alone will have different behavior in everyday life, in my opinion, this is influenced by psychological factors experienced by each of these people because one person is accustomed to socializing, to face something or in his daily life he is more cheerful and more courageous but is different from people who like to be alone in their behavior, they will certainly feel embarrassed in doing something or he is more quiet when in a crowded environment. Those are some examples related to factors that influence a person's behavior.
Because of the pressure felt there are many dangerous factors that can be experienced by humans, such as excessive trauma, self-playing, selfharm, self-isolation, and even suicide. the need for "mutual respect" is very necessary in human life, because basically every human being has feelings and thoughts, and every human being is obliged to control himself, like what he says, what he does to others, so as not to hurt his mind or physical, and not psychologically disturbing or damaging other people psychologically, which in essence everyone has their own limits to stress.
Some are only snapped feeling depressed, some are hit feeling depressed, or just pinching them feel depressed, well from that, the "mutual respect" of others is necessary, so there is a saying and knowledge about •HUMAN BEING•
So I suggest you respect other people's feelings, because it is necessary, if you want to refuse, you can say that you refuse, because you also have the right to refuse if you feel uncomfortable.
because basically something that is well spoken of is something that is not wrong, and if you want to help someone who is under stress, do what you can. And if you feel uncomfortable, don't blame others just for looking right. keeps other people's feelings going, why? because other people will also take care of your feelings, because every human being must have their own problems, if you don't want to, I will emphasize again reject it, that's also your right, if you can help please help, because psychological healing of people can only be done if people has good faith in the right person, whom he can trust.
Herda Nur Sita Resmi
Working and going to school is challenging, it can be a rewarding experience if you use some foresight. However, you’d better think a hundred times before you decide to take a part time job. There are a lot of things that should be factored in on the decision to take a part time job.
On the negative side, working and still maintaining a good grade at school is not an easy task. Having less time for schoolwork becomes the main negative effect. Consequently, many students who work part time fail to perform at their best both on schoolwork and on examinations. Moreover, a part- time job can really interfere with the students’ free time. It also cuts into their studies and/or social life.
On the positive side of things, a part time job helps students to support day to day living expenses. Working can be a valuable part of a student’s life, if taken on responsibly. Students can derive a great deal from working, considerably more than just money. In most cases, they can acquire a nice dose of discipline and a whole new set of skills and experiences. Another benefit of part- time work is the opportunity to expand the resume. Ideally, a student should try to find a job that is related in some way to his/her selected fi eld of study. But even not, a student can still gain some work experience and develop skills.
Working takes a lot of time and energy, so students need to make sure to be able to handle both employment and their current commitments. Finally, if you are considering working parttime, talk to your school counsellor to discuss this move. Simply explain your goals to someone else can help you make decisions and figure out your prioritas
Nama: Devina Hajar P
NIM: 206121218
Kelas: PBI 1F
Much of our learning takes place outside the classroom. We learn how to maintain budgets, forge friendships, develop business relationships, and more. Imagine extending those skills on a global level. We would immediately cease to believe the world only contains the people and things we can see but, rather, a wide variety of opinions, customs, beliefs, and ethics. This is why every college-level student must study abroad during their undergraduate years. They will learn more in that semester abroad than in any other academic year.
[Argument 1]
According to IES Abroad, a company that encourages students to become international leaders, students who study abroad are more likely to be accepted into the graduate degree program of their choice. In fact, 90% of students who studied abroad with IES are admitted to their first or second choice for graduate school.
[Argument 2]
Beyond college, students who study abroad will be better equipped to succeed in the workplace. Their broadened worldview will help them relate to their co-workers, especially in a worldwide organization. This increased scope of knowledge allows 25% of students who study abroad to receive higher starting salaries. That is clear evidence that their experiences and views are valued by employers.
[Argument 3]
In spite of all these benefits, some parents simply will not allow their children to study abroad. A portion will argue that it is not safe. Others will argue that studying abroad costs too much money. In these cases, it is important to take a look at one semester’s financial aid statement. How much does it cost to be a student at a local university? When tuition, housing, textbooks, transportation, and meal plans are considered, it becomes difficult to argue that there’s a stark difference in the cost of a semester at home versus a semester abroad.
Studying abroad will have long-lasting, positive implications on a student’s future as an academic and a professional. New windows of opportunity will be flung open the moment an undergraduate boards a plane. Why not make an appointment with the study abroad center at your university? You have nothing to lose by starting a conversation today.
Aliffia Rizka Rahmadhani_206121009_PBI 5A_Discourse Analysis and Language Teaching
Mutiara Hasnatuz Dzakiyah (216121133)
Class: 1E/PBI
Analytical exposition is a text that elaborates the writer's idea about the phenomenon surrounding.
Generic structure:
Irvianinda Fatkhiatur Rohmah_206121073_PBI_1B
Should Students Take Part Time Job
Thesis:Working and going to school is challenging, it can be a rewarding experience if you use some foresight. However, you’d better think a hundred times before you decide to take a part time job. There are a lot of things that should be factored in on the decision to take a part time job.
Argument 1:On the negative side, working and still maintaining a good grade at school is not an easy task. Having less time for schoolwork becomes the main negative effect. Consequently, many students who work part time fail to perform at their best both on schoolwork and on examinations. Moreover, a part- time job can really interfere with the students’ free time. It also cuts into their studies and/or social life.
Argument 2:On the positive side of things, a part time job helps students to support day to day living expenses. Working can be a valuable part of a student’s life, if taken on responsibly. Students can derive a great deal from working, considerably more than just money. In most cases, they can acquire a nice dose of discipline and a whole new set of skills and experiences. Another benefit of part- time work is the opportunity to expand the resume. Ideally, a student should try to find a job that is related in some way to his/her selected fi eld of study. But even not, a student can still gain some work experience and develop skills.
Reiteration:Working takes a lot of time and energy, so students need to make sure to be able to handle both employment and their current commitments. Finally, if you are considering working parttime, talk to your school counsellor to discuss this move. Simply explain your goals to someone else can help you make decisions and figure out your priorities.
Dina Aprilia_206121173_PBI 1E
Diniar Indah Cahyani 206121062 PBI 1B
Tugas :
Nama : Annas Khoiru Wiguna
NIM :206121200
Kelas : 1F
The importance of books
Someone say that"when you open a book, you open a new world". Books is something that can take you to a new place, it can take you anywhere. Books filled with knowledge, life lesson, and many other things. There's a reasons why you should reading book
(Argument 1)
First, book is a cognitive exercise. Ken Pugh, director of research at the Yale-affiliated Haskins Laboratories said the that has to have a cost because we know book reading is very good cognitive exercise," By concentrating on the words and storyline, it stimulation can help sharpen your mind.
(Argument 2)
Second, fiction books can improves social skills. According to the New York Times, a study published in the journal Science has revealed that after reading excerpts from literary fiction (like Anton Chekhov and Lydia Davis), subjects performed better on test measuring empathy, social perception, and emotional intelligence.
(Argument 3)
Third, books can lower stress level. By reading a novel can help solve the stress issues by letting your mind and body to relax. When you reading a novel, you'll focuss on the storyline not on your stress.
In conclusion, books is very important because it can be intertaining and educating. Reading a book is very benefical in all aspects of our lives.
Nama: Puput Yuliyanti Pratiwi
Kelas: 1G
Nim: 206121235
Nama : achmad bayu setyawan
Nim : 206121256
Kelas : 1G
Anis khofifah khotim
Name : Adila Hasanah Al Kahfi
Class : PBI 1E
Nim : 206121157
Muhlishatul Amaliyah_206121233_1G
Nama: Aulia Amanda
Kelas: PBI 1EG
NIM: 206121237
NIM : 206121166
Nama : Oktaviani Taqwania Putri
Nim : 206121164
Kelas PBI 1 E
Name : Afiyah Destyarini
Class : PBI 1E
Nim : 206121174
Latifah Nur Rachmawati 206121050 PBI /1 B
Dyan Ajeng Setya Pratiwi_206121178_1E
Binta Nailil Munwaroh_PBI_1G_206121250
Nama: Rosalia Mega Artikarini
Kelas: PBI 1G
Nim: 206121243
Nama: Mita Utami
NIM: 206121183
Kelas: PBI 1E
Vina oktaviani_206121225_1G
Name : Aulia Febriyanti
Class : 1E
NIM : 206121176
Miranti Sukma dewi 206121059 PBI 1B
Name: Dimas Nalendra
Class : PBI 1E
NIM : 206121170
Nama:Nur Faizi
Kelas:PBI 1 E
NAMA : Dhevanny Azzahra Ali
NIM : 206121175
Trisnawati_206121065_PBI 1B
Nama : Faradilla Tasniin Al Madjid
NIM : 206121058
Kelas : 1B PBI
Name: Eliana Widyawati
Nama: Annisa Fathira Nur Cahyani
Kelas: PBI 1E
NIM: 206121167
Nama: Nur'aini Choirunnisa
Kelas: PBI 1B
NIM: 206121053
Nama : Rumani
NIM : 206121052
Sinta Nurhayati_206121231_PBI G
206131039_ Tegar Nur Sapitri_PBI 1B
Nama: Aisyah putri oktaviani
Kelas :1G
Nim :206121228
Nama :Esnan Yahya Putra-
NIM :206121043
Kls :PBI 1B
Hanif Nur Rohmah/206121171/PBI 1E
Nama: Evit Isnaini Nazilatur Rohmah
Kelas: PBI 1B
NIM: 206121049