.. i do that. Route weight relief pockets into the body ...along with wire Chase when I'm on the 2nd layer of body wood. Then i glue on the top layer and. Route out control cavity from the back. I don't like pickplates. So. None of them on my Builds. But i do use 2 ply wood veneer on the face of body to tie it all together. Then if possible. I buy quilt Maple veneer. And saple backer veneer and use that on top after the plain Maple 2 ply veneer .. but weight relief is a must in My builds because the Body is 17" across the "V" bottom. And 22" long. So. Most of my Guitars are about 8 lbs. With Floyd Rose trem with oversized brass block. And metal jackplate and .. well. Im lucky i can keep the weight down. ..
.. i do that. Route weight relief pockets into the body ...along with wire Chase when I'm on the 2nd layer of body wood. Then i glue on the top layer and. Route out control cavity from the back. I don't like pickplates. So. None of them on my Builds. But i do use 2 ply wood veneer on the face of body to tie it all together. Then if possible. I buy quilt Maple veneer. And saple backer veneer and use that on top after the plain Maple 2 ply veneer .. but weight relief is a must in My builds because the Body is 17" across the "V" bottom. And 22" long. So. Most of my Guitars are about 8 lbs. With Floyd Rose trem with oversized brass block. And metal jackplate and .. well. Im lucky i can keep the weight down. ..
I have no idea why the video is so blurry. It's crystal clear on my phone. Sorry.
Edit: Upload shenanigans. All better.