Looks a lovely place. Well worth another visit in better weather. I'd guess that the blue egg was a duck egg - very tasty. Two cameras this time - very adventurous. Good choice of music as always.
Hi Dave. The blue egg was a hen egg :). It was extremely tasty! I am having fun working with 2 cameras. It takes a little time to set up but gives plenty of options.
Looks a lovely place. Well worth another visit in better weather.
I'd guess that the blue egg was a duck egg - very tasty.
Two cameras this time - very adventurous.
Good choice of music as always.
Hi Dave. The blue egg was a hen egg :). It was extremely tasty! I am having fun working with 2 cameras. It takes a little time to set up but gives plenty of options.
We visited this site early August and are looking forward to going back.
Yes, I would love to go back in better weather. We really did not get much chance to explore. Ian
Greetings from Portugal.
73 de CT1GZB.