강의 보기 전 셀프 영작 I wish I could just proceed what you said but I have to leave something on paper. It's not like I can't believe you but I have to report everything to my boss. So rather than it's a matter of how you work but it's more about making everything official. 강의 보고 예문 만들기 As much as I'd love to just quit my job and stay home, I can't ignore the money. It's not that I'm having financial difficulties. It just that I have to earn and save some amount of money while I could work. It's not so much about being a good parent as it is a being a good person.
선생님. 오늘도 감사합니다:) 어렵지만,,머리를 쥐어짜며... (사실.. 제가 포인트를 잘 캐치해서 바르게 활용하고있는지.... 잘...ㅜㅜ) 1.저도 QR code찍지않고 바로 입장시켜드리고 싶지만, covid-19 규정을 따르긴 해야해서요. As much as I would love to just let you in without scanning your QR code, we do have to follow covid-19 regulations. 제가 많이 깍아드리고는 싶지만, 우리도 먹고는 살아야해서요. As much as I would love to give you a big discount, we do have to make a living. 2. 제가 먹기 싫어서가 아니라 제가 알러지가 있어서 못먹는거예요.. It's not I don't like Sushi. It's just that I'm allergic to fish. 제가 춤을 못춰서가 아니라 단지 그럴기분이 아니어서 그래요. It's not that I'm not good at dancing. It's just that I'm not in the mood. 3. 이 일에 질렷어. 너무 어렵다기 보다는 재미없다는 거야. I'm sick of this work. It's not so much hard as it is boring. 그는 정말 멋진요리사야. 그가 많은 유명한 식당을 운명해서라기보다는 매일 가난한 사람들에게 무료로 음식을 제공하고 있다는 거야. He is a really amazing chef. It's not so much that he runs lots of famous restaurants as it is that he provides free meals for the poor every day.
As much as i’d love to visit your hometown, I do need to see my friends in Busan. It’s not that I don’t want to meet you, it’s just that I have to go there cos I haven’t been there for a long time. So, It’s not so much a matter between us as it’s a thing of timing.
As much as I would love to hang out with you tonight, I do need to get the job done that is due tomorrow. As much as I would love to help you finish up the report, I would have to get off work early today. It's not so much a matter of whether I need to study the materials line by line as it is a way to skim through the texts. 혹시 It's not so much ... as ~ . 다른 예문 몇개 주실 수 있을까요? 뭔가 적용해서 쓰기가 살짝 힘든 것 같아서요..ㅎㅎ 감사합니다!
A: I heard you are training for the Chicago marathon. B: Yeah, it's one of my bucket list items that I've always wanted to do. A: Do you think you can finish it in less than 4 hours? B: I think so. But for me it's not so much a matter of how fast I will run, as it is that I will actually finish the race.
1. 연습 - As much as I would like to play game, I do need my work prepared. - Although I had mistook it, I made up for it with cancel. - It's not a matter of taking your word or not. it's just a matter of thinking over it clearly. 2. 개인정리 - As much as : although - as much as I would love to ~, ~ - take your word - do need : need - it's not that ~, it's just that ~ - it's not so much ~ as it is ~
As much as I would like to hang out with you, I do need some time to think about our relationship. It's not that I don't like you, it's just that I have to ask myself, whether I really want it. So, it's not so much a matter of our emotion and feeling as it is about our future and reality that we have to face.
as much as i would love to join you after work, but i am supposed to pick up my kids today. as much as i would love to have dinner at that kind of luxury restaurant. but i can't swing it now. as much as i would like to give you a seat by the windows but now, all of them are reserved. it is not so much a matter of whether he will say okay and help me, as it is the fact that asking him will never sit very well with me.
오늘도 좋은 표현 감사합니다!! It's not that~. It's just that~ 구문은 미드에서 연인들이 헤어질때 '네 문제가 아니라 나 때문이다.' 할때 It's not you. It's me 랑 일맥상통한다 보면 될까요? 그리구 질문이 있습니다만 마지막에 a way to keep everything official은 a way to get everything officialized 로 바꾸면 어색한가용??
It's not you. It's me. 좋은 비유입니다. It's not anything you did. It's just that I have some issues to work out. 이런식으로도 쓸수있습니다. a way to get everything officialized은 문법적으로 맞습니다. 그러나 최소한 미국에서는 officialize라는 단어를 잘 안씁니다. valid/validate는 자주씁니다. -a way to keep everything valid (ok) -a way to keep everything validated (ok) -a way to get everything validated (ok)
As much as I would love to just proceed your plan for it, I do need something in our contract. It's not that I don't believe you. It's just that I have to make it clear for just in case. So, it's not so much a matter of whether we have a good relationship as it is a way to keep everything official.
As much as I just take your words for it . I need something in writing. It's not that I don't trust you, it's just that I have to report everything to my boss. It's not so much a matter of whether you'll get the job done as it is a way to keep everything official.
안녕하세요 얼마전부터 유튜브를 보면서 생님 영상들이 정말 유익하다고 생각되서 영상들보며 공부해보고 싶다는 생각이 들었는데요 영상이 너무많아서 어디서부터 어떻게 시작해야할지몰라서요... 영상들 전체를 따라갈수 있는 순서가있는 커리큘럼이나 따로 교육자료가 있을까요? 아니면 그냥 지금 떠있는 영상들 앞부분부터 제가 그냥 순차적으로 공부해야하나요?
So, it's not so much a matter of whether you'll get the job done as it is a way to keep everything official. (A) a matter of whether you'll get the job done (B) a way to keep everything official It's not so much A as it is B. 로 이해했을 때, 'B인것만큼 A는 아니다' 라고 직역할 수 있을 것 같은데, '만큼'이라는게 어떤 사안의 '중요성' 또는 '관계된 정도(how much related)' 라고 봐도 될까요? 그렇게 보고, 'B한만큼, A는 그만큼은 아니다' 로 이해했는데, 잘 이해한걸까요?
1.As much as I would love to just take a short trip to somewhere, I do need to stay even weekend at home again due to pendemic spread. 2. It's not that he doens't work properly about it It's just that I hate him. 3.It's not so much a matter of whether how much time I study as it is to a way to focus on.
so much를 빼도 됩니다. 하지만 그러면 뜻이 살짝 바뀝니다. A는 중요하지 않고 반면 B가 중요하다 (촛점이다). It's not a matter of whether you'll get the job done. Rather, it's a way to keep everything official.
As mush as I would like to give some money to begging children I’not supposed to do that it’s not that I don’t want to give them it’s just to keep them from earning money with that way So it’s not so much a matter of whether I contribute money as it is you need to learn how to make money
와 표현이 진짜 고급지네요.. 저는 언제쯤 이정도의 문장을 막힘없이 구사할수 있을지..
한국말로도 내뱉기 힘든 표현같아요
아우 진짜 표현이 고급질 뿐만아니라 이건 예의와 신뢰(?) 까지 전달할 수 있고, 심지어는 우리말 표현까지 한 번더 생각하게 해주시네요!!!!!
정말 풍부하고 고급스러운 표현입니다. 한국말로 해도 교양있는 사람들만 쓰는 말이잖아요.^^ 감사합니다!
구독자들의 궁금증을 너무 잘 알고 강의 해 주시는 선생님의 열정과 성의에 정말
감사 드립니다. 지난 강의를 계속보고 있는데 선생님의 열정은 더하면 더하지 덜 하지 않다는걸 느낍니다. 감사합니다.
아이구 선생님!
깜짝 놀랐잖아요.
실감나는 바쁜 아침 입니다. 알고보니 문장 이었네요.
열정이 넘치는 우리 선생님 저희들도 힘이납니다. 배우고 잊어버리지만 그래도
유익한 영상덕분에 늘감사! 장마철에 건강 유의하세요🍀
오랜만에 선생님을 뵙는데 힐링이 되는 느낌이네요.. 일상에서 이기적이고 비논리적인 부류의 억지,개소리를 하도 보다보니 합리적 근거를 기반으로 한 사고와 언행을 하는 분들이 더욱 아름다워보입니다..
언제나 풍부하고 유용한 표현을 알려주셔서 감사드립니다 ~^^
선생님 진짜 너무 감사드립니다ㅠ 덕분에 회화가 꾸준히 느는 것 같아요 저의 영어회화는 선생님이 책임지고 계세요💛💛💛
It’s not so much distrusting your as it is protecting you.
늬앙스도 알기 쉽게 알려주셔서 너무 감사합니다
날이 이토록 불타는데 선생님의 열정만은 못하네요~ 늘 감사합니다~^^
감사합니다! 열심히 외워보겠습니다😊
선생님. 독해에도 넘나 도움됩니다. 저런문장 나오면 머릿속이@%/!%~@ 되버릴때가 많았어요.
좋은 영상 감사합니다! 🎉😊
우리말 표현까지 좋아서 두개다 외울려구요
오늘 당장 업체에 이렇게 말해봐야겠어요
알고리즘이 인도했지만 구독하고 오늘부터 영어공부 시작합니다 쌤 감사합니다~~
강의 보기 전 셀프 영작
I wish I could just proceed what you said but I have to leave something on paper.
It's not like I can't believe you but I have to report everything to my boss.
So rather than it's a matter of how you work but it's more about making everything official.
강의 보고 예문 만들기
As much as I'd love to just quit my job and stay home, I can't ignore the money.
It's not that I'm having financial difficulties. It just that I have to earn and save some amount of money while I could work.
It's not so much about being a good parent as it is a being a good person.
같은 내용을 어떻게 말하는냐에 따라 확실히 느낌이 달라지는것 같아요!! 항상 느끼는거지만 자연스러운 영어말하기가, 쉽지가 않은데.. 항상 포인트를 잡아주시고 가르쳐주셔서 감사드립니다! 많이 배울수 있어서 너무너무 좋습니다! 감사합니다!!!!
Although와 as much as의 미묘한 차이까지 오늘도 도움되는 강의 넘 감사해요!! 더위에 건강 유의하세요 쌤♡
선생님. 정말 정말 감사합니다! 🙏🏻
너무 도움이 많이 됩니다. 특히 이번 강의처럼 문장구조 관련 강의는 더더욱 도움이 됩니다. 감사합니다.
회사에서 자주 마주치는 상황이었는데 강의 해 주셔서 감사해요👍👍👍❤️❤️
As much as i would love to have dinner with you tonight, i do need to visit my parents to check up on them. I haven't seen them for a few weeks.
오늘도 좋은 영상감사해요. 그리고 마칠때마다 나오는 음악도 기대되요. 다 좋아요~~~
실생활에서 꼭 필요한 표현들 알려주셔서 감사합니다.
너무나 유용한 표현 감사합니다.
본 채널을 통하여 영어 공부를 이어가고 있습니다. 정말 알차고 좋은 컨텐츠 만들어 주셔서 감사합니다.
I've wasted a lot of time. So, it's not so much a matter of how much time I have as it is a way to make use of the time I have.
Thank you!👍❤
정말 필요했던 표현들에 깊은 감사 말씀 드립니다!
You have a gentle voice. I love it. 😀
오늘 강의 쏘~굿!! 감사합니다
As much as i would love to
오 따끈따끈한 업로드!
비즈니스에 쓰기 딱이네요..!!!!
항상 although로 시작하는 표현을 습관적으로 많이 썼는데 as much as 라는 표현을 좀 더 연습해봐야 겠네요. 이렇게 디테일하고 더 세련된 표현 알려주셔서 감사합니다!
캬 유용한데 입에 안달라 붙네요!
비즈니스 영어가 필요했는데 마침 딱 너무 유용한 표현을 강의해주셔서 감사합니다😊
Thanks teacher. 👍
한국어와 영어가 호응된 방식이 너무 놀라워요ㅠ 샤론최 통역을 보는 거 같은 느낌… 정말 쵝오😶🌫️
감사합니다 좋은영상 오늘 공부 끝 !!!
선생님. 오늘도 감사합니다:)
어렵지만,,머리를 쥐어짜며... (사실.. 제가 포인트를 잘 캐치해서 바르게 활용하고있는지.... 잘...ㅜㅜ)
1.저도 QR code찍지않고 바로 입장시켜드리고 싶지만, covid-19 규정을 따르긴 해야해서요.
As much as I would love to just let you in without scanning your QR code, we do have to follow covid-19 regulations.
제가 많이 깍아드리고는 싶지만, 우리도 먹고는 살아야해서요.
As much as I would love to give you a big discount, we do have to make a living.
2. 제가 먹기 싫어서가 아니라 제가 알러지가 있어서 못먹는거예요..
It's not I don't like Sushi. It's just that I'm allergic to fish.
제가 춤을 못춰서가 아니라 단지 그럴기분이 아니어서 그래요.
It's not that I'm not good at dancing. It's just that I'm not in the mood.
3. 이 일에 질렷어. 너무 어렵다기 보다는 재미없다는 거야.
I'm sick of this work. It's not so much hard as it is boring.
그는 정말 멋진요리사야. 그가 많은 유명한 식당을 운명해서라기보다는 매일 가난한 사람들에게 무료로 음식을 제공하고 있다는 거야.
He is a really amazing chef. It's not so much that he runs lots of famous restaurants as it is that he provides free meals for the poor every day.
너무 고급진표현이라 감도안온다..ㅎㅎ
As much as I'd love to carry out that, I do need take some time to prepare
How is this lecture free? 사랑해요 쌤 ㅎㅎ
고급영어....아..언제 이렇게 따라갈 수 있을까요?? ㅠㅠ 역시 열심히 꾸준히..ㅠㅠ
As much as i’d love to visit your hometown, I do need to see my friends in Busan. It’s not that I don’t want to meet you, it’s just that I have to go there cos I haven’t been there for a long time. So, It’s not so much a matter between us as it’s a thing of timing.
As much as I would love to hang out with you tonight, I do need to get the job done that is due tomorrow.
As much as I would love to help you finish up the report, I would have to get off work early today.
It's not so much a matter of whether I need to study the materials line by line as it is a way to skim through the texts.
혹시 It's not so much ... as ~ . 다른 예문 몇개 주실 수 있을까요? 뭔가 적용해서 쓰기가 살짝 힘든 것 같아서요..ㅎㅎ 감사합니다!
A: I heard you are training for the Chicago marathon.
B: Yeah, it's one of my bucket list items that I've always wanted to do.
A: Do you think you can finish it in less than 4 hours?
B: I think so. But for me it's not so much a matter of how fast I will run, as it is that I will actually finish the race.
여기 미국은 새벽이라 이제 영상 뜬걸 확인하네요^^ 오늘도 귀한 영상 정말 감사해요!!😊
1. 연습
- As much as I would like to play game, I do need my work prepared.
- Although I had mistook it, I made up for it with cancel.
- It's not a matter of taking your word or not. it's just a matter of thinking over it clearly.
2. 개인정리
- As much as : although
- as much as I would love to ~, ~
- take your word
- do need : need
- it's not that ~, it's just that ~
- it's not so much ~ as it is ~
라이브 아카데미가 생각이 안나서 항상 빨간 모자 라고 검색하고 들어왔네요..이제는 외울게요 슨상님. 도움되는 강의 감사합니다
As much as I would like to hang out with you, I do need some time to think about our relationship. It's not that I don't like you, it's just that I have to ask myself, whether I really want it. So, it's not so much a matter of our emotion and feeling as it is about our future and reality that we have to face.
오늘 읽은책에 이런 문장이 많아서 해석이 힘들엇는데... 고맙습니다
It's not so much a matter of how fast you solve the math problems as it is a way to figure out how you approach them.
유튜브의 세스코
아무리 이 강의를 오래들어도 쓸 일이 없어요
샘..말투 넘좋아여...ㅎ 그래도현장에서 사용한다면 말 부드럽게 한다고 일이 다 풀리는건 아니겠죠..그래도 적어도 저정도의 언어능력과 습관은 갖춰놓고싶네요 저스스로를위해서--!
발음이 정말 좋으신데, 평상시 한국말보다는 약간 high tone같은데 영어를 발음 시 이렇게 해야하는지와, 영어 발음 중 한국인이 어려운부분 강의 좀 부탁 드립니다
As much as I would go with you, I do need stay here with my dog. Cause these days my dog feels lonely when he is left alone.
- 1:28
as much as i would love to join you after work, but i am supposed to pick up my kids today.
as much as i would love to have dinner at that kind of luxury restaurant. but i can't swing it now.
as much as i would like to give you a seat by the windows but now, all of them are reserved.
it is not so much a matter of whether he will say okay and help me, as it is the fact that asking him will never sit very well with me.
한국에서 영어공부한 사람들이 가장 어려워 하는 부분같아요...헷갈리고ㅠㅠ
주옥같네요 ㄷㄷ
3:12 ??? : 믿음으로 가는거지~
It's not that i don't have enough money to buy a house. It's just that it's not the right timing.
It's not so much a matter of whether you'll get the job done as it is a way to keep everything official.
마지막 표현은 정말 입에 안붙네요 ....
오늘도 좋은 표현 감사합니다!!
It's not that~. It's just that~ 구문은
미드에서 연인들이 헤어질때 '네 문제가 아니라 나 때문이다.' 할때 It's not you. It's me 랑 일맥상통한다 보면 될까요? 그리구 질문이 있습니다만 마지막에 a way to keep everything official은 a way to get everything officialized 로 바꾸면 어색한가용??
It's not you. It's me. 좋은 비유입니다.
It's not anything you did. It's just that I have some issues to work out. 이런식으로도 쓸수있습니다.
a way to get everything officialized은 문법적으로 맞습니다. 그러나 최소한 미국에서는 officialize라는 단어를 잘 안씁니다. valid/validate는 자주씁니다.
-a way to keep everything valid (ok)
-a way to keep everything validated (ok)
-a way to get everything validated (ok)
I do need 구문에서 do 다음에 that같은게 생략된건가요? 괜히 문법구조가 궁금해서 적어봅니다
As much as I would love to just proceed your plan for it, I do need something in our contract. It's not that I don't believe you. It's just that I have to make it clear for just in case. So, it's not so much a matter of whether we have a good relationship as it is a way to keep everything official.
As much as I just take your words for it . I need something in writing. It's not that I don't trust you, it's just that I have to report everything to my boss. It's not so much a matter of whether you'll get the job done as it is a way to keep everything official.
마지막문장에서 as는 어떤의미로 쓰인건가요? 이때의 as와 동일한 의미로 쓰인 예문이 있다면 부탁드립니다.
안녕하세요 얼마전부터 유튜브를 보면서 생님 영상들이 정말 유익하다고 생각되서 영상들보며 공부해보고 싶다는 생각이 들었는데요
영상이 너무많아서 어디서부터 어떻게 시작해야할지몰라서요...
영상들 전체를 따라갈수 있는 순서가있는 커리큘럼이나 따로 교육자료가 있을까요? 아니면 그냥 지금 떠있는 영상들 앞부분부터 제가 그냥 순차적으로 공부해야하나요?
So, it's not so much a matter of whether you'll get the job done as it is a way to keep everything official.
(A) a matter of whether you'll get the job done
(B) a way to keep everything official
It's not so much A
as it is B.
로 이해했을 때,
'B인것만큼 A는 아니다' 라고 직역할 수 있을 것 같은데, '만큼'이라는게 어떤 사안의 '중요성' 또는 '관계된 정도(how much related)' 라고 봐도 될까요?
그렇게 보고, 'B한만큼, A는 그만큼은 아니다' 로 이해했는데, 잘 이해한걸까요?
맞습니다. A도 중요하지 않은것은 아니지만, B는 더중요하다 라는 말입니다.
@@danyoo22 감사합니다
I do need something in writing. 이 문장에서 do의 역할이 궁금합니다. 이런식으로 그냥 동사를 쓰지않고 굳이 do, does를 쓰고 그 뒤에 동사를 쓰는 경우를 꽤 많이 봤는데 여기서 do는 강조하기 위한 것인가요?
맞습니다. 뜻은 비슷하고 do는 강조하기 위한것입니다.
I need something in writing from your doctor.
I do need something in writing from your doctor.
1.As much as I would love to just take a short trip to somewhere, I do need to stay even weekend at home again due to pendemic spread.
2. It's not that he doens't work properly about it It's just that I hate him.
3.It's not so much a matter of whether how much time I study as it is to a way to focus on.
한글 해석과 표현방식이 와닿지가 않아 어렵네요
So much를 뺐을때 as it is로 이어가는건 좀 어색한가요?
so much를 빼도 됩니다. 하지만 그러면 뜻이 살짝 바뀝니다.
A는 중요하지 않고 반면 B가 중요하다 (촛점이다).
It's not a matter of whether you'll get the job done. Rather, it's a way to keep everything official.
@@danyoo22 두번째 문장에 as를 넣는건 안되는거죠?
@@wonheo549 그러면 어색합니다. 올바른 문장 구성은
-It's not so much A as it is B.
-It's not as much A as it is B.
같이 해야합니다.
@@danyoo22 감사합니다! 도움 많이 됐어요:)
멤버쉽이 해지되었었네요. ㅜㅜ
As mush as I would like to give some money to begging children I’not supposed to do that it’s not that I don’t want to give them it’s just to keep them from earning money with that way So it’s not so much a matter of whether I contribute money as it is you need to learn how to make money