Well, the 4 dimensional spacetime model has a hard time encorperating notions directly unobservable in essence. The solution is Dewey Larson's Reciprocal Systems Theory of Space and Time, which posits time as being the reciprocal of space, to wit, time is 3 dimensional. This is where the hidden phenomena are taking place. Larson's theory is actually THE unified theory mainstream science claims to be searching for. It's been solved. Did you really think they would do away with all those textbooks that say time is but one dimension? The fundamental property of the universe is motion, and emotion is made of space and time, (as Hegel pointed out); light is simply s/t. Light is unit speed. Everything that exists as a displacement from the speed of light. Moving faster than the speed of light is commonplace in the metaphysical region. That's where these phenomena are occurring. I hope people catch on, because when you're starting with a correct reference frame, suddenly all the anomalies disappear. Check it out. And ditch the outdated.
Matter isn't 99.999999% empty space. It's made of time. Space and electricity, magnetism and time are the same. Electromagnetism is space and time. Larson explains the whole universe beginning with three fundamental postulates. Three.
Dearest Rupert, I've happily listened to you tell many of these stories on earlier RUclips videos over the past year or so. Although I'm not feeling so upbeat recently, I still found myself laughing out loud... a delightful respite in my metaphysical gloom!! Thanks for posting this. With gratitude, love, and heartfelt good wishes to you Rupert, your loved ones, and to anyone else reading this!!! S.B.
Made me laugh too. Have you listened to any of Mark Vernon's work, there is much good stuff here on "The RUclips"; I find some of it helps me in my metaphysical circling. Wishing you well.
"The man who comes back through the Door in the Wall will never be quite the same as the man who went out. He will be wiser but less sure, happier but less self-satisfied, humbler in acknowledging his ignorance yet better equipped to understand the relationship of words to things, of systematic reasoning to the unfathomable mystery which he tries, forever vainly, to comprehend.” ~ Aldous Huxley
I greatly appreciate all your post Sir Rupert. I love to listen and learn new perspectives from someone who has studied and contemplated our connection to spirit in so many differentiation forms. Most introspections in which leading us to sense the true essence of which we all emanate from and can commune with if we listen deeply.
I ask anyone reading this to please pray for me. I’ve been searching for god(spirit) for a long time. I see sacredness in everything, but no direct undeniable communication from god. I really need to find the spirit. If I don’t, I don’t know how long I can keep going. If I find god I feel it will give me the strength I need. I’ve never said anything like this in a open,public way. Peace be with you all
God is the Creator. Do not let others deceive you into believing man is God. We are fallible humans, with no sense of right and wrong. God gave us the Bible to teach us how to be more like Him, and more importantly, to tell us about how He made a way to be reconciled back to Him. God sent His Son Jesus Christ, that whosoever would believe Jesus died and rose from the dead for our sins would be saved. It's simple - like a gift. Get a Bible and read the Gospel of John. Eyewitness testimony of Jesus' walk on earth. He wasn't some great teacher - He was God manifest in the flesh. God bless
@@ManchmalGaming There are things to learn about Him. It is true God is everywhere at once and sees all. But unless you seek for Him, you will be blind to Him entirely.
I’m truly astonished at the broad differences between Aldous and Julian Huxley. Even though Aldous shared some of Julian’s views during his youth, he grew to become a very different kind of thinker, publishing, among many other things, various essays and magazine articles critical about the misuse of science and the hubris of scientists. During his latter days, he wrote about mysticism, meditation and prayer. Hard to think both men (and both equally brilliant) were related.
Catholic means universal . . . My father told me this & he loved India. He especially liked the Hindus & said "The only thing they don't tolerate is intolerance !" He was a Irish yogi that recently died at 86.
If you're a scientist and a Christian I highly recommend experiments with "casting lots". I had a simple system of coin flips with simultaneous left and right hands, creating rows which produced a 6x6 black and white "front cover" grid image, which also became two 3x6 "inner pages". The probabilities of 36 coins flips repeatedly can be precisely calculated, but the images they create are something that require human interpretation, and may shock you (or may not)...
I'm not a Christian myself (I have long been much more fascinated by the philosophies of the East - Buddhism, Taoism, Hinduism) but I love listening to him and other Christians like Jordan Peterson.
All paths lead to One. Spirit. No matter type of religion, no matter where on the path you are, no matter how enlightened or commited you are (this relates directly with your place in the Journey): All, I mean All will lead you to One. Unity. And resonance starts with coherence... 💯❤️1️⃣♾️🌈💫
So someone can commit genocide and will end up in the same place as a saint? What you believe does not change reality. If you believed the sun was black, square, cold, and came out at night - would that change the nature of the sun? No. Either God exists, or He doesn't; what someone believes does not effect that. If God exists- the creation is an obvious sign that He does- what does God want? All religions cannot be true about God because they all contradict each other. So there are two options: either one religion is true or they are all wrong. How can we tell? Seek and study. The Bible makes thousands of prophesies. God proves He inspired the Bible by prophesying events thousands of years before they happened. One set of prophesies concern someone called the Messiah - the one who will save the people. A man named Jesus Christ came and fulfilled all of those prophesies. Jesus said Himself: John 14:6 Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me. Jesus was crucified and rose from the dead for our sins. He gave us the free gift of salvation - something that nobody could ever earn. God, the Holy Judge, promised to destroy sin at the end of the world. That means, all sinners will be judged and punished for their actions. Every other religion neglects this fact - they believe they can somehow appease God by doing "good works." God promised that anyone who has ever lied or stolen or committed adultery will be cast into the lake of fire for eternity (and these are only THREE commandments). Jesus died to cover our sins. It's a free gift. To go to heaven all one has to do is : Romans 10:9 That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved. Get a Bible and read it. Follow God's commands and join a Church. Welcome to the family.
@@frankiehouse2364 Dear Friend, No wisdom can be found in the books, if it is not in the one, who writes/reads them. You may spend a whole life with eyes in books and still might not be able to grasp the meaning. Life is the greatest book that you will write and read. This was just a remark about the most important book in your book shelf - keep in mind it is not the bible. Now to the topic of the place where you will end up. It all depends on the place you start at (and your ability to adjust, reach, learn, adapt, Love). I prefer to see things as eternal, with numerous starts and ends (continuation). Where you stop (end) will determine your starting point for the next day (life). At any point of your Journey, you carry your spin, frequency, level of consciousness, and your thoughts and deeds are directly related to that specific properties of yours. If you think you are this unit that is not being influenced (by the environment) - you are *right (you are right where you are supposed to be) and you will have the corresponding experience of a journey. And if you understand that you are part of the whole (consciousness, nature, cosmos, god) - you are right and your journey will continue based on these premises. We, the parts all come from the One and are drawn towards reaching it (going forward, but reaching back to Our Home). As such, we carry (all) the properties of the One. What you see as good and bad is in direct relation to the level of properties being manifested, and their degree. The whole *loves his children equally and wants them to come back home. All actions, feelings, thoughts have the frequency of the carrier, they are unique to the person, and influenced by the {whole} environment. They represent the level of Consciousness, that constitutes the level of Unity (or separation). Yes, we are a one-man journey (it is you who need to reach it and I can not do it for you), but we all swim in the same ocean (same boat) - some can only swim deep sea, others will be able to jump and feel the rays of Light (of the Sun). You better not wait (for god) to appear to save you, well, eventually you will learn (might take you a 1000 days (lives) of eternal wandering or (fire)). Love(ing) is a good way to start the day with, and if you had a rough start, Love(ing) and Unity (consciousness) is always available to reach, even (and especially) at the end. It is Eternal. How Joyful and painful depends not on others (to blame), but on yourSelf (to find), realizing you are One (of many, of others, of consciousness, of god). ...There is a lot of Fire in the Eternal Rays of Light (Sun) and no RainBow appears without the Placid touch of Rain... It is The Merging of Light and Rain, of Fire and Water, of Moon and Sun. To the short answer - It is All inclusive Journey, where noOne is left behind. Love and Peace. 🌈🌞🎵♾️❤️1️⃣
@@miglena2s With all due respect friend, you typed a whole lot to say nothing. You WILL die. You are NOT God. God is the all-knowing, all-powerful creator. In all your text, you failed to mention all the WRONG you have ever committed. God promised that anyone who has ever lied WILL face eternal DAMNATION. You can't save yourself. Try going to a judge when you are guilty of a serious crime (SIN) and tell them: "Yes, I am guilty, but look at all the good I've done! I helped the grandma! I did all this "self-improvement!" GUILTY! You are not judged by your good works, but by your bad. Wisdom comes only from God. Everything you typed to me was made-up by someone - maybe even with good intentions. But that doesn't matter. If God came to earth and said: "MY WAY IS THE ONLY WAY." Everything else would be counterfeit, right? I implore you to seek the Creator of the Universe. Prayer works. Pray to Him. Call out to Him. Ask Him to SHOW YOU what the truth is. Proverbs 1:7 The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge: but fools despise wisdom and instruction. Jeremiah 29:13 And ye shall seek me, and find me, when ye shall search for me with all your heart.
Beautiful story, thank you for sharing. Does every single one of those Religions go to Heaven like Christians? Or do they all have their own Heaven? Which Heaven do you want to go to, the one and only one that every Religion says they have?
@1:40 what is this plant? Poison hemlock? Queen Anne's lace? Let It be noted that poison hemlock is absolutely deadly. You take a weed wacker to these freaking things and you inhale, it can kill you. That is the beauty of mother nature
The atheists don't believe in "hokus-pokus fairies in the pond (Dawkins) ", nor Santa, nor the Loch Ness monster, nor God. But God is the only one of these that they continually remind themselves doesn't exist. What causes this?
Well... Think about the concept of God and how you personally perceive it firstly. Is it not some sort of ideal/deity/concept that you have created and maintained in your mind throughout time? Even as a child when you read religious texts it requires you as an individual to read those texts interpret them and then form something in your imagination.
If we are to believe in reincarnation, should we also believe that Mary & Joseph & Adam & Eve, if they were real, also have reincarnated & could be here today. They could've awakened to the knowledge of who they are & are waiting for the world to hear them, which isn't easy to do in the modern world. Lets listen for them with our hearts 💚
Who controls reincarnation? What happened before the first carnation? Think about it. There is clearly One ultimate governing force in this world - that is God. God communes with His Creation. He expects things from us. The Bible tells us what: Romans 3:23 For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God; Romans 6:23 For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord. Romans 10:9 That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved. Romans 10:13 For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved. We are all guilty sinners. Ever told a lie? Ever stolen something? Ever looked with lust? James 2:10 For whosoever shall keep the whole law, and yet offend in one point, he is guilty of all. Break one commandment-you've broken them all. Revelation 21:8 But the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone: which is the second death. God promised to judge sin; He is a judge. Hell was created for the Devil and his angels. God loves His creation and wants us all to come to the knowledge of the truth. He sent His Son Jesus Christ to die for our sins. No amount of good works could appease God, because we are already guilty in the Law. Try going to a human judge and pleading: "judge I know I'm guilty but look at all the good I've done! Money to the poor, helped the grandma with her trash, etc." We are judged not for our good deeds, but for our evil. Since Jesus Christ lived a perfect life, He was able to lay down His own life to secure ours - He sacrificed Himself. Salvation and reconciliation to God is simple: accept the Sacrifice. John 3:16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. Romans 5:8 But God commendeth his love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us. God bless
Bede Griffith was one of the last catholics, its hard to find someone who understands Catholicism and its teachings, and so people see it as this bigoted, xenophobic religions that only nationalists follow, when in fact it's pretty much the only religion that's fine with acknowledging other religion's validity, and value, and doesn't condemn them - according to lumen gentium, which is the part of official teaching, followers of Islam and Judaism are first in the line to heaven because of their religion and faith... yeah, it's a pity Catholicism for hijacked by some weird sectarians who think they are "traditionalists", when in reality they are straight up heretics.
A Christian follows Jesus Christ. Jesus said Himself that He was the only way to the Father. Every other religion therefore is nullified. John 14:6 Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me. Jesus either rose from the dead or He didn't. If He did, He is God and everything He said was true. If He didn't rise, He is a liar. Jesus surely rose.
You better help because we all fall, who cares we all fall, oh really, we all fall, that's awfully cruel, care for a government, they are we and we are awful, care for a waffle? Lego my echo😂
Hmm .. the whole part where you talk about how the first thing that you learned from your teachers was that they were atheists is kind of weird. That was seriously the first thing that you thought you noticed? If that's true then it's sort of disconcerting. Like like when people like you post these videos of ur ideas and stuff, do you take the time to really think over what you're doing? Basically what I'm asking is do you truly and sincerely in completely believe in what declare? And if you do, do you think it is a good standing structure for the next generations of humans to work off of?
Rupert should be heard by more people. Without people like him, true science will be lost forever.
I Love this Man.
Well, the 4 dimensional spacetime model has a hard time encorperating notions directly unobservable in essence. The solution is Dewey Larson's Reciprocal Systems Theory of Space and Time, which posits time as being the reciprocal of space, to wit, time is 3 dimensional. This is where the hidden phenomena are taking place. Larson's theory is actually THE unified theory mainstream science claims to be searching for. It's been solved. Did you really think they would do away with all those textbooks that say time is but one dimension? The fundamental property of the universe is motion, and emotion is made of space and time, (as Hegel pointed out); light is simply s/t. Light is unit speed. Everything that exists as a displacement from the speed of light. Moving faster than the speed of light is commonplace in the metaphysical region. That's where these phenomena are occurring.
I hope people catch on, because when you're starting with a correct reference frame, suddenly all the anomalies disappear. Check it out. And ditch the outdated.
Matter isn't 99.999999% empty space. It's made of time. Space and electricity, magnetism and time are the same. Electromagnetism is space and time. Larson explains the whole universe beginning with three fundamental postulates. Three.
A real openminded scientist. A shining light for humanity..⭐🙏⭐
Yes. Genuine and with much integrity ! ❤
Love your work Rupert and your courage to follow the truth.
Dearest Rupert, I've happily listened to you tell many of these stories on earlier RUclips videos over the past year or so.
Although I'm not feeling so upbeat recently, I still found myself laughing out loud... a delightful respite in my metaphysical gloom!!
Thanks for posting this.
With gratitude, love, and heartfelt good wishes to you Rupert, your loved ones, and to anyone else reading this!!! S.B.
what a truly lovely comment to read,
best wishes and prayers
zAk :-)
Made me laugh too.
Have you listened to any of Mark Vernon's work, there is much good stuff here on "The RUclips"; I find some of it helps me in my metaphysical circling.
Wishing you well.
Susan ,we need to care for our soul in these dark times. My wife says, Be kind, I do try..
Thank you. You're a kind soul. Be well❤
To me you are the definition of true honesty and courage 💚
"The man who comes back through the Door in the Wall will never be quite the same as the man who went out. He will be wiser but less sure, happier but less self-satisfied, humbler in acknowledging his ignorance yet better equipped to understand the relationship of words to things, of systematic reasoning to the unfathomable mystery which he tries, forever vainly, to comprehend.” ~ Aldous Huxley
Rupert got to be one of the most interesting people out there, funny as well.
Just like to thank him and send my love.❤❤❤
A beautiful human being.
Such a great speaker and gentleman
Such a very kind and humble demeanour ❤❤❤ i love you, thank you for sharing this with the world
you are my childhood hero :) throughout my academic and life development you influenced me with your ideas and thoughts!
Love his honesty...
I greatly appreciate all your post Sir Rupert. I love to listen and learn new perspectives from someone who has studied and contemplated our connection to spirit in so many differentiation forms. Most introspections in which leading us to sense the true essence of which we all emanate from and can commune with if we listen deeply.
Thank you for sharing your story❤
I ask anyone reading this to please pray for me. I’ve been searching for god(spirit) for a long time. I see sacredness in everything, but no direct undeniable communication from god. I really need to find the spirit. If I don’t, I don’t know how long I can keep going. If I find god I feel it will give me the strength I need. I’ve never said anything like this in a open,public way. Peace be with you all
If you take up the practice of regular meditation, you will find what you are looking for. The spirit is within. We are all parts of god/great spirit.
God is the Creator. Do not let others deceive you into believing man is God. We are fallible humans, with no sense of right and wrong. God gave us the Bible to teach us how to be more like Him, and more importantly, to tell us about how He made a way to be reconciled back to Him. God sent His Son Jesus Christ, that whosoever would believe Jesus died and rose from the dead for our sins would be saved. It's simple - like a gift. Get a Bible and read the Gospel of John. Eyewitness testimony of Jesus' walk on earth. He wasn't some great teacher - He was God manifest in the flesh. God bless
Walk the dog, plant some spring bulbs & watch the sky.
If god is everywhere there's nothing to find. Home is here and now. This moment.
@@ManchmalGaming There are things to learn about Him. It is true God is everywhere at once and sees all. But unless you seek for Him, you will be blind to Him entirely.
Thank you Rupert
I’m truly astonished at the broad differences between Aldous and Julian Huxley. Even though Aldous shared some of Julian’s views during his youth, he grew to become a very different kind of thinker, publishing, among many other things, various essays and magazine articles critical about the misuse of science and the hubris of scientists. During his latter days, he wrote about mysticism, meditation and prayer. Hard to think both men (and both equally brilliant) were related.
I have watched some videos on RUclips where u and dr bohm were discussing with J Krishnamurti
Made me chuckle, thank you Mr Sheldrake, you are my hero. 😊
what a wonderful 'nearly' seventeen minutes! Thankyou. 😃
Catholic means universal . . . My father told me this & he loved India. He especially liked the Hindus & said "The only thing they don't tolerate is intolerance !" He was a Irish yogi that recently died at 86.
Lovely story!
We love Rupert 😊
Wonderful; thankyou!
👍 Watching your channel 👍 Hello from Virginia my friend 🇺🇸
I'm afraid that positive and negative eugenics still have many admirers around the world.
This video is my 5000th like 🎉🎉🎉
I’ve been aware of R.S. For at least a decade now after discovering him in the “Trialogues” discussions with Terence McKenna
Listening to this I think I'd like to read an autobiography!
If you're a scientist and a Christian I highly recommend experiments with "casting lots". I had a simple system of coin flips with simultaneous left and right hands, creating rows which produced a 6x6 black and white "front cover" grid image, which also became two 3x6 "inner pages". The probabilities of 36 coins flips repeatedly can be precisely calculated, but the images they create are something that require human interpretation, and may shock you (or may not)...
An interesting and hilarious account of RS's spiritual development by way of psychedelica & India. 😊
I'm not a Christian myself (I have long been much more fascinated by the philosophies of the East - Buddhism, Taoism, Hinduism) but I love listening to him and other Christians like Jordan Peterson.
God is always with you. Invited or not.
🌹 Cheers! 🌹
All paths lead to One. Spirit. No matter type of religion, no matter where on the path you are, no matter how enlightened or commited you are (this relates directly with your place in the Journey): All, I mean All will lead you to One. Unity.
And resonance starts with coherence... 💯❤️1️⃣♾️🌈💫
So someone can commit genocide and will end up in the same place as a saint?
What you believe does not change reality. If you believed the sun was black, square, cold, and came out at night - would that change the nature of the sun? No. Either God exists, or He doesn't; what someone believes does not effect that. If God exists- the creation is an obvious sign that He does- what does God want? All religions cannot be true about God because they all contradict each other. So there are two options: either one religion is true or they are all wrong. How can we tell? Seek and study.
The Bible makes thousands of prophesies. God proves He inspired the Bible by prophesying events thousands of years before they happened. One set of prophesies concern someone called the Messiah - the one who will save the people. A man named Jesus Christ came and fulfilled all of those prophesies. Jesus said Himself:
John 14:6 Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.
Jesus was crucified and rose from the dead for our sins. He gave us the free gift of salvation - something that nobody could ever earn.
God, the Holy Judge, promised to destroy sin at the end of the world. That means, all sinners will be judged and punished for their actions. Every other religion neglects this fact - they believe they can somehow appease God by doing "good works." God promised that anyone who has ever lied or stolen or committed adultery will be cast into the lake of fire for eternity (and these are only THREE commandments).
Jesus died to cover our sins. It's a free gift. To go to heaven all one has to do is :
Romans 10:9 That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved.
Get a Bible and read it. Follow God's commands and join a Church. Welcome to the family.
@@frankiehouse2364 Dear Friend, No wisdom can be found in the books, if it is not in the one, who writes/reads them. You may spend a whole life with eyes in books and still might not be able to grasp the meaning. Life is the greatest book that you will write and read. This was just a remark about the most important book in your book shelf - keep in mind it is not the bible. Now to the topic of the place where you will end up. It all depends on the place you start at (and your ability to adjust, reach, learn, adapt, Love). I prefer to see things as eternal, with numerous starts and ends (continuation). Where you stop (end) will determine your starting point for the next day (life). At any point of your Journey, you carry your spin, frequency, level of consciousness, and your thoughts and deeds are directly related to that specific properties of yours. If you think you are this unit that is not being influenced (by the environment) - you are *right (you are right where you are supposed to be) and you will have the corresponding experience of a journey. And if you understand that you are part of the whole (consciousness, nature, cosmos, god) - you are right and your journey will continue based on these premises. We, the parts all come from the One and are drawn towards reaching it (going forward, but reaching back to Our Home). As such, we carry (all) the properties of the One. What you see as good and bad is in direct relation to the level of properties being manifested, and their degree. The whole *loves his children equally and wants them to come back home. All actions, feelings, thoughts have the frequency of the carrier, they are unique to the person, and influenced by the {whole} environment. They represent the level of Consciousness, that constitutes the level of Unity (or separation). Yes, we are a one-man journey (it is you who need to reach it and I can not do it for you), but we all swim in the same ocean (same boat) - some can only swim deep sea, others will be able to jump and feel the rays of Light (of the Sun). You better not wait (for god) to appear to save you, well, eventually you will learn (might take you a 1000 days (lives) of eternal wandering or (fire)). Love(ing) is a good way to start the day with, and if you had a rough start, Love(ing) and Unity (consciousness) is always available to reach, even (and especially) at the end. It is Eternal. How Joyful and painful depends not on others (to blame), but on yourSelf (to find), realizing you are One (of many, of others, of consciousness, of god).
...There is a lot of Fire in the Eternal Rays of Light (Sun) and no RainBow appears without the Placid touch of Rain... It is The Merging of Light and Rain, of Fire and Water, of Moon and Sun.
To the short answer - It is All inclusive Journey, where noOne is left behind.
Love and Peace. 🌈🌞🎵♾️❤️1️⃣
@@miglena2s With all due respect friend, you typed a whole lot to say nothing.
You WILL die. You are NOT God. God is the all-knowing, all-powerful creator. In all your text, you failed to mention all the WRONG you have ever committed. God promised that anyone who has ever lied WILL face eternal DAMNATION. You can't save yourself. Try going to a judge when you are guilty of a serious crime (SIN) and tell them: "Yes, I am guilty, but look at all the good I've done! I helped the grandma! I did all this "self-improvement!" GUILTY! You are not judged by your good works, but by your bad.
Wisdom comes only from God. Everything you typed to me was made-up by someone - maybe even with good intentions. But that doesn't matter. If God came to earth and said: "MY WAY IS THE ONLY WAY." Everything else would be counterfeit, right?
I implore you to seek the Creator of the Universe. Prayer works. Pray to Him. Call out to Him. Ask Him to SHOW YOU what the truth is.
Proverbs 1:7 The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge: but fools despise wisdom and instruction.
Jeremiah 29:13 And ye shall seek me, and find me, when ye shall search for me with all your heart.
@@frankiehouse2364 Resonanse comes with coherence. Love and Peace. ❤️🌞🌈🎵♾️1️⃣
Mr Sheldrake, please allow me and my community to host you and your family in South Africa - in the Midlands of KZN.
Well - i experienced zen Meditation in a benedektine monastery: In 2005. Its all the same, on the deep level
Was wondering if you can upload the interview you had with Richard Hall because his channel is no more...
A treasure
Beautiful story, thank you for sharing. Does every single one of those Religions go to Heaven like Christians? Or do they all have their own Heaven? Which Heaven do you want to go to, the one and only one that every Religion says they have?
@1:40 what is this plant? Poison hemlock? Queen Anne's lace?
Let It be noted that poison hemlock is absolutely deadly. You take a weed wacker to these freaking things and you inhale, it can kill you. That is the beauty of mother nature
Personal morphic resonance
Rupert! May I post a few snippets of this (approvingly) on Tiktok? I will give all credit to you and your RUclips page
Rupert, have you ever visited the Shell Grotto in Margate? It's a must-see.
_"My Adventures in Search of Spirit"_
How do you search for something you already are, which makes you alive and able to perceive and experience?
#5 LIKE!🦋
12:08PM TX 11/21/22.
There is only one way to holy God. Through his son, the lord Jesus christ. We worship in spirit and truth. Blessings, in Jesus name, amen
Hilarious, best man !
The atheists don't believe in "hokus-pokus fairies in the pond (Dawkins) ", nor Santa, nor the Loch Ness monster, nor God. But God is the only one of these that they continually remind themselves doesn't exist. What causes this?
Well... Think about the concept of God and how you personally perceive it firstly. Is it not some sort of ideal/deity/concept that you have created and maintained in your mind throughout time? Even as a child when you read religious texts it requires you as an individual to read those texts interpret them and then form something in your imagination.
My funkin hero...really though
Japanese have spirit, their animist view includes volcanoes "coming to life", and robots having "spirit of life."
So, basically we spoiled your quests.
Second! :3
If we are to believe in reincarnation, should we also believe that Mary & Joseph & Adam & Eve, if they were real, also have reincarnated & could be here today. They could've awakened to the knowledge of who they are & are waiting for the world to hear them, which isn't easy to do in the modern world. Lets listen for them with our hearts 💚
Who controls reincarnation? What happened before the first carnation? Think about it. There is clearly One ultimate governing force in this world - that is God. God communes with His Creation. He expects things from us. The Bible tells us what:
Romans 3:23 For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God;
Romans 6:23 For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.
Romans 10:9 That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved.
Romans 10:13 For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.
We are all guilty sinners. Ever told a lie? Ever stolen something? Ever looked with lust?
James 2:10 For whosoever shall keep the whole law, and yet offend in one point, he is guilty of all.
Break one commandment-you've broken them all.
Revelation 21:8 But the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone: which is the second death.
God promised to judge sin; He is a judge. Hell was created for the Devil and his angels. God loves His creation and wants us all to come to the knowledge of the truth. He sent His Son Jesus Christ to die for our sins. No amount of good works could appease God, because we are already guilty in the Law. Try going to a human judge and pleading: "judge I know I'm guilty but look at all the good I've done! Money to the poor, helped the grandma with her trash, etc." We are judged not for our good deeds, but for our evil. Since Jesus Christ lived a perfect life, He was able to lay down His own life to secure ours - He sacrificed Himself. Salvation and reconciliation to God is simple: accept the Sacrifice.
John 3:16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.
Romans 5:8 But God commendeth his love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.
God bless
Bede Griffith was one of the last catholics, its hard to find someone who understands Catholicism and its teachings, and so people see it as this bigoted, xenophobic religions that only nationalists follow, when in fact it's pretty much the only religion that's fine with acknowledging other religion's validity, and value, and doesn't condemn them - according to lumen gentium, which is the part of official teaching, followers of Islam and Judaism are first in the line to heaven because of their religion and faith... yeah, it's a pity Catholicism for hijacked by some weird sectarians who think they are "traditionalists", when in reality they are straight up heretics.
A Christian follows Jesus Christ. Jesus said Himself that He was the only way to the Father. Every other religion therefore is nullified.
John 14:6 Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.
Jesus either rose from the dead or He didn't. If He did, He is God and everything He said was true. If He didn't rise, He is a liar. Jesus surely rose.
An alchemist is a theist, one finding their God. Athirst all thirst! Then they fruit!😅
...was eras'd in a
..'…dust family..
You better help because we all fall, who cares we all fall, oh really, we all fall, that's awfully cruel, care for a government, they are we and we are awful, care for a waffle? Lego my echo😂
Take away the devine mother and father, internal growth brings mushroom cloud reactors. 86971
Hmm .. the whole part where you talk about how the first thing that you learned from your teachers was that they were atheists is kind of weird. That was seriously the first thing that you thought you noticed? If that's true then it's sort of disconcerting.
Like like when people like you post these videos of ur ideas and stuff, do you take the time to really think over what you're doing? Basically what I'm asking is do you truly and sincerely in completely believe in what declare? And if you do, do you think it is a good standing structure for the next generations of humans to work off of?
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Yikes! that first picture looks like you're standing in a patch of giant hogweed.
as someone who claims to be a scientist, you tend to make a lot of assumptions, which is embarrassing