Dexter Comic-Con 2010 Panel: Beyond the Book | SHOWTIME


Комментарии • 38

  • @gicuuu
    @gicuuu 14 лет назад +4

    i would have loved to hear them answer " We never actually read the book ... but we saw the name and the cover ... i think we've got it covered " :D

  • @halfpup
    @halfpup 13 лет назад +2

    jennifer never looks this good on the show

  • @thewire22666
    @thewire22666 12 лет назад +2

    best show ever

  • @silfiriel
    @silfiriel 14 лет назад +2

    "it was jello"

  • @jonathannndrums
    @jonathannndrums 14 лет назад +1

    Michael C. Hall is such a badass. He's the only one chillin' with his elbow on the table. THUMBS UP :P

  • @Lycoapollo
    @Lycoapollo 14 лет назад

    @Huzzawful I only just finished the third book. I was quite surprise that the books chose to go in "that" direction.

  • @minte0407
    @minte0407 14 лет назад +1

    harry is alive :O I always only thought of him as of memory or hallucination :D

  • @AndrewHeard
    @AndrewHeard 14 лет назад

    @azrazae I've heard that about his "dark passenger". The show seems to be doing fine without that angle though for the most part.

  • @AndrewHeard
    @AndrewHeard 13 лет назад

    @Breedo Maybe they do, but for legal reasons they probably can't say that they do. It's also possible that in using the first book as a starting point, they came to the same ideas about where the character, and thus other characters, should go, thus similarities occur.

  • @Lycoapollo
    @Lycoapollo 14 лет назад

    SPOILERS SPOILERS SPOILERS (for the books and the series): I noticed some similarities between "Dr. Danco" in Dearly Devoted Dexter and the Skinner in season 3. Such as them both being professional torturers and having issues with disrespect. Also, a scene in the finale has Dexter 'ding' a car and try to sweet talk the police out of trouble using his Miami Metro status, which has similarities to a 'scene' in Dexter in the Dark when he's chasing down the guy following him and hits someone's car.

  • @TomGallagherSuperboyBeyond
    @TomGallagherSuperboyBeyond 14 лет назад

    @Vasun05 i can't say obviously as i wasn't there, but i know sometimes when they work with children they use a different color liquid and change it in post production, least thats wat i see done on some indie films, maybe they just made it smell like strawberries or something so the kid would actually like it

  • @AndrewHeard
    @AndrewHeard 14 лет назад

    I love that they aren't following the books and yet they manage to have similarities. Although I never read them, that's cool.

  • @uwe.kreymeyer3932
    @uwe.kreymeyer3932 14 лет назад

    Sara Colleton is just the perfect writer.
    She's really cool.

  • @yesinyc
    @yesinyc 14 лет назад +1

    Dexter is smokin' hot

  • @DinaWitaY
    @DinaWitaY 14 лет назад +1

    I swear I was thinking the same thing about little 'Harrison' could his parents let him sit in that blood...but I guess there IS always room for, that was funny

  • @darkpassenger09
    @darkpassenger09 14 лет назад +1

    @holvm18 : I name my cat ~Dexter

  • @REGMR13
    @REGMR13 14 лет назад +2

    I love this show. That's why when I see a Missing Person sign, I assume they're a bad guy and ol' Dex took care of 'em.

  • @Vasun05
    @Vasun05 14 лет назад

    i actually was wonder how exactly the parents of the baby felt when he was covered in blood cuz I freaked out

  • @benniewise2
    @benniewise2 12 лет назад

    @andid agreed

  • @AndrewHeard
    @AndrewHeard 14 лет назад

    @CrippNemesis I'd really like to because this whole thing is right up my alley, creatively speaking, but I'm just not that big of a book reader. It's a serious problem, I know. :)

  • @randomjoe333333
    @randomjoe333333 14 лет назад

    why did they kill off doakes for he was dexters best enemy

  • @TomGallagherSuperboyBeyond
    @TomGallagherSuperboyBeyond 14 лет назад

    @XYMan288 yeh, thats easy, u just give em a toy till they are ready to shoot, then take it away.

  • @holvm18
    @holvm18 14 лет назад

    I named my Beagle dog Dexter!

  • @drvrprmt
    @drvrprmt 14 лет назад

    @randomjoe333333 thats why

  • @D4n1t0o
    @D4n1t0o 3 года назад

    They should've stuck with the book.

  • @Octavaryum
    @Octavaryum 14 лет назад

    I'm so glad they chose not to follow the books passed the first season. I've read the first three novels and I've got to say that they're absolute garbage. It's just incredible what the creators of Dexter have salvaged from the series.

  • @Tryagainlater
    @Tryagainlater 14 лет назад

    Was Manny Coto asked a single question during the panel? He looks bored as hell.

  • @ShavosBlackJacket
    @ShavosBlackJacket 14 лет назад

    @p5p4p3p2p1p well since they're married that probably isnt much of a problem

  • @davidskater16
    @davidskater16 13 лет назад

    i wish they could keep the show going but they epicly failed whos next??? dexter

  • @soonermagic24
    @soonermagic24 14 лет назад

    @kurvatakco i agree.. my roomates dont agree with me, i hate it

  • @kurvatakco2255
    @kurvatakco2255 14 лет назад

    Jennifer is smokin' hot

  • @TheRoook
    @TheRoook 14 лет назад

    ''Dexter there is no cod for going out with ur sister =) have fun! ''
    LMAO jk

  • @Holdtheline07
    @Holdtheline07 14 лет назад

    I hate the new season..........It's too exciting ;D

  • @brovazzz
    @brovazzz 14 лет назад

    well, now I'm first for real !!!!!!!! Yeaahhhhhhhhhhhh, nice ))

  • @davidskater16
    @davidskater16 13 лет назад

    man i love the show and red all the books, seen every episode but i can say they truely ruined everything good in the show....killed off doakes, rita, brian, didnt kill la guarta, they even took out lumen after 1 season!!! WHAT ELSE CAN U RUIN??? they might as well just kill dexter and stop the show its already downhill ( in my opinion)

  • @delinquentpanda
    @delinquentpanda 14 лет назад

    @p5p4p3p2p1p Well they are married....