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  • @SoundOfFallingLeaves
    @SoundOfFallingLeaves 9 лет назад +39

    Bioware, don't listen to those whining bastards that onjhly feel fulfilled by talking crap about the work of others. I agree that the game has some flaws, but then, what in life has no flaws? Nothing's perfect. I can comprehend that somebody doesn't like it, ok, they are on their rights. But talking to your company like you're garbage? That's outrageous! This is an amazing game. Perhaps the best game I've ever played. It's so well constructed, each detail, each imperfections, their all so well placed. So much hard work. And then these pieces of shit, come talk to you with grudge, like they could do better.
    This is revolting, seriously.

    • @RansomMemoryAccess
      @RansomMemoryAccess 9 лет назад +10

      I've got a feeling lots of the haters are of the type that feverently believe their vision of what makes a RPG is the one and only correct vision. This generally involve massive amounts of micromanagement (BIG inventory PLX!), strategy game elements (100% control of all party members at all times!) and despise action gameplay (simplifed stopid kidZ stuff!), ignoring the fact the action is more realistic which in turn is beneficial for immersion and REAL roleplaying.
      Mass Effect 2 and especially 3 got a similar hammering by "fans" spending countless hours raging. Is it an entitlement infection of the whiny gamer generation? Most of them are blind to the fact that they have spent countless hours either playing the game and or raging at the forums over flaws, real (there are admittedly some serious ones in an otherwise very good game) or imaginary. This has become Dragon RAGE, not Dragon Age. Bioware definitely deserve better "fans".
      ~ Seraphael

    • @GermaneRiposte
      @GermaneRiposte 9 лет назад +8

      Ransom Access Memory The BSN prefer to complain about a game rather than play it. The approach du jour is that everything and anything Bioware do will never be as good as Origins, ignoring that fact that when Origins came out, the approach du jour was to say that it wasn't as good as Baldur's gate/Neverwinter. All the majority seem to want to do is to hate on Bioware and the games they make, and it's depressing as fuck.

    • @DaVeO52
      @DaVeO52 9 лет назад +4

      Phobius9 I'm fifty hours in and have only just now moved to Skyhold. I do miss the "we can talk anytime to our companions" but I'm loving the rest. My jaw dropped when I was able to recreate MY Hawke. I loved origins, DA2 and really enjoying DA:I, though I regret getting it on the PS3, major crash issues, going to re-purchase on PC at the next sale.

    • @SoundOfFallingLeaves
      @SoundOfFallingLeaves 9 лет назад +5

      My thoughts exacly. They stay so attached to one game and than they can't see nothing behind that game. I loved Origins, played it, I enjoyed it, now I don't want the same game for a sequel, that would be boring. I want new stuff, and Bioware did it so well; Inquisition is a beautiful piece of art.

    • @aleigor450
      @aleigor450 9 лет назад +2

      Only reasons people are whining (and I am also) is because Bioware used to do quality stuff that stood the test of time. Did the other games were perfect? Of course not, not because we are saying this game has flaws means other games have none. This RPG isn't simply complex and people don't necessarily like that, I like controlling my whole party, having a tons of conversation choices that matters, having a inventory that you need to do some management, having meaningful side quests. Some people love the companions, some don't. I feel this game is surronding by fanboys who just started playing game since Xbox 360 and the Mass Effect series, but that's all new Bioware, they have streamlined RPGs so casual can play it, they are fun, but not a great experience. I know for sure I'll go back to Baldur's Gate sooner than Dragon Age Inquisition...hell even DA:O is a proper cRPG.

  • @Pineabble
    @Pineabble 9 лет назад

    I was disappointed with the second game so much that it caused me to stop pre-ordering games ever again, but I feel DA:I was a step in the right direction for sure. The characters in this game are overall my favorite group, the huge places to explore ranging from lush forests to deserts is great, the way you can play it as an action game on lower difficulties or tactical on the harder ones and the fights with dragons are all fantastic. I'm having a blast! However, even with loving the game, there are still a few issues I have. I feel the AI of the party can be a bit annoying on harder difficulties, you guys seriously need to get better hair styles in the game (there are like 20 shaved head options come on), the green lighting while creating your character makes it difficult to see exactly what you're getting and I think the game could have used more armor. Still, I'm impressed with the amount of content in this game and feel like I'll be able to play this many times while still enjoying it just as much.

  • @ElPolloDiablo100
    @ElPolloDiablo100 9 лет назад +1

    How to make an RPG the bioware way: start by developing a world of dragon age MMORPG that is doomed to fail, cancel it, scrap together its leftovers into a single player game and shamelessly claim "it's like skyrim". Bribe the gaming media for plenty of 90%+ and GOTY scores. Don't fire your general manager, lead writer and lead designer so that they can further screw the bioware brand into irrelevance.

    • @EmoBearRights
      @EmoBearRights 9 лет назад

      ElPolloDiablo100 Thank you I missed that cliche in my summary of conspiracy theories and toy throwing that annoy me. You didn't like it - fine btu others did. The bribery conspiracy theory is rubbish - just got and find something you do enjoy and stop bitching.

    • @ElPolloDiablo100
      @ElPolloDiablo100 9 лет назад

      Conspiracy theory? Bitch please.

  • @RamblingHermit
    @RamblingHermit 9 лет назад +17

    Really enjoying Inquisition, just please include a short prologue for the main character next time. Each race has their backstory, Dwarf being from the Carta etc but it was never explored to any extent. The beginning of the game would have been much stronger if at the conclave the main character had a chance to chat with their mates before everything explodes. What really helped Dragon Age Origins were the prologues that set the stage for your character's journey. I feel like in Inquisition the past of your character is brushed under a rug pretty quickly, which diminishes the racial choice you gave us in my opinion.
    The dialogue choices that pop up from time to time as a result of your racial choice are great though! Still can't believe the voice actor for the American accent is the same guy who voiced Zevran. Talk about range!

  • @wavejumper2160
    @wavejumper2160 9 лет назад +34

    Awesome game! I've loved the series since Origins first came out! I'm very grateful that you listen to your fans! Keep up the good work and congrats to all the awards and accolades on Dragon Age Inquisition! Well deserved! 😊

  • @Jxudo
    @Jxudo 9 лет назад +11

    I love ya BioWare, you just really need to leave EA. They're holding you back way too much.

    • @Jxudo
      @Jxudo 9 лет назад

      ***** Well IMO Inquisition is a million times better than Origins so...

  • @ninninin656
    @ninninin656 9 лет назад +18

    Definitely what I love best about Bioware - the writing, the story, the characters being REAL and DIVERSE, not just some straight, white male wish fulfilment. The DA games have weaknesses when it comes to animation and bugs etc., but frankly, I don't even care because I feel like playing an immersive movie or book - I feel emotionally invested and moved by what's happening. Kudos to the writers, especially David Gaider (Dorian, so amazing!) and Patrick Weekes (SOLAS!!!!! And COLE!!!!).

  • @Nikolaj11
    @Nikolaj11 9 лет назад +110

    Yeah, Bioware you need to get back to your strengths. You built a beautiful world and exciting characters but almost no content that makes it worth exploring either.
    More companion and main quests, more companion interaction. Give them an actual purpose in the Inquisition and not just boring War Table missions and "kill 5 random mages" quests.

    • @Italky
      @Italky 9 лет назад +4

      Nikolaj11 They probably left a whole lot open due to upcoming DLCs.

    • @zingy1914
      @zingy1914 9 лет назад +8

      got 90hrs into the game and since then havent picked it back up. game was too big for what little content there was and felt like a chore to explore, while it felt mandatory to do so incase content was missed. big DA fan and hugely disapointed.

    • @panos_sigma
      @panos_sigma 9 лет назад +3

      Completely agree with you Nikolaj. IMO Bioware focused on the wrong elements with Inquisition. DAII did a lot of harm to the franchise and after that they wanted to prove and draw attention about their ability to create huge maps like Skyrim. I think that they ran out of resources and time to fill these huge areas with meaningful content and the result is these types of MMO quests to fill the gaps and add more playtime to the short and mediocre main campaign. To make things worse, they have butchered even more the tactical side of combat. It's a pity, because there is so much wasted potential with this franchise.

    • @GeoxShok19
      @GeoxShok19 9 лет назад

      well i think what you say its true and the way to add all that to Inquisition is DLCs this game need cools DLCs because in my opinion is the second game after origins and inquisition deserve good adds

    • @Cobbster92
      @Cobbster92 9 лет назад +1

      I always wanted to help Blackwall complete the Joining. I hope that they include a mission like that at some point. I think it will help bring his character's story full circle.

  • @GODzilla_FH
    @GODzilla_FH 9 лет назад +10

    A few more don'ts: Don't let your PR team belittle or make fun of your customers voicing criticism or bringing problems to your attention. Also don't treat customers as idiots trying to explain to them how it is actually best for everyone when DLCs get an exclusive first release on the XBox One.
    Or in general: Don't make a fool of yourselves by trying to make one of us. Thanks in advance and I wish you better luck next time. I really do.

  • @heartsickruben
    @heartsickruben 9 лет назад +21

    Shame you guys went the mmorpg route with collecting stuff.

    • @PwlgCo
      @PwlgCo 9 лет назад

      True, but, you don't HAVE to do it. I racked up 97 hours my first play through and only touched collecting and crafting, like, four times- twice to upgrade my keep and twice for important items.

    • @davidbujna8480
      @davidbujna8480 9 лет назад

      Name me RPG that doesnt have "mmorpg route with collecting sutff".
      Elder Scrolls? Has one, DAO? Same. DA2 same, ME series? Same. This so called mmorpg route is BS, just biggest BS out there.

  • @Siven80
    @Siven80 9 лет назад +59

    Very little story, Regions with little story and no end payoff and then lots of filler to grind, thats the modern Bioware RPG.
    DA Origins is still the best modern RPG they've made.

    • @Italky
      @Italky 9 лет назад +1

      Siven DLC.

    • @reizyka3044
      @reizyka3044 9 лет назад +7

      Couldn't have said it better. Even DA2 had a better story than this grinding garbage.

    • @Italky
      @Italky 9 лет назад +4

      ***** To each their own.

    • @Philipp2998
      @Philipp2998 9 лет назад +9

      Totally agree... I had such high hopes for this game, but it was so disappointing in the end.. Where have all the choices gone? Where are the great and interesting companions and locations? Where is the STORY????
      I finished the game in 60 hours and maybe 6 of them were the actual main quest, the rest were boring MMO-like quests that did not matter and made no difference at all...

    • @jetaviation3586
      @jetaviation3586 9 лет назад

      i totally agree with you!

  • @ndbd9drn
    @ndbd9drn 9 лет назад +5

    So much negativity here D:
    Bioware will always be my favourite game developer!

  • @simranwhitham3075
    @simranwhitham3075 9 лет назад +11

    Bioware you guys did a spectacular job with this game it is everything I hoped it would be its the Dragon Age game we your fans have been waiting for and I'm having the time of my life with it, words cannot do you guys justice for this amazing story driven experience thank you for this amazing game.

  • @TwentYthree17444
    @TwentYthree17444 9 лет назад +7

    Can't wait for the first DLC to release, you guys have been my favorite developer since kotor.

  • @kuro450
    @kuro450 9 лет назад +13

    The "Bioware" way?You mean the EAware way..

    • @Italky
      @Italky 9 лет назад +14

      You're so smart.

    • @sidhion8360
      @sidhion8360 9 лет назад +16

      Oh, leave off...

  • @diegoa.1856
    @diegoa.1856 9 лет назад +4

    Dragon Age Inquisition is amazing, thanks Bioware for the awesome game. I'm still playing and having a lot of fun, and oh, Morrigan in the game is the best thing ever, my favorite character of the franchise.
    About the haters, eh... they will complain about everything, they are already complaining about The Witcher 3, they will complain about every RPG that is released nowadays, so, meh.

  • @Nightfall815
    @Nightfall815 9 лет назад +4

    RPGs made "the Bioware way" really doesn't exist anymore - it is clearly the "EA way" now!
    Also "don't talk down to your audience"? Ha ha ha ha ha, are you aware of what your PR-people did during the whole Mass Effect 3-catastrophe and one of the main reasons it spun completely out of control? Maybe that's how they learned this "don't":P

  • @LapisGarter
    @LapisGarter 9 лет назад +6

    I bought Inquisition. Played about 6 hours, got bored and reinstalled Origins. I've still been trying to get into it, but it's not working.

    • @DivaQuinzel
      @DivaQuinzel 9 лет назад +3

      I'd say play through the main story quickly until you finish the "In your heart shall burn" quest.
      Sadly that's when the game truly starts.

    • @HayGurlHay
      @HayGurlHay 9 лет назад +1

      Keep on truckin'!! It gets better trust me. Did you leave the Hinterlands? ++ what @DivaQuinzel said.

    • @MrUngrun
      @MrUngrun 9 лет назад +7

      DivaQuinzel Yeah, that's exactly what I felt.. I thought I was the only one. )
      Before this part of the game I thought: "..well, it's okay but it's definitely not what I expected." But this battle, journey through the snow mountains, The Dawn Will Come song, journey to Skyhold - absolutely blew my mind.

    • @DivaQuinzel
      @DivaQuinzel 9 лет назад +1

      ***** Yea, that's when it truly started feeling like Dragon Age.

    • @davidbujna8480
      @davidbujna8480 9 лет назад

      ***** I sing the song wit them :d Then the neighbours came, the ones 4 floors above me.

  • @arianevidding
    @arianevidding 7 лет назад +2

    I'm so obsessed with those games.... Go if only there was more like them! I'm replaying DAO and DAI non stop right now, I need something with character customization, choice, great characters, relationship, rich story.... HELP! (Idon'tlikeMassEffectTho)

  • @alexbonciu9658
    @alexbonciu9658 9 лет назад +5

    Keep up the good work you !!

  • @LiangHuBBB
    @LiangHuBBB 9 лет назад +3

    give us online mode vs dragons = epic

  • @HydroFlame20
    @HydroFlame20 9 лет назад +4

    Hi bioware keep going strong let Nothing stop you.

  • @chriss8070
    @chriss8070 9 лет назад +3

    Inquisition is so epic, the first hours are just the beginning.

  • @PwlgCo
    @PwlgCo 9 лет назад +1

    Honestly, I see no reason for people to complain so much. DAI and DAO are both great games- DAI for the exploration and the multiple different "lives" you can live and DAO for the epic adventure. It seems like no one is ever really happy, anymore, with games.
    Why did Skyrim get such big hype for the same thing Dragon Age Inquisition did and yet DAI get's the crap end of the stick while Skyrim is praised?
    RPG (or MMORPG-esque) games should be about fun and adventure. As someone who has grown up playing all the rpg games Bioware/Black Isle/Obsidian/EA (and other studios) have made, I would say DAI did a good job.
    If you can't give yourself an adventure without needing linearity and a push to the adventure, then you must not be very creative and open minded. I see no problem with an open world game.
    While they had some bad issues with DAI (and the same goes for Skyrim and other games) it's hard to make an open world game feel whole and complete when you're so used to linearity.
    If you think you can do better, by all means- go and make me a game that does better than DAI. If not, then please quit putting people down for liking the game and please quit being rude to the people of Bioware who worked hard to make something for their fans.

  • @KnotsOfWonders
    @KnotsOfWonders 9 лет назад +1

    The Journey was short lived, over 200+ hours of gameplay but it all felt like only 40hours for me due to the lack of story content. Would've been a much greater game if it did actually have more * "Great Stories" - Aaryn Flynn General Manager, Bioware. *

  • @SangoProductions213
    @SangoProductions213 9 лет назад +1

    by all means, restrict your players. As long as all possibilities and quests are good, then you have done enough.

  • @nalothewolf8422
    @nalothewolf8422 9 лет назад +1

    The game is amazing I give them a 100% on the game. But the only they mess up on is the romance I mean the guys romance is fine but female romance is kind ok. All the fans was hoping that Leliana was romance character again or have similar to her. I already saw some people mod Cassandra romance made her romance a female character.
    You guys are awesome keep it up. I can't wait till the new Mass Effect game come out. I hope for a New Dragon Age in the future. I love you guys make your fans proud.

  • @dethmunky86
    @dethmunky86 9 лет назад +2

    Are you guys talking about the same game? It's un-freaking-playable on the PC. The characters are so uninteresting that I can't wait to sacrifice them to the next dark god I find. The side-quests have less than no impact on the game, besides grinding me up until I can get out of the Hinterlands. The main story is a disjointed mess that makes me travel all the way back to my main castle and sit through 5 loading screens before I can move on to the next area. The crafting system suuhuuuucks. The freaking loot ping. And the turn-based combat is a boring game of 'wait for the ability to cool down so I can press the next button'. Don't be too proud of yourselves.

    • @dethmunky86
      @dethmunky86 9 лет назад +1

      Hey, that's our word.

    • @EmoBearRights
      @EmoBearRights 9 лет назад

      Josh S. Ok - we get it not your thing although I don't get why you find the characters uninteresting - can't understand it but fair enough we don't all like the same. Now quit bitching and play something you enjoy. Just because people enjoy something you don't and get different things out of a game than you do - does make them idiots - live and let live dude!

  • @DarkLThemsby
    @DarkLThemsby 9 лет назад +1

    Inquisition is one of those games that do Open World in a good way, because while it's still full of filler missions to fill up that world, they all work towards the same goal as the main mission, unlike for example Skyrim, where all the side missions were small disconnected stories in of them selves.

  • @MinecraftVanish
    @MinecraftVanish 9 лет назад +1

    Also missing great epic final battle - army on army - companions in danger..... And few Skyhold defence missions

  • @ivorysamoan
    @ivorysamoan 9 лет назад +1

    I bloody LOVE how BioWare are back on top of the RPG game (where they belong!) :))))

  • @Blue_David1996
    @Blue_David1996 4 года назад +1

    I have 5 to 6 play throws that means from origins to inquisition and can't wating for 4.

  • @Celestiusify
    @Celestiusify 9 лет назад +4

    Hopefully in the next dragon age , we could have more impact of the ressources we have on the game (cause it matters for me ) more drama (some mass effect ambiance) and especially non ugly hetero women to romance with.... and remember that we have faith in you bioware .
    Oh and sorry for my english im french ;-)

    • @jessicaspurlock847
      @jessicaspurlock847 9 лет назад +20

      are you talking about cassandra? i'm really confused as to why everyone thinks she's ugly.

    • @Destroxy
      @Destroxy 9 лет назад

      Jessica Spurlock She's not ugly, but she just can't compare to Leliana or Morrigan...

    • @DerLetzteMonarch
      @DerLetzteMonarch 9 лет назад +21

      Jessica Spurlock Slightly more masculine jawline and short hair. For some reason a lot of people can't deal with that. Their loss if they only care about looks and ignore personality, I'd say...

    • @Grippli
      @Grippli 9 лет назад +1

      Zack El'm Pareil, Cassandra n'est rien sinon adorable. Et je ne vois pas en quoi son orientation sexuelle est un problème... Sérieusement, j'aimerais vraiment savoir en quoi ça te dérange ?

    • @Celestiusify
      @Celestiusify 9 лет назад

      Robin Goupil J'ai pas parler de l'orientation sexuel, mais plutot de sa coupe de cheveux, sa facon de baiser , et n'oublions pas la cicatrice sur sa joux c'est degoutant .

  • @LionMil1
    @LionMil1 9 лет назад +1

    You mean in the way that they make the Player think their choices matter, when they actually dont? :/

  • @tteasley54
    @tteasley54 9 лет назад +1

    I loved this game, but i was disappointed on the limited armor models.

  • @BradTheAmerican
    @BradTheAmerican 9 лет назад

    I typed this comment on a different video before, but I edited some of it, and the problems are still relevant. Note: I still like the game, and pointing out flaws is not "hating." I'm simply stating disappointments with getting less of a game.
    My biggest gripes are the lack of tactic slots, few talent/spell trees, and that the map regions are nearly empty and just there for the sake of filler such as scattered Shards, Rifts, and Fetch Quests with no real content.
    -Tactic Slots:
    Without them, the AI is outright dreadful. They use abilities at the most inopportune times, such as a mage casting Barrier on an ally who is not even being attacked, or casts it as the fight finishes thus it being useless, or allies in general casting AOE abilities on single targets. Without specific conditions, allies just spam abilities thus rogues or mages will gain more threat than they should, and they will have no mana/stamina when other abilities will be needed, so it's better just to disable all AI for AOE, short cooldown, or hard hitting abilities. I could play through DAO and DA2 on the hardest difficulties using tactic slots with no problem, and little to no need for micromanaging. In DAI, the hardest part of the gameplay is the bad AI, so micromanaging feels forced. If the tactic slots were there, I'd say the game would be much easier than the previous games just because there are fewer enemies on screen, in general, but everything is an annoying DMG sponge. I'd rather have more enemies, but with less health like in the previous games tbh.
    -Skill Trees:
    To me, the trees feel so uninspired. Mages are extremely basic, and non-mages may as well only have 3 trees because 2 of them are weapon based. There are too few trees/abilities. In the previous games there were far more things to play with, thus more builds and more replayability. I also feel that the only weapon based tree that should exist in the game is archery, and all the others should be weapon agnostic, meaning it doesn't matter what weapon you prefer to use (Shield, two-handed, Daggers, swords, maces, etc). This was an issue with DAO as well. You had quite a few weapon restricted talents that were basically re-skins of other abilities. For example: Pommel Strike, Shield Bash, Shield Pummel, and Overpower in DAO, as well as Mighty Blow and Critical Strike. Same abilities, with minor alterations, and restricted to weapon types. A simple Warrior ability that wasn't weapon restricted could have been simply called Bash, and use it no matter your weapon preference is. Another is Shield Wall and Block & Slash. They could have easily been part of a weapon agnostic tree and combined into an ability called Block. It feels like they did it to inflate the number of abilities. Upgrades are mainly lame as well. So many are nothing more than a simple DMG bonus, or a duration bonus, or a cooldown bonus. Another thing about the Skill Trees are the Focus abilities. Why is "Hail of Arrows" in Artificer, and not in Archery? Why is Firestorm in Rift Mage and not in Inferno? Why isn't Blizzard a Focus ability? Haste in Necromancer? That doesn't even make sense. That should have been placed in Creation where Haste used to be or something, oh wait... that doesn't exist anymore. And why is Necromancer made up of several abilities that they randomly took out of Spirit and Entropy from the previous games? The Spirit tree is now a former shell of itself, and should be renamed the Barrier Tree. In fact, all of the trees are shells of their former selves. Was there a quota for the number of trees and abilities to fill or something? And why doesn't every tree have one focus ability? Why aren't all of the Barrier related abilities stuck in one tree, instead of being scattered around throughout several of them? The Champion Tree is basically Vanguard 2.0 and the only Focus ability that even makes sense with the tree that it is in (that I currently recall) is probably Rampage in Reaver. Consistency, it doesn't exist.
    With how empty the maps are, it felt like I was playing Skyrim. If you play DAO and go to Orzammar, you can find several side quests with actual story/content and Stuff n' Things to do, same with the Dalish camp, etc. In DAI, you just walk around until you find some notes, and a pile of dirt, OR for the few that actually have a person with dialogue is nothing more than a few lines. Now place several sticks in the ground and quest complete. It's basically Fetch Quests: The Game. More of the map space is used for Rifts and Shards than actual content. Even the quests for Inquisitor Specializations have you bumbling around looking for random guys to kill and scavenging for random materials. And I remember it being said before release that specializations would be story based. I don't really feel that searching for random enemies to kill is much of a story. It's just pointless walking around, that definitely puts a hamper on the pacing of the game's actual story. There is more walking around than in The Lord Of The Rings Trilogy.
    -(Arbitrary) Restrictions:
    Weapon and armor restrictions take away from building and playing the character how you want to. It's so arbitrary. Rogue can only use dual daggers or a bow? Not a single dagger, but two? Not a dagger and sword? Two swords? Sword and mace? Maybe a shield? Maybe you wanted to be a dual wielding Warrior, or a ranged Warrior. A mage with a sword or Armor? You could do that in Origins, and the OPTION for out of the box builds/Hybrids offered more replayability. Then THEY have the audacity to TEASE me during the Corypheus cutscene in Haven by having the character pick up a sword (even as Rogue or mage, No Forgiveness! /s). You don't even get attribute points on level-up anymore, and the stats themselves have been further watered-down. But anyway, DAI also has a huge focus on crafting, and you can craft poison, but the poison can only be used by rogues... somehow. Then why have it as a craftable thing? Then they go ahead and place poison and traps as talents? Why would they do that when they made the effort for a crafting system? I'm actually surprised Rock Armor Potion isn't a mage restricted item. Equipment should not be a talent, so make it one way or the other. Flasks, grenades, traps, potions, and poisons as either all equipment that you craft and not restricted by class, or have them all as talents. Arbitrary Restrictions are yucky, and so is inconsistency.
    ***This section contains SPOILERS in relation to the Bull's Chargers and Hawke/Nightmare Fade Scene thing***
    There are fewer choices than ever before, and some of them are arbitrary and limited. DAO had several end results for many main AND side quests, and this game basically threw all that out with "pick one or the other" for main quests and turn 90% side quests into nothing but fetching items. One that I disliked was the Chargers living or dying during Bull's companion quest in The Storm Coast. Why couldn't I offer to help the Chargers by myself? We needed to hold both locations if we wanted to keep the Dreadnaught, right? So Hissrad and Gatt stay behind at their spot, and I run over, solo, to help fight with the Chargers. Instead it's just STAY or HELP. Why couldn't the Chargers retreat? They had a reason in-game, but I don't remember it. However, if they die, that may as well just be the same as not even being there, so what's the point? Another one I hate is The Hawke or Stroud/Alistair/Loghain choice. Not because I was worried for Hawke or Alistair. Not because I cared about Stroud (worst placeholder I've ever seen). Loghain? He was a traitor turned Warden. Not anything special, so I would have no problem leaving him to die. None of them even amount to what Hawke is/was capable of. Hawke was a one-(wo)man army who defeated the Qunari in Kirkwall, among other great actions that few could ever attempt. It's not that I hated having to choose, which was really easy imo. It's how they did it. The giant spider in the background was just sitting there doing nothing, and we sit around talking about who will stay to hold it off, rather than everyone just running to leave right then and there. OR, why didn't we all just fight it? You sure kill a lot of things in Dragon Age, so why not? Were they too tired after fighting the Nightmare Demon? If a Mage Hawke stays behind, they fight the giant spider up close with melee staff attacks, what a great idea. ***END OF SPOILERS*** Also, allies (Templars, Mages, Wardens, etc) that join you, do not even participate for the end battle, so what's the point. Flavor dialogue?. And the quests/power/Influence have no effect on your army's effectiveness at all. I'm sure glad I got to make those choices /s. The ending just seemed rushed, and the final battle wasn't any different than other damage sponge enemies, except for being easier and for being against the main villain who should have been a challenge anyway. -___-
    We don't even hear about what happens with our companions, or what happens with certain communities/places. In DAO, you learned about characters and places, even if they were small. Paid for a girl's sword? She goes to Denerim and gets married to Ban Tegan. Gave money to a Waitress in Redcliffe? She starts a brewery in Denerim. Sided with the guards in Amaranthine? The city's economy grew. Conscripted Alec the Sheepherder? He became one of the greatest soldiers of the next Age. Leliana's end-game adventure? The game felt more dynamic and alive because such things, big or small, were noted and you learned how the world was affected. DAI basically just makes a summation about the Divine, Mages, and Grey Wardens. Nothing about the "little guy." Sera Greatly Disapproves. I was always satisfied with the epilogue in Origins, but with DAI, I was like, "that's it?" What happened to Sera? What happened to my bae who caught me slippin'? The advisers? What happens to the Dalish clan in the Exalted Plains? What about Orlais? Ferelden?
    -Party Banter:
    I know about the banter bug (which includes dialogue lines repeating and/or not happening as often), and honestly have no idea how much of an effect that had with my game. That's not what I'm going to discuss though. A lot of conversations seemed too small, and that they ended without an actual conclusion. Character A would say something to Character B, and the person would retort a couple of words, and then when you think the other character will address said retort, they just leave it with no response. It's like the last sentence or two of the conversation were scrapped. Then there's the "one line of random and irrelevant dialogue that consists of 3 words while I'm exploring a random sand dune in the Hissing Wastes or other nearly empty map locations" because filler reasons to break the silence. It's too bad, because I always felt invested in conversations from the previous games, and it helped me appreciate characters that maybe I didn't necessarily care for at the time.
    -War Table:
    This part of the game was a waste of time, imo. I've heard the comparison to a mobile game. But anyway, most of these, if not all, could have made fine side quests or even main quests out in those big empty map locations. If you side with the Mages, you can do an operation for Therinfall Redoubt, and if you side with the Templars, you can do an operation for Redcliffe(?), if I remember correctly. Why couldn't we just go to both locations regardless? Having an element of "Order of Completion" for certain quests/locations causing different outcomes could have been neat. Instead, we get lines of text after waiting a few hours. It would also be great if you could use "Power" to instantly complete War Operations.
    It's a shame I have to compare to DAO, because it should stand on its own, but I compare because rather than getting DAO + more, we get less than DAO but with big maps. Yay? The only expansive thing about DAI is the size of the maps (which hurts the game anyway), and everything else has shrunk, except for maybe character interaction. The character interactions back at base are my favorite parts of the game. I also really loved the Astrariums. Overall, DAI is a big disappointment for me, mostly due to filler content, but I still like it. With that being said, I won't play DAI nearly as much as I've played DAO and DA2 (~20 times since getting them both a little more than a year and a half ago), simply because they offer more to the player. DA is getting further and further from its RPG roots. I originally hated DAO when I first played it, but it became an acquired taste and now it's my favorite game out there.

  • @EnthuGamerush
    @EnthuGamerush 9 лет назад +1

    What does Bioware look for in future employees?

    • @EnthuGamerush
      @EnthuGamerush 9 лет назад

      ***** You seem to have a personal problem with this company.
      To clarify: I am looking for unbiased information, not a heated and possibly unfounded opinion. I am looking for solid facts and evidence, not premature beliefs.
      Now: is there anybody here that can give me what I am looking for? Please and thank you..

  • @Rubidius
    @Rubidius 9 лет назад

    The Good: Music, Environments, Writing, Characters, Exploration, Epic story and Dragons!
    The Bad: No modding tools. Story progression halts leaves you mopping up side quests after the first 60 hours. Missed potential on developing the villain's character further. Slow mounts. No storage chest and limited bag space. Overly restrictive DRM.
    The Ugly: The Skyhold pajamas.

  • @ThaPimpminista
    @ThaPimpminista 9 лет назад

    I've got another "DO" for ya BW....DO whatever it takes to get your collective hands on a new star wars RPG! And I mean RPG......not mmorpg, not Moba, NOT game for phones/tablets.... A straight up RPG!
    Ohh yea.... And leave Revan out of it. They've already shit on him enough in swtor

  • @EilertAlemat
    @EilertAlemat 9 лет назад

    Somehow I watch an interview with Lucy again today. Not that I complain.
    'Our game played by different people. We understand that.'
    Ooookay. If it is not guild secret - please tell others? Pretty please? Because some guys just don't get how important R in RPG is. Too much dark ages slashers these days which try to masquerade as RPG. And thanks for your work. I appreciate it since 'Baldur's Gate' to this day.

  • @Justin_Anime
    @Justin_Anime 9 лет назад

    Can we get STORY BASED dlc please. Maybe you guys can make Lilieana, Scout Harding, Cullen, and even Josephine playable characters? Although Josephine might be a little harder to pull off. You guys could even make a Morrigan story, since you stated that you can't add more characters to the game you can do amazing things with the npc you already have.

  • @aleigor450
    @aleigor450 9 лет назад

    This game si a step up from DA2 and I would even say ME3, but it needs to cut down on big areas just to be big areas. Most quests are not fun to do and most of the game time I have played, it was 75% doing side quests, I feel I almost didn't touch the story. I know the game was supposed to be an MMO first, but it could have done with less side-quests, but better I still feel like doing all those quests simply because I like to see everything in a game when I play it. There's some great stuff, but it's all padded with useless stuff.
    Also, there needs to be more companion interaction, like talking with them when adventuring for exemples, they talk so rarely that I feel I'm playing alone in this adventure.
    Anyway, New-Bioware is trying to make something good and they did a good job, it's not perfect, but overall I feel like the game is making a soul, like old Bioware used to be, but that's probably the EA behind it.

  • @Sheigorr
    @Sheigorr 9 лет назад

    That's nice and all, I really like the game. BUT optimization and bug fixing is also a thing, you know. Well, obviously you don't. Stutters and lots of glitches starts to make me regret purchasing it. I hope you won't go the way ubisoft did.

  • @ricijs2000
    @ricijs2000 9 лет назад

    cuztomization was really dissapointing i was so excited for qunari and you screwed it up

  • @dragonage
    @dragonage 9 лет назад

    Go behind the scenes of Dragon Age: Inquisition!

    • @isleoftheblessed2949
      @isleoftheblessed2949 9 лет назад

      Dlcs please!!! :-)

    • @Slyperoto
      @Slyperoto 9 лет назад

      Of course there wont be a answer for this question:
      Why didnt you do all this in DA2?
      As for Bioware games they are great(except for DA2)Love all Mass Effect games and DA of course.Storys are great and supported with awesome gameplay and choices that really make you part of that world like you are actually there hell with this script hollywood could make game based movie(yes i know there is a movie but lets face it its more of a loong comercial than a movie) or show thats how good it is.
      Keep this up Bioware dont let EA destroy your way of making games like they did(DA2).

    • @uttaus
      @uttaus 9 лет назад

      Slyperoto I say DA II was a good story, no a great story. The game play and reuse of areas was atrocious and slightly unforgivable. Isabella, Varric and Merril are some of the best characters in the series as well as sarcastic Hawke.

    • @Slyperoto
      @Slyperoto 9 лет назад

      uttaus Yeah story was good I may overreacted on that but like you said same area over and over mad it so booring and no camp and characters and interaction with them felt empty to me unlike Origins.But inquisition was awesomee fell in love with the game all over again :)

    • @JeffreyBernabe
      @JeffreyBernabe 9 лет назад

      Scout Lace Harding Romance DLC

  • @MinecraftVanish
    @MinecraftVanish 9 лет назад

    Only mistake of this game is that you don 't actually get the feeling that the demons are such a great threath... Sure ecerybody talks about how important it is to stop them, but you should show us demons destroy villages, maybe attack Val Royex or kill someone important like in Origins..... Origins was so great because you saw and felt the importance of stopping darkspawn because they masacred royal army, killed Duncan and the king....they left no survivors.... You don t have that in Inquisition

  • @russell4341
    @russell4341 9 лет назад

    I love the Dragon Age series and I hope to one day become a lead writer for such a fantastic world. I've followed it since the beginning and have played every game, read every book, and bought all the DLCs for multiple platforms. Keep on doing what you do Dragon Age! You have my full support.

  • @elderoken443
    @elderoken443 9 лет назад

    Lol destiny...... You can learn Alittle something from this video ( YOU DUN FUCKED UP) and dragon age rock on

  • @AAJillSandwich
    @AAJillSandwich 9 лет назад

    Dragon age Origins was awesome I loved the charcaters the world was pretty restrictive but the story and charcaters got me hooked. A Grey Warden betrayed and up against a blight with the cold mage Morigan and the funny guy Alistair it left me with a lot of emotions Shale and her dlc was great as well.
    Dragon Age 2 wasn't that good.
    Dragon Age Inquisition is my favorite I love Cassandra and Blackwall I really get attached too them when I play the game. The side quests were fun and interesting I spent 15 hours in the Hinterlands at the beginning before I did anything else. Collecting shards and closing rifts does get tedious. It's a lot of fun playing as a mage I started human. The combat has vastly improved though I rarely have used the strategic options or mounts playing on hard difficulty there a nice addition but didn't seem necessary.
    The main quest is very fun along with the charcater quests the music is great and the battles are just awesome feel epic everytime blasting with my staff.

    @TZATRIX 9 лет назад

    The game is beautiful, but all the content before Skyhold is almost a torture. And the opening scene is just lazy. It's 5 years since DA Origins was released and it is not yet "beaten". Not even by the Inquisition.

  • @asian435chen
    @asian435chen 9 лет назад

    Oooo~ More behind the scenes! Please, please! They're very fascinating to watch. What about a more personal video next time? Like the staff members video taping each other or funny/fun fact stories about the work place and such. It would be nice to meet more face on the team!

  • @Toranesu20
    @Toranesu20 9 лет назад

    Story is good, characters is good, music is good and fight is good enough but this open world is just...empty.
    Side quests are stupid and have no sense. We do the same all the time. This is boring. EA again clip the wings BioWare.

  • @zmart1n1z
    @zmart1n1z 9 лет назад

    please answer me, this is by far the worst game i have ever played in my life, how in the world can people play something this bad, we are in 2015 not in 2001, wasted 60 bucks, don't buy this game or we will get more shit like this...

  • @jetaviation3586
    @jetaviation3586 9 лет назад

    i'm doing cutscenes video and unfortunately i'm really upset about maps,because for me it's not an oper world...a few city that's all! why didn't you pick up the idea of elder scroll..a great map and a lot stuff to discover :/ ehh really angry for this..

  • @randomromantic7462
    @randomromantic7462 9 лет назад

    the REAL title should be: DRAGON AGE: INQUISITION Official Video - Making RPGs The RIGHT Way!

  • @MrProjecthalo
    @MrProjecthalo 9 лет назад

    It will be a odd and sad day when Bioware creates a game without companions that hang around. That is something that has always been done so well. Same with the compelling stories. Gameplay isn't always the best, but DA:I by far is a huge improvement.

  • @briancrosby152
    @briancrosby152 9 лет назад

    too bad there was no risk of losing your companions or pay off when you upgraded anything & honestly the game should've been pushed back till next month I think when Bioware takes its time they make Gold when they rush its copper

  • @DollDesignMe
    @DollDesignMe 9 лет назад

    Hmmm... Really Gaider? Because that sounds awfully hypocritical coming

  • @tannerhill6809
    @tannerhill6809 9 лет назад

    I love Bioware, and I think they did a good job on the choices you have to make in this game. But I was dissapointed that there was only one ending, I mean that just cuts away the choice. The only good part about that is they're sending you down a specific route at the end implying they will make more games, but still, annoying.

  • @TheChiramu
    @TheChiramu 9 лет назад

    The characters fit into the story, not making the story to revolve around the characters. I think the Bioware writers need to step back from their work more often and look at how their characters fit inside the story. The story of Inquisition didn't flow well, there were no story quests that helped you level between main story quests. The characters just join the Inquisition, the only character that has a good recruit story is Dorian because he fits into the main story.
    I would love to see what the writers can do if they focus on the main narrative first and then make the characters to fit into it.

  • @UltimateTrailerMusic
    @UltimateTrailerMusic 9 лет назад

    The Moment when Directx crashes during character creation-.-
    For the next DA, take ur time, i want a game like all 3 DAs together pls!

  • @Neervosh
    @Neervosh 9 лет назад

    Scout Harding needs more love! QQ
    Best npc! Well, 2nd best with Dagna being the first. :D

  • @lAwkwardCookiel
    @lAwkwardCookiel 9 лет назад

    I don't give a crap about what anyone says about this game, this game is amazing and fun i am on my fourth play through and there are many more to come. Keep up the good work BioWare you guys earned the game of the year award big time.

  • @BritsyElyse
    @BritsyElyse 9 лет назад

    This video excites me. I'm working really hard right now just to see inside the Bioware office one day. I want to be one of you content creators.

  • @agnosticgamerdarthdracarys5859
    @agnosticgamerdarthdracarys5859 9 лет назад

    Love the "don't" segment most. My favorite part of playing Bioware RPGs:)

  • @qwerther44
    @qwerther44 9 лет назад

    Thanks for making a game worthy of Origins. Only BGII can and a few rare others are in your league.

  • @di98phor
    @di98phor 9 лет назад

    Thanks for a great game BoiWare. Now please hurry up with Mass Effect!!!

  • @everhad1ofthosedayz
    @everhad1ofthosedayz 9 лет назад

    my thumbstick isnt working on my ps4 controller need help. makes game unplayable

  • @bjornbragdeman3198
    @bjornbragdeman3198 9 лет назад

    Hope to see Same type of multiplayer we had in Never Winter nights and Baldurs Gate :D

  • @Lucillevt4011
    @Lucillevt4011 9 лет назад

    Will there be multiple "The making of.." videos or is this the only one?

  • @CrazzedKor
    @CrazzedKor 9 лет назад

    Make NewGame+ I dont want to do all them boring side missions again as my new character!

  • @dracon525
    @dracon525 9 лет назад

    "Give the player a feeling that their choices matter" - HA! Good one.

  • @Justin_Anime
    @Justin_Anime 9 лет назад

    Dragon Hunter DLC with New Dragons to Conquer is also an option please.

  • @kresnk
    @kresnk 9 лет назад

    Good game but don't play it completionist style. The amount of "filler" content in the game is horrifying. MMO-style fetch quests that in the end amount to nothing. Stick to the meat and taters and you'll enjoy the shit out of it.

    • @SwobyJ
      @SwobyJ 9 лет назад

      I'm playing it completionist :). Lv 20-21 doing Lv 16-20 content haha.

  • @Mrbigmike311
    @Mrbigmike311 9 лет назад

    Lucy I love you, i'm waiting for you over at gamespot.

  • @mantyxxx
    @mantyxxx 9 лет назад +5

    I liked DA:I a lot, especially story and npcs (I was searching stuff about Solas for a week after finishg game :). War table and tarrot cards are jackpot, so continue with this.
    What I would change/add:
    - longer main story, I ended game after 97 hours and had absolutely zero things to do after
    - normal menu for PC version, current one is annoying as hell on PC
    - more variety misions on war table
    - something to spend inquisition points on besidies main/story missions
    - less repetitive stuff like picking up shards, its ok to have to collect 20/30 at ONE map but not on 9+ maps
    - more epic armors (I want Abelas armor badly!)
    - more bosses, not strictly connected with main story, something less powerful than dragons but not just bunch of random mages/warriors/etc

  • @ColossalSwordFormAndTechnique
    @ColossalSwordFormAndTechnique 2 месяца назад

    Very different from The Vielguard ☝️

  • @laureneaster370
    @laureneaster370 9 лет назад

    You know I don't think there's anything wrong with a more intimate story, like DA2. The reason that game was bad was because of the short time and small amount of effort that was put into it.

    • @SwobyJ
      @SwobyJ 9 лет назад

      They could do another relatively intimate, (sort of) rags to riches/climbing to the top story in DA4, in say, Mintrathos (Tevinter capital) and I'd take it. I just don't want to pay $70-80+ on something sloppy, especially if they want me to feel invested into buying DLC over time. I bought the DA2 stuff but all of it on a sale years later. I don't think DA2 was bad but its only good-to-very-good at best (depending on perception). Disappointing, really. Same goes for ME3's ending effect on people.

  • @15megapain
    @15megapain 9 лет назад

    We could use some story based DLC bros... get on it bioware.

  • @thekingofinfinity
    @thekingofinfinity 9 лет назад

    Bring the Warden back as the main character for DA4!!!

    • @dreman999
      @dreman999 9 лет назад

      That's not going to happen. Stop asking.

  • @KiLoW001
    @KiLoW001 9 лет назад

    The BioWare Way - The Wrong Way!

  • @carinathegriffin
    @carinathegriffin 9 лет назад

    Why the limited saves? Why not just limit how many saves you can upload to the Keep? I like to save before major things to show my friends or to revisit points in the game without having to play all the way to them. With a game as big as Dragon Age Inquisition, 30 saves didn't even cover one play-through for me. (Please make the Keep more user-friendly, I seem to access different things on my Mac than my friends do on PC and neither of us can call up all the bits we need.)

    • @volkano985
      @volkano985 9 лет назад +1

      30? What do you play on?

    • @carinathegriffin
      @carinathegriffin 9 лет назад

      Volkan Soykok
      It's a PS3. It said I could have a maximum of 30 saves across all platforms. I'm concerned about trying it on a different system if the limit is set due to what it will allow in the Keep. Have you been allowed more saves? If so, what system are you going with?

    • @volkano985
      @volkano985 9 лет назад +1

      I play on ps4 and I am fairly sure I get 50 saves

    • @carinathegriffin
      @carinathegriffin 9 лет назад

      Volkan Soykok
      So jealous! Thanks for the info, though.

  • @euyinn
    @euyinn 9 лет назад

    Pls, fix elves arms!

  • @HayGurlHay
    @HayGurlHay 9 лет назад


  • @Demetrius900000
    @Demetrius900000 9 лет назад

    Who's that lady?

  • @AlexWhite-pm3mm
    @AlexWhite-pm3mm 9 лет назад +8

    Сute girl)

  • @SSSoM3
    @SSSoM3 9 лет назад

    She's hot

  • @NOMNOM81
    @NOMNOM81 9 лет назад


  • @dickchanay
    @dickchanay 9 лет назад

    this game felt like a mmo and it has a really disappointed ending. the sidequests kind of sucked except the companion quests. It lacks an epic, complex story. The main story was to short.