Nope, that's cheating. Barry needs to do a punishment. I vote we let Kush go mad and make a Poker Face style 3 course meal, that Barry has to eat and finish. We talking Babish clean plate club finish.
You should find what tinned items are most commonly donated to food banks and make recipes from them. Giving those who rely on food banks, ideas and also a challenge to come up with dishes with ingredients that don’t always go together.
The format also applies better for a crowd. Lots of music and a bit of chaos was already there. So a crowd works. Something like gadgets or pretentious ingredients will be....interesting.
Love the channel! I do get the reception of the audience in the comments. I don't mind they're there, but you can tell there is more of an audience performance vibe going on, instead of being amongst yourselves, which does change the dynamics.
The live audience changes the whole feel of your videos, and not for the better. I feel like the sincerity is gone, which is usuaally the glue that binds all of you together making it feel like a family
I just found this channel last week, and watching your old videos versus your latest videos... I gotta say that I agree with the people who don't like the audience... It feels less like a bunch of friends just doing silly things in a kitchen which was endearing, and increasingly like some daytime television show.
I love Sorted and I have been watching for years. And ever since you've moved in to your new studio which is lovely it feels like you have lost the intimacy I felt when you didn't have a studio audience and a "laugh reel" in the background. It used to be just you and me Sorted. I still love what you do but It's not the same. I guess I will give it a chance. It might grow on me.
They only shot 4 videos (I believe) with a live audience so most over the next month or so will be without. It definitely changes the vibe but I think for this and pass it on it works! People don’t complain about the large crew they have and how ‘performative’ they are during the live shows and this isn’t really any different.
@@thecoolkid775 I know If they don't like this then they definitely shouldn't be watching Good Mythical Morning because that is the EXACT same format as this.
@@EarthwormShandy False equivalency. There's a difference between having the crew laughing in the background (which Sorted had too) and a whole audience which changes the vibe of the video.
I can appreciate how awesome it is for people to go watch in person but I don’t like it. I feel like the guys reactions are totally different and hearing the crowd is odd after years of not hearing it
Before it seemed they were talking directly to us at home, we were part of the video. Now they're reacting to the in studio audience and I feel I'm missing out as not there and not included so much. A bit pedantic I know, but it's how I feel after over 9 years with the channel.
@@cazziocI think you’ve hit the nail on the head, the live audience changes the dynamic, and the boys playing to those in the room means the online audience is in 2nd place a little.
I feel like the live audience shows should be the exception rather than the norm. Imo they're fun occasionally but it's a different vibe and I'm not sure I want that vibe all the time.
I have to agree with the masses here. I have been watching for many years and love your antics. I know sometimes you have to grow and evolve to feel and be relevant… but the studio audience simply just does not work. It takes away the magic and sparkle of the show. Please keep audiences reserved for LIVES and not for regular broadcasting
Yup. Or at least edit the mix so they're not SO loud - just the normal 'crew small laughter' level of quiet, not LOUD UPROAROUS LAUGHTER. I know it's real in the moment, but it ironically feels more like fake canned laughter.
I love Sorted for being a food YT channel not a TV program. I just don't understand why there needs to be a live audience when the combined noise of the cast and crew has been enough for years.
I am surprised more people feel like me. Like, I miss recipes, and I don’t care about tiktok trends. Cause as you mentioned, I am looking to see a cooking channel and not an entertainment show. But, of course I leave it to the creators. The only thing I can do is not watch the other videos.
I actually like the extra giggles. I assume that's their crew, it makes the show feel more about family, friends and togetherness... which is what food and cooking (and life) are all about.
@@prinsesdipsieit could be either. They won’t necessarily have a live audience in every video, and we’ve heard and seen interjections from the crew in other videos.
@@NerdyMusicChef I am aware of that. But they've specifically mentioned that the new studio has space for a live audience. Plus when you hear the crew it's muffled in the background, this very clearly sounds like there was a microphone set up to catch the reactions from the audience AND we see the audience in the beginning of the video:)
The problem with the live audience is that it makes the Sorted boys more performative in a way you never used to be. That's not a knock against the team spefically, I feel like anyone given a live audience is going to play to the crowd because they're there and you don't want to ignore them. But it does completely change the vibe of the channel in a way I'm not a big fan of.
Yeah. The boys just act different with a live audience. I have no issue with the laugh and noise from the audience but their behavior/vibe isn’t enjoyable.
Agreed, it's human nature and unavoidable. Not a fan for every video. It could add value if they brought the studio audience in selectively for certain episodes that were creatively designed to incorporate audience somehow. Could be crowd reaction or play to the audience or get them involved somehow .. right now it's just people kind of awkwardly hanging out in the background and the camera like never cuts or pans to them at any comedic moments or anything... Why are they there. Editing and formatting has a long way to go
@@Larkbringer There's a massive difference between knowing you have viewers, even if you're broadcasting live, and literally having an audience with you physically in the room. It absolutely changes the vibe.
I know the audience in the studio has been divisive for a while, but this was the first time I found it truly distracting. Not sure if this specific video format is the best usage of the audience
A comment on the live audience: don't add them just as decoration. Either directly involve them in your videos or don't have them. Even though the format of the video is the same, the boys are altering their performance because of the live audience. Therefore, the energy is between the audience and the boys, not the boys and the viewers at home. This feels really awkward to me.
While I'm sure its a wonderful experience for the lucky audience, I am also in the "not for me" camp. Their input is intrusive and affects overall sound quality as well as ambience which feels like it loses some of the intimacy we get when it's just the guys and the cameras.
Exactly. I'm really happy for them but for the rest of us (the 99%) it's really affecting the whole process negatively. Is it really worth making a few dozen happy if it makes hundreds if not thousands unhappy?
@@bastiwenI think you grossly overestimate how many people are upset at the change. Don't pretend to speak for everyone; you can only speak for yourself.
@bastiwen When you boldly declare "99%," you're pretending to speak for everyone. Supplement that with the fact that less than 10% of viewers comment, and the percentage of viewers who you know are unhappy is incredibly small.
It’s hard because I get the desire to involve the community with a live audience but the community online suffers with a dilution of what makes me love sorted. Rock and a hard place
13:50 presentation always takes a back seat to taste. I would rather eat what is essentially a curry with a poorly made pumpkin chutney on top then a delicious looking item that will eat like wall paper paste as it cools.
I didn't comment on the last video with an audience because I felt like the audience addition deserved it's fair dues - I wanted to be sure it wasn't shock factor, newness, volume / acoustics, or anything like that that could be colouring my opinion. That being said... Any videos with an studio audience are going to be a *HARD* pass, for me. The boys behave so differently, and the audience is so loud and distracting, I truly do not know who this is for. I don't understand how we went from "... and everything we do starts with you" to studio additions that no one asked for. Unless I missed a poll here on RUclips, maybe, where the online Sorted community was asked if we would be okay with a studio audience being added in, though that does seem unlikely.
I agree. The audience doesn’t like totally ruin the video for me but it doesn’t add anything either. I like that they aren’t just awkwardly standing around the kitchen like before… but it’s not making the videos better. It gives the show a game show or talk show vibe that I don’t like. And you’re right about them acting differently. It feels like they “show off” more and try to impress, like Barry blatantly stealing and cheating during this. But I genuinely just enjoy watching them all cook and laugh and banter on their own. I don’t hate the audience thing, because I understand why people might want to go watch a live recording… but it’s also not adding anything to the online experience, if anything it’s detrimental because it changes their attitudes and personalities. I really really really enjoyed all the content shot at the boys homes. The relaxed vibes of the videos shot in Barry’s kitchen to the chaos of Kush hiding things in bens flat… even with a bunch of 6 year old boys, those videos were more enjoyable to watch then these last few with the studio audience…
@@cyberkidata No, you'd have a worse view, and all the awkwardness of the process of filming would kill the vibe. There's a reason all filmed comedy shows have a warm up comedian, so the talent can focus on their job.
This is the whole point - everyone who came along to these few videos of filming was invited as a thank you for helping sorted with a few things (as well as some of the guys family). It’s BECAUSE they value people that they invited them. I don’t believe it’s going to be a constant tbh, just every now and then it’s just they shot a bunch of videos over a few days with a couple of audiences and we are only just now getting them
@ the fact that they designed the new set with a very extensive audience balcony tells me they intend to include an audience often. Why else spend tons of money making sure they have a space large enough to have an audience? They could easily have built a bar top or something similar for 2-3 people to sit at and watch if it wasn’t going to be a constant thing. I think the addition of this huge feature to the new set tells us they planned to have an audience more often than before.
I don't really like the live audience. Great for them and they bring some energy. However, I felt excluded in a way; like they were performing for that audience and not for those of us at home. I hope they won't be on every battle. I applaud the boys at Sorted for trying something new and shaking things up. But for me, this is a misstep.
Why don't you go there then? The live audience isn't invited in, their new studio is open to fans like you and me publicly. I would gladly pop into the studios if it means I get to be a part of it.
@@EarthwormShandy Indeed. I live in Argentina. Somewhat difficult to go. Even if I lived next door, my point remains valid. Would I have to go to every taping, on their schedule, to get a performance directed at me? My time has value too (not a lot, but some). I didn't see a group of friends I know interacting on camera for entertainment. I saw a group of friends performing in a stage for an audience I wasn't part of. Before, I was one of thousands who received the same product. Now, there are a couple dozen lucky guys that get special treatment in the detriment of my own experience. I felt that they made the battle for that live audience, and I just intruded in their merriment. I never felt that before with Sorted Food. That is my experience and I don't begrudge neither the boys nor the studio audience. There was no ill intention or even incompetence. The product just changed into something I don't particularly enjoy. Since I enjoyed the previous iteration of the product, I made my feelings known, and their reasons. If they adjust to something I enjoy, I'll continue watching. If they don't, I'll probably stop watching naturally. No big deal.
Love you guys, been watching for years. I am not sure i can live with the audience / laugh track. It really takes away from the experience. I understand its a direction you were looking to go. Maybe you could do one out of four or five with the audience. I do like your new set, i like the lighting fine, all it really needs is a fake beam to cover all that ugly ducting so you can do your wide shots and not have it look so terrible in the background.
But its not a laugh track, they just literally have a small audience. Honestly this "laugh track = bad" thing is just out of control. Maybe I´m just old, but many of my favorite TV shows back in the day had laugh tracks or were filmed in front of a life audience and it never bothered anyone. Seems like many people are just jumping on a bandwagon here.
@@ShadeScarecrowthat’s precisely why it’s disliked though - because it makes it feel like a daytime TV show. People aren’t watching for the feeling of a daytime TV show.
love the tin can roulette, but i feel like taking something from a tin you didn't get is a bit cheating. You lost that tin, you shouldn't be able to get whatever was inside it XD
Been loving the channel for years - it's a staple in our home and without exception, the first thing we put on when it comes out. But I can’t help echoing some of the comments here. Since the new studio, I feel my attention slipping and we’ve noticed a shift in how the video’s feel. It felt like the boys were speaking directly to us as viewers which created a personal connection. Now, there’s this loss of intimacy that gets mentioned by others here as well. I feel distracted when watching. Don’t know whether it's the presense of the audience shifting the dynamic and making things feel less organic and more perfomative, or the elements in the studio itself. The old one was warm, spacious and homely, It pulled the focus to the hosts. The new studio is more polished and professional, but its reflective surfaces, brighter lighting, the exposed duct, the lack of visually calming depth, make it feel more distant. It’s not that it isn’t great - it just doesn’t carry the same cozy, one-on-one vibe that made the channel feel so special. I say this as a fan who loves the content and wants to see it thrive, but I can’t help missing that sense of intimacy that made Sorted feel so unique.
The fact that Jamie and Barry were gagging while eating makes me wonder how bad they both were. LOL. Until I read the comments, I didn't realize there was a live audience. I thought they were just talking to the staff like they usually do, and I thought it was funny.
Its your channel and obviously provides another income stream or community opportunity but that video is kind of rough vibes with the live crowd. Comes across as mid level daytime tv trying to cater to the live audience with some bad jokes and a crowd that is expected to laugh at everything. Not entirely sure how it changes the vibes and focus but I hope every video is not going to have a live crowd cause its a way different product. My $0.02
Yeah, unfortunately I have to go with the other comments I'm seeing. The live audience feel unfortunately doesn't mesh well here. I've never really vibed them but I've always given them a chance. I don't know if it's the new studio or what but this is the most out of place it has felt. Unfortunately the boys feel like they're putting on a performance to the audience more than being themselves and it comes across to the viewer in a negative way. In the interests of fairness, the audience being above the team does help a little because they're not as obviously in shot where they used to be in the old studio so you can almost ignore them. I do think I'm also somewhat bias in general though, the new studio itself is taking time to grow on me. I'm sure it will as more and more changes are made and credit to Sorted as a team, you've always listened to audience feedback so I'm sure you'll find that balance at some point but I just feel like Sorted has turned recently in ways that make it feel (to quote a comment I saw earlier) more like a daytime TV show than that youtube channel we all fell in love with.
Win for Jamie I think. Barry is usually off the wall & adventurous. But today he was very staid & did more of an assembly job, rather than create & cook. Jamie mad an unconventional "Pumpkin tarte Tatin with spiced stew & a brûléed SWAM crumble". (say that last bit in a Sean Pertwee - MasterChef voice & you'd be gagging to eat it!) 😆
Just adding my two cents in. I'm not a fan of the live audience. I didn't think it would be an issue, but after watching a couple with the audience, I have found that I don't care for it.
The audience is painful, changes the dynamic and feels like a 90s sitcom. Even more painful that you’re actively avoiding all comments that say anything negative about the audience.
I second all the other comments about the audience. I think doing a live audience every once in a while could be fun, but hearing a huge applause and knowing there are people watching from above really changes the vibe that you guys have had for years, and not for the better
Indeed, keep the crowd reserved for full-on live events so we can keep the vibe of the original videos. There's 300-400k online viewers per video where there is maybe 20 people in that audience. The videos are now tailored to 0.005% of the people while it feels less good for the other 99.995% watching here.
@@anthonycarless8572 I think everyone in the comments is very reasonable and constructive to a certain degree. They can improve by excluding the audiences for regular RUclips uploads. Then have larger live events with crowds. And to still utilize the space, they can offer standalone paid clinics to interested visitors. I'm sure there's plenty of people who pay good money to visit the studio to see the boys in action.
@@anthonycarless8572 so many ways they could have audience engagement without sticking them in any video and making it feel like a 2000s talk show with exaggerated reactions. Do community experience days where people can come to the studio and do a challenge themselves, but it’s not filmed (similar to how Taskmaster is doing a Taskmaster experience) and I’m sure people would gladly pay for tickets (I would 100%). Have audience members for the podcast-style videos where the audience can do a Q&A like Inside The Actors Studio. Personally with better sound editing I don’t care about the background laughing/noise, but the main problem (for me and many others) is how OTT and performative it feels - if there’s going to be an audience, just don’t over-act so much. People watch Sorted largely for how natural it feels, and how genuine the team’s relationship and banter is, which is not the case with an audience full of strangers that they’re acting up for.
I can see why people complained about the live audience in a previous video... it really messes up the vibe of the show. For future tin roulette video's could i suggest letting the guys choose from 3 tins again instead of 2? either let the remaining tin be used by a chef, or just use it for a next episode
I disagree. Tin Roulette is the perfect format for a live audience and honestly makes the content way more unique than other channels doing similar stuff.
Live audience takes away from the show. It was jarring during the burger battle series but at least they were on camera and seemed like they were friends of the show. This implementation just feels like a laugh track with no connection. Hopefully it doesnt last or keeps changing until you find something that works. Imo, keep it to the live shows where it actually makes sense.
Is there a way audience can be muted? Idk why it feels more corporate and performative when there's a live audience Also: Canned peas, kidney beans and flaked tuna are pretty common where I'm from. Is there anything that can be made from those? I didn't even know so many things can be tinned, so it's a fun series
It's not a hot meal, but all three of those ingredients were part of a 'really can't be bothered to put more effort in' cheater's tuna salad. Add some mayo and balsamic, sweet corn if you're partial (that can also be tinned!), season to taste with stuff you like, boom. An oven-warm bread roll will never be wrong with that. Maybe you could try for a casserole with those ingredients, as well? Not so sure about how well the kidney beans would do in that, but with some mushrooms and maybe gratinated? Might just work
Agreed on the audience thing. In the past, hearing a cheeky bit of laughing from the crew could add to the humour, but it was rare and fit in with the "group of friends" thing. This just feels like any other cooking show with an audience. I don't watch those, for a reason.
My least favourite show format (tin can roulette) and the boys playing up to a loud cackling audience. Love the channel, but I think I might just pass on this one entirely - which is very unusual for me.
@@theritchie2173 this is the second one of these live audience videos they've done and I couldn't get through either of them. From the comments on both videos, this change has not been well received and I haven't seen them address any of the complaints.
Yeah, this video is unfortunately a skip from me. I made it through the last one that had super distracting audience sounds and here you can already see and hear them right after the intro, oof. Guess this will be a very hit or miss channel for the near future until all the pre-recorded audience vids are released - and then hopefully you'll go back to the normal quality. *fingers crossed*
I've been watching since way before even fridge cam, and by introducing the audience I think you've lost the feeling of a few friends having fun and cooking with us .
going to comment again about how i really dislike the live audience, hoping people don't just forget or give up after the first one. will probably entirely skip a video if I hear the audience from now on tbh
@@Anon-l1y Without the audience online there's no channel. And showing preferential treatment to the inhouse audience over the audience that they build this channel on kinda sucks, tbh.
@@Anon-l1y the audiences for all of the newer videos were invited because they’ve helped with a few different projects as part of the sorted squads! This was all actually done as a thank you to the community 💕
I loove this channel and you guys, and I'm glad that you're growing and changing, but one of the things that I like the most watching your videos is that homey, friendly feeling that I'm in the kitchen with my friends, joking around, trying new things, sharing amazing food. The live audience changes that, you have to be wittier, more performative, is like watching a sitcom with the laugh track. I understand that a live audience gives you a lot of energy and instant feedback, I get it, but for us yt viewers is not the best experience. Also one thing that the old studio had was a lot of texture with the brick and wood, and that brought a lot of warmth to your videos, maybe adding a little more texture and warm colors could be a good idea, covering the back window/door and that ducting.
It's difficult to explain. But you had the studio edited onces where guys and crew had certain chemistry that worked for me. Personally I always skipped the over hyped live shows as it was more about the entertainment then about the cooking with friends kinda fun. Now the audience has been added it all kinda feels like those live shows. Of course, there is an audience for it but personally not me.
hey sorted crew, watching this i had an idea. what if you do this game but with a slight twist - offer more can options, but label them with 5 minutes, 10 minutes, 15 minutes based on generally how difficult they might be to use. I think Jamie could have made an amazing curry given the pumpkin puree if he had a bit more time to think about it
Not a fan of the live audience, it changes the whole vibe of the video with Barry and Jamie playing up yo them and at the same time looking AWAY from the cameras, essentially looking away from the entire audience not in the room
Ebbers, if you chose those tins knowing you'd have to eat whatever came out of them, you're a daredevil. If someone else did that to you, you're a great sport.
The audience sounds like a laugh track on marginal tv. The boys are now playing to your local London crowd, not your world-wide audience. It does feel different. But hey, it’s your channel after all.
I personally think it's a great change that adds a bit of a more lively edge to the presentation but I respect how you feel about it too, just thought I would represent the people who do like it!
it's nothing like a laugh track because they aren't pausing awkwardly after every line, it's just some guys in the background giggling to the chaos unfolding in front of them.
I just want to say that i am ok with the studio audience. I havent decided if i love it or not yet, because its a big change. But ive been around long enough for other big changes. I had a hard time when you guys stopped Fridge Cam, and strictly recipe videos. But ive stuck around because you guys are the best cooking show out there. And that hasnt changed, even if the format has. I love how friendly your battles are, and the friendship that is at the core. And the jokes that follow because of that. As long as those things dont change, im in for the long haul. Thank you for these videos. They are the only reason i have had the confidence to really enjoy cooking.
I wonder how it would’ve tasted to use the pumpkin to creat a gnocchi of sorts and then dine the rest more or less the same? Well, I guess he’d have to do something different with the pastry.. maybe toast it up into crispy bits? Idk I LOVE these tin can battles. They crack me up and they’re just always so unexpected and crazy.
Love the look of the new studio, but you should consider some hanging sound deading panels. The audio refelctions off the hogh cieling are noticable. Not terrible, but noticable.
Legitimately i think Jamie is a much better chef than they give him credit for. He's has the skills, is great at improvise on the fly, and when they have team challenges he's always takes charge to make sure everyone is able to do their part and help those that need it. The only thing is his plating skills which in practice will only get better. I think he deserves the sous chef apron more than Barry does.
Jamie’s “swam” reminds me of one of my favourite easy Chinese dinners- Coca Cola chicken- the sweetness tempered by the use of soy sauce- it’s so good!
I don't know why they ever thought adding an audience was a good idea. It takes away from the friendly dynamic of the guys and makes the show feel more performative, corporate, and sterile. The forced laughs are pretty distracting as well..
What I love most about Jamie is he always goes big. Sink or swim he always "in" for whatever crazy ideas he comes up with. And most of they pay off. Rarely does Jamie go a safe route and it's always a treat to watch.
Putting in the amount of effort thats gone into accommodating a live audience are doing a lot to benefit a very small portion of the audience at the expense of the rest of us.
Would it be possible to label the videos that has a live audience? It unfortunately makes the whole experience very awkward to watch, and the audio quality is also not great with the background noise from the studio audience. So labeling the videos would be nice because then I can avoid the ones with the live audience.
I don’t usually comment, but I unfortunately agree with a lot of the comments. For me, sorted has been a cozy, comfort watch and the new set has lost a lot of the comfort and coziness that was really visually appealing. I don’t think I would mind the studio audience as much if the vibes of the set were still as homely and inviting
I think its less about the crowd and more about the rehersed way of telling the jokes and exaggerated laughs between the boys. It IS MUCH more intimate whne its without. I figured thats what people are trying to say really. Anyhow like anything it jusr takes time to get used to and people will come back for the true personalities ❤❤
Oh wow, no one likes the live audience ... granted, it would be fun to be there for it, but ruins the vibe for the rest of us. With the lighting it looks and feels just like any morning talk show's cooking segment. Hopefully the next studio iteration can get some of the magic back. We still love you guys!
I don't much care how my food looks as long as it's tasty. I'm eating it with my mouth not my eyes. Jaime is the CLEAR winner here for me. His entire plan and process was absolutely unhinged, but he made something *interesting*.
@@JamesUK85 Meh a little Sorted personality decorations and it will be great. It's just looking a bit generic at the moment but nothing they cannot fix.
Im sorry but as someone with anxiety these audience vids just for some reason make me feel uncomfortable. It feels so off-putting compared to the usual relaxed, small group of people when its just the sorted group. If future videos are all going to be like this I just dont think I can watch them.
It was bad enough when they brought Kush in and the boys had to act differently, Jamie and Mike acting silly to play off Kush's mischief, and Barry being more anxious because Kush is always a dick to him regardless of effort. Now they're all hamming it up even more, those stupid faces they're pulling just for the laugh, and the over loudness of everything they do, it's too much.
Not to repeat what everyone else said, but I really don’t like the live audience. I find those videos really tough to get through once, and then I basically can’t rewatch them without cringing.
Did Barry cheat?! He's allowed his 3 tins and other ingredients from the kitchen... Should that include the Spam or not?!
He did.
It was in the kitchen 😂
Nope, that's cheating. Barry needs to do a punishment.
I vote we let Kush go mad and make a Poker Face style 3 course meal, that Barry has to eat and finish.
We talking Babish clean plate club finish.
He totally cheated. However, this is certainly not the first time. He's kind of known for his cheating.
You should find what tinned items are most commonly donated to food banks and make recipes from them. Giving those who rely on food banks, ideas and also a challenge to come up with dishes with ingredients that don’t always go together.
Love this idea!
As a food bank volunteer, its beans! We spend entire days organising all the beans we get whereas other items we can normally sort in an hour or two.
This is a great idea! I'll pass your comment onto the team :)
@@emmaclaire17 Baked beans?
@@emmaclaire17 my friend volunteers at one and it’s tuna, they have pallets and pallets of tinned tuna.
delicately placing the spam cubes before giving up and just chucking the rest of them on is the most Jamie thing ever 9:55
An ultimate J move 😆
Whoever edited this video, thank you for listening to us and turning the crowd noise down. It was way less distracting than it was in the first video.
The format also applies better for a crowd. Lots of music and a bit of chaos was already there. So a crowd works.
Something like gadgets or pretentious ingredients will be....interesting.
It’s still awful
Yep. The studio might need the crowd noise. RUclips viewers especially on headphones are grateful for the lowered "atmosphere"
It's still a bit canned and loud in parts but yeah it's better! Wait towards the end it's atrocious.
Until they turned the Laugh Track / Audience back on at the end.
Love the channel! I do get the reception of the audience in the comments. I don't mind they're there, but you can tell there is more of an audience performance vibe going on, instead of being amongst yourselves, which does change the dynamics.
It's the surprise on Jamie's face _when he first tastes his own bloody dish_ that did it for me. Barry's "Wait, what?" comes a close second. Top work.
The live audience changes the whole feel of your videos, and not for the better. I feel like the sincerity is gone, which is usuaally the glue that binds all of you together making it feel like a family
Special shout-out to the camera crew for their effort of getting the "sexies" of basically what looked like catfood!
Thanks..... they tried to make the food look as good as possible 😆
Catfood or cat puke?😂
Would like to challenge one of the normals in one of these tin food challenges.
If you ever wondered what 'The Tortoise and The Hare' would look like in a culinary setting, this is pretty much it.
Swam ftw
Now to be fair... the hare didn't cheat.
@@gamerbear84 No, but The Hare is notoriously cocky, and it bit him in the rear in the end.
@@not2shabby And Barry also cheated, so he's even worse than the hare.
I just found this channel last week, and watching your old videos versus your latest videos... I gotta say that I agree with the people who don't like the audience... It feels less like a bunch of friends just doing silly things in a kitchen which was endearing, and increasingly like some daytime television show.
Yeah its lost a bit of charm with that tbh and guys themselves seem a bit less natural
I love Sorted and I have been watching for years. And ever since you've moved in to your new studio which is lovely it feels like you have lost the intimacy I felt when you didn't have a studio audience and a "laugh reel" in the background. It used to be just you and me Sorted.
I still love what you do but It's not the same. I guess I will give it a chance. It might grow on me.
I feel the exact same
They only shot 4 videos (I believe) with a live audience so most over the next month or so will be without. It definitely changes the vibe but I think for this and pass it on it works! People don’t complain about the large crew they have and how ‘performative’ they are during the live shows and this isn’t really any different.
@@thecoolkid775 I know
If they don't like this then they definitely shouldn't be watching Good Mythical Morning because that is the EXACT same format as this.
@@EarthwormShandy False equivalency. There's a difference between having the crew laughing in the background (which Sorted had too) and a whole audience which changes the vibe of the video.
@@carolprince16 No there isn't, I am right. You are wrong. Don't reply to me again as I will not listen, haha. ^_^
I can appreciate how awesome it is for people to go watch in person but I don’t like it. I feel like the guys reactions are totally different and hearing the crowd is odd after years of not hearing it
Before it seemed they were talking directly to us at home, we were part of the video. Now they're reacting to the in studio audience and I feel I'm missing out as not there and not included so much. A bit pedantic I know, but it's how I feel after over 9 years with the channel.
@@cazziocI think you’ve hit the nail on the head, the live audience changes the dynamic, and the boys playing to those in the room means the online audience is in 2nd place a little.
I feel like the live audience shows should be the exception rather than the norm.
Imo they're fun occasionally but it's a different vibe and I'm not sure I want that vibe all the time.
@ Having space for an audience during special events is a great improvement. Having them there for normal videos is a bit intrusive.
"I mean there's losing, and there's... *losing*" Barry got me crying from laughter with that one :'D
There is losing, and then there is losing to that. LOL Good show boys
Baz was gutted.
A loss not matched since the photography badge
@@SortedFood But was it better or worse than losing the photog competition to Jamie?
I have to agree with the masses here. I have been watching for many years and love your antics. I know sometimes you have to grow and evolve to feel and be relevant… but the studio audience simply just does not work. It takes away the magic and sparkle of the show. Please keep audiences reserved for LIVES and not for regular broadcasting
Yup. Or at least edit the mix so they're not SO loud - just the normal 'crew small laughter' level of quiet, not LOUD UPROAROUS LAUGHTER. I know it's real in the moment, but it ironically feels more like fake canned laughter.
I love Sorted for being a food YT channel not a TV program. I just don't understand why there needs to be a live audience when the combined noise of the cast and crew has been enough for years.
I am surprised more people feel like me. Like, I miss recipes, and I don’t care about tiktok trends. Cause as you mentioned, I am looking to see a cooking channel and not an entertainment show. But, of course I leave it to the creators. The only thing I can do is not watch the other videos.
Ben likes to feed his ego, that's all it is
I agree. I find the audience distracting and annoying and takes away the more intimate feel.
Now it feels like day time tv
That seems like a very unnecessary comment and I dont get that impression at all. @bats__
@@cheyennedoule2691 I don’t think it’s about feeding ego but it does feel impersonal and like they’re selling out.
Always a fun video format! Swam for the win.
Not a fan of the audience laughing. The guys are playing to the crowd and not focusing on cooking.
I actually like the extra giggles. I assume that's their crew, it makes the show feel more about family, friends and togetherness... which is what food and cooking (and life) are all about.
@@DawnChatmanit's not their crew, they have a live audience in the new studio
@@prinsesdipsieit could be either. They won’t necessarily have a live audience in every video, and we’ve heard and seen interjections from the crew in other videos.
@@NerdyMusicChef I am aware of that. But they've specifically mentioned that the new studio has space for a live audience. Plus when you hear the crew it's muffled in the background, this very clearly sounds like there was a microphone set up to catch the reactions from the audience AND we see the audience in the beginning of the video:)
The problem with the live audience is that it makes the Sorted boys more performative in a way you never used to be. That's not a knock against the team spefically, I feel like anyone given a live audience is going to play to the crowd because they're there and you don't want to ignore them. But it does completely change the vibe of the channel in a way I'm not a big fan of.
Yeah. The boys just act different with a live audience. I have no issue with the laugh and noise from the audience but their behavior/vibe isn’t enjoyable.
I wouldnt want it all the time, but i do appreciate seeing different dynamics around the studio.
they make videos watched by hundreds of thousands every day. an extra 20 isnt going to change them. not a fan of the audience participation though...
Agreed, it's human nature and unavoidable. Not a fan for every video. It could add value if they brought the studio audience in selectively for certain episodes that were creatively designed to incorporate audience somehow. Could be crowd reaction or play to the audience or get them involved somehow .. right now it's just people kind of awkwardly hanging out in the background and the camera like never cuts or pans to them at any comedic moments or anything... Why are they there. Editing and formatting has a long way to go
@@Larkbringer There's a massive difference between knowing you have viewers, even if you're broadcasting live, and literally having an audience with you physically in the room. It absolutely changes the vibe.
"No wonder you're not wearing the red apron anymore, Baz" - oooooo, shots fired! xD
What happened to the red apron? I've missed a few videos
@@robverrinder5464 Kush bitching, probably
I know the audience in the studio has been divisive for a while, but this was the first time I found it truly distracting. Not sure if this specific video format is the best usage of the audience
A comment on the live audience: don't add them just as decoration. Either directly involve them in your videos or don't have them.
Even though the format of the video is the same, the boys are altering their performance because of the live audience. Therefore, the energy is between the audience and the boys, not the boys and the viewers at home. This feels really awkward to me.
7:04 SWAM sweet ham. Quote of the day by Spaff. Best way to swim😂😂😂😂😂😂
While I'm sure its a wonderful experience for the lucky audience, I am also in the "not for me" camp. Their input is intrusive and affects overall sound quality as well as ambience which feels like it loses some of the intimacy we get when it's just the guys and the cameras.
Exactly. I'm really happy for them but for the rest of us (the 99%) it's really affecting the whole process negatively. Is it really worth making a few dozen happy if it makes hundreds if not thousands unhappy?
@@bastiwenI think you grossly overestimate how many people are upset at the change. Don't pretend to speak for everyone; you can only speak for yourself.
@@SinfulAshe I never pretended to speak for everyone, I'm just looking at all the comments stating they are displeased by this change.
@bastiwen When you boldly declare "99%," you're pretending to speak for everyone. Supplement that with the fact that less than 10% of viewers comment, and the percentage of viewers who you know are unhappy is incredibly small.
@SinfulAshe I was saying that 99% of people don't attend the live shows...
It’s hard because I get the desire to involve the community with a live audience but the community online suffers with a dilution of what makes me love sorted. Rock and a hard place
I've only seen a few videos since they moved to the new studio, what makes you say the content is diluted?
13:50 presentation always takes a back seat to taste. I would rather eat what is essentially a curry with a poorly made pumpkin chutney on top then a delicious looking item that will eat like wall paper paste as it cools.
I hate to say this but the live audience thing does not work. It makes it all sound like a cheap sitcom with a laugh reel. Sorry boys.
I didn't comment on the last video with an audience because I felt like the audience addition deserved it's fair dues - I wanted to be sure it wasn't shock factor, newness, volume / acoustics, or anything like that that could be colouring my opinion.
That being said... Any videos with an studio audience are going to be a *HARD* pass, for me. The boys behave so differently, and the audience is so loud and distracting, I truly do not know who this is for. I don't understand how we went from "... and everything we do starts with you" to studio additions that no one asked for. Unless I missed a poll here on RUclips, maybe, where the online Sorted community was asked if we would be okay with a studio audience being added in, though that does seem unlikely.
If you were presented the opportunity to go observe one of their videos live, would you take it?
I agree. The audience doesn’t like totally ruin the video for me but it doesn’t add anything either. I like that they aren’t just awkwardly standing around the kitchen like before… but it’s not making the videos better. It gives the show a game show or talk show vibe that I don’t like. And you’re right about them acting differently. It feels like they “show off” more and try to impress, like Barry blatantly stealing and cheating during this. But I genuinely just enjoy watching them all cook and laugh and banter on their own. I don’t hate the audience thing, because I understand why people might want to go watch a live recording… but it’s also not adding anything to the online experience, if anything it’s detrimental because it changes their attitudes and personalities.
I really really really enjoyed all the content shot at the boys homes. The relaxed vibes of the videos shot in Barry’s kitchen to the chaos of Kush hiding things in bens flat… even with a bunch of 6 year old boys, those videos were more enjoyable to watch then these last few with the studio audience…
@@cyberkidata No, you'd have a worse view, and all the awkwardness of the process of filming would kill the vibe. There's a reason all filmed comedy shows have a warm up comedian, so the talent can focus on their job.
This is the whole point - everyone who came along to these few videos of filming was invited as a thank you for helping sorted with a few things (as well as some of the guys family). It’s BECAUSE they value people that they invited them. I don’t believe it’s going to be a constant tbh, just every now and then it’s just they shot a bunch of videos over a few days with a couple of audiences and we are only just now getting them
@ the fact that they designed the new set with a very extensive audience balcony tells me they intend to include an audience often. Why else spend tons of money making sure they have a space large enough to have an audience? They could easily have built a bar top or something similar for 2-3 people to sit at and watch if it wasn’t going to be a constant thing. I think the addition of this huge feature to the new set tells us they planned to have an audience more often than before.
Barry unintentionally getting rhyming ingredients: anchovies, peas, mac n cheese. My inner word geek is happy.
Hahaha, you're right 😆
Not to mention barrY
@@sammythefox1057 Barry's peas, pleas, and anchovies, all wrapped up in a nice mac n cheese.
I don't really like the live audience. Great for them and they bring some energy. However, I felt excluded in a way; like they were performing for that audience and not for those of us at home. I hope they won't be on every battle. I applaud the boys at Sorted for trying something new and shaking things up. But for me, this is a misstep.
Why don't you go there then?
The live audience isn't invited in, their new studio is open to fans like you and me publicly. I would gladly pop into the studios if it means I get to be a part of it.
@@EarthwormShandy Because not everyone watching is from London or has the option to go to London?
@@EarthwormShandy Indeed. I live in Argentina. Somewhat difficult to go. Even if I lived next door, my point remains valid. Would I have to go to every taping, on their schedule, to get a performance directed at me? My time has value too (not a lot, but some). I didn't see a group of friends I know interacting on camera for entertainment. I saw a group of friends performing in a stage for an audience I wasn't part of. Before, I was one of thousands who received the same product. Now, there are a couple dozen lucky guys that get special treatment in the detriment of my own experience. I felt that they made the battle for that live audience, and I just intruded in their merriment. I never felt that before with Sorted Food. That is my experience and I don't begrudge neither the boys nor the studio audience. There was no ill intention or even incompetence. The product just changed into something I don't particularly enjoy. Since I enjoyed the previous iteration of the product, I made my feelings known, and their reasons. If they adjust to something I enjoy, I'll continue watching. If they don't, I'll probably stop watching naturally. No big deal.
@@EarthwormShandy because some of us are over 4,300 miles away??
@@juanussher5243 Alright then you don't really have any right to complain about the audience then.
Unless you fly over to England or something.
Love you guys, been watching for years. I am not sure i can live with the audience / laugh track. It really takes away from the experience. I understand its a direction you were looking to go. Maybe you could do one out of four or five with the audience. I do like your new set, i like the lighting fine, all it really needs is a fake beam to cover all that ugly ducting so you can do your wide shots and not have it look so terrible in the background.
But its not a laugh track, they just literally have a small audience. Honestly this "laugh track = bad" thing is just out of control. Maybe I´m just old, but many of my favorite TV shows back in the day had laugh tracks or were filmed in front of a life audience and it never bothered anyone.
Seems like many people are just jumping on a bandwagon here.
@@ShadeScarecrowthat’s precisely why it’s disliked though - because it makes it feel like a daytime TV show. People aren’t watching for the feeling of a daytime TV show.
@@Ihileath hate to say it, but if you're watching tin roulette for the food, you have bigger issues than people laughing in the background.
I love how BOTH of their immediate ideas were "Mix everything together and ✨Pimp It Out✨"
love the tin can roulette, but i feel like taking something from a tin you didn't get is a bit cheating. You lost that tin, you shouldn't be able to get whatever was inside it XD
Couldn't agree more
I was gonna say the same thing.
Tru, i would have been so mad id Barry won on that fact alone
Yeah completely ruined the episode for me, I immediately stopped watching
Thank god for your stupidity@@guythegreat321
Been loving the channel for years - it's a staple in our home and without exception, the first thing we put on when it comes out. But I can’t help echoing some of the comments here. Since the new studio, I feel my attention slipping and we’ve noticed a shift in how the video’s feel. It felt like the boys were speaking directly to us as viewers which created a personal connection. Now, there’s this loss of intimacy that gets mentioned by others here as well. I feel distracted when watching. Don’t know whether it's the presense of the audience shifting the dynamic and making things feel less organic and more perfomative, or the elements in the studio itself. The old one was warm, spacious and homely, It pulled the focus to the hosts. The new studio is more polished and professional, but its reflective surfaces, brighter lighting, the exposed duct, the lack of visually calming depth, make it feel more distant. It’s not that it isn’t great - it just doesn’t carry the same cozy, one-on-one vibe that made the channel feel so special.
I say this as a fan who loves the content and wants to see it thrive, but I can’t help missing that sense of intimacy that made Sorted feel so unique.
Give them time to decorate it.
All for new things and glad the boys are branching out but a part of me is missing the old studio already :(
Yeah, the old studio was cosier and more welcoming somehow. This felt very...clinical.
@@animefallenangel i feel like a big part of it is utter lack of wooden decorations, white walls and cold lights.
The fact that Jamie and Barry were gagging while eating makes me wonder how bad they both were. LOL. Until I read the comments, I didn't realize there was a live audience. I thought they were just talking to the staff like they usually do, and I thought it was funny.
Same. People are being over dramatic imo
could be fun to have the normals go first and then chefs do the same tin combos after
Its your channel and obviously provides another income stream or community opportunity but that video is kind of rough vibes with the live crowd. Comes across as mid level daytime tv trying to cater to the live audience with some bad jokes and a crowd that is expected to laugh at everything. Not entirely sure how it changes the vibes and focus but I hope every video is not going to have a live crowd cause its a way different product. My $0.02
I'm really not a fan of the acoustics of this new studio
I thought it was a live show or something. They'll dial it in.
What a crying shame
Who cares
@@DabsNanime You cared enough to comment.
@@obrysii so just because I don't care I cant tell you I don't care 😭😆
Yeah, unfortunately I have to go with the other comments I'm seeing.
The live audience feel unfortunately doesn't mesh well here. I've never really vibed them but I've always given them a chance. I don't know if it's the new studio or what but this is the most out of place it has felt. Unfortunately the boys feel like they're putting on a performance to the audience more than being themselves and it comes across to the viewer in a negative way. In the interests of fairness, the audience being above the team does help a little because they're not as obviously in shot where they used to be in the old studio so you can almost ignore them.
I do think I'm also somewhat bias in general though, the new studio itself is taking time to grow on me. I'm sure it will as more and more changes are made and credit to Sorted as a team, you've always listened to audience feedback so I'm sure you'll find that balance at some point but I just feel like Sorted has turned recently in ways that make it feel (to quote a comment I saw earlier) more like a daytime TV show than that youtube channel we all fell in love with.
Audience laughs need to be a bit toned down, they're fine but too loud: it's too much like an 80s sitcom.
Why does Jamie's chaos always go so well for him? I love it.
Win for Jamie I think. Barry is usually off the wall & adventurous. But today he was very staid & did more of an assembly job, rather than create & cook. Jamie mad an unconventional "Pumpkin tarte Tatin with spiced stew & a brûléed SWAM crumble". (say that last bit in a Sean Pertwee - MasterChef voice & you'd be gagging to eat it!) 😆
If you look closely you can actually pinpoint the exact moment his heart breaks in two... 13:35
Haha! Excellent reference! 😂
Just adding my two cents in. I'm not a fan of the live audience. I didn't think it would be an issue, but after watching a couple with the audience, I have found that I don't care for it.
The audience is painful, changes the dynamic and feels like a 90s sitcom. Even more painful that you’re actively avoiding all comments that say anything negative about the audience.
I second all the other comments about the audience. I think doing a live audience every once in a while could be fun, but hearing a huge applause and knowing there are people watching from above really changes the vibe that you guys have had for years, and not for the better
8:00 "Oh I'm done because I haven't done enough!"
Says the one who finished a few minutes earlier in one of the latest battles vs mike and barry haha
Love the tin videos! Tinned food is wildly underrated and I live for anchovies out of a tin
Indeed, keep the crowd reserved for full-on live events so we can keep the vibe of the original videos. There's 300-400k online viewers per video where there is maybe 20 people in that audience. The videos are now tailored to 0.005% of the people while it feels less good for the other 99.995% watching here.
OK, be constructive then.
How can they improve it?
@@anthonycarless8572 I think everyone in the comments is very reasonable and constructive to a certain degree. They can improve by excluding the audiences for regular RUclips uploads.
Then have larger live events with crowds. And to still utilize the space, they can offer standalone paid clinics to interested visitors. I'm sure there's plenty of people who pay good money to visit the studio to see the boys in action.
@@anthonycarless8572 By the audience sodding off.
@@anthonycarless8572 so many ways they could have audience engagement without sticking them in any video and making it feel like a 2000s talk show with exaggerated reactions. Do community experience days where people can come to the studio and do a challenge themselves, but it’s not filmed (similar to how Taskmaster is doing a Taskmaster experience) and I’m sure people would gladly pay for tickets (I would 100%). Have audience members for the podcast-style videos where the audience can do a Q&A like Inside The Actors Studio. Personally with better sound editing I don’t care about the background laughing/noise, but the main problem (for me and many others) is how OTT and performative it feels - if there’s going to be an audience, just don’t over-act so much. People watch Sorted largely for how natural it feels, and how genuine the team’s relationship and banter is, which is not the case with an audience full of strangers that they’re acting up for.
I can see why people complained about the live audience in a previous video... it really messes up the vibe of the show. For future tin roulette video's could i suggest letting the guys choose from 3 tins again instead of 2? either let the remaining tin be used by a chef, or just use it for a next episode
Agreed! Not a fan of the audience
I disagree. Tin Roulette is the perfect format for a live audience and honestly makes the content way more unique than other channels doing similar stuff.
100%, the channel no longer feels like a couple of blokes having a laugh & recording the outcome.
Yeah I saw they had a live audience again, tried to watch a couple minutes, had to click away.
i feel like the live audience takes away from the boys being more authentic vs performative
Live audience takes away from the show. It was jarring during the burger battle series but at least they were on camera and seemed like they were friends of the show. This implementation just feels like a laugh track with no connection. Hopefully it doesnt last or keeps changing until you find something that works.
Imo, keep it to the live shows where it actually makes sense.
Is there a way audience can be muted? Idk why it feels more corporate and performative when there's a live audience
Also: Canned peas, kidney beans and flaked tuna are pretty common where I'm from. Is there anything that can be made from those? I didn't even know so many things can be tinned, so it's a fun series
It feels and looks like daytime overproduced TV.
It's not a hot meal, but all three of those ingredients were part of a 'really can't be bothered to put more effort in' cheater's tuna salad. Add some mayo and balsamic, sweet corn if you're partial (that can also be tinned!), season to taste with stuff you like, boom. An oven-warm bread roll will never be wrong with that.
Maybe you could try for a casserole with those ingredients, as well? Not so sure about how well the kidney beans would do in that, but with some mushrooms and maybe gratinated? Might just work
Agreed on the audience thing. In the past, hearing a cheeky bit of laughing from the crew could add to the humour, but it was rare and fit in with the "group of friends" thing.
This just feels like any other cooking show with an audience. I don't watch those, for a reason.
My least favourite show format (tin can roulette) and the boys playing up to a loud cackling audience.
Love the channel, but I think I might just pass on this one entirely - which is very unusual for me.
@@theritchie2173 this is the second one of these live audience videos they've done and I couldn't get through either of them. From the comments on both videos, this change has not been well received and I haven't seen them address any of the complaints.
Yeah, this video is unfortunately a skip from me.
I made it through the last one that had super distracting audience sounds and here you can already see and hear them right after the intro, oof.
Guess this will be a very hit or miss channel for the near future until all the pre-recorded audience vids are released - and then hopefully you'll go back to the normal quality. *fingers crossed*
If the live studio audience format is what you guys are going for then best of luck. Sadly not for me.
I've been watching since way before even fridge cam, and by introducing the audience I think you've lost the feeling of a few friends having fun and cooking with us .
well, yeah, but they're evolving into a bigger production! I personally think it's amazing to see the progress :D
going to comment again about how i really dislike the live audience, hoping people don't just forget or give up after the first one.
will probably entirely skip a video if I hear the audience from now on tbh
your loss. Not a hill I personally would die on.
Aww cupcake x
You'll not be missed
Yup. Audience that buys tickets > Whiners bitching about free content on the Internet
@@Anon-l1y Without the audience online there's no channel. And showing preferential treatment to the inhouse audience over the audience that they build this channel on kinda sucks, tbh.
@@Anon-l1y the audiences for all of the newer videos were invited because they’ve helped with a few different projects as part of the sorted squads! This was all actually done as a thank you to the community 💕
I loove this channel and you guys, and I'm glad that you're growing and changing, but one of the things that I like the most watching your videos is that homey, friendly feeling that I'm in the kitchen with my friends, joking around, trying new things, sharing amazing food. The live audience changes that, you have to be wittier, more performative, is like watching a sitcom with the laugh track. I understand that a live audience gives you a lot of energy and instant feedback, I get it, but for us yt viewers is not the best experience. Also one thing that the old studio had was a lot of texture with the brick and wood, and that brought a lot of warmth to your videos, maybe adding a little more texture and warm colors could be a good idea, covering the back window/door and that ducting.
I still think you should randomly make them swap cans at some point!
That's a good plot twist!
@@SortedFood Could be fun! Just leave the labels on, and see if someone's being clever just to flip it!
The audience getting Jamie with the "Tssssss" was absolutely perfect it got everyone lol!! 🤣🤣
It's difficult to explain. But you had the studio edited onces where guys and crew had certain chemistry that worked for me. Personally I always skipped the over hyped live shows as it was more about the entertainment then about the cooking with friends kinda fun.
Now the audience has been added it all kinda feels like those live shows. Of course, there is an audience for it but personally not me.
You have to remember this is an evolving cooking show though, people doing this for a living, this isn't just a few youtubers vibing and making lunch
I'd like to see a Tin Can Roulette Pass It On ... everybody has to pick an unlabelled tin, and its contents have to end up in the final dish.
Omg this is a great idea - imagine the CHAOS
A Nigella Lawson coke joke at 7:25 with 2 meanings that will go over alot of peoples heads
I'm so glad someone else noticed lmao
It absolutely did go over my head... what was the joke?
@@toni_go96 Basically Uk TV Chef Nigella Lawson took coke, in its powered from, back in 2010. Bit of a Uk based scandle
@@michaeltelfer3483 oh damn... I did not know that... its always the ones you least suspect 🤣
hey sorted crew, watching this i had an idea. what if you do this game but with a slight twist - offer more can options, but label them with 5 minutes, 10 minutes, 15 minutes based on generally how difficult they might be to use. I think Jamie could have made an amazing curry given the pumpkin puree if he had a bit more time to think about it
Not a fan of the live audience, it changes the whole vibe of the video with Barry and Jamie playing up yo them and at the same time looking AWAY from the cameras, essentially looking away from the entire audience not in the room
Barrys face and reaction at 12:42. Lmao😂😂😂
Ebbers, if you chose those tins knowing you'd have to eat whatever came out of them, you're a daredevil. If someone else did that to you, you're a great sport.
Barry garnishing with finely minced herbs and cheese. Jamie..... Cola Spam cubes 😂😂
What a video. SWAM FOR THE WIN!!!!!
🙌 the odds were stacked against him, but J did it!
@@SortedFoodlose the live audience, it’s awful and ruins the videos, will skip every one with an audience from now on
The audience sounds like a laugh track on marginal tv. The boys are now playing to your local London crowd, not your world-wide audience. It does feel different. But hey, it’s your channel after all.
It sounds exactly like a room full of people to me. It's not really a plus or a minus but I wouldn't say it sounds like a laugh track. Like, at all.
I personally think it's a great change that adds a bit of a more lively edge to the presentation but I respect how you feel about it too, just thought I would represent the people who do like it!
it's nothing like a laugh track because they aren't pausing awkwardly after every line, it's just some guys in the background giggling to the chaos unfolding in front of them.
I liked the audience in this video. This format works better for an audience than the "sit and talk" format last time
It really doesn’t. You all whinge SO much over free content. The change is barely noticeable, you’re just looking for something to complain about,
Liked before watching 😂 love this format!
I just want to say that i am ok with the studio audience. I havent decided if i love it or not yet, because its a big change. But ive been around long enough for other big changes. I had a hard time when you guys stopped Fridge Cam, and strictly recipe videos. But ive stuck around because you guys are the best cooking show out there. And that hasnt changed, even if the format has. I love how friendly your battles are, and the friendship that is at the core. And the jokes that follow because of that. As long as those things dont change, im in for the long haul. Thank you for these videos. They are the only reason i have had the confidence to really enjoy cooking.
I wonder how it would’ve tasted to use the pumpkin to creat a gnocchi of sorts and then dine the rest more or less the same? Well, I guess he’d have to do something different with the pastry.. maybe toast it up into crispy bits? Idk I LOVE these tin can battles. They crack me up and they’re just always so unexpected and crazy.
Nigella and the coke reference 😂
Thanks For this Guys! Tinned food deserves more recognition! It can be great when done properly! Justice for tins!
Cannot believe Jamie had never had Fray Bentos Steak and Kidney Pie. Pastry is so good😘 Barry should walk this one👍👏🏻
Love the look of the new studio, but you should consider some hanging sound deading panels. The audio refelctions off the hogh cieling are noticable. Not terrible, but noticable.
I've watched half of this and Barry had such an easy thing to make with his cans that I rly hope Jamie wins this. GO TEAM JAMIE!! GO TEAM FLAVOUR!!
Legitimately i think Jamie is a much better chef than they give him credit for. He's has the skills, is great at improvise on the fly, and when they have team challenges he's always takes charge to make sure everyone is able to do their part and help those that need it. The only thing is his plating skills which in practice will only get better. I think he deserves the sous chef apron more than Barry does.
Someone brave enough to say it! what a hero!
If either Jamie or Mike cheated to the extent Barry does, he would have gotten nowhere near that apron.
But he doesn't practice his plating skills. Or at least, he hasn't started yet xD
10 years on and his plating is still as bad as ever.
I agree with everything else, he's the best normal
Not learning is deliberate. If they actually tried to improve, they'd all be sporting Michelin stars by this point.
Notice no responses to anyone giving constructive criticism about the live audience? Seeing that is the only time I've been disappointed with Sorted..
Not so, they replied with a measured response to quietjoe 4 hours before your own comment.
Jamie’s “swam” reminds me of one of my favourite easy Chinese dinners- Coca Cola chicken- the sweetness tempered by the use of soy sauce- it’s so good!
I don't know why they ever thought adding an audience was a good idea. It takes away from the friendly dynamic of the guys and makes the show feel more performative, corporate, and sterile. The forced laughs are pretty distracting as well..
What I love most about Jamie is he always goes big. Sink or swim he always "in" for whatever crazy ideas he comes up with. And most of they pay off. Rarely does Jamie go a safe route and it's always a treat to watch.
Love this series! Pure joy, thank you guys for making these great vids! :)
Glad you like them, thanks for watching :)
Putting in the amount of effort thats gone into accommodating a live audience are doing a lot to benefit a very small portion of the audience at the expense of the rest of us.
oi oi don't group 'the rest of us' like that, I love the new stuff!
Jamie selecting tins made me think: go big or go home right?!? 😂
Yet again, more proof Jamie is so much better and UNDOUBTEDLY deserved the sous chef apron
Would it be possible to label the videos that has a live audience? It unfortunately makes the whole experience very awkward to watch, and the audio quality is also not great with the background noise from the studio audience. So labeling the videos would be nice because then I can avoid the ones with the live audience.
They should do that with the next few, just to see how the views drop off compared to unlabelled videos. Should help them make their decision.
You did Barry dirty here."Safe" isn't bad, especially in a challenge like this
Not a fan of the audience. That should be for live shows only. Bring back the retro red fridge, and Jamie's dad jokes
Im a 100% behind this idea!
I don’t usually comment, but I unfortunately agree with a lot of the comments.
For me, sorted has been a cozy, comfort watch and the new set has lost a lot of the comfort and coziness that was really visually appealing.
I don’t think I would mind the studio audience as much if the vibes of the set were still as homely and inviting
I feel the same. Somehow the new studio seems cold and somewhat anonymous? A bit like the reception area in a startup...
The fact that Barry technically used 4 canned items LOL
“Anchovies, peas, and Mac ‘n’ cheese.” Lmfao! Fish and cheese… 😵💫☠️ Hilarious though.
"SWAM *sweeps fork*" is like a call-back to internet in the early 2000s. Absolutely glorious, Jamie.
Jamie Spafford is like a call-back to internet in the early 2000s xD
I think its less about the crowd and more about the rehersed way of telling the jokes and exaggerated laughs between the boys. It IS MUCH more intimate whne its without. I figured thats what people are trying to say really. Anyhow like anything it jusr takes time to get used to and people will come back for the true personalities ❤❤
Oh wow, no one likes the live audience ... granted, it would be fun to be there for it, but ruins the vibe for the rest of us. With the lighting it looks and feels just like any morning talk show's cooking segment. Hopefully the next studio iteration can get some of the magic back. We still love you guys!
I don't much care how my food looks as long as it's tasty. I'm eating it with my mouth not my eyes. Jaime is the CLEAR winner here for me. His entire plan and process was absolutely unhinged, but he made something *interesting*.
Sorry this new studio and new format and new audience kind of blows. It’s like watching overproduce daytime talk shows.
Absolutely agree. Why channels that grow huge on RUclips decide to go in the direction of classic TV shows, I'll never know.
You have to keep moving, they just took the wrong road.
@@JamesUK85 Meh a little Sorted personality decorations and it will be great. It's just looking a bit generic at the moment but nothing they cannot fix. A few decorations aren't going to fix a concrete prison cell. It's completely the wrong aesthetic.
That's exactly what I was thinking. If they want to do TV, that's fine, but I wish they had not messed with their perfect youtube setup.
Im sorry but as someone with anxiety these audience vids just for some reason make me feel uncomfortable. It feels so off-putting compared to the usual relaxed, small group of people when its just the sorted group. If future videos are all going to be like this I just dont think I can watch them.
I agree. It's strange that a channel I watch to calm my anxiety now only causes more of it.
It was bad enough when they brought Kush in and the boys had to act differently, Jamie and Mike acting silly to play off Kush's mischief, and Barry being more anxious because Kush is always a dick to him regardless of effort. Now they're all hamming it up even more, those stupid faces they're pulling just for the laugh, and the over loudness of everything they do, it's too much.
I'm not sure I can do much more of Jamie with the audience. Might just go back to reruns.
Not to repeat what everyone else said, but I really don’t like the live audience. I find those videos really tough to get through once, and then I basically can’t rewatch them without cringing.
It's tough hearing people enjoying themselves isn't it?
@@anthonycarless8572 It's tough seeing someone have a different opinion, isn't it?