Maestro Naka Tatsuya Karate Shotokan...Los Cuerpos de Élite Practican Aikido Hapkido Jiu Jutsu Krav Maga Muay Thai Pencak Silat Kyokushinkai - Arte de la Guerra.. Shotokan Hapkido.. Taekwondo...El guerrero tarde o temprano deberá combatir, cuando lo hagas usa todo tu aprendizaje, usa sus codos, manos, rodillas, cabeza, piernas, porque un guerrero sabe que no solo su espada es la extensión de su espíritu guerrero, y cuando hayas vencido nada hay que celebrar, levanta y abraza a tu hermano guerrero pues te a dado digna pelea...y porque también es una guerrero Shalom..-
All high level pro masters study more than one style. Also, aikido and karate have a long history of friendship. Aikido master Gozo Shioda (1915-1994) teached aikido to JKA instructors like Kanazawa-sensei, Nishiyama-sensei and Nakayama-sensei. Shioda-sensei tells this history in his book, "Aikido Shugyo: Harmony in confrontation" (2002, published posthumously). So, it should not be a surprise that a stundent of both Nakayama and Nishiyama as Naka-sensei is also trained in aikido.
If you are hinting at the joint techniques, they are not specifically aikido. They are part of traditional karate. Take a closer look at Bassai Dai - especially the Shito Ryu version.
Los derribos, luxaciones y controles también se practican en karate. No hace falta hacer Aikido, además también se estudia defensa personal o Goshin dentro del karate
Old school JKA have the same tai sabaki and nagashi tsuki in their curriculum. The senior masters all have that knowledge. Maybe that's why Wado's a derivative of Shotokan w/ emphasis on starting in a neutral stance.
Maestro Naka Tatsuya Karate Shotokan...Los Cuerpos de Élite Practican Aikido Hapkido Jiu Jutsu Krav Maga Muay Thai Pencak Silat Kyokushinkai - Arte de la Guerra.. Shotokan Hapkido.. Taekwondo...El guerrero tarde o temprano deberá combatir, cuando lo hagas usa todo tu aprendizaje, usa sus codos, manos, rodillas, cabeza, piernas, porque un guerrero sabe que no solo su espada es la extensión de su espíritu guerrero, y cuando hayas vencido nada hay que celebrar, levanta y abraza a tu hermano guerrero pues te a dado digna pelea...y porque también es una guerrero Shalom..-
Naka Sensei is my favorite 👍🏻🇮🇳
All high level pro masters study more than one style. Also, aikido and karate have a long history of friendship.
Aikido master Gozo Shioda (1915-1994) teached aikido to JKA instructors like Kanazawa-sensei, Nishiyama-sensei and Nakayama-sensei. Shioda-sensei tells this history in his book, "Aikido Shugyo: Harmony in confrontation" (2002, published posthumously). So, it should not be a surprise that a stundent of both Nakayama and Nishiyama as Naka-sensei is also trained in aikido.
If you are hinting at the joint techniques, they are not specifically aikido. They are part of traditional karate. Take a closer look at Bassai Dai - especially the Shito Ryu version.
He plays the bad guy in Kuro Obi ^^ also check for a movie called High Kick Girl.
Los derribos, luxaciones y controles también se practican en karate. No hace falta hacer Aikido, además también se estudia defensa personal o Goshin dentro del karate
Tsuki no viene a ser el bunkai?
yep thats real karate ossu God bless!!!!!!!
you must admit Naka sensei is pretty bad ass. Fast as hell.
Is sensei Nake from the movie Kuro Obi? I saw 2 techniques performed in that movie too. He must be... Awesome technical skill!!
Old school JKA have the same tai sabaki and nagashi tsuki in their curriculum. The senior masters all have that knowledge. Maybe that's why Wado's a derivative of Shotokan w/ emphasis on starting in a neutral stance.
He is 48 years old he won't involve in MMA.He is a master but MMA is now more for younger ones.
yeah its from the bonus materl of kuro obi
Inspiring!! :)
Naka would kick some serious ass in MMA, no matter his age.
LOL 😂😂😂
@SignorFOX ya tru...nly thing worth watching in both the movies is naka sensei.. :)
Ok, I see he is..reading the other comments:)
Which kind of karate is it ?
Naka Tatsuya Sensei is a member of the JKA, so Shotokan, but there are also elements of Kyusho
Thank you very much for your answer ^^
Hermann Sperl Shotokan is father of kyusho (kyokushinkai)
What's the style of this Karate?
karate also has aikido in it
Yes !!!!
PRFFF karate !
I'm not sure but I don`t think so... I have a friend in Japan studing with sensei Naka... I will ask him...
ok, I got it. but I think maybe they're looked because they're all traditional technique of Japanese ^^
Таикан жжёт.
I wanna know how to do this finger trick o.ô
At 0:41 it's clearly Nikkyo, from Aikido.
Wrong ^^