Do I Want To Look Younger? Hell No & Here Is Why.

  • Опубликовано: 12 сен 2024
  • This is a clip from my first public Livestream which was recorded in December, 2022. My subscribers had been asking for some time for me to do this because many had questions that they wanted to hear me respond to. That's what I tried to do.
    So, do I want to look younger? That's a legitimate question for sure. At 81 1/2 years old, when I look at my face in the mirror as I am doing right now, I don't much like what I see. Spots on my skin. Eyes a bit droopy and watery. My nose bigger than it was even 20 years ago. And my ears? Wow they are big. They look a little bit like President Lyndon Johnson did when he was in his 60s.
    When I look at my face as though my wife is looking at it (she is not only considerably younger than me, but more importantly, is one hell of a lot better looking and always was) it doesn’t make me comfortable. I feel self-conscious.
    But as I say in this video clip, putting out all aside, there are big advantages to having white hair and an old face. So many of my subscribers and those who comment on my videos remember their grandparents fondly with love and affection. And when those who I interact with in the public spaces look at my face, they think of their grandparents and so often, the result is that I get treated sweetly. I get extra care. People help me fill out paperwork. They say hello comfortably. They smile. Sometimes, young men assume me to be a mentor and young women flirt with me comfortably. Who could complain about all of that?
    One's physical looks, I would like to say, don't matter all that much. But when I step into a retail store or any public space and I am accompanied by someone who most of us would say is "good-looking" I notice that they, and I, get treated better. And when I've interviewed people who are extremely pretty or handsome, they admit that they do get treated special. So it does matter.
    But what can I do about my looks? I have not described in this short statement what I look like to myself in the nude - in other words, not just looking at my face. There's plenty of sags. But basically I still stand up pretty straight and my belly extends just a bit and the whole thing, though filled with minor discomforts, is a friendly experience. My body has been with me for a very long time and has in general, treated me kindly.
    I know that they say that looking youthful can boost self-confidence and improve many types of social interactions. However, the importance of looking younger varies greatly from person to person, and as I say in this video, it hasn’t and doesn’t matter much to me. It's really about how you feel and what makes you happy. At any age, feeling good about yourself and being healthy are most important. Here are some tips that the self-help websites suggest could help in maintaining a youthful appearance and promoting overall well-being:
    Moisturize daily: Keep your skin hydrated to maintain its elasticity and prevent dryness.
    Use sunscreen: Sun exposure can accelerate skin aging. Use a broad-spectrum sunscreen to protect your skin from harmful UV rays.
    Gentle cleansing: Use gentle, hydrating cleansers to keep your skin clean without stripping natural oils.
    Healthy Diet:
    Eat a balanced diet rich in fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, and whole grains.
    Stay hydrated by drinking plenty of water throughout the day.
    Regular Exercise:
    Engage in physical activities that you enjoy. It could be walking, swimming, or even dancing.
    Regular exercise can improve your posture, muscle tone, and overall vitality.
    Sleep Well:
    Aim for 7-9 hours of sleep each night to allow your body to repair and rejuvenate.
    Maintain a Positive Outlook (number 1 for me):
    Engage in social activities, pursue hobbies, and maintain a positive outlook on life.
    Surrounding yourself with supportive and positive individuals can have a wonderful effect on your mood and appearance.
    Minimal Makeup and Natural Hair Color:
    A minimal makeup approach can be more flattering as excessive makeup can settle into fine lines and wrinkles.
    Embracing your natural hair color, or choosing softer, more natural colors can also present a more youthful appearance.
    Regular Check-ups:
    Regular check-ups with your healthcare provider can help in maintaining your health and addressing any medical concerns promptly.
    Anti-aging Treatments (Optional):
    There are also dermatological procedures and treatments available to help maintain a youthful appearance. It's essential to consult with a dermatologist or a skincare professional to explore these options.
    I hope that this video in some way or another is helpful to you. If you found it so, I would appreciate you supporting my efforts to make more videos like this one by clicking the thanks button below the video screen or by becoming a patron at
    Thank you

Комментарии • 91

  • @MechakittenX
    @MechakittenX Год назад +46

    Great video, David. Aging is beautiful, in my opinion. It's a badge of honor signifying you've survived. Think of how many people will never make it to your age and how many have died along the way. Looks dont mean anything when compared to the value of life itself.

    • @tonycollazorappo
      @tonycollazorappo Год назад +2

      100% agreed, I like my 60 something self. Life just gets better as you get older in my opinion.

  • @zero_bs_tolerance8646
    @zero_bs_tolerance8646 Год назад +13

    "Once, we were young and beautiful. Now, we are just beautiful." ♥

  • @shewho333
    @shewho333 Год назад +11

    I hear a lot of women (being also a woman) complaining about becoming invisible after age 50. But I quite enjoy it! I ask for help and most of the time I can get a little help. Not one man has insisted that I should “smile” just because I was minding my own business and spacing out. How great is that? I had to do a little emergency trip to the hospital, and I was surrounded by a bunch of beautiful young men helping me out and calling me things like “angel” and it wasn’t weird! I get to be “cute” now without all the pressure of having to DO anything for it! LMAO!

  • @AhJodie
    @AhJodie Год назад +8

    I felt like that as a nurse... I found that I can make a difference in how it feels, by simply being grateful for being alive..... and looking at it all like its a game, a circus, an adventure, and finding as many ridiculous things as I can, and sharing them with others. Yes, for me, I am incognito... so, a spy in a sense, lol!

    • @breannelove7442
      @breannelove7442 Год назад

      Shakespeare once said that.... All the world's a stage and all the men and women merely players.

  • @Awesomeman10174
    @Awesomeman10174 Год назад +13

    “I don’t do anything that doesn’t have an end.”
    People I think really do underestimate the natural high that comes out of accomplishing a goal and finally seeing some kind of resolution or ending to it. This hit different

  • @greyeyed123
    @greyeyed123 Год назад +7

    I started my career as a high school teacher at 28, and looked VERY young well into my 30's. I was treated quite often like crap by students, administrators, and sometimes other teachers (I'm convinced my appearance often was a shorthand to just assume inexperience and incompetence--some warned me of this possibility several years before I landed my first job, but I was pushing 30 for cryin' out loud and needed to get on with my life). I switched schools in my late 30's, now I'm 48 with a gray beard and gray hair, and I'm mostly treated as if I could do no wrong. I went from looking 20 years old for 20 years, to looking 50-ish within a couple years, lol. Whatever. I've thought about dyeing my hair and beard, but I like how I'm treated now.

  • @TroysSweetCornhole
    @TroysSweetCornhole Год назад +6

    I want to grow old and have good memories like this guy

  • @sandraolson1022
    @sandraolson1022 Год назад +4

    David I can certainly relate to the postal worker, before retirement I worked as a housekeeper for a major hospital I understand the repetetivnes of the job, when I left everything was clean, returned the next day start all over again. Having said that I was grateful for the job and loved the people.

  • @breannelove7442
    @breannelove7442 Год назад +4

    Thank you for all you share David. I find myself saying that the older I get the less I know. I've learned to say less and listen to the silence. Happy New Year

    • @fredthejunkman
      @fredthejunkman Год назад +1

      Breanne - I find myself saying the same thing.....the older I get the less I know. But it's a good thing. I love to learn new things every day. Happy New Year.

  • @suzukibn1131
    @suzukibn1131 Год назад +4

    I turned 70 last summer and I was DREADING it. But it happened anyway. But there’s a freedom to it. I don’t do (much & very little) that I don’t want to anymore. And I love it. And I don’t go anywhere I don’t want to anymore either. And I don’t put up with anything nor anyone that I don’t want to anymore either. It’s heaven once you accept it.

  • @joecurmaci5880
    @joecurmaci5880 Год назад +5

    Once you get a little older it's not as important as when you were young your hair turns Gray or falls out and your skin gets more wrinkles it's a good thing it's life and you've documented it superbly

  • @georgeshaw8925
    @georgeshaw8925 Год назад +3

    Hi David, I hope you have a great New Year my friend. Love the philosophy, I’m approaching 50. This world needs more empathy, the apathy we could leave at the doorstep. That kind of thought process is getting old, I’ve noticed with the younger generation that with technology social skills are not what they used to be. I’ve also noticed a lack of attention, people lose interest extremely quickly, I think it’s due to RUclips and TikTok videos myself but who knows. Here’s to you and yours my friend happy new year.🎉

  • @faithunseen123
    @faithunseen123 Год назад +1

    You look great David❗Looking good is nice but what matters is how you feel inside and out.Being at peace and a sound mind,and able to go for a walk and be active,in Priceless❣️

  • @aussie8114
    @aussie8114 Год назад +5

    First third of my life I wanted to look older. Second third I wanted to look younger. Last third I couldn’t give a damn 😂

    • @moccasinlanding
      @moccasinlanding Год назад +1

      Ahhh, well, I was a librarian in the first half of my life, then became a boat captain (in the offshore oil industry) for 20 THAT was a change! The crew always wanted to know HOW OLD I was, but never found out!!!! I've been retired from that job for 20 years, and approach the math. Plus, I was a female--in a man's world. I take pride in the fact that I never hurt anyone, and never damaged a boat. Many captains would envy my record.

  • @spmoran4703
    @spmoran4703 Год назад +4

    I have just watched a video from a lady in Poland . And this wise young woman said she is fed up of looking at ' perfect people ' . She said there will be a time were passing a cosmetic surgeons on the street will be as normal as passing a Cafe . I hope that never happens . But, with the way things are going she is probably right.
    Dont look younger David , just keep on being your great self .

  • @siriosstar4789
    @siriosstar4789 Год назад +2

    What a tremendously interesting person mr. hoffman is . there is a lot of compassion in those eyes and a lot of wisdom as well.
    i remember when i was about fifty ( 77 now) i looked into the mirror before going out for the evening and everything stopped . there was this stillness and completeness .i looked at my unkempt long hair and i thought " good enough" . i haven cut or combed my hair since and rarely look into the mirror, unless my wife insists that i tidy up to go out with her .😂

  • @mikenixon2401
    @mikenixon2401 Год назад +2

    Good commentary, David. Yeah, we worked hard to get this age so we may as well enjoy and apreciate it. Now let's go tell some kids to get off the lawn then laugh.

  • @JulesGardening
    @JulesGardening Год назад +1

    ha ha ha , nice end cut David. Salute.

  • @chesterproudfoot9864
    @chesterproudfoot9864 Год назад +2

    For as long as I can remember I have looked younger than my actual age. It has always been a curse, but now I'm 61 and still get taken for 41-50. So hey, I'll take it.

  • @earFront
    @earFront Год назад +4

    A perfect ending. Thanx Mr David H for all the magic you have shared with us nobodies out here in these inter tubes.

  • @animeria5743
    @animeria5743 Год назад +5

    You may not be a Biological Grandpa, but you sure are our Grandpa, taught us many live lessons over the years.

  • @Roger_Clarence
    @Roger_Clarence Год назад

    David, You are Awesome!!
    Thank you for giving me the first smile of the day ❤️
    Sending it Right back to you, my friend, Namaste

  • @wauliepalnuts6134
    @wauliepalnuts6134 Год назад +1

    David, your comment about the postal worker lamenting about the basket always refilling and the monotony of his job reminds me of emails. Many of us clear, or try to clear, our inbox every evening, only to find it full of messages the next day. One of the worst things about coming back to your job after a vacation is having that anxiety where you know there are 200 lovely emails waiting to greet you when you check your laptop.

  • @JerryStevens
    @JerryStevens Год назад +1

    Would I like to look younger? Sure. But it's not something I want badly. The way I look is fine. But what really resonates with me is how lovely it is to be anonymous. I have no idea why people want to be famous. It might be enjoyable in a novel way for a few days but it would get old really fast. I can't imagine what it would be like to not be able to go anywhere without being recognized. Every time some famous person gets in trouble for saying something stupid, I think: My anonymity is a gift. I have the luxury of saying stupid things all the time and no one even notices. 😀

  • @theqrakker4652
    @theqrakker4652 Год назад

    I had a dream about a month ago and I was in a wide hallway sitting on stairs, looking into a room with french doors open. There was a celebration of sorts. and you were sitting outside the left of the door and you looked at me and expressed, "This is how we Jews do it"In my spirit, I was pleased to be invited into this private celebration, moreover, I glorified FATHER for His People. When I woke, I thought, his face is familiar, yet I don't recognize him and yet I do. I prayed FATHER would allow me to see your face again, and behold, here you are. Praise YHVH

  • @knelson3484
    @knelson3484 Год назад +2

    Thank you David. Of course you don't care about age, that's because you're still a cutie! ❤

  • @TheGelasiaBlythe
    @TheGelasiaBlythe Год назад +1

    I started (very slowly) going gray at the ripe, old age of 13. I can't wait for a full head of gray hair. My temples are pretty well gray, and it's creeping around the back of my head. The top is more pepper than salt, but it's getting there. I love a full head of gray hair. It looks lovely. Of course, I promised my coworkers that, at least one time, I will color my grays some unnatural color before my hair is all gray - just so that we can all laugh about it together.
    I never fear getting old and looking it. I've earned every wrinkle, line, and gray hair on my head. Sagging parts just remind me that gravity misses me being close to the ground, and I joke that I should stop fighting and lie down more (it's an excuse for a nap, really). I miss people just growing old without the obvious dye jobs, Botox, chemical peels (and that weird, wet plastic looking skin they bring), lip fillers, and caked on makeup. I consider it a glorious thing, if I am able to live long enough to see my full head of gray hair and face full of wrinkles. I wish the same longevity on everyone who reads this!

  • @andylindsey
    @andylindsey Год назад +1

    I want to wish you a happy new year, David! I hope 2023 is happy, healthy and prosperous for you. Thanks for all you share.

    • @DavidHoffmanFilmmaker
      @DavidHoffmanFilmmaker  Год назад +2

      Thank you Andy for all of your comments and for this financial support. I wish you a successful and happy new year as well.
      David Hoffman filmmaker

  • @jr4062
    @jr4062 Год назад +1

    The mail guy was thinking incorrectly, like many people do. If you start a task, and complete it in a day, you have succeeded with the task. Then a new day starts with a new task. He has a job, making a living, hopefully enough to pay his bills and maybe enjoy time he has off. What’s horrible to me is borrowing from someone because you can’t pay your bills. What’s horrible is being in the cold without heat, or not having a place to sleep. What’s horrible is worrying whether you are going to be bombed and killed, or not having enough food to eat. What’s horrible is being targeted by corrupt fed agents or pd that want to either kill you or blame you for crimes they set up and commit themselves. Working and repeating a task or job, is not so bad if you have enough to eat and pay bills. just look at the job or task as something new to accomplish for the day, and pat yourself on the back for a job well done.

  • @cherylcallahan5402
    @cherylcallahan5402 Год назад +2

    *David Hoffman Do I want to look younger appreciate your videos Listening 🌟 from Mass USA TYVM 💙 🇺🇸 David*

  • @charlesmckinley29
    @charlesmckinley29 Год назад +1

    I don’t know how to act my age. I’ve never been this old before.
    T-shirt I need to get my dad for his birthday.😎

  • @riverraven7
    @riverraven7 Год назад +1

    Youth and beauty were a curse...I'm happy to just blend in ..🌴😎🍻😎🌴

  • @saqibsheikh2790
    @saqibsheikh2790 Год назад

    One day I would like to meet you just to shake your hand for all the great work you do and lessons you provide.

  • @Methadone4Life
    @Methadone4Life Год назад +2

    You have always been entertaining, thought provoking and positive. Hope you have a Happy New Year! I tell people getting old beats the alternative lol.

  • @kid.hudson_
    @kid.hudson_ Год назад

    Let me say this sir, that I am happy to see that you are still alive. I am a huge fan of your work.

  • @LindaCasey
    @LindaCasey Год назад +2

    I dunno, to me it's all in the attitude no matter what the age .. although there WERE times that I coulda used a wife myself! 😏 Happy New Year David.🥂

  • @wingitprod
    @wingitprod Год назад +1

    You look great! The post office sounds Sisyphean.

  • @BillySBC
    @BillySBC Год назад +2

    When you're younger you think it would be really cool to be older. Once you're older, you realize your younger self was right.

  • @alexanderpezeshkian
    @alexanderpezeshkian Год назад +2

    Ageing like fine wine David

  • @toddclark332
    @toddclark332 Год назад

    Like I say sir you just stay the way you are cuz that's what God wants us to look like I don't do no dye I don't want no face work I am what God made me either like it or you don't sir you look fantastic thanks for what you give us

  • @akatgif
    @akatgif Год назад

    Luv ❤️ the topic and graceful reply 👍

  • @astron4606
    @astron4606 Год назад

    I'm only a 22 soon to be 23 year old man myself, but this makes me feel less scared and worried about getting old or dying :)

  • @ronaldgarrison8478
    @ronaldgarrison8478 Год назад

    Since retiring at 65, I've been able to focus more attention on keeping house. I now realize just how much work it is, even when you have more time. I wonder how others are at such things. Not very effective, I really suspect. I really am starting to think this is something that we, as society, maybe as a species, probably just mostly ignore.

  • @chocomi9656
    @chocomi9656 Год назад +1

    Loved this

  • @nononever3592
    @nononever3592 Год назад

    You have a face that seems always on the verge of a smile, that's far more attractive than "good looks." Who's to say what that even is? 😉

  • @lynnemurphy114
    @lynnemurphy114 Год назад +1

    💚you make me smile 🙂

  • @SunnyIlha
    @SunnyIlha Год назад

    We cool when we look like we do.
    Can't look like how we do when we not there yet! 😁

  • @CarterKey6
    @CarterKey6 Год назад +1

    I find older men who age gracefully embrace their gray or baldness more attractive than a younger guy. I’m 43 now but even in my 20’s I did.

  • @fredthejunkman
    @fredthejunkman Год назад +1

    It's great having white hair/beard.....people will treat you with more respect.

  • @FunkyNotFrumpy
    @FunkyNotFrumpy Год назад

    Great words of wisdom ❤

  • @pvtmalo3217
    @pvtmalo3217 Год назад

    Thank you for sharing.

  • @meintingles4396
    @meintingles4396 Год назад

    You're David Hoffman. You've cataloged the iconography of America in some of the most impressive film I've seen. Who cares what you look like?! haha

  • @gmanette188
    @gmanette188 Год назад

    Saying in my family "I'd be your neighbor or you couldn't pay me to be your neighbor " I'd definitely would be ya'lls neighbor...

  • @stephenalexander6721
    @stephenalexander6721 Год назад

    The only reason I look at myself in a mirror is to see if my face is clean,and I might not do that every day.

  • @mladenbasic1
    @mladenbasic1 Год назад +2

    Loved this clip. Is the entire livestream available?

    • @DavidHoffmanFilmmaker
      @DavidHoffmanFilmmaker  Год назад +1

      Yes. Click the live pulldown menu next to the videos menu on my homepage and you will see the public Livestream.
      David Hoffman filmmaker

    • @mladenbasic1
      @mladenbasic1 Год назад

      @@DavidHoffmanFilmmaker It might be a good idea to include it in your regular video uploads section for more people to find it. That’s were I went looking. Thanks for the quick response.

  • @woodspigs
    @woodspigs Год назад

    Age does have its advantages, when u get the propane tanks filled, the sign at the propane dealer says personnel will not load or unload tanks from your vehicle, guess what I am 76 and whitish hair, and they load my tanks every time.🎉😅😮

  • @sethhornaday5943
    @sethhornaday5943 Год назад

    I want too look stronger taller, and teeth but I'm happy the way I am, to pretty is a curse

  • @commoveo1
    @commoveo1 Год назад

    Hoffman? Any relation to Abbie? I can’t seem to find any information of Abby? Just curious. Love your shares! Yes I’m a old man by human standards lol.

  • @yasso2031
    @yasso2031 Год назад

    you are the coolest

  • @krunkle5136
    @krunkle5136 Год назад

    People need to take care of themselves but accept their natural looks that they're not in control of, which graciously for now everyone is under the same effects regardless of finances.
    No one really likes a face caked in make-up.

  • @youtube79z
    @youtube79z Год назад

    I tried to calculate Davids age, he claims to have worked on films in the 1960s, but his family is young!

    • @DavidHoffmanFilmmaker
      @DavidHoffmanFilmmaker  Год назад +2

      My second family is young and very supportive. My age is 81 years old. But I feel just about 57 years old if that matters.
      David Hoffman filmmaker

  • @Jaxan-dq2jy
    @Jaxan-dq2jy Год назад

    We really do live in an ageist society unfortunately

  • @jchow5966
    @jchow5966 Год назад


  • @idklol4197
    @idklol4197 Год назад +5

    this is cope, david. in my opinion, youth is one of the most important things you can have

    • @eirschu8973
      @eirschu8973 Год назад +3

      Yeah I mean youth is great and nobody will argue, but we can't stay young forever - so no use crying over spoiled milk.

    • @Dr170
      @Dr170 Год назад

      Only dopes use the term cope

  • @nerdbamarich2063
    @nerdbamarich2063 Год назад


  • @larrybud
    @larrybud Год назад

    Let me tell you something about good looking people: We're not well liked.

  • @SA-ho2nw
    @SA-ho2nw Год назад

    Males can roll out of bed put a cap on and still look good. Females need at least 1 hr to look like they rolled out of bed, put a cap on and look good😂😬

  • @pdd60absorbed12
    @pdd60absorbed12 Год назад

    Figure if ones vanity matches biological age life can be less.....aggravating?

  • @electriceyeslide5959
    @electriceyeslide5959 Год назад

    Look as young as you can…
    The whole aging naturally thing is BS… F that noise.

    • @annarodriguez9868
      @annarodriguez9868 Год назад +3

      I'm 75 and am enjoying aging naturally very much.
      I'm blessed with good health and have strength and energy to do for myself and others. I feel young at heart and am hopelessly optimistic inspire of life's weird or sad turns. I can say this even though I was widowed at a relatively young age, my mom dying not long after my husband and my sister and father both dying this last year.
      I have family and friends to care for and care for me.
      I feel blessed inspite of the perceived bad things and all the good I have received.
      Thanks also to Mr David Hoffman, film maker for his photos, comments and videos.

    • @electriceyeslide5959
      @electriceyeslide5959 Год назад +1

      I respect that. Personally for me, I tell people to look as young as you can. We live in a very shallow world and looking young and feeling young (good nutrition and exercise) is critical to life.
      I lost my mom this year on 9/27. Sorry to hear about your losses. 🙏🏻

  • @tonycollazorappo
    @tonycollazorappo Год назад +1

    Let's not forget senior discounts! lol And I've earned the right to be grumpy though it's not very common with me. I can speak my mind and I've lost all my buffers, LOL! I have no shame at all, and I know a lot of things now that I "thought" I knew when I was in my 20s.