How Did Jesus “Learn” Obedience? Hebrews 5:7-9

  • Опубликовано: 25 окт 2024

Комментарии • 85

  • @jewishbride5010
    @jewishbride5010 4 года назад +8

    Abba Father, I come into agreement with this whole message according to hebrews 5:7-9, binding to learn obedience and being perfected through suffering in my life and the lives of my enemies, in the name and blood of Jesus Christ, amen and hallelujah!

  • @mkl62
    @mkl62 6 лет назад +5

    I am an ELCA Lutheran from South Carolina. Today is March 30, 2018. It is Good Friday. This passage from the Book of Hebrews will most likely be read in churches holding services today, along with Hebrews 4:14-16. Thank you, Jesus, for dying on the Cross for us, though none of us deserve it.

  • @randallblann1416
    @randallblann1416 4 года назад +5

    Thank you Lord Jesus Christ for you have redeemed us and justified and reconciled and sanctified us in the blood you shed for humans and in the Spirit born human beings from above and all things from God.

  • @ANDRE-sp2mi
    @ANDRE-sp2mi Год назад +1

    🙏🙏🙏 Thank God for I have overcome the world 🗺

  • @erryflower1635
    @erryflower1635 6 лет назад +3

    I believe that all Christians have been wondering for more than one time on the explanation of this deep verse..including myself!!thank u pastor..for your pure and real revelation of this verse..through the Holy Spirit

    • @josephkuzara2609
      @josephkuzara2609 5 лет назад

      How and why Jesus being sinless learned obedience unto death(Philip 2:8) as our source and example as Father's Righteousness, being our pass over Lamb of God to pass His wrath over the elects sins(Rom 3:25). to instead judge us through loving discipline and scourging (Heb 12:4-11)to not be condemned with the world(1Cor 11:32).
      was through Jesus' voluntary suffering by Father as God's ransom for the elects sins by being contrited by Father receiving voluntarily chastening and scourging as a righteous ligit child for our sake.
      Jesus did not suffer wrath as our ransom Isaiah 53:5 (Musar #4148);10(daka #1792) make this quite clear. God did not desire nor require the blood of bulls or goats but an body was prepared for Jesus(Heb 10:5) to be an broken and contrite heart and spirit as an obedient sin and guilt atonement.(ps 51:16-17) being made sin(2 Cor 5:21),in the likeness of sinful flesh(rom 8:3-4) as our living atonement (Lev 16) to condemn sin in the flesh(not Jesus 1 Corinthians 12:3 Kjv) releasing us from the slavery of sin to live by the Spirit so God's righteous will could be fulfilled in us.
      Jesus being righteous, voluntarily learned obedience unto death by what He suffered for the elects sins as an living sacrifice being broken and contrited in spirit and heart to which satisfied God as an acceptable ransomed atonement for guilt and sin to redeem us from His wrath to Instead while imputed Jesus' Righteousness by granted faith are treated as His ligit Son Jesus, so we too may learn obedience by what we suffer for our good. As why while following in Jesus we are partakers in the likeness of His suffering(Philip 1:29;1 Peter 4:13) and baptized into the likeness of His death, burial and resurrection, picking up our own poles daily and even drinking from the cup Father gave Him(Matt 20:22-23kjv)
      Jesus is Father's equivalent disciplinary substitionary atonement. God required Jesus to be an satisfactory Substitionary Ransom to atone and do away with sin through the shedding of His own blood without defect with accordance to the Law as an acceptable contrited and obedient sacrifice for guilt and sin.
      God sent Jesus whom voluntarily laid down His life obediently to the wrath of evil men to be condemned by man with accordance to God's predetermined plan. But God Himself did not condemn His own righteous Son because as our source and example as our ensign to Israel and the nations to look upon the promises of God,that the righteous are not predestined unto wrath and all those whom Father receives as ligit children He disciplines and scourges out of love for our good to learn obedience so we are not condemned. And why those whom are baptized in Christ are no longer condemned (rom 8:1) even if a person stumbles into sin but rather as said we are chastised and scourged as Jesus so that through such suffering while imputed HIS Righteousness we may learn obedience even obedience leading to death.

  • @justanotherguywithabeard
    @justanotherguywithabeard Год назад +1

    Thank you so much God for bringing me on this video so that I learn about this passage.
    Thank you so much, Brother for enlightening us.

  • @rachelguy8824
    @rachelguy8824 Год назад

    Thank you for this teaching ❤

  • @manuelalvares6710
    @manuelalvares6710 6 лет назад +1

    Deep, beautiful and truthful.

  • @TheSkullReviews
    @TheSkullReviews 6 лет назад +8

    Very interesting study, well thought out answers, thanks.

    • @ewanthompson1813
      @ewanthompson1813 6 лет назад +1

      I do enjoy the humble attitude John Piper displays in sharing these prayerfully prepared commentaries. One clarification: “By faith Abraham, when called to go to a place he would later receive as his inheritance, obeyed and went, even though he did not know where he was going.” is Hebrews 11:8, not 11.

  • @tomcrenshaw6941
    @tomcrenshaw6941 Год назад

    All my life I’ve lived in foolishness. When I find the word of God it’s The peaceful Center of my days. I think so highly of myself but I am no one, I have not healed any lepers and my fear of public speaking keeps me from giving a sermon on the mount. Even though Jesus was Gods Son, he learned obedience from the things he suffered. Jesus Christ is my example and the one I adore although my heart seeks its own. Christ is king.

  • @randallblann1416
    @randallblann1416 4 года назад +1

    In the mind and in the heart and in the body and soul and Spirit.The Spirit of God.

  • @randallblann1416
    @randallblann1416 4 года назад +1


  • @brandyburkhart6423
    @brandyburkhart6423 3 года назад +5

    Jesus was 100% man and 100% God. Although He was perfect in all His ways and was God and knew what He would suffer, it was the human side of Jesus that became perfected through being tried. Jesus was 100% without sin from the beginning to the end. Jesus is LORD. He is the alpha and the omega.

    • @a-aron6724
      @a-aron6724 Год назад

      Makes no sense at all? How did Jesus learn obedience to himself? Better yet why would he pray to himself? Looks like God is separate from Jesus here to me. Remember the prayer before he was to be taken away. He prayed 3 times that "Father if it be thy will let this cup pass from me, nevertheless not MY will but your will be done"

    • @a-aron6724
      @a-aron6724 Год назад

      And the bible clearly states that God can't be tempted like Jesus was. James 1 vs 13 states this. So tell me how Jesus was God again?

    • @brandyburkhart6423
      @brandyburkhart6423 Год назад

      @@a-aron6724 short answer: because Jesus said “HE is ONE with the FATHER God.” “In the beginning was the word and the word became flesh and dwelt among us” AND “in the beginning was the word and the word was with God and the word was God” John 1:1.
      John 14:9
      9 Jesus said to him, “Have I been with you so long, and you still do not know me, Philip? Whoever has seen me has seen the Father. How can you say, ‘Show us the Father’?

    • @brandyburkhart6423
      @brandyburkhart6423 Год назад

      @@a-aron6724pray and ask God for understanding. He says lean NOT on your own understanding.

    • @a-aron6724
      @a-aron6724 Год назад

      @@brandyburkhart6423 so who's understanding should I lean to, yours? The bum on the side of the road?

  • @randallblann1416
    @randallblann1416 4 года назад

    Jesus Christ is the sinless Son of God and will return to take us with him.

  • @randallblann1416
    @randallblann1416 4 года назад

    And the power of the Blood of Jesus.Jesus Christ forgives the flesh and took our sins in own body and blood.And humans must remember that.Always untill he returns.

  • @lydiax_x7912
    @lydiax_x7912 2 года назад

    so insightful🥲

  • @randallblann1416
    @randallblann1416 4 года назад

    That those who believe and come to know that the human whom God justifies also reconciles in Jesus Christ and sanctified and continues to sanctify and our redemption is going to be in glorious new bodies.

  • @randallblann1416
    @randallblann1416 4 года назад +1

    The Spirit transforms and Sanctification is ongoing.

    • @JR-yj8ig
      @JR-yj8ig 4 года назад

      Randall Blann that’s not biblical.
      And such were some of you: but ye are washed, but ye are sanctified, but ye are justified in the name of the Lord Jesus, and by the Spirit of our God.-1 Corinthians 6:11

  • @randallblann1416
    @randallblann1416 4 года назад

    Jesus Christ was obedient unto death and was obedient in his life.And he suffered on the cross for God is love for humanity and so is Jesus Christ love for humanity and mercy and the grace of God is abundant and his Mercy is forever.We are saved by grace and Faith in Jesus Christ.And Jesus Christ also had love for his Father.

    • @Scott48-w9i
      @Scott48-w9i 6 месяцев назад

      Jesus became obedient after death

  • @randallblann1416
    @randallblann1416 4 года назад

    Justification is once and only one time did Jesus Christ justify humans for all time.

  • @randallblann1416
    @randallblann1416 4 года назад

    Because of Jesus Christ crucified and Resurrected.

  • @randallblann1416
    @randallblann1416 4 года назад

    The Lord Jesus our Lord our God now gets humans to turn from their sins and learn to obey through his death and suffering and to learn his Word and in the crucifixion we are crucified daily and we live for the Spirit and we are crucified in the flesh and learn obedience in our own bodies and minds and turn to obey and that's why the obedience is to turn and obey.From sins.And now is a life of God and Jesus Christ who forgave the past and left behind is the past.

  • @randallblann1416
    @randallblann1416 4 года назад

    And has became righteous because of the Blood of Jesus Christ only.Not of his ownself.

  • @randallblann1416
    @randallblann1416 4 года назад

    Born of the Spirit from above the Gift of God in the Holy Spirit and the from the living waters Jesus Christ.Born of the water and the Spirit the Word of God.All things from God in Jesus Christ in the Spirit.

  • @randallblann1416
    @randallblann1416 4 года назад

    He then died for all human beings who are sinners.Took upon the curse and removed the curse from death with his own death by the precious power of his Blood that was sinless and took in his own body the sickness and disease caused by Adam and Eve and the devil and the curse and in his own flesh took the wounds and stripes and for all sickness and by his wounds and by his stripes we are healed.And through his Blood forgiven.

  • @randallblann1416
    @randallblann1416 4 года назад

    Jesus Christ knew his Father God and obeyed him in the Spirit and the Word of God.

  • @chrisphayao
    @chrisphayao 5 лет назад +2

    Good ideas - BUT: I personally think that Jesus had to learn obedience, not just in His last days but during His whole life ! He was the Son of God growing up among poor, ignorant people in His village. He had to endure ignorance and mocking during His whole 30 years of growing up. During this time He had certainly to cry out to God many times.
    His life was rescued by God in the way that Jesus never fell into sin in all this time.
    The same is for us as Christians: we have to cry out to God to save us from the temptations of this world all the time ! Jesus was made like us and He is our forerunner, our example.

  • @randallblann1416
    @randallblann1416 4 года назад

    This mortal must put on immortality.

  • @randallblann1416
    @randallblann1416 4 года назад

    The member of the body of Christ.

  • @stevenramos8042
    @stevenramos8042 6 лет назад +2

    As I look at this 2/3 through, I'm waiting to see what play is next. Sweep? Blitz? Are they going long? Where's the defense? We know who the quarterback is. Who's running? 4th quarter near the end zone, it's a pivotal point in the game and they already did a hand off.

  • @bananaboat7863
    @bananaboat7863 4 года назад

    What kind of devise are you using in this teaching ? I like it

  • @flyfishing739
    @flyfishing739 6 лет назад

    Hebrews 1:8-10 & 3:4

  • @randallblann1416
    @randallblann1416 4 года назад

    The life of righteousness is living not for sin but for righteousness and turning from sin to obey and the present forward life is looking at the Lord lifted up and his death on the cross and his shed Blood and the same blood that made the human righteous is the same blood that makes the human righteousness now.

  • @randallblann1416
    @randallblann1416 4 года назад

    In life humans must repent and turn from their sins.To belong to Jesus Christ is to know the body is the temple of God and the temple of the Holy Spirit.The body is quickened in the mortal body by the Spirit.I am in my body but of the Spirit.

  • @randallblann1416
    @randallblann1416 4 года назад

    God does what he wants with humans and can get the human in Jesus Christ in Christ when the human is buried in Baptism and raised to a new life and that is death burial and Resurrection.And also the human must be born again and is born again.

  • @sandyjin3334
    @sandyjin3334 6 лет назад

    May I ask one question about test? Can I saying that faith tested by law and law tested by faith? Maybe I confusing something. But I sincerely want to know about that. Thank you pastor John, for sharing. I mostly agree about that. But need time understand fully ^^

  • @randallblann1416
    @randallblann1416 4 года назад

    The only past that human beings should remember is the Lord being lifted up and him dying on the cross and shedding his blood.For when humans have known that Jesus Christ died over 2000 years ago when the human has believed in Jesus Christ and recieved his past sins are forgiven and he is delivered from them.

  • @randallblann1416
    @randallblann1416 4 года назад

    Jesus was the Only human being that was born and conceived in the flesh that came from God and in the Spirit that was not from Adam and Eve offspring.

  • @richardteague4019
    @richardteague4019 6 лет назад

    If we are to KNOW Christ and bear our cross daily the completion part would be that as Paul speaks of by presenting us as complete in Christ?
    9 and be found in him, not having a righteousness of my own that comes from the law, but that which is through faith in Christ-the righteousness that comes from God on the basis of faith.
    10 I want to know Christ-yes, to know the power of his resurrection and participation in his sufferings, becoming like him in his death,
    11 and so, somehow, attaining to the resurrection from the dead. Philippians 3:9-11 NIV

  • @randallblann1416
    @randallblann1416 4 года назад

    And the curse of death has been removed and Jesus Christ has been Resurrected and gave victory over the grave.And through his obedience he suffered at the cross what no other human being could have ever done die and forgive our sins in his body and flesh and Blood that was sinless.

  • @radarman
    @radarman 5 лет назад

    I've been lambasted in my church for even broaching this subject................

    • @a-aron6724
      @a-aron6724 Год назад

      That's because people don't know their bibles

  • @randallblann1416
    @randallblann1416 4 года назад

    The former sins are in the past no longer and in the present the human has been delivered just like the past but does not committ those sins and obeys.Though the human being can still sin the human being sin has no dominion are no reign are no power.Jesus Blood does and to follow Jesus Christ is to obey and not live in the past but press forward and keep being saturated in the Word of God.

  • @RoseSharon7777
    @RoseSharon7777 4 года назад +1

    Hebrews 5:7 confirms that Yeshua was delivered from death because of his reverence. Which confirms psalms 22:24.
    A d yes, Yeshua was not born perfect because he was a 100% human a did not become a son until his resurrection Roman's 1:3-4. Most Christians have deceived by Rome and her pagan doctrines.
    Human sacrifice was forbidden by God.
    He was an imperfect man that was restored to perfection because of his righteousness and obedience. Zech. 3.
    Rev. 3:21 tells us he had to get victory over sin as we too must get victory. All sons must be perfected. He clearly was not born perfect no matter how much you twist the scriptures to fit your false doctrine.

    • @thedopeman8956
      @thedopeman8956 4 года назад

      well, in revelation 1:18, Jesus admits that he died😄

    • @RoseSharon7777
      @RoseSharon7777 4 года назад

      @@thedopeman8956 Correct! The first resurrection when we die to our carnal old man then we rise to new spiritual life. Im shocked that 99.9% of Christians havent figured out what death burial and resurrection is referring to in the NEW SPIRITUAL covenant. Flesh and blood profits nothing and will not enter the kingdom. It has nothing to do with with your physical body. No flesh or physical bodies will ever rise in the new covenant. The 2nd death has no power over the BORN FROM ABOVE sons. Read your bible for yourself and ask Yhwh to guide you into all truth by his spirit of wisdom and knowledge. You are currently lacking it a bit.

    • @thedopeman8956
      @thedopeman8956 4 года назад

      K. Day
      don’t add words to revelation, every christian know s this. there are consequences.

    • @RoseSharon7777
      @RoseSharon7777 4 года назад

      @@thedopeman8956 Establish truth by 2 or 3 witnesses line upon line. Are YOU dead in christ? Huuuummm. Blessed are the DEAD that DIE henceforth. Rev. 13:14. I wonder how a dead person dies? Lol. You show your biblical illiteracy like most Christians.

    • @RoseSharon7777
      @RoseSharon7777 4 года назад

      @@thedopeman8956 Rev. 14:13. Edit*

  • @randallblann1416
    @randallblann1416 4 года назад

    Thusfor he was not from sin.And everybody else is.A human being is born without sin.But becomes a human being of sin because of the Adam and Eve disobedience in the garden.But Jesus who came from the Father God and became human being was in the flesh and fully God.That means he was Jesus the Messiah and the Christ child and God as Emmanuel in the flesh.And he was the sinless son of God.And throughout his life had the blood not from sinfull origin.Mother Mary was a Virgin and had childbirth in marriage also and was the only woman who could have This child who had no earthly Father.Thusfor he grew up and did not sin.And had no sin in him.

  • @joelsebu7574
    @joelsebu7574 4 года назад +1

    It's say he was saved.... Your Christianity saying he died... 😂😂The verse says he was heard by god because of his reverence

  • @michaelmartin3865
    @michaelmartin3865 5 лет назад

    LMAO!!! Blind leading the Blind..

  • @aqua6613
    @aqua6613 Год назад

    First minute was already obedient as a child when He disobeyed His parents and was found in the temple relying that He was about His Father's business.

  • @randallblann1416
    @randallblann1416 4 года назад +1
