There are very few pro fighters over 6' 8... if you know anything about fighting between 5'10 and 6'2 is the sweet spot... on guitar your hands can be too small or too big... same goes for the body in fighting... you can be too small or way to big...
would a book transcendence build be the thing u build on Cupid? or did they nerf the items so no point?
There are very few pro fighters over 6' 8... if you know anything about fighting between 5'10 and 6'2 is the sweet spot... on guitar your hands can be too small or too big... same goes for the body in fighting... you can be too small or way to big...
Unfortunately they made it to where if you dont use mana you cant use sunbeam bow anymore. Sad day indeed
need videos of smite 1 bro
For real, just a slower poopier version of smite 1
Grow up
Why you still playin smite 2