Creepy Michele Bachmann God Speech (Audio)

  • Опубликовано: 5 сен 2024
  • Audio of 2012 Republican presidential hopeful and Tea Party darling Michele Bachmann praying for a radical anti-gay Christian ministry is discussed by Cenk Uygur and Ana Kasparian.
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  • @natelandherr5202
    @natelandherr5202 8 лет назад +13

    We're sorry for giving you Michelle Bachman.

    • @MrPiccoloku
      @MrPiccoloku 8 лет назад +1

      +Nate Landherr How bout we send you Walker as punishment?

    • @natelandherr5202
      @natelandherr5202 8 лет назад +4

      Oh by the gods please don't

  • @thephantomeagle2
    @thephantomeagle2 9 лет назад +5

    If she thinks that the end is neigh then she CANNOT run for office since she won't be around soon.

  • @kontrapunkti
    @kontrapunkti 9 лет назад +10

    As a Christian, I feel embarrassed...

    • @jimchumley7907
      @jimchumley7907 Год назад

      Dg; watch out! I'm not embarrassed at all, I know this lady personally.

  • @SS4Inferno
    @SS4Inferno 8 лет назад +4

    Still waiting on an "End Times" prediction to be accurate. I swear there was one every other week last fall. "Cern would open the portal to hell", "The Blood Moon would bring about the End", "Some random church has reenacted a failed prophecy from a couple years ago". Oh look, we're still here.

    • @vegeta002
      @vegeta002 8 лет назад +2

      It's almost like they're talking out of their ass or something...

  • @Pbirv
    @Pbirv 11 лет назад +1

    When one person has an imaginary friend, it's called insanity.
    When thousands of people have the same imaginary friend, it's called religion.

  • @deedawg017
    @deedawg017 9 лет назад +1

    2:11 & 3:05 Cenk's impressions have me in tears hahahahaha

  • @thefastshuffle
    @thefastshuffle 13 лет назад +1

    I didn't realize just how much I missed Cenk. Good to have him back

  • @quentenburnett
    @quentenburnett 11 лет назад +1

    I grew up with parents who dragged me to church. What's so creepy about this exactly?

  • @Hologan77
    @Hologan77 13 лет назад +1

    The best part of the speech is the end when her head spinned around and she barfed on the audience. Then ended it by saying God Bless America.

  • @youstolemywifi4646
    @youstolemywifi4646 9 лет назад +2

    There is a line between everyday Christian speech, and creepy cult-like talk, and Michelle just erased and re-drew the line.

    • @IcarusReborn
      @IcarusReborn 8 лет назад

      Nonsense! Her language was just normal Christian prayer.

    • @vegeta002
      @vegeta002 8 лет назад

      Her language was normal, but most try to at least sound human.

  • @arayalrio
    @arayalrio 12 лет назад +1

    You're right. And I am depressed.

  • @TheFluffyWendigo
    @TheFluffyWendigo 11 лет назад +1

    Did I ever tell you the definition of insanity?

  • @DDogg43777
    @DDogg43777 11 лет назад

    .......she never said she wanted the world to end. And she never said the exact time the world would end...................

  • @kansascitycomputers
    @kansascitycomputers 11 лет назад +1

    I love Michele Bachman...she is a Godly lady! We need more people like her in the govt.

  • @Bayzz2
    @Bayzz2 13 лет назад +1

    is it just me or have we been in the end times forever

  • @Hologan77
    @Hologan77 13 лет назад

    Millions of innocent men, women, and children, since the introduction of Christianity, have been burned, tortured, fined, and imprisoned, yet we have not advanced one inch toward uniformity. What has been the effect of coercion? To make one half of the world fools and the other half hypocrites.~Thomas Jefferson

  • @jimchumley7907
    @jimchumley7907 Год назад +1

    Figures you would call her creepy. She is a believer in Jesus.

  • @lessevdoolbretsim
    @lessevdoolbretsim 12 лет назад

    Truly and profoundly scary is what that little prayer was.

  • @AJacozard
    @AJacozard 12 лет назад

    Religion shouldn't be politics, and politics shouldn't be religion, simple as that.

  • @RadarKat73080
    @RadarKat73080 12 лет назад

    "Blossom of the fig tree is opening?" How would she know? Fig blooms are inconspicuous.

  • @TroddinSod
    @TroddinSod 12 лет назад

    Asking questions doesn't offer me any logic. So, try again. And while you're at it, ask yourself what is 'logic' and where does it come from?

  • @Hologan77
    @Hologan77 13 лет назад

    "What has been Christianity’s fruits? Superstition, Bigotry and Persecution." - James Madison (1751-1836)

  • @TherealMrChristophel
    @TherealMrChristophel 13 лет назад

    she just would not even get close enough to Parliament to get laughed out of it in Britain.

  • @batourey
    @batourey 13 лет назад

    Why is Cenk Uyger no longer on MSNBC - He was the best thing since Rachel Maddow!

  • @98misse
    @98misse 13 лет назад +1

    i have no idea how harry potter brought me here after 1 hour...

  • @randyrobbins1906
    @randyrobbins1906 11 лет назад

    Anyone referring to Bachmann as a "fine woman" should be reported to the authories. And yes her husband is clearly a homosexual. Does she hate him? Or just the sin?

  • @wyecee
    @wyecee 12 лет назад

    They reserve the right to remain permanent fools. A hard time sinking in that concept.

  • @joeshab123
    @joeshab123 11 лет назад

    Why the hell are her prayers being recorded? I think it's creepy that we're even listening to someone else's prayers.

  • @MPedroful
    @MPedroful 13 лет назад +1

    Someone fit Michele Bachman for a straight-jacket!

  • @pyrattjax1
    @pyrattjax1 12 лет назад

    I wish god would take out an ad in every newspaper and netnews website that reads. " I SHALL BE NO LONGER HELD RESPONSIBLE FOR ACTS TAKEN IN MY NAME. STFU AND GET ALONG. "

  • @clyde7059
    @clyde7059 11 лет назад

    I am a Christian and I had the same reaction you did, KyBeeEee1983. The problem is that the people at "Young Turk" just aren't familiar enough with the Bible to have any idea what she's talking about. I didn't find anything scary or creepy about her prayer.

  • @atheistram
    @atheistram 11 лет назад

    "I applaud Michele Bachman for anti-gay, antiAmerican,antiConstitution values."
    So you admit that the Country wasn't founded as a Christian nation first, then you go on to say that America was founded as a Christian nation? Contradict yourself much?

  • @kdskdkdkdk
    @kdskdkdkdk 11 лет назад

    "those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities" Voltaire(1694-1778) Lord let me be your servant

  • @OgunquitGregorio
    @OgunquitGregorio 12 лет назад +1

    Michele's husband's nickname is Ladybird...

  • @GeorgiaKev
    @GeorgiaKev 13 лет назад

    As a liberal who is also a Christian, let me say this.....I have no problem with the "way" Bachmann was speaking, many people who lead a group prayer tend to get intense sometimes. The problem I have is WHAT she was saying....."we're in the last days". Is she serious? The Bible says in Revelations that there will be a tribulation period of 7 years which things'll fall apart on earth prior to Christ's return. Yes, times are tough right now, but they don't compare to the Black Plague or WWII.

  • @moxie997
    @moxie997 12 лет назад

    So what if someone believes in God, so what if they're an atheist. This is a free country. Judge politicians on their political beliefs, not their creed.

  • @GreaserCoolRider
    @GreaserCoolRider 13 лет назад +1

    UHHHHHHHH OKAYYYY!!! that was one of the most creepiest things i have ever heard

  • @kansascitycomputers
    @kansascitycomputers 11 лет назад

    I wouldn't trust my children with 98% of the people posting negative remarks against her. Most here would think it is just fine to have a pedophile to watch their children. Because it is politically correct. You can't discriminate of course. It is unjust to keep pedophiles from watching children. Most here don't know right from wrong or good from evil. That is what is scary. The 2nd amendment is awesome because you have the right to protect yourself from people like this.

  • @CubanExile
    @CubanExile 13 лет назад

    This network is almost over . . Nice knowing you TYT ! !

  • @jmasiulewicz1
    @jmasiulewicz1 8 лет назад +2

    Says the wife with a gay husband.

    • @phantasmo9998
      @phantasmo9998 8 лет назад +1

      Maybe that's why she's nuts. No sex and no play make Michelle a dull girl.

  • @dudev
    @dudev 13 лет назад

    Michele, no one has spoken down to me like that since I was in 3rd grade.

  • @TroddinSod
    @TroddinSod 12 лет назад

    You're coercing the Text to make it appear contradictory. Mat 27:6-8 is perfectly clear. You've removed (dishonestly) v.6 from the context. Mat 27:6 "But the chief priests, taking the pieces of silver, said, "It is not lawful to put them into the treasury, since it is blood money."" The 'therefore' in v.8 refers to the field, being bought with 'blood money' as the reason it was called a 'field of blood'. Not only would it stand up in court, your allegation would be dismissed & thrown out.

  • @SynchroTotal
    @SynchroTotal 10 лет назад +1

    Let's leave ghosts and magic OUT when discussing human rights and the (lack of) constitutionality of discrimination. In other words, equal rights and protections under the law need to be afforded to ALL citizens. Right now some are still advocating second class citizenship for GLBT people, and that's wrong. Other than correcting this wrong on a national basis, there is nothing else anyone should be seeking. If YOU insist on second class citizenship, then enjoy it for yourself, don't force it on others. If you don't want to get married, don't. If you want to marry someone you're not attracted to, go ahead. Let other consenting adults make their own choices. Nobody is asking your blessing or even your permission. You're just not that important. You are equal, not superior. What part of the above do you refuse to understand?

  • @jimalbi
    @jimalbi 13 лет назад

    So, as a catholic born I was satanic, and now as an atheist, I'm still satanic?

  • @Alan1029Smith
    @Alan1029Smith 13 лет назад

    The idea of Michele Bachmann becoming president is rather terrifying, but keep this in mind: if she stays in the race long enough, she won't be able to run for reelection to congress, and she will be OUT of politics (hopefully for good)... Almost makes you kinda want to root for her...

  • @raeraerae3
    @raeraerae3 12 лет назад

    i love how most of Americans claims they are "Christians" yet they don't pray passionately like Michele does. If you think this is creepy then you don't truly know Jesus. Everything she is saying is biblical. There is nothing wrong with loving Jesus and it is certainly not a mental disorder to stand up for what you believe in. It's so easy for everyone to bash Christians, but if someone bashes a different religion like the Muslim faith oh no watch out!

  • @TheTimeRocket
    @TheTimeRocket 12 лет назад

    No one is coming dude.

  • @mazdaspeedmx512lbs
    @mazdaspeedmx512lbs 11 лет назад

    I am Catholic & there is nothing & I mean nothing more misrepresented than the Catholic Church by Protestantism. Obsession means the state of being molested though not actually possessed by evil spirits. Obsession seems to fit her creepy speech.

  • @aaronrocs
    @aaronrocs 12 лет назад

    My ad says "Join Billy Graham in declaring, 'I have hope for America because of Jesus Christ.' Sign the declaration now"

  • @Parasmunt
    @Parasmunt 12 лет назад

    This woman makes Sarah Palin seem warm and compassionate...
    The right wing have so many extreme and inhumane characters around and they give impression that they would endorse anything to get power (ie their populism betrays a brutal hollowness).
    America also doesn't need any more wars (most Americans know their own security is only being risked by their own 'leaders') and it also needs the spoilt rich whose wealth has mushroomed during recession to pull it's own weight.

  • @DesmondOHalloran
    @DesmondOHalloran 12 лет назад

    If you can answer my questions "logically", maybe we can get somewhere. Don't avoid them.

  • @AgentArcadia
    @AgentArcadia 13 лет назад

    @JeffreyGrueneberg 7 billion people, it would take 60 years if EVERYONE was gay. Besides, we wouldn't let our species die, we're not stupid.

  • @abee7175
    @abee7175 11 лет назад

    'The Young Turks' is not necessarily a literal name. It carries a metaphorical meaning. Of a Turkish revolution, of challenging and questioning authority, which is what they do!

  • @sjustinfyi
    @sjustinfyi 12 лет назад

    I listened. I heard no condemnation or hatred of anybody. All she said was that she recognized that the end times are approaching and it's time to reach out to the lost. And this sends all you haters into a frenzy? Your vitriol for a decent woman is proof positive that what she was say is factual. "In the last days they will call good evil and evil good."

  • @muppetmonster
    @muppetmonster 12 лет назад

    There's no way I'm letting him come in my eye.

  • @EarOfGreenwood
    @EarOfGreenwood 11 лет назад

    there's no telling how progressive this country could be if it wasn't so religious

  • @superdude222
    @superdude222 13 лет назад

    A little clarification: from what I understand, christians aren't looking forward to the end of the world, their looking for the time when they see God. To think that someone is dangerous just because they hope for a better after life, you've just marked a majority of the world as dangerous. I would be more afraid of people who didn't believe in a happy afterlife than one who did.

  • @princeeverlove
    @princeeverlove 11 лет назад

    "Religion" is 95% Man-Made. GOD, The True God, sent an "Owner's Manual" to His creation: The Bible. If read, it actually is very sound, reasonable and completely the opposite of the Catholic Deceits and their thousands of "Daughter Church Offspring".

  • @Tamugetsu
    @Tamugetsu 13 лет назад

    @GeorgiaKev I'm not a supporter of polygamy either. I'd like to get to the point where everyone can marry somebody they love. I don't think anyone needs extras.
    I'm glad to hear that you are a reasonable person. It's always nice to see someone with opinions that aren't just echoes of one party's platform.
    That said, not letting gay couples adopt isn't actually going to stop it - it's just going to deny one parent the rights of parenthood, which could make things very difficult for the family.

  • @Dean7Co
    @Dean7Co 12 лет назад

    Newsflash to Pigroota: The Prophet Hosea in the Old Testament predicted that the Second Coming of Jesus would come "2 days" which in Biblical prophetic language means 2,000 years after His first. If your life is right with God it will be a good and happy thing for you. If not you will have to face some new understandings, some correction and some humiliation, but the day will come when you too will see the wisdom of bowing your knees and admitting the Jesus really is Lord, which is a good thing.

  • @ShirtOffLJay
    @ShirtOffLJay 13 лет назад +1

    she's got my vote

  • @12345blondie
    @12345blondie 13 лет назад

    I'm Lutheran christian, but when other christians talk like that, like when they really creeps me out.
    I swear if she becomes president i'm gonna get rid of my american citizenship and going to college in japan

  • @jbourget32
    @jbourget32 12 лет назад

    I love how she acknowledges her Christians as "sheep."

  • @JACKtheRIPP3R189
    @JACKtheRIPP3R189 13 лет назад

    Bachmann "we are in the last days"
    Just what i want in a leader of a country with multi-trillion dollar debt and the world's largest nuclear arsenal: A person who thinks that human existence is about to end anyway and that everything is in the hands of a wizard who lives in the sky.
    Bachmann: "Bringing sheep into the fold"
    You have to love the balls of christianity, only they can openly refer to themselves as "sheep" and not feel like a credulous horde of imbeciles.

  • @ElleW88
    @ElleW88 11 лет назад

    As a former Christian, I was expecting to hear her speaking in tongues or calling on God to "bring justice upon the evil gays" or something. But, I don't find this creepy at all. Maybe it's just that I've been there, and once believed that, and once spoke like that, but it's basically just the same old cliche's Christians espouse all the time in prayer sessions. I can see how it would be creepy to people who don't understand, but I think it's basically harmless.

  • @GeorgiaKev
    @GeorgiaKev 13 лет назад +1

    @SuperMegaFl0yd You know, I remember the first time I actually read the Gospel (the four books in the Bible which covered Jesus' life), I remember asking myself how come so many self-proclaimed Christians vote Republican?? The principles that Jesus taught and encouraged us to live by couldn't be further than the principles of the far-right in this country.

  • @kansascitycomputers
    @kansascitycomputers 11 лет назад

    I for one will not have evil perverse crap poured down my throat and told to accept it without a fight. I will not be forced to accept what these people believe.

  • @YaleBreaker
    @YaleBreaker 13 лет назад +1

    @YaleBreaker Granted, my experiences are not necessarily representative, but it isn't helpful to box the left (or the right, for that matter) into these frames of mind.

  • @ManiManiPlays
    @ManiManiPlays 11 лет назад

    .... Please don't let her become president, America. EVER.

  • @TheBanile
    @TheBanile 13 лет назад

    It's like a cross between the Wicked Witch of the West and Gollum. Who also is a religious extremist.
    It's terrifying.

  • @trishahyles8193
    @trishahyles8193 12 лет назад

    Its scary How evil the people resonding on here are how dark empty and sad they are, the biggest problem with the end times will be people like this who are already ZOmbies, too pridefull and cowardly to accept Christ..

  • @Atharkas
    @Atharkas 13 лет назад +1

    "God chose you"
    Which god do you mean?

  • @RyanDeJager
    @RyanDeJager 12 лет назад +1

    lol Ana's trying to contain her laughter :)

  • @Babasueys_lunch
    @Babasueys_lunch 12 лет назад

    killing people is not part of christianity

  • @5holay
    @5holay 13 лет назад

    KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK. Every time I see youngturks I buy a new ASSAULT Riffle....

  • @limateam5
    @limateam5 13 лет назад

    I happen to be catholic and this does not scare me. I mean, WAKE UP people. I don't know if this is supposed to be funny or informative, because it is neither. The extent to which the truth is twisted in this kind of reporting is grotesque and wrong.

  • @DeedsResearcher
    @DeedsResearcher 13 лет назад

    @GeorgiaKev The number of children of ANY race or age is really none of your damned business. My brother, who has been a designed of nuclear vessels for the US Navy, tried for YEARS to adopt. They were on a waiting list. He and his wife would have made wonderful parents, and they didn't care about the race or age of the child. We had our own children, and adoption was not in the equation for us. Oh, and divorce is not the issuie. I don't accept he/he or she/.she "marriages". Period. It's wrong.

  • @DarthAzabrush
    @DarthAzabrush 12 лет назад

    Pray for the guy if you want, but pray for his reform and forgiveness.

  • @TheMdc78
    @TheMdc78 11 лет назад

    I always wondered if Lutheran churches have big stained glass windows with Lex standing over a broken superman

  • @psychoabattoirhorror
    @psychoabattoirhorror 11 лет назад

    Religion has no place whatsoever in politics.

  • @Trala52
    @Trala52 12 лет назад

    ...that's how they all talk...there's literally millions of them. Creepy? Yes. Scary? Even more so...

  • @mikemichealson866
    @mikemichealson866 11 лет назад

    since when did pointing the stupidity of our leaders became unpatriotic

  • @clyde7059
    @clyde7059 11 лет назад

    It's in the Bible. Jesus himself said that nobody, except God, the Father, knows the hour or the day. What Michelle is saying is not that she knows the specific time of the return of Christ, but that there are things going on that appear to be leading up to the fulfillment of Biblical prophesies of the end times and the return of Christ.

  • @artsychic2000
    @artsychic2000 13 лет назад

    they will target christians. These guys will be left behind if they don't wake up. Jesus is coming back soon.
    and they will say..."my Lord delayeth his coming"

  • @The_Desert_Tiger
    @The_Desert_Tiger 12 лет назад

    america seems to be getting to the point where the other 1st world countries should vote in their leader from people who are non american

  • @GeorgiaKev
    @GeorgiaKev 13 лет назад

    @DeedsResearcher Divorce is wrong, too. (The vow ends with "So long as we both shall live", NOT "So long as you do everything I expect you to do"). And the best way to end abortion is to prevent unwanted pregnancies in the first place. The benefits of abstinence should be emphasized in the public schools, and birth control must be readily available to people who choose to engage in sexual activity.

  • @FactChecking101
    @FactChecking101 13 лет назад

    TYT defended Obama's "uncle" Wright time after time after time.... but now attacks Bachman for praying. Just sayin'

  • @kansascitycomputers
    @kansascitycomputers 11 лет назад

    certainly don't need to be here. Say some more and I will track you down to the exact address of where you are.

  • @thearchitect27
    @thearchitect27 13 лет назад +1

    Were you planning on, or still plan to, vote for Michele Bachmann? She will not become the first female president, buddie....

  • @WIleyCubScout
    @WIleyCubScout 13 лет назад

    The picture pushed the creep factor out the roof.

  • @TroddinSod
    @TroddinSod 12 лет назад

    This is a waste of time: I've already clearly stated Jesus did not abolish the law. He fulfills it. Keeping the law IS obeying the Law.
    You fail to keep the law every day.

  • @66ott7
    @66ott7 13 лет назад

    When I was a kid, My mother always assured me that Chucky the killer doll was not real...Mom....The fucking thing is real. And its running for president. Oh shit!

  • @RealInsaneGalvatron
    @RealInsaneGalvatron 12 лет назад

    I find it ironic that the people in this video accuse her of being "hate filled", yet not one hateful word came out of her mouth in that prayer. All the while, trashing her and "hating" on her religious beliefs. Hypocrite much?

  • @TroddinSod
    @TroddinSod 12 лет назад

    "... was it called the field of blood because Judas' belly burst,or because it was a burial ground?" It appears the former would be most accurate. Matthew's account adds the detail the pharisees 'bought the field' with the 'blood money' - the silver, they bribed Judas with. Hence, so not only was Judas' blood spilled there, it was purchased with 'blood money'. So, really both reasons compound together quite nicely. The 'Field of Blood': bought with 'blood money' & splattered with blood too.

  • @CapNoShura
    @CapNoShura 12 лет назад

    Why people say " prove that the bible is fictional trash"? or is a lie? They must prove that bible is gods word...but there is no way to prove that.

  • @goemon9378
    @goemon9378 13 лет назад

    maybe i can be a presidential candidate if i invoke my invisible friend

  • @eiyukabe
    @eiyukabe 11 лет назад

    If I stood in front of a tree in a park and started talking to it about how I am ready for it to end the world and thought that bringing people to it was the most important issue in our country, people would think I am crazy. If I do the same thing to an imaginary "God", people will elect me to congress.
    At least the tree is real.

  • @aarondavid826
    @aarondavid826 13 лет назад

    One fears what one doesn't understand

  • @jimchumley7907
    @jimchumley7907 Год назад

    Anybody who doesn't believe in Homosexuality is labeled as a hater.

  • @kansascitycomputers
    @kansascitycomputers 11 лет назад

    true believers in Christ don't support gays. What you believe has nothing to do with the Bible or Jesus Christ but is a creation of your own design..something comfortable for you. What she said is totally Biblical. If you were a real believer in Christ you would recognize that fact.