I would've thought that after Trump's first go, Israel would be warier of him. at least the speaker mentioned the importance of yes-manning Trump. as an israeli, I can't see how such an unstable ally is worthwhile.
Senhor Deus abençoe e proteja Israel e as IDFs e o Senhor Netanyahu e lhes conceda todas as vitórias contra os terroristas e, desde o Brasil, lhe renderemos graças. Amém 🇮🇱 ❤️ 🇮🇱 ❤️ 🇮🇱 🇧🇷❤️🇧🇷
Mike Doran is a dual national treasure
I refuse to applaud Mike without Gadi Taub!
OK I snapped… 👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏❤️
Lv this man God bless him,Shalom❤
Brilliant as always. Pure and simple. Also your excellent podcast with Prof Gadi Taub
Much Props to Mike. Continue reshaping the world from evil to good.
Mike Doran you were such a good surprise at this event! I was so happy to see you!
Love from Canada! 🇮🇱💙
thank you
Terrific man, Mike Doran. He combines supreme insight with great levity.
Excellent! Thank you.
Very good.
Excellent speech by Mike Duran. "You have to save U.S. from itself!"
So smart sir.....i like your speech....
Nice one 👍👍👍
Mike is the best love him and Gadi
When Reagan heard about the strike on Iraq’s nuke program, he said, “Well, boys will be boys.”
What a smart friend is that to have!
All those praying for Israel...WANT YOU TO WIN DEAR ISRAEL. ❤❤❤
Shalom viva Israel,will never ever be conqered Jesus Amen❤❤❤
Was half expecting Gadi to pop out mid speech. XD
Mike Doran hits the nail on the head with his analysis.
Love Trump and his team!
I would've thought that after Trump's first go, Israel would be warier of him. at least the speaker mentioned the importance of yes-manning Trump. as an israeli, I can't see how such an unstable ally is worthwhile.
Amen 🙏🙌❤️💪
I really respect and admire Israel
Yea and Amen Shalom Says IAM that Iam Amen and amen God willing 🙏
Senhor Deus abençoe e proteja Israel e as IDFs e o Senhor Netanyahu e lhes conceda todas as vitórias contra os terroristas e, desde o Brasil, lhe renderemos graças. Amém 🇮🇱 ❤️ 🇮🇱 ❤️ 🇮🇱 🇧🇷❤️🇧🇷
Весь мир знает кто тероррысти и сам Израиль доказал это бут ты проклеить месте Израиль ты тоже терор как Биби
Свобода палестин от тероррысти израильский пакузники
Yahweh is the name, the king of all little Gods.
It's hard to watch the u.s on it's knees
ראי י
I don't kniw that Mike Duran has anything goi g for him
Bring Rudy I just got back from my car 🚗🚨🚗🚨🚗🚨🚗🚨🚗🚨🚗🚨🚗 rj
Strange recommendation....
that alliance is over. and finish.