Muchas Felicidades por ese gran premio que te daran en la preciosa tacita de plata .Cadiz Andalucia , España te quiere .CanYaman nacistes con estrella y estaras siempre brillando , nunca se apagara esa estrella guapo ❤
Eso iba a pasar Can es uno de los actores más importante , que llama la atención a todo público , es un gran artista que se merece el premio que se le va a otorgar , x todo su esfuerzo y potencial actoral que ha demostrado en el desarrollo de todos sus trabajos realizados hasta ahora. Con una capacidad enorme de adaptación y perseverancia , esfuerzo , dedicación en todo lo que hace. Yo realmente lo admiro muchísimo y que siga cosechando tantos éxitos como lo ha logrado hasta ahora. Y se que será así. ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
El es único un grandísimo actor y persona que nos ha hecho disfrutar en la pantalla con sus series en muchos lugares en el mundo,es muy talentoso y agradable.
Hi I just wanted to thank you again for being so supportive and following me on my journey. I love inspiring and encouraging others. People like you help me to keep showing up! Hope you are having an amazing day!
con premios y sin premios tu eres un excelente actor bello carismático un gran ser humano todo eso y más te mereces tus series son bellas Dolunay sr equivocado al lado de la preciosa Ozge Gurel tus actuaciones son de lo mejor eres el mejor actor y más bello de Turquía
Maravillosa noticia y que felicidad escuchar tantas cosas positivas de su llegada a Cádiz!! Muy merecido ojalá que esto les abra los ojos a la industria turca que no a valorado a Can su gran talento y dedicado a ser cada vez mejor. Gracias como siempre muy completo tu información 👌😊
Za svůj dlouhý život jsem viděla hodně filmů , her a telenovel . Ale s takovým nadáním ztvárnit jakýkoliv žánr jako má právě Can Yaman jsem se nesetkala . A přitom se chová velice skromně . ❤ Nechápu proč ho právě jeho rodná země nepodporuje a píšou o něm tolik negativních článků . 🥲Nebo je to jen závist ?
Myslím, že konzervatívni Turci sa nevedia preniesť cez to, že zobral svoj osud do vlastných rúk a išiel si za svojím snom. Vedel, že doma sa vo svojej kariére ďalej už neposunie.
Hi I just wanted to thank you again for being so supportive and following me on my journey. I love inspiring and encouraging others. People like you help me to keep showing up! Hope you are having an amazing day!
Hi I just wanted to thank you again for being so supportive and following me on my journey. I love inspiring and encouraging others. People like you help me to keep showing up! Hope you are having an amazing day!
❤❤💥🎬📸Eres bello por tú magestuosa naturaleza y más sobresaliente en la actuación y cómo ser humano te preocupas por lo más necesitados eres digno hijo de pluton te lo mereces todo en ésta vida y la otra también único besos y abrazos de fraternidad
Felicidades a Can Yaman, un premio más a tantos que merece producto a tu formación actoral, eres único, persigues tus sueños con pasión, versatilidad, confianza, disciplina, esfuerzo, trabajo y perseverancia. Tu presencia hechiza, tu imagen personal es impecable, tienes un cuerpo atlético, saludable y en forma, tu sonrisa es bellísima, tu mirada es cautivadora. Todo un seductor. Te amo
Wao que dicha para Cadiz recibir a tantos personajes de marca mayor en especial tener en ese prestigioso evento a Can Yaman qué nos tiene enamorados a todos con sus estupendas series donde el ha tenido hermosas participaciones. Sandokan también se vislumbra como un clásico gracias a Can y gracias a todos los actores Dios los guíe y saludos a Cadiz si que les será de mucho auge a su economía y desde Panamá un abrazo y que todo les sea un éxito total enhorabuena al guapo actor Can se las merece todas. ❤🇵🇦🇹🇷❣️
Hi I just wanted to thank you again for being so supportive and following me on my journey. I love inspiring and encouraging others. People like you help me to keep showing up! Hope you are having an amazing day!
Estoy deseando ver Sandokan en España con este grandísimo actor que es Can Yaman ademas de un gran ser humano con una belleza impresionante, imposible de ser más guapo e inteligente ❤
Hi I just wanted to thank you again for being so supportive and following me on my journey. I love inspiring and encouraging others. People like you help me to keep showing up! Hope you are having an amazing day!
Hi I just wanted to thank you again for being so supportive and following me on my journey. I love inspiring and encouraging others. People like you help me to keep showing up! Hope you are having an amazing day!
Hi I just wanted to thank you again for being so supportive and following me on my journey. I love inspiring and encouraging others. People like you help me to keep showing up! Hope you are having an amazing day!
Hi I just wanted to thank you again for being so supportive and following me on my journey. I love inspiring and encouraging others. People like you help me to keep showing up! Hope you are having an amazing day!
Hi I just wanted to thank you again for being so supportive and following me on my journey. I love inspiring and encouraging others. People like you help me to keep showing up! Hope you are having an amazing day!
Muchas felicidades eres él mejor único insuperable siempre y para siempre mi actor favorito Felicidades te mereces eso y mas un dia muy cercano una gran estrella de Hollywood
Hi I just wanted to thank you again for being so supportive and following me on my journey. I love inspiring and encouraging others. People like you help me to keep showing up! Hope you are having an amazing day!
Hi I just wanted to thank you again for being so supportive and following me on my journey. I love inspiring and encouraging others. People like you help me to keep showing up! Hope you are having an amazing day!
Me gusta mucho no hablan mal de can solo hablan de su carrera gace falta que la maldad no lo alcance🎉🎉 el siempre nos sorprende con un personaje nueve veremos creo que Sandokán quedará para la historia muchos éxitos para ti mi querido Rey Turco.
Hi I just wanted to thank you again for being so supportive and following me on my journey. I love inspiring and encouraging others. People like you help me to keep showing up! Hope you are having an amazing day!
Hi I just wanted to thank you again for being so supportive and following me on my journey. I love inspiring and encouraging others. People like you help me to keep showing up! Hope you are having an amazing day!
Hi I just wanted to thank you again for being so supportive and following me on my journey. I love inspiring and encouraging others. People like you help me to keep showing up! Hope you are having an amazing day!
In Madrid at the Meet and Greet ,Can said he has evolved a lot since 2019 , and now we can see the result : he is more international , successful in everything he does [ VCIM, Sandokan, El Turco ] and as always tickets sell out whenever his name appears for an event Can has walked a successful way to great fame . Big applause for him 👏👏👏👏
Hi I just wanted to thank you again for being so supportive and following me on my journey. I love inspiring and encouraging others. People like you help me to keep showing up! Hope you are having an amazing day!
Hi I just wanted to thank you again for being so supportive and following me on my journey. I love inspiring and encouraging others. People like you help me to keep showing up! Hope you are having an amazing day!
O Ator CAN YAMAM merece muito. É um excelente ator e pessoa de grande coração. Um cara culto, estudou advocacia e de grande talento. Que Deus ilumine sua trajetória como ator e que ele encontre uma pessoa de grande coração para ser sua companheira e cúmplice na sua vida. 🇧🇷 B4ASIL TE AMA
Hi I just wanted to thank you again for being so supportive and following me on my journey. I love inspiring and encouraging others. People like you help me to keep showing up! Hope you are having an amazing day!
Qué orgullo bravo braisimo Can Yaman tú eres el mejor está de más decirlo por mí yo te daría todos los premios del mundo y más no cambies nunca no nos defraudes como muchos otros artistas que se les sube su ego a la cabeza y van haciendo daño a quien ellos les plazca mantente así que nosotros tus fans te apoyamos y que nuestro creador te ilumine 👏👏👏👏😍😍😍
Hi I just wanted to thank you again for being so supportive and following me on my journey. I love inspiring and encouraging others. People like you help me to keep showing up! Hope you are having an amazing day!
Hi I just wanted to thank you again for being so supportive and following me on my journey. I love inspiring and encouraging others. People like you help me to keep showing up! Hope you are having an amazing day!
Hi I just wanted to thank you again for being so supportive and following me on my journey. I love inspiring and encouraging others. People like you help me to keep showing up! Hope you are having an amazing day!
El es único un grandísimo actor y persona que nos ha hecho disfrutar en la pantalla con sus series en muchos lugares en el mundo,es muy talentoso y agradable.uo creo que seguirá creciendo en N su carrera mucho más y ganará muchos premios.
Hi I just wanted to thank you again for being so supportive and following me on my journey. I love inspiring and encouraging others. People like you help me to keep showing up! Hope you are having an amazing day!
Hi I just wanted to thank you again for being so supportive and following me on my journey. I love inspiring and encouraging others. People like you help me to keep showing up! Hope you are having an amazing day!
Hi I just wanted to thank you again for being so supportive and following me on my journey. I love inspiring and encouraging others. People like you help me to keep showing up! Hope you are having an amazing day!
Hi I just wanted to thank you again for being so supportive and following me on my journey. I love inspiring and encouraging others. People like you help me to keep showing up! Hope you are having an amazing day!
Mi querido Can Yaman te mereces todo el cariño del mundo porque tú lo vales , pero esto no queda aquí tú harás huella . Y el tiempo me dará la razón . Mi bendición.
Hi I just wanted to thank you again for being so supportive and following me on my journey. I love inspiring and encouraging others. People like you help me to keep showing up! Hope you are having an amazing day!
Hi I just wanted to thank you again for being so supportive and following me on my journey. I love inspiring and encouraging others. People like you help me to keep showing up! Hope you are having an amazing day!
Bello y gran actor can yaman lo conocí por pájaro soñador, luna llena, amor obstinado, y la mejor sr equivocado ojalá pronto llegue sandokan pronto por RUclips 👍👍👍👍👍💯💯💯💯
Unibersos sienpres contigos❤ tes mereses todos protecion luz fez creer des❤ mas Esitos triunfos Yan conpromisosniños ys adolesentes❤ ere abundacias can Sandocan adelantes tus puedesm.rrei
Can Yaman es tremendo actor bello guapo carismático atractivo precioso un ser humano increíble con un gran corazón lo admiro y lo respeto te mereces todos los premios éxitos dios te bendiga ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
Hi I just wanted to thank you again for being so supportive and following me on my journey. I love inspiring and encouraging others. People like you help me to keep showing up! Hope you are having an amazing day!
Ere yseras ystorias por ser kien eres ys coms ere tyenes talentos desdicacion ere Ejenplos Aceguir paras las juventus Eres unser des amor CAN SANDOCA R. Aniños Adolesentes Es ys Sera ystoria Der mundos ❤❤❤Respresentandos sus pais Esitos Esveto prentacion Estos YAN tesmerses
Hi I just wanted to thank you again for being so supportive and following me on my journey. I love inspiring and encouraging others. People like you help me to keep showing up! Hope you are having an amazing day!
Hi I just wanted to thank you again for being so supportive and following me on my journey. I love inspiring and encouraging others. People like you help me to keep showing up! Hope you are having an amazing day!
Hi I just wanted to thank you again for being so supportive and following me on my journey. I love inspiring and encouraging others. People like you help me to keep showing up! Hope you are having an amazing day!
Hi I just wanted to thank you again for being so supportive and following me on my journey. I love inspiring and encouraging others. People like you help me to keep showing up! Hope you are having an amazing day!
Tambien la serie q hizo con ka bella Ozge Gurel Bay Yanlis fue una serie muy bonita lastima q la cortaron y no hicieron la segunda temporada quremos ver a estos dos bellos actores de nuevo can yaman y la bella ozge excelentes actores los dos
Hi I just wanted to thank you again for being so supportive and following me on my journey. I love inspiring and encouraging others. People like you help me to keep showing up! Hope you are having an amazing day!
Si el actor Can yaman es mi actor favorito es guapo bueno atento sigo con mucho afán las series d el todas son excelentes no me pierdo una en pájaros soñador lo he visto más d 4 veces igual a dolunay y para mí no existe más actor q el !! Tan bello y hermoso y buena persona veo todas las escenas d el y demet q salen del pájaro soñador en RUclips lo han enfermado y dices cosas terribles d su salud pero pienso q todo lo q dicen d el son mentiras espero seguir viendo ahora estoy viendo el amor obstinado muy buena un saludo de aquí d Miami 😊
Hi I just wanted to thank you again for being so supportive and following me on my journey. I love inspiring and encouraging others. People like you help me to keep showing up! Hope you are having an amazing day!
Hi I just wanted to thank you again for being so supportive and following me on my journey. I love inspiring and encouraging others. People like you help me to keep showing up! Hope you are having an amazing day!
Hi I just wanted to thank you again for being so supportive and following me on my journey. I love inspiring and encouraging others. People like you help me to keep showing up! Hope you are having an amazing day!
Hi I just wanted to thank you again for being so supportive and following me on my journey. I love inspiring and encouraging others. People like you help me to keep showing up! Hope you are having an amazing day!
Hi I just wanted to thank you again for being so supportive and following me on my journey. I love inspiring and encouraging others. People like you help me to keep showing up! Hope you are having an amazing day!
Hi I just wanted to thank you again for being so supportive and following me on my journey. I love inspiring and encouraging others. People like you help me to keep showing up! Hope you are having an amazing day!
Io credo che forse nella prossima vita , capirete che questo personaggio NON È MAI l' unico invitato a questo eventi. E tantomeno l' UNICO premiato. ED è semplicemente RIDICOLO il fatto che in 5 anni , sia stato il personaggio PIÙ PREMIATO AL MONDO. Non per MERITI PROFESSIONALI. ma come FENOMENO MEDIATICO. 😂😂😂 Resto sempre in attesa di vederlo ricevere un VERO PREMIO. Avete presente quelli che solitamente ricevono i VERI ATTORI , quelli che fanno il VERO CINEMA. ? ( Leone d' oro, PALMA D' ORO , ORSO D' ORO , NASTRO D' ARGENTO , OSCAR AD HOLLYWOOD ) Quando un giorno riceverà un VERO PREMIO IMPORTANTE. Allora potrà essere considerato un VERO GRANDE ATTORE. Ma finché continuerà a fare PROMOZIONI della sua IMMAGINE. continuerà ad essere IGNORATO dall' intero STAR SISTEM INTERNAZIONALE . Esattamente come è successo fino ad oggi. Ah, La PRODUZiONE DI SANDOKAN è soltanto l' ENNESIMA manovra PROMOZIONALE del pacchetto ALL INCLUSIVE della LUX VIDE. punto ! Ergo, finitela raccontare i soliti INUTILI BLA BLA BLA BLA BLA BLA . Che non cambian9, la realtà che circonda qyesto personaggio. Lui resta sempre e cmq un PESSIMO ATTORE. Non in grado d' interpretare personaggi di ALTO LIVELLO. Anche se tratti di EL TURCO, o SANDOKAN o che sia altro . La sua capacità attoriale, rimane relegata a STUPIDISSIME TELENOVELAS rosa di pessimo livello. E lo dimostra il fatto che NESSUN REGISTA FAMOSO a livello internazionale ha mai sprecato una sola parola di elogio su di lui. Né ancor meno , in questi 5 anni gli sono stati offerti FILM QUALSIASI ( parlo di CINEMA VERO ). Dimostrate il contrario. Laddove ci riuscite😂😂😂.
Hi I just wanted to thank you again for being so supportive and following me on my journey. I love inspiring and encouraging others. People like you help me to keep showing up! Hope you are having an amazing day!
Hi I just wanted to thank you again for being so supportive and following me on my journey. I love inspiring and encouraging others. People like you help me to keep showing up! Hope you are having an amazing day!
Hi I just wanted to thank you again for being so supportive and following me on my journey. I love inspiring and encouraging others. People like you help me to keep showing up! Hope you are having an amazing day!
Hi I just wanted to thank you again for being so supportive and following me on my journey. I love inspiring and encouraging others. People like you help me to keep showing up! Hope you are having an amazing day!
Hi I just wanted to thank you again for being so supportive and following me on my journey. I love inspiring and encouraging others. People like you help me to keep showing up! Hope you are having an amazing day!
El más grande entre los grandes😊😊😊😊😊😊
Nuestro can es único por eso lo queremos tanto es imposible que nadie lo supere espero que tengas muchos más éxitos.
Muchas Felicidades por ese gran premio que te daran en la preciosa tacita de plata .Cadiz Andalucia , España te quiere .CanYaman nacistes con estrella y estaras siempre brillando , nunca se apagara esa estrella guapo ❤
Can es único y tiene luz propia todos lo aman y sus éxitos no paran
Eso iba a pasar Can es uno de los actores más importante , que llama la atención a todo público , es un gran artista que se merece el premio que se le va a otorgar , x todo su esfuerzo y potencial actoral que ha demostrado en el desarrollo de todos sus trabajos realizados hasta ahora. Con una capacidad enorme de adaptación y perseverancia , esfuerzo , dedicación en todo lo que hace. Yo realmente lo admiro muchísimo y que siga cosechando tantos éxitos como lo ha logrado hasta ahora. Y se que será así. ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
Хорошо бы еще все посмотреть!
El es único un grandísimo actor y persona que nos ha hecho disfrutar en la pantalla con sus series en muchos lugares en el mundo,es muy talentoso y agradable.
Hi I just wanted to thank you again for being so supportive and following me on my journey. I love inspiring and encouraging others. People like you help me to keep showing up! Hope you are having an amazing day!
Felicidades se merece todo lo bueno que le sucede por su constancia con su trabajo. Bendiciones.
Te felicito todo lo que te esta succedendo,te lo mereses xque sos un excelente actor y un gran ser humano Excito CAN YAMAN!!!!!!!!❣️
Felicidades Can te mereces eres exelente actor ❤Bellísimo!!❤Dios bendiga ❤❤❤
Se merece todo lo bueno que le esta pasando! Me llena de alegria y le deseo una vida llena de buenos augurios! 😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍
con premios y sin premios tu eres un excelente actor bello carismático un gran ser humano todo eso y más te mereces tus series son bellas Dolunay sr equivocado al lado de la preciosa Ozge Gurel tus actuaciones son de lo mejor eres el mejor actor y más bello de Turquía
Amor obsesionado
Felicidades por tan merecido Premio eres un ser de Luz Dios te bendiga. Te mando un abrazo grande desde mi ❤Venezuela 🇻🇪
Felicitaciones te mereses esos premios eres un exelente actor 🎉
Prêmio merecido 👏👏👏
Parabéns Can Yaman ❤❤🇧🇷
Baie geluk aan Can hy is die beste van die beste verdien alles wat goed en mooi is👍✨️💫⭐️❤️❤️❤️
Te mereces todo muchos éxitos 🙌 💕 💪 maravilloso felicitaciones hermosos 💜 💕 💖 💛 ❤️ 💚
Pienso que el exito es por lo profesional se ve lo buena persona eso no se compra en la tienda desde Uruguay ❤
Maravillosa noticia y que felicidad escuchar tantas cosas positivas de su llegada a Cádiz!! Muy merecido ojalá que esto les abra los ojos a la industria turca que no a valorado a Can su gran talento y dedicado a ser cada vez mejor.
Gracias como siempre muy completo tu información 👌😊
Olé ! En hora buena! Bravo Can Yaman así se hace!❤
Felicitaciones Can!!!! Por muchos y muchos más excitossssss. Sos un ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
Tan bello.k linda persona.k dios lo bendiga.❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
CAN YAMAN si samozřejmě ceny zaslouží za svoji pracovitost, excelentní herectví, velké charisma a srdce ❤️⭐🍀🌹👌🏼👏🏼
Za svůj dlouhý život jsem viděla hodně filmů , her a telenovel . Ale s takovým nadáním ztvárnit jakýkoliv žánr jako má právě Can Yaman jsem se nesetkala . A přitom se chová velice skromně . ❤ Nechápu proč ho právě jeho rodná země nepodporuje a píšou o něm tolik negativních článků . 🥲Nebo je to jen závist ?
@@oldriskamensikova776 Zdravím, já si myslím, že je to právě ta závist 🥴🤦🏼
@@LenkaSafarova I já vás zdravím . Jsem ráda že aspoň někdo v komentářích sdílí takový názor jako mám já . Pěkný večer ! 😍
Myslím, že konzervatívni Turci sa nevedia preniesť cez to, že zobral svoj osud do vlastných rúk a išiel si za svojím snom.
Vedel, že doma sa vo svojej kariére ďalej už neposunie.
🎉🎊🍾🥂Felicitaciones, Mi Albatros 🕊️🤗✨❤️🌹❤️
Bello ejemplar de hombre ❤❤❤te mereces muchas cosas buenas en tu vida personal y laboral ❤❤❤❤❤
Parabéns Can Yaman 👏👏👏👏👏💐🇧🇷
Excelente actor me encanta su trabajo 😘😘👏
Excelente 🙌 cam merece todos los premios, es sensacional...❤
Hi I just wanted to thank you again for being so supportive and following me on my journey. I love inspiring and encouraging others. People like you help me to keep showing up! Hope you are having an amazing day!
Te felicito eres un gran artista , te lo mereces te deseo lo mejor, éxitos.
Hi I just wanted to thank you again for being so supportive and following me on my journey. I love inspiring and encouraging others. People like you help me to keep showing up! Hope you are having an amazing day!
❤❤💥🎬📸Eres bello por tú magestuosa naturaleza y más sobresaliente en la actuación y cómo ser humano te preocupas por lo más necesitados eres digno hijo de pluton te lo mereces todo en ésta vida y la otra también único besos y abrazos de fraternidad
Oleeeee Can 😍😍😍😍😍
Felicidades a Can Yaman, un premio más a tantos que merece producto a tu formación actoral, eres único, persigues tus sueños con pasión, versatilidad, confianza, disciplina, esfuerzo, trabajo y perseverancia. Tu presencia hechiza, tu imagen personal es impecable, tienes un cuerpo atlético, saludable y en forma, tu sonrisa es bellísima, tu mirada es cautivadora. Todo un seductor. Te amo
Felicidades can te mereces todo lo mejor eres un Gran actor dios te siga bendiciendo te queremos mucho eres lo más ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
Can maravilloso felicidades con tu dedicación muchos exitos para ti te lo mereces, bendiciones.te admiro y te respeto.❤
Wao que dicha para Cadiz recibir a tantos personajes de marca mayor en especial tener en ese prestigioso evento a Can Yaman qué nos tiene enamorados a todos con sus estupendas series donde el ha tenido hermosas participaciones. Sandokan también se vislumbra como un clásico gracias a Can y gracias a todos los actores Dios los guíe y saludos a Cadiz si que les será de mucho auge a su economía y desde Panamá un abrazo y que todo les sea un éxito total enhorabuena al guapo actor Can se las merece todas. ❤🇵🇦🇹🇷❣️
Hi I just wanted to thank you again for being so supportive and following me on my journey. I love inspiring and encouraging others. People like you help me to keep showing up! Hope you are having an amazing day!
Eres nuestro rey. Eres unico.te queremos..❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
Felicidades Can te mereces todo lo qe te esta pasando te adoro ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
Estoy deseando ver Sandokan en España con este grandísimo actor que es Can Yaman ademas de un gran ser humano con una belleza impresionante, imposible de ser más guapo e inteligente ❤
Hi I just wanted to thank you again for being so supportive and following me on my journey. I love inspiring and encouraging others. People like you help me to keep showing up! Hope you are having an amazing day!
Felicidades para mi favorito se merece ese premio y muchos más éxitos mi turko eres único
Hi I just wanted to thank you again for being so supportive and following me on my journey. I love inspiring and encouraging others. People like you help me to keep showing up! Hope you are having an amazing day!
Quién pueda estar ahí pues enhorabuena, que disfruten 🇪🇸🇪🇸
Talentoso e lindo
Felicitazioni sei il migliore ❤❤
" Grande,hermoso y talento puro "
¡Admiración por él!❤❤🌹🇨🇱
Sé merece todo.
Hi I just wanted to thank you again for being so supportive and following me on my journey. I love inspiring and encouraging others. People like you help me to keep showing up! Hope you are having an amazing day!
Arrasa porque como CAN no hay otro! Es un milagro de la naturaleza!! Gracias DIOS por el regalo para todos!
Hi I just wanted to thank you again for being so supportive and following me on my journey. I love inspiring and encouraging others. People like you help me to keep showing up! Hope you are having an amazing day!
Felicitaciones merecido premio 👏👏👏👏
Hi I just wanted to thank you again for being so supportive and following me on my journey. I love inspiring and encouraging others. People like you help me to keep showing up! Hope you are having an amazing day!
I love himmmmmm!!!! Hes the best♥️♥️♥️♥️
Felicitaciones mi Albatros amado..te mereces eso y mucho mas.. Dios te Bendiga, te cuide y te proteja de todo mal 🙏♥️un abrazo desde Venezuela 🇻🇪
Muchas felicidades eres él mejor único insuperable siempre y para siempre mi actor favorito Felicidades te mereces eso y mas un dia muy cercano una gran estrella de Hollywood
Hi I just wanted to thank you again for being so supportive and following me on my journey. I love inspiring and encouraging others. People like you help me to keep showing up! Hope you are having an amazing day!
Parabéns, estás colhendo as flores que você plantou, sucesso sempre... ser humano admirável
Hi I just wanted to thank you again for being so supportive and following me on my journey. I love inspiring and encouraging others. People like you help me to keep showing up! Hope you are having an amazing day!
Me gusta mucho no hablan mal de can solo hablan de su carrera gace falta que la maldad no lo alcance🎉🎉 el siempre nos sorprende con un personaje nueve veremos creo que Sandokán quedará para la historia muchos éxitos para ti mi querido Rey Turco.
Que bueno
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Eres un excelente actor y una persona excepcional Dios bendiga tu vida precioso y sigue adelante cosechando éxitos ❤❤❤❤
Hi I just wanted to thank you again for being so supportive and following me on my journey. I love inspiring and encouraging others. People like you help me to keep showing up! Hope you are having an amazing day!
Maravilhoso tdo ele é muito talentoso e lindo ❤
Es hermoso, gran actor te amamos en Argentina.
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In Madrid at the Meet and Greet ,Can said he has evolved a lot since 2019 , and now we can see the result : he is more international , successful in everything he does [ VCIM, Sandokan, El Turco ] and as always tickets sell out whenever his name appears for an event Can has walked a successful way to great fame . Big applause for him 👏👏👏👏
Hi I just wanted to thank you again for being so supportive and following me on my journey. I love inspiring and encouraging others. People like you help me to keep showing up! Hope you are having an amazing day!
Todo se merece
.uy olé y Olé felicidades
Hi I just wanted to thank you again for being so supportive and following me on my journey. I love inspiring and encouraging others. People like you help me to keep showing up! Hope you are having an amazing day!
O Ator CAN YAMAM merece muito. É um excelente ator e pessoa de grande coração. Um cara culto, estudou advocacia e de grande talento.
Que Deus ilumine sua trajetória como ator e que ele encontre uma pessoa de grande coração para ser sua companheira e cúmplice na sua vida.
Hi I just wanted to thank you again for being so supportive and following me on my journey. I love inspiring and encouraging others. People like you help me to keep showing up! Hope you are having an amazing day!
Qué orgullo bravo braisimo Can Yaman tú eres el mejor está de más decirlo por mí yo te daría todos los premios del mundo y más no cambies nunca no nos defraudes como muchos otros artistas que se les sube su ego a la cabeza y van haciendo daño a quien ellos les plazca mantente así que nosotros tus fans te apoyamos y que nuestro creador te ilumine 👏👏👏👏😍😍😍
Hi I just wanted to thank you again for being so supportive and following me on my journey. I love inspiring and encouraging others. People like you help me to keep showing up! Hope you are having an amazing day!
Felicitaciones! Can Yaman es un gran actor y muy querido.
Muchas bendiciones eres mi actor favorito te deseo todo lo mejor en tu vida personal y profesional
Meritato premio per un eccellente attore simpatico e carismatico caro Can Yiaman in bocca al lupo ❤❤
Hi I just wanted to thank you again for being so supportive and following me on my journey. I love inspiring and encouraging others. People like you help me to keep showing up! Hope you are having an amazing day!
Eres lo mejor, todo comentario mal intencionado te ase más famoso sigue igual que mi Dios te protejera ❤
Hi I just wanted to thank you again for being so supportive and following me on my journey. I love inspiring and encouraging others. People like you help me to keep showing up! Hope you are having an amazing day!
El es único un grandísimo actor y persona que nos ha hecho disfrutar en la pantalla con sus series en muchos lugares en el mundo,es muy talentoso y agradable.uo creo que seguirá creciendo en
N su carrera mucho más y ganará muchos premios.
Hi I just wanted to thank you again for being so supportive and following me on my journey. I love inspiring and encouraging others. People like you help me to keep showing up! Hope you are having an amazing day!
Pero con lo guapísimo que es y el gran actor
Hi I just wanted to thank you again for being so supportive and following me on my journey. I love inspiring and encouraging others. People like you help me to keep showing up! Hope you are having an amazing day!
Van Yaman el mejor … bienvenido a España 🇪🇸❤️
Hi I just wanted to thank you again for being so supportive and following me on my journey. I love inspiring and encouraging others. People like you help me to keep showing up! Hope you are having an amazing day!
Congratulations 🎊 to the best of the best , Mr CAN YAMAN !
Hi I just wanted to thank you again for being so supportive and following me on my journey. I love inspiring and encouraging others. People like you help me to keep showing up! Hope you are having an amazing day!
Mi querido Can Yaman te mereces todo el cariño del mundo porque tú lo vales , pero esto no queda aquí tú harás huella . Y el tiempo me dará la razón . Mi bendición.
Hi I just wanted to thank you again for being so supportive and following me on my journey. I love inspiring and encouraging others. People like you help me to keep showing up! Hope you are having an amazing day!
SOS mi amor Can
Hi I just wanted to thank you again for being so supportive and following me on my journey. I love inspiring and encouraging others. People like you help me to keep showing up! Hope you are having an amazing day!
Bello y gran actor can yaman lo conocí por pájaro soñador, luna llena, amor obstinado, y la mejor sr equivocado ojalá pronto llegue sandokan pronto por RUclips 👍👍👍👍👍💯💯💯💯
Unibersos sienpres contigos❤ tes mereses todos protecion luz fez creer des❤ mas Esitos triunfos Yan conpromisosniños ys adolesentes❤ ere abundacias can Sandocan adelantes tus puedesm.rrei
Can Yaman es tremendo actor bello guapo carismático atractivo precioso un ser humano increíble con un gran corazón lo admiro y lo respeto te mereces todos los premios éxitos dios te bendiga ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
Excelente ❤❤❤❤❤❤
Hi I just wanted to thank you again for being so supportive and following me on my journey. I love inspiring and encouraging others. People like you help me to keep showing up! Hope you are having an amazing day!
Eres un actor completo. Por eso les dan rabia a otros y te injurian. Vive y sigue siendo Tu ese Joven con un corazon hermoso.
Ere yseras ystorias por ser kien eres ys coms ere tyenes talentos desdicacion ere Ejenplos Aceguir paras las juventus Eres unser des amor CAN SANDOCA R. Aniños Adolesentes Es ys Sera ystoria Der mundos ❤❤❤Respresentandos sus pais Esitos Esveto prentacion Estos YAN tesmerses
Con premios y sin premios,,,,CAN YAMAN.😘😘🇨🇺
Felicidades mi turco hermoso te merece eso y mucho más que dios te bendiga siempre
Hi I just wanted to thank you again for being so supportive and following me on my journey. I love inspiring and encouraging others. People like you help me to keep showing up! Hope you are having an amazing day!
Hi I just wanted to thank you again for being so supportive and following me on my journey. I love inspiring and encouraging others. People like you help me to keep showing up! Hope you are having an amazing day!
Can Yaman es un Tremendo Actor y muy Lindo, bello y precioso.Y un buen ser humano.We still Love You. 🇦🇼 Aruba. 🌻🌷💖🙏
Me alegro ,se lo merece y mienten tanto sobre El que ya cansa
So true. The worst thing is that some believe the lies.
Gran persona, sensible, guapo y talentoso actor.
Hi I just wanted to thank you again for being so supportive and following me on my journey. I love inspiring and encouraging others. People like you help me to keep showing up! Hope you are having an amazing day!
Ator diretoria Ai que lindo eu gosto muito
Hi I just wanted to thank you again for being so supportive and following me on my journey. I love inspiring and encouraging others. People like you help me to keep showing up! Hope you are having an amazing day!
Tambien la serie q hizo con ka bella Ozge Gurel Bay Yanlis fue una serie muy bonita lastima q la cortaron y no hicieron la segunda temporada quremos ver a estos dos bellos actores de nuevo can yaman y la bella ozge excelentes actores los dos
Hi I just wanted to thank you again for being so supportive and following me on my journey. I love inspiring and encouraging others. People like you help me to keep showing up! Hope you are having an amazing day!
Claro es uno de los mejores actores del momento
Si el actor Can yaman es mi actor favorito es guapo bueno atento sigo con mucho afán las series d el todas son excelentes no me pierdo una en pájaros soñador lo he visto más d 4 veces igual a dolunay y para mí no existe más actor q el !! Tan bello y hermoso y buena persona veo todas las escenas d el y demet q salen del pájaro soñador en RUclips lo han enfermado y dices cosas terribles d su salud pero pienso q todo lo q dicen d el son mentiras espero seguir viendo ahora estoy viendo el amor obstinado muy buena un saludo de aquí d Miami 😊
Hi I just wanted to thank you again for being so supportive and following me on my journey. I love inspiring and encouraging others. People like you help me to keep showing up! Hope you are having an amazing day!
S H A L O M ❤
Hi I just wanted to thank you again for being so supportive and following me on my journey. I love inspiring and encouraging others. People like you help me to keep showing up! Hope you are having an amazing day!
Faltó hablar de El Turco, que también será prresentado en el festival y cuyo estreno ya está confirnado para febrero 2025
Hi I just wanted to thank you again for being so supportive and following me on my journey. I love inspiring and encouraging others. People like you help me to keep showing up! Hope you are having an amazing day!
Es tupendo que venga a España meguto que mo
nintierais con mobias cono acen otros medios
Hi I just wanted to thank you again for being so supportive and following me on my journey. I love inspiring and encouraging others. People like you help me to keep showing up! Hope you are having an amazing day!
Esperemos que el alerta de la DANA no les arruine el evento. Serìa una pena 😢
Hi I just wanted to thank you again for being so supportive and following me on my journey. I love inspiring and encouraging others. People like you help me to keep showing up! Hope you are having an amazing day!
Ganha a mão Yude be love desse sonho seu e o de piloto muito lindo seus olhos Que olho lindo
Hi I just wanted to thank you again for being so supportive and following me on my journey. I love inspiring and encouraging others. People like you help me to keep showing up! Hope you are having an amazing day!
Io credo che forse nella prossima vita , capirete che questo personaggio NON È MAI l' unico invitato a questo eventi. E tantomeno l' UNICO premiato. ED è semplicemente RIDICOLO il fatto che in 5 anni , sia stato il personaggio PIÙ PREMIATO AL MONDO. Non per MERITI PROFESSIONALI. ma come FENOMENO MEDIATICO. 😂😂😂 Resto sempre in attesa di vederlo ricevere un VERO PREMIO. Avete presente quelli che solitamente ricevono i VERI ATTORI , quelli che fanno il VERO CINEMA. ? ( Leone d' oro, PALMA D' ORO , ORSO D' ORO , NASTRO D' ARGENTO , OSCAR AD HOLLYWOOD ) Quando un giorno riceverà un VERO PREMIO IMPORTANTE. Allora potrà essere considerato un VERO GRANDE ATTORE. Ma finché continuerà a fare PROMOZIONI della sua IMMAGINE. continuerà ad essere IGNORATO dall' intero STAR SISTEM INTERNAZIONALE . Esattamente come è successo fino ad oggi. Ah, La PRODUZiONE DI SANDOKAN è soltanto l' ENNESIMA manovra PROMOZIONALE del pacchetto ALL INCLUSIVE della LUX VIDE. punto ! Ergo, finitela raccontare i soliti INUTILI BLA BLA BLA BLA BLA BLA . Che non cambian9, la realtà che circonda qyesto personaggio. Lui resta sempre e cmq un PESSIMO ATTORE. Non in grado d' interpretare personaggi di ALTO LIVELLO. Anche se tratti di EL TURCO, o SANDOKAN o che sia altro . La sua capacità attoriale, rimane relegata a STUPIDISSIME TELENOVELAS rosa di pessimo livello. E lo dimostra il fatto che NESSUN REGISTA FAMOSO a livello internazionale ha mai sprecato una sola parola di elogio su di lui. Né ancor meno , in questi 5 anni gli sono stati offerti FILM QUALSIASI ( parlo di CINEMA VERO ). Dimostrate il contrario. Laddove ci riuscite😂😂😂.
Hi I just wanted to thank you again for being so supportive and following me on my journey. I love inspiring and encouraging others. People like you help me to keep showing up! Hope you are having an amazing day!
Su n
Pero no estaba gravísimo.......
Nos alegramos que sea mentira
Noticias falsas con fotos del 2019,Can Yaman aún no está en Cádiz, la entrega del premio es el día 30, o sea el Miércoles de la próxima semana
Para Espanha fazer espanhola com meu turco Espanha fazer espanhola com meu pescoço
Hi I just wanted to thank you again for being so supportive and following me on my journey. I love inspiring and encouraging others. People like you help me to keep showing up! Hope you are having an amazing day!
Sorry i don't speak english well
Hi I just wanted to thank you again for being so supportive and following me on my journey. I love inspiring and encouraging others. People like you help me to keep showing up! Hope you are having an amazing day!
Falso no ha empezado y ya estáis mi mintiendo vergonzoso
Hi I just wanted to thank you again for being so supportive and following me on my journey. I love inspiring and encouraging others. People like you help me to keep showing up! Hope you are having an amazing day!
Demet should be with him😫😫😫😊
Can has his own life and doesnt care about Demet !
Ayyy que pena no sabía que llegaba a mi ciudad 😢. ( Cádiz). Este chico es muy talentoso. Me alegro que haya pisado tierras gaditanas
Hi I just wanted to thank you again for being so supportive and following me on my journey. I love inspiring and encouraging others. People like you help me to keep showing up! Hope you are having an amazing day!