Így igaz. Még a 80-as években dolgoztak nálunk, a kisfiúk tanított "pittykövezni" 😊. Végtelenül rendesek voltak. Amúgy, mindannyian Isten gyermekei vagyunk s ha így tekintünk egymásra nincs ítélkezés és gyűlölködés, csakis szeretet 🙏🥰
Mert még nem találkoztál velük itt Magyarországon, amikor jönnek az egyterű szgk-val, egy alulétrával a tetején, ők meg "munkás" egyen overálban kiugrálnak és benyomulnak erőszakkal a portádra "tetőt, vagy ereszcsatornát javítani"!... Sok idős magyar megtakarított pénzét húzták le már! A Google is kiadja a "munkásságukat"! 😤
Ajánlom a Youtubon a Levegőbe csavarozni videót. Meg a Brüsszeli kisfiú nem pisil ilyen helykén. Harmadik videó . Ki fogjuk javítani! Ismerős a szlogen. 10,5 millió maradhat? Mondjak még.
@@mihalyturanyi6634 Az ilyeneket nem szabad beengedni az udvarra sem! Ezek szélhámos, erőszakos, "őregező" c. bűnözők! Azonnal rájuk hívni a rendőröket! ☝️🙄😡
Few years ago, when the Roma (Gypsy) Taxi driver in Frankfurt to my amazement almost understood my conversation with my wife in the native tongue of Rajasthan, a north western state in India, I decided to work on this and find out how.
Since the Taxi Driver understood the language of Rajasthan, I went through the history of Rajasthan or Rajputana as it was originally called and discovered that there was a huge exodus of the tired soldiers of the army of great Rajput King Prithviraj Chauhan around 1050 AD who, as the history says, fought 17 wars with Mohammed Ghauri. Most left with women folks leaving empty villages. Most Roma belong to the fine Rajput warrior caste and others were farmers called Jat who also were in the army.
While the great king was keen on continuing battles, many soldiers did not want to fight more wars and stayed at home. For a Rajput staying at home during war was a stigma. They were taunted for staying home at the time of war.
Therefore, as a folk song of Rajasthan says, they left their native land in groups. They left from no other part of India. Some went west and are called Gypsies or Roma now and some went down to south India where they still are in their red and yellow color clothes and with huge moustache. You can see them on google by clicking “Lambada in south India ". I am from Rajasthan but live in south Indian city of Hyderabad and hence see Lambadas daily.
I was further shocked again when our Gypsy (Lambada) maid mostly understood an old Hungarian Roma lady talking in Romani about Nazi atrocities on a BBC program on TV while I understood it by reading the English captions. Apparently, the two ladies 9000 miles away now spoke same language spoken about 1000 years ago in their land of origin. We being from Rajasthan still use many of their words.
On the way to west, Roma took words from Persian like bibi and many other tongues including Greek (drost for road) and from Armenian and so on. Also, few joined them on the way from Sindh, another Indian province, now in Pakistan. They are still called Sinti within Roma and words like laklo, lakli, chavo are from Sindhi.
They somehow lost their surnames of fine Rajput warrior clans. Roma may try to find surnames like Sisodia, Chauhan, Shekhawat, Nainavat Rathore, etc. However, I found only one exception in Poland. One Roma has Mirga as surname which he said was not Polish but Roma. Rajputs have a surname, Mirdha. I am sure this must be same. But they kept first Indian names until 19th century like Amos Bihari and his daughter Panna Cinkova, both great Roma musicians from Hungary. Panna meaning Emerald is a pure Rajasthani name not used in other parts of India. You may look in Google for “Panna Cinka . If they were not Indians, why otherwise would they have Indian names in Europe in the year 1711?
Today Roma use many of the words from Rajasthani (or Marwari) and Hindi, both of Sanskrit origin. Few are ek do trin nak(nose) bal(hair) angusth(finger) bersh(year) diwas(day), prabhat(morning), gandh( smell)sassu,sussro ( mother and father in law, from rajasthani) saalo , Sali (brother and sister in law) from Rajasthani) chora(boy) chori(girl) cior(chor, meaning thief)) gia sov, thalle, upral purano( old) dukh, kasht, tato, langhal(lame) maang, des, lajja and so on. About half are from Rajasthani and rest from Hindi both of which originate from Sanskrit. I know hundreds. There are thousands. Luis Mori, another Roma has sent me a huge list of Romani words which I match with my Roma maid's vocabulary. Sometimes grammar has changed to European style, like we would say sov gia and Roma would say gia sov. Same meaning though. Has slept. Also, all Indian languages including today's Rajasthani has two yous, one for Junior and one for senior. Romani and the language of Lambada even today have only one you which is "tu "used for Juniors and for very close ones which must have been so 1000 years ago.
Romani words are from pre-Muslim era in India and hence pure Sanskrit like hiv (him in Sanskrit) for snow or ice is used while we in India now say barf which is Persian. Please go to the following in to see more. “Romani an Indian lost Language by Adriano, an Italian Roma from whom I have learned much and also“Roma girl from Kosovo goes to India"
All Roma had mustache which was necessary for Rajput warriors. Purity codes of Roma were till recently practiced in India like Roma breaking the plate if animal licked it. My mother used to give the plates to beggars if our dog ever licked it even once. Also, food once served on table but not eaten does not go back to Fridge or saved for eating later. That is why death rate within Roma during great European plague was so low as claimed by scholars.
Roma had also carried our proverbs like "while choosing a daughter in law, believe your ears more than eyes” meaning reputation of the girl's family was more important than her beauty. Another common proverb is “If the road is crooked, you can't walk straight.
Roma eventually lost their religion, quite understandably but Sara kali of southern France is a Hindu deity of Goddess kali favourite of Rajputs. The deity is immersed in water body every year like we do in India. The Vatican has not recognized this deity as it has no link to Christianity. Romani also has an unusual word & quot;trishul & quot; from Sanskrit and Hindi meaning a spear with three fingers. This spear is associated with Hindu God Mahadev or Shiva and the war cry of Rajputs Regiment in India till today is & quot; Har har Mahadev.
Please see on You tube "Dr. Ian Hancock: Keynote Address at Romani Studies Conference Dr. Hancock who is a Roma makes very scholastic analysis of Romani history from European side. He successfully dismantles myths like Roma are old Jews or from Egypt or came from within the earth. He establishes that Roma indeed came from India. However he has not said much about which part of India are they from and which language from India they speak. He only mentions "Indian Language" while there is nothing like Indian Language. We have hundreds of languages. India had hundreds of independent kingdoms. Rajputana, as Rajasthan was called then had many kingdoms too. Prithviraj Chauhan was the king of Ajmer in central Rajasthan from whose army Roma came.
He also links Romani with Sanskrit while truth is that Romani has words from Rajasthani and Hindi alone both of which originate from Sanskrit. Romani is made of languages which have Sanskrit base and not directly from Sanskrit. There are many words in Romani which none else from India except those from Rajasthan will understand like tato meaning hot. He also says Roma are Doms who burn dead bodies which is certainly not true. Doms live about 1000 miles away from Rajasthan and are dark skinned.
Many Roma have come to Delhi and Jaipur in Rajasthan to get their DNA tested and were doubly assured of their Rajasthan roots. Also, one may see Romani Dances in India-Kalbelia of Rajasthan which is same as Flamingo dance of the Roma. Even the dress of the dancers are same.
As a student in the US during seventies, I saw some slightly brown students speaking language somewhat familiar to me. They said they were new Roma migrants to the US from Spain but I did not know about Roma at that time.
I have received many mails from some Roma stating Roma were Doms and untouchables from India and so on. This should not be true. First, there are no Doms in Rajasthan. Second, Roma who came to south still have mostly Rajput surnames or Gotra and very few Bhil (a jungle tribe, but soldiers too) surnames. Gotras or lineages dont change in India. Third, down trodden and timid would not venture leaving home to travel thousands of miles and fourth, Doms are very dark even for Indian standards while Roma are not. Fifth, Romani has many war related words including a word for prisoner of war as Dr. Hancock says. Only a martial clan would use and keep alive these words.
There should be no doubt that Roma are our lost pral and Pena (We would say pra and behna). Hats off to them to keep the language and culture alive even after 50 generations while humanity in the entire world now melts away in two generations.
I am in contact with many European Roma from whom I gather some new facts time to time. I have also gathered the above information from history of Rajasthan. For more information you can what’s app me on +91-9440805300.
Well you made loads of presumption here.Isten,Ostan… are Hungarian words associated with God while Stan is a Slavic word for a place where one lives and in they lang Raj means Heaven hence Raja Stan is a Heavenly place in Slavic Indo-Iranian languages. Regarding the dance it is Hungarian folk dance that was changed a bit and made to Flamingo a dance that Latino didn’t had a at all.To connection between Hungarian Bihar and Bihar in India like other cases existed in the past but this are Scythian-Hungarian related a pre Islamic and not of Indian origins.White Hun-Han are known to have lived in the region and many “Pakistani” obviously still have the Han as part of they surnames similarly like it appears in Afghanistan which all comes from pre Islamic era.
Nálam minden kutya ugyanolyan. Nem egy kalapos bajszos trógert tudok mutatni! 😉 Itt egy egész Maffia hálózat van. Pilis település tele van ilyen szarháziakak!!!😉 Ez a véleményem és mindenhól ezt hirdetem. Vikipédia. A gáborok jómódúak. Persze mert csaló szélhámos gazemberek. Mitől jómódú? 🤔🤔🤔 A csalásból???
@@mihalyturanyi6634 Ergó felesleges veled vitatkozni mert a tisztességtelen cigányok miatt elítéled az összeset. Én meg képzeld jóban vagyok olyan kalaposokkal akik meg életükben nem loptak vagy csaltak senkitől és becsületesen végzik a dolgukat. Mert csak a cigány lop meg csal. Mi magyarok talpig becsületes nép vagyunk és külföldön nem nézzük hogyan tudunk egymáson nyerészkedni , ugye?
Öltöny, kalap meg fényes cipő, még talán ok is. Na de a nők! Színes szoknya, fehér frottírzokni meg szabadidőfelső pufimellénnyel. :) Igényes kinézet. :) Egyébként a Szeged környéki vásárokban csalnak meg lopnak. A közelükbe se menjetek, mert a kenyeret kilopják a szátokból.
Ennyi nyaló embert még nem láttam ,ezek a cigányok szét rabolták Romániát most Magyarországon vannak ,200 lejért megegyeznek ,mikor kész van 200 lej métere ,senki ne engedje a kapun belül
Én is pont erre gondoltam ! A ki magát így dicséri nincs abból semmi! Még a műhely sincs be vakolva,télen ,nem dogoznak! Vicc az egész! aki forraszt,csiszol,vágó szerszámot használ azon nincs öltöny! Ez is mással végezteti a munkát,nálánál csoróbbal,oszt közbe meg lenézi! Az szép hogy össze tart a család,de ne a gőgbe!
Te ha elmész dolgozni nem oltozol munkaruhaba? Ők nem dolgoztak amikor a film keszult, csak megmutattak, hogy dolgoznak. Ha te szakacs vagy, te sem oltozol kiskuktanak, amikor anyadnak megmutatod hogy csinalod a paprikaskrumplit. :)
@@type3666 Mert csalók! Éppen megint jártak itt Zalában is, 08. 11. délelőtt, egy fehér Ford Transit mikrobusszal! Idős embereket csapnak be, húznak le, rabolnak ki, csalással, fenyegetéssel a végén! A net tele van az eseteikkel, írd be a keresőbe!
Ambrus Mária!Kiket hagyjunk?Remélem nem a Hován családra gondoltál,mert mi is rendes emberek vagyunk és magyarok.Aki másként vélekedik,annak repüljön le a feje!!Én,mi és mindenki ebből a családból,tisztességes ember,és például én is,és az egész család például rokona az egri várkapitánynak,sőt én egy kicsit hasonlítok is rá.Kedves Ambrus Mária,ezt tartsa tiszteletben,mert mi mindannyian magyarok vagyunk!Meg vagyok értve?
astia muncesc!nici nu fura, nici cersesc,stiu si limba maghiara! nu se ocupa cu smena ,nici nu pleaca la cersit in UE sa si faca tara de ras !nu poate traduce cineva sa stim ce spun !
in mare, povestesc cum au ajuns in satul respectiv si cum mentin traditiile deja de 500 de ani si cum isi procura ei banii necesari pt a trai (pe scurt, ei nu fura doar muncesc) ,dar sincer in opinia mea :frumos ca nu fura dar sa nu uitam ca sunt tigani....
Sunt multe tipuri de țigani cu pălărie cum a zis domul în clip dar nu se prea înțeleg cu ei , am văzut și la mine în județ , țigani cu pălărie și în Bihor Cluj dar doar după numele de familie se poate știi de unde sunt
Jó műsor volt. De azért annak nem örülök, hogy olyan büszkén jegyezted meg, hogy ennyi idő alatt megőrizték a "szokásaikat" mert azok, ezek szerint már akkor is ilyen sz@r volt. Azt elengedhették volna... 👍
@@utente1489 Írjad le nekem magyarul! Mivel innen a youtube oldaláról kimásolni sem lehet mobiltelefonon nézve és nem tudom átvinni egy webfordítóba! I dont speak english! ☝️🙄
Ha magyarok vagytok ahogy mongyatok minek mongyatok da da mert nem igen szemeny igazolvanyba bistos bele van irva romania nade amugy kedvelek tikteket mert nagy es okos enberek vagytok taves bachtalo
Imádom ahogy beszélnek! A Csángókat órákig hallgatnám. Csodaszép, régi magyar nyelven beszélnek.
Köszönöm az értéket, amit ezzel a filmmel adtál!
Nagyon büszke vagyok az őseimre!
Én nagyon kellemesen csalódtam bennük nagyon jó emberek
Isten éltesse őket
Anyád hogy van?
Én is ahogy a börtönből nyilatkoznak már csak 40 évet kell leülni!
Így igaz. Még a 80-as években dolgoztak nálunk, a kisfiúk tanított "pittykövezni" 😊. Végtelenül rendesek voltak.
Amúgy, mindannyian Isten gyermekei vagyunk s ha így tekintünk egymásra nincs ítélkezés és gyűlölködés, csakis szeretet 🙏🥰
@@magdolnamikola5833 Ezek a Sátán gyermekei! Azért mert gyülekezetbe járnak, attól még bűnözők!😉
Ez a csalad,egy csalad,Isteneltesse az egesszet es a tiszteletunk mindannyiuknak!
Kivétel a románokat I hate romania
Gratulalok nagyon szep
szonyeg futo 6 gáboroknak van összesen 32 foga
Jó érzés volt nézni és hallgatni őket. Remélem, hogy ezt a filmet követi még néhány másik film és/vagy írás is, ami róluk szól!
Tiszteletem Gáboréknak,sziasztok ☺️🙂
Ez eknek a viselkedése elég jó! Igyekeznek, tisztességgesen élnek.
Sőt jó szakemberek is vannak, közöttük.
Mert még nem találkoztál velük itt Magyarországon, amikor jönnek az egyterű szgk-val, egy alulétrával a tetején, ők meg "munkás" egyen overálban kiugrálnak és benyomulnak erőszakkal a portádra "tetőt, vagy ereszcsatornát javítani"!...
Sok idős magyar megtakarított pénzét húzták le már! A Google is kiadja a "munkásságukat"! 😤
Ajánlom a Youtubon a Levegőbe csavarozni videót. Meg a Brüsszeli kisfiú nem pisil ilyen helykén. Harmadik videó . Ki fogjuk javítani! Ismerős a szlogen. 10,5 millió maradhat? Mondjak még.
Jó gazemberek nem szakemberek!
Koszi, nagyon jo volt!
isten áldja Gáborékat nem felejtjük Marosvásárhelyi segítségeteket köszönjük Magyarországi Magyarok
😂😂😂 Nekem meg pont egyiken kalapos kontár Gábor retek baszta el a tetőmet.
Az ilyeneket nem szabad beengedni az udvarra sem! Ezek szélhámos, erőszakos, "őregező" c. bűnözők! Azonnal rájuk hívni a rendőröket! ☝️🙄😡
@@mihalyturanyi6634 Hazudsz.
nagyon érdekes, jó fejek
Erőt egészséget. Drága testvéreim.
Few years ago, when the Roma (Gypsy) Taxi driver in Frankfurt to my amazement almost understood my conversation with my wife in the native tongue of Rajasthan, a north western state in India, I decided to work on this and find out how.
Since the Taxi Driver understood the language of Rajasthan, I went through the history of Rajasthan or Rajputana as it was originally called and discovered that there was a huge exodus of the tired soldiers of the army of great Rajput King Prithviraj Chauhan around 1050 AD who, as the history says, fought 17 wars with Mohammed Ghauri. Most left with women folks leaving empty villages. Most Roma belong to the fine Rajput warrior caste and others were farmers called Jat who also were in the army.
While the great king was keen on continuing battles, many soldiers did not want to fight more wars and stayed at home. For a Rajput staying at home during war was a stigma. They were taunted for staying home at the time of war.
Therefore, as a folk song of Rajasthan says, they left their native land in groups. They left from no other part of India. Some went west and are called Gypsies or Roma now and some went down to south India where they still are in their red and yellow color clothes and with huge moustache. You can see them on google by clicking “Lambada in south India ". I am from Rajasthan but live in south Indian city of Hyderabad and hence see Lambadas daily.
I was further shocked again when our Gypsy (Lambada) maid mostly understood an old Hungarian Roma lady talking in Romani about Nazi atrocities on a BBC program on TV while I understood it by reading the English captions. Apparently, the two ladies 9000 miles away now spoke same language spoken about 1000 years ago in their land of origin. We being from Rajasthan still use many of their words.
On the way to west, Roma took words from Persian like bibi and many other tongues including Greek (drost for road) and from Armenian and so on. Also, few joined them on the way from Sindh, another Indian province, now in Pakistan. They are still called Sinti within Roma and words like laklo, lakli, chavo are from Sindhi.
They somehow lost their surnames of fine Rajput warrior clans. Roma may try to find surnames like Sisodia, Chauhan, Shekhawat, Nainavat Rathore, etc. However, I found only one exception in Poland. One Roma has Mirga as surname which he said was not Polish but Roma. Rajputs have a surname, Mirdha. I am sure this must be same.
But they kept first Indian names until 19th century like Amos Bihari and his daughter Panna Cinkova, both great Roma musicians from Hungary. Panna meaning Emerald is a pure Rajasthani name not used in other parts of India. You may look in Google for “Panna Cinka . If they were not Indians, why otherwise would they have Indian names in Europe in the year 1711?
Today Roma use many of the words from Rajasthani (or Marwari) and Hindi, both of Sanskrit origin. Few are ek do trin nak(nose) bal(hair) angusth(finger) bersh(year) diwas(day), prabhat(morning), gandh( smell)sassu,sussro ( mother and father in law, from rajasthani) saalo , Sali (brother and sister in law) from Rajasthani) chora(boy) chori(girl) cior(chor, meaning thief)) gia sov, thalle, upral purano( old) dukh, kasht, tato, langhal(lame) maang, des, lajja and so on. About half are from Rajasthani and rest from Hindi both of which originate from Sanskrit. I know hundreds. There are thousands. Luis Mori, another Roma has sent me a huge list of Romani words which I match with my Roma maid's vocabulary. Sometimes grammar has changed to European style, like we would say sov gia and Roma would say gia sov. Same meaning though. Has slept. Also, all Indian languages including today's Rajasthani has two yous, one for Junior and one for senior. Romani and the language of Lambada even today have only one you which is "tu "used for Juniors and for very close ones which must have been so 1000 years ago.
Romani words are from pre-Muslim era in India and hence pure Sanskrit like hiv (him in
Sanskrit) for snow or ice is used while we in India now say barf which is Persian. Please go to the following in to see more. “Romani an Indian lost Language by Adriano, an Italian Roma from whom I have learned much and also“Roma girl from Kosovo goes to India"
All Roma had mustache which was necessary for Rajput warriors. Purity codes of Roma were till recently practiced in India like Roma breaking the plate if animal licked it. My mother used to give the plates to beggars if our dog ever licked it even once. Also, food once served on table but not eaten does not go back to Fridge or saved for eating later. That is why death rate within Roma during great European plague was so low as claimed by scholars.
Roma had also carried our proverbs like "while choosing a daughter in law, believe your ears more than eyes” meaning reputation of the girl's family was more important than her beauty. Another common proverb is “If the road is crooked, you can't walk straight.
Roma eventually lost their religion, quite understandably but Sara kali of southern France is a Hindu deity of Goddess kali favourite of Rajputs. The deity is immersed in water body every year like we do in India. The Vatican has not recognized this deity as it has no link to Christianity. Romani also has an unusual word & quot;trishul & quot; from Sanskrit and Hindi meaning a spear with three fingers. This spear is associated with Hindu God Mahadev or Shiva and the war cry of Rajputs Regiment in India till today is & quot; Har har Mahadev.
Please see on You tube "Dr. Ian Hancock: Keynote Address at Romani Studies Conference Dr. Hancock who is a Roma makes very scholastic analysis of Romani history from European side. He successfully dismantles myths like Roma are old Jews or from Egypt or came from within the earth. He establishes that Roma indeed came from India. However he has not said much about which part of India are they from and which language from India they speak. He only mentions "Indian Language" while there is nothing like Indian Language. We have hundreds of languages. India had hundreds of independent kingdoms. Rajputana, as Rajasthan was called then had many kingdoms too. Prithviraj Chauhan was the king of Ajmer in central Rajasthan from whose army Roma came.
He also links Romani with Sanskrit while truth is that Romani has words from Rajasthani and Hindi alone both of which originate from Sanskrit. Romani is made of languages which have Sanskrit base and not directly from Sanskrit. There are many words in Romani which none else from India except those from Rajasthan will understand like tato meaning hot. He also says Roma are Doms who burn dead bodies which is certainly not true. Doms live about 1000 miles away from Rajasthan and are dark skinned.
Many Roma have come to Delhi and Jaipur in Rajasthan to get their DNA tested and were doubly assured of their Rajasthan roots. Also, one may see Romani Dances in India-Kalbelia of Rajasthan which is same as Flamingo dance of the Roma. Even the dress of the dancers are same.
As a student in the US during seventies, I saw some slightly brown students speaking language somewhat familiar to me. They said they were new Roma migrants to the US from Spain but I did not know about Roma at that time.
I have received many mails from some Roma stating Roma were Doms and untouchables from India and so on. This should not be true. First, there are no Doms in Rajasthan. Second, Roma who came to south still have mostly Rajput surnames or Gotra and very few Bhil (a jungle tribe, but soldiers too) surnames. Gotras or lineages dont change in India. Third, down trodden and timid would not venture leaving home to travel thousands of miles and fourth, Doms are very dark even for Indian standards while Roma are not. Fifth, Romani has many war related words including a word for prisoner of war as Dr. Hancock says. Only a martial clan would use and keep alive these words.
There should be no doubt that Roma are our lost pral and Pena (We would say pra and behna). Hats off to them to keep the language and culture alive even after 50 generations while humanity in the entire world now melts away in two generations.
I am in contact with many European Roma from whom I gather some new facts time to time. I have also gathered the above information from history of Rajasthan. For more information you can what’s app me on +91-9440805300.
Shriprakash Loya
Well you made loads of presumption here.Isten,Ostan… are Hungarian words associated with God while Stan is a Slavic word for a place where one lives and in they lang Raj means Heaven hence Raja Stan is a Heavenly place in Slavic Indo-Iranian languages.
Regarding the dance it is Hungarian folk dance that was changed a bit and made to Flamingo a dance that Latino didn’t had a at all.To connection between Hungarian Bihar and Bihar in India like other cases existed in the past but this are Scythian-Hungarian related a pre Islamic and not of Indian origins.White Hun-Han are known to have lived in the region and many “Pakistani” obviously still have the Han as part of they surnames similarly like it appears in Afghanistan which all comes from pre Islamic era.
Reggeltől estig halgatnám őkett
Nagyon jó egézséget kivánok az egész családaiknak
Az "őkett" az múltidejű ragozott szó? 🤔😉😝
Minden cigány és Magyar példát vehetne a tisztességükről. Üdv egy m.o.-i Magyar!
😂😂😂 Akkor irány a RUclips és nézz meg egy pár Rezsnyák Péter műszaki ellenőr videót mit kontárkodik egy ilyen kalapos tróger!😉
😂😂😂 Akkor ehhez a tisztességes munkához mit szólsz?🤣🤣ruclips.net/video/SQMWeBMwQyc/видео.html
@@mihalyturanyi6634 Javaslom hogy kapcsold be a monitort mikor nézed a videókat, mert nem ugyanazok az emberek vannak a videóban.
Nálam minden kutya ugyanolyan. Nem egy kalapos bajszos trógert tudok mutatni! 😉 Itt egy egész Maffia hálózat van. Pilis település tele van ilyen szarháziakak!!!😉 Ez a véleményem és mindenhól ezt hirdetem. Vikipédia. A gáborok jómódúak. Persze mert csaló szélhámos gazemberek. Mitől jómódú? 🤔🤔🤔 A csalásból???
@@mihalyturanyi6634 Ergó felesleges veled vitatkozni mert a tisztességtelen cigányok miatt elítéled az összeset. Én meg képzeld jóban vagyok olyan kalaposokkal akik meg életükben nem loptak vagy csaltak senkitől és becsületesen végzik a dolgukat. Mert csak a cigány lop meg csal. Mi magyarok talpig becsületes nép vagyunk és külföldön nem nézzük hogyan tudunk egymáson nyerészkedni , ugye?
Éljenek a Gáborok!!!
nem uzsorás romák? mert aki munkárol beszél az se a munkába öregedett meg ugye?
Zsiványok, szélhámos gazemberek! "Ereszcsatorna javítás, csere"... Ebben utaznak! Vigyázat!!! ☝️😡
Ezek mind kontár csaló gazemberek!😂😂 Annyi bizonyítékom van mint égen a csillag. Több 100 ilyen videót tudok felrakni😂😂😂
Tegyed, osszad! Hadd lássa a sok hiszékeny ember is.
@@yencehungarian Nincsen neki csak a rasszista vére sajnos...
erdekes film...
Az biztos Tes
Zene címe?
Öltöny, kalap meg fényes cipő, még talán ok is. Na de a nők! Színes szoknya, fehér frottírzokni meg szabadidőfelső pufimellénnyel. :) Igényes kinézet. :) Egyébként a Szeged környéki vásárokban csalnak meg lopnak. A közelükbe se menjetek, mert a kenyeret kilopják a szátokból.
en nem tudom hogy vagytok veluk en magyar vagyok de le a kalappal elottuk.
Nézz meg egypár Rezsnyák Péter műszaki ellenőr videót. Egyből villanyszerelő lennél és födelnéd őket!😉
Náj bájó
Que es eso es otro idioma
Diese Menschen sehen glücklich aus🥳
Aha. RaüberZigeuneren aus Rumänien! Lügneren, schwindleren... ☝️🙄😡
Ennyi nyaló embert még nem láttam ,ezek a cigányok szét rabolták Romániát most Magyarországon vannak ,200 lejért megegyeznek ,mikor kész van 200 lej métere ,senki ne engedje a kapun belül
500 eve ebben a "viseletben"? Hat... megkerdem : hol a barsony nadrag?
A fiaitok miert nem hordanak kalapot?- tisztelettel
Elbeszélgetnek, a szépet meg a jót elsorolja, engem nem győzött meg. Meg a magyar megy cselédnek nekik, gondolom 😂😂😂
Szélhámos bűnözők! "Ereszcsatorna".... Írd be a neten a keresőbe! ☝️😡
Igazi kontárok. Még a kalapácsot sem jól fogja!😂😂 Ezektől ilyen munka telik. ruclips.net/video/SQMWeBMwQyc/видео.html
@@mihalyturanyi6634 A linkelt videónak köze sincsen a Gábor cigányokhoz. Üres gyűlölködés.
Remélem már mindet magához vette őket az istenük
"a lányokat hagyjuk" :)) (07:04)
Az emancipáció az még sehol sincs náluk. Ez is a hagyományaik része.
Ezeknek nem kell munkaruha !öltönybe kalapba dolgozni?
Én is pont erre gondoltam ! A ki magát így dicséri nincs abból semmi! Még a műhely sincs be vakolva,télen ,nem dogoznak! Vicc az egész! aki forraszt,csiszol,vágó szerszámot használ azon nincs öltöny! Ez is mással végezteti a munkát,nálánál csoróbbal,oszt közbe meg lenézi! Az szép hogy össze tart a család,de ne a gőgbe!
@@editfazekas4955 Szélhámosság, csalás, erőszak! Mint "kóborcigány tetőfedők, tetőbádogosok", Magyarországon is portyáznak, vigyázat!
Te ha elmész dolgozni nem oltozol munkaruhaba? Ők nem dolgoztak amikor a film keszult, csak megmutattak, hogy dolgoznak. Ha te szakacs vagy, te sem oltozol kiskuktanak, amikor anyadnak megmutatod hogy csinalod a paprikaskrumplit. :)
@@yencehungarian Mert vigyazanak veluk ??
@@type3666 Mert csalók!
Éppen megint jártak itt Zalában is, 08. 11. délelőtt, egy fehér Ford Transit mikrobusszal!
Idős embereket csapnak be, húznak le, rabolnak ki, csalással, fenyegetéssel a végén! A net tele van az eseteikkel, írd be a keresőbe!
Ambrus Mária!Kiket hagyjunk?Remélem nem a Hován családra gondoltál,mert mi is rendes emberek vagyunk és magyarok.Aki másként vélekedik,annak repüljön le a feje!!Én,mi és mindenki ebből a családból,tisztességes ember,és például én is,és az egész család például rokona az egri várkapitánynak,sőt én egy kicsit hasonlítok is rá.Kedves Ambrus Mária,ezt tartsa tiszteletben,mert mi mindannyian magyarok vagyunk!Meg vagyok értve?
Be is szartam!🤣 Rohadt tróger kontárok! Nézd meg a ki fogjuk javítani. Ismerős? RUclips csatorna. Remélem rákot kap az összes ilyen rohadék!
A gábor cigány NEM magyar! Ez a faj nem honos kis hazámban!!! SOHA NEM IS LESZ AZ! ROMÁN RETEK!!! MEG VAGYOK ÉRTVE????🤔🤔 Szebb jövőt!!!!
But šukar film!
Teszan Rom O szunto dragodel te zsutil tumrnge Taj tavel tumenca Ame LOVARASZAM SUKAR GYESZ TUMEGE😍😍😘😗😘😍😍😘
Tu szal pojáko. Lovari
ME szom Romungro anda szlovákia. Me vakerav romanes, tu vorbines. Hajosz miri cshib szo tuke phenav.
Gabor hindia
astia muncesc!nici nu fura, nici cersesc,stiu si limba maghiara! nu se ocupa cu smena ,nici nu pleaca la cersit in UE sa si faca tara de ras !nu poate traduce cineva sa stim ce spun !
in mare, povestesc cum au ajuns in satul respectiv si cum mentin traditiile deja de 500 de ani si cum isi procura ei banii necesari pt a trai (pe scurt, ei nu fura doar muncesc) ,dar sincer in opinia mea :frumos ca nu fura dar sa nu uitam ca sunt tigani....
Si nu uita ca oamenii astia in afara limbi lor materne vorbesc si româna, maghiara si germana!
la germana ,merkel se pricepe cel mai bine!))
ungureste_++))) ooo moaghior tigano.a spus!!
Sunt multe tipuri de țigani cu pălărie cum a zis domul în clip dar nu se prea înțeleg cu ei , am văzut și la mine în județ , țigani cu pălărie și în Bihor Cluj dar doar după numele de familie se poate știi de unde sunt
Jó műsor volt. De azért annak nem örülök, hogy olyan büszkén jegyezted meg, hogy ennyi idő alatt megőrizték a "szokásaikat" mert azok, ezek szerint már akkor is ilyen sz@r volt. Azt elengedhették volna... 👍
Van egy kutyám úgy hihak hogy Linda
Értelmes úriembereknek tűnnek.
Aha... Hívd be őket "ereszcsatorna cserére", amikor itt portyáznak Mo.-on! Tapasztald meg a fajtát... ☝️😉
@@yencehungariando they do this gutter scams also door to door or only on calls??
Írjad le nekem magyarul! Mivel innen a youtube oldaláról kimásolni sem lehet mobiltelefonon nézve és nem tudom átvinni egy webfordítóba!
I dont speak english! ☝️🙄
Kívánom, legyen a szomszédod..... :(
Ugyan olyanok mint a többi.
na mai phen co duito anav o burcsai ca rangilag o mai csoro nyamoi kai khothei o bandi phene kade
😂😂😂😂😂 Igazi kontár csalók!
@@mihalyturanyi6634what scams they do??
@@utente1489 szakadj má' le innen, retekvédő! 🤣
Soha nem voltak szorgalmasak.Ugyan olyan moslék mint a többi
Ugyan olyanok mint a többi.Ez csak olyan fényezés
ei zice noi este prosti la noi multe
Mitri bondi coca ruso belenib
pista boss
ruclips.net/video/SQMWeBMwQyc/видео.htmlsi=LeGT3yliDEZPJc9a Mekk elek komtár Bt!🤣🤣🤣
tu san amare mandrako savoro dendi ka
ducsenypizdamumuta! 🤣
nezted meg magadot mar
Szkiriszar tiro emailo
Te meg egy birka vagy! És egy nagy szamár!
De szerencsétlen tudatlan tuskó vagy...
de egy tudatlan gyoker vagy istenem!!!
es en magyar vagyok.
Ha magyarok vagytok ahogy mongyatok minek mongyatok da da mert nem igen szemeny igazolvanyba bistos bele van irva romania nade amugy kedvelek tikteket mert nagy es okos enberek vagytok taves bachtalo