The Etruscan Language. what was it?

  • Опубликовано: 4 окт 2024
  • In this video you will learn about the Etruscan Language a non-Indo European Language from pro-Roman Italy. Here you will get some of its history, but much more about how the language works and what it looked like, along with what we have left of it from the pre-Roman Era. If you want to learn about the history of the Etruscan People, here is a video for you about this: • The Etruscan people an...
    Become a Patreon here:
    For the large slab with Etruscan writing on it:
    SBAUmbria, CC BY-SA 3.0 creativecommon..., via Wikimedia Commons
    For the map of early Italy's peoples:
    Richardprins, CC BY-SA 3.0 creativecommon..., via Wikimedia Commons
    For the Etruscan City-state map
    NormanEinstein, CC BY-SA 3.0 creativecommons..., via Wikimedia Commons - Etruscan Cities
    For the Language family map of Etruscan and related langauges:
    Tyrsenian Languages: ArnoldPlaton, CC BY-SA 3.0 creativecommon..., via Wikimedia Commons

Комментарии • 272

  • @pabloalvez915
    @pabloalvez915 Год назад +18

    Etruscan was not an isolated language at all. It was closely related to Rhaetic and Lemnian, forming its own language family, the Tyrsenian Family.

    • @BenLlywelyn
      @BenLlywelyn  Год назад +3

      It would seem so, yes.

    • @jarlnils435
      @jarlnils435 3 месяца назад

      Lemnian comes from etruscans colonists. Before, thracians lived there and before that it was one of the last mycenean greek places, based on material culture found there.

    • @paulbennett772
      @paulbennett772 2 месяца назад

      As stated in the vid!

    • @Slashplite
      @Slashplite Месяц назад

      is it possible Minean was also part of this family?

    • @jarlnils435
      @jarlnils435 Месяц назад

      @@Slashplite if you mean minoan, not very likely. But etruscan seems to have some influences from hattian. For example, the hattian word for throne is zilat, the etruscan word for consul is zilath.

  • @ahavatar425
    @ahavatar425 2 года назад +28

    Excellent! You can easily pronounce the Etruscan "ch" sound like in "zichuche" ("he wrote"), as you pronounce Ll in Welsh! I am aware that the Latins "inherited" so much of the Etruscan culture and showed no gratitude to them (Romans willingly destroyed the oeuvre by Emperor Claudius about Etruscan history and language). Etruscans had come from Anatolia long before Rome was even a place. I was born in Bologna, Italy, and when I learned that it was an Etruscan settlement named Phelsina, I did feel the Etruscan soul shine through the centuries 😊 Thank you!

    • @BenLlywelyn
      @BenLlywelyn  2 года назад +3

      I'm glad I could make you feel pride about your birthplace.

    • @hakan.yazici
      @hakan.yazici Год назад +3

      Dear Ahav, the city where you were born is not exactly an Etruscan city, but a Pelasgian one. Pelasgian or more correctly pel-asg-ian, is a proto-turkic tribe whoe are relatives of Etruscans. Pel means white, asg is sak (plural of as tribe) and -ian is a suffix meaning human. So Pelasgian means 'white as man'. thank you.

    • @ginaibisi777
      @ginaibisi777 Год назад

      ​@@hakan.yaziciand do you know who are the descendants of Pelasgians?

    • @hakan.yazici
      @hakan.yazici Год назад

      @@ginaibisi777 the Welsh and the Belgians and the Polish

    • @violetka1197
      @violetka1197 Год назад +1

      @@hakan.yazici you Turkish peoples comes in Turkey TODAY much much later, know pretend are etruscan...?? BYthnia Old Turkey were ilirians peoples....the Old iliria was from Venezia Italy till Isle crete greece and BYthnia Turkey TODAY.....the Turkishs TODAY are black peoples but the etruscan were White peoples..

  • @tedi1932
    @tedi1932 2 года назад +7

    Thank you Ben, that is very interesting

  • @rhiannonfugatt3269
    @rhiannonfugatt3269 2 года назад +13

    How interesting the word used for gods, Aesir is the name of the gods in the Norse Yggdrasil tree that live in the realm of Asgard

    • @BenLlywelyn
      @BenLlywelyn  2 года назад +1

      Fascinating internationalism.

    • @wednesdayschild3627
      @wednesdayschild3627 Год назад +2

      Talitha sounds like the Aramaic word for little girl in the Bible. The name Tabitha means gazelle another Aranaic word.

    • @EchoLog
      @EchoLog Год назад +1


    • @ellen4956
      @ellen4956 10 месяцев назад +1

      In another video I watched tonight about the Etruscan people, they said the Etruscans were Celtic and also Aegean. I think some of their letters look like "Linear A" that has not been deciphered because no one can figure out what language it is, even though they know the sounds the letters make.

    • @richardcook5919
      @richardcook5919 5 месяцев назад

      @@ellen4956 Do you have the link to the video?

  • @kelechialozie3522
    @kelechialozie3522 8 месяцев назад +4

    Talitha means damsel in Aramaic
    @Ben Llywelyn

  • @belginduru5747
    @belginduru5747 Год назад +3

    Etrüskler Adiğelerden çok uzak bir coğrafyada, İtalya’da yaşamış bir ilk çağ kavmi. Haklarında ayrıntılı bir bilgiye sahip değiliz çünkü henüz dilleri ve yazıları tam olarak çözülebilmiş değil. Tarih onları M.Ö ikinci binde birden bire İtalya kıyılarında ortaya çıkmış, gelişmiş şehirler kurmuş, özgün bir yazı ve farklı bir kültür geliştirmiş sonra esrarengiz bir şekilde tarih sahnesinden silinmiş bir kavim olarak yazıyor. Tarihe en büyük etkileri de Roma medeniyetinin oluşumuna kaynaklık etmeleri. Ayrıca soyadı sistemini ilk kullanan halk olmaları, mimaride kemer ve kemerli tavanı keşfetmeleri, şehircilik alanındaki yetenekleri, kadının ilk çağ toplumlarında benzeri görülmeyecek şekilde ayrıcalıklı bir yere sahip olması onlara ait sayabileceğimiz bazı özelliklerdir.
    Etrüsk adının etimolojisini inceleyenler onu “Turs” kelimesine dayandırarak Yunanca “Tyrsenos” sözcüğüyle ilişkilendirmeye çalışıyorlar. Fakat bu kanı kesin hüküm teşkil edecek kadar kuvvetli değil. Kelimenin orijinini “Türk” adında arayanlar bile var ama bu da bilimsellikten uzak bir varsayım.
    Onlar hakkında ilk tarihi verileri Herodot’ta bulabiliyoruz. Tarihin babası sayılan bu büyük düşünüre göre Lidya kralı Ates devrinde ülkede büyük bir kıtlık baş gösterir ve Lidya halkının yarısı denizi geçerek Umr ilinde yurt tutarlar. Gittikleri yerde on iki şehir kuran bu halk başkanları Turs’un adıyla anılırlar. Etrüskler işte bu göçmenlerin çocuklarıdır. Yine Herodot’tan öğrendiğimize göre İtalya’nın ilk medeni sakinleri olan Etrüskler on iki kola ayrılıyor, komşu kavimlerden farklı ve zor bir dil kullanıyorlar. Toplumsal yapıları özgün bir aristokrasi sergiliyor. Demir ve bakır işlemedeki maharetleri onları kısa zamanda çevrelerindeki halklara karşı baskın kılıyor. En bariz özellikleri de kadınların erkeklerle aynı haklara sahip olmaları, köle edinebilmeleri, yönetici olmaları, kadın yaşantısındaki renklilik, kadın giyim şekli ve makyaj tarzında kendisini gösteriyor. Etrüskler bu özelliklerinden dolayı çağdaşları olan Yunanlılar tarafından eleştirilmekte, kınanmaktaydılar.
    Herodot’tan dört asır sonra yaşayan Halikarnaslı Dionis, Etrüsk ve Lidya halkı arasında töre ve dil benzerliği olmadığı gerekçesiyle onların küçük Asyalı olma ihtimalini reddeder ve onların İtalya’ya kuzeyden gelmiş olduğunu savunur. Dionis’e göre Etrüskler kendilerine “Rasena” diyor. Bu kelime Adiğe dilinin fonetik bilgisi ışığında incelendiğinde “-ina” ekinin Adiğece’de dişillik ifade ettiği ortaya çıkar. Adiğece kadın isimleri genellikle “-ina” ekiyle biter. Barina, Kurina, Jane, Satenay vs gibi. Etrüskçe kadın, eş manasına kullanılan kelimenin “puina” olması da ayrı bir ilginçlik.
    Etrüskler’in İtalya’nın otokton halkı olmadığı kesinleşmiş bir gerçek onlar nereden geldiler ve nereye gittiler sorusuna cevap teşkil etmek üzere çeşitli varsayımlar ileri sürülmüş ama en fazla kabul gören iddia Thompson adlı bir tarihçi tarafından “On the Officites of the Etrusk Language” adlı eserde dile getiriliyor. Thompson’a göre Etrüskler ancak ve ancak Kafkasyalı olabilir. Bir diğer Etrüsk araştırmacısı Trombeti de bu varsayımı gerçekçi buluyor. Büyük filolog Georges Dumesil ise Roma uygarlığında harcı olan üç etnisiteyi Latinler, Etrüskler ve Sabinler olarak adlandırırken Etrüsk söylenceleriyle Kafkas destanları arasında çekinerek de olsa bağlantılar kurmaya çalışır.
    Bu tarz düşünen bilim adamlarının temel hareket noktası Etrüsk ve Adiğe dili arasındaki enteresan benzerlik. Etrüskçe büyük ölçüde çözülememiş bir Avrupai dil. İndo-Cermen dil ailesinden olması kuvvetle muhtemelse de bazı yönleriyle bu gruptan ayrılıyor. Filologların Azyanik dediği Kafkas dil ailesiyle benzeşen yönleri var. bugünkü Latin alfabesinin temelini teşkil eden Etrüsk alfabesinde dördü sesli yirmi harf var. isim ve sıfatlarda erillik dişilli özellikleri görülüyor. Suffix (sonek) ağırlıklı bir dil ve prefix (önek) pek yok. Sessiz harfler dile hakim ve (tl) gibi özgün sesler var. M.Ö ikinci yüzyıla doğru çözülmeye başladığını gördüğümüz Etrüskçe M.S 7-8. Yüzyılda tamamen yok olduğuna göre hemen ardından yarımadayı saran İtalyanca’yı etkilememesi mümkün görünmüyor.
    Adiğece’yi ele aldığımızda ise bu dilin tüm lehçelerinde elliye yakın ses olduğunu ( harf değil, ses ) ancak dört adet sesli harfin kullanıldığını görüyoruz. Telaffuzunun güçlüğü ve özgün seslerin fazlalığı bu dilin yazıyla ifade edilmesini zorlaştırıyor. Bildiğimiz en eski yazılı metinler ve destanlar Adiğe dilinin ilk şeklini büyük ölçüde muhafaza ettiğini gösteriyor. Erillik dişillik özellikle Abhaz ve Ubıkh dillerinde bariz bir şekilde görülüyor. Yine mahsus ses olarak (tl) sesi belirgin. Kafkas dillerinin İndo Cermen dillerle benzerlik taşımakla birlikte tam olarak bu gruba sokulamayacağı dil bilimcilerin genel kabulüdür.
    Bulabildiğimiz bazı Etrüskçe kelimeler ve karşılıkları şöyle;
    Adiğece Etrüskçe Türkçe
    ---- ---- -----
    Jıale clan delikanlı
    Pşaşe sec kız
    Ate - Ade-ati baba
    Çerkesce sayılar

    • @BenLlywelyn
      @BenLlywelyn  Год назад +2

      Urallar ve Pireneler arasında açıkça kaybolmuş bir dil ailesi veya dil kemeri vardır. İzini sürmenin bir yolu yok ama Baskça, Kafkasya'daki ve Finno-Ugor dilleriyle bazı özellikleri paylaşıyor; ancak bunun ne kadar derin olduğunu söyleyemeyiz. Etrüsk'e gelince, muhtemelen Altay ve Bask arasında bir yerdedir, ama agian, bunu bilmiyoruz. İzlediğiniz için teşekkürler.

    • @ramazanyalcn3660
      @ramazanyalcn3660 Год назад

      Kesin olarak biraz cahillik var ve dalgınlık kapasitesini doldurduğunun farkında değilsin. Çok büyük bir hata yaptın. Yanlış bilgiler veriyorsun. Yanlışlığın nerede? Binlerce yıl önceki kelimeleri, günümüzün Anadolu Türkçe kelimeleri ile karşılaştırma yapıyorsun. İskitler-Etrüskler- Sümerler Proto-Türk, dilleri Proto-Türkçe dil grubundadır. Bunu ispatlamak çok kolay. Avrupalı ve Amerikalı tarih ve dil araştırmacıları gerçekleri bildikleri halde inat ediyorlar. Hiç araştırma yapmadan yorum yapmışsın.
      Etrüsklerin Türk oldukları kabul edilirse beyaz adamın hristiyan - Yahudi din ve kültürleri yerle bir olacaktır. Bunun siyasi, dini tarafları var. İspat isterseniz, size kanıtlar sunabilirim.
      İskitler- Etrüskler- Sümerler PROTO-TÜRK ve dilleri PROTO-TÜRKÇE'dir.

    • @Kuzguni
      @Kuzguni 6 месяцев назад +1

      Bir Türkolog olarak söylüyorum.
      "Kelimenin orijinini “Türk” adında arayanlar bile var ama bu da bilimsellikten uzak bir varsayım." sözünün kendisi bilimsellikten çok daha uzak :)
      Etrüskçe, runiktir. Ama kökeni için Yunan demek tartışılır. Göktürk Abidelerini görmüş ve Göktürkçe öğrenmiş herhangi bir kişi farklı düşünür. Çünkü Etürkçenin gramer kuralları ile Göktrükçenin gramer kuralları aynıdır!
      İkisi de sağdan sola yazılır.
      İkisinde de harfler aynıdır.
      Üst üste iki nokta : kuralı aynıdır.
      İlk heceden sonra ikinci hecede harf aynı ise yazılmaz. İkisinde de bu kural vardır.
      Antik dönemin yerli halkları bu tarz kuralları orta asya'ya götüremezdi. Ama göçebe, yarı göçebe Türk halkları bunu yapabilecek kapasiteye sahipti. Atlarının gittiği yere kadar feth eder ve yerleşirlerdi. Etrüsklerin DNA'ları ile bugün ki Türkiye Türk'ünün DNA yapısı da aynı. İlginç bir not daha bırakayım: Anadoluda hiç antik yunan Dna'sı yok. Ege'de bile yunan dnası yok.
      Göktrük Kağanlığını kuran halkın adı Aşina (Ashina)
      Modern Türkçe'de karşılığı Asena
      Etrüskler kendilerine RAsena diyorlar.
      Ayrıca eğer göktrük döneminde yaşayan biri olsaydın ETURUK, ETÜRÜK, TÜRÜK, ETÜRK bu kelimelerin hepsini göktürkçe'de ancak TÜRK olarak yazabilirdin.
      Çünkü ilk harf A/E sesi ise yazılmaz!
      Hatırlayalım, ikinci hecedeki sesli harf, ilk hecede varsa ikinci sesli harf yazılmaz!
      Kısacası, runik alfabede etrüsk ile türk aynı yazılır.

  • @level442FM
    @level442FM 2 года назад +8

    Interesting video.
    However, the way of pronouncing the Etruscan letters TH, PH, CH and Z does not match up with English.
    The Etruscans clearly distinguished between aspirated and non-aspirated consonants (either with- or without a puff of air)
    The TH was a hard T like in "Tip", not the th-sound as in "Think"
    PH was a hard P like in "Pack", not the PH or f-sound as in "Phrasebook" or "Film".
    CH was a hard K, too. Like the k-sound in "King".
    The letter Z was most likely a TS-sound as in "Bits" and not like the z in "Zoo".
    They didn't even used the letter "O". In borrowings from Greek they changed all the O's to "U". Thus Apollo became Apulu or Aplu. Prometheus became Prumathe etc.
    Fun fact: the Etruscan name for "girl" was borrowed from the Semitic languages (Aramaic) "Talitha".
    The Semitic expression used by Jesus Christ at the time he resurrected Jairus’ daughter. It means, “Maiden, I say to you, Get up!” ("Talitha Koum" in Aramaic" (Mark 5:41).

    • @BenLlywelyn
      @BenLlywelyn  2 года назад +1

      Thank you

    • @armandemsha1976
      @armandemsha1976 Год назад

      It’s normal because there ancestry was from Aegean See that’s why they have to do more research with proto semetic languages

    • @level442FM
      @level442FM Год назад +3

      @@armandemsha1976 There's definitely a lot yet to be learned about the Estrucans and their language.
      Most of the present day theories are based on other authors rather than etruscan themselves.
      I think it's a bit hazardous to conclude anything based on a single semitic word.
      One thing we know for sure is that Etruscan had a significant amount of Greek loanwords which states a Greek/Aegean adstrate influence.
      The bronze age world was probably a lot more diverse, interconnected and complex that we might think.
      The biggest problem in my opinion is that almost every scholar so far had tried to figure out the whole puzzle single-handed rather than joining forces with a team of geologists, historians, and linguists in order to establish a broader, coherent and detailed picture on the subject.
      That fact has been giving up room to major risks in form of misconceptions, guesswork, prejudice due to individual perception, bias and nationality rather than on a deeper fact-based and objective perspective.

    • @armandemsha1976
      @armandemsha1976 Год назад

      @@level442FM I agree with you

    • @Se2n67g9r
      @Se2n67g9r 9 месяцев назад +2

      Interesting. Very similar pronunciation to romanian consonants. We also have tz sound written Ț. And we also use a lot of "u" vowels instead of "o" vowels.
      Also Lemnos is almost like romanian word lemn (wood). At least a hundred years ago romanians didn't use the word pădure for forest instead they used the word lemn for pădure.

  • @ivaylotzokov9395
    @ivaylotzokov9395 2 года назад +4

    I found that thracian people called thracians by greeks are actually etruscian people. i will tell you why am i right . Because if you make your own research to the treasures found in my country Bulgaria you will understand. Here were found the oldest golden book of etruscian people. Thracians are from
    Asia, so etruscans tooo. They are the same people. Here in Bulgaria were found the oldest golden treasure in the world. So you can make your own research about connection between these "two" people etruscians and "thracians". I am not scientist, but i am unterested about ancient history and archeology so i had red a lot of information.

  • @armandemsha1976
    @armandemsha1976 Год назад +4

    Un or Une or Mu in Albanian meaning Me
    Ca or Ka meaning have
    The hips in Albanian meaning Beli
    Phersu-Mask or perde-curtain in Persian
    Satnal (nal or mu nal)meaning stop or to stop
    This words are from Geg dialect Albanian
    This are some words that have no connection with surrounding people
    We Albanians believe that our ancestry is from the DarDan people the ancient Greeks historians claimed that the DarDans and Trojans were related
    It’s good to do more research

    • @BenLlywelyn
      @BenLlywelyn  Год назад +1

      Etruscan was not indo-european. But as for Albanian, it would be faacinating to learn more about your people.

    • @ginaibisi777
      @ginaibisi777 Год назад +2

      ​@@BenLlywelynjust don't learn from Greeks, Serbs or North Macedonians but Italians, Austrians, British, German researchers or historians. While you are at it read Edith Durham book High Albania to learn more of the neighbours of Kosovo Albanians 😢

  • @Redhand1949
    @Redhand1949 7 месяцев назад +1

    This was fascinating. I was surprised by some other videos I saw (not here) that suggested Etruscian was now legible, but the truth appears to be that it's only partially legible at best. I'm going to give this video another listen to understand your information better.

    • @BenLlywelyn
      @BenLlywelyn  7 месяцев назад

      Thank you for being able to put up with me twice. Appreciated.

    • @Redhand1949
      @Redhand1949 7 месяцев назад

      @@BenLlywelyn With pleasure. I lived in Rome from 1966-69 and became a lifelong fan of Roman history. I would also be interested in what you might post about the Villanuevan Culture, the Oscans and their language, The Samnites, etc. I wish I knew more about these subjects, but am an enthusiast rather than an academic. I really struggled with Latin in High School, but found in invaluable in learning German in College (because of case structure), but NOT Italian for some reason. I've subscribed, BTW. 👍

  • @AFK_AFK
    @AFK_AFK 10 месяцев назад +2

    @BenLlywelyn very interesting civilization they are. Their language is not Indo-European and according to Heredotus their roots coming from Anatolia. But even if they came from Anatolia; those times there may have Indo-European language. So is there a chance they are Turkic and their language Uralic?

    • @BenLlywelyn
      @BenLlywelyn  10 месяцев назад

      Hittite (Indo-European) would have been spoken in Annatolia then. But we are thinking in the modern sense - there were many peoples and some we no longer know about I am sure.

    • @AFK_AFK
      @AFK_AFK 10 месяцев назад +1

      Kelts roots depend on middle of Anatolia, Hitites genetically. Anatolia always called as cradle of civilizations. Thats why 12.000Years old GobekliTepe and KarahanTepe found in Anatolia. Also early Turkic migrations occured many years ago. As you said many people mixed during the time.@@BenLlywelyn

  • @Eedteedt
    @Eedteedt 2 года назад +5

    Une in albanian is I and mi in albanian is my. So mi is not I but my or mine, depending by the sentence ca in albanian is what

  • @terezahs77
    @terezahs77 7 месяцев назад +2

    I don't get why historians always talk of Etruscan language as a unreadable or highly mysterious. Etruscan language is no mystery to Slavic people. We can read and understand it very well, it is based in Slavic language. Austria, east Germany, Italy - Lombardia, Tuscany were inhabited by Slavs, had Slavic culture and language. That is a fact that even historians - quackademics acknolwledge. Originally called Etrusenia, neither isolated nor obsolete, but part of vast "state" stretching from Siberia to Europe, Asia and Americas. One world peacful civilization. Etrussenians were the original Slavic inhabitants of italy before the first reich, the first nazis (roman) came and conquered by force and stole their highly evolved cultrure and knowledge (as they did with second and third reich, today they're trying to have a go at fourth), always trying to slice up Slavic countries and murder Slavs (look at Ukraine Russia conflict).
    Slavs can read and understand this etrussenian language.

    • @BenLlywelyn
      @BenLlywelyn  7 месяцев назад

      I don't think this is true, personally.

    • @terezahs77
      @terezahs77 7 месяцев назад

      All you need to do Ben is to find a native Slavic person. I am a Slav from Bohemia region and have no problem understanding etrussky, no need for translation. Same goes for ANY Slavic person. Have a thorough look into this research, it is spot on right, true. Go ahead and find Slavic person in your place of residence and try it out! Greetings from Prague to you.видео.html

    • @ruleofpeacepriests6911
      @ruleofpeacepriests6911 26 дней назад +1

      Tako je sestro!

  • @maciejzniebuszewa8077
    @maciejzniebuszewa8077 3 месяца назад +1

    Etruscan is a human language, unlike English. Linguistic research has been carried out, the results of which Western researchers, in their arrogance, ignore. The content of Etruscan inscriptions can be understood using the Old Serbian language. Thus, the Erusian language is very similar to the Slovic languages. Even I, although I'm from Poland, can understand the inscription on a ceramic Etruscan mug: "wipij mnie", which means "drink me" in hybrid English

    • @BenLlywelyn
      @BenLlywelyn  3 месяца назад +1

      All spoken languages are human unless you know some aliens. Friendly aliens, I hope.

    • @maciejzniebuszewa8077
      @maciejzniebuszewa8077 3 месяца назад

      @@BenLlywelyn I'm sorry if my statement was too provocative. Sometimes it's necessary to freshen up the issue a bit

  • @paulbennett772
    @paulbennett772 2 месяца назад

    If the extent & variety (& level of scholarship or otherwise!) are considered, there's great interest in Etruria. I have my own ideas, which I won't go into here, but it would be nice to see SOME progress towards a fuller knowledge of the language. RUclips vids like this can only help, but is the time right for an update?

    • @BenLlywelyn
      @BenLlywelyn  2 месяца назад

      The book I bought when I made this video, to read and go into it, was about as much as we know. We simply do not know anymore, and the Etruscan Language been extinct for as longer than the Welsh Language has lived.

  • @tanjudermanl9111
    @tanjudermanl9111 Год назад +2

    Thank you very much for this awesome video...! Order: Etruscan=Turkic=Turkish Mini=meni=Beni, Un/U/O, Une/Onge/Ona, Unu/Sen/Sen etc. seems very similar to me....But the numbers are totally different from Turkish, maybe they have their number names/system from another culture? The DNA analysis says that Etruscans are relative with Anatolian Turks. Is it possible that the Etruscans were Prototurks? There are a lot of unanswered questions for sure. How similar is the Alphabet system between Orhun/Göktürk and Etruscan Alphabet? That would be a very good comparison imo. I love your researches very much. Greetings from Turkey ❤🧡💛💚

    • @BenLlywelyn
      @BenLlywelyn  Год назад +1

      Teşekküre. I think all the peoples... Japanese, Korean, Mongolian, Altaic - Turkic, Finno-Ugric, Basque. Form a long, distantly related arch, but that 3 or 4 whole familes between Basque and Finno Ugric were lost in pre-history. And I think Etruscan was the last survivor of those.

    • @tanjudermanl9111
      @tanjudermanl9111 Год назад

      @@BenLlywelyn Yes Ben, your theory sounds very logical to my ear. Do you think there are at least 100 or 207 common words in Etruscan with any of those Ural/Altaic/Finn/ Ugruic languages?

    • @alipola7303
      @alipola7303 6 месяцев назад

      MÊ=BEN(dişi 🚺

  • @themiragesymphonyproject
    @themiragesymphonyproject 2 года назад +3

    You're very cool

  • @seankessel3867
    @seankessel3867 2 года назад +4

    Where do you think they got "aesir" from as a term for the gods? The timelines & etymologies don't seem to make a borrowing possible - in either direction - from Germanic. Maybe just pure coincidence?
    Not to mention "mi"

    • @BenLlywelyn
      @BenLlywelyn  2 года назад +7

      Maybe Germans got it from them?

    • @birgitrosenicora618
      @birgitrosenicora618 3 месяца назад

      In Italian we use MI (= A ME)
      Dammi il libro
      Dai a me il libro
      Give me the book
      Gib mir das Buch

  • @user-le4sb8is4i
    @user-le4sb8is4i 2 года назад +4

    I think 8 is B, so "Fufluns" is Bubluns
    and D is usually D not R, so "Larun" is Ladun

    • @level442FM
      @level442FM 2 года назад +2

      "The shape of eight" [8] for the sound of [f] was an Etruscan invention.
      In earlier inscriptions they combined the letters [v+h] to represent the "f" sound because there wasn't any letter for that particular sound in the alphabet they adopted from the Greeks.
      That [v+h] combination was probably borrowed from their Italic neighbours.
      btw... In later texts the town name Fufluns was also written as Pupluna or Pufluna. Nowadays that's the city of Populonia.

    • @user-le4sb8is4i
      @user-le4sb8is4i 2 года назад +1

      ​@@level442FM Hi.
      What are these earlier etruscan inscriptions with V+H letters?
      I disagree that Etruscans didn't have sounds/letters for B and D.
      For B, for example etruscan Frontac, if it was read Brontac it has clear connotation to greek βροντή.
      There were probably many dialects, so maybe you are right too.

    • @level442FM
      @level442FM 2 года назад +3

      @@user-le4sb8is4i Examples of the V+H (or H+V) digraph: Hvlave (from 700-650 BC: an adopted Italic praenomen. Latin: Flavius)
      Vhulve or Hvuluve (6th century BC. Another Italic praenomen. Latin: Fulvius.
      Thivharie (675-650 BC, praenomen of Luwian origin. Possibly the later Latin version of the praenomen Tiberius)
      I'm fully convinced there were diffrent dialects spoken in Etruria (northern and soutern dialect to begin with), or at least in the Neo-Etruscan period. It is clearly attested in various spelling from one town to another.

    • @level442FM
      @level442FM 2 года назад +4

      @@user-le4sb8is4i They didn't use the letters B or D in their orthograhy as you mentioned. On the other hand it doesn't say they didn't had the sounds [b] and [d] in the spoken language.
      Adoptions from other languages like Greek or Italic (Oscan, Umbrian, Faliscan etc.) with the letters B and D were usually rendered with the letter P and T, respectively.
      Thus Prometheus = Prumathe. Bakkhos = Pakhie.
      I'm no expert in Etruscan, but i've got a fair collection of books regarding their history and language which i'm going to plow through one by one :)

  • @birgitrosenicora618
    @birgitrosenicora618 3 месяца назад

    I found your video really interesting. I don't know much about Etruscans, but I love exploring ancient alfabets and numbers. I understood from your video that there is a problem with 4 and 6. But if it is sure that 16 = Huth Śar then 6 = Huth?

    • @BenLlywelyn
      @BenLlywelyn  3 месяца назад

      We know so little about Etruscan it is hard to.say. And thank you for watching.

    • @paulbennett772
      @paulbennett772 2 месяца назад

      Not if you count in dozens!

  • @channelBaris
    @channelBaris 2 месяца назад

    The Hittites used Akkadian as the official language. Troy was the Principality of the Hittites. After Troy fell, the western principality of the Hittites, the Etruscans, settled in the Tuscan region of Italy. The original Etruscan spoken language is a language close to Hittite, that is, an Indo-European language, but the official correspondence language is Sumerian and its descendant, a language of Akkadian origin. The Hittites are the Gutian dynasty, originating from the Zagros region of Mesopotamia. It is a dynasty that ruled the Sumerians for 200-300 years. They migrated to Anatolia during the time of Prophet Abraham. One of the pharaoh's wives was Hittite. West dynastic counterpart to the Hittites has been the Habsburg dynasty for the last 800 years. In the east, their cousins, we, established these empires and countries one after another. Hitits, Medians, Iskits, Partians, also established kinship with the Seljuk dynasty, Then we founded the Ayyubid state and as a continuation of mamluks. We also established kinship with the Ottoman dynasty

  • @little-wytch
    @little-wytch 3 месяца назад

    Great video. One minor complaint though... the camera flipping back and forth was rather jarring. Just sayin.

  • @gaborbardocz282
    @gaborbardocz282 5 месяцев назад

    Hi! An Italian hystorist's opinion: Etrusks came from Carpatian basin long times ago. But, who knows?!

  • @user-le4sb8is4i
    @user-le4sb8is4i 2 года назад +4

    I don't believe that Thu, Zal, Ći etc is correct etruscan counting system. Dice mustn't have numbers. I think that punic IIIrd byrh (3rd month) corresponds to Meresca (and it means of March).

    • @level442FM
      @level442FM 2 года назад +2

      I've read a book recently which shed some more light on that problem/topic, too.
      Scholars has done some further research and came to the conclusion, based on etymological and comparative studies that the numbers previously was arranged in the wrong order.
      Thus, 1 = zal
      2 = thu
      3 = ci
      4 = huth
      5 = makh
      6 = śa

    • @user-le4sb8is4i
      @user-le4sb8is4i 2 года назад

      @@level442FM But what if these weren't numbers at all? But for example first letters of names of flowers?

  • @nukhetyavuz
    @nukhetyavuz 4 месяца назад

    hungarian and chuvash vocabulary,that is the ural altaic language family is said to be the roots of etruscan...which fused into latin and greek...

    • @BenLlywelyn
      @BenLlywelyn  4 месяца назад

      That is a lot of fusing.

  • @dafyddthomas6897
    @dafyddthomas6897 4 месяца назад +1

    Etruscans did NOT invent the letter F.
    Ancient Greek used the letter digamma spelt F for the sound W
    Athenian Greek dropped the sound W in the spoken language and eventually dropped the letter

  • @alessiorenzoni5586
    @alessiorenzoni5586 2 года назад +2

    🇮🇹🤔Etruscan Indo-European language?
    If most scholars appear aligned with the famous definition of Dionysius of Halicarnassus (historian of the time of Augustus) according to which the Etruscan language had no comparison and similarity with the other known languages, we have examples of scholars who believed to find a more or less close kinship with other languages, even very different from each other.
    The scholars who are aligned with the well-known thesis of Dionysius of Halicarnassus are generally archaeologists, those who still adhere to the thesis of the "Etruscan language not comparable with any other". Linguists, on the other hand, at least in general, think differently and we have made comparisons of Etruscan with other languages ​​and continue to do so.
    I will limit myself only to pointing out that even the Etruscan numbers of the first decade are reflected in the corresponding numbers of Indo-European languages. And this is of the utmost importance, given that we all know that the first proof of the kinship of the various Indo-European languages ​​was provided precisely by the homoradicality of the numbers of their first decade.

    • @BenLlywelyn
      @BenLlywelyn  2 года назад +3

      It no doubt would have taken in loan words from surrounding Indo-European languages.

    • @gailascari
      @gailascari 2 года назад +4

      Etruscan was an agluttinative language: It is not an Indo-European language. All who try to find links based on etymology with indo-european languages fall flat, it can't be done. Read the books of G Facchetti, V. Bellelli, E. Benelli, Agostiniani and Helmut Rix for authoritative linguistic research on the Etruscan language.

  • @user-le4sb8is4i
    @user-le4sb8is4i 2 года назад +5

    Talitha? That's aramaic from New Testament. Suspicious.

    • @BenLlywelyn
      @BenLlywelyn  2 года назад +1

      Talitha sounds like a nice word though.

    • @level442FM
      @level442FM 2 года назад

      Well spotted!

    • @gailascari
      @gailascari 2 года назад

      No Etruscan inscription has 'talitha'. This is bad info still on the internet!

  • @BenMeddeb
    @BenMeddeb 2 года назад +5

    A new theory: Etruscan influenced Latin in vocabulary, and also in alphabet (From Punic not Greek)

    • @BenLlywelyn
      @BenLlywelyn  2 года назад +5

      Pre-Roman Italy was certainly an inter-cultural world of many exchanges.

    • @Pushing_Pixels
      @Pushing_Pixels Год назад

      Their alphabet sure looks familiar. Many of the shapes used today from Latin are right there.

  • @birgitrosenicora618
    @birgitrosenicora618 3 месяца назад

    Could etruscan PH ressemble more to the P aspirated sound of the italian and dialect still spoken in Tuscany?

  • @ЕгорГрид
    @ЕгорГрид Год назад +1

    Counting from three to eight except for four and five is like counting in Finno-Ugric languages, don't you think?

    • @BenLlywelyn
      @BenLlywelyn  Год назад +1

      I don't think in Finnic. Maybe.

  • @levolevo1059
    @levolevo1059 2 года назад +4

    Must read from right to left .it sounds turkish kipchak

  • @holdingpattern245
    @holdingpattern245 5 месяцев назад

    If I had to guess Etruscan origins, genetic and archaeological evidence suggests that they traveled from the Alps to the Apennines around 13th-12th century BC along with the Latin tribes.

    • @BenLlywelyn
      @BenLlywelyn  5 месяцев назад

      The concensus is they were pre-Indo-European, like the Basques.

  • @goranbras4767
    @goranbras4767 9 часов назад

    "RASENI" (endonym )not Etrurscans,it is exonym !

  • @ulrikof.2486
    @ulrikof.2486 7 месяцев назад

    Note, that the people today living in Turkey are 95% descendents of many people, none of which spoke a Turkish language in classical times. They were conquered by Turks, coming from the East (today's Kazakhstan etc.) more than two thousand years after the Etruscans had left Anatolia, and as they speak Turkish today, they feel being Turks. Genetically they are Pelasgans, Greeks, Hethites etc.

    • @BenLlywelyn
      @BenLlywelyn  7 месяцев назад

      Imagine if Greek had remained across Western Anatolia.

  • @deciplethefloet8638
    @deciplethefloet8638 16 дней назад

    Look to the works of Wilson and Blackett, the Etruscan alphabet is identical to the ancient Welsh coelbren as is rheatian and pilasgian in Anatolia so it does have Indo-European relations,,,,

    • @BenLlywelyn
      @BenLlywelyn  16 дней назад

      Be careful with Wilson and Blackett. A lot of silly un-evidenced rabbit holes of pure fancy there.

    • @deciplethefloet8638
      @deciplethefloet8638 16 дней назад

      @@BenLlywelyn I'm afraid to say as a Welsh man in Wales I've studied and researched their work,there is tons of evidence over here sadly the main stream of academia simply ignore it.. look up on RUclips the wall of the cross Wilson and Blackett can be officially credited as having rediscovered this long lost historical monument along with a lot more.. various researchers now use their work as a blueprint for their studies..

  • @terezahs77
    @terezahs77 7 месяцев назад

    Etruscan - Etrassenian language is an old proto-Slavic (IndoAryan) language sharing many individual letters and souds with Balkan languages, with Russian azbuka, with Polish, Czech, Slovakian, Slovenian and even old Coptic and Russian-Greek orthodox style language, Sanskrt and on and on. These are mixture of azbuka and old ancient Slavic alphabets (many words in Sanskrt identical to Slavic). Also the language of Rousillon (Lang d'Oc Rousillon literally means the language of Rassenians) in southern France is of the same cultrure (Rassenian), the language of Katars (theirs is a fascinating story). Etrassenian language, therefore, is fully legible and if read out loud is perfectly understandable by many Slavic people without a need for translation. If you have any Slavic persons around, go ahead and test it. There are many books on this subject, disecting each Etrassenian inscripton letter by letter, word by word, being easily "deciphered" and understood. I have such books, I can post the titles. Also there is a YT channel looking into history that doesn't match the official narrative, including a part on Etrassenia. I can post it if you are interested. All makes perfect sense if you start thinking outside of the box.
    The true history is unknown to us. Maybe we can have an understanding of the past 150 years (even that is vague) at the most but anything before then is just a fabricated wild story as written for us by jezuit Josef Scaliger in the 1500's the person who gave us the "correct" history and chronology. The fabricated narratives are told in scattered separation without wide context and driven by quackademia and taught at scholls as truth and fact. It is anything but.
    But some people can and have pieced it together, there are many historians and authors being censored, discredited and driven out of quackademia for having different opinion. Yet their take on our human story is fascinating and valid mostly because it is not driven by any outside interest nor it is financed by quackademia.
    The story of human race is stranger than your wildest imagination and nothing is as it seems. Once you get it, see it and realize it you can not unsee it. It is literally like waking up from a sleep.
    Ben, greetings from magical mysterious and magnificent Prague, the heart of Slavic regions, Bohemia, a culture full of alchemy, spirituality, transformation, symbols, herritage, nature and deep knowledge in our hearts .

    • @BenLlywelyn
      @BenLlywelyn  7 месяцев назад

      Prague is no doubt a beautiful city to call home. On the language front, the concensus is that Etruscan was not Indo-European.

    • @mihaiilie8808
      @mihaiilie8808 3 месяца назад +1

      ​@@BenLlywelynIt is indoeuropean and has features like in romanian but more towards slavic languages.
      Ca/this, is just like in romanian.

  • @lindsayheyes925
    @lindsayheyes925 10 месяцев назад

    Not sure how I missed this until now...
    I tried to get my head around some Etruscan inscriptions a few years ago. The entire use of the language - even in a translation - is so idiomatic as to be almost completely unintelligible. Not enough remains for us to get into the Etruscans' headspace, other than that it seems to have been so obsessively ritualistic and repetitive that it would have little utility to us. Perhaps it was purposeful, but we don't share the Etruscan purpose; Or maybe the surviving exemplars are not representative of.daily usage.
    Hats off to you for diving in, Ben. I couldn't work out how to turn any text that I looked at into something meaningful in modern English to the man in the street.

  • @whatno5090
    @whatno5090 5 месяцев назад

    Contrary to what another commenter says, ch in etruscan is nothing like Ll in welsh. Ch in etruscan is an aspirated voiceless velar stop, kʰ

  • @florenceneri8240
    @florenceneri8240 6 месяцев назад

    Jaime ❤

  • @Quentin43211
    @Quentin43211 8 месяцев назад

    I missed something. Where was the ‘mummy’ with the text found?

  • @pelicanus4154
    @pelicanus4154 8 месяцев назад

    Interesting, but the sound quality is terrible and the presenter's voice is frequently drowned out by the music.

    • @BenLlywelyn
      @BenLlywelyn  8 месяцев назад +1

      See my newer videos. Sound it getting better. Learning.

  • @AlbertKundrat
    @AlbertKundrat 10 месяцев назад

    How much did Etruscan Dress influence Roman Dress? Did the TOGA exist in Etruria first before becoming Roman?

    • @BenLlywelyn
      @BenLlywelyn  10 месяцев назад

      Probably, yes. Albeit slightly different.

    • @dcc2351
      @dcc2351 8 месяцев назад +1

      Greece is the model for the Roman civilization. This is well known and documented.

    • @AlbertKundrat
      @AlbertKundrat 8 месяцев назад

      But, earlier, the Etruscans had already adopted Greek clothing and adapted it.@@dcc2351

  • @Dragan-t6w
    @Dragan-t6w 6 месяцев назад +2

    World first cultures Lepenski vir, Starcevo, Vinca culture today Serbia.
    World first industrial revolution ca. 6000 BC. Bronze metallurgy. (BBC History news March 2010)
    Gordon Childe-The Danube in Prehistory, Jacque Pirenne-Agriculture at Danube
    Farming start about 6000 BC. Vinca First Calendar start to count years at 5508 BC. Farming wouldn’t be possible without knowledge of calendar. Both development started and developed together.
    Harald Harman about first cyrillic writings in Vinca culture in 5500 BC so 2000 years before any writings anywhere else on the world.
    Vinca Iron production 1400 BC.
    In today English language there is more than 2000 same or similar Serbian words.
    Names of the Balkan tribes: Pelasgians, Mycenaeans, Etruscan, Wendi, Illiyrians, Dardanians (Troy is here ,not in Turkey Homer wrote sea is freezing in the winter-Panonian sea), Moesians, Dacians, Tracians, Rasci, Celts, Scythians, Sarmatians, Arians, Sea People, Peleset, Philistines, Hittites, Bhrygians, Etruscan. Tribes spread in all directions all over Europe and Asia …….
    Wild Greeks arived ~ 1000 BC from Egipt, Hungarian from Asia and Bulgariens from Asia they found culture on the Balkans, writings and language and they mixed with domestic people. 18 Roman emperors were born in Serbia because of Etruscan connection.

  • @florenceneri8240
    @florenceneri8240 Год назад +1


  • @antivari100
    @antivari100 6 месяцев назад

    Will be great if you compare Etrurscan script with Slavic Serbian Polish Russian script and language you will get very interesting results god bless you

    • @BenLlywelyn
      @BenLlywelyn  6 месяцев назад +1

      So little has survived.

    • @antivari100
      @antivari100 6 месяцев назад

      @@BenLlywelyn just Google Serbian Russian and Polish linguists you will understand very easy what they have to say...will be great if you compare it with Vincha script as well 🙋❤️

  • @serkankinden5150
    @serkankinden5150 Год назад +1

    I agree with Tanju Dermanlı, obviously Etruscan is Altaic originated. First of all it is agglutinative and ben/men is me and beni/meni is me accusative in turkic languages.
    Also, in elder turkic altaic gokturk alphabet (gök-türük = blue turks who were eastern brand of turks, mostly kirgiz and remained in central asia region and are vastly killed by mongols (C3 haplogroup) during invasions) was using both harsh and soft versions separately for consonants. In every turkic words, all consonants were harsh and used together with "a, ı, o/u" or all were soft used with "e, i, ö/ü". This is rule of turkic languages. (Try to inspect and understand the dialect from internet!)
    Still in todays turkish; b, c, d, g are soft and p, ch, t, k are harsh versions. Because surprisingly, we changed to latin alphabet today and tried to adapt in same way etruscan did. :D
    In my opinion, they were turkmens, bashkirs and anatolian turks who have immigrated to western europe over anatolia and balkans with their altai originated genetics R1, also told in herodotus writings as a foreign immigrations.

    • @BenLlywelyn
      @BenLlywelyn  Год назад +3

      Fascinating theory. And it is just as valid as my own. I think Some Native American, Japonic, Korean, Mongolic, Altaic, Turkic, Finno Ugric and Basque are all part of a long arch of distant families, which have lost several branches between them.

  • @OblateSpheroid
    @OblateSpheroid 2 года назад +2

    Shocking similarity to Indo-European language, including those other than Latin or Greek. Hard for me to believe based on the information present here that it wasn’t an Indo-European language.

    • @BenLlywelyn
      @BenLlywelyn  2 года назад +1

      Read the The Etruscan Language by Bonfante for deeper grammar study.

    • @maciejkulczycki3882
      @maciejkulczycki3882 9 месяцев назад

      What exactly is shocking? Mi?

  • @mikeg2306
    @mikeg2306 8 месяцев назад

    I’m wondering whether the -ic in the word for “golden” is the same as the -ic in English. -en and -ic both mean “sort of” or “like.”

    • @BenLlywelyn
      @BenLlywelyn  8 месяцев назад

      I doubt it. But I don't know.

    • @holdingpattern245
      @holdingpattern245 5 месяцев назад +1

      From Greek -ikos, Etruscans had a lot of contact with Greeks, so it's possible they borrowed it just like English did?

  • @deepakraag
    @deepakraag 7 месяцев назад

    Autochtonous you say? Acc. to my DNA, I am Etruscan and Anatolian although born in Campania. Scooch over Rasna.

  • @KenanTurkiye
    @KenanTurkiye Год назад +1

    Etruscan has been read by proto-Turk ''tamgas''.

    • @BenLlywelyn
      @BenLlywelyn  Год назад

      Has it?

    • @KenanTurkiye
      @KenanTurkiye Год назад +2

      @@BenLlywelyn Yes, but unfortunatelly because our academia is not very ''international'' and the international academia is not very pleased of a a non-''western'' foundation to portions of their history, it needs a great deal of digging up to source details in the english language, perhaps impossible.

  • @valmir1975
    @valmir1975 8 месяцев назад

    Let's end this , there are books already there which explain Etruscan can be translated only with the Albanian language.

    • @BenLlywelyn
      @BenLlywelyn  8 месяцев назад +1

      Many books are wrong, like Dracula.

    • @valmir1975
      @valmir1975 8 месяцев назад

      @@BenLlywelyn i specifically used the sentence : it can be translated...I hope you understand that definition.

  • @maciejkulczycki3882
    @maciejkulczycki3882 9 месяцев назад

    Spurethi: th - was it really Eglish "th"? Not aspirated "t"? The same relates to "ch" :)

    • @BenLlywelyn
      @BenLlywelyn  9 месяцев назад

      We don't know.

    • @maciejkulczycki3882
      @maciejkulczycki3882 9 месяцев назад +1

      @@BenLlywelyn : Not "we". It is you who presents another version of Etruscan phonetics. Based on what? According to what the linguists claim, there were 2 types of consonants p, t, k: aspirated and unaspirated. And no English "th", "ch".

    • @BenLlywelyn
      @BenLlywelyn  9 месяцев назад


  • @birgitrosenicora618
    @birgitrosenicora618 3 месяца назад +1

    Italian (Tuscany) BABBO
    English DAD
    Chinese BÀBA
    Albanese BABI
    Arab ‘AB
    Dogr BAAPU
    Korean APPA
    Nepalese BUBĀ
    Norvegese PAPPA
    Russia PAPA
    Shona BABA
    Somalo AABE
    Sudanese BAPA
    Swahili BABA
    Tamil APPĀ
    Ungherese APU
    Vietnamit BÔ’
    Yoruba BABA
    Zulu UBABA
    Italian PADRE, PAPÀ, BABBO (Tuscany)
    Mongolian AAV
    Korean ABEOJI
    Arab AB
    Albanese BABA
    Japanese OTŌSAN
    Giavanese BAPAK
    Greek BAMPÀS
    Hinei PAAPA

  • @ShkelzenGraci
    @ShkelzenGraci 5 месяцев назад

    There is language you have to learn for helping your explaination.albanian and its dialects.

    • @BenLlywelyn
      @BenLlywelyn  5 месяцев назад

      A enigmatic language - Albanian.

  • @frasseplanninggtlab6629
    @frasseplanninggtlab6629 2 года назад +5

    tray to translate with Albanien the language

  • @trien30
    @trien30 8 месяцев назад

    Marcus Tullius Cicero: His name should be pronounced "Kikerō" (Μάρκος Τύλλιος Κικέρων/Marcos Túllios(?) Kikérōn, in Greek) not "Sisero", if i were to spell it the way it should sound. Why English speakers always mangle sounds/names in foreign languages?!

  • @jcpuiia
    @jcpuiia 2 месяца назад

    last name is `PUIA OR `PUIIA. Also in the ```Etruscan language\

  • @kursatkadircanli9734
    @kursatkadircanli9734 3 месяца назад

    ProtoTurkic language, relative to GokTurk Alfabet

  • @OttomanGrandson
    @OttomanGrandson 4 месяца назад

    İt is so similar to old turkish

    • @BenLlywelyn
      @BenLlywelyn  4 месяца назад

      The Old Turkic we have is 1500 years after Etruscan on the otherside of Eurasia with little to no research done between the two.

    • @OttomanGrandson
      @OttomanGrandson 4 месяца назад

      @@BenLlywelyn doğrudur fakat ben birçok benzer kelime yakaladım

  • @ruleofpeacepriests6911
    @ruleofpeacepriests6911 26 дней назад

    It could be seen that they worship god Perun like Slavic people.

  • @msbarnes40342
    @msbarnes40342 8 месяцев назад

    How do you pronounce your last name?

    • @BenLlywelyn
      @BenLlywelyn  8 месяцев назад


    • @msbarnes40342
      @msbarnes40342 8 месяцев назад

      @@BenLlywelyn Very stylishly I might add.

  • @wednesdayschild3627
    @wednesdayschild3627 Год назад

    The words Talitha cumin was the words Jesus said when he resurrected a girl. That is aramaic. The aramaic word Tabitha is a female gazelle. Etruscan didn't have b.

  • @waldemarkaleta9456
    @waldemarkaleta9456 4 месяца назад +1


  • @Kieron-e5l
    @Kieron-e5l 3 месяца назад

    Ci,sar is Caesar! /13

  • @doridori8103
    @doridori8103 2 года назад +2

    today they call them slavs

    • @BenLlywelyn
      @BenLlywelyn  2 года назад +1

      I wonder how the Slavs feel about that.

    • @nestingherit7012
      @nestingherit7012 10 дней назад

      Italians don't have any slavic or R1a genres

  • @geluurs8235
    @geluurs8235 4 месяца назад

    we wuz etruzkangz comments ..

    • @BenLlywelyn
      @BenLlywelyn  4 месяца назад

      Spelling correctly helps one's prospects in life.

  • @jesperandersson889
    @jesperandersson889 Год назад +1

    It is at least zamthing

  • @frankwright1676
    @frankwright1676 Год назад

    Apa means father in inuit,and etruscan.

    • @zsoltdani6919
      @zsoltdani6919 11 месяцев назад

      Look it up, etrusc runic writing and Hungárian runic writing 😉
      Also Apa is in hun father!
      As in suar language, also American Indian tribes used Apa as father. Hun is the oldest language actually ☝️😉

    • @maciejkulczycki3882
      @maciejkulczycki3882 9 месяцев назад +1

      And abu in Arabic. Too little to judge.

    • @klmn48
      @klmn48 4 месяца назад

      and ata in turkik

  • @posmatrac6512
    @posmatrac6512 Год назад

    Try to compare it to slavic languages.Serbia,Bosnia, Croatia,Romania and Bulgaria also have Etruscian monuments.

  • @mykindofcooking
    @mykindofcooking Год назад

    Pellazgian - llyrian- Albanian

  • @zsoltdani6919
    @zsoltdani6919 11 месяцев назад

    Also, how can you speak or say anything when you don't know to decipher their writing and those meanings 😑

    • @BenLlywelyn
      @BenLlywelyn  11 месяцев назад


    • @zsoltdani6919
      @zsoltdani6919 11 месяцев назад

      @@BenLlywelyn Sir, reading and concluding sentences without actual meaning an opportunity for you? 🧐

    • @zsoltdani6919
      @zsoltdani6919 11 месяцев назад

      As an example.. 🤷‍♂️

  • @sashaarh
    @sashaarh 2 месяца назад

    It was Serbian.

  • @ricardo82shadow123
    @ricardo82shadow123 2 месяца назад

    In hittite and Turkish atta is father... Attaturk father of Turks 😊

    • @BenLlywelyn
      @BenLlywelyn  2 месяца назад +1

      Hittite was Indo-European, not Turkic.

  • @beastmaster334
    @beastmaster334 5 месяцев назад

    Etruscans language and people are west African and Nile Valley African

  • @zsoltdani6919
    @zsoltdani6919 11 месяцев назад

    Runic writing.. Ohh yeah, those are exactly similar with the Hungarian Rune's. Woooow, finally solved.
    And that just because agglutinating languages in Europe are... Awesome, yess
    Hungarian. Oh boy, why is it always oppressed from those who doesn't want to come out with the truth. First tribe in Europe and also first and oldest language.

    • @BenLlywelyn
      @BenLlywelyn  11 месяцев назад +1

      There is no evidence linking Hungarian and Etruscan. Agglutinasation happens in Japanese and Cherokee too.

    • @zsoltdani6919
      @zsoltdani6919 11 месяцев назад

      Actually Japanese linguists and some other profound Individuums wich were into finding links etc.
      are saying that hungarian connects and so on, with several other languages on another basis..
      But Sir, maybe I can look up to these articles and put down those links here 🤔

    • @zsoltdani6919
      @zsoltdani6919 11 месяцев назад

      I've got some more links, but you wouldn't be convinced anyways as i think. So thanks sir for you're few words 👌

  • @levolevo1059
    @levolevo1059 2 года назад +2

    Check the turkish dialeckt

    • @BenLlywelyn
      @BenLlywelyn  2 года назад


    • @levolevo1059
      @levolevo1059 Год назад

      @@BenLlywelyn why oh?it is altayic I can understand

    • @levolevo1059
      @levolevo1059 Год назад +1

      @@BenLlywelyn compare with turkic runes

    • @levolevo1059
      @levolevo1059 4 месяца назад

      Rasena=Asena (Royal blood in turks) ,,tarkan(high rank army officer ,top in turks),,alp (strong big soldier) etc

    • @levolevo1059
      @levolevo1059 4 месяца назад

      Une,,,is wrong ,,,ona in turkish to him or her

  • @birgitrosenicora618
    @birgitrosenicora618 3 месяца назад

    Latin AVUS (ancestor, grandfather)
    Italian AVO
    Chinese Ā-wò
    Korean ABO
    Japanese ABO
    Hindi EVO
    Mongolian AAV
    Italian (Tuscany) BABBO
    English DAD
    Chinese BÀBA
    Albanese BABI
    Arab ‘AB
    Dogr BAAPU
    Korean APPA
    Nepalese BUBĀ
    Norvegese PAPPA
    Russia PAPA
    Shona BABA
    Somalo AABE
    Sudanese BAPA
    Swahili BABA
    Tamil APPĀ
    Ungherese APU
    Vietnamit BÔ’
    Yoruba BABA
    Zulu UBABA
    Italian PADRE, PAPÀ, BABBO (Tuscany)
    Mongolian AAV
    Korean ABEOJI
    Arab AB
    Albanese BABA
    Japanese OTŌSAN
    Giavanese BAPAK
    Greek BAMPÀS
    Hinei PAAPA

  • @Saimir-cu3qx
    @Saimir-cu3qx 7 месяцев назад

    Lingua etrusca si traduzione solo in lingua albanese perché loro sono tosc perché tosca e un dialetto albanese

    • @BenLlywelyn
      @BenLlywelyn  7 месяцев назад

      Non vedo alcuna relazione tra la lingua albanese e quella etrusca.

  • @supermavro6072
    @supermavro6072 4 месяца назад

    it is illyrian language

  • @korana6308
    @korana6308 Год назад +1

    12:30 according to those examples, the word for sister would be "ester"
    It's simple...
    Etruscan - English - Russian ( Slavic)
    ati - mother - m ati ( Мать)
    apa - papa (father) - p apa ( Папа)
    ruva - brother - b rat ( Брат)
    sech - daughter - D och ( Дочь)
    ester - sister - s estra ( Сестра )

    • @BenLlywelyn
      @BenLlywelyn  Год назад +3

      What would be Slavic's ancestor was then barely formed and 2000 miles away.

    • @korana6308
      @korana6308 Год назад +2

      @@BenLlywelyn That's simply a lie.
      You can find Slavic ancestory in Scythians or European Scythians to be precise. They called themselves Skoloti later Scoloveni - Slav(s), which can be traced to at least 4th millenia BC.
      Skolo is basically sun going around the earth (The word school also derived from that root , a study of our ancestors of sun cycles basically) i. e. solar symbols, you can find them all over Europe (part of it was later stolen by the Germans in the 1930s...)
      In fact according to the Slavic calendar , it's around 7500th year right now...

    • @vlagavulvin3847
      @vlagavulvin3847 8 месяцев назад

      Lol, gimme some phonetical princilples to derive братръ from ruva or vice versa. So, the Skoloti are those poor folks who do need visiting schools till the end of their days, eh? Or maybe, just visiting a doctor is enuff?

  • @maciejzniebuszewa8077
    @maciejzniebuszewa8077 3 месяца назад

    The Etruscan language is a human language unlike English

  • @violetka1197
    @violetka1197 Год назад +2

    Albalonga Rome colli Albani Albano Laziale are founded by ilirians day olds Brooks letterature italians ,in the museums of Italy are sacrofaghes of etruscan in albanian language..,this thing Is knows now in all Italy,all Italy Is with origine albanian..!!

  • @mariaalmasi3374
    @mariaalmasi3374 Месяц назад

    Sorry I didn't know where is come from this stupidity, Etruscan was part of scythians Huns and magor. They are speaking the first language Akad summer.

  • @arjanspahiu9512
    @arjanspahiu9512 2 года назад +3

    Is Albanian 🇦🇱

    • @BenLlywelyn
      @BenLlywelyn  2 года назад +2

      Albanian food is good I hear.

    • @vaso2000
      @vaso2000 2 года назад

      @@BenLlywelyn Hello,I've seen some sentences in etruscan who are actually very same with the albanian language.can you explain it why?

    • @BenLlywelyn
      @BenLlywelyn  2 года назад +1

      @@vaso2000 Maybe someone was faking Etruscan?

    • @vaso2000
      @vaso2000 2 года назад +2

      @@BenLlywelyn no cause 2 albanian historians talked about it,and said the same things that were behind its giving you an example:
      Te urat tan na la rez ula me vaxr.
      Të urtët tanë na lanë rreze poshtë në varr.
      Our nobles left us rays down the grave.
      Both historians showed this on their book.there was a photo of this sentence that I showed you above of course in etruscan writing system.that means I didnt understood it,so i needed to learn the etruscan which i did and what the albanian historians told was true,so sir you need to find more information about the etruscan then talking that some things are fake

    • @level442FM
      @level442FM 2 года назад +2

      @@vaso2000 We need further studies and more facts on the subject in order to establish a link and a possible connection between those languages.
      Bringing up a incomplete sentence doesn't prove anything.
      Here is the full inscription: [T]eurat-tan na. La Rezu[ś] ame va-xr lautn Velthinas eśtla Afunaś sle-leth caru Tezan fuśleri tesnśteiś Raśneś.
      Translation: Judge Larth Rezus will not implement this, provided that the Velthina family (of the placing of the stone) (will allow) the first wife of Afuna, the beloved Thesan, to be venerated according to Etruscan laws."
      If you wish to learn more about the Etruscan language i can highly recommend "Zikh Rasna" by Rex E. Wallace and "The Etruscan Language - an introduction" by Giulano & Larissa Bonfante.

  • @guritarasi8732
    @guritarasi8732 2 года назад +9


    • @koimismenoss
      @koimismenoss Год назад +2

      Bro Etruscan and Pelasgian are non Indo-European languages while Albanian is which means that there is no connection between them

    • @BenLlywelyn
      @BenLlywelyn  Год назад

      This is true.

    • @guritarasi8732
      @guritarasi8732 Год назад

      Stele of Lemnos say a different's not a secret anymore🙃

    • @Cool-yr8go
      @Cool-yr8go 9 месяцев назад

      ​@@koimismenosswho tell you Albanian is indo-européennes 😅 in this time is just hypothèse dont know about Albanian langue in to much contry we have From words that look like there is a theory that the Albanian language is a language made by all the languages of Europe 🤣, there is the theory That the Albanian language is left by the Illyrian and the Illyrian is from Pelasges is always hypotheses have not found fact but to say that we are Indo-European does not seem like that Is not right and not proven who we are 🧐why we speak this language 🤦 just hypothesis

    • @koimismenoss
      @koimismenoss 9 месяцев назад

      @@Cool-yr8go stop spewing bullshit man

  • @ginaibisi777
    @ginaibisi777 Год назад +1

    Mi ni in Gheg Albanian Mi ni burrat to hear men me ni gruan to hear a woman,
    Une means I, beni means did it, sen means nothing so Etuscian language is Albanian Gheg not Turkish or Turkiç

    • @BenLlywelyn
      @BenLlywelyn  Год назад +1

      Hmmm. I don't follow.

    • @ginaibisi777
      @ginaibisi777 Год назад

      @@BenLlywelyn the words that Etuscians have used and Albanian Gheg dialekt that is spoken in Republic of Kosova are the same.

    • @ruleofpeacepriests6911
      @ruleofpeacepriests6911 26 дней назад

      ​Where it was spoken in 15 century,when Turkish statistic says that on Kosovo and Metohija was just few albanian families?

  • @waldemarkaleta9456
    @waldemarkaleta9456 4 месяца назад

    Kłamiesz, łżesz, wymyślasz bzdury.

  • @turistomer3702
    @turistomer3702 2 года назад +1

    english........ etruscan......... Turkic
    good................ ii...................... iyi
    to be..............
    honest............ ak.......... ak/dürüst
    elder brother... aga........... aga
    forefathers...... ataapa....... atası
    grandfather....... tata........... dede
    person.................. kıs...............kişi
    now.........................ena........ an/şimdi
    etruscan like all uraltaic-türkic languages is an aglutinante language, both have vocal harmony, neither have article, nor prefixes, both use the same comparison appendix, both use question suffix and in both languages, adjectives come before the noun.
    People are under the misconception that they called themselves Rasenna, they came from a place called Asenna, which was situated on the eastern shores of the caspian sea, so they referred to themselves as "Rasenna" > from /of Asenna, the name etruscan derives from the Indian and Arabic etrusk/al - etrusk meaning turkish, Asenna was also the name of the promised - land in their Turkic religion of Tengrism (the great tengri, creator and ruler of heaven and earth), and also the name of the Tengristic deity Asenna the she-wolf, which is supposed to lead them there, as per the bronze artefact unearthed in tuscany, it would have been part of a huge turkic confederacy, stretching from from southwest England, Germany thru to Iceland and to Japan and Korea, because it originated in eurasia, it contained many different ethnicities and their residual cultural and linguistic legacy,
    I can't confirm about the etruscans as I am only an amateur but I can tell you from other Turkic confederacies (sumerians(kengir turks), scythians (iskit turks), kipchaks,) that, local peoples in their new realms would be offered an internship for them to learn new job skills and be educated about etruscan life, this process typically taking 7 years, at the end of which they would be given a free land and all the rights as an etruscan, these people with the scythians were called "sllavs" >slave.

    • @BenLlywelyn
      @BenLlywelyn  2 года назад +1

      Thank you for watching. I am not sure about Turkic Nationalism and tend toward a native European root, something between Basque and Uralic.

    • @turistomer3702
      @turistomer3702 2 года назад +2

      @@BenLlywelyn Turkic nationalism?
      native European?, DNA shows the original settlers to be from central Asia,
      Basque is now accepted by some to be related to the amerindian languages and a lot of them like the Huron, the Cherokee, the navajo, the Aztec, and the Mayan carry hundreds of Turkic words, something beyond the realms of loan-words, some dating back 12.000 years, we know the early Turkic (uraltaic) speaking society, having discovered the caldeon zodiac, were able to transport themselves anywhere in the world with pinpoint accuracy, they would most likely would go on whaling expeditions from the Basque country and sometimes would go to places like Minnesota to extract precious metals,
      uralic belongs to Uraltaic,
      english:I've got an apple in my pocket
      hungarian :scebimde alma var
      turkish...... :cebimde elma var
      Ps. Thank you for the video.

    • @carteunu467
      @carteunu467 Год назад

      The Hunes were the Tartars invading the planes of Panonia Dacia. So indeed they have a Turkish connection

    • @alipola7303
      @alipola7303 6 месяцев назад

      yazdıkların yarısı arapça ve kürtçeden. CEP=arapçadan derine inersek oda kürtçe den
      JEP =
      +elbisenin kesik yeri (cep).
      BİR =iç kısımi+içerde +içinde+
      --BİR=ön + sakalın önü +ön kısım+ göğüs kafesi+yan+yön
      (kesikte içinde alma (kırmızı) var
      HEV=iç içe+birlikte+beraber +benzer+eş +dost+arkadaş+hamur
      AN / İN =getiren + getirmek+bir şeyi getirmek zamanı getirmek+
      MÊ=BEN (dişi 🚺

    • @alipola7303
      @alipola7303 6 месяцев назад

      Half of what you wrote is in Arabic and Kurdish. CEP = If we go deeper than Arabic, there is Kurdish.
      JEP =
      +cut part of the dress (pocket).
      ONE = inside + inside + inside +
      --ONE = front + front of beard + front part + ribcage + side + direction
      (the cut has alma (red) in it
      AN / İN = bringer + to bring + to bring something + to bring time +
      MÊ=I (female 🚺
      HUN = YOU + YOU

  • @jolantagenowefaukaszek6582
    @jolantagenowefaukaszek6582 6 месяцев назад +1

    Czy Autor zna język grecki i słowiański; to kluczowe; w Annopolu żyją w Turcji Polacy mówiący po staropolsku. Więcej mogą kojarzyć.Autorzy kultury celtyckiej niczego nie zrozumieją. Wokół Etrusków kwitła prasłowiańska prakultura Vinca i najazdy kaganatu. Stąd widzimy zmiękczenia, których brak u anglo-germanów, greków czy rzymian, którzy chronologicznie byli późniejsi.Alfabet posiada elementy cyrylicy i greki, trochę runicznych znaków. W mitologii mamy sugestię powiązań skandynawsko - greckich i ruskich/ Prometeusz i Herkules na Kaukazie i Zachodzie, Eneasz z Troi jako zakładający Rzym. Odkrycia z Troi i Myken po zasiedleniu Europy przez homo Heilderbengensis pod Maczugą Herkulesa 500 000 lat temu/ źródłowo z wykopalisk. Słowiańskie mumie są autochtoniczne nawet na chińskiej pustyni, więc dlaczego Ich protojęzyk i kultura nie miałby dotrzeć do znacznie bliższej chinom i Kałkazowii Toskanii. Kapłani Hiperborejscy przenieśli Omfalos do Delf, a więc kontaktowali się ze śródziemnomorzem.

  • @eh1702
    @eh1702 Год назад

    I was told it was the Phoenicians, who they traded with a lot, that the Etruscans got their letters from. What does it mean, to say that a language full of IE word roots is not an IE language? Several IE languages are agglutinative three or four steps, adding gender, plural, case. Eg Lithuanian Miestas. (į)miestą. mieste. miesto. City, to the city, in the city, the city’s/of the city. The plural “(possessive) the cities’/of the cities” = miestų. Pronouns work similarly. “Tu” = (familiar) you. Tau = to you/for you. Yours = tavo. “Kas tau?” = what’s with/for you? (What’s wrong?) “Kas tu?” = Who are you? (rudely familiar).
    Your examples:
    clan. “Clann” (Gaelic) children (of a progenitor).
    lautn. “Leute” German, people, only exists as a plural. Ukrainian & other slavic languages have “lyude”= people, & lyud = a people, a nation/race. (Superfamily).
    (Gaelic liuth = many. Or liuthad + noun = so many…)
    Neri. lithuanian Neris = popular girl’s name, as mother goddess & a national major river. Nerti = to plunge or dive.
    Satnal … sentinel? Sentry? One who watches (senses). Kinda sounds more borrowed from Latin or other IE than given to.
    What would Etruscan “my mother” be? Miati? Or given their habit of dropping vowels - Mati. And the daughter-word has obvious similarities to IE sister-words. (Female-relative words).
    I’m not saying it must be IndoEuropean, just struggling to see what it is that makes Etruscan any less IndoEuropean than Hittite or Luwian or Tocharian. What would the forerunner of Albanian have been like, just across the water?

    • @BenLlywelyn
      @BenLlywelyn  Год назад

      We simply don't know enough abour Etruscan to know even simple phrases. But we are fairly certain now it was pre-Indo-European.

    • @BenLlywelyn
      @BenLlywelyn  Год назад

      We simply don't know enough abour Etruscan to know even simple phrases. But we are fairly certain now it was pre-Indo-European.

  • @bojanzivotic2322
    @bojanzivotic2322 6 месяцев назад


  • @birgitrosenicora618
    @birgitrosenicora618 3 месяца назад

    Italian (Tuscany) BABBO
    English DAD
    Chinese BÀBA
    Albanese BABI
    Arab ‘AB
    Dogr BAAPU
    Korean APPA
    Nepalese BUBĀ
    Norvegese PAPPA
    Russia PAPA
    Shona BABA
    Somalo AABE
    Sudanese BAPA
    Swahili BABA
    Tamil APPĀ
    Ungherese APU
    Vietnamit BÔ’
    Yoruba BABA
    Zulu UBABA
    Italian PADRE, PAPÀ, BABBO (Tuscany)
    Mongolian AAV
    Korean ABEOJI
    Arab AB
    Sanskrit POP
    Albanese BABA
    Japanese OTŌSAN
    Giavanese BAPAK
    Greek BAMPÀS
    Hinei PAAPA

    • @BenLlywelyn
      @BenLlywelyn  3 месяца назад +1

      Now try Mam / Mother.

    • @birgitrosenicora618
      @birgitrosenicora618 3 месяца назад

      SANSKRIT: Mata
      LATIN: Mater
      GREEK: Mitéra - Mamá
      ITALIAN: Madre - Mamma - Ma’
      ENGLISH: Mother - Mom
      GERMAN: Mutter - Mutti
      NORVEGESE: Mor - Mamma
      FRENCH: Mère - Maman
      SPANISH: - Madre - Mamá
      CHINESE: Mŭqīn - Māmā
      JAPANESE: Hahaoya - Okāsan
      MONGOLIAN: Eej
      KOREAN: eomeoni - eomma
      HINDI: Maan
      ALBANIAN: nënë - Mam
      ROMANIAN: Mamă - Mama
      PHILIPPINE: Ina - Nanay
      ARAB: al’ um - ‘um
      GANDA: Maama
      ASSAMESE: Ma
      DOGRI: Maan
      NEPALESE: Āmā
      RUSSIAN: Mat’ - Mama
      SHONA: Amai
      SOMALO: Hooyo
      SUDANESE: Indung
      SWAHILI: Mama
      TAMIL: Am'mā
      TSONGA: Manana
      HUNGARIAN: Anyaǰĵ
      YORUBA: Iya
      ZULU: Umama
      JAVANESE: Ibu
      BULGARIAN: Maika - Mam
      KAZAKO: Anam
      SINGALESE: Mava - Ammā

  • @birgitrosenicora618
    @birgitrosenicora618 3 месяца назад

    Latin AVUS (ancestor, grandfather)
    Italian AVO
    Chinese Ā-wò
    Korean ABO
    Japanese ABO
    Hindi EVO
    Mongolian AAV
    Italian (Tuscany) BABBO
    English DAD
    Chinese BÀBA
    Albanese BABI
    Arab ‘AB
    Dogr BAAPU
    Korean APPA
    Nepalese BUBĀ
    Norvegese PAPPA
    Russia PAPA
    Shona BABA
    Somalo AABE
    Sudanese BAPA
    Swahili BABA
    Tamil APPĀ
    Ungherese APU
    Vietnamit BÔ’
    Yoruba BABA
    Zulu UBABA
    Italian PADRE, PAPÀ, BABBO (Tuscany)
    Mongolian AAV
    Korean ABEOJI
    Arab AB
    Albanese BABA
    Japanese OTŌSAN
    Giavanese BAPAK
    Greek BAMPÀS
    Hinei PAAPA