Space and time cannot be separated. Together they form space-time. Matter and energy are also part of space-time. They also cannot be separated from each other. All these properties are bound together by the speed of light, which is a constant and not a measurement.
(0:44)是Transcendental dialectic , 不是字幕出現的Transcentental Dialects.
Space and time cannot be separated. Together they form space-time. Matter and energy are also part of space-time. They also cannot be separated from each other. All these properties are bound together by the speed of light, which is a constant and not a measurement.
物質生命遍運不息 有存在無存在 心靈落實最重要 知識之好奇真偽 無限伸延 心思進化師 價值入路 仁格創造不常不斷
科學之探索精神 第二自然之自然 萬有隨風逝 英雄葉上樓 穹蒼寄聖言 天道任我行
罪之演化 戒慎恐懼 惻然有所覺 罪之無窮赫免無窮延續 如何了断 明心見性 一心化萬代 千秋盡知忠
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