Tibetan: Sikyong Dr. Lobsang Sangay's talk on Dolgyal at TCV

  • Опубликовано: 8 сен 2024
  • Sikyong Dr. Lobsang Sangay address Tibetan youngsters on Dolgyal Issue at Upper TCV school on 5th June, 2014

Комментарии • 27

  • @dawaon1
    @dawaon1 10 лет назад +3

    I am totally support after Dr. Lobsang Sangey View. Thank you opening the eyes behind dark living. We love you. Yaa its like parent responsiblitiy to show a way to children May you long live ever. Bodgyalo Free Tibet

  • @lotuschuki
    @lotuschuki 10 лет назад +2

    It is good to see how Sikyong interacted with students and encourage them to study well. I hope that next year there will be more student with colorful results.

  • @dawaon1
    @dawaon1 10 лет назад +1

    No Discrimination is make by CTA and Holiness, every choice is up to individual decision and judgment. Live yourself peacefully and let others live peacefully. Dont harm others if u cant help.

  • @shantidewa
    @shantidewa 10 лет назад +3

    Wow the boy at 49.12 is very brave hopefully they are not all brainwash and Know how to use brain more than faith

  • @maybury78
    @maybury78 10 лет назад +1

    It's a shame in recent years the Tibetan administration has caused such ill feeling amongst Tibetans and followers of Buddhism coming from Tibet. I guess there has always been disagreements and problems with mixing politics and religion in Tibet. Many of the respected lamas who helped to set up the Tibetans in exile were faithful Gelugpas who relied upon Dorje Shugden, but since the smear campaign begun in the 1970 and more so in recent years people think these people are some how evil or Chinese agents. Very sad. I pray that within the young Tibetans there are people who are less gullible and can see this corruption of the truth, and the need for religious freedom, free from political influence. In Europe we learned this lesson and have freedom of religion without discrimination, how lucky. May the buddhas bless everyone to develop wisdom and compassion.

    • @tibet-reality4019
      @tibet-reality4019 10 лет назад +1

      Shame on you. We know what is good and what is bad. Are you dump? Tell us who discriminating the people who work-ship the spirit monk? My class mate do workship this but nobody discriminate him. Don't lie if you don't know.

    • @wcangel
      @wcangel 9 лет назад +1

      Re "Chinese agents."
      That has been proven. The Chinese occupying forces favor the Shugden groups in East Tibet.
      And they strongly oppose the Dalai Lama in Beijing. It makes sense for the Chinese to support Shugden to humiliate the Dalai Lama. One more reason Tibetan Buddhists oppose Shugden.

    • @tenzinkalsang9664
      @tenzinkalsang9664 5 лет назад

      How gelupa depend on tibet,and shugden is not God and evil spirit in samkara and all gelupa is not worshiper of shugden and don't lie and don't fool people, shugden is not god from 5th Dalai lama itself and guru rinpoche also told the same, he is yithak in samkara. IF we worship shugden we can't keep nyima book at home coz shugden will kill the people.

  • @cooljungscooljungs4769
    @cooljungscooljungs4769 2 года назад


  • @uguensonam1459
    @uguensonam1459 7 лет назад

    Kunden, as the religious leader and supreme teacher, has the authority and duty to talk about Shugden and prevent his students from walking on the wrong path. However, CTA shouldn't interfere in this matter as CTA represents all Tibetans, not just those who are against Shugden propitiators. CTA has treated even Muslim and Christian Tibetans with great care, but how come they make a fuss when it comes to Dogyal. We complain a lot about lack of religious freedom in Tibet, but what right CTA has to talk about religious freedom when itself acts discriminatorily towards Shugden minority? CTA should care equally about every Tibetan irrespective of which religion or deity they practice.

    • @jonnyboy8143
      @jonnyboy8143 4 года назад

      Whole speech is about CTA policies. It's not religious talk.

  • @tenzinkalsang9664
    @tenzinkalsang9664 5 лет назад +1

    Sikyoung should talk what is shugden ?how shugden became evils spirit and story of entire shugden kajche pakongba and all from 5th Dalai lama itself against shugden,he just talking about education and all not talking to the point, sikyoung topic is shugden not the education, I have watched penpa tsering speech also he is talking about shugden only ,how shugden was evil spirit and all talking to the point coz he know topic. Shugden hates nyima sect and earlier shugden followers destroyed stupa of nyima and burn pacha of nyima coz of guru rinpoche, shugden is just disunity among bhuthism.

    • @agutenpa6597
      @agutenpa6597 Год назад

      If Dorje Shugden is evil then Dalai Lama's youngest brother, Ngari Rinpoche is reincarnation of Shugden itself.
      It is all political reason that this Shugden issue is created among Tibetans.

  • @sonamdargyekugyatsang9771
    @sonamdargyekugyatsang9771 10 лет назад

    I dont beleive tht. these student r TCV student coz there intelligent is very poor from the question raised to the Sikyong. Very uninteresting session . Am sure if this is taken in one Settlement tibetan school , it could hv. been much interesting coz settlent student r much better in intelligent wise. Am shocked to see tht. these student didnt even raise one question in concern for His Holliness security or things in this regard . Future of tibet in such people hand? Am speechless

    • @Tzchoedak
      @Tzchoedak 10 лет назад

      i am sure one student did ask about HHDL security, i suggest you to watch again the Q&A session in the video.

  • @Ommanepadmehun
    @Ommanepadmehun 10 лет назад

    I think it is high time Tibetan learn from on going racial problem in Iraq. Nothing good is going to come out of this controversy. Since this controversy began there has been monumental increase in Dorje Shugden follower.... specially in foreign countries like USA, Italy, England, Europe, Singapore, Taiwan, China and many others. It is almost like CTA has worked hard to popularize the worship of this protector. C'mon guys, you think we rely on protector Dorje Shugden for money? I would rather worship warren Buffett if that is the case. lol This is just private animosity fight and I don't wanna wate my time here - re-living old battle. This controversy will remain as the seed of huge problem for future Tibet if we do not stop it here - for both the Protector and Incarnation of HHDL will be here long after we all are gone. Do we want to leave this problematic legacy behind us for our next generation. Why not let people worship whatever they want to worship and instead focus our energy in Tibet Issue - which is independent Tibet. Wake up!

    • @wcangel
      @wcangel 9 лет назад +1

      Dorje drakpa
      Re : " there has been monumental increase in Dorje Shugden follower."
      No. The relative precentage of Shugden practiioners is shrinking every year in the West.
      I am connected to over sixty tantric gurus and I know what is happening in these schools.
      Sakyas and Nyingmas and Kagyus reject Dorje Shugden. So doe the FPMT and so does the Dalai Lama.
      The Gelugpa school is torn apart. But as of 2015 the Dalai Lama approach has won across the board.
      Shugden practitioners are marginalized and they are generally avoided.
      Furthermore, the New Kadampa have cut themselves off from everybody else, even other Gelugpas, so they really have no future. The New Kadampa has a lot of resources and a lot of people in the West, but they will fall.
      You're the one who needs to wake up. The Shugden faction has LOST.
      The American West Coast is very rich in Buddhist tantra, but the Shugden supporters are very weak.
      And you're wrong about Taiwan too. The major Taiwanese school of tantra does no Shugden.
      No one is prevented from doing Dorje Shugden in Australia, North America or Europe. You foolishly make a false claim there, and I refute it.
      In other words, you lose. You're also clueless about Iraq. You know absolutely nothing about Iraq or you wouldn't talk about a racial problem there. The problem with Iraq is Islamic State, and that problem is violence and oppression and jihad. Not that you know up from down, dorky drukkie.
      Buy a clue! You lose here. And I have met and bested many Shugden followers on youtube. They are so clueless. Adn they don't learn. The game is Over. The Dalai Lama WON. Just so everyone knows.

  • @tinawangmo3909
    @tinawangmo3909 10 лет назад

    It's not first time HH and CTA tried to create disharmony among tibtans. .. Taiwan pho, chushi khangdruk, Shugden issues. ..am wondering what's next on their agenda other than working towards rangzen.