amazing Oliver, as someone who just started in microphotography I'm very interested in the new video series, been playing with microscopes for more than 10 years but never had an urge to know what are these microbes and what are their names, I'll be waiting for videos.
Yea ! Love it ! Thanks a lot the series ! (and all the work involved !).
amazing Oliver, as someone who just started in microphotography I'm very interested in the new video series, been playing with microscopes for more than 10 years but never had an urge to know what are these microbes and what are their names, I'll be waiting for videos.
A great idea. This will be a valuable online resource for people worldwide 🙂
I'm excited for this series!
Great vid, like the heavens so many people forget to take the time to look up...or down. :)
Looking for just this kind of thing. . .posted yesterday! Talk about lucky.
Oh, i hope this seies takes off and grows fast
what microscope did u use??
Omg yes!