I bought this compressor, but mine came with a noise from the power transformer, a fuse blew, then it no longer turns on, the other fuse only worked a little, now it doesn't turn on, I really want to change the transformer, do you think the transformer 15w line would work?? The voltage is 220 volts in my city (Brasilia, Brazil), there was a lot of damage to the bodywork due to the delivery, it was severely dented, I believe this caused the damage, the plates are good because it worked with the buzzing sound for a few moments and the components They behaved well, I would really appreciate this confirmation regarding the source, please, I hope someone can help me with this! thanks in advance to the blessed one !!!
I bought this compressor, but mine came with a noise from the power transformer, a fuse blew, then it no longer turns on, the other fuse only worked a little, now it doesn't turn on, I really want to change the transformer, do you think the transformer 15w line would work?? The voltage is 220 volts in my city (Brasilia, Brazil), there was a lot of damage to the bodywork due to the delivery, it was severely dented, I believe this caused the damage, the plates are good because it worked with the buzzing sound for a few moments and the components They behaved well, I would really appreciate this confirmation regarding the source, please, I hope someone can help me with this! thanks in advance to the blessed one !!!
Di hidupkan dulu trafo tanpa mesin apakah fuse masih putus.kalau putus trafo terbakar,kalau tidak terbakar rangkaian ada yang rusak .
Eu tenho uma mesa sem insert como eu faria a ligação do compressor na mesa sem insert
Mixer compressor Equaliser power amplifier
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utamakan mic saja
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