WHO IS FUCKING HYPED? Confused on how low you should squat? What's a safe depth for you body? Here is a pretty thorough explanation of how low you should squat. I talk about butt wink, why it likely occurs and how to improve your safe squat depth if you aren't happen with your current depth. TIME TO WORK ON THAT HIP FLEXION. If you like this style of video (introduction talking and then a demonstration while with a mic vs B-Roll) like this video and leave a comment. Huge shout out to Dean Somerset for showing me this: deansomerset.com/butt-wink-aout-hamstrings/
Surely the the degree of external rotation of the hip can have a massive influence on how deep someone can squat. I have no problem wiping floor with my ass (srs) with a fairly narrow squat and knees pointed slightly out. This is all without a buttwink. However if i change my stance to a wider stance or point my toes straight I lose depth or i start to get a buttwink. My point is that during this demonstration you ask people to lift their knee straight up, the maximum height of the knee (with no butwink) may not be an accurate representation of squat depth in people that squat with a significant external rotation of the hip. It may be better for some to do this test while externally rotating the knees and finding that sweet spot that allow for the highest point of knee height while avoiding buttwink.. Please correct me if I'm wrong. //Just a regular dude with no calves
I dont understand. So i stick with David Prowse style. Dave is former bodyduilder, and darth vader. Here is his style: "Back straight whole movement, legs as wide as your shoulders. Toes 45degree, outside. Angle between upper leg and lower leg should be 90 degree. Hold breath while going down, breath out while going up." No weights. Use your body weight that is now to me 137kg = 302lbs. In four days of fitness lifestyle, i have loss weight 3kg = 7lbs...
dude this is awesome. I've been dealing with butt wink after rehabbing a hip injury and this immediately added an inch or two in depth before rounding. Somerset is a wizard!
Bromar, just wanted to thank you for the video. I had started losing tightness at the bottom for powerlifting training, and injured my adductors a couple of months back. As part of my rehab I'm just getting into oly lifting movements, and this video really helped me take a stock of my current mobility. Specially the drill you show is the thing! Probably one of the best warm-up exercises I've done. Thanks for being a good bro, Omar!
Dude this helped me immediately. I've always had very good mobility, however, when I got to "ATG" I had a fair amount of butt wink. After doing this drill, I've noticed how little I used to activate my hip flexors. Now I'm able to still hit a very deep squat but with little to no butt wink.
Omar, I love you man and I think you are without a doubt one of the few extremely knowledgeable trainers ever. I just wanted to correct you and say butt wink is when the pelvis posteriorly tilts not anteriorly tilts.
just as an observation, people squat with difference stances and with difference angles of the toes to tailor to their body type. so if you were to lift your leg on an outward angle, you may be able to bring your knee higher due to hip insertion point. can someone clarify?
Randy Boudreau I agree. I usually squat a bit wider and this exercise I can do about the same as omar but hold it way higher when it's closer to my natural squats position. clarification!
what kinda question is that! I'LL SQUAT TILL THE DAY I FUCKIN DIE!!!!!! Still not working calves tho. edit: just started watching the vid and now I feel stupid. Still not working calves tho.
I'm confused as hell as to what the meaning of this video was. Is this for me to figure out that I have to cut depth or is this to strengthen my hips so I don't have to cut depth? Or is it both? I've been up for more than 24h and I need some clarity.
Oma, as always great content but i have a question, when you do this exersice do you press your lower back onto the wall, turning into posterior pelvic tilt or you only put your butt and upper back on the wall and you can fit a hand beetwen your lower back and the wall???
I know there are multiple videos on this but I would love to have a video kind of summarizing everything you did and are doing to get rid of these SI issues.
Isn't forcing hip flexion a bad thing since most of us sit for a long period of time in that position? Wouldn't it be better to be trying to maintain and force his extension? Its the whole purpose of the common lunging hip flexor stretch that helps with buttwink.
You are correct, but I think this is more about gaining control over your hip flexors. Sitting all day will tighten them, but it will also make them inactive. I believe that this is hip flexor activation in the same way that you would do glute activation. It's probably a good idea to also stretch them out.
Omar I asked on a previous vid on the comments why do my knees click when I squat and is that meant to happen? Have you already made a video about that?
Been meaning to ask you since you know alot about the science of lifting. My chest days usually go like this: incline dumbell press, decline dumbell press, chest dips, low to high cable fly, high to low cable fly. Since compound excersizes are more effective at building the chest than isolation , wouldn't it be better to replace the flys with more sets of compound excersizes? Or do the flys enegage the muscle in a different beneficial way?
I can bring my knees almost to my chest with this exercise but i squat above parallel because of groin pain with high weight. I think i will lower the weight and learn perfect technique
I squat to a bench depth (regular gym bench, around 18 inches high). when my butt touches the bench, i get back up and i badly need the bench as a reminder of adequate depth. Can you plz confirm if a regular gym bench height is low enough for squats? if it's not then i have been doing half squats for all this time.. sigh
But Omar, ankle mobility aka dorsiflexion in the tarsus will actually help "lower" a squat to. Or are just assuming one already have maximum ankle mobility ?
Not sure how I feel about this one. I'm well aware that I already have ridiculously tight hip flexors that I have to stretch every day (the other direction).
When you mentioned how you felt the burn it made me feel less like a loser for feeling like crap Thanks for the tip as the squat is my favorite compound movement, lawls!
omar instead of my back firing during squats, my hip flexors fire during squats. in fact, my left hip flexor feels tight and theres a little pain when squatting low. is this related?
Have you tried squatting outside of the weight room? I'm talking about "third world squatting" as an alternative to sitting on the couch. You can incorporate that pretty easily, do it when watching TV or when brushing your teeth etc.
Mithridates123 Yep all the time, stay in the squat position and stretch my hips etc. I can do goblet squats perfect and front squats just fine. My back just does all sorts of weird bends when i back squat then it hurts for days 😞
Great video thanks omar! What is your thought on how to prevent discomfort in the knees when squatting? And weird thing is I don't always get it but when I do usually 2 days after squatting, not right the next day ^.^
omar, in atg olympic squats, how do get yourself out of the hole? using knees or hip drive? where do you feel the muscle worked? i can bring my knees higher almost close to my chest and i still have buttwink, it is because of atp? subscribed
Omar should you still do this if you naturally have overactive hip flexors ? I feel my hip flexors severely cramp up. Leg raises, quad movements and etc.
Hey Omar, I've been squatting 3x a week for a few months now, and since i've been hitting more and more weight, i feel less and less confident the movement. I do a high bar squat, and go way below parallel. However, since i've been doing heavier weights, my form at the bottom position has been feeling extremely uncomfortable. Typically you wouldn't want to hit the "bump" at the bottom of the squat, but in my case, even though I'm trying to restrict the full ROM, my body still lowers and lowers until it bounces. Instead, i want to be able to hit just below parallel, and then push back up without my body wanting to go even lower. Is there any sort of practice that i should do to change this?
guys my knee hurt when i stop before my butt wink...but if i go full depth then it feels like it deloads the knee and i dont get much pain. i have to find a way to increase my squat depth. HELP ME
Interesting that you mentioned Dean Domersett. He is one of the credible sources that I found that discusses how squat depth is genetic and determined by hip flexion. I don't mean to sound rude. But you left out the part where Dean Domersett discusses how hip flexion is limited to bone on bone contact. When the femur runs into the hip socket, you reached your maximum amount of hip flexion. And when you demonstrated this test of bringing your knee up, you brought your leg directly in front of you, as apposed to the side. In a squat your legs are more externally rotated, wider stance with toes pointed out. You are more likely to have more hip flexion in that position (depending on the person). Which is why in your case, you were able to produce more hip flexion in your actual squat, vs when you brought your knee up. I had to do years of research to figure out that squat depth is genetic. There is no, "one size fits all." Range of motion is individual depending on the person. Everyone argues that you have to squat as low as you can to develop the posterior chain. Let's analyze this. The posterior chain (glutes/hamstring) are responsible for hip extension. In order to extend the hips. You must flex at the hips. The hip flexors flex the hips. It's similar to how your biceps flex your elbow. And your tricep extends the elbow. Now that we understand that in order to fully work the posterior chain in a squat, we must get a good amount of hip flexion. But here is where things get tricky. And we move to the skeleton and anatomy. You run out of hip flexion once your femur makes contact with your hip socket. And once you run out of hip flexion. The only way to get lower in a squat, is to compensate and flex at the spine (butt wink). When this happens. You aren't flexing anymore at the hips. And the stress will shift to your lower back. The stress is taken away from the posterior chain. And placed on the lower back. And since your knees are still flexing, this load can go to the quads and knees as well. Think of when you are doing bicep curls. If your elbow is going up, that is your shoulders now doing the work. And not the biceps anymore. In order to keep tension on the posterior chain, and protect the lower back and knees, you have to squat with a neutral spine (maintaining the natural curvature of the spine). But here is the thing. Everyone's anatomy is different. Everyone has different femur and hip socket shapes. Some people don't have the right amount of hip flexion to squat parallel. And in order to get parallel, they have to butt wink. Some people can only quarter squat or half squat before they butt wink or strain their knees. And before you throw me under the bus. Let me provide research. This article is on Bret Contreras website. Featuring strength coach Dean Somersett. For those of you who don't know, Bret Contreras is a legendary strength coach. A sport scientist. And he invented the exercise, "the hip thrust." @t That article explains hip flexion and anatomy. And if that article is too long and boring. Here is a video of Bret Contreras himself: @LRZk In that video he discusses how those with limited hip flexion have what is called a, "celtic hip." Basically they can only do a half squat or quarter squat before they butt wink. Here is an article on T-Nation regarding squat depth, and showing how to measure an individuals hip flexion: @t And if the article is too long, these 2 videos should do: @ @ And if you research Dr. Stuart McGill, he emphasizes how there should little to no movement on the spine when squatting and deadlifting. For health and longevity of the lower back. But if you have the ability to squat to parallel or below, with the right amount of hip flexion to keep the spine neutral, then you should squat to depth. Full range of motion is individual and it is not a, "one size fits all." And I already know you are going to argue, "but studies show that ATG squats are safer on the knees. And half squats place the most sheer force on the knees." It's true. But once again this depends on the individual. How do we know the people in the study weren't doing sissy squats? As apposed to loading the hips? How do you know the study only grabbed people who have the right hip amount of flexion and can squat ATG with a neutral spine? And it's not only about hip flexion. Mechanics change due to proportions as well. Such as limb length. But we already know that once you butt wink, you unload the hips. And the stress will go to your lower back, and knees. Here are 2 more articles that discuss squat mechanics and joint positioning: @t @t
PLEASE HELP. Squats are one of my top favourite moves but i stopped due to my hip flexors. they fire and my depth is good. BUT they don't relax afterwards, they lock up and after a squat session i have a lot of sharp pain at the top of my hip flexors. HOW DO I FIX THIS ?
loveitreallyhard how is your internal hip rotation? have you tried to narrow your stance? both of these helped me with bad hip pain and haven't caused knee pain
i had a slipped disc (l4-l5) and had the surgery to remove the bulging part of the disc. It's been 4 months, should i start sqauts and DLs again or wait?
Omar, I just tested my mobility and I can get my knee pretty high (past parallel) without much effort, but I still get a slight butt wink at the bottom of my squat - suggestions?
Jon Goerig I've heard you want to breathe through your diaphragm. is that just essentially taking in a big breath then sticking your stomach out? Or is it something else
man ive consulted with therapists and researched for hours on end for 4 months straight after a hip impingement and at 6 '3 229 lbs i can squat ATG oly lifting all day, almost anyone can squat ATG if they truly dedicate some time into mobility
I was watching this video wondering if I was going too deep on my squats (nearly ass-to-grass)... then I remembered I can raise my knee all the way up to my lower chest (almost touching my chest if I use my hands). Those years of Karate were good for something, I guess.
today i found afters years on conventional dl that doing my sumo i felt strong as fuck and it felt so natural.... i wish i could find that same feeling with the squad, really tuff exercise, i have long arms and long legs.
Omars example is only a test to see where your range of motion is at. But as far as working on actively increasing hip mobility and flexion, I'm sure would be useful in both performance and injury prevention
Confused on how low you should squat? What's a safe depth for you body? Here is a pretty thorough explanation of how low you should squat. I talk about butt wink, why it likely occurs and how to improve your safe squat depth if you aren't happen with your current depth.
TIME TO WORK ON THAT HIP FLEXION. If you like this style of video (introduction talking and then a demonstration while with a mic vs B-Roll) like this video and leave a comment.
Huge shout out to Dean Somerset for showing me this: deansomerset.com/butt-wink-aout-hamstrings/
Surely the the degree of external rotation of the hip can have a massive influence on how deep someone can squat. I have no problem wiping floor with my ass (srs) with a fairly narrow squat and knees pointed slightly out. This is all without a buttwink. However if i change my stance to a wider stance or point my toes straight I lose depth or i start to get a buttwink.
My point is that during this demonstration you ask people to lift their knee straight up, the maximum height of the knee (with no butwink) may not be an accurate representation of squat depth in people that squat with a significant external rotation of the hip. It may be better for some to do this test while externally rotating the knees and finding that sweet spot that allow for the highest point of knee height while avoiding buttwink..
Please correct me if I'm wrong.
//Just a regular dude with no calves
+HelloCacao absolutely, I was trying to make this as simple as possible (yet somehow made the video 10 minutes, lol) but this is absolutely true!
What about the frog position/test?
I dont understand. So i stick with David Prowse style. Dave is former bodyduilder, and darth vader. Here is his style: "Back straight whole movement, legs as wide as your shoulders. Toes 45degree, outside. Angle between upper leg and lower leg should be 90 degree. Hold breath while going down, breath out while going up." No weights. Use your body weight that is now to me 137kg = 302lbs. In four days of fitness lifestyle, i have loss weight 3kg = 7lbs...
3 sets per side? 15 seconds each? U ain't fooling me Omar. I ain't doing cardio.
13hours late....damnit :(
I squat as low as my bank account
Bill Gates be like "FUCK"
dude this is awesome. I've been dealing with butt wink after rehabbing a hip injury and this immediately added an inch or two in depth before rounding. Somerset is a wizard!
Bromar, just wanted to thank you for the video. I had started losing tightness at the bottom for powerlifting training, and injured my adductors a couple of months back. As part of my rehab I'm just getting into oly lifting movements, and this video really helped me take a stock of my current mobility. Specially the drill you show is the thing! Probably one of the best warm-up exercises I've done.
Thanks for being a good bro, Omar!
Dude this helped me immediately. I've always had very good mobility, however, when I got to "ATG" I had a fair amount of butt wink. After doing this drill, I've noticed how little I used to activate my hip flexors. Now I'm able to still hit a very deep squat but with little to no butt wink.
Dude you it's like you read my mind. I had that question come up to me today during leg day. I guess you are the better Omar.
So would you say Clarence just has wizard hip flexors then? His ATG seems more painful than castration
Omar, I love you man and I think you are without a doubt one of the few extremely knowledgeable trainers ever. I just wanted to correct you and say butt wink is when the pelvis posteriorly tilts not anteriorly tilts.
Its all good man, its happened to me as well when I try to have a one take show.
just as an observation, people squat with difference stances and with difference angles of the toes to tailor to their body type. so if you were to lift your leg on an outward angle, you may be able to bring your knee higher due to hip insertion point. can someone clarify?
Randy Boudreau I agree. I usually squat a bit wider and this exercise I can do about the same as omar but hold it way higher when it's closer to my natural squats position. clarification!
Randy Boudreau exactly what I was thinking
what kinda question is that! I'LL SQUAT TILL THE DAY I FUCKIN DIE!!!!!! Still not working calves tho.
edit: just started watching the vid and now I feel stupid. Still not working calves tho.
I will never raise my calves in the gym again. too many bad memories.
Omar Isulf I like how you bring this important info from specialists to us.
I'm confused as hell as to what the meaning of this video was. Is this for me to figure out that I have to cut depth or is this to strengthen my hips so I don't have to cut depth? Or is it both? I've been up for more than 24h and I need some clarity.
Oma, as always great content but i have a question, when you do this exersice do you press your lower back onto the wall, turning into posterior pelvic tilt or you only put your butt and upper back on the wall and you can fit a hand beetwen your lower back and the wall???
Lets be honest. idgaf who's first I'm here for Omar and the notification squaaad
Huge thank you Omar for the continued content, one of the few fitness youtubers I still follow after my bro days.
Every Omar video is must-see content. Never know where the video might go.
There's only one activity that gets my hips flexors tired and it isn't squatting.
Omar make a vid about shoulder problems with snapping in mid delt and front with some pain here and there
WarWolf, Go check out @VinnieRehab on IG. He literally just made a post about this!
Zach, thank man
I like how you used your knee sleeves to add girth to your calves.
BTW, I like this format for teaching prehab/rehab type movements.
I know there are multiple videos on this but I would love to have a video kind of summarizing everything you did and are doing to get rid of these SI issues.
Was literally staring in the mirror today trying to figure this out ..video came at perfect time, way to be G Omar👌
Very good, informative video man! Can you also recommend any stretches that can aid in deeper squats. Thanks.
Isn't forcing hip flexion a bad thing since most of us sit for a long period of time in that position? Wouldn't it be better to be trying to maintain and force his extension? Its the whole purpose of the common lunging hip flexor stretch that helps with buttwink.
Andrew Song same
You are correct, but I think this is more about gaining control over your hip flexors. Sitting all day will tighten them, but it will also make them inactive. I believe that this is hip flexor activation in the same way that you would do glute activation. It's probably a good idea to also stretch them out.
Omar I asked on a previous vid on the comments why do my knees click when I squat and is that meant to happen? Have you already made a video about that?
Zeshan Khan these sounds are caused by gases escaping the joints, it's not something to be worried about unless it hurts.
Steve thanks for letting me know been a worry of mine for sometime now
Very good video, I can see this being helpful to alot of people. I'm an advanced lifter so nothing i didn't know but atleast it was good presentation
Been meaning to ask you since you know alot about the science of lifting. My chest days usually go like this: incline dumbell press, decline dumbell press, chest dips, low to high cable fly, high to low cable fly. Since compound excersizes are more effective at building the chest than isolation , wouldn't it be better to replace the flys with more sets of compound excersizes? Or do the flys enegage the muscle in a different beneficial way?
I can bring my knees almost to my chest with this exercise but i squat above parallel because of groin pain with high weight. I think i will lower the weight and learn perfect technique
I squat to a bench depth (regular gym bench, around 18 inches high). when my butt touches the bench, i get back up and i badly need the bench as a reminder of adequate depth. Can you plz confirm if a regular gym bench height is low enough for squats? if it's not then i have been doing half squats for all this time.. sigh
Thats why my Sciatic is probably fucked up :D
Would be awesome if you could do videos about Sciatica in Powerlifting
Is this something you can do even if you have an anterior pelvic tilt, without making the tilt worse?
What are those shoes, plz make a video about why u stopped using adipose or why u dont use nike romaleos
I also use my knee sleeves to cover my small calves...
But Omar, ankle mobility aka dorsiflexion in the tarsus will actually help "lower" a squat to. Or are just assuming one already have maximum ankle mobility ?
Not sure how I feel about this one. I'm well aware that I already have ridiculously tight hip flexors that I have to stretch every day (the other direction).
Love your material man! No B.S. keep up the good work!
When you mentioned how you felt the burn it made me feel less like a loser for feeling like crap
Thanks for the tip as the squat is my favorite compound movement, lawls!
omar instead of my back firing during squats, my hip flexors fire during squats. in fact, my left hip flexor feels tight and theres a little pain when squatting low. is this related?
My hips and ankles are just too tight to back squat. I simply cannot without turning it into a good morning. I'm stuck front squatting for life.
Deathstroke 0331 why not just stretch and eventually get to back squats
Deathstroke 0331 have you tried high rep low weight and long pause squats? those have helped me with my technique and gaining mobility
Deathstroke 0331 the same
Have you tried squatting outside of the weight room? I'm talking about "third world squatting" as an alternative to sitting on the couch. You can incorporate that pretty easily, do it when watching TV or when brushing your teeth etc.
Yep all the time, stay in the squat position and stretch my hips etc. I can do goblet squats perfect and front squats just fine. My back just does all sorts of weird bends when i back squat then it hurts for days 😞
Great video thanks omar! What is your thought on how to prevent discomfort in the knees when squatting? And weird thing is I don't always get it but when I do usually 2 days after squatting, not right the next day ^.^
oh my god, this might be what I was missing in my squat. Thank you, Omar.
Would it be better to lay down on the floor and do it? or does it have to be stood up?
Loving the content you’re putting out. Thanks!
omar, in atg olympic squats, how do get yourself out of the hole? using knees or hip drive? where do you feel the muscle worked?
i can bring my knees higher almost close to my chest and i still have buttwink, it is because of atp? subscribed
Omar should you still do this if you naturally have overactive hip flexors ? I feel my hip flexors severely cramp up. Leg raises, quad movements and etc.
Trying this asap great tip and Omar!!
Hey Omar, I've been squatting 3x a week for a few months now, and since i've been hitting more and more weight, i feel less and less confident the movement. I do a high bar squat, and go way below parallel. However, since i've been doing heavier weights, my form at the bottom position has been feeling extremely uncomfortable. Typically you wouldn't want to hit the "bump" at the bottom of the squat, but in my case, even though I'm trying to restrict the full ROM, my body still lowers and lowers until it bounces. Instead, i want to be able to hit just below parallel, and then push back up without my body wanting to go even lower. Is there any sort of practice that i should do to change this?
always clutch with dope knowledge gains! not only does this get my excited to squat but I'm #FUCKINGHYPED
Awesome tip Omar!!! definetely tryin this on the next squatday :)
Will there be a European shipping centre for those shirts? I definitely want one but with shipping costs and taxes it'd be quite expensive.
Which exercise out of the big 3 lifts (deadlift - squat - bench) would be the most optimal for general strength?
Freezer Deadlift only because its more of a full body movement, but they all provide different strengths.
Should I be bulking at 14% body fat, cause I'm small as is. 5'9" 161lbs, or should I cut down?
guys my knee hurt when i stop before my butt wink...but if i go full depth then it feels like it deloads the knee and i dont get much pain.
i have to find a way to increase my squat depth.
OmarIsuf, you literally made the same video 6 months ago.
it's the past brother... it's the past ! This one is recent lol
my hip makes a poping noise when i lower my leg down standing against the wall.
i am able to hold it up by my chest but my butt wink starts above parallel... frustrating
Hi omar ,What about knee pain when going deep ? weakness or something else ?
Would you say that this also applies to the front squat?
Interesting that you mentioned Dean Domersett. He is one of the credible sources that I found that discusses how squat depth is genetic and determined by hip flexion. I don't mean to sound rude. But you left out the part where Dean Domersett discusses how hip flexion is limited to bone on bone contact. When the femur runs into the hip socket, you reached your maximum amount of hip flexion. And when you demonstrated this test of bringing your knee up, you brought your leg directly in front of you, as apposed to the side. In a squat your legs are more externally rotated, wider stance with toes pointed out. You are more likely to have more hip flexion in that position (depending on the person). Which is why in your case, you were able to produce more hip flexion in your actual squat, vs when you brought your knee up. I had to do years of research to figure out that squat depth is genetic. There is no, "one size fits all." Range of motion is individual depending on the person. Everyone argues that you have to squat as low as you can to develop the posterior chain. Let's analyze this. The posterior chain (glutes/hamstring) are responsible for hip extension. In order to extend the hips. You must flex at the hips. The hip flexors flex the hips. It's similar to how your biceps flex your elbow. And your tricep extends the elbow. Now that we understand that in order to fully work the posterior chain in a squat, we must get a good amount of hip flexion. But here is where things get tricky. And we move to the skeleton and anatomy. You run out of hip flexion once your femur makes contact with your hip socket. And once you run out of hip flexion. The only way to get lower in a squat, is to compensate and flex at the spine (butt wink). When this happens. You aren't flexing anymore at the hips. And the stress will shift to your lower back. The stress is taken away from the posterior chain. And placed on the lower back. And since your knees are still flexing, this load can go to the quads and knees as well. Think of when you are doing bicep curls. If your elbow is going up, that is your shoulders now doing the work. And not the biceps anymore. In order to keep tension on the posterior chain, and protect the lower back and knees, you have to squat with a neutral spine (maintaining the natural curvature of the spine). But here is the thing. Everyone's anatomy is different. Everyone has different femur and hip socket shapes. Some people don't have the right amount of hip flexion to squat parallel. And in order to get parallel, they have to butt wink. Some people can only quarter squat or half squat before they butt wink or strain their knees. And before you throw me under the bus. Let me provide research. This article is on Bret Contreras website. Featuring strength coach Dean Somersett. For those of you who don't know, Bret Contreras is a legendary strength coach. A sport scientist. And he invented the exercise, "the hip thrust."
That article explains hip flexion and anatomy. And if that article is too long and boring. Here is a video of Bret Contreras himself:
In that video he discusses how those with limited hip flexion have what is called a, "celtic hip." Basically they can only do a half squat or quarter squat before they butt wink.
Here is an article on T-Nation regarding squat depth, and showing how to measure an individuals hip flexion:
And if the article is too long, these 2 videos should do:
And if you research Dr. Stuart McGill, he emphasizes how there should little to no movement on the spine when squatting and deadlifting. For health and longevity of the lower back. But if you have the ability to squat to parallel or below, with the right amount of hip flexion to keep the spine neutral, then you should squat to depth. Full range of motion is individual and it is not a, "one size fits all." And I already know you are going to argue, "but studies show that ATG squats are safer on the knees. And half squats place the most sheer force on the knees." It's true. But once again this depends on the individual. How do we know the people in the study weren't doing sissy squats? As apposed to loading the hips? How do you know the study only grabbed people who have the right hip amount of flexion and can squat ATG with a neutral spine? And it's not only about hip flexion. Mechanics change due to proportions as well. Such as limb length. But we already know that once you butt wink, you unload the hips. And the stress will go to your lower back, and knees.
Here are 2 more articles that discuss squat mechanics and joint positioning:
hey Omar. Does butt wink matter in frontsquat, ohs or in a clean? hope you answer
Should I do this as a warmup, or on a rest day? Thanks
do you notice by yourself that squatting with low weight force the butt wink?
because if i put more weight on the bar its not about to mention anymore
Squats are one of my top favourite moves but i stopped due to my hip flexors. they fire and my depth is good. BUT they don't relax afterwards, they lock up and after a squat session i have a lot of sharp pain at the top of my hip flexors.
loveitreallyhard how is your internal hip rotation? have you tried to narrow your stance? both of these helped me with bad hip pain and haven't caused knee pain
yeah i've tried adjusting the stance but a narrow stance gives me more pain than a wide one
fucking hyped
Will this help with having hip flexor pain when high bar squatting?
i had a slipped disc (l4-l5) and had the surgery to remove the bulging part of the disc. It's been 4 months, should i start sqauts and DLs again or wait?
sounds like a question better suited to your doctor
You mean posterior pelvic tilt, Omar, not anterior tilt as you've mentioned in the beginning.
Great info.
But how does this help my calves?
Can someone tell me what shoes Omar’s wearing?
how about this? tie a band on the pull up bar. grab the band and try to squat down against the bands resistance
Omar, I just tested my mobility and I can get my knee pretty high (past parallel) without much effort, but I still get a slight butt wink at the bottom of my squat - suggestions?
That's my problem too.
This is going to help my friend/client a lot I can already tell. As always quality content, OMAR YOURE MY FUCKING BOI.
Can you make a video on breathing technique for squat?
Jokerizbadass breath in. Squat down. Explode and breathe out. You're welcome
Jon Goerig I've heard you want to breathe through your diaphragm. is that just essentially taking in a big breath then sticking your stomach out? Or is it something else
Yo Omar, my problem isn't so much depth but that my knees buckle inwards when activating the concentric - any tips? #TeamNoCalves
man ive consulted with therapists and researched for hours on end for 4 months straight after a hip impingement and at 6 '3 229 lbs i can squat ATG oly lifting all day, almost anyone can squat ATG if they truly dedicate some time into mobility
Damn that quality upgrade 👌🏻
I was watching this video wondering if I was going too deep on my squats (nearly ass-to-grass)... then I remembered I can raise my knee all the way up to my lower chest (almost touching my chest if I use my hands). Those years of Karate were good for something, I guess.
Hey what's the name of the ending song?
today i found afters years on conventional dl that doing my sumo i felt strong as fuck and it felt so natural.... i wish i could find that same feeling with the squad, really tuff exercise, i have long arms and long legs.
Ezrocker000 have you tried low bar/high bar?
Matthew McNulty high bar. it's the hands. I'm not sure where to grab. like I was having elbow pain. so you know
Ezrocker000 maybe try switching to low bar and put your thumbs over the bar instead of around
Will this translate into getting into a better starting position for conventional dl?
Omars example is only a test to see where your range of motion is at. But as far as working on actively increasing hip mobility and flexion, I'm sure would be useful in both performance and injury prevention
Gonna try this, my squat has always caused me low back problems
Gonna see how I do now, I've always gone to just below parallel
Yeah! That's a good fucking informative video, Omar! Thank you very much, sir! Hope it helps me with my squat.
When will you restock the peach peachbois L tshirts
this drill is legit I feel it thx keep it up
was this approved by coach Clarence?
Since I started using hook grip like omar my calves be bigger than Omar biceps
Very helpful video thanks for sharing! I love the squatting low videos 🙌🏼
OMAR are you hiding R2D2 and CP30 socks!
Wow! My knee and hips feel so much better after doing this drill. Thank you! 🙏🏼
this is basically functional range conditioning, no?
🐐🐐🐐 video and Assesment drill
Exactly what I needed! Thanks!!
what if you have APT?
this should be done before squating?
Yess put that on a tee i'd buy it
do a video on 20 rep squats. or squats and milk or whatever it is? also do it. kpeaceoutbye
Squat everyday and GOMAD
I fucking love you Omar
so basically you need stronger hip flexors ?
I love your energy