time stamps because i don’t see any🫶🏼 (repost bc it wouldn’t let me edit while pinned) HAND/ARM TRIGGERS🌺 00:00 intro/hand scratching 1:01 nail and mic tapping/hand scratching 1:45 soft talking / hand triggers (congrats life is actually moving along:)) 3:25 tapping/scratching mic (no talking) 4:08 anyways i’m falling asleep so that’s it for now 4:05 talking again/trying to figure out the trigger (it sounds rlly good dw dude) 4:50 rubbing hand/arm on mic 5:14 nail tapping/mic tapping/scratching CARD+CARD CASE TRIGGERS🌺 5:30 tapping/scratching some crinkly little rectangle (little rambles about clock) 6:52 scratching the crinkly little rectangle on the mic 7:13 rubbing the card + protective film together 7:37 tapping/scratching on card 8:56 scratching the card on arm/hand/knuckles 9:22 continue tapping (exclusively) 9:50 flicking/tapping/tapping while it’s on the mic/scratching 10:50 protective film tapping/scratching against mic 11:20 both card and film triggers (with talking at 12:10) 12:44 card and film triggers on mic ( 13:42 i fell asleep for a second and woke up to a toothbrush so i’ll finish these later. again. :)) TOOTHBRUSH AND CARD TRIGGERS🌺 13:31 toothbrush and card scratching (bristles and handle) (both off and on mic) 15:55 brushing card with toothbrush (555 is an angel number hooray) 17:17 soft talking (dw abt replying to all comments fr) 18:05 back to brushing card with toothbrush 22:26 mic brushing with toothbrush/tapping on toothbrush FOAM TRIGGERS🌺 24:09 messing around with wooden rectangle thingymabober (it’s actually probs paper💀) DEF PAPER 25:56 oh. it’s foam. oops. OK I WAS CLOSE😭 27:00 foam rectangle and quick film cover (like the card) then back to just foam 31:15 ITS GOOD LIPGLOSS TRIGGERS🌺 31:25 lipgloss pumping ⭐️ (the gloss bubbles sound so nice omg) (mild talking in between) 42:46 tapping on lipgloss BRACE/TOOTHBRUSH/HAND TRIGGERS🌺 43:02 brace… thing… idk. (scratching/rubbing) (mini rambles) 44:02 very tingly that’s all ⭐️ 44:10 mic rubbing with hand 44:23 brace scratching/rubbing again 45:55 scratching on some little emblem right on mic (very close scratching) / explaining the reason for the brace (my dad has it too bc of guitar) 46:49 talking / brace is away from mic / spaced out scratching 47:26 back to brace scratching/rubbing 47:48 (ASMR IS FOR ANYTHING it’s ur channel and personally i appreciate the asmrtist being real with who they are/what they might be dealing with. by all means if ur comfortable with it, continue if u want) 49:07 mic + hand triggers (knuckles) 49:33 adding toothbrush brushing to the mic+hand triggers 50:04 toothbrush on mic + brace scratching 51:40 just brace scratching ⭐️ + adjusting MOSTLY PAPER TRIGGERS🌺 52:51 paper scratching + brace scratching 53:42 only paper triggers. bye bye brace⭐️ 54:31 adding toothbrush with paper triggers CLEAR FILM TRIGGER🌺 55:36 film tapping / scratching / cracking ⭐️(from before) (def potential) SAFE. NOT SHARP. BUTTERFLY KNIFE TRIGGERS🌺 1:02:05 i THINK this is like the handle of a butterfly knife but i DONT. KNOW. *(no one is gonna think ur weird trust me. it’s asmr. half the community eats fried hot cheeto chicken with every cheese imaginable on it)* 1:02:43 spinning it around 1:04:12 tapping together/on handles 1:05:40 more spinning 1:06:24 tapping again 1:06:39 scratching the texture on it⭐️ LAST TRIGGER: CLEAR TAPE + TOOTHBRUSH🌺 1:07:16 explaining last trigger which issss CLEAR TAPE 1:07:45 tapping all over the dispenser/tape 1:08:19 unraveling a long piece and tearing it off 1:08:32 rubbing tape piece on the mic/tapping 1:09:21 tape back on mic 1:10:00 putting tape on the mic and scratching it with toothbrush ⭐️ (literally the best) 1:18:18 OUTRO 🫶🏼
As a raccoon, this confuses me. Humanspeak isn't my first language, so it's hard to relate to non-trash related words. But it did give good feelings to my fluffy ears. thank you human.
@@latiendadepaikawaii Krrta tiia lara ko Gugol Translat! Erkwa garbage gooratha (Translation: I did put it into Google Translate! Select the language "Garbage")
Honestly? I think "negative talk" is good. It makes the video more relatable, and enjoyable for me. Talking about how you're doing, whether it's good or bad, makes it more down to earth. Also, as a dusty 28 year old man, I'll say this: I don't like the term "wasted X years of my life." Because I believe as long as you're alive, and living your life, you haven't wasted anything. You're being you, and that's perfect.
For someone who is also 23 it hit close when you mentioned how you "wasted" 4 years that's exactly how I felt for the longest time but remember we really just were learning and growing in that time ...don't be too hard on yourself! I feel way more mature than my 18,19,20 year old self I just wasn't ready but it feels good to have that fire in my soul again ♥️anyways just really felt the need to make sure you know you're not alone
The fact that this guy did this in 1 hour, 18 minutes and 32 seconds really shows how godlike his level of patience is, i don't even think that this is actually a real human.
idk why but i really vibe with this setup. a lot of other vids feel like a movie production set but this makes me feel like im chilling with a friend. great vid 👍
this is the best kind of asmr, ones that feel like you're really there, not just because of the noise but because of the setting, and how personal it feels
Love that you've been talking these past couple vids. You have a real intuition for this. Love your chill energy and your trigger timing, flow, and choices. To those you mentioned who leave after 5 minutes, that's their loss.
@@belcarreiroo it's kinda like saying they're really cool/really good. Not exactly sure how to put it but saying someone or something is goateed is a good thing dw
Time stamps 0:01 hand scratching/rubbing 3:25 mic tapping and scratching 5:31 crizal pack tapping and scratching (I guess) 10:51 the plastic case and card 13:32 tooth brush scratching/card 22:26 scratching the mic with tooth brush/tapping 24:11 cardboard and tooth brush 24:49 cardboard scratching 31:21 lipgloss tapping/pumping 43:00 arm cast scratching 49:30 mic scratching with toothbrush 50:02 arm cast scratching+toothbrush,plastic,cardboard 53:42 blue cardboard tapping/scratching+toothbrush 55:35 plastic thing folding/tapping 1:02:05 butterfly knife shaking/spinning 1:04:17 butterfly knife tapping/scratching 1:07:14 tape roll scratching/tapping + a little tooth brush bit 1:08:19 piece of tape scratching/rubbing against mic 1:10:11 tooth brush scratching against tape on mic 1:18:18 end Goodnight 🍷🗿
ui😅fddudududtu tyyy tyy dud ty ty d ty ty ty ty ydduttdduttdtuttdutttutudutudududuttttdtudddddddduddddu ty ty ty ty ty t tyy yutttyydtutdudududutududutudutttttt du tyy yddudu ty ty du tyy dud ty ty ty ty ty tt tyy ydtffgtytyugdugugguduguguggddddd tyy dudtffgdgudududututtuttutttttd ty ty dudd tyy d t's tuttutududutdututtttdddudgffgdggduguguggdyudtgggggggggggggdgdugug tyy d ty ty 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gtgggutgutytdutdududugdudududugdududugudugdududududududuududduuffufddffffudududufudufufurfddtdtdudufufufufdtugdddtududuffuuffddudddudududududududuufuuuffuffduffududududududugududududugdtdudufududududududufuududufurftdudududududududugufuuurudududududufuduurfddudududududuguudugududududufuduufudfdufududududududufudududududuufrdudududududududugudududududududugududududududuuffffdudufdudududududufududududufududududududufudufufududdudufuddufududufudududuufdddudufududufudududufududududududududududududugugudududududududududuffudufufudgdddudududududuufugugdududufdududududududududdudududufudududududududududufdudugugudududugududufudgfufufudududududududududugufugudugugudududududfufududgdudufdududufududududududududududududfuggdudufduggdufuddugufuguddudufudugududuggudugududugududududududududufudufududududududuffuuduufufffgdudududufuddududududufududududufufuddufufudufugufudududududufududufudugffudufdufdufudufduddudududufudududududududufdudufududufudufdufuddudududufdududduddududuffdududududuffuudgffduffffuduffufufdudududududufudududududufufudfdufduddududududududufududfdududufdufufdufufufufdduddufdududududufufudufududfffdududufududufudufuguffududufufdufuddududdudufdufufududufufuufduudffdufffffufufffudufudufdduffufufdffffduffdufufdudufufufufufduffufdfuffuffufdufuddudffdududufdufudfudududufufuudfffffffddfddufduffddffufffuffdfffffffffffufudududffdufffffudfuddufufuduffduffudufufduffdffudfffdfffuffdfufufduduffufuffudufufdddufffufffdufdffudufffuffufudududufffuffdfffffffffudfufuffffdfdufffffufffffufffffffffufuduffudfdffffddffffdffufffufuffffdufufdfdfffffdfffufuffffffufffduffffudufufuufffffffffffffffufdffuffududufffffffffffffffuduudfdffudffffffffuuduuduutfffffufuduffutfyfufuuddududuuduffuuuutuutuutyudududfuduuruududfudfudfufuduudududufufuuduufyududfuduufudfuudufuudduudufduguudgudffududfdufydgfuudufudffufffffuudgudfffgfffuf dad ffff
You have such a wholesome, polite air about you, and I genuinely have never met anyone who carries themselves as gently and kindly as you do. You're so anxious about such simple things, and it's adorable. Your videos make me feel so cozy all the time, so thank you for helping me relax and sleep every night.
hi, ive been listening to asmr for like 8 years and i looooveee how u take ur time with sounds. its so refreshing and i love how focus u are with them too! i really hate the”new age” asmrists who make these awesome sounds but only make them for a 1 min 😭 its annoying. u dont do that thooo :)
I was having a pretty rough night and couldn’t calm myself down, but that was until I stumbled across this video. You have an exceptionally soothing demeanor that comforted me within minutes so I wanted to give you something as a thanks for that. I look forward to seeing more of your videos in the future :) Sending love and light ♡
Fellow 23 year old here, I feel comfort that we all are still trying to figure out our shit lol. But it’s okay we’re here living and that’s all that matters most days!! The sounds were also very original and amazing, keep it up (:
new fave channel fr, every sound is done so PERFECTLY, especially the lipgloss pumping which i usually hate but omg, struggling with mental health stuff means my sleep loss is crazy but this helped sm, thank u :)
something about this video feels so comforting and homey, I don’t know how to explain it, but it’s early in the morning and somehow I feel sleepy after watching this
Honestly so amazing! It’s not like all these fancy channels and everything is so authentic and how I would like to fall asleep to normal and realistic noises!!! ❤
It’s crazy coming back to this video from only a year ago and yet it seems like so much has changed. It makes it really apparent in your more recent videos how much happier you seem now, and how much more comfortable and at ease you are in your current videos. Really cool to be able to see the growth and see you starting to thrive and come into your own. ❤
i like that you take the time to explore every single sound that can come from a trigger. i get bored of triggers really easy so I find your videos quite enjoyable
Your type of hands sounds are certainly unique and it's tingly on its own I'm a big hand sounds fan so that definitely says something kudos to you good sir!
Ngl, asmr helps me through so many stressful situations, it just keeps me from getting overly emotional and this video has helped me out a lot, these last few days so thank you for this, you’re awesome.
The sound quality on this is amazing!! I’m not sure what settings or maybe it’s the mic/editing you use but your scratching sounds so much better than anyone else’s! This video is my go to for relaxing now, you’re amazing :).
I love this ASMR. It's so exciting to watch and listen to because you just don't know what's going to happen next. This is different from so many other ASMR videos. Thank you for this experience.
only five mins in and you're already one of my favorite asmrtists. very relatable and chill. almost 20 here, and I feel like my life is really just now starting once I finish my college certificate program. can't wait to listen to the rest of this vid. love your vid so far.
I really like the talking. the sounds are lofi which makes everything more perfect. The background noises every now and then just make it feel real, like we're just chilling. very relaxing, thank you :)
This setup feels more like. Comfortable? Like I'm hanging out with just another human being, a friend. Also the knuckle on the mic or whatever that was is MAGIC 💚💚💚🤩
I really enjoy how you utilize each trigger and how much you pay attention to the sound. I loved all the triggers in this vid but I think my favorite one is the plastic case(?) at 55:36, it's so nice. Also, your voice is really relaxing too btw 😴 Thank you for this video! 🙏
the butterfly knife had such awesome sounds!! never heard or even thought of it as a trigger before, also you telling us it’s not sharp made me giggle so tysm also i wouldn’t worry about people finding you weird! the crowd that sticks around will like what you’re putting out which is what matters, have a good one!❤️
Continue these kinds of videos man. I don’t know why but it just seems so genuine and real. Like we’re hanging out and we suddenly have those sentimental, philosophical, and emotional conversations. It’s those kinds of things you I don’t experience much with my friends. It’s rare for me to be with a friend and having casual conversations in a quiet environment. As for the triggers, they sound great too, and they’re a nice addition to the already comforting atmosphere you’ve set up. Keep it up man. Hope you have a good one
Just stumbled across this video and loved it sm. The ranting makes it relatable and it's a nice change to hear something real. Loved the video, keep it up :)
First time I watched it, I feel asleep Like five mins in. Now I’m back to watch it while I do hw. This is going to be my motivation to do an hours worth of school work, thanks! 😌
This is the first video of yours I’ve seen (sorry for being a month late), and I absolutely love how you just experiment with everything and explore how many sounds certain objects can make. It’s clear that you’re really curious about what makes good sounds, and I can’t wait to continue watching your videos!!
I'm of the perspective that time is never truly wasted so long as we learn. For as long as we're learning, we can grow and gain experience. I hope you can look back and view that time as such, rather than a waste, and look to the long future ahead of you that you can use that knowledge and experience for.
Thought it was just a bit difficult to hear you at first, but I absolutely love the hand sounds and your voice gently in the back ground. It sounds really good and it's not something I've seen before so it's really cool! I appreciate you're talking about too
Just came across your channel. Love your asmr, the scratching and the casual talk. I don’t mind the clock at all. Looking forward to watching more from you!
it’s crazy how i scrolled thru the professional quality 7+ million view-having 3+ hr videos to no avail for this to make me fall asleep in the first 2 mins. much needed, thank u 🫶🏽🫶🏽
Fun fact, I only see your videos when I'm stoned, and every damn time I build unrealistic theories in my head that you are actually a person ahead of his time and put experiments on us
Don’t mind me, just leaving my fav time stamps for whenever I come back to this video :) 24:07 24:49 29:26 31:20 - 42:55 56:15 1:04:50 btw, amazing video so many good triggers 💤
i can heavily relate to that wasting 4 years of your life talk, i’m a senior in high school right now and kinda just went on autopilot for 4 years but i have a lot of plans in the summer for like the first time ever to look forward to. hope you’re well this asmr kinda goated ngl 🐐
time stamps because i don’t see any🫶🏼 (repost bc it wouldn’t let me edit while pinned)
00:00 intro/hand scratching
1:01 nail and mic tapping/hand scratching
1:45 soft talking / hand triggers (congrats life is actually moving along:))
3:25 tapping/scratching mic (no talking)
4:08 anyways i’m falling asleep so that’s it for now
4:05 talking again/trying to figure out the trigger
(it sounds rlly good dw dude)
4:50 rubbing hand/arm on mic
5:14 nail tapping/mic tapping/scratching
5:30 tapping/scratching some crinkly little rectangle (little rambles about clock)
6:52 scratching the crinkly little rectangle on the mic
7:13 rubbing the card + protective film together
7:37 tapping/scratching on card
8:56 scratching the card on arm/hand/knuckles
9:22 continue tapping (exclusively)
9:50 flicking/tapping/tapping while it’s on the mic/scratching
10:50 protective film tapping/scratching against mic
11:20 both card and film triggers (with talking at 12:10)
12:44 card and film triggers on mic
( 13:42 i fell asleep for a second and woke up to a toothbrush so i’ll finish these later. again. :))
13:31 toothbrush and card scratching (bristles and handle) (both off and on mic)
15:55 brushing card with toothbrush
(555 is an angel number hooray)
17:17 soft talking (dw abt replying to all comments fr)
18:05 back to brushing card with toothbrush
22:26 mic brushing with toothbrush/tapping on toothbrush
24:09 messing around with wooden rectangle thingymabober (it’s actually probs paper💀) DEF PAPER
25:56 oh. it’s foam. oops. OK I WAS CLOSE😭
27:00 foam rectangle and quick film cover (like the card) then back to just foam
31:15 ITS GOOD
31:25 lipgloss pumping ⭐️
(the gloss bubbles sound so nice omg)
(mild talking in between)
42:46 tapping on lipgloss
43:02 brace… thing… idk.
(mini rambles)
44:02 very tingly that’s all ⭐️
44:10 mic rubbing with hand
44:23 brace scratching/rubbing again
45:55 scratching on some little emblem right on mic (very close scratching) / explaining the reason for the brace
(my dad has it too bc of guitar)
46:49 talking / brace is away from mic / spaced out scratching
47:26 back to brace scratching/rubbing
47:48 (ASMR IS FOR ANYTHING it’s ur channel and personally i appreciate the asmrtist being real with who they are/what they might be dealing with. by all means if ur comfortable with it, continue if u want)
49:07 mic + hand triggers (knuckles)
49:33 adding toothbrush brushing to the mic+hand triggers
50:04 toothbrush on mic + brace scratching
51:40 just brace scratching ⭐️ + adjusting
52:51 paper scratching + brace scratching
53:42 only paper triggers. bye bye brace⭐️
54:31 adding toothbrush with paper triggers
55:36 film tapping / scratching / cracking ⭐️(from before)
(def potential)
1:02:05 i THINK this is like the handle of a butterfly knife but i DONT. KNOW.
*(no one is gonna think ur weird trust me. it’s asmr. half the community eats fried hot cheeto chicken with every cheese imaginable on it)*
1:02:43 spinning it around
1:04:12 tapping together/on handles
1:05:40 more spinning
1:06:24 tapping again
1:06:39 scratching the texture on it⭐️
1:07:16 explaining last trigger which issss CLEAR TAPE
1:07:45 tapping all over the dispenser/tape
1:08:19 unraveling a long piece and tearing it off
1:08:32 rubbing tape piece on the mic/tapping
1:09:21 tape back on mic
1:10:00 putting tape on the mic and scratching it with toothbrush ⭐️ (literally the best)
1:18:18 OUTRO 🫶🏼
My bad, I’ll pin when you’re done :) ty ty
@@PatricksASMR ALL GOOD DW🤝 done now! also do u get a notif every time i edit my comment- bc i’ll do it al in one go if that’s the case 💀💀
I don’t, buts it’s all good
Ty so much ❤️
@@PatricksASMR anytime dude❤️
Finally, something for humans. I was stuck with these for aliens and robot things
Greetings fellow human
Looks like a mouse to me 🫣 😉
@@feltypaladin1988 hello,human
Greetings to my fellow human in this comment and replies
He looks so focused on the triggers, they're so unique as well
Agreed. Eye contact with the camera doesn’t really matter to me…
No Queen reference intended
@@filipwassen7947I agree. If anything it makes me a little uncomfortable Lmao
As a raccoon, this confuses me. Humanspeak isn't my first language, so it's hard to relate to non-trash related words. But it did give good feelings to my fluffy ears. thank you human.
I love you 😭
Did you put this in Google Translate?
If you don't understand:
Ackoo lakaroo eyutak qun Gugol Translat?
@@latiendadepaikawaii Krrta tiia lara ko Gugol Translat! Erkwa garbage gooratha
(Translation: I did put it into Google Translate! Select the language "Garbage")
@@parker4591 By the way, "Humanspeak" is English.
Aka bre dag, "Homenpaku" eds Inges.
Honestly? I think "negative talk" is good. It makes the video more relatable, and enjoyable for me. Talking about how you're doing, whether it's good or bad, makes it more down to earth.
Also, as a dusty 28 year old man, I'll say this: I don't like the term "wasted X years of my life." Because I believe as long as you're alive, and living your life, you haven't wasted anything. You're being you, and that's perfect.
I like that
Yeah it's good but don't over do it an be racist
@@eieieiriidieiddidu8907 bruh that has nothing to do with the original point made
@@eieieiriidieiddidu8907 this is so random and stupid it’s actually funny
I concur, being alive is the greatest favour we can have.
For someone who is also 23 it hit close when you mentioned how you "wasted" 4 years that's exactly how I felt for the longest time but remember we really just were learning and growing in that time ...don't be too hard on yourself! I feel way more mature than my 18,19,20 year old self I just wasn't ready but it feels good to have that fire in my soul again ♥️anyways just really felt the need to make sure you know you're not alone
Just want to let you know you’ll say the same thing in 5 years and then another 5 years after that. Life is about learning, growing, and changing
"Nobody likes you when you are 23"😁
23 is so young, dw!!
i’m 22 and freaking out about this same sentiment
As a human, this was incredible 🎉
hello fellow human 🧍♂
Hello human! My name is Hskdhwnsm and I am from United Aliens of Moon, Alienny. We hope to see you on Moon again!
As a granite countertop who now knows how to integrate myself into human societies, i also find it incredible.
The fact that this guy did this in 1 hour, 18 minutes and 32 seconds really shows how godlike his level of patience is, i don't even think that this is actually a real human.
He did say he was passionate about asmr
idk why but i really vibe with this setup. a lot of other vids feel like a movie production set but this makes me feel like im chilling with a friend. great vid 👍
For real. I’m honestly taking this over the Asmr zeitgeist guy
The omega high quality videos are just so fake to me. Can't stand them. Too artificial and forced imo
The mic's high sensitivity is all what human needed. Thank you for this Patrick, you're the best.
Time stamps:
0:00 start
1:18:32 end
Thank you
Edit: good lord what have I started
I feel bad cause he can’t enjoy his own asmr as much as we do, I wish he’d know how incredibly tingly this video is
Why can't he?
A lot of asmrtists can’t tingle to their own videos, I don’t know if that’s the case with Patrick though
this is the best kind of asmr, ones that feel like you're really there, not just because of the noise but because of the setting, and how personal it feels
Love that you've been talking these past couple vids. You have a real intuition for this. Love your chill energy and your trigger timing, flow, and choices. To those you mentioned who leave after 5 minutes, that's their loss.
Personal favourite timestamps :) It's been weeks and im still studying/sleeping to this XD
3:51 - Finger joint sounds
18:47 - Plastic Card + Toothbrush
25:48 , 27:14 , 29:20 , 30:42 - Foam seal (it's a good trigger btw!)
43:02 - Wrist brace (hope ur tendinosis is better!)
54:08 - Slippery Cardstock
59:13 , 1:01:50 - Crinkly Plastic gripping/tapping
1:08:30 - Tape
How have these types of hand sounds only now been revealed to me
there’s a creator called Marno that is also great. They have similar content and techniques, very creative also.
@@belcarreiroo marno is goated
@@vtp349 I have no idea what that means, sorry man lol
@@belcarreiroo it's kinda like saying they're really cool/really good. Not exactly sure how to put it but saying someone or something is goateed is a good thing dw
@@belcarreiroo goat means greatest of all time
Time stamps
0:01 hand scratching/rubbing
3:25 mic tapping and scratching
5:31 crizal pack tapping and scratching (I guess)
10:51 the plastic case and card
13:32 tooth brush scratching/card
22:26 scratching the mic with tooth brush/tapping
24:11 cardboard and tooth brush
24:49 cardboard scratching
31:21 lipgloss tapping/pumping
43:00 arm cast scratching
49:30 mic scratching with toothbrush
50:02 arm cast scratching+toothbrush,plastic,cardboard
53:42 blue cardboard tapping/scratching+toothbrush
55:35 plastic thing folding/tapping
1:02:05 butterfly knife shaking/spinning
1:04:17 butterfly knife tapping/scratching
1:07:14 tape roll scratching/tapping + a little tooth brush bit
1:08:19 piece of tape scratching/rubbing against mic
1:10:11 tooth brush scratching against tape on mic
1:18:18 end
Goodnight 🍷🗿
ui😅fddudududtu tyyy tyy dud ty ty d ty ty ty ty ydduttdduttdtuttdutttutudutudududuttttdtudddddddduddddu ty ty ty ty ty t tyy yutttyydtutdudududutududutudutttttt du tyy yddudu ty ty du tyy dud ty ty ty ty ty tt tyy ydtffgtytyugdugugguduguguggddddd tyy dudtffgdgudududututtuttutttttd ty ty dudd tyy d t's tuttutududutdututtttdddudgffgdggduguguggdyudtgggggggggggggdgdugug tyy d ty ty 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dad ffff
Thank you so much!
@@N0bQdy no problem
For anybody wondering I am 100% human 👽
Also glad that your doing well it’s good to hear
You have such a wholesome, polite air about you, and I genuinely have never met anyone who carries themselves as gently and kindly as you do. You're so anxious about such simple things, and it's adorable. Your videos make me feel so cozy all the time, so thank you for helping me relax and sleep every night.
🥹🥹 That’s so so sweet. It’s my pleasure to make these im glad you like them :)) I hope you’re doing really well
As a mystical creature, I have to admit this is the first asmr for humans I've seen and I liked it
1:07 music for my human ears. 21:45/22:55 incredible sound.
21:45 is so unique 💯
hi, ive been listening to asmr for like 8 years and i looooveee how u take ur time with sounds. its so refreshing and i love how focus u are with them too! i really hate the”new age” asmrists who make these awesome sounds but only make them for a 1 min 😭 its annoying. u dont do that thooo :)
I was having a pretty rough night and couldn’t calm myself down, but that was until I stumbled across this video. You have an exceptionally soothing demeanor that comforted me within minutes so I wanted to give you something as a thanks for that. I look forward to seeing more of your videos in the future :) Sending love and light ♡
❤️❤️Glad it helps
And thank you so so much for the donation, I didn’t even notice at first because of the way my phone is. I appreciate it a lot, and I’ll keep at it
These hand sounds are so unique
Fellow 23 year old here, I feel comfort that we all are still trying to figure out our shit lol. But it’s okay we’re here living and that’s all that matters most days!! The sounds were also very original and amazing, keep it up (:
This is awesome. Been working on a lot of homework for my college algebra class. So glad I found this to listen to while I study. Subbed :)
Thank you so much, that’s my first donation ever :) Happy to have you here
@@PatricksASMR Happy to be the first donator!!
wait how do we donate through comments?? never seen such a thing
@@lbvsb right under a youtubers name there should be a "thanks" button. click to donate!
@@saturnusesque000 thank you!
new fave channel fr, every sound is done so PERFECTLY, especially the lipgloss pumping which i usually hate but omg, struggling with mental health stuff means my sleep loss is crazy but this helped sm, thank u :)
Happy to help 😁
As a fellow human, I find great enjoyment in this ASMR. Much like many things that I enjoy such as Walking with my two legs and inhaling in oxygen.
3:27 omg I've never felt so many tingles before just in general the mic tapping, scratching and rubbing is sooo relaxing, thank you
something about this video feels so comforting and homey, I don’t know how to explain it, but it’s early in the morning and somehow I feel sleepy after watching this
3:53 oddly sounds like a cat purring, loved that trigger!
Honestly so amazing! It’s not like all these fancy channels and everything is so authentic and how I would like to fall asleep to normal and realistic noises!!! ❤
I’ve been listening to your videos nonstop for like 5 days and it’s some of the best asmr I’ve heard in years, keep up the good work!
It’s crazy coming back to this video from only a year ago and yet it seems like so much has changed. It makes it really apparent in your more recent videos how much happier you seem now, and how much more comfortable and at ease you are in your current videos. Really cool to be able to see the growth and see you starting to thrive and come into your own. ❤
Getting bullied at school for being a human, finally something for my race
i like that you take the time to explore every single sound that can come from a trigger. i get bored of triggers really easy so I find your videos quite enjoyable
As a crinkle lover, these triggers were so perfect! Thank you for a good nights sleep and lots of tingles, this video is perfection
Your type of hands sounds are certainly unique and it's tingly on its own I'm a big hand sounds fan so that definitely says something kudos to you good sir!
Ngl, asmr helps me through so many stressful situations, it just keeps me from getting overly emotional and this video has helped me out a lot, these last few days so thank you for this, you’re awesome.
holy crap these are the strongest tingles ive gotten in so long. i feel like my brain is wavying in the air and also being scratched in the best way
love how u do the triggers sound hard but gentle at the same time
The sound quality on this is amazing!! I’m not sure what settings or maybe it’s the mic/editing you use but your scratching sounds so much better than anyone else’s! This video is my go to for relaxing now, you’re amazing :).
Finally a human doing video like these, the bear stuff isn’t the same
I think i finally found my favourite asmrtist after 4 years of constant research
3:38 i dont like tapping or scratching on mic’s because its way to loud and rough for me but you literally mastered it, tinglessssssss🙈
dude this is one of the most tingliest vid i have seen in a long time. i literally got so many tingles on my head and shoulders and face. THANK YOU
the hand sounds at the start are the best!! I luv them
I love this ASMR. It's so exciting to watch and listen to because you just don't know what's going to happen next. This is different from so many other ASMR videos. Thank you for this experience.
Patrick you have a lot ahead for you, so don’t give up and keep moving forward in what you want and what you love to do
only five mins in and you're already one of my favorite asmrtists. very relatable and chill. almost 20 here, and I feel like my life is really just now starting once I finish my college certificate program. can't wait to listen to the rest of this vid. love your vid so far.
I really like the talking. the sounds are lofi which makes everything more perfect. The background noises every now and then just make it feel real, like we're just chilling. very relaxing, thank you :)
you’re welcome :)
I love these kind of asmr videos were it feels like you just do whatever trigger you want and it comes out as a masterpiece!
The hand triggers 0:54 🤤 love this so much feels like it's right next to my ear with my earbuds in
brushing the plastic card has to be one of my favorite triggers, it always gives me tingles!
This setup feels more like. Comfortable? Like I'm hanging out with just another human being, a friend. Also the knuckle on the mic or whatever that was is MAGIC 💚💚💚🤩
This honestly make me feel more comfortable as if like watching a friend do smthng they like😭❤️
The first like 3 minutes were 1000000% my favorite!🙏it was so good and the sounds just made me fall into a deep sleep ❤
i love these hands sounds and the way this is filmed :) it feels comforting
I really enjoy how you utilize each trigger and how much you pay attention to the sound. I loved all the triggers in this vid but I think my favorite one is the plastic case(?) at 55:36, it's so nice. Also, your voice is really relaxing too btw 😴 Thank you for this video! 🙏
the butterfly knife had such awesome sounds!! never heard or even thought of it as a trigger before, also you telling us it’s not sharp made me giggle so tysm
also i wouldn’t worry about people finding you weird! the crowd that sticks around will like what you’re putting out which is what matters, have a good one!❤️
Continue these kinds of videos man. I don’t know why but it just seems so genuine and real. Like we’re hanging out and we suddenly have those sentimental, philosophical, and emotional conversations. It’s those kinds of things you I don’t experience much with my friends. It’s rare for me to be with a friend and having casual conversations in a quiet environment.
As for the triggers, they sound great too, and they’re a nice addition to the already comforting atmosphere you’ve set up. Keep it up man. Hope you have a good one
Thanks so much man, I’ll keep them up for sure. Glad you like what i’m doing and thanks for your comment
as a human myself i appreciate you sharing this with us!!!
Immaculate vibes and I also really love your attentiveness with each trigger. Some creators make it too much of a production, but this is perfect 🙌🏼
this is one of the few asmr videos that give me tingles. I just really like the unique sounds.
Just stumbled across this video and loved it sm. The ranting makes it relatable and it's a nice change to hear something real. Loved the video, keep it up :)
he's literally the only asmrtist i listen to that is like doing soft spoken asmr
First time I watched it, I feel asleep
Like five mins in. Now I’m back to watch it while I do hw. This is going to be my motivation to do an hours worth of school work, thanks! 😌
This is the first video of yours I’ve seen (sorry for being a month late), and I absolutely love how you just experiment with everything and explore how many sounds certain objects can make. It’s clear that you’re really curious about what makes good sounds, and I can’t wait to continue watching your videos!!
Thank you, glad you found your way here ❤️❤️
Dude, your so chill and cool. I could watch this for hours. Stay safe out there man
this feels so intimate and comforting, like having a late night talk with a friend at a sleepover
This video shows how creative you are ☺️🫶
This is beyond excellent... Always glad to find hidden channels like this, instantly knocked me out
Lofi asmr like this always brings the ✨️tingles✨️
I'm of the perspective that time is never truly wasted so long as we learn. For as long as we're learning, we can grow and gain experience.
I hope you can look back and view that time as such, rather than a waste, and look to the long future ahead of you that you can use that knowledge and experience for.
Thank you for that thought :)
I would love to see a video dedicated to hand sounds from you! They are amaaazzzinngggg 🫶🏼
Thought it was just a bit difficult to hear you at first, but I absolutely love the hand sounds and your voice gently in the back ground. It sounds really good and it's not something I've seen before so it's really cool! I appreciate you're talking about too
Just came across your channel. Love your asmr, the scratching and the casual talk. I don’t mind the clock at all. Looking forward to watching more from you!
it’s crazy how i scrolled thru the professional quality 7+ million view-having 3+ hr videos to no avail for this to make me fall asleep in the first 2 mins. much needed, thank u 🫶🏽🫶🏽
7:35 - around 12min is MAGICAL
im glad i found ur channel
thank you so so much
Fun fact, I only see your videos when I'm stoned, and every damn time I build unrealistic theories in my head that you are actually a person ahead of his time and put experiments on us
i absolutely loved this video, the sounds were so tingly!! especially 29:28 omg 🥰🤤
omg these hand sounds 🫶🏼 got me sleepy right away
59:00 soooo relaxing!!!! I love this because it's original, i've never seen this trigger before 😯😯💞💞
31:13 it’s an amazing trigger! we love it
Don’t mind me, just leaving my fav time stamps for whenever I come back to this video :)
31:20 - 42:55
btw, amazing video so many good triggers 💤
Your rlly my favorite asmrist even tho i just found your channel you seem so comforting and I enjoyed this video a lot
1:04:50 I love the scratching of the blade kinda sad it was only a couple seconds but it was just so crispy and deep
Thank you. As a human I enjoy this video curated for me and other humans 🙂
Dude.. his eyes are beautiful
So glad I found a video for humans I keep finding ones for birds dogs cats aliens sharks etc yk the usual
finally ive looked everywhere for this, every video was for cats or aliens, im so glad i can enjoy asmr now 😊😊
I really like the sound when you're like doing tapping on your hand i never heard that trigger before
he got my mad respect he sad there for an hour and 18 minutes for this
it doesnt matter how awake i am, i always end up falling asleep to your videos..... literal magic
Just from the title i know you’re a cool person. Keep up the amazing tingly job
this video put me into the DEEPEST sleep today 💀 thank you for this video bro
28:22 omg I want more for this it's very relaxing
i can heavily relate to that wasting 4 years of your life talk, i’m a senior in high school right now and kinda just went on autopilot for 4 years but i have a lot of plans in the summer for like the first time ever to look forward to. hope you’re well this asmr kinda goated ngl 🐐
Hope it all works out for you :) and thanks