I was watching another program and suddenly this video came. The title caught my attention. So timely with what I am having now in my life. Ya Allah, have mercy upon us, Ameen.
Jzkk Sheikh. This is so true. I am the least fav of all my mother's children & yet now i m the one taking care of my elderly mother. I cook, clean & make sure she is comfortable. And i vowed to take care of her thru sickness & in health til her time comes for her to meet her maker. May Allah grant me ease & sabar in taking care of her. Aamiinn...
lam somali boy and I am Muslim 100% the people of our country are Muslims and we proud of our religion I also always watch and listen your lectures keep it up 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏
SubhanAllah. Needed this message, in this moment in time. May Allah (SWT) bless whom sent it to me. Beautiful message and extremely crucial reminder for us all!
@@learnknowledge3163 اَلسَلامُ عَلَيْكُم وَرَحْمَةُ اَللهِ وَبَرَكاتُهُ Can you please make dua for me to Allah to accept all my dua's. Can you please make dua particularly for helping me complete learning a lot of necessary medical topics in less time.
Thanks Mufi Menk because of your messages about family I make dua for us and reach out to them and try to do good for them and not be finding always faults and because I have faults and they love me inspite of mine and as you said forgiving one another.
Salam Brother (I’m assuming here 😂), how come you believe that Allah exists but are not a Muslim? I assume that you believe in the existence of Allah based on the fact that you asked for his forgiveness? I am asking purely out of curiosity by the way ;)
@@oshak96 A muslim that doesn’t know their muslim YET, is a beautiful thing. He’s acknowledging the existence of Allah but probably doesn’t practice the religion, for reasons we have no clue of. Out of respect (giving him the benefit of the doubt) he doesn’t label himself something in which he has no real knowledge of yet. Remember knowing the Existence of god and understanding his oneness doesn’t always mean they’re completely in tune. Give him time brother. Peace be upon the both of you💙💙
@@oshak96 اَلسَلامُ عَلَيْكُم وَرَحْمَةُ اَللهِ وَبَرَكاتُهُ Can you please make dua for me to Allah to accept all my dua's. Can you please make dua particularly for helping me complete learning a lot of necessary medical topics in less time.
@@ZAY-os2kq اَلسَلامُ عَلَيْكُم وَرَحْمَةُ اَللهِ وَبَرَكاتُهُ Can you please make dua for me to Allah to accept all my dua's. Can you please make dua particularly for helping me complete learning a lot of necessary medical topics in less time.
AsSalaamuAlaikum Brother Mufti. I made another post almost a week ago about how my children were my reward, my biggest test, and sometimes my largest heart break. My job is to lead by example no matter how much it hurts. My parents are not muslim, but I respect them and keep open communication with him regardless of him HATING my religion ! My responsibilities to my family is important, my friends, my children and even my ex-spouse! But my duty to Allah must always be first...I dont have to like them but I must be kind! With me being a revert, I may be the only muslim my non-muslim may ever know! (When I use the word MY, I know they never belonged to me in the first place)...they were always Allah's creations first! My needs are not the important thing, but my actions will be judged! JazakAllahKheir!
Assalamu alaikum sister, I just wanted to let you know that it isn't compulsory for you to keep ties with your ex husband unless he is related to you or if he is the father of your children.
@@IslamicHavenYT I haven't spoken to him in 15 years, but he just bought a home 4 houses down from me. He can afford to buy a home anywhere he wants. When I see him in our community, or at a event for our children I always say Salaam, He doesnt no return it. He is what we call a covert narcissist. When people ask me about his bad habits or why we divorce, I either tell them if you want to know about him, you can go ask, even his family I have told this too. As for people that backbite I just tell them on the day of judgement a person that hides another sin, their sin will be forgiven. And I move own. People nature is to gossip, its ok, I need the blessing. I know my character, and so does Allah. JazakAllahKheir
Such an amazing topic so real all of us are going through this in different ways . Me not with my parent but my spouse 🥲. Jazakallah sheikh u and nouman alli khan are my two favorites I follow. You both talk so much of the real world, reality. Ravia from Sri Lanka
@@nano2883 اَلسَلامُ عَلَيْكُم وَرَحْمَةُ اَللهِ وَبَرَكاتُهُ Can you please make dua for me to Allah to accept all my dua's. Can you please make dua particularly for helping me complete learning a lot of necessary medical topics in less time.
Alhumdullilah, this was a nice video. I am already having problems with my family but I tried to remind them why I exist for them and why they exist for me. Sometimes I would be bitter due to my siblings not respecting me and I thought I could do the same. It doesn’t really work it just makes our relationship bad and the cycle continues. I’m also having problems with my mother I love her to death but she doesn’t take my mental health seriously she just guilt trips me into something that can stress me out that’s not my responsibility. When I call her out for it I’m still somehow the one in the wrong. This video did my open eyes more and I already knew better but it was a great reminder that I needed to hear.
Please kindly give lectures about how parents must understand and fulfill the rights of their children. Children will largely naturally want to fulfil their parents rights when parents have raised their children fulfilling their children's rights. children who do not fulfil their parents rights do so due to very poor parenting and intergenerational trauma. It is very hard for adult children to want to fulfil parental rights when parents have been emotionally and mentally negligent and also perhaps physically absent. We need to hear sheikhs talk about psychology, mental health and poor parenting and how children and adult children can heal from parental trauma. Not all people are tested with dysfunctional parenting. Children are born innocent whilst parents are not.
Daily dhikr Hadith whoever remembers Allah Allah remembers you no matter how small it is Allahu akbar LAILAHA ilalahu Muhammadurasoolullah Subhanallah alhamdulilah Astaghfirullah Allahumma ajirni minan naar Hasbunallahu wanimal wakeel LA quwata ila bila hil aliul Azim Subhanallahi wa bihamdihi Subhanallahil Azim LA ilalaha ilalahu Wahdahu LA sharikalahu walahul hamdu yuhyi wayumeetu biyadahil khair wahuwaala kulli shayin qadeer 3rd kalimah ayatul kursi
My daughter and I had an argument last week and because of how she treats me I have decided to give her some space. Other than prayer I don’t know what else to do! 🥲
A person said "الله أكبر(ALLAHOAKBAR)" later he said "سُـبْـحَـانَ ٱلله(SÜBHANALLAH)" and after that he said "لا إله إلا أنت سبحانك إنى كنت من الظالمين(la ilaha illa anta subhanaka inni kuntu minaz zalimin)" in this he earned many many good deeds and that person is you♥️
The way you explain☺...never met such a teacher, the way you speak is understandable for everyone, from childhood to adulthood. Its most sensitive yet clear message❤
Love him sake of ALLAH SWT his talks are deep ALLAH SWT grant him soo much brakaat blessings healthy success in his family in his talks and on mekti ALLAHUMMA AMEEN YAH RABBEL ALAMIN
O Allah, I seek refuge with Your Pleasure from Your anger. I seek refuge in Your forgiveness from Your punishment. I seek refuge in You from You. I cannot count Your praises, You are as You have praised Yourself, Ya Allah make our Iman stronger and bring us closer to you and guide us towards path of right guidance.. May Allah accept our duas and remove our sadness and anxiety.
Im a second wife.. my husband is 60 years old already ,but he never give up his first family even they dont care about his health or anything, even he is sick now because of diabetes he cannot walk properly beacuse of his foot ulcer he still supporting the house rentals every month and their food ,even they are in legal age already, even they are not performing salah, but my husband still supporting them, even they dont ask about the condition of their father or showing care for him .. he still supporting his family because he is always told me thats his obligation ,. And ALLAH will always provide..
Du bringst ein Lächeln zurück in meine Seele, danke. Wie du sagst, der Weg ist nicht einfach und die Familie eines der Wichtigsten Teile in unserem Dasein egal, ob diese Menschen um uns herum eine Lektion oder eine Erfüllung unserer Herzen sind. Eltern wissen oft nicht oder haben selbst vergessen, aber wir können sie erinnern, wir können mit ihnen sprechen und mit ihnen unsere Sorgen teilen. Manchmal sind sie eine Lektion und manchmal ein Test, es kommt darauf an, wie wir es interpretieren. Wer das Gebet kennt wird immer eine Antwort und einen Weg finden der zum Guten führt.
InshaAllah may Almighty give us protection n wisdom wit our family n our children we r facing bad respond frm our spouse whomAllah haschoice for us bt Allah Kareem his our gaurd InshaAllah give us peace n wisdom coz we da grace ov our creater only dua 4our married lead us wit 2success 4both ov us n our children...Amiin Rabhi Amin..May peace be apon us muslims
Ameen 🤲🙂 it's true relations are made by Allah we should not give up with family members due to any reason either it's permissible or not May Allah grant us guidance and kindness Ameen 🤲🙂 jazak Allah Khair 🙂
Please also post a video about your life, your obstacles and how you cope with that! How you started on the journey of inspiring million lives, only if you like. You are a real motivation for fighting and striving everyday in this world. Would be really appreciated.
Allahu Akbar Shiehk may almighty bless all umma and give us common understanding and guide everyone, this powerful message is very very deeper wisdom, and moreover all umma enlarge we are so grateful to have you jazakallahu once again Shiehk tabarakallah.
Say 3x after fajr salah Subhaanallaahi wa bihamdihi: ‘Adada khalqihi wa ridhaa nafsihi, wa zinata ‘arshihi wa midaada kalimaatihi. Glory is to Allaah and praise is to Him, by the multitude of his creation, by His Pleasure, by the weight of His Throne, and by the extent of His Words (Recite 3 times in Arabic) Muslim 4/2090
@@Lyfmahn اَلسَلامُ عَلَيْكُم وَرَحْمَةُ اَللهِ وَبَرَكاتُهُ Can you please make dua for me to Allah to accept all my dua's. Can you please make dua particularly for helping me complete learning a lot of necessary medical topics in less time.
Assalamu Alaikum wa Rah Matullahi wa Barakatu sisters and brothers. Jazakallah Khairan Kasiran. Pray for everyone in sha Allah. Don't be disappointed. Allah is the best helper, the most forgiving.
My father used to say, ‘there are two times a parent feels hurt, firstly when their adult child abuses the parent and secondly when Allah takes revenge and the child is hurt’.
@@nabilc1667 I don’t know how old you are but read the Quran where it tells you how Allah reverses from strength to weakness , parents get weaker mentally and physically (but don’t look it) and children get stronger. None should be abused at anytime of their lives.
@@nanit7234 They both get stronger in different ways. Parents generally become wiser and more resilient with time. Many parents will resort to the victim role, while they are actually abusive themselves. That is my take on it. And of course, children can abuse their parents too.
The Islamic concept of the family is a group that emerges from the unison of man and woman through a marriage contract and the children that are born from it. This is why we say that a person who gets married is a free man whose freedom is hindered by a wife, children and by the consequent duties and responsibilities. He is no longer a free bachelor. Members of the Muslim family are interconnected in many ways. The marriage contract that binds husband and wife is called by God the Almighty, “…a solemn covenant…” [4:21]. This marriage contract might or might not be enriched with ties of love and compassion between the couple to bring them even closer together. Then comes the tie that connects parents to their offspring.
Jami` at-Tirmidhi 484 Abdullah bin Mas'ud narrated that : Allah's Messenger said: "The person closest to me on the Day of Judgement is the one who sent the most Salat upon me.
Masha Allah really appreciate 🙏❤️ Sir I need a help I have a daughter she is almost about 18years now but she have problem of bed wetting always pls what can I do for her now it's really irritated 😭
I was watching another program and suddenly this video came. The title caught my attention. So timely with what I am having now in my life. Ya Allah, have mercy upon us, Ameen.
Same to me..
Ameen ya Rabb
Al-hamdu Lillaah
Mufti Ismail Menk is so wise Maa shaa Allah Tabarakallah 🤲 🥰
may Allah bless you and your family, Aameen.
Jzkk Sheikh. This is so true. I am the least fav of all my mother's children & yet now i m the one taking care of my elderly mother. I cook, clean & make sure she is comfortable. And i vowed to take care of her thru sickness & in health til her time comes for her to meet her maker. May Allah grant me ease & sabar in taking care of her. Aamiinn...
lam somali boy and I am Muslim
100% the people of our country are Muslims and we proud of our religion
I also always watch and listen your lectures keep it up 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏
Hey man we are on a same ground 🎉
Subhan’Allah the greatest timing once again.
Masha Allah, may Allah bless you and your family, Aameen.
@@Marriage_In_Islam May Allah bless you 100x more Insha’Allah
@@Cobra_Khan Aaameen, may we unite in jannah
Thank you so much God bless always
SubhanAllah. Needed this message, in this moment in time. May Allah (SWT) bless whom sent it to me. Beautiful message and extremely crucial reminder for us all!
Me too ameen
@@learnknowledge3163 اَلسَلامُ عَلَيْكُم وَرَحْمَةُ اَللهِ وَبَرَكاتُهُ
Can you please make dua for me to Allah to accept all my dua's. Can you please make dua particularly for helping me complete learning a lot of necessary medical topics in less time.
Thanks Mufi Menk because of your messages about family I make dua for us and reach out to them and try to do good for them and not be finding always faults and because I have faults and they love me inspite of mine and as you said forgiving one another.
may Allah bless you and your family, Aameen.
jazakah Allah
Masha Allah
I am not a Muslim but so inspiring
May Allah have mercy on us
Salam Brother (I’m assuming here 😂), how come you believe that Allah exists but are not a Muslim? I assume that you believe in the existence of Allah based on the fact that you asked for his forgiveness? I am asking purely out of curiosity by the way ;)
@@oshak96 A muslim that doesn’t know their muslim YET, is a beautiful thing. He’s acknowledging the existence of Allah but probably doesn’t practice the religion, for reasons we have no clue of. Out of respect (giving him the benefit of the doubt) he doesn’t label himself something in which he has no real knowledge of yet. Remember knowing the Existence of god and understanding his oneness doesn’t always mean they’re completely in tune. Give him time brother. Peace be upon the both of you💙💙
@@oshak96 اَلسَلامُ عَلَيْكُم وَرَحْمَةُ اَللهِ وَبَرَكاتُهُ
Can you please make dua for me to Allah to accept all my dua's. Can you please make dua particularly for helping me complete learning a lot of necessary medical topics in less time.
@@ZAY-os2kq اَلسَلامُ عَلَيْكُم وَرَحْمَةُ اَللهِ وَبَرَكاتُهُ
Can you please make dua for me to Allah to accept all my dua's. Can you please make dua particularly for helping me complete learning a lot of necessary medical topics in less time.
I don't ever comment but this is exemplary. 💜
Masha Allah, may Allah bless you and your family, Aameen.
AsSalaamuAlaikum Brother Mufti. I made another post almost a week ago about how my children were my reward, my biggest test, and sometimes my largest heart break. My job is to lead by example no matter how much it hurts. My parents are not muslim, but I respect them and keep open communication with him regardless of him HATING my religion ! My responsibilities to my family is important, my friends, my children and even my ex-spouse! But my duty to Allah must always be first...I dont have to like them but I must be kind! With me being a revert, I may be the only muslim my non-muslim may ever know! (When I use the word MY, I know they never belonged to me in the first place)...they were always Allah's creations first! My needs are not the important thing, but my actions will be judged! JazakAllahKheir!
Assalamu alaikum sister, I just wanted to let you know that it isn't compulsory for you to keep ties with your ex husband unless he is related to you or if he is the father of your children.
@@IslamicHavenYT I haven't spoken to him in 15 years, but he just bought a home 4 houses down from me. He can afford to buy a home anywhere he wants. When I see him in our community, or at a event for our children I always say Salaam, He doesnt no return it. He is what we call a covert narcissist. When people ask me about his bad habits or why we divorce, I either tell them if you want to know about him, you can go ask, even his family I have told this too. As for people that backbite I just tell them on the day of judgement a person that hides another sin, their sin will be forgiven. And I move own. People nature is to gossip, its ok, I need the blessing. I know my character, and so does Allah. JazakAllahKheir
Alhamdulillah, there is a da ' i like you, may you are long life to open the truth of islam instruction to to the world
Nice motivating speech..
Such an amazing topic so real all of us are going through this in different ways . Me not with my parent but my spouse 🥲. Jazakallah sheikh u and nouman alli khan are my two favorites I follow. You both talk so much of the real world, reality. Ravia from Sri Lanka
Masha Allah, may Allah bless you and your family, Aameen.
Aslm Mufti Menk Shukran for the positive message its best explain Mash aALLAH. May ALLAH SWT Bless u an u Family Aameen.
Allah bless you mufti, your video give me a possitive vibes. Jazakallah khair 🙏
Ma sha Allah it's so amazing that I will share tonight with my family in sha Allah. May Allah give you long life ya rabbi
Masha Allah, may Allah bless you and your family, Aameen.
Masha Allah, may Allah bless you and your family, Aameen.
My fellow Muslims please remember me in your prayers
May the Almighty grant protect and blessings to my family🙏🙏
@@nano2883 اَلسَلامُ عَلَيْكُم وَرَحْمَةُ اَللهِ وَبَرَكاتُهُ
Can you please make dua for me to Allah to accept all my dua's. Can you please make dua particularly for helping me complete learning a lot of necessary medical topics in less time.
Alhumdullilah, this was a nice video. I am already having problems with my family but I tried to remind them why I exist for them and why they exist for me. Sometimes I would be bitter due to my siblings not respecting me and I thought I could do the same. It doesn’t really work it just makes our relationship bad and the cycle continues. I’m also having problems with my mother I love her to death but she doesn’t take my mental health seriously she just guilt trips me into something that can stress me out that’s not my responsibility. When I call her out for it I’m still somehow the one in the wrong. This video did my open eyes more and I already knew better but it was a great reminder that I needed to hear.
may Allah reward you abundantly
May Allah grant us easy Amen yarabi
Be patient brothers
His videos are always so timely love this guy
مشاء الله تبارك الله
Long and happy life to you dear cheikh, IMAM.
Nice lecture 👍
Please kindly give lectures about how parents must understand and fulfill the rights of their children. Children will largely naturally want to fulfil their parents rights when parents have raised their children fulfilling their children's rights. children who do not fulfil their parents rights do so due to very poor parenting and intergenerational trauma. It is very hard for adult children to want to fulfil parental rights when parents have been emotionally and mentally negligent and also perhaps physically absent. We need to hear sheikhs talk about psychology, mental health and poor parenting and how children and adult children can heal from parental trauma. Not all people are tested with dysfunctional parenting. Children are born innocent whilst parents are not.
we got to be more patient with them as they get older, and understand that it's a test from Allah.
may Allah bless you and your family, Aameen.
Jazakallah kheyr kaziiran sheikh mufti menk
May Allah have mercy upon us Ameen
Daily dhikr
Hadith whoever remembers Allah Allah remembers you no matter how small it is
Allahu akbar
LAILAHA ilalahu Muhammadurasoolullah
Allahumma ajirni minan naar
Hasbunallahu wanimal wakeel
LA quwata ila bila hil aliul Azim
Subhanallahi wa bihamdihi Subhanallahil Azim
LA ilalaha ilalahu Wahdahu LA sharikalahu walahul hamdu yuhyi wayumeetu biyadahil khair wahuwaala kulli shayin qadeer 3rd kalimah
ayatul kursi
May Allah give us happy families
My daughter and I had an argument last week and because of how she treats me I have decided to give her some space. Other than prayer I don’t know what else to do! 🥲
try asking her what's is the problem, she will open it up to you as soon she feel secured and loved,
may Allah bless you and your family, Aameen.
So cuuute
Masha Allah, may Allah bless you and your family, Aameen.
A person said "الله أكبر(ALLAHOAKBAR)" later he said "سُـبْـحَـانَ ٱلله(SÜBHANALLAH)" and after that he said "لا إله إلا أنت سبحانك إنى كنت من الظالمين(la ilaha illa anta subhanaka inni kuntu minaz zalimin)" in this he earned many many good deeds and that person is you♥️
Beautifully done Mashallah ❤😂
The way you explain☺...never met such a teacher, the way you speak is understandable for everyone, from childhood to adulthood. Its most sensitive yet clear message❤
Thank you very much, sheik
Love him sake of ALLAH SWT his talks are deep ALLAH SWT grant him soo much brakaat blessings healthy success in his family in his talks and on mekti ALLAHUMMA AMEEN YAH RABBEL ALAMIN
God help us😢 it’s very hard some family members take advantage even if you help they feel it’s a must and they will insult you 😢
Masha Allah, may Allah bless you and your family, Aameen.
@@Marriage_In_Islam Are you a bot?
@@IslamicHavenYT no
O Allah, I seek refuge with Your Pleasure from Your anger. I seek refuge in Your forgiveness from Your punishment. I seek refuge in You from You. I cannot count Your praises, You are as You have praised Yourself,
Ya Allah make our Iman stronger and bring us closer to you and guide us towards path of right guidance..
May Allah accept our duas and remove our sadness and anxiety.
MashAllah this s very good topic .many of us not respecting mother.kmy heart bleeding
Im a second wife.. my husband is 60 years old already ,but he never give up his first family even they dont care about his health or anything, even he is sick now because of diabetes he cannot walk properly beacuse of his foot ulcer he still supporting the house rentals every month and their food ,even they are in legal age already, even they are not performing salah, but my husband still supporting them, even they dont ask about the condition of their father or showing care for him .. he still supporting his family because he is always told me thats his obligation ,. And ALLAH will always provide..
na'am, may Allah bless you for staying by your husband through his hard times.
and i suggest you pray for the guidance of the children.
Alhamdulillah, subhanallah 🤲🏼. Children are from Allah. They are just unique in their own way. A father can learn from his son.
Oh Allah Alhamdulillah,all my families are Addicted to Mufti's program,we watch the program together,From Great Oromia[Ethiopia)
Alhamdullah Ameen May the almighty Allah grant goodness and understanding and make it easy for us Ameen 🤲🤲🤝🤝
ALLAH bless us all
Du bringst ein Lächeln zurück in meine Seele, danke.
Wie du sagst, der Weg ist nicht einfach und die Familie eines der Wichtigsten Teile in unserem Dasein egal, ob diese Menschen um uns herum eine Lektion oder eine Erfüllung unserer Herzen sind.
Eltern wissen oft nicht oder haben selbst vergessen, aber wir können sie erinnern, wir können mit ihnen sprechen und mit ihnen unsere Sorgen teilen. Manchmal sind sie eine Lektion und manchmal ein Test, es kommt darauf an, wie wir es interpretieren.
Wer das Gebet kennt wird immer eine Antwort und einen Weg finden der zum Guten führt.
InshaAllah may Almighty give us protection n wisdom wit our family n our children we r facing bad respond frm our spouse whomAllah haschoice for us bt Allah Kareem his our gaurd InshaAllah give us peace n wisdom coz we da grace ov our creater only dua 4our married lead us wit 2success 4both ov us n our children...Amiin Rabhi Amin..May peace be apon us muslims
Ameen 🤲🙂 it's true relations are made by Allah we should not give up with family members due to any reason either it's permissible or not May Allah grant us guidance and kindness Ameen 🤲🙂 jazak Allah Khair 🙂
Please also post a video about your life, your obstacles and how you cope with that! How you started on the journey of inspiring million lives, only if you like. You are a real motivation for fighting and striving everyday in this world. Would be really appreciated.
Allahu Akbar Shiehk may almighty bless all umma and give us common understanding and guide everyone, this powerful message is very very deeper wisdom, and moreover all umma enlarge we are so grateful to have you jazakallahu once again Shiehk tabarakallah.
Being tested by very close relatives.
Do not want to abandon them but they r not flexible. Pl pray that Allah softens our 💕 hearts.
Masha Allah what an amazing message.
Say 3x after fajr salah
Subhaanallaahi wa bihamdihi: ‘Adada khalqihi wa ridhaa nafsihi, wa zinata ‘arshihi wa midaada kalimaatihi.
Glory is to Allaah and praise is to Him, by the multitude of his creation, by His Pleasure, by the weight of His Throne, and by the extent of His Words (Recite 3 times in Arabic)
Muslim 4/2090
Masha Allah, may Allah bless you and your family, Aameen.
Assalamualaikum brothers and sisters 💙🤗
Keep me in your prayers
Allah answers our secret prayers
@@Lyfmahn اَلسَلامُ عَلَيْكُم وَرَحْمَةُ اَللهِ وَبَرَكاتُهُ
Can you please make dua for me to Allah to accept all my dua's. Can you please make dua particularly for helping me complete learning a lot of necessary medical topics in less time.
i'm watching from Bangladesh
Alhamdulilah 🙏
Assalamu Alaikum wa Rah Matullahi wa Barakatu sisters and brothers. Jazakallah Khairan Kasiran. Pray for everyone in sha Allah. Don't be disappointed. Allah is the best helper, the most forgiving.
Allah keeps you
Alhamdulilah ,JazakAllah khair ,
Jazak Allah khair
Mashaallah! This really hits a spot in me... Thank you
Ameen Yaa Rabbi 🙏 🙏🙏
Aslmkum. It is always like you are talking to me directly on a topic that directly affects me.
Namibia here
Mashallah absolutely Jazakallah
Masha Allah ❤️❤️❤️
Alhamdulillah 🤲
Subhanallah.... sunshiny 🐇
My father used to say, ‘there are two times a parent feels hurt, firstly when their adult child abuses the parent and secondly when Allah takes revenge and the child is hurt’.
Sounds like a victim role
@@nabilc1667 I don’t know how old you are but read the Quran where it tells you how Allah reverses from strength to weakness , parents get weaker mentally and physically (but don’t look it) and children get stronger. None should be abused at anytime of their lives.
@@nanit7234 They both get stronger in different ways. Parents generally become wiser and more resilient with time. Many parents will resort to the victim role, while they are actually abusive themselves. That is my take on it. And of course, children can abuse their parents too.
The Islamic concept of the family is a group that emerges from the unison of man and woman through a marriage contract and the children that are born from it. This is why we say that a person who gets married is a free man whose freedom is hindered by a wife, children and by the consequent duties and responsibilities. He is no longer a free bachelor.
Members of the Muslim family are interconnected in many ways. The marriage contract that binds husband and wife is called by God the Almighty, “…a solemn covenant…” [4:21]. This marriage contract might or might not be enriched with ties of love and compassion between the couple to bring them even closer together. Then comes the tie that connects parents to their offspring.
Ya sameeu dua ya Allah I entrust my son his
Sight his hearing his toungue his heart his hands feet his private part to guide on the right path
Jami` at-Tirmidhi 484
Abdullah bin Mas'ud narrated that :
Allah's Messenger said: "The person closest to me on the Day of Judgement is the one who sent the most Salat upon me.
Absolutely 💯 💯 💯
MashaAllah 💕😘
❤ alhamdulillah ❤️
Subahan Allah ❤❤🤲
Your God is the black stone of the Kaaba
Ameen 🤲
Great way
Please make a khutba about reverts and how to aproach non Muslim families
Please dear brother's and sisters remember me in your duas, for Allah to better my marriage and grant me and my husband a baby. Ameen
The only reason to love dear Huzur is because he loves islam🥰🥰
9.30 😖😭😞 man I just want to go paradise
Our house is being tested by disease from time to time, can you say a dua for this
Well explain
Facing some issues with family and suddenly this video came while scrolling.
Masha Allah really appreciate 🙏❤️
Sir I need a help I have a daughter she is almost about 18years now but she have problem of bed wetting always pls what can I do for her now it's really irritated 😭
Yes! Masha'Allah this is why we should embrace our homosexual brothers and sisters - it was the decision of Allah
not really, turn back to Allah now!!!