Is Transgender Ideology Threatening Women’s Rights? | Katherine Deves | EP 105

  • Опубликовано: 15 сен 2024

Комментарии • 125

  • @richalderson6069
    @richalderson6069 19 дней назад +42

    Women like Kath Deves and Sall Grover are the unsung women heroes in Australian culture today. I have great respect for their strength and outspokenness.

  • @debbiedenman1008
    @debbiedenman1008 19 дней назад +33

    As an Aussie nanna I am so proud of Katherine and Sal for the work they are doing to regain human rights for woman. Having 7 granddaughters it makes me sick to my stomach at how Australian Politician do not have an ounce of sympathy for what they have allowed to happen and think what they have done is right. i have written to the commission, prime minister, attorney general and the judge who presided over the tickle v giggle case to voice my disgust at the verdict and why this is so wrong. I would hope more Australian women are doing something to have the sex discrimination act changed. It shouldn't just be left to Katherine and Sal to fight the fight.

    • @hm38121
      @hm38121 19 дней назад +1

      I feel they are doing more than in Canada. It's a sensitive topic that if words are paraphrased, it could cause misunderstandings and so much controversy and hate among the minority groups like the LGBT community. I admire how outspoken is Kathy, I wish I could handle the conversations about this like her. Wise women 👏👏👏

    • @grannyannie2948
      @grannyannie2948 19 дней назад +1

      Hi from another Australian grandmother. I am keen to fight to keep all this nonsense well away from all children.
      I'm too young to remember but I know beginning in the 1960s feminists of my mothers age took great delight in invading public bars, and other male only spaces. By the time I was an adult there were no male spaces. I really don't have much sympathy for adult women now the shoe is on the other foot.

    • @robyn7287
      @robyn7287 19 дней назад +1

      @@grannyannie2948I remember the women going into the public bars in hotels. It wasn’t to remove men it was to have equality, and freedom of choice. It was a beginning to gain momentum and stop the male dominance in so many ways. Look back at the early 60s and I couldn’t get a loan without a male guarantee. Although I worked and earned more than my husband my wages could not be taken into consideration for a mortgage. Wages were less than a man’s. Promotions were rarely given to women. What those first brave women did is what your children and grandchildren now take for granted.

    • @soniaess28
      @soniaess28 19 дней назад +2

      Many women in Australia are taking great risks and doing a lot of work to oppose this. We are everywhere.

    • @gort5583
      @gort5583 19 дней назад +1

      ​@@robyn7287 Well that is a very one sided view you must be a feminist. When I was a young man I couldn't get a loan from the bank to buy a house because I was 20 years old and single. But if I got married then they may take my wife's earnings into account just not the full amount because married women funnily enough tend to get pregnant and have babies. I was also denied a loan for a house because as a member of the military I was not considered to be reliable enough. Also everyone had to have a guarantor to buy a house it is standard practice. There are many seeming injustices in the world and if one doesn't view them all through the lens of feminism we are all affected in one way or another. Also how is it you were paid more than your husband one minute when the bank wouldn't take your wage into account, but then you say all women's wages are less than a mans the next? When I was single and prior to the equal wages act in the early 70's, single men and, both single and married women, were all paid the same and both were less than a married man. So again you take the bits that you think only affect women and infer women are the only people ever affected, this is patently untrue. Funnily enough it is also the basis of feminism. Also, promotions, dare I say, are earned not given and you never used to get them just because your a woman, that is a more modern progressive idea. Perhaps the fact that most women both then and now have always preferred to do fewer hours, shorter weeks, flexible times, demand and take more leave, want period leave, never ending maternity leave, and yet, but still expect to get promotions?

  • @hariseldon3786
    @hariseldon3786 19 дней назад +27

    I have been both a cytogeneticist and a geneticist - been looking at genes and chromosomes for years. I try to argue the difference between "gender" (subjective) and SEX (observable and empirical) - the differences between dimorphic sex differentiation and the rare incidences of "intersex". These ideological people want to argue with me PURELY on the basis of their "beliefs"!!! Not what you see down a microscope or observe "in the reality" - it is so bizarre... and it is destructive - they are trying to force us to LIE!

    • @OpenHLZFocus
      @OpenHLZFocus 18 дней назад

      Biologists use the term sex for the genitals of XX or XY individuals, and gender is a literary terminology but it obviously coincides with xx gender female and xy gender male. No biologist says that this 🥳 cat is XX but is male, nor do we say this person is XY but is female because he feels like a woman. 🥳Sorry but Science doesn't work like that. What University are you a biologist and cytologist from? Or are they laboratory technician studies? just to refine because there is a lot of misinformation. And yes, it's a LIE 🥳to say that kind of thing, you're right about that part. Thanks. BIÓLOGIST.😸From Europe 🏰🥓🥐🍷

    • @OpenHLZFocus
      @OpenHLZFocus 18 дней назад

      Or maybe I didn't understand you correctly 🙂

    • @hariseldon3786
      @hariseldon3786 17 дней назад

      @@OpenHLZFocus It does not "obviously coincide" with sex - it "tangentially coincides" because it was deliberately nuanced that way by a guy called "Jonh Money" in 1954. Of course no one says "XY but is male - because that is simply clumsy and assumes a knowledge that a person may not have - but everyone understands, and has understood, "male" and "female" for thousands of years AND we are a dimorphic species. Creating words to "cheat" the meaning is dishonest and the word "gender" should never have been allowed to supplant the meaning of the words "male" or "female". (Postgrad life sciences from University of Toronto and then doctorate from Sydney University (with several other postgrad degrees in other disciplines...))

  • @deniseganey6890
    @deniseganey6890 19 дней назад +14

    From the US here ,have I hea correctly? A female power lifter on the Canaduan team has been banned for refusing to go up against a man ? Mainstream media needs to be more professiomal and share this .

  • @virginialonsdale9902
    @virginialonsdale9902 19 дней назад +10

    Thank you Tammy and Katherine. This is such an interesting conversation that offers much to ponder. 🙏

  • @SilverMagpie
    @SilverMagpie 19 дней назад +6

    What a wonderful message. Totally against the woke tide, but so refreshing and good (in the truest sense of the word good): get married, have lots of babies, raise your own children (if you can), family is precious and sacred, value the natural and different strengths you have as two different genders. Thank you, ladies.

  • @aundriab.9538
    @aundriab.9538 16 дней назад +3

    Such a beautiful conversation between 2 strong and amazing women. I admire people like Katherine who have stood up and told the truth, and are continuing to stand and truly fight for womens' rights, even when it comes at a great personal cost. We need more like her. Thank you, Tammy, for this wonderful interview. God Bless You!

  • @PatriciaCoberly
    @PatriciaCoberly 18 дней назад +5

    American woman here. Yes, our rights are being taken away. And it's happening everywhere. Sad.

  • @kandilula
    @kandilula 19 дней назад +5

    Love all of this. I especially agree with Kath that marriage makes a difference. I felt an immediate change in commitment and security, marriage is harder to walk away from.

  • @TheElectricCamel
    @TheElectricCamel 20 дней назад +17

    Dark times....

  • @Ed-lian
    @Ed-lian 17 дней назад +4

    Shame on Paris who let this happen

  • @hospitalsgivingpatientsdan8894
    @hospitalsgivingpatientsdan8894 17 дней назад +5


  • @FionaKumariCampbell
    @FionaKumariCampbell 19 дней назад +3

    Brilliant discussion

  • @DannyTaylor-Smith
    @DannyTaylor-Smith 17 дней назад +2

    The verdict just came through and it did not rule in our favour :(

  • @sh8nn0n92
    @sh8nn0n92 19 дней назад +3

    Finally❣️💪Seeing Kat again gives me hope❣️Keep fighting, Y=GUY🗣️🗣️

    • @OpenHLZFocus
      @OpenHLZFocus 18 дней назад

      Finally, those who continue to crow 🐔 but hide their phenotypes (appearance without surgery), their genotype (unalterable genes that are easily visible), their gender (which they call fluid, inter, pronoun, animalistic or etc.) and their sex identified by their XX combination, XY and a few subjects with XXY and Syndromes suffered by people who are not usually among the lg👉🤬tbi or ideological groups. 🥊🤐🥵🥊.

  • @laurettaleone6482
    @laurettaleone6482 19 дней назад +1

    Interesting open conversation that needs to be happening. We womyn, who have been oppressed, subordinated and over time are finding OUR way out, because we cannot JUMP into "knowing", for one. We also are unique human beings, with unique experiences in life. No one can avoid any kind of hurt, or frustration, or regret in life. Life has this interwoven in the experience. There is NO 'one way" for womyn. Each of us will have disappointments and deep loss, in life. The womyn that fought for our right to "choose" what WE want, could not foresee into the future, as the fight for ONE right was a HUGE fight and much was sacrificed for the rights we have today. We need to talk in supportive ways of womyn, and move out of this mocking and blaming HER. (misogyny...built in to the old patriarchy, ugh) Transforming out of patriarchy that pushed womyn into objects of service, will take time, because we are not robots. Deprogramming has many layers: epigenetic, generational, cultural, and our own subconscious programming. That two womyn can have this discussion openly is because of what womyn before us fought for. Some countries, womyn still cannot do this. Yes, we will make decisions based on what this "wave" is presenting and SOME womyn will have regrets about it, or maybe ALL will have regrets and BLAME it on this, when in life, regrets happen. There is no perfect, no right way. That SHE can try things open to HER, "is" the freedom to choose and discover what it is she is drawn to, for her adventure in life. I am grateful for all the womyn that fought for OUR rights to have these discussions more openly and honestly. They sacrificed a LOT for this; something many womyn still do not have. It is a blessing to hear discussions by womyn.

  • @UteHeggenTranswidowHeals
    @UteHeggenTranswidowHeals 13 дней назад +2

    At 14 minutes, yes the influence of porn is strong for these men. You'll see a whole section about the history, going back to pamphlets sold for 25 cents from a company called Nutrix in 1950s and 60s, with men sending their photos of themselves "dressing" with "Letters to the Editor from Female Impersonators." More info at new documentary, Behind the Looking Glass, at Lime Soda Films YT channel. Premiered on Friday, Aug 30, already got 60k views. The filmmaker, Vaishnavi Sundar, was cancelled for covering these subjects, after invitations to Sundance were revoked.

    • @HeathenGranny
      @HeathenGranny 4 дня назад

      I mean this gender critical movement is a movement of white supremacy and sexualizing children asking for their privates. Also what does porn have anything to do with this?

  • @ing-mariekoppel1637
    @ing-mariekoppel1637 15 дней назад +2

    As unfair as it can be.

  • @aresmars2003
    @aresmars2003 18 дней назад +2

    26:00 … Male only spaces… the problem with cults is you end up needing a police force to keep them in their place. Short of that I think we have to recognize we can’t defend both female-only and male-only spaces. But we can say “female only” on public bathrooms and “male and diverse genders” on the other. Same for most sports.
    Then when a male person says “I’m not a man” you can say “congratulations, but you are not female, and you are included in the diverse spaces over there.” Bearded females on Testosterone will cause no problem on male side.
    Some males will stealth use female spaces, but they will be under legal risk, and will try to not draw any attention.
    We can restore sex based identification and use social taboo to keep men out.

  • @jollygoode4153
    @jollygoode4153 17 дней назад +1

    OMG Deves is right about her fight for women's rights and she is one of our greatest Australians at the moment fighting the good fight, but this is a load of guff about EVs. First there have been many trips around Australia taken by EVs now and the number of charging stations continues to increase as does the range of many EVs. 348 mile range for a Tesla model S, many other makes coming out with longer range. As for weight well, 4720 kilos for a BMW 7 series, 2265 kilos for a model S, so the ICE vehicle weighs a lot MORE than the EV. Oh and this week an EV very similar to the Tesla model 3 has been released and sold out almost instantly ( 10000 vehicles ) in China that sells for about 17k. Many EVs are better in almost every way, total cost of ownership has been lower for some time and now the sticker price is coming down and will eclipse comparative ICE vehicles more and more. Now why resist progress ? In Australia we are dependent on foreign oil for most of our road transport with about 3 WEEKS reserve. Even if we charge EVs from coal generated electricity we would be independent from foreign oil imports for road transport. It really is a no brainer and it makes me wonder why the likes of KD trot out this nonsense. Yes in some far flung places a traditional 4 wheel drive might be better for the forseeable future but that is an edge case, with most vehicles being in the cities traveling on average no more than 80 klm per day.

  • @Chantayoll85
    @Chantayoll85 13 дней назад

    Now this Australian Lawyer is a real wise women ! If she was running the country and more women like her with healthy good real men standing by them the world would be a better place 🤷‍♀️🙌🏼

  • @jesss7075
    @jesss7075 19 дней назад +2


  • @adamwalker2377
    @adamwalker2377 17 дней назад +2

    Hold it. You don't have any right to be safe.
    You have a right to possess the means to provide your own safety, but nobody has a duty to provide you with safety.

  • @GyllenkroksAve
    @GyllenkroksAve 19 дней назад

    Minute 52:57 , Tammy. You are spot on👍

  • @S.L.T.P.E.
    @S.L.T.P.E. 20 дней назад +6

    Please ask your charming guest to speak out against the constant demeaning of men’s contribution to society in Australia. Thank you

    • @loriegosnell9355
      @loriegosnell9355 20 дней назад +1

      You liked your own comment didn’t you? That’s exactly what was addressed here… more and more women are becoming responsible for our downfall as women, we’re just referred to as whatever pronoun someone else chooses.

    • @hm38121
      @hm38121 19 дней назад +2

      This comment sounds like when during the BlackLivesMatter movement, some white people kept saying that all lives matter...

    • @lancewalker2595
      @lancewalker2595 19 дней назад

      Fat chance. She's as much of a misandrist as the rest of Australia.

    • @lancewalker2595
      @lancewalker2595 19 дней назад +2

      @@hm38121 Yes... that was a pertinent retort considering the ridiculous myopic implication of the phrase and movement "Black Lives Matter". Get a grip.

    • @RB-jl2qb
      @RB-jl2qb 19 дней назад +6

      If you watch her on a number of different media platforms she does speak out on behalf of men. Just like Kellie J Keen and Sall Grover. They all love their men and sons and want to make sure ‘decent’ males are treated as respectfully as women. She didn’t hold back on speaking out about the ridiculous women who simper and hold up these terrible males. She’s not pretending this is all the fault of men.
      This whole debate has made many women understand the true worth of decent men.

  • @Ed-lian
    @Ed-lian 17 дней назад +2

    It's male dominated. History is His/story.
    If women come in and want to have a say in it, it's push back.
    We should not forget that humanity
    Social organization is in patricrchal structure worldwide.
    This forms the worldview.
    We don't have an image in our head what a matriarchal social organisation would be.
    All we know is patricrchal social structures
    Woman would organize things very different.
    It's not just the opposite that women then would dominat the men.

  • @charlesbrown1365
    @charlesbrown1365 20 дней назад +2

    Yes it is .

  • @adamwalker2377
    @adamwalker2377 17 дней назад +1

    No, don't go off to uni.
    If you want to have a family, then spending your very best years in class and then acquiring unproductive debt that you or your husband will have to be away from the family for 1000s of hours to pay off is stupid.

  • @Ed-lian
    @Ed-lian 17 дней назад

    I read once in a book that a psychologist had researched when boys discover their gender identity.
    He noticed that a small percentage, perhaps 10%, identify with the biological opposite sex.
    So from here, what to do if this is the case.
    The idea of ​​hormones and surgery,
    body modification
    is current belief.
    But is that really so.
    Is changing the phenotype externally the solution?

    • @UteHeggenTranswidowHeals
      @UteHeggenTranswidowHeals 13 дней назад +2

      Most recent analysis by PhD psychologist Elliot Kaminetsky (US) is that this mental illness is in the OCD stream. Identity-Based Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder. When viewed from this perspective, there is hope for the patients.

  • @footballgirl4691
    @footballgirl4691 18 дней назад

    They have Andy’s man club in England that only men can go to. I don’t know what would happen if a woman wanted to go

  • @seeseesstopmotionstudio120
    @seeseesstopmotionstudio120 19 дней назад +1

    The thumbnail is misleading...

  • @Chantayoll85
    @Chantayoll85 13 дней назад

    The violent abusive gross porn yeah well how long have they let that go on and on 🤷‍♀️

  • @JulieCowan-x1q
    @JulieCowan-x1q 17 дней назад

    You’d have to be thick not to think so, of course it is.

  • @Ed-lian
    @Ed-lian 17 дней назад

    What I think is that 2 binary gender concept is not enough.
    If we have only two possible gender positions
    Then male people get the certificate to be: female in their passports.
    One or the other
    - binary positions.
    But we have people who do not fit into this binary gender concept.
    Intersex people, in physical aspects of the anatomical sex.
    Transgender people in terms of their gender identification with the opposite gender.
    We need to add social gender categories.
    Besides the two main sexes.
    The Belivingsystem is false.
    It is not true that gender identity is the same thing as physically being a woman.

  • @marina_vtq
    @marina_vtq 20 дней назад +1

    You could have used a picture of Lia Thomas or anyone else who's trully trans. I feel bad for Imane Khelif. She's an Algerian boxer, she's not gonna look like a swedish ballet dancer...

    • @hm38121
      @hm38121 19 дней назад +7

      I don't think she used that pic for the looks of it. But rather for the controversy of that person, and she chose right. No one is talking about how anyone looks in the interview.

    • @richalderson6069
      @richalderson6069 19 дней назад +1

      Imane Khelif won Olympic gold punching the living daylights out of women and is now suing JK Rowling and Elon Musk for millions. No sympathy at all for such an entitled man.

    • @Minerva-fp1zx
      @Minerva-fp1zx 19 дней назад

      That's unfortunately what fuels the entire anti trans movement. Women who aren't feminine.

    • @francishooper9548
      @francishooper9548 19 дней назад

      Khelif is a male. He has been tested twice by accredited international labs whose results are accepted in all other cases.

    • @joce11
      @joce11 19 дней назад +1

      ​@@Minerva-fp1zxIf that's what you want to believe then that's your prerogative. Thankfully it's not most people's.