Or more likely whoever sent it is a heretic. Despite the jokes and memes, Exterminatus isn't something the Imperium just dicks around with, it's considered the most extreme last resort option and whoever orders or requests an exterminatus will be indicted by their peers and their action will be investigated *heavily* for signs of heresy. So whoever sent that? The inquisition is most likely on their ass.
@@funnelvortex7722 I doubt it due to the both the titans and an inquisitioners involvement with the planet could have been done in hopes of covering their tracks or preventing the orks from getting anything valuable. Most likely it would have been virus bombed so the next slave labor force could take over 2 days later.
+BOSS "Exterminatus?" "Kryptman, get the fuck out of here, there are no fucking tyranids for you to deal with! Anyone sane there?" "Ultra-dudes here, responding." "Emperor's be praised! You know, there's a small task for you on Graia..."
1973Washu Well, when you have some Exterminatus-happy inquisitor, which barely thinks about destroy the planet or not, regardless of it's importance to the Imperium, you better report about him/her to other inquisitors, because there's a chance that he's/she's corrupted by the foul powers of the Chaos (like the Valinov from the "Grey Knights") / simply gone nuts. Either way, if this is the real reason, then he/she himself/herself becomes the heretic and the threat to Imperium and needs to be eliminated ASAP. Of course, fighting mad inqiusitors are privelege to other inquisitors and their's henchmen.
I think it's just meant to be an automated response that starts with Exterminatus and filters down based on the planet. The military is stretched thin, so the strategic value thing they have there actually seems pretty useful.
The Skitarii had already been soundly beaten by the Orks in the first attacks (check the audio logs) and the Titanica couldn't deploy their awesome firepower for fear of irreparably damaging the very Manufactorums the Imperium was fighting to save.
"Planet houses significant manufacturing capabilities, up to producing Warlord class titans. Strategic value: Absolute" "Exterminatus?" "DID YOU PAY ATTENTION TO ANYTHING I JUST SAID?" "....double exterminatus?" "Just send the smurfs."
Imagine how much fucking time wasted is spent upon reading Terms and Conditions in the year 40000 future, where if you misclick or misread one "Accept" button, you literally destroy an entire planet, along with its 30 billion+ human citizens. Warhammer 40k's got no chill, especially the Inquisition.
+William Signs To be honest, this is what interests me about the 40k universe. Its a setting where a space Nazi Roman Empire is legitimately the best hope for humanity. Where killing a billion people can be considered good, since it could save a trillion in the process. All human individuality lost in the grinding, collosal military machine which is keeping humanity alive.
+flobadob222 you have consider religion is very real in this universe unlike ours were there no god in a another dimension. Cause live in a godless universe unlike theres
It sucks that nobody is going to continue this story. I loved the game play, the set pieces, the action...everything. It was a great game and it deserves to have followups.
+phuturephunk "Story". HAH! Yeah right... That's the main gripe of the game. The gameplay technically works for the most part, but the story is boring as hell, even by 40k "grim dark - no fun allowed"-standards. The characters are uninteresting, there's nothing in the plot that was even a little surprising, and the shooting and cutting the same enemies over and over and over becomes a fucking tedious chore instead of enjoyable gameplay, when it has nothing to balance it out as narrative-breaks. The health-regain system was also pretty idiotic. Too many people give this mediocre-at-best game way too much credit because it has Warhammer 40 000" in it's cover.
I love this game because it shows how capable space marines are. Three veterans manage to take on hundreds if not thousands of enemies. Plus they're not super agile, they're walking tanks like they're described in the lore.
Motör Punx in the lore, especially in Horus Heresy books, they're supposed to be fast and agile as fuck. And the orks are supposed to be at least as strong as a space marine, with a fuckin' strength. 3 marines shouldn't be able to stop a whole invasion followed by a Chaos incursion. At least, one company, yeah. Also, a fuckin' forgeworld is normally strongly defended. The mechanicum got scitariis everywhere, war machines. So, with some PDF and a Cadian regiment in reinforcements, an ork invasion should have failed pretty early. So, add a company of Ultramarines to all of this stuff... We're not speaking of Ghaskul Trakka and his WAAAAGH... Just a minor chieftain.
Orks are meant to be as strong as a Space Marine is only partially true, the basic grunts are stronger than humans generally but not always as strong as an Astartes. From what stories I've read though its not the Astartes strength that makes them able to slaughter hundreds/thousands of orks, its the fact their brains can calculate complex close combat moves or pull of 100% accurate fire against their enemies in mili-seconds. Orks tend to just try and randomly pulverize things and their fire is (mostly) horrendously inaccurate, often killing more of their own than the enemy at times. Space marine armour is also generally impervious to the efforts or weapons most grunts get to carry.
I really like this intro because it gives us a glimpse into the strategic process of the Imperium. There's a reason why exterminatus is the first option to be considered. Beating back an Ork WAAAGH is a massive undertaking that takes a lot of time, materiel, and effort. If it's bad enough that the Imperial Navy can't prevent a planetary invasion, then the benefits of liberating a planet must be weighed against its costs - which could be better spent elsewhere on more the more vital sectors of an Imperium constantly beset by enemies. If it is simply not worth it to defend a planet, then the cold, but logical conclusion would be to deny that planet to the enemy. Billions of lives sacrificed to potentially save trillions more. This constant theme of struggle and sacrifice against overpowering forces is exactly what makes 40k unique, and why it resonates with so many people.
Plus there's the added additional costs of an Ork invasion that are based on Ork biology. Orks are essentially a fungus-based race. They all seed spores everywhere they go that grow into both new Orks and Gretchens, who can re-start a new Ork attack on the liberated planet if they have enough time to go unnoticed and grow to a big enough threat. Once a planet has been visited by the Orks, it's downright near impossible to be rid of them fully, and resources, manpower and materiel are going to need to be continuously devoted to keeping the threat suppressed. Which I think will also factor into the strategic planning process of the Imperium when it comes to an Ork invasion. Don't think it's strategically worthwhile to devote all that extra cost to keep the liberated planet protected? Exterminatus or regular ol' planetary bombardment it is. That'll burn out the Ork spores REAL good.
@@jacksimpson8529 or call the Salamanders... You'll get happy flamethrower noises over the phone that will creep you out, but you won't have to deal with Orks any more
I still get goosebumps every time it says "deploying ADEPTUS ASTARTE ULTRA" I'm like oh shit it's over for them and another thing is they only send 3 marines there prolly Like "oh a whole army of xeno alright 3 should do it". I wish they made more games :(
Too bad they hade not made anything to show us what the other Ultramarines were working at, like in Space (Fleet combat) and on the ground. Besides, in the 500 worlds having a handful of Ultramarines nearby is a rare thing...
"Captain Titus, the Codex Astartes expressly forbids removing the tag from the mattress-" "Unless we are the end consumer, eh? It has allowances for that..." "Sidonus has a point, Leandros, we _are_ the end consumer **rip** "
I had never had any experience with any Warhammer media before this game and I have to say, I was kind of hesitant, but it ended up being a top 10 for me. It was basically on par with Gears of War, maybe even better. And the multiplayer was an absolute banger too, for some reason. Normally these types of games just tack them on. Best part was fully customizing your armor colors down to the last detail just like you would paint a mini.
A cgi series would be better, live action sucks for this kinda thing, plus this way they’ll be able to show the scale better than with love action and there’s better voice actors for this kinda thing than there are live actors.
Focusing on the key characters and events of the horus heresy, DUH... complete with a full on 2-parter for the Istvaan dropsite massacre. It writes itself really!
One off my genuine favourite moments of the game is the opening with the Dispatch. It shows exactly how the Imperium sees its world through the cold calculating eyes of beurocracy and logistics, how Liberation Fleet was called in but due to strategic value they "Escalate Area Denial" - the sole phrase is enough to give a glimpse how the Imperium thinks on such a grand scale.
While obviously every military has expectations that its soldiers will risk their lives, limbs and possible sanity its neither healthy to merely waste soldiers. In modern standards, militaries are supposed and expected to have High levels of professionalism and training to them focused mostly around focusing precision targets in combat than frontal assaults. There’s a reason why Russia’s tendencies of sending waves of conscripts into battle results in undesirable losses and errodes further their own military capacities.
@@jakobtarrasericsson4295 Funny you say that, Russia doesn't send their conscripts to the battlefield immediately unlike Sneedkraine. "undesirable losses" lol
Titus is used to travelling in a drop pod - which keeps accelerating at the ground until it's about 20 feet up. Then it hits the brakes. Besides, going faster means the Orks have less time to try and shoot him.
Negative. Requesting order Adeptes Astartes Angelo and Lupus. Deploying Blood Angles and Space Wolves. Ha! Now you can't do it because now we have to see how THIS awesome shit goes down!
True to 40k fashion. Their first concern about deploying capital weaponry isn't about the lives of possible survivors in the city. But a reduction of manufacturing output.
To be fair the people serving on such world are important to maintain manufacturing output.Its the grim dark future after all where most likely even the dead are recycled into food for the living working class...so a dent in the world's population is in direct impact to manufacturing output.
well, technically Steel Rain is "Multiple Sim-ul-tane-ee-us Defensive Deep Strikes" this is just one onto a flying Ork ship. that said, that Marine needs to realize the Codex Astartes is GUIDELINES rather than actual rules. Improvization on the field is what keeps you alive and the enemy guessing.
Just seen the sequel trailer and came back to this. One of the really great things about Space Marine was how there is a constant undercurrent of unimaginable human suffering. It even appears in this intro - you have a coldly analytical description of the situation, which is then thrown into stark difference by the sudden swelling of lamenting music as the shattered remains of starships drift by. In ordinary gameplay you can listen to scattered servo-skull messages describing the most awful of loss and pain. It adds an extra emotional dimension to a game which otherwise would just be a pure hack-and-slash shooter. Not that there's anything wrong with that, but the sadness of it really helps to draw you in and sympathise with the characters, especially seeing that a major theme is the humanity of the supposedly super-human Space Marines. I hope they can carry on those threads in the sequel.
Why the fuck was EXTERMINATUS the first fucking option? "They are invading us, what do we do?" "DEEZTROY EVRUTHEEN!" Was Inquisitor Headsmash the one in that communication thing?
Person a - xenos invasion of a forge world. Manufacturer of warlord class titans. Strategic value absolute. Person b - so can we nuke the entire planet from orbit? A - strategic value absolute. B - can we just carpet bomb the whole thing a little bit? A - NO. B - K. You can tell this conversation has been had millions of times.
I dont know why i love this intro so much. I can imagine so poor adept of the Ministorum sitting hunched in front of a cogitator, dull light from the monitor the only thing providing light, pooring over war data for 12-16 hours a day.
"The Codex Astartes does not support this action." No shit bruh! Where's the rest of the squad? Thunderhawks are capable of holding something like 30-40 marines and they only put 3 on it? Serious misallocation of valuable military resources is putting it lightly!
What about other cities? Let the orks take baneblades and smaller titans so defending the Warlord titan will be more fun? Thats some Holywood film logic, not a W40K one.
Fluff-wise, a squad of marines is sufficient to hold off an entire army for long enough to get reinforcements in. A Space Marine is basically a demi-god compared to a man.
How is it that just administrators arguing about a military response going on a screen and a thunderhawk flying into atmosphere is enough to pump someone up?
I love how the first option on the table is Exterminatus, but fortunately for us regular humans it seems to be an uncommon choose. It tells you that the Imperium is absolutely merciless, but they're are disqualifiers that push it down to the next best option, bombardment, followed by invasion. If you are just some backwater colony on the fringe of the Imperium you are probably going to get blown up from space, your whole planet isn't even with the mobilizing of the Guard. But if you have some strategic asset, and I don't think it even has to be a major asset like a Titan, I think if you just grow the food for a Hive World you can avoid the Exterminatus as long as it isn't a Nid invasion. You might not be safe from an Orbital Bombardment, but your farm is worth enough to the local politics that you cannot just be erased so easily.
You know what I really appreciate? How this game isn't insecure about pandering to people who are already WH40k fans. It doesn't feel the need to force-feed you basic lore for the benefit of a new casual audience who has never heard of 40k. Everything in this intro is 100% crystal clear to anyone who knows the setting, and if it confuses you, tough shit. Go read a wiki. In this age of endless soft reboots to make everything "accessible", it's really refreshing to have something that doesn't patronize you and isn't ashamed of being set in a pre-existing IP.
So simple with that automated response system going through its process of determining the best course of action yet somehow it feels so epic. I hate that this game got slept on so much it has the only single player campaign I have ever played over 4 times start to finish.
Recommended course of Action? Exterminatus? "Negative, strategic value absolute!" Deploy Capital Weapon? "No, we need the production capabilities. Strategic value Absolute!" Delay? "Listen here you little shit ..."
You know what...I LIKE THE ULTRAMARINES! There...I said it. I didn't have any problem at all with them being in this game. Although White Scars would have been cool too.
I agree completely. The only reason people hate on the Ultramarines is because of fucking Matt Ward. His Mary Sue-ification of them has ruined their reputation. But some of us stay strong in the face of adversity. WE MARCH FOR MACRAGGE!!!!!!
My problem with Ultramarines is that they are the poster-boys for GWs Space Marine line, ie they are EVERYWHERE even though they can be... mediocre at the best of times (excluding Captains such as Titus and Ventris, long live the 4th!) instead of cool Codex chapters such as the Dark Angels or the Raven Guard. Also, 99% have a proverbial stick up their ass when it comes to the Codex Astarte's.
@@zachscarbrough2727 How about the Raptors? Sure, they aren't batshit insane like the rest of the Space Marine chapters.... but if all you see is a bunch of dead things, some spent shell casings, and no dead Marines, you know it had to be the Raptors.
They did actually send more Ultramarines onto the planet. Titus and his Battle Brothers were the vanguard silencing the heavy fire directed at their Thunderhawks. If you listen to the conversations as you progress in the game, you can hear Captain Titus sending transmissions to other Ultramarines fighting on the planet to order them to secure the Titan and etc. etc, which means that there are other Ultramarines, they just happened to be elsewhere fighting at the time.
One small detail about the Exterminatus prompt is that it probably comes from an Inquisitor who knew about Dragan's research. The Inquisitor thought that if the Orks got their hands on that device, it would probably cause a Daemon invasion (which technically happened). Also, it can bury any proof of this less conservative branch of the Inquisition's involvement.
I like how titus's first plan is already outside the bounds of the codex...you'd think he's need a little more incentive before breaking from the holy bible of the space marines lol.
***** He made the Ultramarines from a like-able chapter to a bunch of arrogant by-the-book twats that resemble much like Leondros from the game, and he also fucked up many of the damn rule books in the board game, and he wrote a canon fluff that made Grey Knight slaughter sisters of battle to use their holy blood to fight daemon influence even though their aegis armor and the tattoos on their skin 100% protect them from daemon influence. And that is just saying little. want to know more? Read 1d4chan.org/wiki/Matthew_Ward I should have just linked just the link instead of writing the damn paragraph :P
I would love to see the orks show up again in the series, even as a DLC or mission - they have so much personality and it would be cool seeing hordes of them with Saber's swarm tech.
That “Delay unacceptable.” “Loss of strategic assets on GRAIA unacceptable. Strategic value ABSOLUTE.” is the sassiest text exchange I’ve ever seen in Warhammer.
40k games, especially the ones made by Relic, have always done an excellent job of building atmosphere, one rich with badassery, something that many modern games have failed to do. And that's why I appreciate them more
Wich is heresy in the impirium, unless you sign form 24784336324753,57633466 from sub form 2552787432666. and that form can be found on some planet everyone forgot about.
I LOVE the pragmatic imperium... when u have millions of worlds to rule imagine if this required democracy ... humanity would be extinct in a 100 years
@@yochaiwyss3843 Well it was intended to be facist. But independent of what you think of arch warhammer, he made a decent video explaining why it isn't. The imperium of man is a Feudalistic federation lead by a absolute monarch. Or a truchsess right now.
@@yochaiwyss3843 Well he is definitive right leaning and there is nothing wrong with that except when actually misinforms about real world topics. His facism video has a couple mistakes in it. Like for example the Hitler quote. The quote actually is from Gregor Strasser. A "Nazi" that got killed during the night of the long knives for beeing to socialist ...
I like how the only reason they didn't want to deploy capital weaponry is "Unacceptable loss in manufacturing output." In any other universe that's not 40k, it'd be "Unacceptable loss in civilian life."
Loved this game, from The graphics, the vocals, the weaponry and to the obvious plot twist! Even enjoyed collecting all the servo skulls, meaning 3/4 replays. Infactbthis game was one of the reasons I kept my Xbox 360! Loved it all!
Whoever sent "Exterminatus" as the first response obviously just wanted to go home
Haha good 1.
Hahaha true true
It's not the imperium of man if they don't start with an exterminatus.
Or more likely whoever sent it is a heretic. Despite the jokes and memes, Exterminatus isn't something the Imperium just dicks around with, it's considered the most extreme last resort option and whoever orders or requests an exterminatus will be indicted by their peers and their action will be investigated *heavily* for signs of heresy. So whoever sent that? The inquisition is most likely on their ass.
@@funnelvortex7722 I doubt it due to the both the titans and an inquisitioners involvement with the planet could have been done in hopes of covering their tracks or preventing the orks from getting anything valuable. Most likely it would have been virus bombed so the next slave labor force could take over 2 days later.
fucking Inquisition
+BOSS "Exterminatus?"
"Kryptman, get the fuck out of here, there are no fucking tyranids for you to deal with! Anyone sane there?"
"Ultra-dudes here, responding."
"Emperor's be praised! You know, there's a small task for you on Graia..."
+BOSS =][= The Emperor Protects =][=
You dare question the holy Inquisition and by extension the will of the God Emperor?
1973Washu Well, when you have some Exterminatus-happy inquisitor, which barely thinks about destroy the planet or not, regardless of it's importance to the Imperium, you better report about him/her to other inquisitors, because there's a chance that he's/she's corrupted by the foul powers of the Chaos (like the Valinov from the "Grey Knights") / simply gone nuts. Either way, if this is the real reason, then he/she himself/herself becomes the heretic and the threat to Imperium and needs to be eliminated ASAP. Of course, fighting mad inqiusitors are privelege to other inquisitors and their's henchmen.
Gotta love how Exterminatus was the first option.
Fredfredbug4 Must be Inquisition.
Fredfredbug4 I know right. .... It's just a forge world .... constructing TItans .... ^^
Fredfredbug4 When in doubt, Exterminatus
I think it's just meant to be an automated response that starts with Exterminatus and filters down based on the planet. The military is stretched thin, so the strategic value thing they have there actually seems pretty useful.
CedarHunt Which, as one would assume, no one expects.
***OBJECTIVE: Secure the Titans!
Collegia Titanica and Skitarii currently out to lunch***
The Skitarii had already been soundly beaten by the Orks in the first attacks (check the audio logs) and the Titanica couldn't deploy their awesome firepower for fear of irreparably damaging the very Manufactorums the Imperium was fighting to save.
I did not expect Soviet of all people here. I have been pleasantly surprised.
Shadow111111 Strong but heavily outnumbered by orks.
Wait holy shit, my fav RUclipsr knows about 40k!!??!
best part of this is the dispatcher having to remind the responder that the value is absolute
What I like is that the FIRST suggestion was exterminatus.
Honestly I suspected this to be more a machine spirit thing, not a conversation.
They must not have had anybody to pilot the titan for some reason even though it's a heavily populated important forge world
but who is the the responder supposed to be?
"Planet houses significant manufacturing capabilities, up to producing Warlord class titans. Strategic value: Absolute"
"....double exterminatus?"
"Just send the smurfs."
I literally lol'ed at this.
@@fff131313 Same.
This is hillarious. LOL.
in the end titus' efforts to save the world didn't matter, he saved graia from orks and chaos but the planet was later consumed by the tyranids lol
Send the smurfs! 😂
In the Grim Darkness of the 41st millennium, there are only cancelled sequels.
At least the SJW crap isn't a thing in 40k yet.
An entire Chapter of black, female, and lesbian Space Marines are coming.
Matthew Lee There's already black Space Marines. The Salamanders.
The real grimdark thing is if disney bought warhammer.....
And now I'm sad.
Apparently, 99.9% of the time, the conversation goes like this:
"Xenos invasion detected!"
"Yeah, sure."
"Great. What's for lunch?"
not really sadly
"Sir, we have a reported sight of a spider on Canubinos Prime."
"Ex. Ter. Mi. NATUS!!"
Yep. Nuke it. Twice.
Funny spiders are one species which resisted space marine legions in there prime with heavy casualties. So a wise choice.
@@Siegberg91 Megarachnids are no jokes.
"The Codex Astartes does not support this action".
No, the Codex Astartes names this maneuver STEHL REHN!
They have Failed the Emprah!
Mahrene raihn
+Dr.RubberFace Its Marhene rain!
We are the spesss mahrenes!
Weh ah the Emprah's Fureh!
>Recommended course of action?
Fuck man calm down
Fuck u crazy
Got zero chil
Damned Inquisition.
.... Who let Karamazov in here?
I just love how it took a total of 3 seconds for it to come up with that answers. Remember, that was Plan A!
In the 41 millenium it is very unwise just to click on "accept".
Imagine how much fucking time wasted is spent upon reading Terms and Conditions in the year 40000 future, where if you misclick or misread one "Accept" button, you literally destroy an entire planet, along with its 30 billion+ human citizens.
Warhammer 40k's got no chill, especially the Inquisition.
We can't kill billions in a flash, you fool! They produce Titans for the Imperium!
Gotta love the 40k logic.
+William Signs To be honest, this is what interests me about the 40k universe. Its a setting where a space Nazi Roman Empire is legitimately the best hope for humanity. Where killing a billion people can be considered good, since it could save a trillion in the process. All human individuality lost in the grinding, collosal military machine which is keeping humanity alive.
+flobadob222 you have consider religion is very real in this universe unlike ours were there no god in a another dimension. Cause live in a godless universe unlike theres
+William Signs It'd create an incendiary atmosphere though. If the Imperium had a life-obliterator pulse a la Halo Array, life would be a lot simpler.
+William Signs That's essentially what the Halo Array is, but it projects it at stupidly fast FTL speeds.
"negative, estimated reduction in manufacturing output unacceptable"
Finally, a sequel comes for this masterpiece.
The emperor rewards all thay are loyal to him.
@@dknighton100 indeed brother
Double exterminatus?
@@kinbolluck476 No!
And turns out, it's actually just as good.
Clever of the damn blood ravens, keep us off of their back while they loot the titan war machine
This opening scene was probably one of my favorites in video games.
It sucks that nobody is going to continue this story. I loved the game play, the set pieces, the action...everything. It was a great game and it deserves to have followups.
+phuturephunk Apparently, word from the Relic team was that the sequel would have Titus drafted into the Deathwatch.
+Brian_the_Fuzzy That would've been SO sick.
+phuturephunk "Story". HAH! Yeah right...
That's the main gripe of the game.
The gameplay technically works for the most part, but the story is boring as hell, even by 40k "grim dark - no fun allowed"-standards.
The characters are uninteresting, there's nothing in the plot that was even a little surprising, and the shooting and cutting the same enemies over and over and over becomes a fucking tedious chore instead of enjoyable gameplay, when it has nothing to balance it out as narrative-breaks.
The health-regain system was also pretty idiotic.
Too many people give this mediocre-at-best game way too much credit because it has Warhammer 40 000" in it's cover.
***** What the hell would closing my mouth do here, when I'm communicating by typing on a keyboard?
***** Make me.
Oh yeah, there's fuck all you can do.
I love this game because it shows how capable space marines are. Three veterans manage to take on hundreds if not thousands of enemies. Plus they're not super agile, they're walking tanks like they're described in the lore.
Late reply, but they are agile as fuck. Don't let their looks decieve you. Just look at the Raven Guard.
Motör Punx in the lore, especially in Horus Heresy books, they're supposed to be fast and agile as fuck.
And the orks are supposed to be at least as strong as a space marine, with a fuckin' strength.
3 marines shouldn't be able to stop a whole invasion followed by a Chaos incursion. At least, one company, yeah.
Also, a fuckin' forgeworld is normally strongly defended. The mechanicum got scitariis everywhere, war machines. So, with some PDF and a Cadian regiment in reinforcements, an ork invasion should have failed pretty early. So, add a company of Ultramarines to all of this stuff...
We're not speaking of Ghaskul Trakka and his WAAAAGH... Just a minor chieftain.
Orks are meant to be as strong as a Space Marine is only partially true, the basic grunts are stronger than humans generally but not always as strong as an Astartes. From what stories I've read though its not the Astartes strength that makes them able to slaughter hundreds/thousands of orks, its the fact their brains can calculate complex close combat moves or pull of 100% accurate fire against their enemies in mili-seconds. Orks tend to just try and randomly pulverize things and their fire is (mostly) horrendously inaccurate, often killing more of their own than the enemy at times. Space marine armour is also generally impervious to the efforts or weapons most grunts get to carry.
Until they met chaos marines...
@@Mr-Patate87 Titus deployed with his company, he just did all of the important stuff while the other Marines fought the Orks elsewhere.
You know you came back to this because Space Marine II just got announced.
@@Lunar137 Space Marines are you readyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!?
@@Rickape Yeeeeaaaaah buddy!
I really like this intro because it gives us a glimpse into the strategic process of the Imperium. There's a reason why exterminatus is the first option to be considered. Beating back an Ork WAAAGH is a massive undertaking that takes a lot of time, materiel, and effort. If it's bad enough that the Imperial Navy can't prevent a planetary invasion, then the benefits of liberating a planet must be weighed against its costs - which could be better spent elsewhere on more the more vital sectors of an Imperium constantly beset by enemies.
If it is simply not worth it to defend a planet, then the cold, but logical conclusion would be to deny that planet to the enemy. Billions of lives sacrificed to potentially save trillions more. This constant theme of struggle and sacrifice against overpowering forces is exactly what makes 40k unique, and why it resonates with so many people.
This is true, even more so considering that they spread spores everywhere.
But still, exterminatus is supposed to be a last results.
Plus there's the added additional costs of an Ork invasion that are based on Ork biology.
Orks are essentially a fungus-based race. They all seed spores everywhere they go that grow into both new Orks and Gretchens, who can re-start a new Ork attack on the liberated planet if they have enough time to go unnoticed and grow to a big enough threat.
Once a planet has been visited by the Orks, it's downright near impossible to be rid of them fully, and resources, manpower and materiel are going to need to be continuously devoted to keeping the threat suppressed. Which I think will also factor into the strategic planning process of the Imperium when it comes to an Ork invasion.
Don't think it's strategically worthwhile to devote all that extra cost to keep the liberated planet protected? Exterminatus or regular ol' planetary bombardment it is. That'll burn out the Ork spores REAL good.
@@jacksimpson8529 or call the Salamanders... You'll get happy flamethrower noises over the phone that will creep you out, but you won't have to deal with Orks any more
I still get goosebumps every time it says "deploying ADEPTUS ASTARTE ULTRA" I'm like oh shit it's over for them and another thing is they only send 3 marines there prolly Like "oh a whole army of xeno alright 3 should do it". I wish they made more games :(
Odin 3 is more than enough lol.
Deploying ultra smurfs.
Too bad they hade not made anything to show us what the other Ultramarines were working at, like in Space (Fleet combat) and on the ground. Besides, in the 500 worlds having a handful of Ultramarines nearby is a rare thing...
Ah yes this aged well I’m 23 years old now and still get goosebumps lol
1:40 to 2:20
If this isn't the essence of a Space Marine condensed into musical form, I don't know what is.
Such a blessed piece of music for 40k
The main theme of the Ultramarines film?
This intro still gives me chills nearly fifteen years later. Good stuff.
"Captain Titus, the Codex Astartes expressly forbids removing the tag from the mattress-"
"Unless we are the end consumer, eh? It has allowances for that..."
"Sidonus has a point, Leandros, we _are_ the end consumer **rip** "
"Better to be crippled in body, than corrupt in mind"
Sequel announced.
The Emperor Protects.
The emperor truly did!
A very underrated game...
I sense a biased opinion...
It had it's high but way to many lows and they company killed itself in the end with overpriced multiplayer dlc's.
No it isn't. Not at all. People love it.
I had never had any experience with any Warhammer media before this game and I have to say, I was kind of hesitant, but it ended up being a top 10 for me. It was basically on par with Gears of War, maybe even better.
And the multiplayer was an absolute banger too, for some reason. Normally these types of games just tack them on. Best part was fully customizing your armor colors down to the last detail just like you would paint a mini.
Titus: "Try to keep up" in which he actually mean, "Shut up kiddo, and follow me".
Shame that Space Marine 2 will never be made after THQ bust up... I actually kinda liked this game :/
Well, Relic still has the license. There might still be hope for more grimdark.
Two memes were born this day. 'The Codex Astartes does not support this action' and Captain Titus being the best Space Marine of all space marines.
@@hanchiman It happened bro and it is lit T_T
@@ADGamer520 Praise Emperor it came out. Also yup 60bucks worth it (and also Wukong. Double whammy great games)
Imagine a high-budjet, live-action movie set in 40k universe...
A cgi series would be better, live action sucks for this kinda thing, plus this way they’ll be able to show the scale better than with love action and there’s better voice actors for this kinda thing than there are live actors.
Impossible.. no goals no purpose.. there is only war
Movie needs a plot. Dunno, maybe resurrecting Girlyman?
Focusing on the key characters and events of the horus heresy, DUH... complete with a full on 2-parter for the Istvaan dropsite massacre. It writes itself really!
"Deploying the Ultramarines."
"Negative. The Ultramarines are boring."
"Affirmative. Deploying the Space Wolves."
"Fuck yeah."
"For the fucking Wolves time!"
The space wolves suck ass.
I am pretty sure Captain Titus' real crime was being too cool for the Ultramarines
Agreed. ANY CHAPTER other than Ultramarine... (or Blood Ravens) would be acceptable.
***** Your a moron. Not approved.
One off my genuine favourite moments of the game is the opening with the Dispatch. It shows exactly how the Imperium sees its world through the cold calculating eyes of beurocracy and logistics, how Liberation Fleet was called in but due to strategic value they "Escalate Area Denial" - the sole phrase is enough to give a glimpse how the Imperium thinks on such a grand scale.
Milk 🧋
While obviously every military has expectations that its soldiers will risk their lives, limbs and possible sanity its neither healthy to merely waste soldiers. In modern standards, militaries are supposed and expected to have High levels of professionalism and training to them focused mostly around focusing precision targets in combat than frontal assaults. There’s a reason why Russia’s tendencies of sending waves of conscripts into battle results in undesirable losses and errodes further their own military capacities.
@@jakobtarrasericsson4295 Funny you say that, Russia doesn't send their conscripts to the battlefield immediately unlike Sneedkraine. "undesirable losses" lol
Jumps off a thunder bird.
Uses jetpack to accelerate.
Titus is used to travelling in a drop pod - which keeps accelerating at the ground until it's about 20 feet up. Then it hits the brakes. Besides, going faster means the Orks have less time to try and shoot him.
+WilliamSigns ''Koz blu iz luckier, of koz! Even tincan understanz zat!"
When Terminal Velocity just won't do.
Lmao I'm such a loser responding to a 5 year old comment but it's Thunderhawk
@@ilililil490 That is called commitment to accuracy where I come from. Have a like.
I say this as a massive simp for Space Marine 1: this game has no business having this beautiful an intro.
Watching one more time before sequal comes out today. Rejoice brothers, Emperor protects!
This was a great game. Not only was it a fun hack and slasher, you really felt what Space Marines are supposed to be like.
...do they always consider an Exterminatus first to every little problem? Jeeze.
Yes. Yes they do.
I don't like your reply...
... ... ...Exterminatus?
Negative, strategic value absolute.
Carter Gates Inquisitor Fukitall sez screw strategic value, we're doing it anyway.
Suffer not the xenos to live and all of that.
Negative. Requesting order Adeptes Astartes Angelo and Lupus. Deploying Blood Angles and Space Wolves.
Ha! Now you can't do it because now we have to see how THIS awesome shit goes down!
Inn da green dakka o' da fah futah... DERE IZ ONLY WAAAGH!!!
True to 40k fashion. Their first concern about deploying capital weaponry isn't about the lives of possible survivors in the city. But a reduction of manufacturing output.
To be fair the people serving on such world are important to maintain manufacturing output.Its the grim dark future after all where most likely even the dead are recycled into food for the living working class...so a dent in the world's population is in direct impact to manufacturing output.
"the codex astartes dose not support this"
Me= yes it dose its called steel rain
The Guardsman would probably deploy a Baneblade, but in my case I prefer to call the the PAINBLADE!
well, technically Steel Rain is "Multiple Sim-ul-tane-ee-us Defensive Deep Strikes"
this is just one onto a flying Ork ship.
that said, that Marine needs to realize the Codex Astartes is GUIDELINES rather than actual rules. Improvization on the field is what keeps you alive and the enemy guessing.
@@pendraco2000 nailed it
@@pendraco2000 Funny how we have a whole chapter of those Marines, and they seldom get any spotlight....
Opening still gives me the shivers.
I like the way it defines the space marines role in the Imperium perfectly. When the line must held and it must be held now.
Just seen the sequel trailer and came back to this. One of the really great things about Space Marine was how there is a constant undercurrent of unimaginable human suffering. It even appears in this intro - you have a coldly analytical description of the situation, which is then thrown into stark difference by the sudden swelling of lamenting music as the shattered remains of starships drift by. In ordinary gameplay you can listen to scattered servo-skull messages describing the most awful of loss and pain. It adds an extra emotional dimension to a game which otherwise would just be a pure hack-and-slash shooter. Not that there's anything wrong with that, but the sadness of it really helps to draw you in and sympathise with the characters, especially seeing that a major theme is the humanity of the supposedly super-human Space Marines. I hope they can carry on those threads in the sequel.
this would easily have been a perfect intro to a wh40k movie
Why the fuck was EXTERMINATUS the first fucking option?
"They are invading us, what do we do?"
Was Inquisitor Headsmash the one in that communication thing?
+Kishin Asura They are like : "Xenos invasion ? But I'm already in my pajamas. Exterminatus maybe ?"
Well it was a forge world, better for it to be destroyed then to give resources over to the filthy xenos.
Probably, it was a Kryptman.
Still goosebumps after 10 years.
I’d love this type of intro, for the new one. The text and music make it awesome
Person a - xenos invasion of a forge world. Manufacturer of warlord class titans. Strategic value absolute.
Person b - so can we nuke the entire planet from orbit?
A - strategic value absolute.
B - can we just carpet bomb the whole thing a little bit?
A - NO.
B - K.
You can tell this conversation has been had millions of times.
Aaaaaah, Leandros...The character who made me regret the absence of "friendly fire" in the campaign
I dont know why i love this intro so much. I can imagine so poor adept of the Ministorum sitting hunched in front of a cogitator, dull light from the monitor the only thing providing light, pooring over war data for 12-16 hours a day.
"The Codex Astartes does not support this action."
No shit bruh! Where's the rest of the squad?
Thunderhawks are capable of holding something like 30-40 marines and they only put 3 on it? Serious misallocation of valuable military resources is putting it lightly!
and yet, those three managed perfectly fine :D Maybe they kept dropping marines off on planets on the way, 3-5 at a time :D
We also did not see a single member of the Cult of Mars in the game. On a forge world...
What about other cities? Let the orks take baneblades and smaller titans so defending the Warlord titan will be more fun? Thats some Holywood film logic, not a W40K one.
At 2:29, after the fade-in, you can see a closeup of Titus, behind him, a number (at least 3 more) of Space Marines. Not just 3 of them.
Fluff-wise, a squad of marines is sufficient to hold off an entire army for long enough to get reinforcements in. A Space Marine is basically a demi-god compared to a man.
the whole bit at the beginning with the scanning and all that. was so well done. thats the best bit in this sequence
Space Marine 2 confirmation hype.
first option: *EXTERMINATUS!*
chill the fuck out bro .... xD
Looks like Space Marines are back on the menu boys
How is it that just administrators arguing about a military response going on a screen and a thunderhawk flying into atmosphere is enough to pump someone up?
I love how the first option on the table is Exterminatus, but fortunately for us regular humans it seems to be an uncommon choose.
It tells you that the Imperium is absolutely merciless, but they're are disqualifiers that push it down to the next best option, bombardment, followed by invasion.
If you are just some backwater colony on the fringe of the Imperium you are probably going to get blown up from space, your whole planet isn't even with the mobilizing of the Guard. But if you have some strategic asset, and I don't think it even has to be a major asset like a Titan, I think if you just grow the food for a Hive World you can avoid the Exterminatus as long as it isn't a Nid invasion. You might not be safe from an Orbital Bombardment, but your farm is worth enough to the local politics that you cannot just be erased so easily.
This is the most badass opening ever. I love this game so much.
I love the music and video at about 1:35... the tumbling space junk drifting past your POV and the strings are damned near perfect...
You know what I really appreciate? How this game isn't insecure about pandering to people who are already WH40k fans. It doesn't feel the need to force-feed you basic lore for the benefit of a new casual audience who has never heard of 40k. Everything in this intro is 100% crystal clear to anyone who knows the setting, and if it confuses you, tough shit. Go read a wiki.
In this age of endless soft reboots to make everything "accessible", it's really refreshing to have something that doesn't patronize you and isn't ashamed of being set in a pre-existing IP.
So simple with that automated response system going through its process of determining the best course of action yet somehow it feels so epic.
I hate that this game got slept on so much it has the only single player campaign I have ever played over 4 times start to finish.
Recommended course of Action? Exterminatus?
"Negative, strategic value absolute!"
Deploy Capital Weapon?
"No, we need the production capabilities. Strategic value Absolute!"
"Listen here you little shit ..."
well we could always throw more guardsmen at it i guess
the sequal to this better have a fantastic opening just like this cause this is peak WH40k right there!
I cannot believe that a sequel is happening
Leandros 🤓The Codex Astartes
Titus: Shut up Nerd
You know what...I LIKE THE ULTRAMARINES! There...I said it. I didn't have any problem at all with them being in this game. Although White Scars would have been cool too.
I agree completely. The only reason people hate on the Ultramarines is because of fucking Matt Ward. His Mary Sue-ification of them has ruined their reputation. But some of us stay strong in the face of adversity.
My problem with Ultramarines is that they are the poster-boys for GWs Space Marine line, ie they are EVERYWHERE even though they can be... mediocre at the best of times (excluding Captains such as Titus and Ventris, long live the 4th!) instead of cool Codex chapters such as the Dark Angels or the Raven Guard. Also, 99% have a proverbial stick up their ass when it comes to the Codex Astarte's.
I wanted the Salamanders.
I personally want to see Black Templar’s get their own game.
@@zachscarbrough2727 How about the Raptors? Sure, they aren't batshit insane like the rest of the Space Marine chapters.... but if all you see is a bunch of dead things, some spent shell casings, and no dead Marines, you know it had to be the Raptors.
Recommended course of action:
"What part of 'Strategic value: absolute' do you not understand?!"
They did actually send more Ultramarines onto the planet. Titus and his Battle Brothers were the vanguard silencing the heavy fire directed at their Thunderhawks. If you listen to the conversations as you progress in the game, you can hear Captain Titus sending transmissions to other Ultramarines fighting on the planet to order them to secure the Titan and etc. etc, which means that there are other Ultramarines, they just happened to be elsewhere fighting at the time.
4:16 Super hero landing! Really hard on the knees
One small detail about the Exterminatus prompt is that it probably comes from an Inquisitor who knew about Dragan's research. The Inquisitor thought that if the Orks got their hands on that device, it would probably cause a Daemon invasion (which technically happened). Also, it can bury any proof of this less conservative branch of the Inquisition's involvement.
I like how the fact that the only thing that prevented the idea of the exterminatus was a single war Titan, not the Civilian lives on that planet
This might be the best Wh40k Game I ever played. That intro is so good
"Deploying the Ultramarines"
One of the best lines in gaming.
Deploying Adeptus Astartes Ultra
I like how titus's first plan is already outside the bounds of the codex...you'd think he's need a little more incentive before breaking from the holy bible of the space marines lol.
It's relic's way of saying "FUCK YOU, MATT WARD!" in a badass way :P
***** Whats the beef with matt ward?
***** He made the Ultramarines from a like-able chapter to a bunch of arrogant by-the-book twats that resemble much like Leondros from the game, and he also fucked up many of the damn rule books in the board game, and he wrote a canon fluff that made Grey Knight slaughter sisters of battle to use their holy blood to fight daemon influence even though their aegis armor and the tattoos on their skin 100% protect them from daemon influence.
And that is just saying little.
want to know more? Read 1d4chan.org/wiki/Matthew_Ward
I should have just linked just the link instead of writing the damn paragraph :P
***** Thanks me ol mate!
***** Nevermind the fact that it was an Ultramarine saying "Fuck you Codex Astartes." Which made it all the more ironic.
I would love to see the orks show up again in the series, even as a DLC or mission - they have so much personality and it would be cool seeing hordes of them with Saber's swarm tech.
"First day?"
“Delay unacceptable.”
“Loss of strategic assets on GRAIA unacceptable. Strategic value ABSOLUTE.”
is the sassiest text exchange I’ve ever seen in Warhammer.
I love that crescendo until it says "Deploying the Ultramarines" so well done
Honestly, one of the best intros out there.
"Deploying the Ultramarines" Now shit's getting serious
way better than halo 5 opening cutscene
40k games, especially the ones made by Relic, have always done an excellent job of building atmosphere, one rich with badassery, something that many modern games have failed to do. And that's why I appreciate them more
Darth Kai cause you get atmosphere and character with this and not just a flashy lightshow.
The very opening sequence is a tantalizing glimpse of what a proper 40K film would be like. Oh I can only dream of such a day!
Captain Titus GETS SHIT DONE.
Wich is heresy in the impirium, unless you sign form 24784336324753,57633466 from sub form 2552787432666. and that form can be found on some planet everyone forgot about.
The virgin "the codex astartes does not support this action" vs the Chad "TRY TO KEEP UP!!"
One of the guys who helped Guiliman write the codex was Aeonid Thiel. He was quite the rule breaker.
Damn i loved this game when it came out, one of the few WH40K games that was awesome from start to finish
I think it's time to pull a Stalin and move those factories offworld. Planet Eesternis Uralis sounds good.
Negative: Reduction of production output unacceptable.
@@Tank50us Strategic value absolute.
@@ALEXANDER1318 Escalate Area Denial Measures?
@@Tank50us Negative. Strategic value absolute.
@@ALEXANDER1318 Deploying Adeptus Astares Raptorus
I LOVE the pragmatic imperium... when u have millions of worlds to rule imagine if this required democracy ... humanity would be extinct in a 100 years
@Tin Watchman but it aint fascism. Authoritarian? Sure on a grand scale, but planets can do whatever they want so long as they pay taxes
Well it was intended to be facist. But independent of what you think of arch warhammer, he made a decent video explaining why it isn't.
The imperium of man is a Feudalistic federation lead by a absolute monarch. Or a truchsess right now.
@@therac197 Arch is awesome mate. Saw his video on the matter and I do agree on it.
Well he is definitive right leaning and there is nothing wrong with that except when actually misinforms about real world topics.
His facism video has a couple mistakes in it. Like for example the Hitler quote. The quote actually is from Gregor Strasser. A "Nazi" that got killed during the night of the long knives for beeing to socialist ...
Every time I watch this the music and the words 'Deploying the Ultramarines' sends shivers down my spine.
codex doesnt support this action
true, but this is way more fun.
I like how the only reason they didn't want to deploy capital weaponry is "Unacceptable loss in manufacturing output."
In any other universe that's not 40k, it'd be "Unacceptable loss in civilian life."
Love the build up to the responder deploying the space marines. Great from both a lore perspective and drama.
Brothahs!!! Weeh hav fairreed the Emprah!!!
+hereLiesThisTroper And yet thhheee wnhemy hidz in metl bohxes!
+hereLiesThisTroper Japanese Space Marines?
+Gísli Stefán Warhammer joke making fun of captain boreale and a chaos lord
+oliver hayward Tha cowards! THE FOOOHLZZ!!!
aka Firaveous CarronCarron. Sindddrriiii
Loved this game, from The graphics, the vocals, the weaponry and to the obvious plot twist! Even enjoyed collecting all the servo skulls, meaning 3/4 replays. Infactbthis game was one of the reasons I kept my Xbox 360! Loved it all!
"In the grim darkness of the far future..." there's still no good full movie on WH40k
I need more games like this
It is coming brother
I love the callback to this in the second game
Its so sad that parts 2 and 3 will never be made.
10 yrs old... Still cool & nostalgic as f**k, . Had to complete the game it again.