In the British version I think the funniest was this: Q: ‘According to the well known proverb, what should someone not do if they live in a glass house’ A: ‘... Take a bath!’
Summer Bartholomew always looked gorgeous on each show, especially whenever she wore black pumps/heels (back then, female hosts always wore pantyhose).
Summer looked lovely in that red dress that she wore on the 4th episode of that week 1:06:53-1:27:14 and even more gorgeous in that blue dress she wore on the 5th episode of that week 1:28:31-1:49:03, both with black pumps/heels.
I always thought Jim Perry was underrated.
Next week the prices for the grand prizes are reduced, with $750 winning the lot.
1:32:03 Funniest Moment in Sale of the Century History
In the British version I think the funniest was this:
Q: ‘According to the well known proverb, what should someone not do if they live in a glass house’
A: ‘... Take a bath!’
Thanks to that dumb answer!! “MR. ROGERS” from John (one of Ron’s 2 new challengers)!!
It's Ghostbusters.
Peggy Hill still had a Kaypro in 1999
@27:26, is that the highest cash prize on the FG board?
Greg was on PYL in 1983
Dang it! I was hoping Maryann would win again.
They flubbed in the speed round on the second episode, crediting Mariann with $5 when Bill had gotten the question right.
No they didn’t. They added Marianns 5 dollar money card from the board right before the speed round started.
Summer Bartholomew can get it
Summer Bartholomew always looked gorgeous on each show, especially whenever she wore black pumps/heels (back then, female hosts always wore pantyhose).
Summer looked lovely in that red dress that she wore on the 4th episode of that week 1:06:53-1:27:14 and even more gorgeous in that blue dress she wore on the 5th episode of that week 1:28:31-1:49:03, both with black pumps/heels.
1:28:31-1:49:03 I just love that blue dress on Summer!
After this week it was $530 for the car $660 for all the prizes and $750 for all the prizes plus the cash jackpot
Actually it was$640 for all the prizes, not $660
BMW didn't even have leather seats...
Greg was on PYL in early 1984.