I appreciate Lecrae trying to plant seeds in these conversations (especially at the end). Folks don't realize it's a dialogue, not a debate or monologue. For those criticizing Lecrae for not pushing back in some of Nick's esoteric and unbiblical views, gives me the impression some of you don't engage with non-Christians offline. There's a fine line between defending the gospel and being diplomatic.
Love the way Lecrae allowed someone to speak their thoughts out without agreeing and giving space for someone to process as well as being ‘quick to listen and slow to speak’. Only if more could hold space, extend love, and be bold to give truth in a way it can be received.
Nick Canon still wild ‘n out at 43 😅 So much adolescence & nonsense from a grown man that Jesus Christ died for. God really is good. We gotta love this man and pray for him. Thank you for this video Lecrae. This video might teach some of us believers a necessary thing or two about the different ways we can interact with folks who have not made Jesus their Lord. Many believer have relatives & others they care about who have bizarre beliefs, loved ones who might know things about Jesus but have not recognized that they need to accept the gift of salvation. Knowing God is very different from Jesus being the author and finisher of your faith. Many believers have never seen a model of how to be gentle and respectful to the “sons of disobedience.” ALL believers are called to the great commission. All Believers. We can’t do that by just shouting at “sinners”from the street corners or avoiding them like the bubonic plague. Did you know that even John the Baptist was disappointed in the company that Jesus kept? Shout out to Lecrae for taking the great commission seriously. The rest of us don’t need to worry about how God will use the seeds that are planted in such conversations. Trust that God is capable of finishing the work He has started. We have a guideline for how to interact with unbelievers in 1 Peter 3:16…& lots of other scripture. I pray by the power of Jesus for the body of Christ. I pray that in this friendship with Lecrae and Nick, we will see the power of our God who uses the foolish things of the world to put the “wise” to shame. 1 Corinthians 1:27 God makes a way ya’ll, believe it. Just do the two things that Jesus asked us to do in Mark 12:30 &31. 1. Love God. 2. Love People.
Good take sister. Yes We're all called to the great commission and God's word will not bring Him void. But I was curious about John the Baptist you mentioned. How was he disappointed?
@@KB33441 “John the Baptist, who was in prison, heard about all the things the Messiah was doing. So he sent his disciples to ask Jesus, “Are you the Messiah we’ve been expecting, or should we keep looking for someone else?”” Matthew 11:2-3.NLT In my flesh, I can think of a few smart and colorful responses for John the Baptist in that moment. Jesus of course responds in an exemplary manner by praising John for his work in the kingdom of God. The response Jesus gave reflects His compassionate understanding of why John the Baptist would even ask that question. Note that prior to all this, John had already baptized his cousin Jesus in Matthew 3, and at the baptism John recognized that Jesus was God’s son, the Messiah. I love how Jesus never wastes a moment to help us see and love right. I could talk about scripture forever so let me not get carried away 😂😅😂
Demons know God exists and can quote the scriptures Nick is using the scriptures to justify his actions People who have influence on a lot of people will be judge strictly.
I was super skeptical of this episode. However, I can definitely appreciate Crae creating this space. I think my struggle is the lack of correction and accountability. I’m praying Crae is able to have a deeper convo - in private - to hold Nick accountable and help guide him in the way he needs. The Bible is clear - we aren’t to be out here casting stones BUT we are called to judge fruit or the lack thereof. I’m praying the conviction hits home for Nick and he is able to see it sooner than later.
100% agree with this! Hold space for sure but correction at some point is necessary. And i love that you said in private, because the holy spiritual will need to direct this! 2 Timothy 2:24-25: “And the Lord’s servant must not be quarrelsome but must be kind to everyone, able to teach, not resentful. Opponents must be gently instructed, in the hope that God will grant them repentance leading them to a knowledge of the truth.”
Not sure why we feel as humans we have to hold people accountable to a standard we cannot hold ourselves not understanding as believers with out the Holy Spirit we would be in worse conditions than Nick not realizing he's a slave to the world I kind of get it but we are not called to Judge fruit but pray that God reaches the heart of others it is through the Death of Christ we even have access we the Love people to Christ it's his Kingdom I do agree we must not glamorize the behavior that Nick shows but it is through prayer we ask God to heal this is just my opinion I usually do not respond on Social I had time today
This is the most honest interview I’ve ever heard from Nick Canon. It’s not to say that all of his life choices are right but but this makes him so much more human. Great interview Lecrae. I love how Lecrae makes ppl feel comfortable to be human and walk through the process with them. 🤯 love this. 1:07:41
I don’t care about Nick Cannon’s situation but I do care about the emotional impact on children when they have parents making reckless decisions - no matter how much money you have.
I found the conversations really authentic and deep. Thank you both. But then the comments are really just discouraging. This man took his time to share his perspective, his mindset, his reality, he never claimed they were right or real or law, they were simply his view and experiences. Yet, the comments are full of verdicts and how he's a sinner. Are you aware that a conversation is just an exchange of information? If you choose not to listen then why waste your hour??
I loved how Lecrae came back to the rope analogy toward the end of the pod to give his perspective on it. Perfect example to me on how to share the truth in a gentle way. I'm learning😁😁
I really appreciated nicks openness and fleshing out of the how and why his woman/kids situation is what it is. This was beautiful and authentic and i am thankful for it
Nick said it plainly: y’all said he couldn't do it... and he did. That’s the reason why he has all these kids. He is struggling with pride and self-worth. A person who is secure doesn’t need to “prove” anything. Let’s pray for Nick to grow in his spirituality, as it’s super hard for him to change-his temptations are way, way, WAY bigger than ours. Nick, if you are seeing this, at some point, God's grace runs out. If He is knocking at your door letting you know to change some things, I think now is the time to listen. Prove to God that you love Him by becoming the best version He wants YOU to be.
Ummmm Gods grace will NEVER run out. Now do we abuse His grace? Yes, but the word of the Lord said it’ll never run out. If that’s the case NONE of us would be here to tell our story.
Wow, Nick really spoke in circles. I’m happy to hear he’s in counseling and I hope he understands the “method to his madness.” I felt a lot of his laughter was out of pain and nervousness. There seems to be a fear of commitment that he battles, from having all these kids to not buying a home and “preferring” to live in hotels. Even a fear of committing completely to God. I really hope he gets it together for the sake of his children and his legacy.
He’s basically admitted to mental illness. and couch or bed surfing with his baby mommas. What really happened with MC? Because the aftermath was psycho. Pray for the children, God loves children, finding God may not be easy
Interesting. This conversation has gone in many directions I didn't expect. It's insightful and humbling to know that many people have had some form of encounter or background in different variations of the Christian faith. Especially the popular variations that aren't the best representations of the faith. It's encouraging to see Nick comfortable and willing to share his story. Nice conversation, Lecrae.👏🏽❤️
Lecrae this was really interesting, eye-opening and encouraging in several ways. I hope you dont get discouraged by the hateful and judgemental comments here.
A lot can be learned from Lecrae about how he interacts with those who are not submitted to Jesus. Remember, there is also work being done off camera as well. Prayers for Nick and others like him. He is indeed a troubled and lost man.
After reading the comments and then watching the full video, I have no idea how all people got from this interview is that Nick Canon is lost and is failing his kids. Meanwhile I’m seeing the hand of God all through this man’s bloodline and gaining so much wisdom from him sharing his journey. This was an amazing interview and one of Nick’s best as well.
@@kimseals3458 you're correct! I understand what you mean and he is wrong to contextually put like God anointed/affirmed him to have sex with anyone who wasn't his one wife.
@@roslyntrotter-harmon4111 Children are a gift period! Procreating children within sinful behavior is not a gift, offering, or present to The Lord. Thank God He looks beyond our faults and sees our needs. Anytime The Lord fashions a spirit and soul, then breathes His breath of life into His design the child is a gift but we cannot do it the way we want to do it and justify our free will choice-driven behaviors by The Name of The Lord.
@@roslyntrotter-harmon4111 If you read the bible you can easily see all the drama/tribulation/curses that comes with having multiple children with different women. God is not of confusion and what nick is doing is confusing and foolish. Does that mean God doesn't love him? No. but I'm sure he doesn't condone this behavior. And he'll still have to face his consequences.
It’s not the amount of kids it’s he is not married and having kids by all these women. But does he claim to be a believer is the issue. Because if he is not he’s doing what he was naturally born to do sin and have no conviction.
Little children, let no one deceive you. Whoever practices righteousness is righteous, as he is righteous. 8 Whoever makes a practice of sinning is of the devil, for the devil has been sinning from the beginning. The reason the Son of God appeared was to destroy the works of the devil. 9 No one born of God makes a practice of sinning, for God's[a] seed abides in him; and he cannot keep on sinning, because he has been born of God.
🤔...the Bible talks about wives and concubines a lot... and when people get divorced they think they ain't married, but guess what? they still are. So maybe we should judge not, show grace, and live the best we can.
@@dhspeller the bible does describe those things. Doesnt mean its right. Not does it prescribe that for us. Marriage is between one man and one woman. Like there is only one Bride(the church) for Christ.
@@dhspeller The Bible also talks about witchcraft and murder because it's done doesn't mean it's justified in Corinthians its clearly says that the original plan was 1 wife to 1 man. Context is key with scripture a lot of things are told in the Bible but not everything is condone some things are examples, because you out here marrying your half sister no, so stop it, respectfully we can't keep choosing to be willingly blind than spread that blindness as if its truth. Grace and love doesn't also mean condoning, if he was out here molesting children and or a serial killer would your grace call still be told, most likely no. We don't need to condemn someone to Hell of course not. Grace nor love doesn't mean coddling someone in their wrong doings.
Thank you Lecrae, for this interview. It was really great and relevant. I feel like having a conversation with Nick Cannon would be exhausting. Nick Cannon recently came out as a narcissist. To me, this is more than a spiritual issue. It's potentially a mental and psychological issue.
Honestly…. 🙃 before even pressing play on this, my heart posture ain’t ‘Eeeem right 😂 that’s just me being honest. ANNNND, honestly who am I right? No better than Nick Cannon at all… The same God that went to the cross for him, went for me… I’m just not feeling it right now for whatever reason so I’ma have to hold off on this one and check my heart first. 🙂 The previews don’t seem… idk. BUT!! I will say that Lecrae has done some interviews in the past with people I wasn’t too sure about and it’s given me a totally different perspective of said interviewee. In a way that rebuked my pre judgment of them and I was grateful for that because sometime naturally as humans we can be so self righteous forgetting we ALL needed a savior! So I’m hoping for that same thing here when I finally watch this because I will eventually 🙏🏾🩷
Wow. What a very mature perspective to take. I had the sane heart posture before watching and I’m now glad I did. Instead of stoning Nick I’m praying for his soul to be saved. Amen!
He is a student???? “For among them are those who worm their way into households and deceive gullible women overwhelmed by sins and led astray by a variety of passions, always learning and never able to come to a knowledge of the truth.” 2 Timothy 3:6-7 CSB
Some of y’all in the comments were hoping for Lecrae to bring Nick Cannon on just to publicly correct & rebuke him so bad lol. Yall don’t know the convos in private. Weirdo energy lol.
@daygolife4511 Obviously they had more convos, especially when the camera cuts. Nick doesn't know the real Lecrae, only God knows but Nick basically means he wishes he could possibly live the christian life style but because of Hollywood, he is hand cuffed in his view although he can choose to leave. It has nothing to do with Lecrae's money or fame as Nick is far more famous and richer than Lecrae. Possibly Nick wishes he was a good rapper, but more than likely he is talking about being a Christian like he talks about Mariah and his children.
I had a real impulse to just write off Nick Cannon and say, why are you interviewing him until I listened to him Speak, even though he has sins and evils, he still an individual made in the image of God with an experience of life and multiple other factors that informs the perception, and you have to treat someone like an individual not like their personification of some form of evil to really be able to even get them to adhere to wisdom or make an impact in our life and a lot of Christians they either over lionize people or over demonize people.
This man Lecrae is using the strength that god gave him the right way. It may not be the way other Christians want it but it’s still a Christian way regardless and I don’t care what any negative thing that any Christian has to say about it. Because obviously it’s being done and not just being done for a good but great reason.
Loving God means realizing that Jesus died for us all WHILE we were still sinners. Romans 5:8 Meaning, the sacrifice for our redemption was made BEFORE we repented. Romans 5:6 It means praying for MERCY and SALVATION for those who have been misled to thinking there are multiple ways to the Father. There is only the way, the truth and the life- Jesus Christ. It means remembering that Jesus asked the person without sin to cast the first stone. John 8:7 1 John 1:8 It means remembering that Christ Jesus reminded us that it is NOT our office to judge. Not our job. Matthew 7:2. Judging even those that appear to be the most vile of sinners is literally far above our pay grade and worst than that, it is evidence of PRIDE in our hearts to judge others. Remember James 4:6… God resists the proud & gives grace to the humble. Our HOLY God resists those who feel their own sins are somehow less evil. IT means remembering that Jesus Christ said the the two most important things are: 1. Love God 2. Love people …remember this is the God that will leave the 99 to pursue the one. None of us are here to judge people or to win arguments. Let’s win hearts that pursue Christ. Our great commission is to make disciples for Christ. Love people THE WAY Jesus Christ did. Yes-while they are still in sin, it’s not always easy BUT it’s possible through wisdom from our wonderful counselor. Sinners, like the rest of us saints in sanctification, will answer to the Almighty God. I pray we are all shown mercy -you, me and yes, let us pray for Nick Cannon’s salvation ❤️🙏🏿 Praying also that Lecrae will inspire more people to engage with those around them that have not known, believed and accepted Jesus as Lord. Not Jesus as just some great guy that lived- as Lord (the highest authority in one’s life) and savior King. If Jesus is Lord to so many, the chaos and confusion of 2 Timothy 3:7 would not be so evident with the bright minds of our day. What’s the wisdom in all the world’s religions when we have eternal life? See Jeremiah 2:13… Scripture helps us confirm that one knows and is lead by God. Romans 8:14…the children of God John 10:27…my sheep hear my… John 14:15… if you love me… John 14:6…no one comes to the Father except through… Thanks for coming to my Ted talk 😅
@@gracefaithjanet2673I believe Angela Scafidi is a genuine Christian. She was on the show last week where she shared her testimony and how she turned from her sinful past to Jesus.
I just really cringed "genuine, real, baby" are all terms used to define Christians and it's just ignorant to me. Holy Gabbana would be a great interview. In the words of the great Tim Ross, "Before you're saved, you aren't" . Let that sink in. Holy Gabbana for the win, I've been waiting to see an interview where someone sits down and really discussed the Lord and how he came to Christ. And who better to do it than Lecrae. Y'all must not listen to Church Clothes or really understand what Lecrae did for us as followers of Christ that don't fit into a box. The lord doesn't look one way or save one type of person.
Being a PK can be stressful, believe me I was one. My parents were both ministers but stopped in my mid 20s. Being looked at like I had to be perfect in my early years made me feel so uncomfortable that when my parents left our church I went wild because I finally felt free! Let your kids find their way. They will watch you and find their way eventually. Everyone has their own journey 💜
I have way more respect for Nick, I'm glad to get to know him on a deeper level. I'm glad he's been able to be vulnerable here. Thank you Lecrae for going deep on The Deep End. ❤🙏🏾
,,Facts,,he is forgotten about a lot cool Christian Rap Groups - Gospel Gangstarz, Dynamic Twins - the Grits the List cut go on 😮 - Nick maBy only Listen to DC TALK & Carmen but be Real without those Artist CHH wouldn exist
Hey Lecrae mutch Love from Hamburg Germany. First of all I want to say that I love your content and I enjoy watching your videos. I was also very positively surprised by Nick Cannon's honesty and I can understand what he means when he says he didn't really like Christian hip hop back then because I'm from the same generation and am even three years older than him. I also listened to Christian and secular hip hop back then. However, I saw certain things very differently which I would like to explain to you here with all due respect. Christian hip hop was never primarily terrible [as you mentioned] but it just adapted to the respective style of the 80s/90s - so Christian rap up to date And not as N.CAnnon claims. Example - DC -TALK - by Stiel rather Mc Hammer But there were also groups that picked up the urban flair of the street well - for example Dynamic Twins - more of a style like Nas, Whu tang etc. Or Gospel Gangstarz - reminiscent of Snoop Dogg and the whole West Coast See CHH was never bad - it was just not welcome because A - there was no real marketing for it B - people were afraid of the content - Jesus C - secular hip hop itself was on the rise. D - Back then, people in marketing And as consumers, they didn't understand the term "Christian rap" My point is, With all due respect, I didn't think it was good to support Nick Cannon by nodding your head and saying, oh yes, that was terrible In my opinion, that is disrespectful to the first generation of the Christian hip hop community - you know that they are all still alive and can see all of this?? OK!! Secondly, always remember that without this first generation of Christian artists you would never be where you are today - namely at the top - don't forget that - so in the future, don't be so careless as to describe the music from back then as bad Otherwise, I like your show and your content. Sammy Boateng / Hamburg - Germany
I have mixed feelings about this. On one hand I thought you guys had interesting conversations. It was nice to know more about Nick Cannon's background and the experiences and philosophies that shaped him. At the same time... I don't really understand the point of bringing people on who are openly non-repentant about their sinful lifestyles and are openly mixing Christianity with other forms of spirituality. Nothing was discussed that brought glory to Christ (perhaps not until the last 30 seconds). But maybe I don't understand the aim of this podcast. "Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers: for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness? and what communion hath light with darkness?" -2 Corinthians 6:14
This is why people don't like Christians, NONE OF US ARE RIGHTEOUS! NONE! NONE! You are doing things right now that God is not happy with. You don't know what seed is planted here and where God would take Nick Cannon after this. When did Christians get like this? Jeesh its exhausting.
He prolly knows Nick don't wanna hear all that; it could be a payback for being on all his shows as said but....idk Nick respects Lecrae and knows his heart n his example, he will learn things from Lecrae, he could be a good influence and Nick will walk away with something to make him do whatever y'all want him to be doing lol better?
This video might teach some of us believers a necessary thing or two about the different ways we can interact with folks who have not made Jesus their Lord. Many believer have relatives & others they care about who have bizarre beliefs, loved ones who might know things about Jesus but have not accepted the gift of salvation. Many believers have never seen a model of how to be gentle and respectful to the “sons of disobedience.” ALL believers are called to the great commission. All Believers. We can’t do that by just shouting at “sinners”from the street corners or avoiding them like the bubonic plague. Did you know that even John the Baptist was disappointed in the company that Jesus kept? We have a guideline for how to interact with unbelievers in 1 Peter 3:16. I pray that in this friendship with Lecrae and Nick, we see the power of our God who uses the foolish things of the world to put the “wise” to shame. 1 Corinthians 1:27 God doesn’t need us to secure his victory or Glory. He ask us to live in the counsel of the Holy Spirit. When we walk in obedience, God is the one who does what needs to be done so that He alone will get the glory. God makes a way, just do the two things that Jesus asked us to do in Mark 12:30 &31. 1. Love God. 2. Love People.
I think Lecrae allowed him to be himself (as he should) while at the same time dropping bits a pieces of jewels here and there for not only him (Nick) but the people who are watching as well. You never know how God gets glory from these types of situations. The ending alone would cause one to pause and look at Christainty in a different view. Just my 2 cents for what it's worth 🤷🏿♂️.
This was so good. Religion is so tricky cause there’s so many ways to go but just like that story with the ropes, it’s not about whose is the better option and long as the end goal is pure.
This was a Good . It’s interesting to hear about nicks background and upbringing and there was a few things about crae that l Didn’t know about either ! Very interesting.
Imagine only taking bad from this and not seeing seeds and love and fellowship happen! God is moving even if you ain’t there to see it or comprehend it! Love you crae🙏🖤 love what you’re doing and The Spirit
If it doesn't line up with The Word of God, it doesn't make sense regardless of how good it "feels". That's what we deal with the most in our Faith Walk on this Earth is taking our feelings and thoughts captive and FORCING them to be subject to The Word of God in word and deed! God's Word is God's will and the carrying out of His will reflects our hearts as it pertains to our view of CHRIST!
I agree with you! I think this interview is a good example of what is wrong with the American church. We want to be “Liked” so bad that we sacrifice truth and gentleness. I was disappointed by this interview. I don’t think you need to hit people over the head with the Bible but we have to have courage to be as shrewd as a snake but as gentle as dove.
This was good all the way from ATL and my brother from another mother my birthday is the same week as y’all we siblings Lecrae and Nick happy early birthday to you all both.
I didn't expect Crae to grill him and honestly I doubt he'd grill any of his guests and that's not what I come to this podcast for either. At the same time, I'd expect a lil push back on certain claims of how Nick thinks God functions. I may rationalize some of what my friend does but it shouldn't trump God's standards. In everything I pray that we all submit our will to God's and not the other way around. Hope to see all y'all in heaven.
Why are we so uncomfortable confronting sinners who are charming or sweet? When I was living in perpetual sin not long ago, I was a sweet, kind, charming, convincing, positive, Brilliant, philosophical, analytical, and optimistic person but I was wrong and not in right standing with The Lord. I was saved by I wasn't walking in deliverance. When we gain the attention of nonbelievers or a believer in rebellion unto The Lord we need to confront their sin in a healthy Christ-centered manner with the purpose of escorting them to The Lord for forgiveness, healing, and restoration!
And who's to say that this hasn't happened in private which is how the word suggests that we correct those in sin. Galatians 6:1. I'm tired of Christians trying to go after people's heads when that's not have God restored or delivered you. God doesn't need assistance He can and will get directly into the heart of a person without our rebuke. We have to do better. People don't have to be rebuked all the time. The ways of God are unsearchable and we don't know what he is doing in the lives of others. I say this respectfully... Take care.
Why do “WE” always feel the need to confront someone. This is a podcast. It depends on his motive. What is the goal. Obviously Nick understands that he has some issues.
@@evryk9763 you're right. I personally think we define the word confront negatively when it can be and should be healthy. I think becoming a cosigner or attempting to justify sin just to help someone feel good is the unhealthy part. It can perpetuate confusion. I think when guests or someone bring interviewed expresses ideology, philosophies, and/or behaviors that aren't rooted in God's Word we can express compassion without becoming a cosigner.
In my opinion, Nick is an intriguing individual (multifaceted) for lack of a better word. I appreciate/enjoy watching him being a father to his children and how he DOESN'T disrespect his baby mommas. I can respect his gangsta.💯 Absolutely, NO judgemets here. I PRAY🙏🏾 nothing but the BEST for him, the family, his future endeavors and his overall health.🛐☝🏾💪🏾 SHALOM and BLESSINGS!💜 1/20/2K25@ 12:45pm
I pray that even when/if Nick stumbles in future days, he doesn't stray too far from his walk with Christ. No matter what people say, keep studying the Word and applying Godly principles. Many great prophets failed but got it right at some point
I appreciate this interview. Although I don't agree that he had his children with multiple women. I've been praying for him for years to know the truth of God.
Observe what Nick said. "I was in the street life and my Mom sent me to my Dad and my Dad was a disciplinarian and he cleaned me up and all that". Look at the role of an Earthly Father who is no longer with the child's Mother 1) flee sin even if it means changing your environment. 2) Live and walk in obedience unto Jesus Christ 3) Seek out and coral your children by bringing them unto you in your Faith Walk 4) Teach and train your child in ministry with the foundation on Jesus Christ the Gospel 5) Compel your child to ministry, lovingly challenging them to understand their first ministry is Salvation and their Faith Walk in Jesus Christ 6) Restore your child in Love and witness to them by your OBEDIENCE unto Jesus Christ! Of course we take it too far in the name of religion. Rooting a child in Jesus Christ is necessary and a requirement which is spiritual.
I love this interview. This is such a healthy dialogue. The comments are discouraging its sad that the biggest detriment to being a effective Christian is the judgmental and holier than thou attitude that other Christians push. Being Christ like is not what I have read in some of these comments and that is disappointing. However, I saw a lot of conversations that were mature and healthy so we are not all loss yet. :)
this is not to bash Nick canon to be clear. but I wonder if his desire to be like the man that meant the most to him relation and life wise which is his irl dad caused him to be so accustomed to running. in the sense that he sought after so many things that his dad once did, maybe running from things made him feel closer to the person who ran from him in a sense
@@lammidlovedplease put respect on Christ…. It’s a capital C this is hardened heart disrespectful or maybe ignorance but it’s capital for G God. J Jesus and C Christ Slippery Slope 😅
Who do you guys want on the show next?
Kendrick lol
John Gabbana (formerly Boonk Gang)
Lol Lecrae 😆 🤣 did you go to Diddy's parties
Diddy did it
Francis Chan, David Platt, KB/Ameen Hudson, Russell Brand…man, I wish Tim Keller were still alive.
If anything, I'm learning from Lecrae how to have conversation with different take and maturity in faith.
Me too and I appreciate it so much because he does it beautifully.
I appreciate Lecrae trying to plant seeds in these conversations (especially at the end). Folks don't realize it's a dialogue, not a debate or monologue. For those criticizing Lecrae for not pushing back in some of Nick's esoteric and unbiblical views, gives me the impression some of you don't engage with non-Christians offline. There's a fine line between defending the gospel and being diplomatic.
This is real.
Well said. I agree!
I know they was coming at Lecrae the minute Nick started talking lol
Well said! I wholeheartedly agree.
So glad yall had this convo. No one better than Crae to have this convo with Nick.
Love the way Lecrae allowed someone to speak their thoughts out without agreeing and giving space for someone to process as well as being ‘quick to listen and slow to speak’.
Only if more could hold space, extend love, and be bold to give truth in a way it can be received.
Nick Canon still wild ‘n out at 43 😅
So much adolescence & nonsense from a grown man that Jesus Christ died for. God really is good.
We gotta love this man and pray for him.
Thank you for this video Lecrae.
This video might teach some of us believers a necessary thing or two about the different ways we can interact with folks who have not made Jesus their Lord.
Many believer have relatives & others they care about who have bizarre beliefs, loved ones who might know things about Jesus but have not recognized that they need to accept the gift of salvation.
Knowing God is very different from Jesus being the author and finisher of your faith.
Many believers have never seen a model of how to be gentle and respectful to the “sons of disobedience.”
ALL believers are called to the great commission.
All Believers.
We can’t do that by just shouting at “sinners”from the street corners or avoiding them like the bubonic plague.
Did you know that even John the Baptist was disappointed in the company that Jesus kept? Shout out to Lecrae for taking the great commission seriously.
The rest of us don’t need to worry about how God will use the seeds that are planted in such conversations.
Trust that God is capable of finishing the work He has started.
We have a guideline for how to interact with unbelievers in 1 Peter 3:16…& lots of other scripture.
I pray by the power of Jesus for the body of Christ. I pray that in this friendship with Lecrae and Nick, we will see the power of our God who uses the foolish things of the world to put the “wise” to shame. 1 Corinthians 1:27
God makes a way ya’ll, believe it. Just do the two things that Jesus asked us to do in Mark 12:30 &31.
1. Love God.
2. Love People.
Good take sister. Yes We're all called to the great commission and God's word will not bring Him void.
But I was curious about John the Baptist you mentioned. How was he disappointed?
@@KB33441 “John the Baptist, who was in prison, heard about all the things the Messiah was doing. So he sent his disciples to ask Jesus, “Are you the Messiah we’ve been expecting, or should we keep looking for someone else?””
Matthew 11:2-3.NLT
In my flesh, I can think of a few smart and colorful responses for John the Baptist in that moment.
Jesus of course responds in an exemplary manner by praising John for his work in the kingdom of God.
The response Jesus gave reflects His compassionate understanding of why John the Baptist would even ask that question.
Note that prior to all this, John had already baptized his cousin Jesus in Matthew 3, and at the baptism John recognized that Jesus was God’s son, the Messiah.
I love how Jesus never wastes a moment to help us see and love right. I could talk about scripture forever so let me not get carried away 😂😅😂
Love this comment so much ❤
This is great 👌🏾
This is it!!!
All im going to say is..."There is a way which seemeth right unto a man, but the end thereof are the ways of death" is Proverbs 14:12.
yup. Allowing that world view to push the Holy Spirit to the side a bit, or a lot.
Demons know God exists and can quote the scriptures
Nick is using the scriptures to justify his actions
People who have influence on a lot of people will be judge strictly.
@@jaesall3519 Indeed
Pleeeaaase get NF on one of these. So stoked for this one!
That’s a great idea!
Yessss 🙌🏽🙌🏽 this would be awesome ❤
I was super skeptical of this episode. However, I can definitely appreciate Crae creating this space. I think my struggle is the lack of correction and accountability. I’m praying Crae is able to have a deeper convo - in private - to hold Nick accountable and help guide him in the way he needs. The Bible is clear - we aren’t to be out here casting stones BUT we are called to judge fruit or the lack thereof. I’m praying the conviction hits home for Nick and he is able to see it sooner than later.
100% agree with this! Hold space for sure but correction at some point is necessary. And i love that you said in private, because the holy spiritual will need to direct this!
2 Timothy 2:24-25:
“And the Lord’s servant must not be quarrelsome but must be kind to everyone, able to teach, not resentful. Opponents must be gently instructed, in the hope that God will grant them repentance leading them to a knowledge of the truth.”
@@carlystarling-horrell7075❤🙏🏾 yesss!!
Not sure why we feel as humans we have to hold people accountable to a standard we cannot hold ourselves not understanding as believers with out the Holy Spirit we would be in worse conditions than Nick not realizing he's a slave to the world I kind of get it but we are not called to Judge fruit but pray that God reaches the heart of others it is through the Death of Christ we even have access we the Love people to Christ it's his Kingdom I do agree we must not glamorize the behavior that Nick shows but it is through prayer we ask God to heal this is just my opinion I usually do not respond on Social I had time today
This is the most honest interview I’ve ever heard from Nick Canon. It’s not to say that all of his life choices are right but but this makes him so much more human. Great interview Lecrae. I love how Lecrae makes ppl feel comfortable to be human and walk through the process with them. 🤯 love this. 1:07:41
I don’t care about Nick Cannon’s situation but I do care about the emotional impact on children when they have parents making reckless decisions - no matter how much money you have.
Very sad to see publicized and normalized.
What was his reckless decisions? That damaged his kids i missed something.
I agree. It's normalized and it does affects kids.
@@papoose0507 how about him having multiple children with multiple mothers
How is that a reckless decision if he is taking care of his kids. He just don't follow the social construct of marriage in the United states.
Bring Andy Mineo on an episode
Yes or Kat Williams
I wanna see Andy mineo or trip lee one of these episodes
@@deborahvasquez8879for what l??
I found the conversations really authentic and deep. Thank you both.
But then the comments are really just discouraging.
This man took his time to share his perspective, his mindset, his reality, he never claimed they were right or real or law, they were simply his view and experiences. Yet, the comments are full of verdicts and how he's a sinner. Are you aware that a conversation is just an exchange of information? If you choose not to listen then why waste your hour??
Talk that!
That part!
It’s a lot of Christian’s that still have not learned how to not judge others unfortunately
I loved how Lecrae came back to the rope analogy toward the end of the pod to give his perspective on it. Perfect example to me on how to share the truth in a gentle way. I'm learning😁😁
I really appreciated nicks openness and fleshing out of the how and why his woman/kids situation is what it is. This was beautiful and authentic and i am thankful for it
Nick said it plainly: y’all said he couldn't do it... and he did. That’s the reason why he has all these kids. He is struggling with pride and self-worth. A person who is secure doesn’t need to “prove” anything. Let’s pray for Nick to grow in his spirituality, as it’s super hard for him to change-his temptations are way, way, WAY bigger than ours. Nick, if you are seeing this, at some point, God's grace runs out. If He is knocking at your door letting you know to change some things, I think now is the time to listen. Prove to God that you love Him by becoming the best version He wants YOU to be.
I agree 💯
God's grace is sufficient.. that's the point where you're wrong
Grace never runs out God is with him whether he changes or not
@@thefirstempress8111 That's true.
Ummmm Gods grace will NEVER run out. Now do we abuse His grace? Yes, but the word of the Lord said it’ll never run out. If that’s the case NONE of us would be here to tell our story.
Thank you crae for holding for space for healthy conversation.
Wow, Nick really spoke in circles. I’m happy to hear he’s in counseling and I hope he understands the “method to his madness.” I felt a lot of his laughter was out of pain and nervousness. There seems to be a fear of commitment that he battles, from having all these kids to not buying a home and “preferring” to live in hotels. Even a fear of committing completely to God. I really hope he gets it together for the sake of his children and his legacy.
He’s basically admitted to mental illness. and couch or bed surfing with his baby mommas.
What really happened with MC? Because the aftermath was psycho.
Pray for the children, God loves children, finding God may not be easy
Lecrae is so gifted at interviewing. Every single one has been excellent.
Interesting. This conversation has gone in many directions I didn't expect. It's insightful and humbling to know that many people have had some form of encounter or background in different variations of the Christian faith. Especially the popular variations that aren't the best representations of the faith.
It's encouraging to see Nick comfortable and willing to share his story.
Nice conversation, Lecrae.👏🏽❤️
Me too
Lecrae this was really interesting, eye-opening and encouraging in several ways.
I hope you dont get discouraged by the hateful and judgemental comments here.
A lot can be learned from Lecrae about how he interacts with those who are not submitted to Jesus. Remember, there is also work being done off camera as well.
Prayers for Nick and others like him. He is indeed a troubled and lost man.
Really good interview. I love that nick felt safe enough to really open up and that lecrae didn't put him in a corner on any thing. Good job brothers
This is so sad 😢 my heart breaks for Nick. Praying for his salvation
I love that he says “My friends were stars 💫, I created a platform to help them shine”
After reading the comments and then watching the full video, I have no idea how all people got from this interview is that Nick Canon is lost and is failing his kids. Meanwhile I’m seeing the hand of God all through this man’s bloodline and gaining so much wisdom from him sharing his journey. This was an amazing interview and one of Nick’s best as well.
He cannot be saying that God destined him to all these kids by all the mothers!
modern day king Solomon 😅
You can't say what God will or will not do as someone's destiny. He did explain what got his attention to stop.
@@kimseals3458 you're correct! I understand what you mean and he is wrong to contextually put like God anointed/affirmed him to have sex with anyone who wasn't his one wife.
@@roslyntrotter-harmon4111 Children are a gift period! Procreating children within sinful behavior is not a gift, offering, or present to The Lord. Thank God He looks beyond our faults and sees our needs. Anytime The Lord fashions a spirit and soul, then breathes His breath of life into His design the child is a gift but we cannot do it the way we want to do it and justify our free will choice-driven behaviors by The Name of The Lord.
@@roslyntrotter-harmon4111 If you read the bible you can easily see all the drama/tribulation/curses that comes with having multiple children with different women. God is not of confusion and what nick is doing is confusing and foolish. Does that mean God doesn't love him? No. but I'm sure he doesn't condone this behavior. And he'll still have to face his consequences.
He loves being a father, but is not really present for any of them. He loves the idea of being a father...
Weird weird
He isn't a present father simple and plain
It’s not the amount of kids it’s he is not married and having kids by all these women. But does he claim to be a believer is the issue. Because if he is not he’s doing what he was naturally born to do sin and have no conviction.
Little children, let no one deceive you. Whoever practices righteousness is righteous, as he is righteous. 8 Whoever makes a practice of sinning is of the devil, for the devil has been sinning from the beginning. The reason the Son of God appeared was to destroy the works of the devil. 9 No one born of God makes a practice of sinning, for God's[a] seed abides in him; and he cannot keep on sinning, because he has been born of God.
🤔...the Bible talks about wives and concubines a lot... and when people get divorced they think they ain't married, but guess what? they still are. So maybe we should judge not, show grace, and live the best we can.
@@dhspeller the bible does describe those things. Doesnt mean its right. Not does it prescribe that for us. Marriage is between one man and one woman. Like there is only one Bride(the church) for Christ.
@@dhspeller The Bible also talks about witchcraft and murder because it's done doesn't mean it's justified in Corinthians its clearly says that the original plan was 1 wife to 1 man. Context is key with scripture a lot of things are told in the Bible but not everything is condone some things are examples, because you out here marrying your half sister no, so stop it, respectfully we can't keep choosing to be willingly blind than spread that blindness as if its truth. Grace and love doesn't also mean condoning, if he was out here molesting children and or a serial killer would your grace call still be told, most likely no. We don't need to condemn someone to Hell of course not. Grace nor love doesn't mean coddling someone in their wrong doings.
Didn't realize how juvenile NC is. I am glad he knows God is still working on him.
Best nick cannon interview i've seen. Great job Lecrae
Thank you Lecrae, for this interview. It was really great and relevant. I feel like having a conversation with Nick Cannon would be exhausting. Nick Cannon recently came out as a narcissist. To me, this is more than a spiritual issue. It's potentially a mental and psychological issue.
Lecrae is such an amazing interviewer i enjoy these sooo much!
Nick Cannon's in a dangerous place. He's living in sin and think God's co-signing it
That’s how Satan’s deception works until we’re saved.
Exactly 💯
@@LightBeingsBEno it still works after we’re saved. As we become sanctified we start to become more Christ-like but it is BECAUSE of His Holy Spirit
Honestly…. 🙃 before even pressing play on this, my heart posture ain’t ‘Eeeem right 😂 that’s just me being honest. ANNNND, honestly who am I right? No better than Nick Cannon at all… The same God that went to the cross for him, went for me… I’m just not feeling it right now for whatever reason so I’ma have to hold off on this one and check my heart first. 🙂
The previews don’t seem… idk. BUT!! I will say that Lecrae has done some interviews in the past with people I wasn’t too sure about and it’s given me a totally different perspective of said interviewee. In a way that rebuked my pre judgment of them and I was grateful for that because sometime naturally as humans we can be so self righteous forgetting we ALL needed a savior! So I’m hoping for that same thing here when I finally watch this because I will eventually 🙏🏾🩷
Have you watched it?
Wow. What a very mature perspective to take. I had the sane heart posture before watching and I’m now glad I did. Instead of stoning Nick I’m praying for his soul to be saved. Amen!
Suchhh a mature perspective! I can learn from that, thank you.
@@carldomond166 no problem! Iron sharpening iron 🙌🏾
@@lammidloved not yet! I actually got the conviction to watch it last night sometime this week! So now I’m excited to 🙏🏾🩷
Love this, fellas! What a great and insightful conversation!! BIG UPS to Lecrae and Nick!!
This is some awesome convo. Am glad Nick is honest about his struggles and being so transparent.
I remember when Lecrae was on Nick Cannon's show Wild n Out.
What 😢
I didn’t know that
We are learning and growing to ascension every day ❤
Loved the camaraderie you and Nick had during this conversation, LeCrae!
Not the commercials lolll go crazy Crae!!
I love to see Lecrae interview Mr. Del who walked away from triple six mafia would love to hear his testimony.
Please bring on Sho Baraka on one of the episodes.🙏🏿
Mmmmm this is the one. Air it all out but also just let the Holy Spirit lead in what we know would be an incredibly fruitful conversation @lecrae
Remember Lacrae that there is no "I" in found, God chased you and found you right where you were. thank you for these candid conversations.
He is a student????
“For among them are those who worm their way into households and deceive gullible women overwhelmed by sins and led astray by a variety of passions, always learning and never able to come to a knowledge of the truth.”
2 Timothy 3:6-7 CSB
He’s that worm!! 🪱 great application 🙌🏾
I appreciate this interview. I got so much out of it. Definitely cultivated a new perspective of Nick in me. 🙏🏽
Some of y’all in the comments were hoping for Lecrae to bring Nick Cannon on just to publicly correct & rebuke him so bad lol. Yall don’t know the convos in private. Weirdo energy lol.
I didn't, but let us know about those private convos.😂
Nick said himself “I’ve told you on different occasions that I envy your walk.” So that shows they’ve had more convos.
Immature lol
@daygolife4511 Obviously they had more convos, especially when the camera cuts. Nick doesn't know the real Lecrae, only God knows but Nick basically means he wishes he could possibly live the christian life style but because of Hollywood, he is hand cuffed in his view although he can choose to leave. It has nothing to do with Lecrae's money or fame as Nick is far more famous and richer than Lecrae. Possibly Nick wishes he was a good rapper, but more than likely he is talking about being a Christian like he talks about Mariah and his children.
I had lived in Diego for 18years. my two boys went back there and live now. Praying for both of them..
13:15 “Mariah is doing her job!”
No sir, that’s YOUR job!
I think many teen stars become a arrested development
I had a real impulse to just write off Nick Cannon and say, why are you interviewing him until I listened to him Speak, even though he has sins and evils, he still an individual made in the image of God with an experience of life and multiple other factors that informs the perception, and you have to treat someone like an individual not like their personification of some form of evil to really be able to even get them to adhere to wisdom or make an impact in our life and a lot of Christians they either over lionize people or over demonize people.
This man Lecrae is using the strength that god gave him the right way. It may not be the way other Christians want it but it’s still a Christian way regardless and I don’t care what any negative thing that any Christian has to say about it. Because obviously it’s being done and not just being done for a good but great reason.
What is he doing exactly?
He’s reaching ppl outside of the Christian community. who still love God, Who may not look like your typical christian.
@@dbrown3271 what does loving God look like according to scripture?
you phrasing it like it’s meant to be against Christians
Loving God means realizing that Jesus died for us all WHILE we were still sinners. Romans 5:8
Meaning, the sacrifice for our redemption was made BEFORE we repented. Romans 5:6
It means praying for MERCY and SALVATION for those who have been misled to thinking there are multiple ways to the Father. There is only the way, the truth and the life- Jesus Christ.
It means remembering that Jesus asked the person without sin to cast the first stone.
John 8:7
1 John 1:8
It means remembering that Christ Jesus reminded us that it is NOT our office to judge. Not our job. Matthew 7:2.
Judging even those that appear to be the most vile of sinners is literally far above our pay grade and worst than that, it is evidence of PRIDE in our hearts to judge others.
Remember James 4:6… God resists the proud & gives grace to the humble.
Our HOLY God resists those who feel their own sins are somehow less evil.
IT means remembering that Jesus Christ said the the two most important things are:
1. Love God
2. Love people
…remember this is the God that will leave the 99 to pursue the one. None of us are here to judge people or to win arguments. Let’s win hearts that pursue Christ.
Our great commission is to make disciples for Christ. Love people THE WAY Jesus Christ did. Yes-while they are still in sin, it’s not always easy BUT it’s possible through wisdom from our wonderful counselor.
Sinners, like the rest of us saints in sanctification, will answer to the Almighty God. I pray we are all shown mercy -you, me and yes, let us pray for Nick Cannon’s salvation ❤️🙏🏿
Praying also that Lecrae will inspire more people to engage with those around them that have not known, believed and accepted Jesus as Lord.
Not Jesus as just some great guy that lived- as Lord (the highest authority in one’s life) and savior King.
If Jesus is Lord to so many, the chaos and confusion of 2 Timothy 3:7 would not be so evident with the bright minds of our day.
What’s the wisdom in all the world’s religions when we have eternal life? See Jeremiah 2:13…
Scripture helps us confirm that one knows and is lead by God.
Romans 8:14…the children of God
John 10:27…my sheep hear my…
John 14:15… if you love me…
John 14:6…no one comes to the Father except through…
Thanks for coming to my Ted talk 😅
This is the best Nick Cannon interview I've seen.... and I've seen a few
Please Collab with Holy Gabbana.
He doesn't do genuine Christians only people from the world
@@gracefaithjanet2673I believe Angela Scafidi is a genuine Christian. She was on the show last week where she shared her testimony and how she turned from her sinful past to Jesus.
I just really cringed "genuine, real, baby" are all terms used to define Christians and it's just ignorant to me. Holy Gabbana would be a great interview. In the words of the great Tim Ross, "Before you're saved, you aren't" . Let that sink in. Holy Gabbana for the win, I've been waiting to see an interview where someone sits down and really discussed the Lord and how he came to Christ. And who better to do it than Lecrae. Y'all must not listen to Church Clothes or really understand what Lecrae did for us as followers of Christ that don't fit into a box. The lord doesn't look one way or save one type of person.
@@gracefaithjanet2673 Be careful, you don’t know who’s truly genuine. There is obviously fruit check but you ultimately don’t know
Nick needs an encounter with the biblical Jesus
Right now he is confused
Amen! I love that you said "the Biblical Jesus" because so many claim to be followers of Christ & yet are deceived; following after a false christ.
@@Danielleonthenarrowpathi appreciate the way you corrected with the capital B for BIBLICAL 😅
No telling what brain washing rituals he been to in Hollyweird…
After MC he lost it! He broke
Where was his parents during Drum line?
@SanctifiedLady why, thank you sis! 😉😂
Being a PK can be stressful, believe me I was one. My parents were both ministers but stopped in my mid 20s. Being looked at like I had to be perfect in my early years made me feel so uncomfortable that when my parents left our church I went wild because I finally felt free! Let your kids find their way. They will watch you and find their way eventually. Everyone has their own journey 💜
I have way more respect for Nick, I'm glad to get to know him on a deeper level. I'm glad he's been able to be vulnerable here. Thank you Lecrae for going deep on The Deep End. ❤🙏🏾
I never thought Nick Cannon would be so relatable loooool wut.
Not sure how we forget about the Christian rapper T Bone
,,Facts,,he is forgotten about a lot cool Christian Rap Groups - Gospel Gangstarz, Dynamic Twins - the Grits the List cut go on 😮 - Nick maBy only Listen to DC TALK & Carmen but be Real without those Artist CHH wouldn exist
Nick was at all of the DIDDY parties no doubt
Hey Lecrae mutch Love from Hamburg Germany. First of all I want to say that I love your content and I enjoy watching your videos.
I was also very positively surprised by Nick Cannon's honesty and I can understand what he means when he says he didn't really like Christian hip hop back then because I'm from the same generation and am even three years older than him. I also listened to Christian and secular hip hop back then. However, I saw certain things very differently which I would like to explain to you here with all due respect. Christian hip hop was never primarily terrible [as you mentioned] but it just adapted to the respective style of the 80s/90s - so Christian rap up to date
And not as N.CAnnon claims.
Example - DC -TALK - by Stiel rather Mc Hammer
But there were also groups that picked up the urban flair of the street well - for example Dynamic Twins - more of a style like Nas, Whu tang etc.
Or Gospel Gangstarz - reminiscent of Snoop Dogg and the whole West Coast
See CHH was never bad - it was just not welcome because
A - there was no real marketing for it
B - people were afraid of the content - Jesus
C - secular hip hop itself was on the rise. D - Back then, people in marketing
And as consumers, they didn't understand the term "Christian rap"
My point is,
With all due respect, I didn't think it was good to support Nick Cannon by nodding your head and saying, oh yes, that was terrible
In my opinion, that is disrespectful to the first generation of the Christian hip hop community - you know that they are all still alive and can see all of this?? OK!!
always remember that without this first generation of Christian artists you would never be where you are today - namely at the top - don't forget that - so in the future, don't be so careless as to describe the music from back then as bad
Otherwise, I like your show and your content.
Sammy Boateng / Hamburg - Germany
Would love to see Trip or Tedashii! Love all yall and I think it would be powerful to have them in the room.
I have mixed feelings about this. On one hand I thought you guys had interesting conversations. It was nice to know more about Nick Cannon's background and the experiences and philosophies that shaped him. At the same time... I don't really understand the point of bringing people on who are openly non-repentant about their sinful lifestyles and are openly mixing Christianity with other forms of spirituality. Nothing was discussed that brought glory to Christ (perhaps not until the last 30 seconds). But maybe I don't understand the aim of this podcast.
"Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers: for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness? and what communion hath light with darkness?" -2 Corinthians 6:14
This is why people don't like Christians, NONE OF US ARE RIGHTEOUS! NONE! NONE! You are doing things right now that God is not happy with. You don't know what seed is planted here and where God would take Nick Cannon after this. When did Christians get like this? Jeesh its exhausting.
He prolly knows Nick don't wanna hear all that; it could be a payback for being on all his shows as said but....idk Nick respects Lecrae and knows his heart n his example, he will learn things from Lecrae, he could be a good influence and Nick will walk away with something to make him do whatever y'all want him to be doing lol better?
This video might teach some of us believers a necessary thing or two about the different ways we can interact with folks who have not made Jesus their Lord.
Many believer have relatives & others they care about who have bizarre beliefs, loved ones who might know things about Jesus but have not accepted the gift of salvation.
Many believers have never seen a model of how to be gentle and respectful to the “sons of disobedience.”
ALL believers are called to the great commission.
All Believers.
We can’t do that by just shouting at “sinners”from the street corners or avoiding them like the bubonic plague.
Did you know that even John the Baptist was disappointed in the company that Jesus kept?
We have a guideline for how to interact with unbelievers in 1 Peter 3:16.
I pray that in this friendship with Lecrae and Nick, we see the power of our God who uses the foolish things of the world to put the “wise” to shame. 1 Corinthians 1:27
God doesn’t need us to secure his victory or Glory. He ask us to live in the counsel of the Holy Spirit.
When we walk in obedience, God is the one who does what needs to be done so that He alone will get the glory.
God makes a way, just do the two things that Jesus asked us to do in Mark 12:30 &31.
1. Love God.
2. Love People.
I think Lecrae allowed him to be himself (as he should) while at the same time dropping bits a pieces of jewels here and there for not only him (Nick) but the people who are watching as well. You never know how God gets glory from these types of situations. The ending alone would cause one to pause and look at Christainty in a different view. Just my 2 cents for what it's worth 🤷🏿♂️.
@@alycia3j ok! Beautiful take 💕 I agree
This was so good. Religion is so tricky cause there’s so many ways to go but just like that story with the ropes, it’s not about whose is the better option and long as the end goal is pure.
This was a Good . It’s interesting to hear about nicks background and upbringing and there was a few things about crae that l
Didn’t know about either ! Very interesting.
Imagine only taking bad from this and not seeing seeds and love and fellowship happen! God is moving even if you ain’t there to see it or comprehend it! Love you crae🙏🖤 love what you’re doing and The Spirit
What a lot of people don’t know Nick Cannon has a brother that does CHH .
Very interesting interview, we need to pray for Nick.
best host so far! intelligent and allows his guests to speak
We don’t know who the writer of Job is but it was one of the earliest writings of wisdom. Psalms is Moses and David and the last 3 are Solomon’s ❤️🙏🏾🔥
It’s something to say about a person who wear sunglasses 🕶️ on the inside of a building that’s I just don’t trust…. I can see why lol 😆
Yooooooooo 😂😂 Lecrae and NC salute brothers very interesting convo ✊👌
Lecrae is always on point. And nick understands now.
nick is bold as a lion in his sin
Excuse me!... DC Talk STILL slaps!
Nick Cannon that last sermon you said towards the end is 🔥🔥🔥🔥 brother I'm learning everyday brother Lecrae blessings to you brother fasho 🙏👌
Yo Lecrae are you going to make a song with Trip Lee any time soon because I miss Trip Lee
If it doesn't line up with The Word of God, it doesn't make sense regardless of how good it "feels".
That's what we deal with the most in our Faith Walk on this Earth is taking our feelings and thoughts captive and FORCING them to be subject to The Word of God in word and deed! God's Word is God's will and the carrying out of His will reflects our hearts as it pertains to our view of CHRIST!
I agree with you! I think this interview is a good example of what is wrong with the American church. We want to be “Liked” so bad that we sacrifice truth and gentleness. I was disappointed by this interview. I don’t think you need to hit people over the head with the Bible but we have to have courage to be as shrewd as a snake but as gentle as dove.
@@AmakaNjoku-E agreed.
That celibacy line is hilarious 😂 😅😅😅😂
This was a nice setting love the conversation the boy is heavy and weighty I didn’t know much about this cat wow
NICK I love you!!!!!!! This was amazing interview 😊
all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God. None of us could ever deserve salvation.
We can sure pray for his 😅
This was good all the way from ATL and my brother from another mother my birthday is the same week as y’all we siblings Lecrae and Nick happy early birthday to you all both.
Gotta get Dc young fly on here.
Love this convo!
I'm grateful for the conversation... 🎉❤
Wow so good love is a great guy got the privilege to work with him multiple times in the studio
I didn't expect Crae to grill him and honestly I doubt he'd grill any of his guests and that's not what I come to this podcast for either. At the same time, I'd expect a lil push back on certain claims of how Nick thinks God functions. I may rationalize some of what my friend does but it shouldn't trump God's standards. In everything I pray that we all submit our will to God's and not the other way around. Hope to see all y'all in heaven.
Why are we so uncomfortable confronting sinners who are charming or sweet?
When I was living in perpetual sin not long ago, I was a sweet, kind, charming, convincing, positive, Brilliant, philosophical, analytical, and optimistic person but I was wrong and not in right standing with The Lord. I was saved by I wasn't walking in deliverance. When we gain the attention of nonbelievers or a believer in rebellion unto The Lord we need to confront their sin in a healthy Christ-centered manner with the purpose of escorting them to The Lord for forgiveness, healing, and restoration!
Perhaps he did that off camera?
And who's to say that this hasn't happened in private which is how the word suggests that we correct those in sin. Galatians 6:1. I'm tired of Christians trying to go after people's heads when that's not have God restored or delivered you. God doesn't need assistance He can and will get directly into the heart of a person without our rebuke. We have to do better. People don't have to be rebuked all the time. The ways of God are unsearchable and we don't know what he is doing in the lives of others. I say this respectfully... Take care.
Why do “WE” always feel the need to confront someone. This is a podcast. It depends on his motive. What is the goal. Obviously Nick understands that he has some issues.
You can’t expect him to try and grill a man on his show whom he’s known for years just for the pleasure of the viewers.
@@evryk9763 you're right. I personally think we define the word confront negatively when it can be and should be healthy. I think becoming a cosigner or attempting to justify sin just to help someone feel good is the unhealthy part. It can perpetuate confusion.
I think when guests or someone bring interviewed expresses ideology, philosophies, and/or behaviors that aren't rooted in God's Word we can express compassion without becoming a cosigner.
Thank you for coming back to the rope!
Freestyle about Moses. 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
In my opinion, Nick is an intriguing individual (multifaceted) for lack of a better word. I appreciate/enjoy watching him being a father to his children and how he DOESN'T disrespect his baby mommas. I can respect his gangsta.💯 Absolutely, NO judgemets here. I PRAY🙏🏾 nothing but the BEST for him, the family, his future endeavors and his overall health.🛐☝🏾💪🏾
1/20/2K25@ 12:45pm
Why everyone always talk about DC TALK like they aren’t CHH legends? Lol
Hands off my DC TALK! lol
Feel you - Lecrae cind died them a little bit dirty
I pray that even when/if Nick stumbles in future days, he doesn't stray too far from his walk with Christ. No matter what people say, keep studying the Word and applying Godly principles. Many great prophets failed but got it right at some point
I appreciate this interview. Although I don't agree that he had his children with multiple women. I've been praying for him for years to know the truth of God.
You need to read what the bible actually says about that...
Love this interview!!!
Observe what Nick said. "I was in the street life and my Mom sent me to my Dad and my Dad was a disciplinarian and he cleaned me up and all that". Look at the role of an Earthly Father who is no longer with the child's Mother 1) flee sin even if it means changing your environment. 2) Live and walk in obedience unto Jesus Christ 3) Seek out and coral your children by bringing them unto you in your Faith Walk 4) Teach and train your child in ministry with the foundation on Jesus Christ the Gospel 5) Compel your child to ministry, lovingly challenging them to understand their first ministry is Salvation and their Faith Walk in Jesus Christ 6) Restore your child in Love and witness to them by your OBEDIENCE unto Jesus Christ!
Of course we take it too far in the name of religion. Rooting a child in Jesus Christ is necessary and a requirement which is spiritual.
I love this interview. This is such a healthy dialogue. The comments are discouraging its sad that the biggest detriment to being a effective Christian is the judgmental and holier than thou attitude that other Christians push. Being Christ like is not what I have read in some of these comments and that is disappointing. However, I saw a lot of conversations that were mature and healthy so we are not all loss yet. :)
Lecrae one of the real ones man
I can’t wait for this episode
Lecrae needs to stop dissing DC talk
not only DC TALK - he been dissing the old Christian Hiphop Comunty who been Paveing the They way for some one Like him
this is not to bash Nick canon to be clear. but I wonder if his desire to be like the man that meant the most to him relation and life wise which is his irl dad caused him to be so accustomed to running. in the sense that he sought after so many things that his dad once did, maybe running from things made him feel closer to the person who ran from him in a sense
I pray he finds the satisfaction that christ brings
@@lammidlovedplease put respect on Christ…. It’s a capital C
this is hardened heart disrespectful or maybe ignorance but it’s capital for G God. J Jesus and C Christ
Slippery Slope 😅