online chess databases did not have the games posted when I made this comment. As many below have replied, you have No commentary, No open book history window, no DB history window, No EGTB stats for the endgame, and no hardware information on the strength of your stockfish. and no subscribers for witty replies. (
what is the stockfish 8 Black or white and alpha zero white or black
where can I download the PGN's of these games? Can't find them anywhere.
It available at internet.
online chess databases did not have the games posted when I made this comment. As many below have replied, you have No commentary, No open book history window, no DB history window, No EGTB stats for the endgame, and no hardware information on the strength of your stockfish. and no subscribers for witty replies. (
I think they are on I remember seeing them somewhere whatever the site was I forgot.
plz how i can get the programe ?
He doesn't have AlphaZero he is having the computer replay the games with the kibitzer turned on.
It hasn't been released to the public and probably won't be any time soon.
First 2 games alpha zero is black
Next 8 games alpha zero is white.
Check the bottom right table there it is mentioned .
Хотите сравнить алгоритмы-
переставьте фигуры типа шахмат Фишера и-вперёд...
I'm only into techno music when I'm drunk and in the appropriate mood. ;)
Stockfish 9 y 10 son invencibles
No info who play's white and who play's black in each game. No info who give's up.
see the result at right top corner
So who's who ?
without commentary worthless
For commentary you can see so many youtube videos.