Karen I Decide What to do in My House with My Daughter, I'm the Owner of property | r/EntitledPeople

  • Опубликовано: 20 сен 2024

Комментарии • 133

  • @WayWardWonderer
    @WayWardWonderer 2 года назад +18

    Nurse Hun needed to have her license revoked, IMMEDIATELY.

    • @rustyjones7908
      @rustyjones7908 2 года назад

      If every incompetent nurse was fired there wouldn't be any nurses left. Women who are skilled medical professionals become doctors.

  • @suzyboyleanderson6945
    @suzyboyleanderson6945 2 года назад +2

    Nurse Hun has no business hawking her crap in her work place. She had no business doing that, it's complete BS. Glad Nurse Hun got caught on that BS.

  • @JennyEverywhere
    @JennyEverywhere 2 года назад +31

    These "essential oil" clowns have taken the word "essential" as meaning "necessary for health". So they push them like they're life saving elixirs handed down from Pallas Athena and Aphrodite.
    But that's not what "essential" means in this case. It means that the oils are _essences_ of the plant in question, an aromatic oil that is responsible for the scent of the plant. It may also be necessary...but not to humans. Instead, the oil is necessary _to the plant it came from!_
    I bought some insecticide that was "safe to use around cats", and all it consisted of was so-called "essential oils" suspended in water. The combination smelled awful, and you had to use a ton of it to kill a single bug. The oils used were geranium and peppermint oils.
    So these MLM idiots hawking these "essential oils" are showing their ignorance by thinking they have any necessary purpose in extending human life whatsoever. And peppermint oil is used in "natural" INSECTICIDE.

    • @HappilyHomicidalHooligan
      @HappilyHomicidalHooligan 2 года назад +4

      I'm NOT an expert, however, I'm not sure Peppermint Oil actually kills the bugs (other than drowning them by blocking their airways), I think it's more of a nice (to most) smelling repellent...the bugs hate it and go somewhere else so they're not eating you or your plants...

    • @lilac4297
      @lilac4297 2 года назад +5

      Burn fresh sage for mosquito. Plant mums for gnats and spiders. The list goes on. You need the real thing not just extract.

    • @ThomasKent1346
      @ThomasKent1346 2 года назад +8

      By the way, "natural" doesn't necessarily mean safe. Cyanide is natural. So is Arsenic.

    • @NemoConsequentae
      @NemoConsequentae 2 года назад +3

      @@ThomasKent1346 And pyrethrum, and opium, and atropine, and, and...

    • @wesleythomas7125
      @wesleythomas7125 2 года назад

      Notice how they all STFU about it when the pandemic hit, like they knew in their hearts it's snake oil?

  • @berylmorgan8482
    @berylmorgan8482 2 года назад +9

    WoW..that last story with the Nurse selling her products in the Maternity ward was gross..

  • @KingKool2099
    @KingKool2099 2 года назад +35

    "Peppermint, eucalyptus and tee tree oils are toxic to infants."
    Holy cow, RedWheel is bringing out important information today. Good to know.

    • @Maleficently
      @Maleficently 2 года назад +3

      They're also toxic to a lot of pets.

    • @NemoConsequentae
      @NemoConsequentae 2 года назад +1

      I'd say they are toxic to anyone in sufficient quantity/concentration, but infants have a _MUCH_ lower tolerance for that sort of thing.
      Interesting fact: Oxygen is essential to life, but at 2 atmospheres pure oxygen is also toxic & will kill you. (Which is why it is never used for SCUBA diving.)

    • @samimilly3405
      @samimilly3405 2 года назад +1

      I know tee tree oil is not good whilst pregnant too

    • @stoopingfalcon891
      @stoopingfalcon891 2 года назад

      Talk about learning something new every day. I didn't know about this toxicity to infants.

    • @yvindascanius6061
      @yvindascanius6061 3 месяца назад

      Tea tree oil is not good for you. I once bought a product containing tea tree oil, and the very first time I used it (on a very small area) it left a stinging and itching sensation. I immediately washed it off and threw the tube in the bin. Have avoided tea tree oil like the plague since.

  • @janetgray2184
    @janetgray2184 2 года назад +13

    I am not a mama, but thank you for the info about the oils are bad for babys

  • @suruha2306
    @suruha2306 2 года назад +8

    My ex and I spent an entire day, one Sunday, digging a garden. When we had the last plant in the ground, I left to go to the grocery store. When I got home, ex tells me he fertilized the garden. I couldn't recall having any garden fertilizer, so I asked him what he had used. He indicated a bag he found in the shed. It was grass and lawn fertilizer!
    I didn't know whether to laugh or cry! All that work. I told him there are numbers on bags of fertilizer for a reason and that he could expect shriveled up stems in the morning. Sure enough! All those precious, little seedlings were fried! He couldn't even replant there as the soil was ruined, as well. He dug and entirely new garden across the yard the next weekend - by his self! LOL

  • @donaldwalker5478
    @donaldwalker5478 2 года назад +1

    A sales pitch after your child is only two days old? From a staff nurse? oh hell no!

  • @nightstalker32587
    @nightstalker32587 2 года назад +4

    Lol. I have a similar birth story. Long story short when I was born the hospital was a teaching hospital and I was 5 weeks early and breech (feet first). So great teaching opportunity. We also just so happened to be under the care of the head of OB and dome other high ranking medical people, so we got lot of attention. Well one of the lower ranked doctors had no bedside manner and hurt Mom every time he checked on her dilation. During the actual birth he was the one getting to be in charge, telling get when to push etc. Mom swears it wasn't a conscious action but she tuned him out, NEVER heard him at all. One of the nurses she liked would repeat the instructions when she saw Mom nit responding and Mom would instantly respond to her. So one of the higher ups dragged the doctor out of the way, declared him useless, and moved the nurse into position. Afterwords a different nurse told Mom you could hear the other doctor getting yelled at in the hallway outside the higher doctors office. Essentially "what did you do to her that she tuned you out like that?!" He didn't get fired but he was much nicer when he'd check on Mom after.

  • @welshdragonfunhunter3461
    @welshdragonfunhunter3461 2 года назад +1

    Hello RedWheel hope you are well. Thanks for sharing your stories everyday. Please stay safe.🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿😁😷👍. Hi everyone hope you are all well and safe and have had a great day and will have a wonderful week ahead

  • @golab41
    @golab41 2 года назад +9

    Hello from Poland Redwheel and everyone!!!

    @RVREVO 2 года назад +3

    Black mold is a worse concern

  • @hellefur6631
    @hellefur6631 2 года назад +5

    Glad of your awareness of problems of essential oils vrs infants/ todlers and also preagnancy/ nursing.
    Essential oils can do good, if handled propperly, but can be deadly handled wrong (missused).

  • @muneyotsuki8164
    @muneyotsuki8164 2 месяца назад

    Requiring community service to graduate? That's idiotic. School is learning, not serving a community.

  • @Maninawig
    @Maninawig 2 года назад +2

    Did not know about peppermint and babies... Yet another thing to worry about when I have kids

  • @max.wilson
    @max.wilson 2 года назад +2

    The wife and I are trying for our first baby. I’m very pro-science and established medicine, so is my wife. But just knowing about those essential oils is helpful! Thank you!

  • @jeffreydeeds9225
    @jeffreydeeds9225 2 года назад +1

    But... ESSENTIAL OILS!!! Why not?

  • @ramadaxl
    @ramadaxl 2 года назад +11

    'How can we tell if someone is using a stolen card' ? 'Just be observant'.
    Well that triggered a memory !
    I was working ( retail, Menswear ) in South East London...one day a young guy came in wanting to look at overcoats...expensive overcoats ( for the time ) £200.00 Crombie overcoats. These things are heavy....fawn / light tan in colour, double breasted...and often worn by Army officers... So a young guy ( under 20 years of age ) wanting one of these Is a red flag from the beginning...OK yeah...he could have just had good taste...but considering the way he was dressed I'd say that was unlikely. So...we go through through the process and he decides which one he wants...and by chance we happen to have one that fits his slight build.
    Then comes the moment to pay...and he pulls out a Barclaycard ( Visa ) and hands it to me...I take a look at it and laugh internally. ME: 'How long have you been in the military...Sir'. He looks confused. YG: 'Huh'? ME : 'How long have you been in the military...Sir'. YG: 'Waddya meen...I aint in no military'. ME: 'OK...this is how this is going to work...you are going to turn around and just quietly walk out...you won't create a scene and I wont call the Police...if you want to cause a scene I'll happily call the Police and you can explain to them how it is you are a Colonel in the army'. YG: 'Waddya meen'! ME: This card has the title of the person it belongs to on it...and according to this you are a Colonel in the army...now which way d'you want to do it'?
    He turned without another word and left. I walked over to the manager and explained that I had taken this credit card from the guy and he promptly exploded.
    Anyway...I called the credit card company and told them what had happened, I was instructed to cut up the card and mail it to them which I did. About a week later a tall well built guy walked into the shop and asked for me by name. This was the Colonel whose card had been stolen. I explained what had happened and he cracked up with laughter when I told him. He slipped a £10.00 note into my hand and said 'well done'.
    The following day a letter arrived from H/O warning all staff to be more 'vigilant' when it came to credit cards.

    • @sirxanthor
      @sirxanthor 2 года назад +3

      @Ian I've posted this a few times on Redwheels posts, that the most bizzar situation when I worked retail was when a black woman at self check out pulled the race card and threw a scene, stating I was refusing to not just approve the sale, but give HER card back because she was black. She did such a great performance, I had both other customers and my management saying, give HER card back. Almost cost me my job, but finally LP asked me why, so covered the card number, held the card with my name tag up, showing the credit card was in fact mine, which got me a lot of apologies in the end. Maybe I could have said why at the start, but that woman's performance was so Oscar material, I just didn't want to end the show early.
      Oh, forgot the recent story with one of my kids classmates who work at target. They made a purchase at Starbucks during lunch break and left their card in the reader which another kid stole. Not even an hour back from lunch, the girl gets a visa notification for a $900 purchase that took place on her card in her store, and at first panicked, but then logged out of her register and ran to the only place she could imagine a $900 sale just came from as what she saw by the registers she was working in no way would hit that much. Sure enough, she sees her coworker bagging an Xbox, some other cheap system, and a lot of games, with a teenager holding their hands out like they wanted their stuff in a hurry. Loss prevention already saw something was up when she booked from the register, so the kid never made it that far. Kid was arrested, but need to find out if the store canceled the sale or police took it as evidence. She only took the job to make Xmas money. Imagine being a kid, working for every scrap, then having it all stolen while your still working?

  • @geoffstrickler
    @geoffstrickler 2 года назад +1

    Anytime someone asks to see my ID when I’m paying with a credit card, I say “Thank you for asking”, and hand them my ID

  • @OynxWolf11
    @OynxWolf11 2 года назад +1

    "What did you do to my Garden?!"
    Well, you told me to to spray anything Green. So I did.
    "......... Ah Fu".

  • @AliceDeBois
    @AliceDeBois 2 года назад +1

    Wait someone only had to do 10 hours community service for their school? We had to do 20 or we didn't graduate and we got no accommodations. I feel jipped.

  • @patricialadd520
    @patricialadd520 Год назад +1


  • @H3xx99
    @H3xx99 2 года назад +1

    Not to mention that Most of the essential oils that people hock as cure alls are nothing more than air fresheners an a complete waste of money.

  • @mbyerly9680
    @mbyerly9680 2 года назад +1

    Round UP doesn't work that fast, even twice as much. It would take at least a week to see even a discoloration or wilting, and at least two weeks for the plants to start dying. That's why I don't use Round Up.

    • @impishrebel5969
      @impishrebel5969 2 года назад

      It's also the same shit Monsanto used in Vietnam to defoilage the jungles before Roundup even hit the market. It was called "Agent Orange" back then.

  • @PanduPoluan
    @PanduPoluan 2 года назад +1

    The DMS and CMO sounds like awesome people.

  • @Dallen9
    @Dallen9 2 года назад +12

    Essential Oils evangelists and the people who pedal them don't tend to know the full depths of the products and tend to hype on all the benefits they provide without checking if there's limits that could make them dangerous.

    • @HappilyHomicidalHooligan
      @HappilyHomicidalHooligan 2 года назад +4

      Nor as far as I know, do they even check to see if the Oils actually provide the "Benefits" they claim they do...
      I'm not aware of any Scientific Studies or Trails that have actually investigated all the various "Health" claims made by Essential Oil Pushers...

    • @thehowlinggamer5784
      @thehowlinggamer5784 2 года назад +2

      Used to live on an old farm house we'd have to regularly spray for box elders and soy beetles yearly during the spring and summer.
      We stopped using pesticides and just used some slightly diluted ivory to make it more sprayable. Has that same effect of clogging up their skin holes or whatever. Wirked relatively well.

    • @Dallen9
      @Dallen9 2 года назад

      @@HappilyHomicidalHooligan There's plenty of science behind it however you're looking at science papers from before 1900 but mostly after 1790 everything else . Which validity has been supported and unsupported to the moon and back. You mainly have to look up tested ancient health remedies to see if the oil treatment could help with a certain condition or not.

    • @floydlooney6837
      @floydlooney6837 2 года назад

      They are definitely not essential and in quantities some are actually toxic.

    • @cchastant8251
      @cchastant8251 2 года назад +1

      Just suggesting, have an open mind about essential oils. Like standard treatments, nothing works for everyone.
      I agree that the essential oils pushers are some seriously cray-cray. SOME of the oils do work wonders, when used with care. I've read the warnings to not use them on very young children; I don't have any. I'm working with adults only.
      I have a very hard time with pesticides. Even the ones you're supposed to be safe around, like ant sprays. No clue, happens with most sprays, even air fresheners. To me, feels like the air is being bound up, and I just can't breathe.
      Wasn't a problem until I lived somewhere they sprayed every other month for roaches.
      I did research, and made a blend of essential oils. Sprayed everywhere, including the two holes in my wall, the smaller more than an inch across. Only saw roaches after that once every 3-4 months, and only a single roach. Then I'd respray.
      Found out some time later that my next door neighbor ran a roach breeding space. They gutted his place, and asked me about my issues with roaches, since I was on their no spray list. They were shocked I wasn't overrun.
      Hurt my knee when I was 20. That's over 30 years ago. About 3 years ago, that knee started giving me grief. Slightest tap against something felt like daggers stabbing it. Horrible pain. Tried a topical CBD, as it's legal here. Expensive, and didn't work for me. But a local shop sold essential oils, and from my research, I tried peppermint. Helped the joint a bit after a few days. Put a few drops on my knee every day. Took a month, but now I can KICK a wall and not have any pain.
      Like a lot of things in life, a little research goes a long way to prevent wasting time and money. I don't push oils. I have offered to let others try some of my blends, to see if it might help them. If it =does= help? I offer to make some up for them, at cost. I tell them how to make their own blends. And I usually don't even mention oils to people unless more standard treatments aren't working. And I tell them up front that just because it works for me doesn't mean it will work for them... and this is when I'm letting them try what I'm personally using, and not asking for anything in return. What peppermint oil did and does for my knee feels like a miracle. Anyone who works on their feet would agree if they could feel the difference.

  • @kellypatterson8506
    @kellypatterson8506 2 года назад +15

    Can u imagine being that nurse being called to meeting with the heads of hospital 🏥 lol I'd love ❤️ 2 been a fly 🪰 on the wall 🧱 😅.

  • @colonelrobertsjr.7882
    @colonelrobertsjr.7882 2 года назад +6

    The couch story cracked me up!!

  • @bethotoole6569
    @bethotoole6569 2 года назад

    Yeah natural isn’t always safer… like arsenic.

  • @WobblesandBean
    @WobblesandBean 2 года назад

    Wait, so did Nurse Hunbot get fired, or not? Learn to tell a story properly, OP. What an anticlimactic ending.

  • @Rylosalex
    @Rylosalex 2 года назад +2

    Love the first story, was grinning until the end.
    The 2nd story: Love it!

  • @sirxanthor
    @sirxanthor 2 года назад +2

    If you seen I love Lucy, you will clearly understand that the classes in high school don't end there, and after you might end up with a neighbor who wants to run the community their way, and if you don't follow, you get singled out. My neighborhood I moved in when my kids were born, was free of this. Wasn't till they were 5 that this entitled mom walked into my home and started dictating how we should be, and how my kids should follow her example when they start school. She ignored my wife's plea to leave, so I helped her gently out the door, on security footage so none of that garbage. Said don't come back, shut and locked the door, to hear several neighbors who watched me laugh as the lady left. Never did see her again.
    Another neighbor followed my example years later with someone else. I'm not so innocent, I get my bad days too 😉.

  • @jsivco3sivco785
    @jsivco3sivco785 2 года назад

    4:05... CUE (Not "queue!")

  • @lovepeace5845
    @lovepeace5845 2 года назад

    I don’t normally like these videos and I hate plants being destroyed, (also I’ve read/heard this story before) but that green destruction was a tasty thought to enjoy again and again. That makes this a great video. 👍🏻

  • @sherylcascadden4988
    @sherylcascadden4988 2 месяца назад

    I am glad of your comment about essential oils at the end. I am allergic to peppermint, eucalyptus and coconut. I know tea tree oil is an irritant for many people, and always warn people my homemade shampoo has some for its antifungal and antibacterial properties.
    Chemicals in the home? I plan on keeping my dihydrogen monoxide dispenser, thank you, the heat is natural gas, and my favorite chemical is C8H10N4O2 (caffeine). Ignorant people are fun to mess with.

  • @sailoriris4
    @sailoriris4 2 года назад

    OP in the first story is a boss 😎

  • @cabbievonbump
    @cabbievonbump 2 года назад +1

    As far as Karen with the not-so-green-now yard. "Be Careful What You Wish For. You May Get It."
    Cue the theme for Professor Fate AND an Evil Laugh. Mua ha ha ha!

  • @dougf1249
    @dougf1249 2 года назад

    Ahhh man first story is amazing!!

  • @byenye6386
    @byenye6386 2 года назад +1

    I hope everyone and Redwheel is having a good day

  • @patm692
    @patm692 Год назад

    Be mindful of weird health problems: Roundup has proven to be toxic to gardeners. For those who were affected, it will take years before damage is realized.

  • @Teardehawkee
    @Teardehawkee 2 года назад +2

    Round-up everything GREEN.....WOW!

    • @mrmoose6619
      @mrmoose6619 2 года назад +1

      That's what Karen wanted!

  • @shadowqueen1701
    @shadowqueen1701 2 года назад +2

    Roundup awesome work well done OP.

  • @standinthegsp6858
    @standinthegsp6858 Год назад

    Not only toxic to young ones but the o adults as well.
    Add wintergreen & spearmint to the list too.
    That’s one reason the instructions on pain creams say to no more than 4x day, don’t apply heat, don’t wrap...
    Athletes have died from this

  • @erinj1360
    @erinj1360 2 года назад +1

    You are an excellent story teller.

  • @GiratinaofFury
    @GiratinaofFury 2 года назад

    No idea what people think "chemicals" are, but everything is a chemical. Water, air, saliva, anything made of matter where we understand the structure is a chemical.

  • @sonyahannah
    @sonyahannah 2 года назад +4

    This narrator manifests an energy, sense of humor, and incredible range of emotional projections; today's stories are no exception. Unfortunately, today's teaser is no exception to the teaser-writer's obsession with ownership and property.

  • @debbiethomas2622
    @debbiethomas2622 2 года назад

    “Everything green…” 😂🤣🤣😂😂😂🤪🤪🤪😜😜😜😂😂😂🤣🤣

  • @standandknowgod
    @standandknowgod 2 года назад +4

    Hello Fellow Redwheelers

  • @evadedenbach1226
    @evadedenbach1226 2 года назад

    When you get a c-section, they don't give you general anesthesia.

    • @rustyjones7908
      @rustyjones7908 2 года назад

      When my brother was born the doc took like 6 hours to get to her and the local anaesthesia wore off (I think that's the right term). Important thing is, my mother got to experience a C-section with no anesthesia at all.

  • @rustybird8803
    @rustybird8803 2 года назад


  • @mrmoose6619
    @mrmoose6619 2 года назад +3

    Serious question: Would that include burning candles made from eucalyptus or peppermint and or essential oils and scents? I am not planning on having a child yet, but I like to burn those scents and would give them up in a heartbeat if burning them was toxic... just thinking ahead.

    • @GrannyLaLa1960
      @GrannyLaLa1960 2 года назад +2

      I’ve read that burnt oils will leave a residue in the house. Since I hatch and raise chickens I don’t burn anything in the house while I’m raising some even tho they’re in a different part. Also some oils can make dogs and cats sick. Just do some googling to find out. 👍👍

    • @JennyEverywhere
      @JennyEverywhere 2 года назад +3

      I bought a safe for cats bug spray, and one of the two oils considered "active" was peppermint oil.
      Those oils are not essential to humans. They are essences of the plants, oils that carry the scent. The use of "essential" is horribly misleading!

    • @mrmoose6619
      @mrmoose6619 2 года назад

      @@GrannyLaLa1960 Duly noted. I know that heating oil does a number on walls...

    • @mrmoose6619
      @mrmoose6619 2 года назад +1

      @@JennyEverywhere Agreed.. essential makes them sound like something they are not.

  • @youbetterbestraight
    @youbetterbestraight Год назад

    okay let's break this down essential oils are for relief they will not fix your issue they will only provide you temporary relief if they even do my family owns it all we use it for is to make stuff taste different when you have a sore throat for when you burned yourself not for cuts not for anything that is serious

  • @kellypatterson8506
    @kellypatterson8506 2 года назад +2

    ROUND-UP is good stuff 👌, buuuut.. I grew up in Era where could use DDT concentrate... whoooo...boy.

  • @YTistooannoying
    @YTistooannoying 2 года назад

    While I get the point of the first story is addressing his boss's stupid policy, but lots of married people don't wear rings

    • @suzyboyleanderson6945
      @suzyboyleanderson6945 2 года назад +1

      My friend was staying with someone until her house got finished with the renovations. She has disability and gets money for it on a debit card to pay her bills. And before people bitch about her, she was injured on her job so bad she can't work now. She had to go to the hospital and the guy she was staying with stole her card and spent all the money and kicked her out of his house and kept her things. He went to a grocery store and lied about the two getting a divorce and fooled the store and turned out the manager who let him use the card knew my friend and knew she was not married to him and still let him use it. He knew the pin number cause he watched her use it and remembered it. He ended up in jail for fraud along with the manager of the store who was fired and arrested. It took a while but she got the money back he stole. The bad part is I know this guy's sister quite well, since she is married to my BIL

  • @nightdweller6446
    @nightdweller6446 2 года назад

    It's not easy being green....bwhahaha, coffee screen

  • @FacelessJanus
    @FacelessJanus 2 года назад +3

    Maybe I am stupid, or something. However can anyone explain to me how one derives from Primary school to Uni, without going through any form of secundary ??

    • @BusArch42
      @BusArch42 2 года назад +1

      They are calling primary as through high school 12th grade

    • @impishrebel5969
      @impishrebel5969 2 года назад +1

      Not every country organizes educational systems the same way :)

  • @jamiesuejeffery
    @jamiesuejeffery 2 года назад +6

    My favorite when talking to people like the nurse is I like to remind them uranium is naturally occurring, so is arsenic, lead, asbestos, among other nasty stuff. Just because it is natural, it doesn't make it safe for us to be around.

    • @Jerseybytes2
      @Jerseybytes2 2 года назад +1

      I got to remember this one

    • @HappilyHomicidalHooligan
      @HappilyHomicidalHooligan 2 года назад +3

      @@Jerseybytes2 If you REALLY want to screw with their (alleged) Minds, just point out that LITERALLY EVERYTHING we see, touch and/or use is All Natural...Everything is made of the Chemical Elements listed on the Periodic Table and all of those Atoms were made the Big Bang and/or Stellar Fusion or Supernovas and Nature developed from them...so by definition, if it exists, it's All Natural...
      Just make sure you stand 6+ feet away so you don't get hit by the splatter when their heads explode...

    • @Jerseybytes2
      @Jerseybytes2 2 года назад +2

      @@HappilyHomicidalHooligan you are an evil genius

    • @HappilyHomicidalHooligan
      @HappilyHomicidalHooligan 2 года назад +4

      @@Jerseybytes2 Thank You...
      Thank You...
      I DO try...
      Just ask my friends...
      They'll tell you I'm VERY Trying...
      In ALL senses of the word...

    • @Jerseybytes2
      @Jerseybytes2 2 года назад +1

      @@HappilyHomicidalHooligan my only talent is answering telemarketers calls. sadly they hang up on me

  • @millerlucerojames
    @millerlucerojames 2 года назад +2

    Hehe kermit the frog ref ~ .. It's not easy being green ~

  • @dorothylloyd1804
    @dorothylloyd1804 2 года назад +1

    Thanks again Redwheel

  • @Adniwhack
    @Adniwhack 2 года назад

    Can someone tell me who the girl in thumbnail is? this is for research purposes.

  • @deanwest5475
    @deanwest5475 2 года назад

    2nd story,, heard it b4, this is an old story 6months old.. wt hell..

    • @impishrebel5969
      @impishrebel5969 2 года назад

      They repeat stories from time to time, or if you watch a lot of reddit readers, they'll cover the same story. That's "wt hell"

  • @impishrebel5969
    @impishrebel5969 2 года назад

    "It didn't look right" oh hell no, if someone had pulled that with me I would have given them a tongue lashing too, and added on about how some people don't even use rings because the whole ring thing was the result of a very successful jeweler's campaign at the beginning of the 20th century to sell more rings and for more money, (look it up) and isn't even a major part of western cultured despite what TV shows would have you believe. Some people just don't *care* and some people care too *much*. Just because YOU think rings are the done thing by everyone everywhere, doesn't mean that's reality. I know a shitton of people who don't use rings and are happily married. OP needs to get a clue about what "doesn't look right" in the first place because of exactly situations like OP caused. That woman was in no way a karen or "screaming" (and I found a legitimate complaint being described as "scream" media "scream" etc very telling of them acting like she didn't have a right to be upset OP deliberately did that), and clearly OP knew this that it would be exceptionally rude, not to mention not a goddamn bit of OP's business. OP sounds like a little tick who deliberately screwed up people's day for utterly no reason other than a simple, REASONABLE request and enjoys watching the fallout. Holy crap people like this peeve me off to no end.

    • @murraystewartj
      @murraystewartj 2 года назад

      The force of the douche with you is strong. - From the collected works of Yoda.

  • @cynthiajordan8751
    @cynthiajordan8751 2 года назад +1

    Thanks for the stories RedWheel, wonderful as always Have a good night I’ll watch your next videos in the morning

  • @paulredinger5830
    @paulredinger5830 2 года назад +1

    Round up doesn’t work in one day, not even full strength. Stories BS.

    • @stoopingfalcon891
      @stoopingfalcon891 2 года назад

      I'm an ex landscaper with a lot of experience with garden care, and yeah, you are 100% right. 10 days minimum. There are SOME weedkillers that are instakill, not recommended for use by amateurs.

  • @lewischase
    @lewischase 2 года назад +2

    Good afternoon RedWheel

  • @godlynewbie
    @godlynewbie 2 года назад +2

    i think i'm done with reddit stories it's just rinse repeat same shit. nothing against you red but this type of content has just gotten dull

  • @machendave
    @machendave 2 года назад +2

    Pssst, wanna buy some snake oil 🤣

    • @HappilyHomicidalHooligan
      @HappilyHomicidalHooligan 2 года назад +2

      Sure, which Snake did it come from?
      I've got an infestation of Door-to-Door Salesthings I'd like to introduce to some Coral Snake extract...

    • @janetgray2184
      @janetgray2184 2 года назад +2

      HA oily snakes!