In Defense of Truth (2004)

  • Опубликовано: 7 сен 2024
  • This BYU presentation gives a believer's point of view on the teachings of the LDS Church. Testimonies of common mainstream Church members complement those of scholars who have made LDS beliefs their professional study.

Комментарии • 30

  • @vickiheath6133
    @vickiheath6133 3 года назад +4

    Thank you. I so enjoyed these people’s testimony of the truth. I feel so blessed to be a member of the church.

    • @kenshiloh
      @kenshiloh Год назад

      Jesus said, "Ask and you shall receive," which is my own testimony. That is, raised by an atheist, I heard the gospel for the first time at age 17. Shortly thereafter, I walked onto the lawn of a church on night, looked up at the steeple, and prayed my first prayer, "Is there Jesus? I would like to meet Him!" When I met Christ, all heaven filled my soul and it felt like my heart was made out of gold. I have been great friends with Christ ever since.
      Conversely, mormons teach that baptism is necessary for salvation. That said, in 45 years, I have not had even one second of doubt that I know the Lord and am bound for heaven - not even for a second. The Apostle Paul wrote, "Whoever calls upon the Name of the Lord shall be saved (Romans 10.13)." Yet, mormons teach, "Whoever calls upon the Name of the Lord and is baptized might be saved." Which is the true gospel? Paul wrote that whoever preaches a different gospel should be accursed. You cannot say that I did not warn you!
      Christ died on a Cross so that, just by asking, we can know God. Adding any other condition to being saved is to pollute the pure beauty of the gospel. Jesus Christ is the light of the world

  • @besimarks3236
    @besimarks3236 4 года назад +13

    Growing up as a youngster, my grandfather who was a medicine man told me stories nightly from the time I could understand the Dine' language. (Navajo). I lived on the western reservation of Arizona in a place known as Tiis'ya'to', meaning 'water under the cottonwood trees'. Our life was simple without running water, without electricity, without the amenities of modern living. You could say we lived off the grid in the boonies. No books and newspapers were available to us, as no one in my family could read or write. Grandpa was known as 'Tiis'ya'to'nii's son'.. as a young man he was hired by a Trader where he took care of livestock, the Trader was impressed with him and gave him a name: Cowboy Teasyatwho Begay.
    Stories he told me he said was passed down from his grandparents since his birth when his family designated him to be a medicine man. He knew as many as 12 rites, ceremonies, songs, prayers and stories of all these rites. Mistakes aren't allowed, if one is made, whatever it is it has to be corrected and redone. A ceremony can be performed from half day to 10 days.
    The beginning creation of the first man and first woman were formed by the Gods breathing air into them. People multiplied.
    Stories are of 'Dine' or the People, characterized by animals and insects. This group of people wandered from place to place. People became so wicked and the Gods were displeased with them, a council was held and it was decided to flood the earth. So it rain and rain and level of water kept rising higher and higher, people were trying to climb trees, hills and mountains. One family was able to climb the highest mountain and were saved. It took months and months for the earth to dry. When it did, the people multiplied again and kept on wandering. Shortly after the flood, the people came to this beautiful place where they decided to build a tall tower that will go into the heavens. At this time there was one language, so when the saw what the people were doing, they held another council and they decided to 'mixed' up and changed the languages.
    Stories continued on about the day the Sun was stayed to outrun an enemy; to remember a prophecy of a day when the sun will not go down for three days, that will be the day a 'Diyin' (Holy Being) will be born. Later another prophecy where the sun will not appear for three days, when the 'Diyin' will die. During this time the earth moved and cried, the force of wind was so strong along with rain came with such force that the surface of the earth changed, on the three day when the sun came out, people couldn't recognized their land, homes and many loved ones were gone and people were in great mourning, when all of a sudden a stillness was felt, a sound was heard, another sound sounded, still another one a little bit louder and a fourth sound was heard, then the people realized it was a voice from the heavens, they looked up and saw the heavens opened and a man descended down to earth. This Diyin came and lived and taught the people for some time. He taught them to care for one another, to love others, when he was leaving he told the people that some day he will return and to look for him coming from the east. He will come again as he had come and as he would be leaving. To build their homes to face east.
    That is why if you come among the 'Dine' Navajo their Hogan always faces east.
    At age 13 I left home to go to school in Utah, stayed with a foster family. My second year, a teacher gave me a book and told me to read ahead, that we'll be studying the book this year. I took it home and read it. Soon it occurred to me that I had heard this story, it was my grandpa's story. Oh, I wondered and wondered how Joseph Smith knew grandpa and his story. I reread the part where Joseph Smith said he translated this from the brass/golden plates. I wondered if he and grandfather ever met. Further reading, I knew this book was true. My heart and bosom burned like it was on fire, I prayed and prayed how I knew it was true. That testimony is still with me. I never own a book before and that was my first book ever. Later when I read the Bible the story was also in there. I was 14 when I read the Book of Mormon, the story had real people in it with names. Now I am a 'Genealogist' and I surmised that the reason grandpa stories had animals as people was our culture has a taboo of mentioning people who passed on, so in order to keep these stories going from generations to generations, people of long ago were 'assigned ' names of animals or insects that most resembled them, so their stories would be told again and again.
    I am very grateful that my grandparents set me on this path with the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter day Saints. I raised our children in the Gospel of Christ and Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ has truly blessed us. I love the scriptures. .. the Book Of Mormon and the Bible. They both testify of our Lord and our Heavenly Father. In Jesus's name amen.

    • @germancarrasco9559
      @germancarrasco9559 3 года назад

      Wow! This is amazing. Thank you for sharing.

    • @kenshiloh
      @kenshiloh Год назад

      Jesus said, "Ask and you shall receive," which is my own testimony. That is, raised by an atheist, I heard the gospel for the first time at age 17. Shortly thereafter, I walked onto the lawn of a church on night, looked up at the steeple, and prayed my first prayer, "Is there Jesus? I would like to meet Him!" When I met Christ, all heaven filled my soul and it felt like my heart was made out of gold. I have been great friends with Christ ever since.
      Conversely, mormons teach that baptism is necessary for salvation. That said, in 45 years, I have not had even one second of doubt that I know the Lord and am bound for heaven - not even for a second. The Apostle Paul wrote, "Whoever calls upon the Name of the Lord shall be saved (Romans 10.13)." Yet, mormons teach, "Whoever calls upon the Name of the Lord and is baptized might be saved." Which is the true gospel? Paul wrote that whoever preaches a different gospel should be accursed. You cannot say that I did not warn you!
      Christ died on a Cross so that, just by asking, we can know God. Adding any other condition to being saved is to pollute the pure beauty of the gospel. Jesus Christ is the light of the world

  • @kristaw2686
    @kristaw2686 10 месяцев назад

    They said that the reason Joseph Smith had detractors was because Protestant Christianity teaches that God no longer speaks to His people. This has never, ever been what I've been taught. From my youngest memory I've been taught that God DOES speak to His people. The Bible teaches that the way to know if a prophet is true is by if their prophecies come true.

  • @veronicalozano513
    @veronicalozano513 2 года назад

    If someone asks me if we are cristians, being the person I am, I would answer “ you tell me” the name of the church is The Church Of JESUS CHRIST Of Latter Day Saints. I rest my case.

    • @kenshiloh
      @kenshiloh Год назад +1

      Jesus said, "Ask and you shall receive," which is my own testimony. That is, raised by an atheist, I heard the gospel for the first time at age 17. Shortly thereafter, I walked onto the lawn of a church on night, looked up at the steeple, and prayed my first prayer, "Is there Jesus? I would like to meet Him!" When I met Christ, all heaven filled my soul and it felt like my heart was made out of gold. I have been great friends with Christ ever since.
      Conversely, mormons teach that baptism is necessary for salvation. That said, in 45 years, I have not had even one second of doubt that I know the Lord and am bound for heaven - not even for a second. The Apostle Paul wrote, "Whoever calls upon the Name of the Lord shall be saved (Romans 10.13)." Yet, mormons teach, "Whoever calls upon the Name of the Lord and is baptized might be saved." Which is the true gospel? Paul wrote that whoever preaches a different gospel should be accursed. You cannot say that I did not warn you!
      Christ died on a Cross so that, just by asking, we can know God. Adding any other condition to being saved is to pollute the pure beauty of the gospel. Jesus Christ is the light of the world

    • @normaburris3207
      @normaburris3207 Год назад +2

      Just because I call my house " home of the astrophysicist" doesn't make me one. You worship a completely different non-existent God.

    • @veronicalozano513
      @veronicalozano513 Год назад

      @@normaburris3207 have it your way my friend 💕

    • @kenshiloh
      @kenshiloh Год назад +1

      @@normaburris3207 Hi. Thanks for writing. Good point: just because a church has a steeple doesn't make it a house of God. If the Mormon faith is opposition to the Bible, would you stop being a Mormon and follow the Bible? As I commented above, " The Apostle Paul wrote, "Whoever calls upon the Name of the Lord shall be saved (Romans 10.13)." Yet, mormons teach, "Whoever calls upon the Name of the Lord and is baptized might be saved." Which is the true gospel?" Paul said that whoever preaches a different gospel should be accursed. So, do Mormons preach a different gospel? Better find that out before you stand before God, soaking in His full wrath at those who pervert the gospel. Is your Mormon faith really worth spending eternity in hell? Again, if I am wrong, show me from the Word of God. Is Romans 10.13 true? Does it match what you are being taught?
      Jesus died on a Cross so that we can know Him - just by asking! Let anyone who adds anything to the gospel suffer terribly in hell. Jesus Christ is the light of the world.

    • @normaburris3207
      @normaburris3207 Год назад

      WhatT? How could you possibly think I am a Mormon? @@kenshiloh

  • @jamesmccluskey391
    @jamesmccluskey391 3 года назад

    Salvation only occurs after death, and only for those who lived righteously after accepting Christ - it is impossible to be “saved” while still in this life, which is a false doctrine
    Christ directly states that you must endure to the end before salvation can be applied to your life - Matthew 24:13; Matthew 10:22
    We are saved by Christ's grace, but only after being judged by our works - Titus 3:5, Titus 1:16, Rev. 22:12-14
    Are Mormons really Christians or more like a cult?
    We are Christians. We believe in Jesus Christ. When people say that members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints are not Christians, it’s often based on a certain faulty logic: in their minds, since they’re Christians and some of our teachings are so different from theirs, Mormons can’t possibly be Christians. For instance, they object to our belief that Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ are separate beings. Other groups might even say we’re a cult, but that’s often just meant to label us and scare other people away. What really matters is this: we believe in Jesus Christ; He is our Lord and Savior who suffered, died, and rose again to overcome sin and death for us; and we follow His example and teachings. These are the common, core beliefs of all Christians, so yes, we are Christians.

    • @garywright9715
      @garywright9715 2 года назад +1

      Your defense of a completely different gospel from the Bible begs the question why you include the Bible on any level. David Karesh claimed to be Christian, do you believe that? He used the name of Jesus therefore he is Christian? Islam claims Jesus was a prophet, they use Jesus so therefore they are Christian. So when the name of Jesus is used therefore are Christian. Satan tempted Jesus therefore and used his name is he Christian? The name alone does not make one or another Christian. Jesus is the spirit brother of Lucifer in your church. Jesus of the Bible is the eternal God. Are both Christian? The name Jesus doesn’t qualify Christian. Who Jesus was and what he did and taught about himself does. I could go through the Bible and show you why that refutes the LDS church. Any gospel is no gospel. You believe the Bible has been corrupted. Doesn’t say much about the ability of God to preserve his word does it? Almighty God can’t even get that right and 1800 yrs later he needed Joseph Smith…like he needs anyone to restore what he couldn’t keep for centuries past. You have a really shallow view of God to do what he says he will do.

    • @kenshiloh
      @kenshiloh Год назад +1

      Jesus said, "Ask and you shall receive," which is my own testimony. That is, raised by an atheist, I heard the gospel for the first time at age 17. Shortly thereafter, I walked onto the lawn of a church on night, looked up at the steeple, and prayed my first prayer, "Is there Jesus? I would like to meet Him!" When I met Christ, all heaven filled my soul and it felt like my heart was made out of gold. I have been great friends with Christ ever since.
      Conversely, mormons teach that baptism is necessary for salvation. That said, in 45 years, I have not had even one second of doubt that I know the Lord and am bound for heaven - not even for a second. The Apostle Paul wrote, "Whoever calls upon the Name of the Lord shall be saved (Romans 10.13)." Yet, mormons teach, "Whoever calls upon the Name of the Lord and is baptized might be saved." Which is the true gospel? Paul wrote that whoever preaches a different gospel should be accursed. You cannot say that I did not warn you!
      Christ died on a Cross so that, just by asking, we can know God. Adding any other condition to being saved is to pollute the pure beauty of the gospel. Jesus Christ is the light of the world

    • @NeilAldridge-jp7rl
      @NeilAldridge-jp7rl 7 месяцев назад

      no mormons are not Christians of the bible, yall have a different God/Jesus

  • @jcee6886
    @jcee6886 4 года назад +2

    Salt Lake City is exceedingly boring and unattractive. Utah natural features from north to south? Stunning.

    • @kenshiloh
      @kenshiloh Год назад

      Jesus said, "Ask and you shall receive," which is my own testimony. That is, raised by an atheist, I heard the gospel for the first time at age 17. Shortly thereafter, I walked onto the lawn of a church on night, looked up at the steeple, and prayed my first prayer, "Is there Jesus? I would like to meet Him!" When I met Christ, all heaven filled my soul and it felt like my heart was made out of gold. I have been great friends with Christ ever since.
      Conversely, mormons teach that baptism is necessary for salvation. That said, in 45 years, I have not had even one second of doubt that I know the Lord and am bound for heaven - not even for a second. The Apostle Paul wrote, "Whoever calls upon the Name of the Lord shall be saved (Romans 10.13)." Yet, mormons teach, "Whoever calls upon the Name of the Lord and is baptized might be saved." Which is the true gospel? Paul wrote that whoever preaches a different gospel should be accursed. You cannot say that I did not warn you!
      Christ died on a Cross so that, just by asking, we can know God. Adding any other condition to being saved is to pollute the pure beauty of the gospel. Jesus Christ is the light of the world