Who will be accountable to the victims of war where nearly one Millions of life of Tegaru has lost? Who ignored to make adequate preparation, and neglected, underestimate the occupier’s preparation in military personnel and equipment, neglected and underestimate the EPLF, UAE, CHINA, IRAN, TURKEY involvement? No or false security information, No PEST analysis.
Who will be accountable to the victims of war where nearly one Millions of life of Tegaru has lost? Who ignored to make adequate preparation, and neglected, underestimate the occupier’s preparation in military personnel and equipment, neglected and underestimate the EPLF, UAE, CHINA, IRAN, TURKEY involvement? No or false security information, No PEST analysis.
Who will be accountable to the victims of war where nearly one Millions of life of Tegaru has lost? Who ignored to make adequate preparation, and neglected, underestimate the occupier’s preparation in military personnel and equipment, neglected and underestimate the EPLF, UAE, CHINA, IRAN, TURKEY involvement? No or false security information, No PEST analysis.
People of tigrai never trust tplf adwa. The tplf is number one enemy of the people of tigrai. The people of tigrai never disarm even america if it tried to that it will face the rage of mighty agazi. The east africa from now on wards the tigrinja speaker never ever disarm.
Do you have a proof. You can support any group but you should not blackmail the names of respected personalities. Unless we are dishonest such expression should not be given to them. Let us help them to do their best in implementing the Pretoria agreement. Lets suggest issues to be addressed like moving the displaced to their homes. Lets put pressure to all
Getachew does not has personality of such in your expression. Search the truth. I will never regret if the outcome which I hope will be good for the people of Tigrai prevailed. The story which says TPLF exists people of Tigrai exist, and if TPLF does not exist people of Tigrai will not exist should be void.
present a proof. insulting can be counterproductive. They were in the front lines during the war and this will never explain them. We will see the result of their effort.
Getachew’s team has failed to assume and maintain interest of the people of Tigray. The only solution is to change them soonest and resume negotiations as required.
Well negotiation is acceptable. But How can Getachew maintain peoples interest when there are a networked chain of corrupt administrators and political assignees by TPLF office. These persons who are incompetent, became dictatorships and make the people cry. Why are you people voicing now while even before the war was once called by the people to make reforms Dr. Debrestion.
Why they hear america? The people of tigrai never ever give its arm. If the tplf tried to do that just fight back america is the one who is responssible like tplf for all the genocide.
Kidimkedadim ni degter debretsion awredom enkab siltan ni getachew reda siltan tewahbu zelo mientan klaeko eyu abiy kemuzgebere getachew mis sadkan Hagerom yshetwu alewu eyom.
It is high time to say no for TDF for the survival of Tigray this is a crime above all crimes that history has ever recorded and that humanity has never seen you need to get rid of these cancers if at all you aim at saving your people if not it is a pure betrayal that leads Tigray to a graveyard to a point of no return a black chapter in history very sad indeed. I say TDF has to think thousand times before taking action of demobilization of the only vanguard savior and pride and golden shield of the people of Tigray. TDF has to have unflinching firm stand on the so called 'DDR' to abort the conspiracy.
Aye eshnet hadelebam tigraway do tisien ekawedey ewae TDF kemeygeyru eyu ke etkikifethi system eyu enter etewereri hibis bikemey eyu etkikfeth atumseba kemashangulit ysawetna alewu bal America mis abiy Ahmed Ali kemuwin mis getachew Reda sheyati Hageru.
If Getachew Reda is the puppet of Abiy why is he still in power? It the accusation is true he should be removed from power and face justice. TDF has a role to play and save Tigray.
እን ጌታቸው ህዝብና ዘፅነቱ ፈቲሖም ሰዲዶም
ሠላም❤❤💛💛💛ኩቡር ሓውና ከመይ ሓልፉ በዓል 🙏
እወ ሰራዊት ትግራይ አፍሪሶም ትግራይ ክፃወቱላ እዩ
ጌታቸው ምስለነ አቢ እዩ ቀስብቀስ የመንሙኑና አለው ጌታቸውን ጻድቃንን
Complete wrong. Both have confidence on what they are doing.
ህዝብን ግዝአትን ትግራይ ውስኑኡ ከይተረጋገፀ ዕጥቂ ሰራዊት ትግራይ ምፍታሕ ትግራይ ንፀላእቲ መሪቕካ ማሃብ ማለት እዩ።
ጌታቸውን ፃድቃንን ነቶም አብ ልዕሊ ህዝቢ ትግራይ ፅንተት ዝፈፀሙ ፈቲሖም እንተ ሰዲዶሞ ብሕጊ ካብ ዝሕተቱ ሰባት እዮም።
Thanks Tigrai on line for your always truth. May God the judge of heaven judge according everyone deeds.
ፃድቃን፣ወዲ ረዳ ብጆኖሳይድ ተጋሩ ቀዳሞት ተጠየቅቲ እዮም
Who will be accountable to the victims of war where nearly one Millions of life of Tegaru has lost? Who ignored to make adequate preparation, and neglected, underestimate the occupier’s preparation in military personnel and equipment, neglected and underestimate the EPLF, UAE, CHINA, IRAN, TURKEY involvement? No or false security information, No PEST analysis.
ፅግዕተኛ ሓይሊ ጆኖሳይድ ትግራይ ተጠየቅቲ ይኮኑ
Who will be accountable to the victims of war where nearly one Millions of life of Tegaru has lost? Who ignored to make adequate preparation, and neglected, underestimate the occupier’s preparation in military personnel and equipment, neglected and underestimate the EPLF, UAE, CHINA, IRAN, TURKEY involvement? No or false security information, No PEST analysis.
@@rational5634 Tsadkan and Getachew responsible
እቶም ጀጋኑና ሓላፍነት ህዝቢ ትግራይ ስለዝርድኡ ዝተብሃለ ይባሃል። ብዕራይ ናብዘበለ የብል ዕርፊ ኣፅንዕ።ማእኸልና ድሕንነት ህዝብናን ብመስዋእቲ ወሎዶታት እትኽበር እትነብርን ዝነበረት ዓድና ኣዴና ማእኸልና።
አይዞካ ፡ ሐዉና ፡ ፀላእቲ ፡ ትግራይ ፡ ተንኮታኩይቶመ ከወደኡ እየመ።
Thanks tigraionline NOW it's clear
ሠላም ሠላም አሕዋተይ ከመይ አለኩም❤❤❤💛💛💛
ኣብኡ ዝነበርካን ፀሓፊ ቃለ ጉባአ ዝነበርካ ትመስል ኣብ ናይ ሓደ ወገን ከክንዲ ምውጋንን ህዝቢ ክጭነቕ ከክዲ ምግባር ንህዝብን ዓድን እንዶ ሕሰብይ ትግርኛ ካልእ ብእግሊዘኛ ካልእ ብኣካ ዋላ አእአእ እናበል ለኻዕኻዕ ተብሎ ኣለኻ ዘበን ክቐንዕ ንቕናዕ እዶ
Thank you my brother now it is clear ❤❤❤😂😂😂🎉🎉🎉
ህዝቢ ምዕራብ ትግራይ ተሸይጡእዩ ብጣዕሚ የሕዝን😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭ታይ ክኾን ከምዘለዎ መፍትሒኡኸ ታይ ይመስለካ?
ክጅመር ከሎ ምእራብ ትግሬ እኮ ሽረ እዩ
እስኪ ወልቃይ ቅድሚ 1983 አብ መን ግዝአት ነይራ አብ ትሕቲ ጎንደር ዶ ወይስ አብ ትሕቲ ትግሬ ?
ኣየ ተጋሩ ኣሕዋትና እዝ ኩሉ ዓለም ዘዛረበ ጅግንነትስ እሞ ካኣ ዘርኢ ምጥፋእን መሬትኩም ተወሪሱን ብሰክራማትን ብጉሒላታትን ተጋሩ ብባዕልኩም ክትምብርከኩ ብጣዕሚ የሕዝን :: ሓደ ሰብኣይ ጅግና ስኢንኩም ኣብ መቀለ ለማስ ንለማስ መራሕቲ ::
@@HT-hg8fl አይልካን ንሱማ ፍታሕ ክኸውን አይኽእልን ሰብ ምቅታል እቱ ዝቐለለ ነገር ኮይኑ ነቱ ብድሕሪኡ ስዒቡ ዝመፅእ ሳዕቤናት ዘምርዳእ ዓቢዪ ሓደጋ ስለዘለዎ እዩ እምበር ነቱ ተፈጢሩ ዘሎ ጉድለት ካብዘይ ምርዳእ
ሓቅካ ናይ ለባም ዘረባ እዩ : ካብ ዝፈጠረለይ ቁጠዐ እዩ :: እታ ቃል ወጺኣ ግን በጃኩም መስሓቅ ሸራፋት ኣይትግበርዎ ነዚ ስሜንን ደቡብን ትግርኛ : ነቲ ስቃይኩም ዘናውሕን ርእስኩም ከድንን ዝሰርሕ ሓይሊ ቆቃሕ ኮንኩም ሓድነትኩም ኣትሪርኩም እዚ ግዜ ውጽዎ :: ብወገነይ ብጥዕሚ እየ ሓዚነ እዚ ህዝቢ ናብ ከምዚ ከውድቅዎ ኢለ ::
ትግራይ እንዳ ርአይዋ በዚኦም 2 ከዳዓት ትፈርስ አላ
አስተውዕል ትግራዋይ
Completely wrong
The brave people of Tigray will stop this carnage.
ፅንተት ኣሓትናን ኣሕዋትናን ዝፈፀሙዝፈትሑ መራሕቲ ወንበር ክሕዙ ካብ ፈቀድና ፍትሒ ከምዝቀብርዎ ተረዲእና ብዘይጥርጥር። ንምንታይን ብኸመይን ከምዝፈፀሙዎ ብህፁፅ ክንፈልጦን ክንቃዎሞን ይ ግባእ!
Who will be accountable to the victims of war where nearly one Millions of life of Tegaru has lost? Who ignored to make adequate preparation, and neglected, underestimate the occupier’s preparation in military personnel and equipment, neglected and underestimate the EPLF, UAE, CHINA, IRAN, TURKEY involvement? No or false security information, No PEST analysis.
@@rational5634 every body has to take its own share
Ata hsawi zeamneka yelen
ኣብ መፅነቲ ህዝቢ ትግራይ ዝተሳተፉ ኣካላት ዝኾነ ብኣልስልጣን ወይ ተነሓናሕቲ ውድባት ክህልዎም ዝግባዕ ቅዋም ሓደ ክኾኑ ኣለዎም!!!ፍትሒንዝተጨፍጨፉ ህዝቢ ትግራይ!!
The tigrai peopke enemy is the elite of adwa tplf mafia.
ከምዝኦም ዝበሉ ጠላማት ገጥምዋ አይፈልጥን ብውሽጥን ብደገንየውርርዋ አለው።
አንታ ጌታቸዉ ዝበሃል ከዳዕን ሰከራምን ካበይ መፀና ገፁ ይርሓቕ
ካብ ራያ: መሬት ወሎ::
ጌታቸውን ጻድቃንን ደቂ ራያ ወሎ እዮም:: መሬት ናይ መን ወሲድኩም ክትድቅሱ?
ግታቸወ ረዳ ናይዚ ክሉ ተሐታቲ እዩ ህዝቢ ከሐቶ አሎወ
ኣነ ዝመስለኒ ናይ ትግራይ ሰራዊት ወይ ጸጥታ ሓይሊ ን ጌታቸው ይቃወሙዎ ስለዘለዉ ንዖ'ኦም ብ DDR ገይሩ ከወግዶም እዩ ደልዩ።
አታ ዘና ትህብ ዘለኽ ናይ ብሐቃ ጀግና ኢኽ
ሰራዊት ትግራይ ክጣነኸር አለዎ ኩሊና አብ ጎኑ ክንስለፍ ኢና
TDF will have a moral to build up its capacity if good governance and democracy is maintained in Tigrai.
ትግራይ ኦንላን በርቲዕ ከሉትግራዋይ አብጎንኻእዪ ክፍለጥዘለዎ ንህዝብ ትግራይ ኩሉግዜ ዝተፈላለየ መልኩዑ እነቀየረ ዝመፅእ ሽግራትና መከራ ብፅንዓትን እናመከተ መፂኡእዩ ሕዝውን ዘሎችግር ፈንፁሑዎ ክወፅእእዬ
People of tigrai never trust tplf adwa. The tplf is number one enemy of the people of tigrai. The people of tigrai never disarm even america if it tried to that it will face the rage of mighty agazi. The east africa from now on wards the tigrinja speaker never ever disarm.
አቱም ደቂ ዓደይ አረ በጃኹም ሐዲኡ ንግበር ብፀላእቲ ተኸቢቡ ህዝብና ዕጥቂ ዕጥቂ ጥራሕ ካብ ገዘኦም ዘይተመለሱ ህዝብና ቦታ ትግራይ ከይተመለሰ አረ በጃኹም ሰልፊ ንውፃእ ልቶም ጊዚያዊ ምምህዳር ድማ ይፃሐፈለም ካሐድቲ ስውአት እዯም እዚአቶም
Ab libom zimilesilu gizie ymtsalna minte Hizbi Tigrai 💛🙋🏽♀️♥️☮️🙏🏽🫶🏾
ቅድሚ ዉግእ ዝነበረ ግዝአት ትግራይ ኬምለሰ አለዎ:
ዝተማዘበሉ አበ ቦቶኦም ክምለሱ አለዎም::
አብ አምሐራ አብ ኦሮምያ በማኢት አሸሐት ዑጡቃት ከለዉ ከመይ ገሮም ,TDF ዕጥቆም አዉርዱ ይብሉ ህዝቢ ትግራይ ዝበጾሖም ሰለ ዝኾነ ዋሕሱ ሰራዊቱ እዩ::
It is unbelievable why is everyone looking at them this two people being deceiving Tigaru from start 💔
Selam TOL ❤💛❤💛
The had witnessed a big crime commited in Tigray, but it seems no lesson have been learned, TDF must remain united.
ትግራይ ብዕሊ ወናኒት ክልተ መናኒት መንግስቲ እያ
ዞም ክልተ ከዳዓት መስዋእቲ ህዝብና ክሸጡ ይዋገዩ ኣለው
Do you have a proof. You can support any group but you should not blackmail the names of respected personalities. Unless we are dishonest such expression should not be given to them. Let us help them to do their best in implementing the Pretoria agreement. Lets suggest issues to be addressed like moving the displaced to their homes. Lets put pressure to all
ኣብ ጓጓና ዘለዉ ፀላእትና ምስ ብልፅግና ወጊኖም ንህዝቢ ትግራይ የፅንትዎ ኣለዉ።ንዚ ዝፍፅሙ ዘለዉ ድማ ኣብ ጊዚያዊ ምምሕዳር ዘለዉ እዮም።እዚ ድማ ብውልቃዊ ጥቕሚ ናይ ገንዘብን ናይ ስልጣንን ከም ዝኸውን ምንም ጥርጥር የብሉን። ስዋኣት ን ህዝቢ ትግራይን ተኻሒዱ ጥራይ ዘይኮነስ ከም ህዝቢ ውን ንባርነት ይሸጡና ኣለዉ።ኣብነት ውዕል ፕሪቶርያ ከይፈፀሙ ሰራዊት ትግራይ ብገንዘብ ሂብካ ምፍራስ ዋና ዕማም ተጌሩ ክስራሓሉ ይጓየዩ ኣለዉ።ዓገብ ንበሎ። ከም ሓደ ህዝቢ ንለዓል።
Tanks you wodi Tgray 🎉🎉🎉
Bejakatkum tegaru bal getachew reda Hager sheytema eyom
A personality committed to struggle genocidal war should never been labeled as treason maker.
ጌታቸውን ብጾቱን ን በዓል ኣሜሪካ ኣሚኑ እዩ ዝፍክር ዘሎ። ን TDF ዝዳፈር ዘሎ ን ኣሜሪካ ኣሚኑ እዩ። ሕጂ ትጥቂ ኣፍቲሐ ከባርረን እየ ኢሉ እዩ። ብዙሕ ኢሊት ትግራይ ከ'ኣ ብጌታቸው ተደናጊሩ ዞኽ ዞኽ ይብል ኣሎ። ዘሕዝን እዩ። ኩሎም ተሸዊድና ኢሎም ክ'ሓዝኑ እዮም።
Getachew does not has personality of such in your expression. Search the truth. I will never regret if the outcome which I hope will be good for the people of Tigrai prevailed. The story which says TPLF exists people of Tigrai exist, and if TPLF does not exist people of Tigrai will not exist should be void.
ኣነ ዝገርመኒ እቲ ናይ ትግራይ ጦርነት እኮ ናይ መሬት ኣይኮነን። በዓል ገታቸው እንታይ ኮይኖም እዮም ኣብዝኽሉ ዝገብሩዎ ርክብ ብዛዕባ መሬት ምምላስ ዘይዛረቡ? በዓል ጌታቸው ተሸይጦም እዮም ኢለ ዝ'ኣምን።
ብደቂ ድኻ ኣይትጫወት ጠብንጅ ሒዙ ዝንከራተት መንእስየይ የለይ ይኣክል ንመን ክምችዎ ኣሕዎትና ክመሃሩ ስድርኣም ክሕግዙ ኢና ንደሊ መፂኻ ጠበንጃ ምሓዝ ትኽእል ኢኻ ዓጅውጅው ኣይትቡል
ክትማሃርስ ዓዲ አሕፍካ ሃብ ዝብል ሕጊ አሎ ዶ ነውረኛ
አነም እዚአም ዝከድሉ መንገዲ ጌጋ የመስለኒ የሕዝን እዪ ብሐቂ....
Thank you for sharing TOL
I will be sand up with TPLF❤
አይተኢና ልብና ነዲዶ እዩ
ካብ ዘረባ መፍትሕ ስጉምቲ ንውሰድ ኢልኩም ዘይተቶኩሩ
Goes around comes around!!!
ትግራይ ዕጥቃ ምስፈትሐት ሰላም ክትረክብ እያ ይብሉና አለዉ ተጋሩ መስዋእትና ከንቱ ተሪፉ እኒ ፋኖ ይኹኑ ሻዕብያ ትግራይ እንደገና ብዘይጦርነት ዝዋገአኩም የለን ተቖፃፀርዎ እዩ ዝበሃል ዘሎ ህዝበይ እንታይ ትፅበ አለኻ
Don’t forget your past! TPLF 🏴
ባንዳታት ፃድቃን አና ጌታቸው ጉድ መፂዎ ህዝብና
present a proof. insulting can be counterproductive. They were in the front lines during the war and this will never explain them. We will see the result of their effort.
መሬት ትግሬ እኮ ና ኢትዮጵያ እዩ አታ አሻ
ታሪኽ ራእሲ ሓጎስ ብግምት ይድገም አሎ።
ህዝቢ ምዕራብ ትግራይ ተሸይጠ እዩ መሬት ትግራይ ዘሎ ኽነታት ቋርፁ ፊሊጥና።
ጻድቃን ንምንታእዩ አብዙይ ዝርከብ ወኪል ህውሐት እኮ አይኮነን
ምስ አሜሪካውያን ፎቶ ምግታር ንትግራይ ዝጠቅሞ ነገር የብሉን እዞም ሰባት ንትግራይ ዘይጠቅም ተንኮል ዝተሸከሙ እዮም
Gr Tsadkan KABZA HIJI ZIGEBRA Zello kem beal dr. Arkebe kaliotin sek elom guday rebhiom zigeberu kemom tezigebir mihashe ...
ንምንታይ ይመስለካ አብ መሬትና ምምላስ ዘየትኩሩ መሬትና እንተተመሊሱ መረፃ ክግበር እዩ መረፃ እንተተገይሩ ስልጣን አይረኽብዋን ስለዚ አብግዜያዊ ስልጣን ሒዞም ዘለዉ
መሬትና ክምለስ አይደልዩን ትግራይ
ሓራ እንተዘይ ወፅያ ግን መረፃ አይግበርን ንሳቶም ድማ አብስልጣን
ተኾይጦም ንክነብሩ እዮም ዝሰርሑ ዘለዉ
በዚ ኣጋጣሚ TOL ኣብ ባይታ ዘሎ ሓቂን ወድዓውን ኩነታት እንታይ ከም ዝመስል ነቲ ንሕ/ሰብ ንምንቃሕን ንምርዳእን እትገብርዎ ዘለኹም ፃዕሪ ብጣዕሚ ብጣዕሚ ዝነኣድን ወሳንን 'ዩ። ስለዚ ነቲ ዘለኩም ጠንካራ ጎኒ ብዝያዳ እናኣማዕበልኩም አበርቲዕኹም ንኽትቕፅልሉ ንላቦ ከምኡ ኢና'ውን ንኣምን፤ ብተወሳኺ'ውን ኣብ ቀፃሊ ትገብርዎም ፈነወኹም ድማ ናይ ዜና መደባት `ተትጅምሩ ግርም እዩ።
ዋሕስ ትግራይ ሰራዊት ትግራይ ጥራይ እዩ።ኣይኮነን ክፈርስ ክጠናኸር እዩ ዝግብኦ።ዲያስፖራ ትግራይ ናብውዳበኡ ክምለስ ኣለዎ ንህዝቡ ድምፂ ክኸውን ኣለዎ።መንእሰይ ትግራይ እታ ብሃ/ስላሴን ደርጊን ዝተሸራመመት ዝንበረት መሬት ክ ምለስ ዝገበሩ ኣያታትካን ኣቦታትካን ብቅልፅሞም ነይሩ ሐዚ ድማ መሬትና ናብ ኢድ ፀለእትና ኣትዩ እንዳረኤኻ ህዝብኻ መሬቱ ተመንጢሉ ፎቆዶኡ ተበቲኑ ክተርፍ ድዩ ኣሰር ኣያታትካ ክትፍፅም ?
Getachew Reda hade resah seb eyu sheyati Adu egzabher tiray mis tigray ykun enber ah
Getachew’s team has failed to assume and maintain interest of the people of Tigray. The only solution is to change them soonest and resume negotiations as required.
Well negotiation is acceptable. But How can Getachew maintain peoples interest when there are a networked chain of corrupt administrators and political assignees by TPLF office. These persons who are incompetent, became dictatorships and make the people cry. Why are you people voicing now while even before the war was once called by the people to make reforms Dr. Debrestion.
በዓል አንዳርጋቸው ካብቶም ንህዝቢ ትግራይ ዝተጨፍጨፉ አንታይ ይፍለዩ!!!!!!
ንትግራዎት ብረት ክፍትሑ ይቓለሱ አለዉ በዐል አንዳርጋቸው በቲ ድማ ፋኖ ክሳብ ዓንቀሮም አስናኖምን ዓጢቖም።
ተጋሩ ተጠንቀቚ አዛ ናይ ኤርትራ ከይበጽሓኩም ምስ ሓይልኹም ጠጠው በሉ ።
Why they hear america? The people of tigrai never ever give its arm. If the tplf tried to do that just fight back america is the one who is responssible like tplf for all the genocide.
ምሕሳው ከይገደፍክምዎ ኣይሓልፈልኩምንዩ
Zrba aytdgagmu mfth gbru
ሀጎስ ሂዝካልና ምፃእ እንታይ ክንዛረብ
So sad.
270 ወታደር ኮፊ አበለ አይቅልብን እኮ እሉ እዩ ጌታቸዉ
Why are all focus on DDR? Is that all about interest for USA.
Hakok ablyo emo kemzeyweredgiberyo dobelu
Kidimkedadim ni degter debretsion awredom enkab siltan ni getachew reda siltan tewahbu zelo mientan klaeko eyu abiy kemuzgebere getachew mis sadkan Hagerom yshetwu alewu eyom.
mercenary group
Why DDR first? Sovereignty of Tigray state should be regained first otherwise Pretoria agreement is harmful to the people of Tigray.
It is high time to say no for TDF for the survival of Tigray this is a crime above all crimes that history has ever recorded and that humanity has never seen you need to get rid of these cancers if at all you aim at saving your people if not it is a pure betrayal that leads Tigray to a graveyard to a point of no return a black chapter in history very sad indeed. I say TDF has to think thousand times before taking action of demobilization of the only vanguard savior and pride and golden shield of the people of Tigray. TDF has to have unflinching firm stand on the so called 'DDR' to abort the conspiracy.
አቱም ደናቁር ደቂ ደናቁር ጉጅለ ረሳሓት "እዚ ኩሉ ችግር ወዲ ወረደ ዘውፀኦ መግለፂ እዩ። ገና ህዝቢ ቸመላሊኢኩም ክትጠፍኡ ኢኩም። ደብረ ብርሃን በፂሒና ትነብቅዕ ጀነራላት ወፂኦም ዓለም ቲዲኤፍ ቲዲኤፍ እናበለት አንሕና ህወሓት ኢና ኢሎም መግለፂ ምስ ሃቡ ። ዓለም ካብ ጅቡቲ እናተልዓላ ህፃውንቲ ቆልዑ አወዲኤምዎ ከዚውን ከወድእዎ እዮምደ
Tdf ትጥቅ ይፍታ የሚሉት ማን ባስታጠቐው ነው አብይ አላስታጠቀው ሂወቱን ስውቶ በታጠቀው መሳሪያ ጌታችው እና ፃድቃን ሰራዊትና ህዝበን አዋረዱት አለም እንዳላስደመሙ ያሳዝናል
Aye eshnet hadelebam tigraway do tisien ekawedey ewae TDF kemeygeyru eyu ke etkikifethi system eyu enter etewereri hibis bikemey eyu etkikfeth atumseba kemashangulit ysawetna alewu bal America mis abiy Ahmed Ali kemuwin mis getachew Reda sheyati Hageru.
ክልቲኦም ሕቡእ ህዝቢ ናይ ምብራስ ውጥን ዘለዎም ማናቱ እዮም:: ፕሪቶርያ ንባዕሎም መሕብእን ንመደናገሪ ከምዝጥቀሙሉን እኮ ጠንጢኖምዎ ናብ ንህዝቢ እናኣከብካ ናብ ናዕቢ ምልዓልን ኩታ ኽደነናን ኣየኹም ናይና በለና እንትብሉ ተራእዮም:: ደድሕሪ እዚኦም ዝነጉድ ንብርሰቱ ኣስተዋፅኦ ዝገብር ወለዶ እኮ ረኺቦም: እንታይ ደኣ ይግበሩ ናይ ካው ቦይ ቆቢዕ ጌሮም ፈጨጭ ይብሉልኩም እምበር:: ማይክ ሃመር እንትመፆም ፕሪቶርያ ይብሉ ፅንሕ ኢሎም ድማ ናይ ሓፋሽ ምንቅስቓስ ንገብር ኣለና ወንበር ክንእምርር ይብሉ:: ነፋሒቶ እዮም ብዙሕ ተቐላብን ድሁል ሓሽከርን ስለዘለዎም ገና ትግራይ ክጎድኡዋ እዮም:: ዕድመ ነዚ ንትግራይ ከብርስ ዝተጣየሸ GSTS ዝበሃል ሴረኛ ማሕበር መራሕቱ ብፃድቃን ተቖፂሮም ተመሊሶም ብለኽባጥ ፃድቃን ጌሮም የህውትቱዋን ዕድመ ክሳራ ህዝቢ ትግራይ የናውሑ ኣለው::
ዲያስፖራ ንመኸተ እናበሉ ዝዘረፉዎ 80 ሚልዮን ዶላር ሰሪቖምዎ ምሕታትውን ኣይከኣለን GSTS ብፃድቃን ጌሩ ብናይ ህዝቢ ትግራይ ክሳራ ካሊእ ወንጀል እናሰርሐ ኢድካ ሳሓብ ክብሎ ኣይከኣለን:: ትግራይ ብተጋሩን ተጋሩ ዝመስሉን እያ እትጠፍእ ዝፀንሐትን ዘላን እንተተብሃለ ንዘይምስማዕ ምህዳም እዩ:: ዲያስፖራ ውሽጡኹም ረኣዩ::
እዚ እናሽዑ ጀነራልና እትብሉዎ ፃድቃን ንኻሊእ እንዶ ግደፉዎ ነቲ ዞባ ምዕራብ ትግራይ ካብ ኢዶም ወሲዱ ፈጨ ጭ ዝብለሎም ዘሎ ኮሎኔል ደመቀ ዘውዱውን ኣይኾኑን::
ጌታቸው ረዳ መሬት መን ተቖፃፀሮ አየገድሸንን ይብለኩም ኣሎ:: ትግራይ ዕልምልማ ትጥፋእ ይብለኩም ኣሎ: ካብዙይ ንላዕሊ እንታይ ትደልዩ? ድሁል ዘበልካ ጌቾ እናበልካ ጥራሕ ዝጭለጥ ጨልጥ.......
If Getachew Reda is the puppet of Abiy why is he still in power? It the accusation is true he should be removed from power and face justice. TDF has a role to play and save Tigray.
The people can only decide . TDF will not be involved in Politics but keep the security and well being of the people of Tigrai.
አይናሻትሀትም ፡ ናይና! ፡ Tel them ፡ that ፡ we ፡ are ፡ Tigrian!
ያሣዝናል 😂ጌታቸው ፃድቃን ቤተክሥያን ሠአሙ ተለመኑ
Ezi kindzi ziakil Geben zigeberu liki ni dihri hiji Geben gerom elu Aby tehkekom tereshenom men ygudai. Hizbi Tigrai mertio hakikiku tefiu Aby KITREKBO? Serah Geben chibti sele zeyle kihitet aykilin. Zihizin Eyo....Emo haylitat tsetita Tigrai kitten zeykone neziatom adeb kem zigebru kigebru alewom.
ዘሓወይ ዶ ክብለካ ዝወደይ?
በይዛኻ በይዛኻ ናይ ፀርፊ ቃላትካ አቁም ናይ ሕዝበ ድምፅ ኢኻሞ ፀርፊ ናይ ደካማ እዩ እስኻ አይኮንካን ።
ጌታቸው እዙይ ክገብር ዘሎ በዓል ደብረ ጽዮን እንታይ ይሕሉዉ ነይሮም ኣበይ ነይሮም እዚኣ በይዛኹም መሉሱለይ ኣይሮፕላን ዛኣክል ሊኢኾም ክወስዱዎም ኣበይ ነይሮም ክሳብ ሸይጦም ዝዉዱኣና ኣባላት ህወሓት እንታይ ይዋጡዩ ነይሮም?????????????
ዘሀወይ ምሦራኸ ከለኦሙኒ ክብል እከሎ ጌታቸዉ ሙሁራነ ተጋሩ ልክእ እዩ እናበሉ የዳሙቂ ነይሮም ዘይርሣ እዩ እንታይ ይግበሩ መልሢ ሀበኒ
ሰብኮ አብ መሬት እዩ ዝነብር መሬት መን ተቖፃፀሮ እንታይ ኮይኑ ዘየገድስ?