The Lord is My Shepherd - 2016 Anzac Commemoration Choir

  • Опубликовано: 27 окт 2024

Комментарии • 15

  • @clairemathews6682
    @clairemathews6682 Год назад +1

    Listening to this blessed me. This song was my primary school anthem song. I went to a primary school called the Good Shepherd. Thank you for this blessing. Glory to the Lord. Claire xo

  • @nanikdasani4547
    @nanikdasani4547 7 месяцев назад +1

    The Lord’s my Shepherd, I’ll not want;
    He makes me down to lie
    In pastures green; He leadeth me
    The quiet waters by.
    My soul He doth restore again,
    And me to walk doth make
    Within the paths of righteousness,
    E’en for His own name’s sake.
    Yea, though I walk in death’s dark vale,
    Yet will I fear no ill;
    For Thou art with me, and Thy rod
    And staff me comfort still.
    My table Thou hast furnished
    In presence of my foes;
    My head Thou dost with oil anoint,
    And my cup overflows.
    Goodness and mercy all my life
    Shall surely follow me,
    And in God’s house forevermore
    My dwelling-place shall be.

  • @tjw1861
    @tjw1861 2 года назад +2

    Why does this always make me tear up?

  • @eddiebechara501
    @eddiebechara501 4 года назад +5

    Glory be to God.
    Just beautiful

  • @benitasandlant6742
    @benitasandlant6742 2 года назад +2

    I love 💕 this song it brings back memories of my life amen 🙏

  • @tracyhutchinson173
    @tracyhutchinson173 Год назад

    Beautiful Amen

  • @netabely7634
    @netabely7634 5 лет назад +6


  • @galaxy4661
    @galaxy4661 5 лет назад +4

    Amazing and beatiful

  • @gustavoamaya7777
    @gustavoamaya7777 2 года назад +1


  • @daniellaaudish2400
    @daniellaaudish2400 8 лет назад +6


  • @huporhaha1
    @huporhaha1 4 года назад +2


  • @rochellewarren5008
    @rochellewarren5008 6 месяцев назад


  • @Vincent2743
    @Vincent2743 Год назад

    where can I find this arrangement?

  • @tambrosia
    @tambrosia 11 месяцев назад +1

    And HE left the Ninety and Nine (99) to find the 1 who went astray!
    Can you imagine any other Shepherd who would do that for a lost lamb?
    When I hear people sadly many young folks say There Is No GOD, its a Myth, I can tell you I get dang mad but in private I will shed many tears and have heartache.
    WHY would they say such things
    and sadly we see and hear this daily from Biden a supposedly devout catholic/christian (if he is then I must be an atheist) and politicians of all colors, creeds.
    OK maybe its all the stuff on TV say that the gods are just ancient aliens.
    OK maybe so, but the ? still stands, who made them.
    There had to be a Supreme Being who made all of the universes and planets
    I do not believe we are alone that there are other beings hopefully a lot smarter than us, and who knows maybe we are all related.
    (OMG Another Tom from MARS OOVAY...that would prove GOD has a wicked sense of humor).
    I doubt that anyone has not at one time denied there was GOD that HE did not do this or that for us, HE did not honor our requests and prayers.
    He did not save a loved one, an animal friend, we did not get the perfect job and all.
    But somehow we get over it and go back to GOD and beg HIS forgiveness for ever shouting at HIM, cursing HIM, Denying HIM our love and loyalty.
    Yet somehow GOD comes to us and touches our shoulder and embraces us to say I understand my child, I forgive you.
    WOW, I Forgive YOU
    Simple 3 Words from a FATHER to HIS children of all ages.
    Even now as many of us enter the winter of our lives, we do come closer to HIM which I say is great for all of us.
    But it is the younger people who are so misled by the elites, politicians and all of these thugs, that hate America and GOD.
    One must wonder if HE looks at what is going on and utters what is wrong with these people? Are they ill, look at all that I have created and given to them and still they show hatred to all who do not think l was here before time and will be here long afterwards.
    I know several non believers, atheists, but they ask me Tom, when you die and there is nothing no God, no heaven, no Rainbow bridge, what will you say then.
    My reply is still the same 50 yrs+
    What have I lost in my lifetime, a few minutes, hours a week praying to God, going and celebrating the Mass, sharing GOD to others, reading the Good Book, doing my best to follow HIS commandments.
    SO I lost some time, big deal.
    You see I believe in GOD, that HE is with us every moment of our lives. That He has the angels looking over us, and if blessed He loans us His angles without wings, our dogs, cats and other pets.
    I know in my time of crisis of faith, health, loss of work, facing ruin, HE has never left me.
    HE has opened more doors for me, when doors were closed so saying Thank You GOD, Father, ABBA, is the right and only thing I can do.
    But if there is GOD, which I do believe with my whole heart and soul, then I truly have lost nothing but have gained so much.
    But if I go to my death denying there is GOD, like you my friend who say there is No God, and you die, and you suddenly find yourself upstairs in front of GOD, what will you say to HIM?
    Sorry I was stupid, I only followed science etc,
    What do you think HE will say?
    I doubt HE gives you a mulligan.
    But hey only HE knows what you are worthy of.
    Getting back to the lost little lamb, can you hear the little one crying for aide, and not hearing anyone coming to his/her rescue how upset he/she is being cold, all alone, hungry and worse danger.
    All the lamb hears is the growls of the wolves who are famished and this lil lamb will be a feast.
    But suddenly they grow quiet and slink away, for they see the Good Shepherd, Our Lord and Saviour JESUS CHRIST, calling to the lil lamb.
    I am here my lil one, come, come to me.
    And the lamb will cry out until HE stands over the Lamb and looking down, comforts the lil lamb, and frees the lamb from the vines that have entrapped him/her.
    And then lifting the lil Lamb looking him in the face, and saying All is Well, I am here now do not be afraid, you are safe.
    The lamb licks HIM to say Thank You, and HE carries the lamb around HIS neck on HIS shoulders back to the flock who welcome the lil one home again and who will keep a better eye on the lil lamb so he/she does not stray again.
    Folks we are like the sheep we love our Shepherd and HE loves us all.
    HE feeds us not with food and drink, but by HIS Holy Words given to us and in the Good Book.
    As a good shephered HE will defend us and will lay down HIS life to save us (as HE did more than 2000 years ago on Golgotha).
    And though HE may not be with us in body, HIS Spirit is always with us until the end of time.
    As we enter the start of Advent and the wonderful greatest Gift GOD the Father has ever given to any human being, the gift of HIS only Begotten Son, Our Lord and Saviour JESUS Christ.
    For only through HIS birth and HIS short life on this earth and HIS sacrifice of HIS life could we be joined back to GOD OUR Father.
    May you find peace and humility in the words of Our Lord and really look inside of yourselves and ask am I following My LORD’s words and actions.
    If not, see what you can do to get back on track to follow HIM.
    I ask HIS blessings on you all and your loved ones and animal friends and know how much I appreciate each of you for being part of my life.