I am feeling deep painful around rejection of my twin again, that was mirrored to me by someone else acting like myself toward my twin (me). I keep getting shown lessons where I am them and someone else acts like I did in the past, and it brings up pain and shame. There's still a lot of deep pain around the rejection feeling, and feeling not worthy or good enough, that im struggling with still. I appreciate these videos so much and wanted to share where I am at in the journey currently.
It’s not just a case of feeling another person’s energy, it’s a case of experiencing what they are experiencing at the very same time as though it is happening to you. Not just emotions or feelings but physical sensations. The soul is interconnected through a vast energy and we don’t have to be near them to understand they are trying to let us know something at a higher level and the beauty of a twin flame connection means the love is always there no matter what or where and we don’t have to be with them or wait for them. We should not be trying to control outcomes or other people in any way means or form. You can’t try and take natural ebb n flow away. The mind always wants to try and understand and take control but that’s not what a twin flame love is about. Just allow the soul to lead the way. Humans love control and we are never actually rejecting ourselves if we choose to do what we feel is best for ourselves. It is about love of self first and foremost, but in the most healthiest way possible. Unconditional love should be for all, accept one another as they are. Twins seem to have an unusual telepathy anyway so you are never separate, no matter where you are or who you are with and what you are doing.
What do you mean about experience what they experience at the same time? Lately, after deciding to detox, I've been experiencing strange feelings when I wake up from sleep or a nap. I feel deep pain, sadness, suffering, and a sense of emptiness, as if this life isn't mine, the people around me feel unfamiliar, and even my home feels distant. I have no emotional connection to it anymore. I realize that I want to change my environment and my life completely, but at the same time, I feel like there's no use because I feel empty and without an identity without this person. Before detoxing, I used to feel emotions in similar situations-fear of family, society, and expectations-but now, the void feels even bigger, and the pain is overwhelming. Could this mean that I'm experiencing this as projected feelings
YES. I've always wondered how someone comes to believe that their own thoughts and feelings are those of another. This can only be a splitting off of your own energy. What comes up feels foreign, hence the impression that it doesn't belong. Projector, you can be happy and grateful that your shadows are showing themselves to you so that you can integrate them.
All seemingly impossible mis-directions are possible through mind; even the most integral truths such as "you are born and fashioned out of unconditional love, deserving of unconditional love and can never be separate from unconditional love" become deeply blurred and diffused when passed through the filters of a mind that can only sense what it falsely perceives that it lacks. If the mind can obfuscate loving emotions so successfully, what do you think it is able to do with surfacing emotions that aren't quite as desirable? It easily labels them as foreign and as you said, as if they "don't belong". It takes a powerful step into consciousness to remedy this; this is why we are all here and from the words you write - this is clearly what you are embodying. ❤
Yes you're right they are the mirror of yourself but it doesn't mean that you have to be with that person you can choose to love them from a distance And Transmute the darkness Into Light And have unconditional love For them Thank you so much
Yes; when you are no longer in "need" of them, you can have them be in your physical reality or not; regardless of whether they are present or not, you find that your unconditional love for them does not waver, for a wavering love would not be an unconditional one. This frequency becomes your second nature because it is the same unconditional love you extend to yourself as the conscious soul being that you are. ❤
@TheVoidCompass how does this unconditional love differ from the love we had in the bubble phase or while knowing the twin, where we "pushed" energy outward (and therefore seem to have pushed them away)? I think I'm scared because one TF youtuber had said that feeling any emotion toward the twin, even love, pushes them away.
@@Ari-ih5un The love experienced during the "bubble love" phase has the undercurrent of unconditional love, yes; but it is primarily being experienced through mind; that is to say dominated with 3D mind-based fascination and attachment i.e. conditional love. The unconditional love is always there underlying it, but very much in the background - not yet embodied (for none of the actual work has been done). The "bubble love" phase or phases are the only periods of time where interactions that are mind-based do not result in push energy. Once these phases end, the only way that the physical expression of the twin can remain in your vicinity is when unconditional love is fully embodied and mind-based expectation/attachment is neutralized; any deviations from soul back into mind will result in the aforementioned energetic "push" once more. The "bubble love" phase in essence "allows" you to experience the "connection" with the twin for a short while before you're actually ready to anchor into that frequency; you get an impression of what physical union could be like from a much more 3D perspective i.e. still looking at them as a separate soul mate of sorts and focusing on the romantic dynamic, their 3D choices and actions. This is normal for at that point, it is all you are capable of. The "bubble love" phase acts as a "grace period" and does not force you to go within and face your fractured self yet - as you well know, this happens afterwards during the dark night phase. Consequently, when you eventually do experience lasting physical union, it will be from a place of neutrality and unconditional love; without attachment and wild emotional swings (excitement and fear). It will never be identical to the dynamic you had during the "bubble love" phase - for how could they reflect your absence from soul by remaining by your side? Their eternal responsibility to you will be to reflect your alignment to soul; that is their true purpose within your physical dynamic. ❤
Energy transference is real, but you can release this soul ties. You can notice this especially in tf journey as e.g : you're crying but your eyes are not swollen. Or else, after talking to someone, you crave something to eat which you don't normally choose to eat. Everyone is in different frequency and this occasionally can change, depending how you hold your space ,some of us spend more time in 5d than 3d, there are to many aspects in spiritual journey, depending what your soul contract is. Bless💫
So just so that I understand, the thoughts I experience as telepathy, coming from them, are actually just projections from my own physical mind? And what we have in common, the “connection” is simply soul-based? Could it be that the soul is influencing the thoughts of the two physical minds at the same time resulting in telepathy, or is that not how it works?
Thank you for this video. I needed this guidance. My mind was acting up in fear. I wanted to push it away as I was feeling overwhelmed with this journey. The regrets and sadness, I didn't want to feel it. So I was pushing it away. I just needed to revert back to love. That I'm actively acknowledging this and consciously trying to make changes shows that I'm movingvforward, just a little hiccup. But deep in my soul, I just want to keep moving forward. Thank you.
I didn't want to highlight it, but your last comment reply on the preceding video is what inspired me to address this; so thank you. I'm glad that even if I didn't answer it in writing, you received a message that resonated with you and nudged you back in the right direction. You are doing beautifully, hiccups or not - you're exactly where you need to be. ❤
Thanks so much as always for your continued guidance and insight we all greatly need… I had to reach out recently to my person due to a health concern on his end. Felt the same connection and great conversation, but more detached as we are in no contact. Since then, I am longing for him more and feel as though we are closer to union so to speak. I know I have more to work on and could be years for union, but also wish I had never spoken to him as I feel now it is delaying my ascension. He continues to live more in the 3-D and has minimal insight into this journey. Also, I am seeking friendship only with other males, but is triggering me to spend more time to myself. I know what I need to do but just want more insight into these feelings… such a hard journey as we all know. As I continue, I feel I would be better equipped with a high-level soulmate. I am growing tired, physically and spiritually ❤
in my discovering of being highly empathic I have often heard you should block energy. It is my understanding that you are supposed learn to transmute negative energy aka my purpose❤
This is not quite the same thing; I understand the notion of highly sensitive empathic beings developing boundaries and discernment to be selective of what energies affect your field, but the difference here is this - this is coming from within your field, not from without. There is no need to be block or suppress; only love, accept and reintegrate. And yes; this reintegration and transmutation is a large part of your purpose; first for yourself, then for others - this is why you have such a head start; you're meant to eventually guide others through this process ❤
@TheVoidCompass I don't block energies, I first look to see if there is a lesson being mirrored. If it's not mine I process it and shift back to center.❤
Your each and every word has so much depth and meaning that i watched it 3 times.I make notes of few points you tells. Today i understand why he pushes me because im the one who is running from this energy which is my own energy.I am misguided by many you tube videos that dnt think of your DM and im struggling to do it.But how can i run from my own soul ,my own self.When i accept his presence in my thoughts my soul i get into peace ❤ I feel so much gratitude,my mind cluttering is almost im able to control. Thank you 🙏
The most poignant sentence here is this "he pushes me because I'm the one who is running from this energy which is my own energy". This realization alone will take you so much further than anything else. But please remember; do not personalize this energy and make it about your divine masculine once more. You are accepting this energy as part of your own energy field; nothing more. Do not label it and say "this is his energy, I'm going to accept it now" because you are still externalizing the energy by mentally labelling it as coming from an outside source. This energy is already within your field - he is just the reflection of that energy playing out in the physical simulation. You will get there; this is a work in progress - keep focusing on the energy being yours and nobody else's. The more you start to feel the totality of your soul over time, then the concept of him "actually being you" will become so much more second nature. Thank you for sharing; I'm glad these messages are serving you well, even past the first few watches. ❤
@TheVoidCompass Im getting more and more clarity,you are doing great job.Ofcourse divine put me through all this videos and it is just his plan to give me perfect guide.
Can I be honest I watched one or two of your videos maybe three and interacted with you and I FEEL better. I’m a female literally on this journey but I resonate with you for whatever reason and I’m OK with that. I can honestly say I am no longer in that pain. I even have a high level soulmate who is my friend. I’m beginning to focus and move forward slowly but I’m not silly to act like it’s all good, I cannot bring myself to forgive him. I forgive and I have forgiven people who have treated me horribly but for whatever reason I cannot bring myself to forgive that guy and I find myself blaming him for what I experienced with him. So if you ever want to talk about that I am ready! You are a very effective teacher. What words of encouragement would have for those of us who are where I am, healing, slowly starting to love your own life, looking towards the future but there STILL is the body this person who is in the background who is your twin? Is it possible to allow them just be the memory and move on? Do I HAVE to be with that body? The human body?
@TheVoidCompass Yesterday was such a strange day. Since long time I am fine having no contact with my twin. Since half a year. It was such a sunny day yesterday and I enjoyed walking on a graveyard with beautiful nature. I came home and sat in the sun and enjoyed my life. Then a thought came by chance: “Thank you twin for having me rejected.” Only this very small thought without intension. Suddenly my body became so heavy. I know this feeling. I had it sometimes before, mostly at the beginning. I had to lie I couldn’t even sit anymore. I couldn’t talk. And then I felt my twin. All of their emotions. From childhood. Getting beaten up, having been ignored, no one who could care, chaos, death and lost. There was so much anxiety and anger. I didn’t pull the feeling away. I stayed with it. It was so painful. And I spoke to my twin and inside myself we were so close. I fell into sleep with pain. And even after awakening the pain didn’t go. I had to do some work and the only solution I saw was contacting my twin. Even I never got any answer since half a year. But immediately my feeling got better and I continued my work at home. But then I became angry myself. I thought: “I went through all of this for my twin and now they don’t respond at all.” So I myself got into pain again. Crying so much. Writing to them that I am hurt. I cried so much and my family got irritated from me. So I got angry on myself. And then sleeping angry with myself and made the intention to make my ego die, I had such a strange dream this night. My twin married my daughter and they got a child. Even this wouldn’t be possible because my twin is not a biological man. But a man. And in this dream I was shocked first but then I was happy and I loved this little child and I was happy for my daughter and that my twin was a part of my family. But when I got up I became angry because I realised that the age problem occurred in this dream. I am 6 years older. But my twin is much older then my daughter. My twin once fell in love with a 10 years junger girl. I don’t know about their relationship now. My twin promised me I would never come to hear that they are a couple. I am so much disturbed now. I feel I want to die without them. I know I will be fine again. I wonder what was the real trigger to that. Was it my unconscious first thought? Sorry my text is long and I only need to write sometimes. Not having anyone to write this to. So thanks. ❤
Yes; we first recognize that the idea of "coming from them" is separation consciousness born of the mind's inability to encapsulate the truth that you are one being. Once we truly know and feel that, it is then easy to accept that the feelings that were appearing to "come from them" are actually fractured elements still active and unintegrated within our energetic field. We then, like everything else within our field, allow them to surface, acknowledge them, love them unconditionally (without needing them to pass or change) and over time, through the frequency of this unconditional love - they are transmuted and reintegrated. ❤
@TheVoidCompass Do we need to understand why we have this energy in us and why it appears as if it comes from the outside? Or do we just accept it as is and let go? I think I am still thinking in separation, as me 😅 It just is.
@@nobodyknows2068 There are times you will get clear memories, other times just impressions and even further times you will have no idea why you feel a certain way. What is truly important is that the state of being that is surfacing within you is "here" - in your present moment, asking for your present consciousness. There is no further requirement to know its source or its story. Sit with it as it is; let it share its secrets with you if it wills. And if it doesn't, sit with it lovingly until it trusts you. ❤
That is how soul contracts work within the collective; you are here to receive the information that your higher self needs you to hear at this point in your journey - I have a contract to help you at this point. While I empirically exist within the collective, your higher self is using a version of me as a "mask" or "avatar" of sorts in your individualized reality experience to pass this poignant message across to you. This is why it all feels so perfectly catered to you; because it actually is. ❤
Yes; once you realize it is all your energy, you are beyond the illusion. The reflection's purpose is to reflect; not to create. All of that energy begins and arises within you (the creator) before it is displayed in the twin (the reflection). ❤
@@Goldilocks444 Judging by the sheer number of comments you've left in the past 24 hours, I can surmise that you're tearing through my videos at a tremendous pace. I feel you; you're not in an easy phase right now. I'm uploading a new video within the next two hours that may answer some of your questions, keep an eye out for it. Don't despair; this phase you're in is a part of this journey. It's a life lesson; not a life sentence. ❤️
@ I only just found you hours ago as I was about to sleep I have a big work week ahead of me and I’m really struggling and this twin flame of mine is just painful for me I’m not ok and didn’t realise and didn’t really see my pain until I saw your first video then it hit me and I’m not ok but want to be
@@Goldilocks444 I hear you. I typically don’t promote my 1:1 sessions in the comments, but if you feel called to get more personal guidance beyond my video offerings, feel free to reach out to me. I’m here to help. ❤
I am feeling deep painful around rejection of my twin again, that was mirrored to me by someone else acting like myself toward my twin (me). I keep getting shown lessons where I am them and someone else acts like I did in the past, and it brings up pain and shame. There's still a lot of deep pain around the rejection feeling, and feeling not worthy or good enough, that im struggling with still. I appreciate these videos so much and wanted to share where I am at in the journey currently.
It’s not just a case of feeling another person’s energy, it’s a case of experiencing what they are experiencing at the very same time as though it is happening to you. Not just emotions or feelings but physical sensations. The soul is interconnected through a vast energy and we don’t have to be near them to understand they are trying to let us know something at a higher level and the beauty of a twin flame connection means the love is always there no matter what or where and we don’t have to be with them or wait for them. We should not be trying to control outcomes or other people in any way means or form. You can’t try and take natural ebb n flow away. The mind always wants to try and understand and take control but that’s not what a twin flame love is about. Just allow the soul to lead the way. Humans love control and we are never actually rejecting ourselves if we choose to do what we feel is best for ourselves. It is about love of self first and foremost, but in the most healthiest way possible. Unconditional love should be for all, accept one another as they are. Twins seem to have an unusual telepathy anyway so you are never separate, no matter where you are or who you are with and what you are doing.
What do you mean about experience what they experience at the same time?
Lately, after deciding to detox, I've been experiencing strange feelings when I wake up from sleep or a nap. I feel deep pain, sadness, suffering, and a sense of emptiness, as if this life isn't mine, the people around me feel unfamiliar, and even my home feels distant. I have no emotional connection to it anymore. I realize that I want to change my environment and my life completely, but at the same time, I feel like there's no use because I feel empty and without an identity without this person. Before detoxing, I used to feel emotions in similar situations-fear of family, society, and expectations-but now, the void feels even bigger, and the pain is overwhelming.
Could this mean that I'm experiencing this as projected feelings
YES. I've always wondered how someone comes to believe that their own thoughts and feelings are those of another. This can only be a splitting off of your own energy. What comes up feels foreign, hence the impression that it doesn't belong. Projector, you can be happy and grateful that your shadows are showing themselves to you so that you can integrate them.
All seemingly impossible mis-directions are possible through mind; even the most integral truths such as "you are born and fashioned out of unconditional love, deserving of unconditional love and can never be separate from unconditional love" become deeply blurred and diffused when passed through the filters of a mind that can only sense what it falsely perceives that it lacks. If the mind can obfuscate loving emotions so successfully, what do you think it is able to do with surfacing emotions that aren't quite as desirable? It easily labels them as foreign and as you said, as if they "don't belong". It takes a powerful step into consciousness to remedy this; this is why we are all here and from the words you write - this is clearly what you are embodying. ❤
What a strong video !!!!!😇😇💪💪
Thank you for this very valuable message 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏❤❤❤
@@ellevanrooij6274 You're very welcome, glad you resonated with it ❤
Yes you're right they are the mirror of yourself but it doesn't mean that you have to be with that person you can choose to love them from a distance And Transmute the darkness Into Light And have unconditional love For them Thank you so much
Yes; when you are no longer in "need" of them, you can have them be in your physical reality or not; regardless of whether they are present or not, you find that your unconditional love for them does not waver, for a wavering love would not be an unconditional one. This frequency becomes your second nature because it is the same unconditional love you extend to yourself as the conscious soul being that you are. ❤
@TheVoidCompass how does this unconditional love differ from the love we had in the bubble phase or while knowing the twin, where we "pushed" energy outward (and therefore seem to have pushed them away)?
I think I'm scared because one TF youtuber had said that feeling any emotion toward the twin, even love, pushes them away.
@@Ari-ih5un The love experienced during the "bubble love" phase has the undercurrent of unconditional love, yes; but it is primarily being experienced through mind; that is to say dominated with 3D mind-based fascination and attachment i.e. conditional love. The unconditional love is always there underlying it, but very much in the background - not yet embodied (for none of the actual work has been done). The "bubble love" phase or phases are the only periods of time where interactions that are mind-based do not result in push energy. Once these phases end, the only way that the physical expression of the twin can remain in your vicinity is when unconditional love is fully embodied and mind-based expectation/attachment is neutralized; any deviations from soul back into mind will result in the aforementioned energetic "push" once more. The "bubble love" phase in essence "allows" you to experience the "connection" with the twin for a short while before you're actually ready to anchor into that frequency; you get an impression of what physical union could be like from a much more 3D perspective i.e. still looking at them as a separate soul mate of sorts and focusing on the romantic dynamic, their 3D choices and actions. This is normal for at that point, it is all you are capable of. The "bubble love" phase acts as a "grace period" and does not force you to go within and face your fractured self yet - as you well know, this happens afterwards during the dark night phase. Consequently, when you eventually do experience lasting physical union, it will be from a place of neutrality and unconditional love; without attachment and wild emotional swings (excitement and fear). It will never be identical to the dynamic you had during the "bubble love" phase - for how could they reflect your absence from soul by remaining by your side? Their eternal responsibility to you will be to reflect your alignment to soul; that is their true purpose within your physical dynamic. ❤
@TheVoidCompass Yes you explain it so well. Thank you so much! You are most helpful
Great Video
Energy transference is real, but you can release this soul ties. You can notice this especially in tf journey as e.g : you're crying but your eyes are not swollen. Or else, after talking to someone, you crave something to eat which you don't normally choose to eat.
Everyone is in different frequency and this occasionally can change, depending how you hold your space ,some of us spend more time in 5d than 3d, there are to many aspects in spiritual journey, depending what your soul contract is. Bless💫
So just so that I understand, the thoughts I experience as telepathy, coming from them, are actually just projections from my own physical mind? And what we have in common, the “connection” is simply soul-based?
Could it be that the soul is influencing the thoughts of the two physical minds at the same time resulting in telepathy, or is that not how it works?
Thank you for this video. I needed this guidance. My mind was acting up in fear. I wanted to push it away as I was feeling overwhelmed with this journey. The regrets and sadness, I didn't want to feel it. So I was pushing it away. I just needed to revert back to love. That I'm actively acknowledging this and consciously trying to make changes shows that I'm movingvforward, just a little hiccup. But deep in my soul, I just want to keep moving forward. Thank you.
I didn't want to highlight it, but your last comment reply on the preceding video is what inspired me to address this; so thank you. I'm glad that even if I didn't answer it in writing, you received a message that resonated with you and nudged you back in the right direction. You are doing beautifully, hiccups or not - you're exactly where you need to be. ❤
Thanks so much as always for your continued guidance and insight we all greatly need… I had to reach out recently to my person due to a health concern on his end. Felt the same connection and great conversation, but more detached as we are in no contact. Since then, I am longing for him more and feel as though we are closer to union so to speak. I know I have more to work on and could be years for union, but also wish I had never spoken to him as I feel now it is delaying my ascension. He continues to live more in the 3-D and has minimal insight into this journey. Also, I am seeking friendship only with other males, but is triggering me to spend more time to myself. I know what I need to do but just want more insight into these feelings… such a hard journey as we all know. As I continue, I feel I would be better equipped with a high-level soulmate. I am growing tired, physically and spiritually ❤
Good day . And thank you 😊 🙏 ❤
As always, you are very welcome; to you as well. ❤
Thank you for your timely wisdom x
Of course; always. And thank you for receiving and resonating. ❤
Thank you very much. So very helpful.💚
I'm glad it served you well, you're very welcome ❤
in my discovering of being highly empathic I have often heard you should block energy. It is my understanding that you are supposed learn to transmute negative energy aka my purpose❤
This is not quite the same thing; I understand the notion of highly sensitive empathic beings developing boundaries and discernment to be selective of what energies affect your field, but the difference here is this - this is coming from within your field, not from without. There is no need to be block or suppress; only love, accept and reintegrate. And yes; this reintegration and transmutation is a large part of your purpose; first for yourself, then for others - this is why you have such a head start; you're meant to eventually guide others through this process ❤
@TheVoidCompass I don't block energies, I first look to see if there is a lesson being mirrored. If it's not mine I process it and shift back to center.❤
Your each and every word has so much depth and meaning that i watched it 3 times.I make notes of few points you tells.
Today i understand why he pushes me because im the one who is running from this energy which is my own energy.I am misguided by many you tube videos that dnt think of your DM and im struggling to do it.But how can i run from my own soul ,my own self.When i accept his presence in my thoughts my soul i get into peace ❤
I feel so much gratitude,my mind cluttering is almost im able to control.
Thank you 🙏
The most poignant sentence here is this "he pushes me because I'm the one who is running from this energy which is my own energy". This realization alone will take you so much further than anything else. But please remember; do not personalize this energy and make it about your divine masculine once more. You are accepting this energy as part of your own energy field; nothing more. Do not label it and say "this is his energy, I'm going to accept it now" because you are still externalizing the energy by mentally labelling it as coming from an outside source. This energy is already within your field - he is just the reflection of that energy playing out in the physical simulation. You will get there; this is a work in progress - keep focusing on the energy being yours and nobody else's. The more you start to feel the totality of your soul over time, then the concept of him "actually being you" will become so much more second nature. Thank you for sharing; I'm glad these messages are serving you well, even past the first few watches. ❤
@TheVoidCompass Im getting more and more clarity,you are doing great job.Ofcourse divine put me through all this videos and it is just his plan to give me perfect guide.
Can I be honest I watched one or two of your videos maybe three and interacted with you and I FEEL better. I’m a female literally on this journey but I resonate with you for whatever reason and I’m OK with that. I can honestly say I am no longer in that pain. I even have a high level soulmate who is my friend. I’m beginning to focus and move forward slowly but I’m not silly to act like it’s all good, I cannot bring myself to forgive him. I forgive and I have forgiven people who have treated me horribly but for whatever reason I cannot bring myself to forgive that guy and I find myself blaming him for what I experienced with him.
So if you ever want to talk about that I am ready! You are a very effective teacher.
What words of encouragement would have for those of us who are where I am, healing, slowly starting to love your own life, looking towards the future but there STILL is the body this person who is in the background who is your twin?
Is it possible to allow them just be the memory and move on?
Do I HAVE to be with that body? The human body?
@TheVoidCompass Yesterday was such a strange day. Since long time I am fine having no contact with my twin. Since half a year. It was such a sunny day yesterday and I enjoyed walking on a graveyard with beautiful nature. I came home and sat in the sun and enjoyed my life. Then a thought came by chance: “Thank you twin for having me rejected.” Only this very small thought without intension. Suddenly my body became so heavy. I know this feeling. I had it sometimes before, mostly at the beginning. I had to lie I couldn’t even sit anymore. I couldn’t talk. And then I felt my twin. All of their emotions. From childhood. Getting beaten up, having been ignored, no one who could care, chaos, death and lost. There was so much anxiety and anger. I didn’t pull the feeling away. I stayed with it. It was so painful. And I spoke to my twin and inside myself we were so close. I fell into sleep with pain. And even after awakening the pain didn’t go. I had to do some work and the only solution I saw was contacting my twin. Even I never got any answer since half a year. But immediately my feeling got better and I continued my work at home. But then I became angry myself. I thought: “I went through all of this for my twin and now they don’t respond at all.” So I myself got into pain again. Crying so much. Writing to them that I am hurt. I cried so much and my family got irritated from me. So I got angry on myself. And then sleeping angry with myself and made the intention to make my ego die, I had such a strange dream this night. My twin married my daughter and they got a child. Even this wouldn’t be possible because my twin is not a biological man. But a man. And in this dream I was shocked first but then I was happy and I loved this little child and I was happy for my daughter and that my twin was a part of my family. But when I got up I became angry because I realised that the age problem occurred in this dream. I am 6 years older. But my twin is much older then my daughter. My twin once fell in love with a 10 years junger girl. I don’t know about their relationship now. My twin promised me I would never come to hear that they are a couple. I am so much disturbed now. I feel I want to die without them. I know I will be fine again. I wonder what was the real trigger to that. Was it my unconscious first thought? Sorry my text is long and I only need to write sometimes. Not having anyone to write this to. So thanks. ❤
So when we have an experience seemingly coming from them we do the same thing we did with our emotions? Hold a loving awareness on it and let it pass?
Yes; we first recognize that the idea of "coming from them" is separation consciousness born of the mind's inability to encapsulate the truth that you are one being. Once we truly know and feel that, it is then easy to accept that the feelings that were appearing to "come from them" are actually fractured elements still active and unintegrated within our energetic field. We then, like everything else within our field, allow them to surface, acknowledge them, love them unconditionally (without needing them to pass or change) and over time, through the frequency of this unconditional love - they are transmuted and reintegrated. ❤
@TheVoidCompass Do we need to understand why we have this energy in us and why it appears as if it comes from the outside? Or do we just accept it as is and let go? I think I am still thinking in separation, as me 😅 It just is.
@@nobodyknows2068 There are times you will get clear memories, other times just impressions and even further times you will have no idea why you feel a certain way. What is truly important is that the state of being that is surfacing within you is "here" - in your present moment, asking for your present consciousness. There is no further requirement to know its source or its story. Sit with it as it is; let it share its secrets with you if it wills. And if it doesn't, sit with it lovingly until it trusts you. ❤
How do you always know exactly where I’m at? There must be a connection regardless of the mind and how it tries to deny this stuff exists
That is how soul contracts work within the collective; you are here to receive the information that your higher self needs you to hear at this point in your journey - I have a contract to help you at this point. While I empirically exist within the collective, your higher self is using a version of me as a "mask" or "avatar" of sorts in your individualized reality experience to pass this poignant message across to you. This is why it all feels so perfectly catered to you; because it actually is. ❤
I don't an telepathic connection anymore. I don't feel the shared energy. As time passed l became thinking it was just my energy anyway.
Yes; once you realize it is all your energy, you are beyond the illusion. The reflection's purpose is to reflect; not to create. All of that energy begins and arises within you (the creator) before it is displayed in the twin (the reflection). ❤
I don’t know coz one minute I’m dancing and think I’m amazing the next minute I’m depressed hate my life and rather not be here.
@@Goldilocks444 Judging by the sheer number of comments you've left in the past 24 hours, I can surmise that you're tearing through my videos at a tremendous pace. I feel you; you're not in an easy phase right now. I'm uploading a new video within the next two hours that may answer some of your questions, keep an eye out for it. Don't despair; this phase you're in is a part of this journey. It's a life lesson; not a life sentence. ❤️
@ I only just found you hours ago as I was about to sleep I have a big work week ahead of me and I’m really struggling and this twin flame of mine is just painful for me I’m not ok and didn’t realise and didn’t really see my pain until I saw your first video then it hit me and I’m not ok but want to be
@@Goldilocks444 I hear you. I typically don’t promote my 1:1 sessions in the comments, but if you feel called to get more personal guidance beyond my video offerings, feel free to reach out to me. I’m here to help. ❤
@ currently financially stunted but I’ll keep it in mind thanks 🙏