Prophet Zakariya (A.S) |Stories Of The Prophets|

  • Опубликовано: 18 сен 2024
  • Speaker: Mufti Menk
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Комментарии • 17

  • @skbahati5233
    @skbahati5233 Год назад +2

    All praises be to Allah.
    For his the most mercyful, forgiver and best guide ever. Alhamdulillah 🤍🤍🙏🙏

  • @samiradcliffe2017
    @samiradcliffe2017 Месяц назад

    SUBHALALLAH I never know about PROPHET zakriya and maryam SUBHANALLAH SUBHALALLAH

  • @RumanAhmed-u4y
    @RumanAhmed-u4y Год назад +1

    Peace blessing 4 all prophet

  • @abdurrahmanhaider70
    @abdurrahmanhaider70 4 месяца назад

    الله الله اكبر

  • @saadabeliouny2979
    @saadabeliouny2979 Год назад +1

    I live this

  • @alinoorhassan4745
    @alinoorhassan4745 2 года назад +1

    Masha Allah

  • @amelmohammed4
    @amelmohammed4 2 года назад


  • @عبدالعزيزاسماعيل-غ3و


  • @ishaqaibrahim5870
    @ishaqaibrahim5870 Год назад +3

    I want to call people's upon on the way of Allah but I am having a sinus sickness that is making me not to learn much please help me because I always have headeche that's what disturbs my learning

  • @farhamemon2278
    @farhamemon2278 Год назад +3

    Mufti menk I respect u but i want to make ur islaah .there was three personalities who were protected by ALLAH AZZAWAJAL from shaitaan mardud at their time of birth

    • @samiradcliffe2017
      @samiradcliffe2017 Месяц назад

      That’s what I was also thinking that he missed PROPHET MOHAMMAD PBUH

  • @newsongarise
    @newsongarise 2 года назад

    Stories of The Prophets - Was Jesus a prophet? Was Jesus a prophet of Islam? Did God play a part in the writing of the scriptures, the word of God, the old testament and the new testament? Are the scriptures the Word of God? Did the prophets of old lie or quite possibly get it wrong? And what about Jesus? Was Jesus nothing more than a prophet?

    There are those that believe that God who created the heavens and the earth, the universe and everything within was unable to make his perfect will and plan for redemption known to mankind. Are we to think that this all knowing, all powerful creator that created the heavens, the earth, the sun, the moon, the solar systems and the endless galaxies to include mankind in all of its beauty, splendor and perfection is not capable of making his will, plans and purposes known to his creation?

    Are we to think that he is incapable of interacting in the lives of those whom he created? Are we to think that he lacks the ability to make known his will even through his creation and through even something as simple as the scriptures? The very same God that created all that we see, are we to think that this very same God lacks in wisdom, knowledge, perfection, righteousness, holiness, truth and creative ability. That he can create all and everything, yet he can't create the very men to make him known to mankind right from the beginning? I think not. Is the book of Genesis a lie? Are all the books in the old testament a lie? Because and again, Jesus is mentioned and foretold in all the books of the old testament.

    Look at the stars which are beyond comprehension. Look at the galaxies which are endless. Look at the sun which can never be touched. Look at the waters of the seas and the life within the seas which is endless and still fully unknown. Yet this God, this creator, are we to believe that in all of his creation that he was not capable of making his will, plans and purposes for mankind known and that he had to send another man to make the corrections and to write another book for mankind to correct his first mistake. I think not.
    Many believe that portions of the scriptures are in error while also believing that other portions are correct. Within that, they believe that God had to send someone to make the corrections. In the old testament of the scriptures we find mention of Jesus throughout. His coming was foretold, his death was foretold, and his resurrection was foretold. Did Jesus and the apostles trick mankind while God sat back and laughed and took enjoyment in that? Only for God to eventually wake up and say wow, I guess I need to send another to fix things. I think not.
    Tonight when you lay your head to go to sleep. Picture the universe, the galaxies, the stars, the earth, the sun, the moon. Then make everything disappear except the space, the void, the darkness. Then make the space, the void, the darkness all disappear and you have nothing. If you have nothing and no space in the first place, how could anything be? Yet God was before there was anything. And from nothing, God created everything. Are we to think that this God who is beyond human comprehension could create all that he did from nothing, yet could not make his will, plans and purposes known to his creation, mankind? I think not.
    I read daily where Muslims love Jesus and believe that Jesus was a prophet. In the new testament when you look at the life and ministry of Jesus from his birth to his death to his resurrection to his ascension. It is told that Jesus performed many miracles, that he cleansed the lepers, that he healed the sick, that he caused the lame to walk, the blind to see, the speechless to speak, the dead to rise. Miracle after miracle after miracle. How could a mere man, a prophet do these things unless God was with him. Only God can do those things. The very same Jesus that is mentioned in the old testament that was foretold to come as the lamb of God who will take away the sins of the world. For as it is written in the old testament, "God will provide himself a lamb for a burnt offering" Genesis 22: 8 which was prophetically speaking of Jesus Christ on the cross.

    Yet and again, are we to believe that God was only capable of making parts of his will, his plans and his purposes known to mankind through the prophets of old in the old testament, and that while some is true, some is in error and therefore God needed to send someone to make the corrections? I have more faith and confidence in God that he is very capable of making his will, plans and his purposes known to mankind without sending someone to make corrections.
    Jesus is exactly who the scriptures state that he was and is. Yet just knowing about Jesus is only but a seed to knowing him and without the precious Holy Spirit ( who was also mentioned and foretold in the old testament scriptures ) sure you can read about Jesus, but you can never come to know him, hear his voice, experience his love, or know that you know beyond a shadow of doubt that Jesus is the way, the truth and the life and that redemption, sanctification and eternal life is found in and through no other or the teachings of another, but only through and in Jesus.
    But don't take my word for it. Ask him, call upon him, seek him and you will find him and he will make himself known to you. For whoever seeks finds, and whoever calls upon the name of the Lord Jesus Christ will be saved and receive the promise of eternal life. For God is not a God of religion, but a God of relationships and we see this reality and fact throughout the old testament and the new testament. For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. John 3: 16

    • @laythshamsan7583
      @laythshamsan7583 Год назад

      Yes he was

    • @laythshamsan7583
      @laythshamsan7583 Год назад +1

      I can’t really answer your other questions because I don’t have the knowledge and Jesus was just a prophet

  • @kampcihad511
    @kampcihad511 3 года назад

    Zero likes

  • @ishaqaibrahim5870
    @ishaqaibrahim5870 Год назад +1

    I want to call people's upon on the way of Allah but I am having a sinus sickness that is making me not to learn much please help me because I always have headeche that's what disturbs my learning

    • @Nuurah951
      @Nuurah951 8 месяцев назад +1

      I know someone had a severe sinus problem, but now he is fine . A doctor told him 4 things 1, to drink hot water 💧 every time he wanted to drink; 2. stop eating carbohydrates and sugars
      3. Avoid low quality perfumes
      4. Wear a mask whenever he wants to clean.
      And subhanallah it worked for him.