I saw you started another series on Hilbert Spaces... Please finish this one first! I just cannot understand how to take Fourier Transforms in continuous time on finite size intervals: \int_{t_0}^{t^1} f(t) e^{-iwt} dt without keeping inside the "jumps" at the edges because the transforms look the function as f(t) [unitstep(t-t_0)-unitstep(t-t_f)] so it "sucks in" the power of two jump discontinuities. Please take a look into that, someone else on a blog told me to make a periodic function with those sections escaled like the Poisson Summation formula Comb and later make some parameter go into infinity... but I got completely lost! Hope you could help me!
What are you doing step function? ;)
Step by step it steps.
I saw you started another series on Hilbert Spaces... Please finish this one first! I just cannot understand how to take Fourier Transforms in continuous time on finite size intervals:
\int_{t_0}^{t^1} f(t) e^{-iwt} dt
without keeping inside the "jumps" at the edges because the transforms look the function as
f(t) [unitstep(t-t_0)-unitstep(t-t_f)]
so it "sucks in" the power of two jump discontinuities.
Please take a look into that, someone else on a blog told me to make a periodic function with those sections escaled like the Poisson Summation formula Comb and later make some parameter go into infinity... but I got completely lost! Hope you could help me!
I will finish this one first :)