MOST SAVAGE😦 recoupling SPEECHES🫣 part 2 | World of Love Island

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии • 111

  • @WorldofLoveIsland
    @WorldofLoveIsland  Год назад +30

    Which recoupling did we miss?

  • @eshaadesai783
    @eshaadesai783 Год назад +364

    Sanams face is literally so cute when he says he wants to recouple

  • @Thedaisyeffect
    @Thedaisyeffect Год назад +587

    Everyone’s face when Olivia was talking😂😂😂😂. I’m screaming 😂

    • @parknochuism826
      @parknochuism826 10 месяцев назад +11

      she spent her entire time on the season trying to be savage and not once was it ever 😭😂

  • @Thedaisyeffect
    @Thedaisyeffect Год назад +491

    Dani was really over there thinking indiyah will come back alone. That smirk disappeared quick😂😂

    • @Thiccwoo
      @Thiccwoo Год назад +70

      Right!? All that smug turned into bitterness like he really thought he could play her and not get played back lmao!

    • @amandasargbah1504
      @amandasargbah1504 Год назад +1

      @@Thiccwoo right

    • @superyahci5339
      @superyahci5339 Год назад +2

      @@Thiccwooyall talkin allat shit but they still together to this day so keep hating 😂😂

    • @Thiccwoo
      @Thiccwoo Год назад +4

      Lol hating? They are literally my fave couple from love island. No one hating anything wym?

    • @Bude_Jellingham
      @Bude_Jellingham Год назад

      It was all good until she said "he showed his true colours".. And she did the same thing lol

  • @mala.ika_
    @mala.ika_ Год назад +370

    indiyah ate him up

    • @yoboi01
      @yoboi01 Год назад +3

      Hahaha RIGHT !!! 😅😅😅

    • @titusbattiscombe7715
      @titusbattiscombe7715 Год назад +13

      She did the same thing tho you all got mad when Olivia did it but praise Indyah it doesn't make sense to get mad at someone for recoupleing when you also did it

    • @katrinadinh5070
      @katrinadinh5070 Год назад +12

      @@titusbattiscombe7715 olivia and kai didnt have a connection and indiyah literally said she followed her head (meaning she just chose deji bc she knew dami would recouple) olivia literally made no sense and her speech wasnt needed

    • @unreal306
      @unreal306 Месяц назад

  • @KarlaJeannieDoddy
    @KarlaJeannieDoddy Год назад +311

    i will never understand when the girl who also recouples goes off at the guy who recoupled as if they didnt do the exact same thing....

    • @youwhat5058
      @youwhat5058 Год назад

      That's women for you

    • @redtez
      @redtez Год назад +26

      Alot of the time, it's because the girls are given access to things like pics and videos which show what their man was doing whilst away. The UK ones especially, really only recouple once they've seen that they'll most likely be dumped when casa ends. However, I didn't watch the season with Olivia so I'm not sure if that occurred there or not

    • @alphaevolution
      @alphaevolution Год назад +4

      Remove any accountability

    • @notreadyforthegodofdestruc5112
      @notreadyforthegodofdestruc5112 Год назад +3

      @@redtezeven if that's the case, you still chose to recouple with someone else too, it's happened so many times where the girl sees her couple kissing another girl and then chooses to recouple another boy bc she "knows" he won't stcik with her but she's just using the other boy to not stay single so at the end of the day she ain't that good either bc she still recoupled and if she recoupled with the guy she likes why she bitter abt that? like she still recoupled, this is a reality show we never know what's really going on behind the scenes so I have no pity for her

    • @Iamdiggity22
      @Iamdiggity22 Год назад +3

      I think some of them do it cause they have a feeling the other person about to stab them in the back.

  • @neadod2902
    @neadod2902 Год назад +53

    Jeez the chemistry of Dami and Indiyah 🥵

  • @brownrasgulla
    @brownrasgulla 10 месяцев назад +25

    the fact Olivia kept going like girl please stop 😭

    • @noorahnn376
      @noorahnn376 Месяц назад +1

      She wanted to have an Indiyah moment soooooo bad!

  • @makaelaelizabeth9908
    @makaelaelizabeth9908 Год назад +984

    Olivia’s speech wasn’t savage it was corny and didn’t make sense 😂

    • @savanna4053
      @savanna4053 Год назад +14


    • @Unknownxoxxq
      @Unknownxoxxq Год назад +54

      She’s such a hypocrite 😅

    • @jesss749
      @jesss749 Год назад +4


    • @victorinaambrocio9240
      @victorinaambrocio9240 Год назад

      In my opinion her speech was so good and savage ❤

    • @Unknownxoxxq
      @Unknownxoxxq Год назад +24

      @@victorinaambrocio9240 savage? How when she’s getting annoyed that he also recoupled 🤷🏻‍♀️😅

  • @iswatteniola2842
    @iswatteniola2842 Год назад +86

    Indiyah and dami 😩😂😂

  • @yoboi01
    @yoboi01 Год назад +56

    I'm just now finding this show and I'm OBSESSED !!

  • @marywrenn5262
    @marywrenn5262 Год назад +139

    Olivia....what she wanted him to be single when she recoupled?!.that's weird. Why are you mad, you both recoupled. She came across so badly that day.

    • @Queen_beulahOfficial
      @Queen_beulahOfficial Год назад +9

      It was more than that day imo

    • @CaitlinRebecca
      @CaitlinRebecca Год назад +8

      she came across badly everyday it was so cringe! she thought she was the main character the whole time lmao

    • @ravenkunoichi5826
      @ravenkunoichi5826 4 месяца назад +2

      that speech was just a bunch of one liners, idk if its editing or she really was just trying to be quotable

  • @cecilesultani3041
    @cecilesultani3041 Год назад +50

    Dami really thought he ate with the summers not over line

  • @opheliawinfrey9501
    @opheliawinfrey9501 Год назад +6

    5:17 that Ron guy looks like Daniil Medvedev and looks like he's in love, then looks shocked when he gets picked

  • @opheliawinfrey9501
    @opheliawinfrey9501 Год назад +3

    4:57 that was a sick intro with the famous instrumental

  • @sanjusarenjr
    @sanjusarenjr Год назад +10

    Desi and India really man thts two are made for each other 😂

  • @opheliawinfrey9501
    @opheliawinfrey9501 Год назад +6

    5:24 checking out the competition

  • @Charliestrife01
    @Charliestrife01 Год назад +42

    I think Olivia felt like he had left her that mask message saying he missed her so that she wouldn’t recouple while he did recouple so she would of been kicked out. Maybe that wasn’t his intention but that’s what it looks like to me

  • @olivarmelody
    @olivarmelody Год назад +24

    Short clips brought me here. And I don't even know if I'm heartbroken or not😂😂😂

  • @jackvoss1527
    @jackvoss1527 Год назад +21

    Olivia was crazy and a hypocrite, like Dami

  • @benjyarthur
    @benjyarthur Год назад +6

    Olivia was being annoying she recouple though!! 😂😂😂

  • @RoseMary-e6q
    @RoseMary-e6q Год назад +9

    May the best heart breaker win😂

  • @kadigirl9281
    @kadigirl9281 Год назад +4

    Here we are again

  • @esseven
    @esseven Год назад +15

    god i hating watching the dami and indiyah one, it’s like dami wanted her to come back alone so she would be upset. happy for them now tho

  • @Noghen
    @Noghen Год назад +7

    I’ve never seen this but babehhhh INDIYAH IS FINE AS HELL he’s trippin 😂

  • @MeeMenuchoth
    @MeeMenuchoth Год назад +11

    I stopped watching this season when Olivia kept baiting my girl. This just popped up on my feed, I may go back and watch. 😂

  • @fadeddkayk6425
    @fadeddkayk6425 Год назад +35

    Olivia makes no sense 😅

  • @Joegoldberg86
    @Joegoldberg86 Год назад +8

    No one notice how Olivia recoupled from Kai to just… Kai. They look exactly the same.

    • @ce7574
      @ce7574 Год назад +1

      i didn’t even notice but you’re so right

  • @shakiragriffiths6225
    @shakiragriffiths6225 17 дней назад

    Hugo’s one from season 7 UK should be have been on here😂😄

  • @AngXuanYingMeridianss
    @AngXuanYingMeridianss Год назад +6

    i love Indiyah
    she badass b****
    luv yea

  • @kiranshrestha8820
    @kiranshrestha8820 Год назад +8

    Why that guy at 12:20 look like Charlie puth😂

  • @n.b.t.8109
    @n.b.t.8109 Год назад +2

    how is no one talking about how corny chazz is😭😭😭

  • @shwetathapa7997
    @shwetathapa7997 Год назад +1

    Can anybody tell me the song name at 6:26 ?

    • @WorldofLoveIsland
      @WorldofLoveIsland  Год назад +4

      All music is from a music library called BMG Production Music. The song is called all those little things by The Home of Happy

    • @shwetathapa7997
      @shwetathapa7997 Год назад +2

      @@WorldofLoveIsland Thank you the song is so lovable ❤

  • @eliana.aitana
    @eliana.aitana Год назад +2

    what is the song playing with "a shocking twist"

    • @WorldofLoveIsland
      @WorldofLoveIsland  Год назад +1

      What is the time code?

    • @eliana.aitana
      @eliana.aitana Год назад +1

      @@WorldofLoveIsland the music starts on 6:10 but the lyrics start on 6:26

    • @WorldofLoveIsland
      @WorldofLoveIsland  Год назад +2

      @@eliana.aitana All music is from a music library called BMG Production Music. This song is called All those little things from The Home Of Happy

    • @eliana.aitana
      @eliana.aitana Год назад

      Thank you 😊

  • @staceygrainger1956
    @staceygrainger1956 Год назад

    What is the song at 2:55 please?

    • @WorldofLoveIsland
      @WorldofLoveIsland  Год назад +1

      All music is from a music library called BMG Production Music. This song is called Dark Road from In The Groove

    • @staceygrainger1956
      @staceygrainger1956 Год назад

      ​@World of Love Island thank you

  • @jasminegoodson
    @jasminegoodson Год назад

    what song is playing at 11:00

    • @WorldofLoveIsland
      @WorldofLoveIsland  Год назад

      All music is from a music library called BMG Production Music. This song is called Unknown Powers from Videohelper

    • @ningalowalter6538
      @ningalowalter6538 2 месяца назад

      It's beautiful by James Charles

  • @royalebabe377
    @royalebabe377 Год назад +1


  • @elliealyssa8960
    @elliealyssa8960 Год назад

    What is the song called at 7:08

    • @WorldofLoveIsland
      @WorldofLoveIsland  Год назад

      All music is from a music library called BMG Production Music. This song is called All those little things from The Home Of Happy

  • @carmen9235
    @carmen9235 4 месяца назад +2

    Didn't kai and sanam win and now engaged

  • @amandasargbah1504
    @amandasargbah1504 Год назад +3

    How Dani when indiyah be loyal to him but he wasn’t loyal to her

  • @sudantitus5801
    @sudantitus5801 Месяц назад


  • @nhananyaabenewaahbhernice9581
    @nhananyaabenewaahbhernice9581 Год назад +1

    Please which season was this

    • @kadscfh
      @kadscfh Год назад +1

      Which one ?there was like 5 different seasons from different countries?

  • @stefaniekappes5426
    @stefaniekappes5426 5 месяцев назад +1

    I dont get it when the person coming back into the villa with someone else; has the cheek to say about the other person recoupling.... SO DID YOU! I could understand if you was loyal and came back by yourself but you didnt

  • @arfankhan549
    @arfankhan549 9 месяцев назад

    08:40 ☕️

  • @cilenemaria4052
    @cilenemaria4052 Год назад +2

    Que negras belicimas de mais.

  • @nancyvas1
    @nancyvas1 Год назад

    Nev34 seen this but i like olivia

  • @mochahot9717
    @mochahot9717 Год назад

    😢is hurt

  • @grayson444
    @grayson444 Год назад +4

    That whole "may the best heartbreaker win" makes me cringe every time.... it didnt eat!

    • @evade-heer9106
      @evade-heer9106 Год назад +2

      It did eat either way nobody will be talking about how good it was lol.

  • @user-ye9bc7nw2c
    @user-ye9bc7nw2c 5 месяцев назад


  • @primamabilis7238
    @primamabilis7238 Год назад +9

    Kai and Sanam winning Love Island was the biggest let down in its history.

    • @zakiarichi8106
      @zakiarichi8106 Год назад +35

      ur delusional if you think anyone else deserved it. they were the only couple in there that made sense, everyone else was playing a game and didn't even look like they liked each other.

    • @lucygricee
      @lucygricee Год назад +5

      no way, they were the only real couple there

    • @primamabilis7238
      @primamabilis7238 Год назад

      @@zakiarichi8106 delusional kwa? You were able to form based off my opinion? Okay!