I learned how to sail as an adolescent on the (2) DN's I helped my Dad build in NE Ohio in the Late 60's. In the 90's, my Dad helped me build my F-9A (31' trimaran) on the west coast. I've had that to 23 kts, which is pretty fast for liquid water. Lots of Harken gear on that. Sailing fast is fun.
I learned how to sail as an adolescent on the (2) DN's I helped my Dad build in NE Ohio in the Late 60's. In the 90's, my Dad helped me build my F-9A (31' trimaran) on the west coast. I've had that to 23 kts, which is pretty fast for liquid water. Lots of Harken gear on that.
Sailing fast is fun.
What line did you use for that main sheet? Looks good to hold onto.
I'm sure his skeeter will do better than 100mph. Great video!
Great insights!
Спасибо за информацию! Harken super!
How do you brake when you want to make a complete stop? How does the braking system works? Thanks.
There is no braking system - Sailors point their boat directly into the wind to slow down.
How tall are you? I'm 6'5" and have a dn. I envy your boat. Good video.
Thanks for the support! Steve is 6’5” too.