I have a tank that has snails that had some mystery pathogen. It was like extra meat growing out of the side of the snails. Those are the only ones I have ever tried to get rid of. I use carrot on a fishing line as bait. Just keep using the same small piece of carrot and as it rots it will draw more and more. In my instance, it seems to work better if you put the carrot in the same place repeatedly over a long period of time. Every few hours for the first day I take out a lot. Over night, I miss a lot. About 3 days in I get snail crusted carrot every few hours until that piece of carrot is totally demolished.
@@Fishtory I find the carrot holds up pretty good, and I may have gotten that from Mark's Shrimp tanks. I also find that my yoyo loaches seem to go right for the zucchini seeds, and that in tanks with life other than shrimp, the zucchini is more a fish feed and less a nuisance bait.
Were they mystery snails? They stick out a breathing tube (siphon) out of the right front side when they’re close to the surface and the water is low on O2.
I always learn so much from you. I see your beautiful tanks and then look over at my tiny little ten gallon tank and smile. So dinky compared to yours, but I'm so proud of it and so in love with my little nano fish, shrimpies, and my one snail! Thank you, you're the best!
I usually feed my shrimp tanks (2.5g, 3g, 3g) every other day and I do bactor ae one time a week. When I went on vacation my grandmother fed them once and it worked out just fine. Thanks for all that you do!
I swear, the person who invented those shrimp lollies must have grown up a hippy like me. Those things look just like incense sticks!😂 You're always so generous with sharing your neverending knowledge! I really enjoy going back through your channel archives and finding gems I missed! 🙏💙✌️
Hello, the planted tanks definitely look great and I can see where all the needs are met in keeping our fish, shrimp, and snails alive. I am curious in one of your tanks I see the sand is capped off with Fluval shrimp stratum. When you are cleaning the tank and trimming the plants there isn't any floating soil present. I have a dirt tank and I get the bubbles and the floating matter. My sand is a deep beige which is on top. The peat moss and stratum are a deep dark coffee color. Which are underneath the sand. Now that I think about it I'm not sure the order it should really go in. I want to try growing some dwarf grass to create a carpet to stop the floating peat moss from floating to the surface. Thanks for sharing the video.
No the aquasoils stay far far cleaner until they are a couple years old...then they get a bit muddy or cloudy when you dig up stuff. I Have another video specifically on your questions more so... one is called " to cap or not to cap substrate" , and another i think is even more in depth " what is the best substrate?" Aquasoil vs dirt talk
This looks really good as I consider where snails &/or shrimp will fit in both my fish tank setups and in what controls I already have. Snails mainly I'm going to look into as I know my brahma chickens have a taste for snails & slugs, so if ever I get more than my fish will eat, my 3 foot tall lap chickens/birds will gladly accept said treat
I have a 3 gallon with cherry shrimp. I did an experiment where there is only java moss shrimp and a light. It has been a year and a half and there has never been a spec of food added. Only water changes every 4 months or so. They are breeding and living just fine.
@@MattyP650 I do have other shrimp tanks that breed faster while being fed. Just proves that shrimp can live and breed strictly off of biofilm. There also zero substrate just glass bottom.
@@Fishtory This experiment stemmed from when I had brought home a large piece of pine bark from the forest. Grabbed a big piece right from the tree. Got home put it in a 5 gallon bucket of water and threw a few cherry shrimp in with it. Most people say you can't use pine in a tank. I kind of forgot about it in the spare room for the entire winter, about 5 months with no light. Took it out in the spring only like a quarter of the water left and the shrimp were still living in it. The only thing is they were crystal clear.
I cannot keep snails in my 65g due to its resident Clown Loach. I feed him (and my puffer) from the healthy Ramshorn/others stock in my other three freshwater tanks.
I have a ramshorn in a 5 gallon green water bucket outside. I wish I had a mate for it. Ramshorn snails no longer show up with plants from the per store. I have never fed it. Its so dark. I'd love to have a colony.
Very helpful video thank you. Strangely, I don't have snails in my aquariums which are not planted. I have snails in my plant water pitcher. I put used aquarium water, with rinsed filter water in a pitcher
Why thank you. Honestly, they need a heavy trimming, but I just love that I never need to do anything but top off the water and end up with 0 nitrates. Have a great day!
One good rule I heard for feeding your fish is roughly the size of their eyeballs for the day. Just gets tricky to figure out when you've got 30 fish, and some different sizes too. Don't waste your money on the expensive prepackaged bee pollen, I buy mine at Bulk Barn for like $6 Canadian for 100g, same with spirulina for about $5, can actually get a lot of useful stuff there or the dollar store that we pay a massive mark-up on once it's labeled as "for aquarium" and sold in a pet shop. And is it a mystery snail or an apple snail? You can't just call it either one because mystery snails only get about the size of a golfball (2-3") while apple snails can get roughly to apple size (4-5"). Usually you're so specific about everything, even using latin names, so that surprised me so much I had to mention it.
Yeah unless you have some very specialized species or babies in a new tank, simply setting up the tank properly will provide more than enough food for them. Thanks for dropping a comment and tubing in!
Thank you Alexander..I was thinking about you as I watched my blue mystery snail undulate the water to vacuum the left over betta bites floating around on the surface..amazing I also add an occasional algae and bottom feeder pellet..heavily planted 3.5 gallon cylinder with under gravel filter..odd shaped tanks..good show yesterday..anyway 2 blue mystery snails that my son brought me a few months ago..huge now..first time snail owner..thanks for the outstanding quality content
i feed my snails. i got a bag of ~30 ramshorns and put them in a tank with heavy algae on the glass and sword plant leaves. in less than a week they had licked the whole tank (20L) cleaner than i ever have seen it. the sword plant leaves looked brand new. then i realized i had to feed them. i think they were starved by the previous owner as the shells were eroded and now were growing out perfectly.. i started feeding pleco wafers and they devoured them in one night. they also like tetramin tabs. so i feed my fish way heavy and that gives the snails the leftovers also. i had maybe 130 snails after about a month. then i got a clown loach and he is keeping the snail population in check. also i added a dwarf gourami and it relishes the snail eggs. so i have now about 30 snails again and i feed them wafers twice a week since they still get the leftovers from feeding the fish. the snails have done and continue to do a fantastic cleaning job.
Another wonderfully thorough and informative video! Thank you so much! One of my tanks just had some surprise hitchhiker ramshorn snails pop up and I've been wondering what to do with them, so the timing of this video could not be more perfect for me. Thank you as always, Alex
Well it means something is in the water, in my case, reliably it has meant increased calcium, carbon and minerals. In some conditions it can also turn green, brown, pink or red and that can be algae or bacteria simply growing on a wet surface also :) I have an old video called "what the rings in your toilet and sink tell you about your aquarium". With more details
Any advice on no filter shrimp aquarium? I’m thinking about 1 a layer of gravel, 2 a bit of dirt, 3 bag o lava rock on the back to elevate the substrate for the hardscape, 4 sand, 5 aqua soil.
I was living in Jeju, South Korea. The tap water was very clean but very soft with medium to high KH. Now I am living in Washington, DC and I am a bit confused on how to deal with the water. It's vert hard and very low KH! I have never been scared of PH swings before but now, like you mention, I need to look into additives in order to successfully keep shrimp. I got some fluval stratum too. Anyway, I was looking for help regarding these new issues and I am glad I always find great information from your videos! Please keep it up! And a big thank you too ^^
I would highly recommend using almond leaves and add 1 cup of crushed coral/ shells per 5 gallons of water. That sort of stabilizes the whole thing long term, rather than mixing stuff or adding R/O water. That and use one of the brightwell brand's substrate perhaps? Which gives a slight acidic reading from the soil/substrate.
Thank you so much for this tip! I prefer something long term rather than a routine to be implemented. Not because it’s a chore but because I prefer to find a way for my fish and invertebrates to adapt to my tap water and, therefore, becomes easier for them to adapt to a friend’s home (who lives in the same area, of course). I’ll give that a shot!
@@Fishtory , Alex, I know that the local pet store recommended that 1 cup/5G. I only used 1/2 and it gave me too much hard water. I just add a pinch and when I see the water hardness dropping, then I add another pinch.
I have a tank with only snails. I've never fed them and they eat and poop constantly and it's really annoying lol. It's almost done cycling and then I'll be adding shrimp. Btw I didn't intentionally put the snails there. They just appeared and kept breeding.
Yes, but very very small amounts. And generally the surface area of the tank or any plants present will use that ammonia and turn it into nitrites and nitrates before its able to compound in strength
Excellent video thank you. I have no snails in my unplanted bare bottom aquariums. My watering pitcher for plants has snails. It is the water from my dirty filters and aquarium water. Transparent pitcher full of algae. Never put snails in there, never fed them. They are breeding. Lowered my tanks water to bottom, cleaned filters, no snails. Not in my tanks. I don't know where they came from.
Great video and channel. I appreciate the detail. I bought 5 cherry shrimp two or a years ago and wound up with 500. I keep them in their own planted tank and my planted community tank. It’s cool to see the different colors. A few even have blue in them. When they become too many, I put some in my cichlid and aggressive fish tanks. As an experiment, my wife has bamboo in an old fishbowl so I put about 10 in there and haven’t had to feed them as that community grows. No thermometer or anything. Just adding water as needed.
I had two nerite snails for 2 years and tried twice to feed them. Didn’t touch algae wafers. I tried twice with cucumbers and also lettuce( both blanched) and they didn’t touch them. After that I didn’t try again and they just kept truckin along. They did breed as well because their eggs were all over the driftwood.
Apple snails eat plants but Mystery snails don't. I raised them for years and traded or sold them to my LFSs. I have a lot of plants and they never touched them. They do need to be fed and have an outsized bioload.
Mine eat My crypts routinely ... however I don't feed them their own food and sometimes the algae load is already cleaned (usually I'll just move them to a dirty tank at that point.)
Aww thank you kindly! I have a playlist of quite a few videos that don't need video to be understood. Like videos when I'm just talking into the camera, so people can listen while doing other things In their day. It's called the "podcast style audio based episodes" playlist.
@@Fishtory your welcome, keep it up. ive got a couple shrimp tanks, community tanks, crab tanks, etc so i love your videos, they are right on track with me
I have a 10 gallon planted tank with red galaxy pinto shrimp and ramshorn snails. When ever I feed the shrimp, the snails take over and form this huge ball of swarming snails all over the food and my shrimp can't get to it. I'm worried my shrimp are gonna starve. What can I do?
You know, enough of a cap... like 2 inches and the sand sort of stays put for at least a year or two even so... but less than that, it can mix it all up eventually
Alex, if you created a Dirtied Tank with the Cyano green-blue algae growing... having Malaysian Trumpet Snails could bring that up and upset the Sand Cap and upset the water column parameters?
Amazingly detailed video thanks a lot! So i got a rare kind of 6 gallon tank, tank is just 2 weeks old, i got some limnophila sessiliflora plants in there and i use bottled drinking water i buy from market because tap water contains too much chlorine. And i got 3 baby tiger nerite snail in there. As for "substrate" i only have middle sized river rocks. In this case im thinking of adding some calcium carbonate to the water as well as preparing some snello to feed them. Do you think i will success in providing a happy life to these snails? (i know i will need to take at least 1 of them out when they get bigger)
Yes i think that's a lovely set up! I did a new episode today and aquatic arts has a few new products that boost immunity, exoskeleton flexibility and shell or exoskeleton growth via calcium, carbonates and basic vitamins and minerals in little square "chips'.
@@Fishtory Thats great i will check them out. I fed them a little today with boiled cabbage and while two of them were loving it one of them which is a little bit bigger than others didnt even want to stay around it lol. Its kind of a challange to find what they like while even the exact same species might be enjoying differerent food.
I have a stupid question. Everywhere it says feed your fish what they can eat in 2 minutes, but I have plecos, hillstream loaches, and other fish that wait until my swimmers and Corey’s are finished before they eat. I feed them in different parts of the tank so that everyone can get food. But I am feeding too much because of a snail explosion and the slower to eat fish seem to keep looking for food. What should I do?
That's a great question. I'd get some quality food... repashy morning wood or bottom scratcher... or spiralina wafers, blanched zucchini or squash ...or green beans on wooden or metal BBQ skewers.... they can sit for an hour and only the catfish, plecos and otos etc will eat them...but it's top notch nutrition...and it attracts snails...so you can toss any snails that come out to eat the skewers too...( maybe time to set up a 5g pea puffer tank to eat snails haha) But yes, I love that you are already thinking the right way- and have split up food into several areas... one for top or middle water fish that eat fast or eat flake etc... and then, get a glass dish and put the other food in that, elsewhere ( then you never end up having food scraps and crumbs go all over and cause the snail explosions... you just clean up the little tiny dish you feed shrimp, or bottom living fish with!) Best of luck!
@@Fishtory thank you! I saw that at my local fish store. I will do that. The khulis and Corey’s don’t like landing on the snails and I don’t want them stressed out. I saw the pea puffers a few weeks ago and have been doing research on them as they look amazing. I got a 8 gallon tank to cycle for one once I feel comfortable with all their needs.
Some types of worms ...but not camallanus worms...aka the tiny red ones, common in the hobby. Some of the long skinny white tape worms can remain dormant in snails however. Its not super likely... but is possible
You need to be protected until the day you die I’ve been watching a few of your videos and just been realizing how genuine and helpful of a person you’re sharing your knowledge leading the way appreciate your work and can’t wait to dive into all of your other videos 🤙🏾👍🏾
Aw that's very nice of you to say. I really appreciate the support and feedback 🙏 . I just love learning and sharing that journey with others who also feel the same way. Thanks for being a part of this community!
@@Fishtory I think we're talking about different plants. I'm looking at the yellow-pink one in the middle of the screen from 24:48 to 25:05 with the rams horn snail that you point out.
Hello. I've watched this video a few times, but I still have a question. I don't have fish in my 10 gallon planted tank. I have malawa shrimp, blue dreams, orange shrimp and ramshorn snails. My question is, without fish, how often should I feed shrimp food and AE? Thank you, Tamara.
Probably food In small doses ( what they eat in a half hour total) 3 or 4 x a week and bacter ae whenever babies are born or monthly is probably fine if you have some leaf matter for biofilms to grow on
Were u get your metal shelf's for your tank....I have tank stands but need...metal tank shelf's like yours....I have a couple planted tank my cat likes to claimed up and rip my expensive rgb led off the top of my scapes....I have tried ,,putting tape down spray her with water..... She seem to get more mad and and climb up more if I do.....I'm clueless what to do next ...I love my cat...need a solution
See...everyone? It's HARD to kill / prevent snails haha. I suppose that's why I find it so funny when people are so worried about their snails when leaving town.
Thank you so much for your videos. Do you know whether amano and RCS will eat my AR mini? Im dry starting and love both this plant and amano shrip but I'm reading amano might eat AR...
@Fishtory wow thanks Alexander. Really appreciate you replying. I read some reddit threads saying Amanos love to eat AR but will try it and see, can't imagine an aquarium without them. I started off watching some of the hipster aquascaping channels but then found you and now I'm hooked listening to your content I love what you're doing and thanks for not dumbing it down.
Very informative video. I liked it👍. I love my snails and shrimps and of course my 🐟. However I struggle with my plants even though I give them liquid fertilizer, CO2, root tabs and light (9 hours). It kind of takes the fun of fish keeping away😔. I know it's all about balance, but hey that's rather an abstract idea don't you think. I used to have floating plants, because I like the look of them and my rasboras and pygmae corys like them too. But a few weeks ago I removed them, because I thought that maybe they took away too much of the light the plants need. However, my plants still struggle😥. I check my parameters regularly and make sure the plants get their phosphate, nitrate, potassium. I don't buy difficult plants. I have a 34 litres Fluval Flex with the standard led lights. Do you have any idea why my plants struggle so much? Very often I can't seem to get them through the transformation phase🤷🏻♀️. They just don't thrive except for my Pogostemon Stellatus. I hope you can help me🙏. Kind regards from the Netherlands!
@@Fishtory Hi Alex, thank you for taking the time to answer😊. I use the standard lights that come with the Fluval Flex. In the specs it says 7.8 watt- 1900 lux (par isn't mentioned). I keep them on for 8 hours full strength and 1 hour gradually less light. It should be possible to keep easy plants in that aquarium don't you think? George Farmer has the 57 litres and has no problems with the standard lighting. I know I am not George Farmer, but some easy plants should be possible in this aquarium I hope😆. I love the look of your planted aquarium which you showed at the end of your video. The one without the planaria🤭🤗.
I've been trying to look into a fish to keep you know my guppy endlers more or less like in check not blowing up as much as they do I'm kind of waiting in my ecosystem tank for the shrimp to take off what kind of fish would you recommend for that.? 55 gallon tank
I have some of the biggest cherry and blue berry shrimp I have ever seen...all the other shrimps I have seen other people own or pet stores have are.. Max a inch and a half long.....I measured mine they are just shy of 2 inch's long........and I have never tested my water...... Ever I added calcium and non chlorinated water.......I feed every other day...... I have never had a shrimp die...or had a miss shead sure I have had planaria.....I find the no planaria.... Bought off Amazon..... Works best.....its Beatle but palm extract....no dog dewormer......your tanks look great tho.... I also use almond leafs....
I have 2 small and 1 medium Amano Shrimp and 4 Fancy Shrimp (red cherries?) in one tank, should I feed those every time I feed the fish, and then I also have a mystery snail tank with a few ghost shrimp, the snails cover all the food til they are finished or it’s gone, how do I make sure the ghost shrimp eat a little ?
Thank you, I understand better why my shrimp dont eat commercial food at all. I wanted to add nano fish, But when I see the size of my babies neocaridina shrimp, I am not sure I can find a nano fish that will not see them as a great meal😢😂
Very nice presentation. Thank you Alexander. Just found you and subscribed. Extremely informative for this newbie. I don't like that podcast couple. She is condescending and snarky. Great job, Mr. Williamson. 😅
“Intermittent fasting” is good for everyone…I’ve settled for now on a good feed day followed by 2 or 3 days just looking at the animals to make sure all is well. I’m infested by snails that came with plants and mystery snails my large female keeps laying. The ghost and amano shrimp are molting ok and I’m also infested with black mollies that I’m going to try to turn in for store credit.
@@Fishtory would be nice but I have no idea what wholesale prices would be on black mollies? Not looking to make a killing but there’s like 20 fry in a 32.5 gal tank that’s already pretty well stocked.
Lol. This is precisely the reason why I overfeed my fish like there's no tomorrow. 😂 It also helps my tank absorb added fish without a bacterial hiccup because I'm already more than primed for extra bioload. And my plants suck up all the nitrates. But I'm also kinda trying to power feed my fish to get them breeding sooner. 😅 Need those guppy babies up and going.
It's frustrating when neon tetras gobble up catfish food and snails eat up everybody else's food and the designated food rarely ends up in the correct mouths.
I have a tank that has snails that had some mystery pathogen. It was like extra meat growing out of the side of the snails. Those are the only ones I have ever tried to get rid of. I use carrot on a fishing line as bait. Just keep using the same small piece of carrot and as it rots it will draw more and more. In my instance, it seems to work better if you put the carrot in the same place repeatedly over a long period of time. Every few hours for the first day I take out a lot. Over night, I miss a lot. About 3 days in I get snail crusted carrot every few hours until that piece of carrot is totally demolished.
Great tip/trick. I'm going to pin your response! I do the same thing with cucumber or zucchini
@@Fishtory I find the carrot holds up pretty good, and I may have gotten that from Mark's Shrimp tanks. I also find that my yoyo loaches seem to go right for the zucchini seeds, and that in tanks with life other than shrimp, the zucchini is more a fish feed and less a nuisance bait.
@@Fishtory thanks man.
Wow! Great information!! Thanks!!!
Were they mystery snails? They stick out a breathing tube (siphon) out of the right front side when they’re close to the surface and the water is low on O2.
Love how about 12:45 into the video the betta was like “that’s enough about shrimp, let’s talk about me”
@21:19 "shrimp"
I love it when Alex is so excited about whatever we're talking about that he says the wrong thing, but you get it anyway.
Now I'm off to buy more fish food, yay
This is absolutely my favorite channel: long videos packed full with ideas on so many topics. Hi from Italy 🇮🇹
Thank you so very much. I am very grateful that you are a part of the community here! Ciao!
Yes, pretty garbage 😆 mulm 😆 algae 😆 holistic natural approach. I like it too! Hi from Israel. 👍💚
You’re EXTREMELY eloquent and smart dude!!! New fav fish channel
I'm honored! Welcome aboard 🙏
The betta and the shrimps interaction is always interesting
Oh yeah...some days they are food...most they are just odd room mates
I always learn so much from you. I see your beautiful tanks and then look over at my tiny little ten gallon tank and smile. So dinky compared to yours, but I'm so proud of it and so in love with my little nano fish, shrimpies, and my one snail! Thank you, you're the best!
Hey its all about whatever makes you happy (and ideally the animals healthy hehe). Thanks for tuning in and best of luck to you and your tanks :)
That Stiphodon that popped up at 8:43 was the cutest thing I think I've seen in the last few months. That was great
Haha they amuse me to no end. Glad you enjoyed them also! Thanks for tuning in and have a great week
I usually feed my shrimp tanks (2.5g, 3g, 3g) every other day and I do bactor ae one time a week. When I went on vacation my grandmother fed them once and it worked out just fine. Thanks for all that you do!
Thanks for the input brother!
I recently went on vacation. 10 days no food, lights on timer. Tank was cleaner when I got home. Fish and snails were fine.
Right on! Love hearing that
I swear, the person who invented those shrimp lollies must have grown up a hippy like me. Those things look just like incense sticks!😂 You're always so generous with sharing your neverending knowledge! I really enjoy going back through your channel archives and finding gems I missed! 🙏💙✌️
Aww thank you kindly... yeah i should make some fish room safe incense lol
Hello, the planted tanks definitely look great and I can see where all the needs are met in keeping our fish, shrimp, and snails alive. I am curious in one of your tanks I see the sand is capped off with Fluval shrimp stratum. When you are cleaning the tank and trimming the plants there isn't any floating soil present. I have a dirt tank and I get the bubbles and the floating matter. My sand is a deep beige which is on top. The peat moss and stratum are a deep dark coffee color. Which are underneath the sand. Now that I think about it I'm not sure the order it should really go in. I want to try growing some dwarf grass to create a carpet to stop the floating peat moss from floating to the surface. Thanks for sharing the video.
No the aquasoils stay far far cleaner until they are a couple years old...then they get a bit muddy or cloudy when you dig up stuff. I Have another video specifically on your questions more so... one is called " to cap or not to cap substrate" , and another i think is even more in depth " what is the best substrate?" Aquasoil vs dirt talk
You are a plethora of knowledge. Love it
I try, hehe. Thank you
This looks really good as I consider where snails &/or shrimp will fit in both my fish tank setups and in what controls I already have. Snails mainly I'm going to look into as I know my brahma chickens have a taste for snails & slugs, so if ever I get more than my fish will eat, my 3 foot tall lap chickens/birds will gladly accept said treat
I have a 3 gallon with cherry shrimp. I did an experiment where there is only java moss shrimp and a light. It has been a year and a half and there has never been a spec of food added. Only water changes every 4 months or so. They are breeding and living just fine.
My water does have reallyhigh Gh and Kh though.
That’s awesome to know, nice experiment and thanks for sharing! Imagine how fast they could have bred if you fed them
@@MattyP650 I do have other shrimp tanks that breed faster while being fed. Just proves that shrimp can live and breed strictly off of biofilm. There also zero substrate just glass bottom.
Awesome info and testimonial. Thank you!
@@Fishtory This experiment stemmed from when I had brought home a large piece of pine bark from the forest. Grabbed a big piece right from the tree. Got home put it in a 5 gallon bucket of water and threw a few cherry shrimp in with it. Most people say you can't use pine in a tank. I kind of forgot about it in the spare room for the entire winter, about 5 months with no light. Took it out in the spring only like a quarter of the water left and the shrimp were still living in it. The only thing is they were crystal clear.
Thank you for this very useful info! I still consider myself a newbie in the hobby and I always learn so much from your videos.
Well thank YOU! for tuning in. I'm glad I can be of assistance in helping you enjoy the hobby that much more
Just getting my 1st planted tank (30 gallon) ready
Excited, but dont wanna mess it up
Thanks for all the info my dude
Any questions, just ask! ☺️
Thank you.
I most definitely will!
I cannot keep snails in my 65g due to its resident Clown Loach. I feed him (and my puffer) from the healthy Ramshorn/others stock in my other three freshwater tanks.
I have a ramshorn in a 5 gallon green water bucket outside. I wish I had a mate for it. Ramshorn snails no longer show up with plants from the per store. I have never fed it. Its so dark. I'd love to have a colony.
Hmmm what country are you in?
@@Fishtory I'm American. They used to be like, one for every 15 pond snails at the pet store. But on the last year I haven't seen any.
Very helpful video thank you. Strangely, I don't have snails in my aquariums which are not planted. I have snails in my plant water pitcher. I put used aquarium water, with rinsed filter water in a pitcher
your last two tanks are gorgeous.
Why thank you. Honestly, they need a heavy trimming, but I just love that I never need to do anything but top off the water and end up with 0 nitrates. Have a great day!
One good rule I heard for feeding your fish is roughly the size of their eyeballs for the day. Just gets tricky to figure out when you've got 30 fish, and some different sizes too. Don't waste your money on the expensive prepackaged bee pollen, I buy mine at Bulk Barn for like $6 Canadian for 100g, same with spirulina for about $5, can actually get a lot of useful stuff there or the dollar store that we pay a massive mark-up on once it's labeled as "for aquarium" and sold in a pet shop. And is it a mystery snail or an apple snail? You can't just call it either one because mystery snails only get about the size of a golfball (2-3") while apple snails can get roughly to apple size (4-5"). Usually you're so specific about everything, even using latin names, so that surprised me so much I had to mention it.
Good suggestions. Thank you
I have to travel for work a couple of 4-5 days per month, and I used to worry about them but I never had an issue.
Right on! Sounds like you have healthy happy tanks
Right on, doing it right!
Great video so many videos on RUclips telling people to feed the shrimp when it’s not needed👍
Yeah unless you have some very specialized species or babies in a new tank, simply setting up the tank properly will provide more than enough food for them.
Thanks for dropping a comment and tubing in!
I like this. You are sharing what you know from fish keeping
Thank you Alexander..I was thinking about you as I watched my blue mystery snail undulate the water to vacuum the left over betta bites floating around on the surface..amazing I also add an occasional algae and bottom feeder pellet..heavily planted 3.5 gallon cylinder with under gravel filter..odd shaped tanks..good show yesterday..anyway 2 blue mystery snails that my son brought me a few months ago..huge now..first time snail owner..thanks for the outstanding quality content
Right on! Good haul of mollusks! Hehe. Thank YOU for tuning in.
i feed my snails. i got a bag of ~30 ramshorns and put them in a tank with heavy algae on the glass and sword plant leaves. in less than a week they had licked the whole tank (20L) cleaner than i ever have seen it. the sword plant leaves looked brand new. then i realized i had to feed them. i think they were starved by the previous owner as the shells were eroded and now were growing out perfectly.. i started feeding pleco wafers and they devoured them in one night. they also like tetramin tabs. so i feed my fish way heavy and that gives the snails the leftovers also. i had maybe 130 snails after about a month. then i got a clown loach and he is keeping the snail population in check. also i added a dwarf gourami and it relishes the snail eggs. so i have now about 30 snails again and i feed them wafers twice a week since they still get the leftovers from feeding the fish. the snails have done and continue to do a fantastic cleaning job.
Right on. Sound like a good ecosystem balance now.
This is so informative! Great job, fantastic reporting!🌻🌼🐝 Keep it up 🙌 😅
Thank you! Will do!
Another wonderfully thorough and informative video! Thank you so much! One of my tanks just had some surprise hitchhiker ramshorn snails pop up and I've been wondering what to do with them, so the timing of this video could not be more perfect for me. Thank you as always, Alex
Of course! Thanks for stopping by, dropping your thoughts, and tuning in. Have a great week
I didn't realize that if i have white lines left behind from the water level means my water is harder . Thanks for all your knowledge.
Well it means something is in the water, in my case, reliably it has meant increased calcium, carbon and minerals. In some conditions it can also turn green, brown, pink or red and that can be algae or bacteria simply growing on a wet surface also :)
I have an old video called "what the rings in your toilet and sink tell you about your aquarium". With more details
Your videos are amazing
Thank you so much 😀
Any advice on no filter shrimp aquarium? I’m thinking about 1 a layer of gravel, 2 a bit of dirt, 3 bag o lava rock on the back to elevate the substrate for the hardscape, 4 sand, 5 aqua soil.
That's a super thick substrate. It'd work but you could just use shrimp soil ( brightwell labs)
I was living in Jeju, South Korea. The tap water was very clean but very soft with medium to high KH. Now I am living in Washington, DC and I am a bit confused on how to deal with the water. It's vert hard and very low KH! I have never been scared of PH swings before but now, like you mention, I need to look into additives in order to successfully keep shrimp. I got some fluval stratum too. Anyway, I was looking for help regarding these new issues and I am glad I always find great information from your videos! Please keep it up! And a big thank you too ^^
I would highly recommend using almond leaves and add 1 cup of crushed coral/ shells per 5 gallons of water. That sort of stabilizes the whole thing long term, rather than mixing stuff or adding R/O water. That and use one of the brightwell brand's substrate perhaps? Which gives a slight acidic reading from the soil/substrate.
Thank you so much for this tip! I prefer something long term rather than a routine to be implemented. Not because it’s a chore but because I prefer to find a way for my fish and invertebrates to adapt to my tap water and, therefore, becomes easier for them to adapt to a friend’s home (who lives in the same area, of course). I’ll give that a shot!
@@Fishtory , Alex, I know that the local pet store recommended that 1 cup/5G. I only used 1/2 and it gave me too much hard water. I just add a pinch and when I see the water hardness dropping, then I add another pinch.
@DC Phifer yeah it could be that your water is already has some minerality too... so im glad you found what works!
Excellent and informative video… worth multiple viewings because there is so much packed in here! Thanks!
Boosting for the algorithm 🙌 Love your work, keep it up! 🌻🐝
I have a tank with only snails. I've never fed them and they eat and poop constantly and it's really annoying lol. It's almost done cycling and then I'll be adding shrimp.
Btw I didn't intentionally put the snails there. They just appeared and kept breeding.
Lol well if you've got plants they'll be happy
Love your videos! They’re been so useful for my low tech set ups of shrimps and snails!
Glad you like them! Thanks for tuning in
lets say one keeps just snails in a small aquarium and feeds them just enough fish food.... now will the poop of the snail cause ammonia ?
Yes, but very very small amounts. And generally the surface area of the tank or any plants present will use that ammonia and turn it into nitrites and nitrates before its able to compound in strength
Excellent video thank you. I have no snails in my unplanted bare bottom aquariums. My watering pitcher for plants has snails. It is the water from my dirty filters and aquarium water. Transparent pitcher full of algae. Never put snails in there, never fed them. They are breeding. Lowered my tanks water to bottom, cleaned filters, no snails. Not in my tanks. I don't know where they came from.
Sneaky buggers
Thoroughly enjoyed this video
@fishstory do you have a video on exactly how to study the snails to understand the environment?
Great video and channel. I appreciate the detail. I bought 5 cherry shrimp two or a years ago and wound up with 500. I keep them in their own planted tank and my planted community tank. It’s cool to see the different colors. A few even have blue in them. When they become too many, I put some in my cichlid and aggressive fish tanks. As an experiment, my wife has bamboo in an old fishbowl so I put about 10 in there and haven’t had to feed them as that community grows. No thermometer or anything. Just adding water as needed.
Love the snail content, keep up the good work mate.
Good to know, thank you so much
@Alex... Thanks For Sharing ✍
Of course! Thanks for tuning in
Thank you Alexander
Thank YOU
Will be checking the Sulawesi video. I think my tap water is pretty close.
There are actually around 40 species from Selawesi...so maybe there's some options for you still
What happens when a shrimp dies is it like snails where they just you don't really know it or is there a way to tell
Great videos. Thanks for the information, it’s been really interesting.
So glad you enjoy them! Thank you
Hey guys , it’s fishaziod !!!!
Nah... imposter
I had two nerite snails for 2 years and tried twice to feed them. Didn’t touch algae wafers. I tried twice with cucumbers and also lettuce( both blanched) and they didn’t touch them. After that I didn’t try again and they just kept truckin along. They did breed as well because their eggs were all over the driftwood.
Lol so weird
My Nerite Snails enjoy the Green Beans. I also see them snacking in the Catappa Leaves and,, they lie under them.
Good information thanks kip.up with the good videos 🐠
Thank you very kindly!
Hi Alexander you look great today.
Thank you! That's very kind of you to say. Have a great weekend, yourself!
Apple snails eat plants but Mystery snails don't. I raised them for years and traded or sold them to my LFSs. I have a lot of plants and they never touched them. They do need to be fed and have an outsized bioload.
Mine eat My crypts routinely ... however I don't feed them their own food and sometimes the algae load is already cleaned (usually I'll just move them to a dirty tank at that point.)
Great information! Thanks ✌🏾 😊
Glad it was helpful!
Great video. Thank you for sharing your experiences! - Little Bobby
Sure thing, Rock on Bobby
awesome channel!!! i listen to all the aquarium guys podcast episodes your in
Aww thank you kindly! I have a playlist of quite a few videos that don't need video to be understood. Like videos when I'm just talking into the camera, so people can listen while doing other things In their day.
It's called the "podcast style audio based episodes" playlist.
@@Fishtory your welcome, keep it up. ive got a couple shrimp tanks, community tanks, crab tanks, etc so i love your videos, they are right on track with me
Very informative and helpful video. 👍 thanks
Thank you, i learned a lot!
Glad it was helpful!
Awesome video!! Thank you for all the info
Glad it was helpful!
Only shrimp I can keep alive are amano..not sure why🤷 PH is around 7.8 rams horn and bladder snails everywhere though
Likely that ph. The others tend to like 7.5 or lower... caridina malawa and sulawesi species will work for you though
@@Fishtory thanks for the responds ..will give that a shot👍
What is the white fish with the blue at the end?
Powder blue dwarf gourami :)
@@Fishtory thanks 😊
What subtrate do u use in your shrimp tank?
Bightwell or fluval shrimp and plant for caridina... anything for neos
Great video
Thanks 😊
I have a 10 gallon planted tank with red galaxy pinto shrimp and ramshorn snails. When ever I feed the shrimp, the snails take over and form this huge ball of swarming snails all over the food and my shrimp can't get to it. I'm worried my shrimp are gonna starve. What can I do?
Remove the snails... or feed the snails something in one corner
..then 15 minutes later feed shrimp pellets higher up in a little dish
I put some scuds in my tank, are they going to eat my snails or bother my pleco and fish, ☹️ I kinda wish I didn’t put them in
Nope. They eat decaying plants... and sometimes baby shrimp, bacteria, fungi and protein slimes
Thank you so much you are a wealth of useful information!
7:40 is it necessary to feed the fish if you have so many shrimps and algae and maybe many other creatures in the moss and algae and mulm?
If I want, I can let the tank sustain itself! Just as you said- the ecosystem can feed the fish and plants+
Lot of good info. Thanks Alex 👍😊
Of course! So glad it was of some use
Is ramshorn snail can live if i never change the water?
please tell me what kind of fish it is at 4:58?
Panda loach?
@@Fishtory could you make a video about this fish?
Will snails that aerate a soil substrate that is capped off be bad? Would a capped off substrate even be able to leech if a snail did do that?
You know, enough of a cap... like 2 inches and the sand sort of stays put for at least a year or two even so... but less than that, it can mix it all up eventually
@The Secret History Living in Your Aquarium I wasn't sure if it would be important to aerate but substrate changing is inevitable.
Alex, if you created a Dirtied Tank with the Cyano green-blue algae growing... having Malaysian Trumpet Snails could bring that up and upset the Sand Cap and upset the water column parameters?
nice job
Thank you! Cheers!
Amazingly detailed video thanks a lot! So i got a rare kind of 6 gallon tank, tank is just 2 weeks old, i got some limnophila sessiliflora plants in there and i use bottled drinking water i buy from market because tap water contains too much chlorine. And i got 3 baby tiger nerite snail in there. As for "substrate" i only have middle sized river rocks. In this case im thinking of adding some calcium carbonate to the water as well as preparing some snello to feed them. Do you think i will success in providing a happy life to these snails? (i know i will need to take at least 1 of them out when they get bigger)
Yes i think that's a lovely set up! I did a new episode today and aquatic arts has a few new products that boost immunity, exoskeleton flexibility and shell or exoskeleton growth via calcium, carbonates and basic vitamins and minerals in little square "chips'.
@@Fishtory Thats great i will check them out. I fed them a little today with boiled cabbage and while two of them were loving it one of them which is a little bit bigger than others didnt even want to stay around it lol. Its kind of a challange to find what they like while even the exact same species might be enjoying differerent food.
I have a stupid question. Everywhere it says feed your fish what they can eat in 2 minutes, but I have plecos, hillstream loaches, and other fish that wait until my swimmers and Corey’s are finished before they eat. I feed them in different parts of the tank so that everyone can get food. But I am feeding too much because of a snail explosion and the slower to eat fish seem to keep looking for food. What should I do?
That's a great question. I'd get some quality food... repashy morning wood or bottom scratcher... or spiralina wafers, blanched zucchini or squash ...or green beans on wooden or metal BBQ skewers.... they can sit for an hour and only the catfish, plecos and otos etc will eat them...but it's top notch nutrition...and it attracts snails...so you can toss any snails that come out to eat the skewers too...( maybe time to set up a 5g pea puffer tank to eat snails haha)
But yes, I love that you are already thinking the right way- and have split up food into several areas... one for top or middle water fish that eat fast or eat flake etc... and then, get a glass dish and put the other food in that, elsewhere ( then you never end up having food scraps and crumbs go all over and cause the snail explosions... you just clean up the little tiny dish you feed shrimp, or bottom living fish with!) Best of luck!
@@Fishtory thank you! I saw that at my local fish store. I will do that. The khulis and Corey’s don’t like landing on the snails and I don’t want them stressed out. I saw the pea puffers a few weeks ago and have been doing research on them as they look amazing. I got a 8 gallon tank to cycle for one once I feel comfortable with all their needs.
Thanks Alex
No problem. Thank YOU!
what a great video thank you
Glad you enjoyed it
If I treat a tank with guppie worm's with dog deworming, and take snails out before will the snails still carry the worms to another tank ?
Some types of worms ...but not camallanus worms...aka the tiny red ones, common in the hobby. Some of the long skinny white tape worms can remain dormant in snails however. Its not super likely... but is possible
@@Fishtory thank I will pray and give the snails a chance in a different tank ! Because I heard dog dewormer will kill mystery snails !
You need to be protected until the day you die I’ve been watching a few of your videos and just been realizing how genuine and helpful of a person you’re sharing your knowledge leading the way appreciate your work and can’t wait to dive into all of your other videos 🤙🏾👍🏾
Aw that's very nice of you to say. I really appreciate the support and feedback 🙏 . I just love learning and sharing that journey with others who also feel the same way. Thanks for being a part of this community!
Awesome video! What is the name of the plant at 24:55? I think I have some of it, but I'm not sure what it's called. Thanks!
Hydrocotyle verticilata? Thanks
@@Fishtory I think we're talking about different plants. I'm looking at the yellow-pink one in the middle of the screen from 24:48 to 25:05 with the rams horn snail that you point out.
@@thomashougard8707 oooh. That is Ludwigia repens var sunset with 0 nitrates and high light
Great information!
I appreciate that. Thanks for stopping by the channel
Hello. I've watched this video a few times, but I still have a question. I don't have fish in my 10 gallon planted tank. I have malawa shrimp, blue dreams, orange shrimp and ramshorn snails. My question is, without fish, how often should I feed shrimp food and AE? Thank you, Tamara.
Probably food In small doses ( what they eat in a half hour total) 3 or 4 x a week and bacter ae whenever babies are born or monthly is probably fine if you have some leaf matter for biofilms to grow on
@@Fishtory Thank you very much for answering Alex. I truly appreciate it.
Were u get your metal shelf's for your tank....I have tank stands but need...metal tank shelf's like yours....I have a couple planted tank my cat likes to claimed up and rip my expensive rgb led off the top of my scapes....I have tried ,,putting tape down spray her with water..... She seem to get more mad and and climb up more if I do.....I'm clueless what to do next
...I love my cat...need a solution
It's actually just a sealed pressed hardboard used for making cabinets in boats :)
No snails in my tanks. It took time but they are gone
See...everyone? It's HARD to kill / prevent snails haha. I suppose that's why I find it so funny when people are so worried about their snails when leaving town.
Thank you so much for your videos. Do you know whether amano and RCS will eat my AR mini? Im dry starting and love both this plant and amano shrip but I'm reading amano might eat AR...
No they'll clean it actually
@Fishtory wow thanks Alexander. Really appreciate you replying. I read some reddit threads saying Amanos love to eat AR but will try it and see, can't imagine an aquarium without them. I started off watching some of the hipster aquascaping channels but then found you and now I'm hooked listening to your content I love what you're doing and thanks for not dumbing it down.
Very informative video. I liked it👍. I love my snails and shrimps and of course my 🐟. However I struggle with my plants even though I give them liquid fertilizer, CO2, root tabs and light (9 hours). It kind of takes the fun of fish keeping away😔. I know it's all about balance, but hey that's rather an abstract idea don't you think. I used to have floating plants, because I like the look of them and my rasboras and pygmae corys like them too. But a few weeks ago I removed them, because I thought that maybe they took away too much of the light the plants need. However, my plants still struggle😥.
I check my parameters regularly and make sure the plants get their phosphate, nitrate, potassium. I don't buy difficult plants. I have a 34 litres Fluval Flex with the standard led lights. Do you have any idea why my plants struggle so much? Very often I can't seem to get them through the transformation phase🤷🏻♀️. They just don't thrive except for my Pogostemon Stellatus. I hope you can help me🙏.
Kind regards from the Netherlands!
My guess is that you probably need a better light. What are you using and for how long?
@@Fishtory Hi Alex, thank you for taking the time to answer😊. I use the standard lights that come with the Fluval Flex. In the specs it says 7.8 watt- 1900 lux (par isn't mentioned). I keep them on for 8 hours full strength and 1 hour gradually less light. It should be possible to keep easy plants in that aquarium don't you think? George Farmer has the 57 litres and has no problems with the standard lighting. I know I am not George Farmer, but some easy plants should be possible in this aquarium I hope😆.
I love the look of your planted aquarium which you showed at the end of your video. The one without the planaria🤭🤗.
I've been trying to look into a fish to keep you know my guppy endlers more or less like in check not blowing up as much as they do I'm kind of waiting in my ecosystem tank for the shrimp to take off what kind of fish would you recommend for that.? 55 gallon tank
A 20g long would work even, but it comes down to how much you feed them, change the water and how much plant cover, the fry have
Those little worm I think you called them “planaria.” I never seen my male betta happier then the moment he was hunting those little worms.
I have some of the biggest cherry and blue berry shrimp I have ever seen...all the other shrimps I have seen other people own or pet stores have are.. Max a inch and a half long.....I measured mine they are just shy of 2 inch's long........and I have never tested my water...... Ever I added calcium and non chlorinated water.......I feed every other day...... I have never had a shrimp die...or had a miss shead sure I have had planaria.....I find the no planaria.... Bought off Amazon..... Works best.....its Beatle but palm extract....no dog dewormer......your tanks look great tho....
I also use almond leafs....
Sounds like a great system :) I'd love to see your huge shrimp too! I've had maybe one in 10 females get that big, but not commonly
I have 2 small and 1 medium Amano Shrimp and 4 Fancy Shrimp (red cherries?) in one tank, should I feed those every time I feed the fish, and then I also have a mystery snail tank with a few ghost shrimp, the snails cover all the food til they are finished or it’s gone, how do I make sure the ghost shrimp eat a little ?
They'll eat ealgae no matter what :)
Thank you, I understand better why my shrimp dont eat commercial food at all. I wanted to add nano fish, But when I see the size of my babies neocaridina shrimp, I am not sure I can find a nano fish that will not see them as a great meal😢😂
I left my 10 cherry shrimp and 2 apple snail for a month without food in a planted tank . They all survived and eat lot of the vegetion .
Apple snails are vegetarian on top of eating algae and biofilm too.
Really helpful thank you :)
So glad it is of use to you. Cheers
Very nice presentation. Thank you Alexander. Just found you and subscribed. Extremely informative for this newbie. I don't like that podcast couple. She is condescending and snarky.
Great job, Mr. Williamson. 😅
Thank you kindly and welcome 🙏 dont be shy if you have questions
“Intermittent fasting” is good for everyone…I’ve settled for now on a good feed day followed by 2 or 3 days just looking at the animals to make sure all is well. I’m infested by snails that came with plants and mystery snails my large female keeps laying. The ghost and amano shrimp are molting ok and I’m also infested with black mollies that I’m going to try to turn in for store credit.
I totally agree.
OH, AND I hope you get a good trade in price or deal for some new critters!
@@Fishtory would be nice but I have no idea what wholesale prices would be on black mollies? Not looking to make a killing but there’s like 20 fry in a 32.5 gal tank that’s already pretty well stocked.
Lol. This is precisely the reason why I overfeed my fish like there's no tomorrow. 😂 It also helps my tank absorb added fish without a bacterial hiccup because I'm already more than primed for extra bioload. And my plants suck up all the nitrates.
But I'm also kinda trying to power feed my fish to get them breeding sooner. 😅 Need those guppy babies up and going.
Yeah if breeding in glass bottom or unpalanted tanks, it is a good idea
It's frustrating when neon tetras gobble up catfish food and snails eat up everybody else's food and the designated food rarely ends up in the correct mouths.
i just crush the small snail everytime the crawl to the glass. my glowfish love crushed snail, he always ready waiting for me crushed those snail
Zebras are great with shrimp. I have 10. They speed around , but don't bother the shrimp.
Nice shrimp