In English Teresa Foo sings Rose Rose I Love You RainbowLorikeeteresa RainbowLorikeeteresa 频道设置 添加到 分享 展开 61次观看 1 0 2017年5月28日发布 This video is about My Movie 1This song has a totally different meaning to that of the Chinese version. 展开 评论 (1) RainbowLorikeeteresa 发表公开评论… 热门评论 RainbowLorikeeteresa RainbowLorikeeteresa1 天前 All comments disabled 回复 自动播放 接下来播放 Roger, the cockatiel, eating and Teresa singing RainbowLorikeeteresa 674次观看 4:07 Cover for Rose Rose I Love You RainbowLorikeeteresa 67次观看新 2:43 鄧麗君 Teresa Teng 雨中追憶(粵) Memories In The Rain (Cantonese) HKships4TeresaTeng2 86,644次观看 3:30 Humans singing to a cockatiel RainbowLorikeeteresa 1,340次观看 3:31 鄧麗君 Teresa Teng 七語天賦 Multi-language Showcase HKships4TeresaTeng2 5,598次观看
家後 Ke-āu - WIFE - English Translation Guide Lyrics & translation by EchoWillow, ---------------------------- One day when we are of old-age, no one to show devotion to us I will be by your side, sitting on the bench Listening to you speak of your youth, about your achievements then Unfazed about eating healthily or unhealthily, not knowing to blame anything else Your hands, I will hold on to them tightly; Because I’m your wife forever. I married off my youth into your home. Since a young girl until now, I’ve followed you till old-age And have seen all worldly wisdom. Who else is more important then you? I gave my entire lifetime to you, only to realise that happiness is the squabbles and liveliness When our time on this earth comes to an almost end, I will let you go first Because I will not bear, to leave you, all alone shedding tears for me One day when we are of old-age, our sons and daughter-in-laws showing their devotion to us When you are bored and take out our old photographs Of when we first wed, you looked so handsome then Whether you dressed badly or not, I do not care. I didn’t know to blame others and the world yet Your love, I will forever remember, because I am your eternal wife I married off my youth into your home. Since a young girl until now, I’ve followed you till old-age And have seen all worldly wisdom. Who else is more important then you? I gave my entire lifetime to you, only to realise that happiness is the squabbles and liveliness When our time on this earth comes to an almost end, please let me go first Because I will not bear, to watch you shed tears for me --------------- end ----------- 《家後 Ke-āu》Wife - 江蕙 Kang-hui ------------------------------------------ 有一日咱若老, Ū tsi̍t-li̍t lán nā làu, 揣無人共咱有孝。 Tshuē bô lâng kā lán iú-hàu. 我會陪你,坐踮椅條, Guá ē puê lí, tsē tiàm í-liâu, 聽你講少年的時陣你有偌𠢕。Thiann lí kóng siàu-liân ê sî-tsūn lí ū guā gâu. 食好食䆀無計較, Tsia̍h hó tsia̍h bái bô kè-kàu, 怨天怨地嘛袂曉。 Uàn-thinn-uàn-tē mā bē-hiáu. 你的手,我會共你牽牢牢,Lí ê tshiú, guá ē kā lí khan-tiâu-tiâu, 因為我是你的家後。 In-uī guá sī lí ê ke-āu. 阮將青春嫁佇恁兜,Guán tsiong tshing-tshun kè tī lín tau, 阮對少年就綴你綴甲老。 Guán tuì siàu-liân tiō tuè lí tuè kah lāu. 人情世事已經看透透,Lîn-tsîng-sè-sū í-king khuànn-thàu-thàu, 有啥人比你較重要。Ū siánn-lâng pí lí khah tiōng-iàu. 阮的一生獻予恁兜, Guán ê it-sing hiàn hōo lín tau 才知幸福是吵吵鬧鬧。 Tsiah tsai hīng-hok sī tshá-tshá-nāu-nāu. 等待轉去的時陣若到,Tán-thāi tńg-khì ê sî-tsūn nā kàu, 我會讓你先走。 Guá ē niū lí sing tsáu. 因為我會毋甘,放你,In-uī guá ē m̄-kam, pàng lí, 為我目屎流。 Uī guá ba̍k-sái lâu. -------- 有一日咱若老,Ū tsi̍t-li̍t lán nā làu, 有新婦囝兒有孝。 Ū sin-pū kiánn-jî iú-hàu. 你若無聊,Lí nā bô-liâu, 提咱的相片 The̍h lán ê siong-phìnn, 看較早結婚的時陣 Khuànn khah-tsá kiat-hun ê sî-tsūn, 你偌緣投 Lí guā iân-tâu 穿好穿䆀無計較,Tshīng-hó-tshīng-bái, bô kè-kàu 怪東怪西嘛袂曉。 Kuài-tang-kuài-sai mā bē-hiáu. 你的心我會永遠記牢牢,Lí ê sim, guá ē íng-uán kì-tiâu-tiâu 因為我是你的家後。 In-uī guá sī lí ê ke-āu. 阮將青春嫁佇恁兜, Guán tsiong tshing-tshun kè tī lín tau, 阮對少年就綴你綴甲老。Guán tuì siàu-liân tiō tuè lí tuè kah lāu. 人情世事已經看透透,Lîn-tsîng-sè-sū í-king khuànn-thàu-thàu 有啥人比你較重要。 Ū siánn-lâng pí lí khah tiōng-iàu. 阮的一生獻予恁兜,Guán ê it-sing hiàn hōo lín tau 才知幸福是吵吵鬧鬧。 Tsiah tsai hīng-hok sī tshá-tshá-nāu-nāu. 等待轉去的時陣若到 Tán-thāi tńg-khì ê sî-tsūn nā kàu, 你會讓我先走。 Lí ē niū guá sing tsáu. 因為我會毋甘,看你 In-uī guá ē m̄-kam, khuànn lí, 為我目屎流。 Uī guá ba̍k-sái lâu. ------------------------------------------ Lyrics in Taiwanese (台語) Language Romanisation (Tâi-lô/台罗拼音/臺羅拼音) 臺語正字/orthography請查見教育部《常用詞辭典》 → 注音請見(spelling-to-sound correspondences, see) 臺羅教學網→
Taiwanese means . The wife stated that she was willing to contribute her whole life to HER husband and family without complaint. Original female singer, 江蕙,1st sang it 10 years ago. Terry Lin changed Pronoun while singing this song. He described HIS wife's contribution to the family. has been continually elected as by Taiwan audiences for 9 years due to its warm and wonderful words.
What k shk said is not really true. This song is just expressing how a woman love his man in first-person narrative. It's not expressed in such a yielding way that she's willing to do anything without complaint. Especially wrong when you said "without complaint". It's not mentioned at all. The best part In the lyrics is the woman's dilemma of "who die first". Firstly, the woman say she wish her husband to die first because she don't want him to be heartbroken alone after she die. However, she also don't want her husband to be heartbroken since falling into the same situation of being sad about letting herself crying alone after he die. Therefore, she also think maybe she should die first. In conclusion. the woman just want to carry all possible sadnesses for his husband because of love. In my opinion, the beauty of this song is totally lessened when this guy singing in a second-person narrative which simply swap "I" with "you".
This version is better. The lyrics touches millions or husbands and wives heart. Millions shed tears listening to this touching songs. This is one of the top 50 Taiwanese songs ever written and composed in the last 85 years of Taiwan music industry.
for those who's wondering, HE is singing the original song but reversed the role, this is husband to wife.
要以丈夫的立場唱這首歌,須充分理解歌詞的含義.固然大部分要把代名詞你與我角色互換,然而就在這兩段歌詞裡,每一段接近最後結束前,到底夫妻該誰先走的這一個節骨眼上,必須細心推敲,不管以妻或夫的立場唱都要維持一致,不可修改,否則會有邏輯矛盾.第一段:我會讓你先走,......放你.....; 第二段: 你著讓我先走,......看你.....千萬不能改換.第一段是說若讓你先去,就不會留下你在我走時為我哭泣;第二段剛好相反,是說若讓我先去,我就不會看到你在我走時為我哭泣.作詞者故意在這一塊將近結尾的部分製造夫妻難以割捨的緣分.若不靜心領會就被搞糊塗了.我也曾經在開始學唱這首歌時掉入歌詞陷阱後再把它弄明白的!
林志炫 這首家後 咬字非常好 歌聲棒極了.
作词:郑进一 陈维祥 作曲:郑进一
有一日咱若老 找无人甲咱友孝 我会陪你
坐惦椅寮 听你讲少年的时阵 你有外摮
吃好吃丑无计较 怨天怨地嘛袂晓 你的手
我会甲你牵条条 因为你是 我的家后
你将青春嫁置恁兜 你对少年跟你跟甲老
人情世事已经看透透 有啥人比妳卡重要
你的一生献乎恁兜 才知幸福是吵吵闹闹
等待返去的时阵若到 我会让你先走
因为我 会呒甘 放你 为我目屎流
有一日咱若老 有媳妇子儿友孝 你若无聊
拿咱的相片 看卡早结婚的时阵 你外缘投
穿好穿丑无计较 怪东怪西嘛袂晓 你的心
我会永远记条条 因为你是 我的家后
你将青春嫁置恁兜 你对少年跟你跟甲老
人情世事已经看透透 有啥人比妳卡重要
你的一生献乎恁兜 才知幸福是吵吵闹闹
等待返去的时阵若到 我会让你先走
因为我 会呒甘 放你 为我目屎流
好聽 ! 好聽 ! 好聽 !
2021还在听这版本 😊
Que maravilla es escucharte Terry mo me porta ... TAIWUANES O. CHINO ME DA IGUAL... SOLO DISFRUTO DE TU VOZ. IMPECABLE...Y GENIAL.....
有一日咱若老 找無人甲咱有孝
我會陪你坐惦椅寮 聽你講少年的時袸你有外賢
食好食歹無計較 怨天怨地嘛袂曉
你的手 我會甲你牽條條 因為我是你的家後
阮將青春嫁置恁兜 阮對少年隨你隨甲老
人情世事已經看透透 有啥人比你卡重要
阮的一生獻乎恁兜 才知幸福是吵吵鬧鬧
等待返去的時袸若到 我會讓你先走
因為我會不甘 放你 為我目屎流
有一日咱若老 有媳婦子兒有孝
你若無聊 拿咱的相片 看卡早結婚的時袸你外緣投
穿好穿歹無計較 怪東怪西嘛袂曉
你的心 我著永遠記條條 因為我是你的家後
阮將青春嫁置恁兜 阮對少年隨你隨甲老
人情世事已經看透透 有啥人比你卡重要
阮的一生獻乎恁兜 才知幸福是吵吵鬧鬧
等待返去的時袸若到 你著讓我先走
因為我會不甘 看你 為我目屎流
Original Lyrics: 《家後 Ke-āu》Wife - 江蕙 Kang-hui
有一日咱若老, Ū tsi̍t-li̍t lán nā làu,
揣無人共咱有孝。 Tshuē bô lâng kā lán iú-hàu.
我會陪你,坐踮椅條, Guá ē puê lí, tsē tiàm í-liâu,
聽你講少年的時陣你有偌𠢕。Thiann lí kóng siàu-liân ê sî-tsūn lí ū guā gâu.
食好食䆀無計較, Tsia̍h hó tsia̍h bái bô kè-kàu,
怨天怨地嘛袂曉。 Uàn-thinn-uàn-tē mā bē-hiáu.
你的手,我會共你牽牢牢,Lí ê tshiú, guá ē kā lí khan-tiâu-tiâu,
因為我是你的家後。 In-uī guá sī lí ê ke-āu.
阮將青春嫁佇恁兜,Guán tsiong tshing-tshun kè tī lín tau,
阮對少年就綴你綴甲老。 Guán tuì siàu-liân tiō tuè lí tuè kah lāu.
人情世事已經看透透,Lîn-tsîng-sè-sū í-king khuànn-thàu-thàu,
有啥人比你較重要。Ū siánn-lâng pí lí khah tiōng-iàu.
阮的一生獻予恁兜, Guán ê it-sing hiàn hōo lín tau
才知幸福是吵吵鬧鬧。 Tsiah tsai hīng-hok sī tshá-tshá-nāu-nāu.
等待轉去的時陣若到,Tán-thāi tńg-khì ê sî-tsūn nā kàu,
我會讓你先走。 Guá ē niū lí sing tsáu.
因為我會毋甘,放你,In-uī guá ē m̄-kam, pàng lí,
為我目屎流。 Uī guá ba̍k-sái lâu.
有一日咱若老,Ū tsi̍t-li̍t lán nā làu,
有新婦囝兒有孝。 Ū sin-pū kiánn-jî iú-hàu.
你若無聊,Lí nā bô-liâu,
提咱的相片 The̍h lán ê siong-phìnn,
看較早結婚的時陣 Khuànn khah-tsá kiat-hun ê sî-tsūn,
你偌緣投 Lí guā iân-tâu
穿好穿䆀無計較,Tshīng-hó-tshīng-bái, bô kè-kàu
怪東怪西嘛袂曉。 Kuài-tang-kuài-sai mā bē-hiáu.
你的心我會永遠記牢牢,Lí ê sim, guá ē íng-uán kì-tiâu-tiâu
因為我是你的家後。 In-uī guá sī lí ê ke-āu.
阮將青春嫁佇恁兜, Guán tsiong tshing-tshun kè tī lín tau,
阮對少年就綴你綴甲老。Guán tuì siàu-liân tiō tuè lí tuè kah lāu.
人情世事已經看透透,Lîn-tsîng-sè-sū í-king khuànn-thàu-thàu
有啥人比你較重要。 Ū siánn-lâng pí lí khah tiōng-iàu.
阮的一生獻予恁兜,Guán ê it-sing hiàn hōo lín tau
才知幸福是吵吵鬧鬧。 Tsiah tsai hīng-hok sī tshá-tshá-nāu-nāu.
等待轉去的時陣若到 Tán-thāi tńg-khì ê sî-tsūn nā kàu,
你會讓我先走。 Lí ē niū guá sing tsáu.
因為我會毋甘,看你 In-uī guá ē m̄-kam, khuànn lí,
為我目屎流。 Uī guá ba̍k-sái lâu.
臺語正字/orthography請查見教育部《常用詞辭典》 →
注音請見(spelling-to-sound correspondences, see) 臺羅教學網 →
台語歌也唱得著麼好 ~
Greeting from Borneo Island. Love Taiwanese songs. We speak the same language which is Taiwanese.
Alikou Dalat really? borneo speak taiwanese?
Wow? Really?
呵呵 第一次聽到有人說林志炫不會唱歌 網路上果然有一堆鍵盤神人 ^ ^
What an awesome natural voice! I love you vocal music!
The husband and wife emotional detail description
有一日咱若老 找無人甲咱友孝
我會陪你 坐惦椅寮 聽你講少年的時陣 我有外摮
吃好吃醜無計較 怨天怨地嘛袂曉
你的手 我會甲你牽條條 因為你是我的家後
你將青春嫁置阮兜 你對少年跟阮跟甲老
人情世事已經看透透 有啥人比你卡重要
你的一生獻乎阮兜 才知幸福是吵吵鬧鬧
等待返去的時陣若到 我會讓你先走
因為我會嘸甘 放你 為我目屎流
有一日咱若老 有媳婦子兒友孝
你若無聊 拿咱的相片 看卡早結婚的時陣 我外緣投
穿好穿醜無計較 怪東怪西嘛袂曉
你的心 我會永遠記條條 因為你是我的家後
你將青春嫁置阮兜 你對少年就跟阮跟甲老
人情世事嘛已經看透透 有啥人比你卡重要
你的一生獻乎阮兜 才知幸福是吵吵鬧鬧
等待返去的時陣若到 我會讓我先走
因為我嘛嘸甘 放你 為我目屎流
你將青春嫁治阮兜 你對少年就阮跟甲老
人情世事嘛已經看透透 有啥人比你卡重要
你的一生獻乎阮兜 才知幸福是吵吵鬧鬧
等待返去的時陣若到 我會讓我先走
因為我嘛嘸甘 看你 為我目屎流
赞. 赞. 赞.
那四月望雨 在台語歌史上地位又如何?!
so good 赞
我竟然有聽出感情 如果是真的那他無敵了
志炫 真的是歌精~ 唉 台灣之寶
投入感情於歌曲中 然後駕馭它 每一次都是身歷其境的真實 音樂是精神世界的時光機 穿梭過去未來以及創造的世界
Roll back to my mind,nice....
i wish i could sing like him..
So nice❤😢
i like this song ^__^
" indonesia "
Saya juga
虽然不会台语 但明白了 谢谢这首歌
真的還是不要唱台語, 真的還是一哥, 江蕙有感會讓人落淚, 因有經過歷練。
發現歌詞不一樣之後,又再聽了一遍0.0 用心的詮釋呢
因為第一段是沒小孩 所以不能放她一人流眼淚
第二段是有小孩 所以不想看她為了他流眼淚
沒寫出來的是 惦記著有沒有人陪她
please tell me, this song is Hokkien, right? thank you
yup nice song
This is Taiwanese Hokkien song
其實只是把代名詞改好而已,因為 “家後” 是 “妻子” 的意思。
In English Teresa Foo sings Rose Rose I Love You
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This video is about My Movie 1This song has a totally different meaning to that of the Chinese version.
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RainbowLorikeeteresa1 天前
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Roger, the cockatiel, eating and Teresa singing
Cover for Rose Rose I Love You
鄧麗君 Teresa Teng 雨中追憶(粵) Memories In The Rain (Cantonese)
Humans singing to a cockatiel
鄧麗君 Teresa Teng 七語天賦 Multi-language Showcase
translation please 🙏🏼
家後 Ke-āu - WIFE - English Translation Guide
Lyrics & translation by EchoWillow,
One day when we are of old-age, no one to show devotion to us
I will be by your side, sitting on the bench
Listening to you speak of your youth, about your achievements then
Unfazed about eating healthily or unhealthily, not knowing to blame anything else
Your hands, I will hold on to them tightly; Because I’m your wife forever.
I married off my youth into your home. Since a young girl until now,
I’ve followed you till old-age
And have seen all worldly wisdom. Who else is more important then you?
I gave my entire lifetime to you, only to realise that happiness is the squabbles and liveliness
When our time on this earth comes to an almost end, I will let you go first
Because I will not bear, to leave you, all alone shedding tears for me
One day when we are of old-age, our sons and daughter-in-laws showing their devotion to us
When you are bored and take out our old photographs
Of when we first wed, you looked so handsome then
Whether you dressed badly or not, I do not care. I didn’t know to blame others and the world yet
Your love, I will forever remember, because I am your eternal wife
I married off my youth into your home. Since a young girl until now, I’ve followed you till old-age
And have seen all worldly wisdom. Who else is more important then you?
I gave my entire lifetime to you, only to realise that happiness is the squabbles and liveliness
When our time on this earth comes to an almost end, please let me go first
Because I will not bear, to watch you shed tears for me
--------------- end -----------
《家後 Ke-āu》Wife - 江蕙 Kang-hui
有一日咱若老, Ū tsi̍t-li̍t lán nā làu,
揣無人共咱有孝。 Tshuē bô lâng kā lán iú-hàu.
我會陪你,坐踮椅條, Guá ē puê lí, tsē tiàm í-liâu,
聽你講少年的時陣你有偌𠢕。Thiann lí kóng siàu-liân ê sî-tsūn lí ū guā gâu.
食好食䆀無計較, Tsia̍h hó tsia̍h bái bô kè-kàu,
怨天怨地嘛袂曉。 Uàn-thinn-uàn-tē mā bē-hiáu.
你的手,我會共你牽牢牢,Lí ê tshiú, guá ē kā lí khan-tiâu-tiâu,
因為我是你的家後。 In-uī guá sī lí ê ke-āu.
阮將青春嫁佇恁兜,Guán tsiong tshing-tshun kè tī lín tau,
阮對少年就綴你綴甲老。 Guán tuì siàu-liân tiō tuè lí tuè kah lāu.
人情世事已經看透透,Lîn-tsîng-sè-sū í-king khuànn-thàu-thàu,
有啥人比你較重要。Ū siánn-lâng pí lí khah tiōng-iàu.
阮的一生獻予恁兜, Guán ê it-sing hiàn hōo lín tau
才知幸福是吵吵鬧鬧。 Tsiah tsai hīng-hok sī tshá-tshá-nāu-nāu.
等待轉去的時陣若到,Tán-thāi tńg-khì ê sî-tsūn nā kàu,
我會讓你先走。 Guá ē niū lí sing tsáu.
因為我會毋甘,放你,In-uī guá ē m̄-kam, pàng lí,
為我目屎流。 Uī guá ba̍k-sái lâu.
有一日咱若老,Ū tsi̍t-li̍t lán nā làu,
有新婦囝兒有孝。 Ū sin-pū kiánn-jî iú-hàu.
你若無聊,Lí nā bô-liâu,
提咱的相片 The̍h lán ê siong-phìnn,
看較早結婚的時陣 Khuànn khah-tsá kiat-hun ê sî-tsūn,
你偌緣投 Lí guā iân-tâu
穿好穿䆀無計較,Tshīng-hó-tshīng-bái, bô kè-kàu
怪東怪西嘛袂曉。 Kuài-tang-kuài-sai mā bē-hiáu.
你的心我會永遠記牢牢,Lí ê sim, guá ē íng-uán kì-tiâu-tiâu
因為我是你的家後。 In-uī guá sī lí ê ke-āu.
阮將青春嫁佇恁兜, Guán tsiong tshing-tshun kè tī lín tau,
阮對少年就綴你綴甲老。Guán tuì siàu-liân tiō tuè lí tuè kah lāu.
人情世事已經看透透,Lîn-tsîng-sè-sū í-king khuànn-thàu-thàu
有啥人比你較重要。 Ū siánn-lâng pí lí khah tiōng-iàu.
阮的一生獻予恁兜,Guán ê it-sing hiàn hōo lín tau
才知幸福是吵吵鬧鬧。 Tsiah tsai hīng-hok sī tshá-tshá-nāu-nāu.
等待轉去的時陣若到 Tán-thāi tńg-khì ê sî-tsūn nā kàu,
你會讓我先走。 Lí ē niū guá sing tsáu.
因為我會毋甘,看你 In-uī guá ē m̄-kam, khuànn lí,
為我目屎流。 Uī guá ba̍k-sái lâu.
Lyrics in Taiwanese (台語) Language Romanisation (Tâi-lô/台罗拼音/臺羅拼音)
臺語正字/orthography請查見教育部《常用詞辭典》 → 注音請見(spelling-to-sound correspondences, see) 臺羅教學網→
Thanks Michalle, what is the meaning of this song ?
Taiwanese means . The wife stated that she was willing to contribute her whole life to HER husband and family without complaint. Original female singer, 江蕙,1st sang it 10 years ago. Terry Lin changed Pronoun while singing this song. He described HIS wife's contribution to the family. has been continually elected as by Taiwan audiences for 9 years due to its warm and wonderful words.
What k shk said is not really true. This song is just expressing how a woman love his man in first-person narrative. It's not expressed in such a yielding way that she's willing to do anything without complaint. Especially wrong when you said "without complaint". It's not mentioned at all. The best part In the lyrics is the woman's dilemma of "who die first". Firstly, the woman say she wish her husband to die first because she don't want him to be heartbroken alone after she die. However, she also don't want her husband to be heartbroken since falling into the same situation of being sad about letting herself crying alone after he die. Therefore, she also think maybe she should die first. In conclusion. the woman just want to carry all possible sadnesses for his husband because of love. In my opinion, the beauty of this song is totally lessened when this guy singing in a second-person narrative which simply swap "I" with "you".
香港 台灣 那些年的歌回不去了
His version better than 江蕙's especially because he sing in transpose
This version is better.
The lyrics touches millions or husbands and wives heart.
Millions shed tears listening to this touching songs.
This is one of the top 50 Taiwanese songs ever written and composed in the last 85 years of Taiwan music industry.
@DiscreetSpirit it's tiwanese
Erin Yang 對,來學校談印刷業務,人很客氣樸實