Ten Nav Coptic Hymn لحن القيامة تين ناف

  • Опубликовано: 7 июн 2012
  • + We look at the Resurrection of Christ and we worship the holy Jesus Christ our Lord, who alone is without sin. We bow down to Your Cross O Christ, and we praise and glorify Your Resurrection. For You are our God, and we know none but You, and after Your name we are called. Glory be to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
    + Come all you believers let us bow down to the Resurrection of Christ. For behold through His Cross, joy has entered into the whole world. Let us bless the Lord continually, and glorify His Resurrection. For He was patient and destroyed death by His Death. Now and forever and unto the age of all ages, Amen.
    + All joy befits you O Theotokos. For through you Adam returned to Paradise. And Eve gained grace to replace her sadness. Through you she gained freedom once more, as well as eternal salvation. And we too let us glorify you, as a treasure of the Resurrection. "Hail to the sealed treasure through which we were given life. Hail to her who gave birth to Christ our God, who gave us life through His Resurrection." Blessed are You O Lord, teach me Your justice.
    + The angelic hosts were amazed when they saw You counted among the dead. Yet You destroyed the power of death O Savior. You raised Adam with You and freed him from Hades. Blessed are You O Lord, teach me Your justice.
    + Why did you mix fragrant oil weeping and mourning with each other, O followers of the Lord? The luminous angel said to the women carrying the spices, "Look and be aware that the Savior has risen from the dead." Blessed are You O Lord, teach me Your justice.
    + The women rushed very early to Your tomb, carrying fragrant oil while crying. But the angel stood before them saying, "The time of weeping is over, do not weep, but preach the Resurrection to the Apostles." Blessed are You O Lord, teach me Your justice.
    + The women came to Your tomb carrying fragrant oil and incense O Savior. They heard the angel say to them, "Why do you seek the living among the dead." And He being God has risen from the tomb. Glory be to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
    + We worship the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, one in essence. And we proclaim with the Cherubim saying, "Holy, holy, holy are You O Lord." Now and forever and unto the age of all ages, Amen. [Three Times]
    + You gave birth O Virgin to the Giver of life, and you saved Adam from sin. You gave joy to Eve instead of sorrow, and gave us life and salvation from corruption and alteration. You became our intercessor before God our Savior, who was incarnate of you.
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