Armenians love Israel who is selling Drone Hermes 900 to Azerbaidjan and gives to Armenia codes and secrets how to destroy them !! thanks to Israel !!!!
@@rahim.z8837 don't you have something more interesting to say ? what about the Israeli drones ? Armenians destroyed a 30 millions dollars Israeli drone and over 12 Israeli too drones (around each 2 or 4 millions dollars). Israeli declared that Azeri do not know how to use Israeli weapons !!!! looooolll ! You are just a schmock !
@@rahim.z8837 don't you have something more interesting to say ? what about the Israeli drones ? Armenians destroyed a 30 millions dollars Israeli drone and over 12 Israeli too drones (around each 2 or 4 millions dollars). Israeli declared that Azeri do not know how to use Israeli weapons !!!! looooolll ! You are just a schmock !
Sonuna Kadar Beşiktaş peki filistin neden ermeni destekcisi karbağda Türkiye yardım isteyende 4 tane helikopter istedik vermediniz İsrail yardım etdi ve ediyor
@@sonunakadarbesiktas9757 Ne katili ya? Katil mahmud abbasdır, yasir arafatdır kimler ki ermenilere destek vermesi kalmadı bi de ERM*NİYİZ dedi! Şimdi bizden ermenilere destek vermemimizi mi bekliyordunuz?
Explanation & translation: (as can be found on the English section of the Prime Minister's Office website)..................13/12/2016 Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and his wife Sara, today, at the Or Avner Chabad Day School in Baku, met with members of the Azerbaijan Jewish community. They first met with pupils and sat with them for an open talk. Sara Netanyahu asked about their homes, Jewish customs at home and the study of Hebrew. The pupils also spoke about the weekly Torah portion. The Prime Minister and his wife told them that their son won the Bible Quiz and that the Prime Minister reads the weekly Torah portion with his son every Shabbat when the latter comes home from the IDF. Also discussed was Chanukah, the revolt of the Maccabees and their victory over the Greeks. Prime Minister Netanyahu told them that the Greeks are now friends of Israel. The children said that they pray every morning, go to the synagogue, eat kosher food, study at a Jewish school and keep Shabbat and the holidays. Sara Netanyahu congratulated the pupils and said, "We wish that you come to Israel both to visit and to live. We are waiting for you." At the event with the Jewish community, schoolchildren sang Hebrew songs and waved Israeli and Azerbaijani flags. Prime Minister Netanyahu told the members of the Jewish community: "Honored members of the community and from Chabad, I am pleased to be here. My wife and I are very happy to be here for two reasons: One, we love Azerbaijan and two, we love Chabad. Relations with Azerbaijan are very close. They will be even better after this visit. I would like to say something about Chabad. Thirty-two years ago I met the Lubavitcher Rebbe for the first time and he told me, I had gone to the UN to be Israel's Ambassador to the UN, and he told me: 'You are going', how he called it, 'to the house of eternal darkness.' As you know, he did not have a high opinion of the UN and in any case he told me: 'You are going to the house of darkness and remember that if you light one candle of truth, it will shine a precious light that will be seen from far away.' Ever since I have tried to do just as the Rebbe said. But I must say that there are also different situations. Sometimes one lights a candle in a place that has light and not darkness and this is the situation here in Baku, Azerbaijan. The Rebbe taught us love of Israel and of humanity and here there is love of Israel and of humanity. President Heydar Aliyev and his son, President Ilham Aliyev, established and are maintaining a fund that helps, as you said Mr. Minister, Jewish education here in an Islamic country. And in contrast to what then MK Rivlin said, we are also contributing to it, the State of Israel is also helping it. And how could one not be moved by the splendid boys and girls that can be seen here? But I am very moved by something else, these two flags, the Star of David and the half-crescent. Look at these two flags, this is what we want to show the world - this is what can be and what needs to be. It is the exact opposite, but the exact opposite of the darkness; this light, this is the light that dispels the darkness. And this is the spirit that guides us in Israel, in Azerbaijan, in Chabad and - with divine help - in many other places around the world. Therefore, I am very, very pleased to be with you. Thank you, thank you from the heart."
Спасибо Израилю и Турции за поддержку в нашей священной войне за освобождение наших территорий. Мы знаем кто нам друг, а кто нет. И мы будем помнить об этом всегда.
Azerbaijan-Israel friendship is forever. Jewish community live in Azerbaijan for centuries and they contributed in economy, politics and culturally. We love them we respect them and they are part of us.
Как Азербайджанец говорю вам и отвечаю за слова , для Азербайджана и Азербайджанцев Израиль и Израильтяне братский народ. Мы рады вас видеть в качестве хорошего союзника и качественного партнера.
Для тебя может так и есть. Этот человек военный преступник, убийца тысячи детей. Евреи не могут быть братьями мусульман. Если ты конечно же мусульманин, хотя я сомневаюсь что ты принял Ислам. Так что говори за себя.
@@SleepCentre Freedom for the Western Sahara, Palestine and Karabakh is an Armenian land, and the Republic of Kabylie is an Algerian land and not a state, Kosovo is a Serbian land, and also Albania is a Serbian land. The Emirates, Bahrain, Turkey, Azerbaijan, Morocco and Sudan are traitors, Algeria is the origin, it is the country of a million and a half martyrs, not the Kingdom of Marrakesh, which is unable to regain Ceuta and Melilla. The important thing is: Long live the Armenians.
@@isabayramov6528 krds boyle tarihi bilmeyen dangalaklara bakma.1992'de Turkiye nin beyinsiz yoneticileri size sahip cikmadi.Israil yardim etti sonuna kdr sevmeyi hak ediyorsunuz
Canım Vətənim Azərbaycanım Sevə Sevə Canımı Verərəm Vətənim üçün Fəxr Edirəm Azərbaycan Dağ Yahudisiyəm Vətənimiz Canımız Bütöv Azərbaycan 🕎🇦🇿 Hamımız Bu Vətənin Övladlarıyıq ♥️😊 🇦🇿♥️🇮🇱
I love Israel. Ich liebe Juden. Seit hundert Jahren lieben wir zusammen und wir haben kein Problem. Wir helfen und respectieren ein anderen. Ich glaube, dass dieses Freundschaft noch thausend Jahren dauern wird. 🇦🇿🇮🇱
wow what a beautiful speech! especially when he talked about flags... nice man! hopefully we will have new presidents in Azerbaijan soon and the relations will be as, or better tided with Israel in any case.
The history brotherhood of two nation goes to creation. Friendship of Jewish -Azeriturks has more than 250 years, At the painful histories of Jewish nation Azerbaijan (Quba Khanliq) opened doors. From the same day started brotherhood history which has not happened any perfidy to each other!! This best example!! This light will not turn off, will shine forever!!!
BrotherOf Brethern e senin quba xanın ruslarla beraber iş görende qızılbaş türkmenler yehudi xalqının yanında olub,sen ne sayaqlayırsan?!sünni mezhebçi,eger türkmenler sünnileri kesseydi senin o pis barmaqların bu gün yazı yaza bilmezdi!neslinden elamet qalmazdı.qazıqumux ne milletidir?men öz adımla yazıram senin kimi tülkü deyilem,sen de adını gizletme
Birinci onu deyim ki,sen her sheyi qatib-qarishdirmisan ve ne qesd etdiyimi duzgun anlamamisan. 1.Yahudilere qarshi Sunni yaxshi munasibetde olub yaxud Shia bu meseleni bele qoymaq ozu guluncdur ve menasizdir.Bani Israile Islami munasibet Qurandan melumdur.Tebii ki,Quranin yorumlari muxtelif olduguna gore muxtleif konfesiyyalarin da movqelerinde deyishiklikler ola bilir.Yahudilere her iki mezheb icinden qati dushmenler de tapmaq olar,motedil movqede olanlari da onlara simpatiyasi olub yaxinliq edenleri de.Nece ki,tarixde indiye kimi her bir qrupun movcudlugunun sahidi ola bilirik.Biz ancaq iki mezhebden cixan konkret tayfalarin,onlarin qurduglari dovletlerin yahudilere tutumu haqqinda qeti bir shey deye bilerik deyesi olsaq Sefeviler hakimiyyetinde Yahudilerin ancaq teqib olundugunu gorerik.Umumiyyetle Shia fiqhinda Ehli-kitab haqqinda hokmler daha sertdir xususen yahudlere qarshi Sefevi rejimi terefinden mueyyen zulmler edilmesi barede tarixi faktlar movcuddur. Sunnilere gelince onlar terefinden de tarixin mueyyen merhelelrinde Yahudiler teqibe ugrayib.Regionumuzdan misal getirsek Shamil herekatini misal gostere bilerik. 2.Xanlara gelince men ancaq Fatali xanin adini cekdim ve onun Yahudilere yahudilerin ona munasibeti gun kimi aydin olan faktdir.Yani buna gore qiciqlanmaqi anlamaq olmur.Bundan otru tekce Qirmizi Qesebeye gedib Fatali Xan haqqinda munasibeti oyrenmek yeterlidir. Xanlarin Ruslarla ish gormesi meselesi de qerezli yanashmadir.O zaman uchun (eslinde indiki zaman uchun de cox ferqli deyil) Rusiya ile muttefiqlik,ona meyl normal hal sayila bilerdi eks halda Iranla ola bilerdi.Sen umumiyyetle ne gozleyirdin?Nece olmasi lazim idi?Qafqaz esrlerdir Rusiya ve Iran terefinden paylasilir.Indiki ''musteqil dovletler'' son yuzilde yaranib.Rusdan qabag da Shimali Qafqazda ve Zaqafqaziyada olan dovletleri muxtelif Iran,Turk, imperiyalarin terkibinde olub. Bir de mueyyen bir topluma qarshi kin qusarken eks faktlari da,ruslara qarshi olan usyanlari da gozardi etmemek lazimdir. 3.Azerbaycanda Sunnilerin indi de qalmasi faktina bucur zeif iddiayla cavab verdin.Neinki,Zaqafqaziya Iran Azerbaycani Iranin boyuk hissesi sefevilere qeder sunni olub.Inkar etdiyin genosid ve zorla shialashtirma fakti indi oranin coxunun shia olmasi ile curuyur.Azerbaycanin indiki sunni hissesinin mezhebde qalmasi qizilbaslarin rehmeti yox 18-ci esrin evvelerinde Davud Mushkirvi,Surxay xan ve qizilbash cetelerine qarshi usyan etmis bashqalarin seyi ile bash tutmusdur. P.S.Men umumiyyetle mezhebci deyilem ancaq kindarin ve meni ve timsalimda mensub olduqlarimi tehqir edenin sen oldugun burda gorundu. 4.Menim esl adima geldikde ise,men bu kommenti sene yox Ceyhun Mirzayev adli usere cavab olaraq yazmisdim.En azindan o bu telebi etseydi mentiqli olardi.Her yoldan kecen menim hansi nikle yazmagimi teleb ede bilmez hele bu senin kimi zeif bilgili,primitiv dusunceli,qarsisindakini tehqir eden ve Azerbaycanda minlerle kopyasi olan biri menim uchun maraqli deyil.Senin ruh ve fikir ekizlerin hergun Sosial sebekelerde adamin el ayagina dolasir,sayiniz minlerledir ha Iskenderov Rashad olsun ya Mamedov Mamed.Oz aleminde ve kruqunda ''Sunni mezhebci''ye qarshi Qizilbashlari mudafie eden igid ogul olaraq oyune bilersen ))
BrotherOf Brethern sehv yerden girdin,türkmen qızılbaşlığı irandakı saxta şielikden ferqlidir.işid de sünni radikalizminin hansı sosyal facieleri yaratdığının bariz nümunesidir.Bir de men öyünmürem,sadece senin qesdi nifretini hem mezhebsel olaraq,hem de milli olaraq görürem.ciddi ve obyektiv olmadığın burdan melum olur,Mamedov Mamed:).Yehudiler baresinde ise yanlış düşünürsen,özü Bakara 40(orda yehudilere şans verilir).Oxu maide 51, orda ise ferqli yorum.ona göre de İnsanların düşüncesine tesir etme,obyektiv ol,özleri qerar versin...Sefeviler heç vaxt yehudileri teqib etmeyib,ve ziyan vermeyib,şer atmağın günah olduğunu unudursan...Menim bilgime ve intelektualıma senin kosmik süretin çata bailmez,o barede iddia etmeye hawqın yoxdur,bilgin de sadece kiçik bir çerçivededir.bir az daha çox araşdırmağa ehtiyacın var!eyni gözle baxmadığımız onsuz da melumdur.surxay xanıb ğsyanı da senin burdaki üsyanından ferqi yoxdur-terefli şekilde..Anti Azerbaycan propaqandası aparanlardan birişen,en azından yüzde 80.e qarşı yaxşı fikirde deyilsen.hökumetle ölke ferqli şeylerdir.iqtidarlara sözün varsa yaz,amma ümumi qızılbaş türkmenleri günahkar kimi göstermek irqçiliyinin de göstergesidir.senin psixo sosyal veziyyetin çox facielidir,ruh halını düzelt sonra gir bu temalara...Yaşasın Azerbaycan,yaşasın İsrail,yaşasın dostlarımı!,Mehv olsun,ikiüzlü İran ve diğer düşmenlerimiz!
Bu asrda istenilen mezhebciliye qarshiyam,zaten ISID haqqinda munasibetimi bildirmek artiq olardi,ancaq ISID-in butun Ehli-Sunneti deyil,Sunni radikalizmin uc noqtesi sayilabilecek Vahhabizmi temsil etdiyini inkar etmemeliyik. Sizin oz aranizda hansi Shialiyin saxta veya dogru olmasi artiq oz ishinizdir.Shialik sunnilikden daha cox shexsi yorumlara ugrayib ve Nusayri,Hashasi,Ismaili kimi asiri sektalar,Zeydilik kimi motedil qollari var.Ancaq bugunlerde Isna Asharilerin bele iclerinde bir-birine soz atdigini gormek mumkundur.
BrotherOf Brethern bir de ki,seni kimi haqsız yazılar yazanlar olduğu müddetçe meni kimileri milyonlarla olacaqdır,ne mini on mini,el ayağa dolaşanlardan deyilik,ayağımıza ilişenleri ellerinden tutub qaldıranlardanıq,sen de el ayağımıza dolaşsan sene de kömek ede bilerik.bax tarikat sapıklıklarına RUclips. da en çox sünni mezheplerden olanlarda göre bilersen.obyektiv ce edaletli olmağa davet edirem seni.
Я з Азербайджану, я з кавказького роду, як мусульманин, я вболіваю за Україну та Ізраїль, Україна та Ізраїль переможуть🇮🇱🇱🇦🇸🇮🇫🇷🇲🇩🇨🇦🇬🇪🇨🇦🇬🇧🇳🇱🇺🇦🇦🇿🇺🇸🇮🇹🇩🇪🇯🇵🇰🇷🇪🇺🤲🏻🤲🏻🤲🏻🤲🏻🤲🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻💪🏻💪🏻💪🏻💪🏻💪🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻☝🏻🐺
WTF the interpreter translates PM's speech in Russian???? Azerbaijan has 1 official language and that is Azerbaijani Turkic. Why Russian language, I don't understand...
@@4k.hd.formhp881 Palestine,Western Desert, Algeria, Yemen, Iraq and Syria are the countries that support brotherly Armenia, while the traitors such as Morocco, the Emirates, Saudi Arabia, Turkey and Qatar support Azerbaijan
Azerbaijan is thankfull to Israel for support of Azerbaijan. I wish to see the same relations between Turkey and Israel too. We are neighbors and 2nd Karabakh war showed that for the sake of justice Israel, Turkey and Azerbaijan could be a partners. Actually we saw very close support and cooperation of both countries. Jew, russian, belorussian, .. etc we born in this country, and this country is our motherland. We are strong together. I would like to finish with the words of 1st Karabakh war national hero of Azerbaijan Albert Agarunov ethnical jew who was born in Azerbaijan and was buried in Alley of Martyrs where Mr.Prime minister visited during his Baku visit. Journalist asked him "You are jew and what forces you to fight"? - He asked: "Azerbaijan is my country, motherland and I was born here and I can not watch, I have to defend my country. The school where he studied named after him. One more time my appreciate to PM for his support.
the problem is turky wants us in israel to betray cyprus and greece and to steal greece economic water. there is gas over there . we in israel dont betry our frinds and dont want to brake agreements and we will not take part in stealing other nation gas.
Long live Azerbaijan From İsrael ❤🇦🇿
Greetings from Azerbaijan to our historically friends To jewish community and all Israel!
Love İsrael ❤️ from Azerbaijan.
Love you israel from azerbaijan❤🇦🇿❤🇮🇱❤
Thank you Israel
We love Israel from Azerbaijan. 🇦🇿🇮🇱 😊✊
Love from Turkey and Azerbaijan
Armenians love Israel who is selling Drone Hermes 900 to Azerbaidjan and gives to Armenia codes and secrets how to destroy them !! thanks to Israel !!!!
@@achdjianfinearts hey 😂😂 what are doing here . Go away kid
@@rahim.z8837 don't you have something more interesting to say ? what about the Israeli drones ? Armenians destroyed a 30 millions dollars Israeli drone and over 12 Israeli too drones (around each 2 or 4 millions dollars). Israeli declared that Azeri do not know how to use Israeli weapons !!!! looooolll ! You are just a schmock !
@@achdjianfinearts Are you french?
@@rahim.z8837 don't you have something more interesting to say ? what about the Israeli drones ? Armenians destroyed a 30 millions dollars Israeli drone and over 12 Israeli too drones (around each 2 or 4 millions dollars). Israeli declared that Azeri do not know how to use Israeli weapons !!!! looooolll ! You are just a schmock !
Azerbaijan İsrael Frends🇮🇱🇦🇿❤️
Ya lublu tebya yevrey israel.xaim sile
@@elmartemrazov1065 🇦🇿🇮🇱🇦🇿🇮🇱🇦🇿
@@ezgisu4090 salam axwaminiz xeyir yahudisiz?
israil bu 💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩
I love Israel I love Azerbaijan !
Fuck you
Love palestine love turkey
@@smgstoner8583 palestin + armenia = terror
Golden Freedy Palestine supports ASALA 🖕🏻🖕🏻🖕🏻🖕🏻🖕🏻
Long live Azerbaijan and Israel!
Netanyahu and Aliyev you are the best!
may those 2 countries always support each other!
We love you from heart Israel❤Long live 🇦🇿🇮🇱
I m from Azerbaijan 🇮🇱🇦🇿💓💓💓💓💓
We wish to see you in original capital city of Azerbaycan (Tebriz)
Even though we are not speaking the same language we are close as two brothers.❤🇦🇿🇮🇱
Salam mənim Əziz qardaşım 🇮🇱💙🇦🇿
I Love İsrael From Azerbaijan
Azerbaijan israel 🇮🇱 🇦🇿❤️
Sonuna Kadar Beşiktaş aynen
Sonuna Kadar Beşiktaş peki filistin neden ermeni destekcisi karbağda Türkiye yardım isteyende 4 tane helikopter istedik vermediniz İsrail yardım etdi ve ediyor
@@sonunakadarbesiktas9757 Ne katili ya? Katil mahmud abbasdır, yasir arafatdır kimler ki ermenilere destek vermesi kalmadı bi de ERM*NİYİZ dedi! Şimdi bizden ermenilere destek vermemimizi mi bekliyordunuz?
@@sonunakadarbesiktas9757 biz isaili seviyoruz fələstinin isə yox çunki qarabağ münaqişəsində israil bizə çox dəstək olur
Love and Regards from Azerbaijan to our dear Jewish people & Israel. Long live Israel
Explanation & translation: (as can be found on the English section of the Prime Minister's Office website)..................13/12/2016
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and his wife
Sara, today, at the Or Avner Chabad Day School in Baku, met with members of the
Azerbaijan Jewish community. They first met with pupils and sat with them for an
open talk. Sara Netanyahu asked about their homes, Jewish customs at home and
the study of Hebrew. The pupils also spoke about the weekly Torah portion. The
Prime Minister and his wife told them that their son won the Bible Quiz and that
the Prime Minister reads the weekly Torah portion with his son every Shabbat
when the latter comes home from the IDF. Also discussed was Chanukah, the revolt
of the Maccabees and their victory over the Greeks. Prime Minister Netanyahu
told them that the Greeks are now friends of Israel.
The children said that they pray every morning, go to the synagogue,
eat kosher food, study at a Jewish school and keep Shabbat and the holidays.
Sara Netanyahu congratulated the pupils and said, "We
wish that you come to Israel both to visit and to live. We are waiting for
At the event with the Jewish community,
schoolchildren sang Hebrew songs and waved Israeli and Azerbaijani flags.
Prime Minister Netanyahu told the members of the Jewish
"Honored members of the community and
from Chabad, I am pleased to be here. My wife and I are very happy to be here
for two reasons: One, we love Azerbaijan and two, we love Chabad. Relations with
Azerbaijan are very close. They will be even better after this visit. I would
like to say something about Chabad. Thirty-two years ago I met the Lubavitcher
Rebbe for the first time and he told me, I had gone to the UN to be Israel's
Ambassador to the UN, and he told me: 'You are going', how he called it, 'to the
house of eternal darkness.' As you know, he did not have a high opinion of the
UN and in any case he told me: 'You are going to the house of darkness and
remember that if you light one candle of truth, it will shine a precious light
that will be seen from far away.' Ever since I have tried to do just as the
Rebbe said.
But I must say that there are also
different situations. Sometimes one lights a candle in a place that has light
and not darkness and this is the situation here in Baku, Azerbaijan. The Rebbe
taught us love of Israel and of humanity and here there is love of Israel and of
President Heydar Aliyev and his son,
President Ilham Aliyev, established and are maintaining a fund that helps, as
you said Mr. Minister, Jewish education here in an Islamic country. And in
contrast to what then MK Rivlin said, we are also contributing to it, the State
of Israel is also helping it.
And how could one not
be moved by the splendid boys and girls that can be seen here? But I am very
moved by something else, these two flags, the Star of David and the
half-crescent. Look at these two flags, this is what we want to show the world -
this is what can be and what needs to be. It is the exact opposite, but the
exact opposite of the darkness; this light, this is the light that dispels the
darkness. And this is the spirit that guides us in Israel, in Azerbaijan, in
Chabad and - with divine help - in many other places around the world.
Therefore, I am very, very pleased to be with you. Thank you, thank you from the
Azərbaycan və İsrail əsl dostular🇦🇿❤️❤️🇮🇱👍
Спасибо Израилю и Турции за поддержку в нашей священной войне за освобождение наших территорий. Мы знаем кто нам друг, а кто нет. И мы будем помнить об этом всегда.
Niye rusça
@@ilhandarcabogaz3127 Senin dilinde yazacaw deyil!!!
🇮🇱❤️🇦🇿 NETANYAHO 👍
@@Fermer_Huseyn Love İzrail
Az Türk terrorıst dostu sg ülkemizden sızı ısgal etcez
@@newottomanempiee233 az sus ya aptal islamci
@@newottomanempiee233 boyle yapa yapa dost kalmadi dunyada
Azerbaijan-Israel friendship is forever. Jewish community live in Azerbaijan for centuries and they contributed in economy, politics and culturally. We love them we respect them and they are part of us.
Shalom Israel. We have a national hero Albert Agarunov.
love israel fromAzerbaijan.👏
Как Азербайджанец говорю вам и отвечаю за слова , для Азербайджана и Азербайджанцев Израиль и Израильтяне братский народ. Мы рады вас видеть в качестве хорошего союзника и качественного партнера.
Для тебя может так и есть. Этот человек военный преступник, убийца тысячи детей. Евреи не могут быть братьями мусульман. Если ты конечно же мусульманин, хотя я сомневаюсь что ты принял Ислам. Так что говори за себя.
Actually it's politics
Azerbaijan and İsrael ❤
love from tebriz we love you
I am from Azerbaijan but my heart is Israel🇦🇿🇦🇿🇦🇿🇦🇿🇮🇱🇮🇱🇮🇱🇮🇱🇮🇱🇮🇱🇮🇱
Thank you PM for visit and thank you for wonderful speech. Love from Azerbaijan.
Love İsrael 🇮🇱
Brother Long Live İsrsel 🇮🇱
From Azerbaijan 🇮🇱🇦🇿
Bu iştə br tərslik var ama nəisə )
Love Azerbaijan from Israel
Love you to love Israil sizi hemise destekliyecik
Zefer sizin olacag
Thank you for support and friendship. Azerbaijan is multicultural country. But Jewish like our brothers and we happy that you appreciate that.
Respect from Baku 🤗❤🇮🇱🇦🇿
Karabakh is Armenian
From Algeria 🇩🇿♥️🇵🇸🇦🇲
@@blackgoku7fr cry more arab
@@SleepCentre Freedom for the Western Sahara, Palestine and Karabakh is an Armenian land, and the Republic of Kabylie is an Algerian land and not a state, Kosovo is a Serbian land, and also Albania is a Serbian land. The Emirates, Bahrain, Turkey, Azerbaijan, Morocco and Sudan are traitors, Algeria is the origin, it is the country of a million and a half martyrs, not the Kingdom of Marrakesh, which is unable to regain Ceuta and Melilla. The important thing is: Long live the Armenians.
@@blackgoku7fr 🤣🤣🤣🤣 loser.ISRAEL AZERBAIJAN🇮🇱❤🇦🇿💪
@Anti islam videolar Long live sister Armenia ♥️🇦🇲
Mr Netanyahu looks very excited what he saw in Baku-- i also have a lot of Jewish friends and i like that we are very firendly
Nice to see the real practical good relationship between Azerbaijan & Great state of Israel
@@isabayramov6528 krds boyle tarihi bilmeyen dangalaklara bakma.1992'de Turkiye nin beyinsiz yoneticileri size sahip cikmadi.Israil yardim etti sonuna kdr sevmeyi hak ediyorsunuz
@@Azerbaijaniturk biliyorum sadece bazı beyinsizler İsrail'le dostsunuz diye laf ediyor
@@sonunakadarbesiktas9757 😆🤣😆🤣😆🤣😆🤣😆🤣😆🤣🤣😅🤣😅🤣😅🤣😆😆🤣😆🤣🤣😆😆🤣😆🤣
Браво дружба народов Израиль Азербайджан.мы вас любим
Long live Israel and Azerbaijan friendship,🇮🇱🇦🇿🇮🇱🇦🇿🇮🇱🇦🇿
Thanks 🇦🇿🇮🇱
Canım Vətənim Azərbaycanım Sevə Sevə Canımı Verərəm Vətənim üçün Fəxr Edirəm Azərbaycan Dağ Yahudisiyəm Vətənimiz Canımız Bütöv Azərbaycan
🕎🇦🇿 Hamımız Bu Vətənin Övladlarıyıq ♥️😊 🇦🇿♥️🇮🇱
Long live The Land of Israel! 🇮🇱♥️🇦🇿
Shalom İsrail...Love İsrail❤🥰🇦🇿🇮🇱XABAD
I love Israel. Ich liebe Juden. Seit hundert Jahren lieben wir zusammen und wir haben kein Problem. Wir helfen und respectieren ein anderen. Ich glaube, dass dieses Freundschaft noch thausend Jahren dauern wird. 🇦🇿🇮🇱
This is incontrovertible truth that we love Israel. Respect and love from Azerbaijan
wow what a beautiful speech! especially when he talked about flags... nice man! hopefully we will have new presidents in Azerbaijan soon and the relations will be as, or better tided with Israel in any case.
I hope :)))
İsrail Azerbaycan Brother 🇮🇱🇦🇿✊
Brothers forever 🇮🇱🇦🇿♾️
Netanyahu 🇮🇱🇦🇿❤
i love all juwesh , love you as an Azerbaijani, you are very talented people.
The history brotherhood of two nation goes to creation. Friendship of Jewish -Azeriturks has more than 250 years, At the painful histories of Jewish nation Azerbaijan (Quba Khanliq) opened doors. From the same day started brotherhood history which has not happened any perfidy to each other!! This best example!! This light will not turn off, will shine forever!!!
BrotherOf Brethern e senin quba xanın ruslarla beraber iş görende qızılbaş türkmenler yehudi xalqının yanında olub,sen ne sayaqlayırsan?!sünni mezhebçi,eger türkmenler sünnileri kesseydi senin o pis barmaqların bu gün yazı yaza bilmezdi!neslinden elamet qalmazdı.qazıqumux ne milletidir?men öz adımla yazıram senin kimi tülkü deyilem,sen de adını gizletme
Birinci onu deyim ki,sen her sheyi qatib-qarishdirmisan ve ne qesd etdiyimi duzgun anlamamisan.
1.Yahudilere qarshi Sunni yaxshi munasibetde olub yaxud Shia bu meseleni bele qoymaq ozu guluncdur ve menasizdir.Bani Israile Islami munasibet Qurandan melumdur.Tebii ki,Quranin yorumlari muxtelif olduguna gore muxtleif konfesiyyalarin da movqelerinde deyishiklikler ola bilir.Yahudilere her iki mezheb icinden qati dushmenler de tapmaq olar,motedil movqede olanlari da onlara simpatiyasi olub yaxinliq edenleri de.Nece ki,tarixde indiye kimi her bir qrupun movcudlugunun sahidi ola bilirik.Biz ancaq iki mezhebden cixan konkret tayfalarin,onlarin qurduglari dovletlerin yahudilere tutumu haqqinda qeti bir shey deye bilerik deyesi olsaq Sefeviler hakimiyyetinde Yahudilerin ancaq teqib olundugunu gorerik.Umumiyyetle Shia fiqhinda Ehli-kitab haqqinda hokmler daha sertdir xususen yahudlere qarshi Sefevi rejimi terefinden mueyyen zulmler edilmesi barede tarixi faktlar movcuddur.
Sunnilere gelince onlar terefinden de tarixin mueyyen merhelelrinde Yahudiler teqibe ugrayib.Regionumuzdan misal getirsek Shamil herekatini misal gostere bilerik.
2.Xanlara gelince men ancaq Fatali xanin adini cekdim ve onun Yahudilere yahudilerin ona munasibeti gun kimi aydin olan faktdir.Yani buna gore qiciqlanmaqi anlamaq olmur.Bundan otru tekce Qirmizi Qesebeye gedib Fatali Xan haqqinda munasibeti oyrenmek yeterlidir.
Xanlarin Ruslarla ish gormesi meselesi de qerezli yanashmadir.O zaman uchun (eslinde indiki zaman uchun de cox ferqli deyil) Rusiya ile muttefiqlik,ona meyl normal hal sayila bilerdi eks halda Iranla ola bilerdi.Sen umumiyyetle ne gozleyirdin?Nece olmasi lazim idi?Qafqaz esrlerdir Rusiya ve Iran terefinden paylasilir.Indiki ''musteqil dovletler'' son yuzilde yaranib.Rusdan qabag da Shimali Qafqazda ve Zaqafqaziyada olan dovletleri muxtelif Iran,Turk, imperiyalarin terkibinde olub.
Bir de mueyyen bir topluma qarshi kin qusarken eks faktlari da,ruslara qarshi olan usyanlari da gozardi etmemek lazimdir.
3.Azerbaycanda Sunnilerin indi de qalmasi faktina bucur zeif iddiayla cavab verdin.Neinki,Zaqafqaziya Iran Azerbaycani Iranin boyuk hissesi sefevilere qeder sunni olub.Inkar etdiyin genosid ve zorla shialashtirma fakti indi oranin coxunun shia olmasi ile curuyur.Azerbaycanin indiki sunni hissesinin mezhebde qalmasi qizilbaslarin rehmeti yox 18-ci esrin evvelerinde Davud Mushkirvi,Surxay xan ve qizilbash cetelerine qarshi usyan etmis bashqalarin seyi ile bash tutmusdur.
P.S.Men umumiyyetle mezhebci deyilem ancaq kindarin ve meni ve timsalimda mensub olduqlarimi tehqir edenin sen oldugun burda gorundu.
4.Menim esl adima geldikde ise,men bu kommenti sene yox Ceyhun Mirzayev adli usere cavab olaraq yazmisdim.En azindan o bu telebi etseydi mentiqli olardi.Her yoldan kecen menim hansi nikle yazmagimi teleb ede bilmez hele bu senin kimi zeif bilgili,primitiv dusunceli,qarsisindakini tehqir eden ve Azerbaycanda minlerle kopyasi olan biri menim uchun maraqli deyil.Senin ruh ve fikir ekizlerin hergun Sosial sebekelerde adamin el ayagina dolasir,sayiniz minlerledir ha Iskenderov Rashad olsun ya Mamedov Mamed.Oz aleminde ve kruqunda ''Sunni mezhebci''ye qarshi Qizilbashlari mudafie eden igid ogul olaraq oyune bilersen ))
BrotherOf Brethern sehv yerden girdin,türkmen qızılbaşlığı irandakı saxta şielikden ferqlidir.işid de sünni radikalizminin hansı sosyal facieleri yaratdığının bariz nümunesidir.Bir de men öyünmürem,sadece senin qesdi nifretini hem mezhebsel olaraq,hem de milli olaraq görürem.ciddi ve obyektiv olmadığın burdan melum olur,Mamedov Mamed:).Yehudiler baresinde ise yanlış düşünürsen,özü Bakara 40(orda yehudilere şans verilir).Oxu maide 51, orda ise ferqli yorum.ona göre de İnsanların düşüncesine tesir etme,obyektiv ol,özleri qerar versin...Sefeviler heç vaxt yehudileri teqib etmeyib,ve ziyan vermeyib,şer atmağın günah olduğunu unudursan...Menim bilgime ve intelektualıma senin kosmik süretin çata bailmez,o barede iddia etmeye hawqın yoxdur,bilgin de sadece kiçik bir çerçivededir.bir az daha çox araşdırmağa ehtiyacın var!eyni gözle baxmadığımız onsuz da melumdur.surxay xanıb ğsyanı da senin burdaki üsyanından ferqi yoxdur-terefli şekilde..Anti Azerbaycan propaqandası aparanlardan birişen,en azından yüzde 80.e qarşı yaxşı fikirde deyilsen.hökumetle ölke ferqli şeylerdir.iqtidarlara sözün varsa yaz,amma ümumi qızılbaş türkmenleri günahkar kimi göstermek irqçiliyinin de göstergesidir.senin psixo sosyal veziyyetin çox facielidir,ruh halını düzelt sonra gir bu temalara...Yaşasın Azerbaycan,yaşasın İsrail,yaşasın dostlarımı!,Mehv olsun,ikiüzlü İran ve diğer düşmenlerimiz!
Bu asrda istenilen mezhebciliye qarshiyam,zaten ISID haqqinda munasibetimi bildirmek artiq olardi,ancaq ISID-in butun Ehli-Sunneti deyil,Sunni radikalizmin uc noqtesi sayilabilecek Vahhabizmi temsil etdiyini inkar etmemeliyik.
Sizin oz aranizda hansi Shialiyin saxta veya dogru olmasi artiq oz ishinizdir.Shialik sunnilikden daha cox shexsi yorumlara ugrayib ve Nusayri,Hashasi,Ismaili kimi asiri sektalar,Zeydilik kimi motedil qollari var.Ancaq bugunlerde Isna Asharilerin bele iclerinde bir-birine soz atdigini gormek mumkundur.
BrotherOf Brethern bir de ki,seni kimi haqsız yazılar yazanlar olduğu müddetçe meni kimileri milyonlarla olacaqdır,ne mini on mini,el ayağa dolaşanlardan deyilik,ayağımıza ilişenleri ellerinden tutub qaldıranlardanıq,sen de el ayağımıza dolaşsan sene de kömek ede bilerik.bax tarikat sapıklıklarına RUclips. da en çox sünni mezheplerden olanlarda göre bilersen.obyektiv ce edaletli olmağa davet edirem seni.
it goes to show that Turks and Israelis can have a very good relationship!!! Very good!
Как Азербайджанец горжусь что у нас есть Еврейские братья 🇦🇿❤️🇮🇱✡️
Love israil Love Azerbaijan 🇦🇿 люблю Израиль 🇮🇱 Люблю Азербайджан 🇦🇿 Sevirem Azərbaycan sevirəm İsrail
Я з Азербайджану, я з кавказького роду, як мусульманин, я вболіваю за Україну та Ізраїль, Україна та Ізраїль переможуть🇮🇱🇱🇦🇸🇮🇫🇷🇲🇩🇨🇦🇬🇪🇨🇦🇬🇧🇳🇱🇺🇦🇦🇿🇺🇸🇮🇹🇩🇪🇯🇵🇰🇷🇪🇺🤲🏻🤲🏻🤲🏻🤲🏻🤲🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻💪🏻💪🏻💪🏻💪🏻💪🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻☝🏻🐺
Thank you Israel. Love from Azerbaijan. Long live Azerbaiajan and Israel friendship /
LOVE YOU İSRAEL FROM AZERBAİJAN niyə rusca tərcümə olunur birşey başa düşmədim nə deyir öz dilimizə nolup
Yevrey dilindedir
Hə düz deyirsən
I can only applaud this visit!
❤Long live İsrael From Azerbaijan ❤
Azerbaijan İsrael Brothers 🇦🇿🇮🇱❤️
With loves from Baku.
Can anyone interpret(translate) Mr. PM's speech to Azerbaijani or English?
WTF the interpreter translates PM's speech in Russian???? Azerbaijan has 1 official language and that is Azerbaijani Turkic. Why Russian language, I don't understand...
Azerbaijan was part of Soviet Union so Russian language is also a spoken language there.
@Beriyev IYI we can speak too. İt's good to know russian.
Allah bu dostluqu hec bir zaman ayırmasın amin. çox yaşa İsraıl Azerbaycan dostluqu.
Every country in history has its difficulties. With the right policy, Israel has turned Azerbaijan into a historical friend
I thank the state and nation of isreal.. Ling live Azerbaijan, the lsland of isreal friendship......
From azerbaijan with love to lsrael
🇹🇷🇦🇿🇮🇱 ❤️ We want to be all together
Love from Usa
İ Love you Usa😍❤️👍🏻
Israel brothers
Israel our good friend 🇦🇿🇮🇱
Almighty God bless you all 🙏❤️
🇹🇷🇮🇱🇦🇿 Forever.
Azerbayjan İsrael 🇦🇿🇮🇱❤❤
Израиль вы наши братья!!!
Azerbaycan İsrail yaşa , Kudüs e getmək istəyirəm.🇦🇿🇦🇿🇮🇱🇮🇱🤗🤗🤗🤗
İnşallah qardaş.Qüds İsrailindir.Jerusalem is Israel ❤🇦🇿🇮🇱❤🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰
Qüds Müselman Torpağıdır Unutmayaq.
Sadece Terefsiz Olmağ Lazımdır.
@@azrbaijan3520 Qüds, Yerusəlim, Yeruşalayim İsrail torpağıdır. İslam adı altında çölün vəhşi ərəbləri işğal edib.
Israel and Azerbaijan are friends forever! 🇮🇱🇦🇿
We are not a friends we are brothers 🇦🇿❤️🇮🇱❤️🇦🇿❤️✡️🕎
Израиль наши друзья были и будут. И это проверенно в трудные времена.
Greetings from 🇹🇷
Spirit of liberating the Turkish islands occupied by Greece 🇩🇿♥️🇵🇸🇦🇲🇬🇷
@@blackgoku7fr arabs and armenians:😭😭🥺🥺🥺🥺😢😢😢😩😩😓😥😥😥
@@4k.hd.formhp881 Palestine,Western Desert, Algeria, Yemen, Iraq and Syria are the countries that support brotherly Armenia, while the traitors such as Morocco, the Emirates, Saudi Arabia, Turkey and Qatar support Azerbaijan
Love Israel 🇮🇱❤️ from Azerbaijan 🇦🇿
Israil xalqini salamlayir, dovletciliyinin ebedi ve sarsilmaz olmasini dileyirem.
Hello From Azerbaijan...
I love you İsrail
Azerbaijan is thankfull to Israel for support of Azerbaijan. I wish to see the same relations between Turkey and Israel too. We are neighbors and 2nd Karabakh war showed that for the sake of justice Israel, Turkey and Azerbaijan could be a partners. Actually we saw very close support and cooperation of both countries. Jew, russian, belorussian, .. etc we born in this country, and this country is our motherland. We are strong together. I would like to finish with the words of 1st Karabakh war national hero of Azerbaijan Albert Agarunov ethnical jew who was born in Azerbaijan and was buried in Alley of Martyrs where Mr.Prime minister visited during his Baku visit. Journalist asked him "You are jew and what forces you to fight"? - He asked: "Azerbaijan is my country, motherland and I was born here and I can not watch, I have to defend my country. The school where he studied named after him. One more time my appreciate to PM for his support.
the problem is turky wants us in israel to betray cyprus and greece and to steal greece economic water. there is gas over there . we in israel dont betry our frinds and dont want to brake agreements and we will not take part in stealing other nation gas.
@@roeytsabar now, after 2 years as I "wished" the relations between Turkey and Israel is growning for better. 👍😁
Машаллах🤝 🇮🇱🇦🇿🤝🙏
first time i anderstand you and Israily perspective mr. Pm. thanks for that..
@@mehmetkara2666 😂😂 idiot
Chabad or Avner is one of the best schools in Azerbaijan
Love İsrael from Azerbaijan 🇦🇿❤️🇮🇱
We support Israel from Azerbaijan. Azerbaijan stands with Israel 🇦🇿❤🇮🇱
Netanyahu el único y mejor Primer Ministro de Israel, de Oriente Medio y del Mundo.
Long live our brother nation Israel ❤🇮🇱🇦🇿❤️May we celebrate our victory in Tabriz with our Jewish brothers
מנהיג חזק וחכם לעם חזק ומבין רק נתניהו נקודה העם אוהב אותך. גוואה לאומית שיש ראש ממשלה למופט כמוך. בני מסיקה בת-ים