This is an excellent public lecture on a very intricate subject that allows even an averagely witted person like me to get an idea of what the physics behind the universe is about. Thank you Prof Gralla. You are a gifted teacher.
Very good presentation. For those critiquing please realize this is a lecture for the general public not a scientific conference. Thank you for the upload.
@@bipolatelly9806 I see you are a person who doesn't grasp fundemental concepts very well. It's why you're quick to call it garbage. Because you can't understand it doesn't negate the factual presentation. You have a lot to learn.
@@cwdor Not if you have the understanding of a turnip. Gravity has been proven billions and billions of times. It is one of the things we can count on. Just as you will grow old and die like the rest of us. So much for your comment of no gravity or time. It shows your level of understanding to be totally infantile.
Whilst mainly listening to this lecture, I browsed through the comments and was amazed by the number of science deniers bashing Einstein. These people are using computer technology to make these comments; technology that is only possible because of the work of great intellects like Einstein and Tesla who laid the foundations for modern electronics to be possible at all. As an electronics engineer I understand the basics of electronics; PNP and NPN junctions on a silicon substrate. I studied in the 1980's when fibre optics was the new kid on the block, this technology is now the backbone of the modern Internet. I'm amazed at the arrogance of people who probably can't even fix a bicycle, let alone understand electronics, or even comprehend the concepts of Quantum Physics.
@@kishorerajs.3606 The University of the Punjab, right on their page, has given the following a thumbs up. It is a most fundamental and gigantic unification of physics. University of the Punjab, a supreme masterpiece of physical understanding. Absolute, clear, ingenious, and perfect proof that gravity is ELECTROMAGNETISM/energy: It is impossible to understand gravity apart from both ELECTROMAGNETISM/energy AND inertia/inertial resistance. Balanced inertia/inertial resistance is fundamental, as gravity is ELECTROMAGNETISM/energy. Gravity and ELECTROMAGNETISM/energy are linked AND balanced, as gravity is ELECTROMAGNETISM/energy. Fantastic. Outer "space" involves full inertia, AND it is fully invisible AND black. The sun and photons are linked AND balanced, AND the speed of light is inertial resistance. ALSO, energy has/involves gravity; AND energy has/involves inertia/inertial resistance. So, ELECTROMAGNETISM/energy is gravity. Magnificent !! Indeed, E=mc2 AND F=ma are equivalently expressed or understood when gravity is ELECTROMAGNETISM/energy. Again, the speed of light is inertial resistance. Gravity/acceleration involves balanced inertia/inertial resistance, as gravity is ELECTROMAGNETISM/energy. (Both equations apply to the sun.) Great !! Gravity/acceleration involves balanced inertia/inertial resistance, as a given planet sweeps out equal areas in equal times in accordance with F=ma. Great !! So, gravity is ELECTROMAGNETISM/energy. Therefore, inertia/inertial resistance is proportional to (or balanced with/as) gravitational force/energy; as this unifies and balances ELECTROMAGNETISM/energy AND gravity; as this balances gravity and inertia. So, in the case of the "black holes", there is full gravity with/involving full and balanced inertia/inertial resistance. Accordingly, gravitational force/energy is proportional to (or balanced with/as) inertia/inertial resistance; as this balances and unifies gravity AND ELECTROMAGNETISM/energy; as this balances gravity and inertia. This explains E=mc2 AND F=ma, as ELECTROMAGNETISM/energy is gravity. Therefore, gravity/acceleration involves balanced inertia/inertial resistance; as gravity is ELECTROMAGNETISM/energy. (This also makes perfect sense of what is perpetual motion.) The "black hole(s)" AND photon(s)/speed of light are linked AND balanced opposites that reveal that ELECTROMAGNETISM/energy is gravity. So, "mass"/energy involves balanced inertia/inertial resistance in accordance with what is balanced gravitational/electromagnetic force/energy; as ELECTROMAGNETISM/energy is gravity. (This also explains the supergiant stars that were falsely deemed as being incapable of existence.) So, the falling man feels no gravity; as the feeling of gravity by the man who is standing on the earth/ground ALSO involves balanced inertia/inertial resistance; as ELECTROMAGNETISM/energy is gravity. Indeed, objects fall at the same rate in accordance with what is balanced inertia/inertial resistance AND gravity/acceleration; as gravity is ELECTROMAGNETISM/energy. Accordingly, inertia/inertial resistance is proportional to (or balanced with/as) gravitational force/energy; as this balances and unifies gravity AND ELECTROMAGNETISM/energy; as this balances gravity and inertia. Absolutely ingenious !!! I have now proven the fundamental, extensive, and true unification of physics. By Frank DiMeglio
This talk is excellent. We have so-called scientific educators like Dr. Tyson and Dr. Kaku (sp?), spewing interdimensional this and that with fancy metaphors to a population who believes it wall based on authority. Dr. Sagan would be dismayed. This is super basic, thorough, and well done. This is the public science education that people should be receiving.
I do think both is needed. It is important that the public is informed, on every level. Not only on a basic level. Therefore Tyson and Kaku are also needed. I'm not well educated but I can still understand them very well and I love their devotion in their work
Tyson and Kaku are more sensationalist than legitimate teachers. Kaku especially often talks about very fringe hypotheses and much of his own ideas and passes them off as credible, established science. All this does is confuse and misinform an uneducated audience. Their methodology is ironically pretty far from what one would call proper science. Though they speak about the scientific method a lot, their personal methods often contradict its tenets.
Gravity and F = ma versus E = mc2 Reference, You Tube Video Einstein’s General Theory of Relativity - Michio Kaku Michio Kaku Quote: Newton said, if an object falls it is because of a mysterious force called gravity is pulling it down, but you know Isaac Newton himself was not satisfied by that. Contrary to this baseless assertion neither Keppler or Isaac Newton were anymore mystified by the force of gravity in their time, than physicists of today are regarding regard the theorized existence and nature of dark energy and dark matter. And this is made clear by the fact that far from their considering gravity to be of a mystical nature or of supernatural origin, Keppler and Newton’s scientific approach and groundwork, led on to Newton developing the law of universal gravitation and the three laws of motion. It was the combination of these four laws which not only served to demystify the nature of gravity, but also became the laws of classical mechanics upon which the orbital mechanics used in NASA space programs are founded. Reference: You Tube Video, Space Flight: The Application of Orbital Mechanics. 150,327 views NASA STI Program Space Flight: The Application of Orbital Mechanics 150,003 views Published on Sep 21, 2011: This is a primer on orbital mechanics originally intended for college-level physics students. Released 1989. Quoted Text from this Video: Isaac Newton the Father of classical mechanics laid the groundwork for orbital mechanics. He combined the work of Keppler and others to formulate the Law of Universal Gravitation, and the three Newtonian Laws of Motion. While Kepplers Laws had provided a conceptual model of orbital motions, Newton’s laws provided the foundation for the mathematical description of orbits which explain why a satellite stays in orbit. Newton’s Universal Law of Gravitation The more massive the objects are or the closer they are, the greater the gravitational pull between them. Newton’s First Law of Motion A satellite moves in a curved path around the Earth because the Earth’s gravitational pull acts as an external force on it. Newton’s Second Law of Motion Newton’s Second Law states that force equals mass times acceleration, it is this mathematical equation and the equation for the Law of Universal Gravitation that forms the basis for calculating orbits. Newton’s Third Law of Motion Newton’s Third Law of Motion explains how a satellite gets into orbit “For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction” if you blow up a balloon and let it go the balloon is pushed forward by the action of the air rushing out of it, a rockets exhaust gases are like the air rushing out of the balloon. The following (Refer to the NASA STI Program Video illustration) illustrates how a satellite stays in orbit. Back to Michio Kaku Quote: Objects move because they are pushed not because they are pulled. So what is pushing this? Newton didn’t know, so Newton simply threw his hands up in the air and said I don’t know, so I am going to invent something called gravitational pull. Given the achievements of both Joseph Keppler and Sir Isaac Newton some three and half centuries ago, during a time when absolutely nothing was known about the nature of gravity or outer-space. To say that Michio Kaku’s comments are disingenuous, and that they amount to slandering and undeservedly treating with contempt the *empirically proven scientific work* and the characters of two of history’s greatest geniuses, is putting the case mildly. But aside from this unwarranted attack and the belittling those of true genius as a means to boosting his own self-promoted image as to being a genius, what he clearly reveals and falls prey to in this video due to his hubris, is the degree of his shallow stupidity when stating quite absurdly, that objects only move when they are pushed, and do not move when they are pulled. Common knowledge: We are all aware, that if objects are either pushed or if they are pulled with an adequate amount of force, they move. If a ship needs help to move into a harbor, it is pulled into the harbor by a tugboat, it is not pushed into the harbor by a tugboat. Everything we eat, we first have to lift and pull from something or somewhere, before pushing it into our mouths. Physics: If two opposite poles of two permanent magnets are made proximate to each other, they each attract and move/pull together. Quite simply, if we push something it moves away from us, and if we pull something it moves toward us. And essentially and in a nutshell, what is revealed in this video is that Michio Kaku as with his hero Albert Einstein, who stated, Quote “If the facts do not fit the theory change the fact’s”. Is an adherent of that same dishonest philosophy. Prime Example Of Einstein’s: *If The Facts Do Not Fit The Theory Change The Facts* Einstein’s General Theory of Gravity and Acceleration Einstein stated that if a lift was taken into outer-space and a beam of light was shone across the inside of the lift. And the lift was then accelerated; the beam of light would bend due to the force of acceleration. The speed of light is 300, 000 kilometers per second Therefore for the light beam to bend due to the force of acceleration, the speed of acceleration applied to the lift, would have to exceed the light beams speed of 300, 000 kilometers per second. However ironically, it was Albert Einstein who through all of his life maintained that this would be impossible, because not mass or anything else in the universe *according to him* can travel faster than the speed of light. E = mc2 As to Einstein’s famous equation E = mc2 (Energy equals mass times the speed of light squared). Isaac Newton’s equation F = ma makes a total nonsense of the substitute equation E = mc2 used by Einstein to give an air of credibility to his invention. Although Newton’s equation F = ma gives the correct result regarding the speed of objects relative to quantity of their mass, and hence their force of impact. What it does not serve to explain is the fundamental nature of force, relative to the acceleration of a body of mass. Although in the equation F = ma force is expressed as to being equal to mass times acceleration, this does not mean that the element of force is the same thing as mass. Mass of itself is the quantity of matter that is present within a body of matter, which is often simply referred to as mass. The element of force is created by a *quantity of energy* multiplied by the *speed of its input* into a body of matter. It is the input of energy relative to its speed of input; that serves to deliver the force of forward impetus to a body of matter. As such, it is the ratio of the quantity of energy input and the speed of its input, relative to the inertial resistance of a body of matter. That serves to determine whether or not a body of matter is impelled into forward motion, and if so, the acceleration of the body of matters continued forward motion. Inertial Resistance For example in regard to a quantity of energy and the acceleration/speed of its input, if you kick a ball made of light balsa wood it will shoot away from your foot at great speed. However if you kick a ball of the same size but made of heavier wood, with the same amount of energy and speed as you used to kick the balsa wood ball. The heavier wood ball will barely move forward, due to the greater quantity/density of matter within its structure. Therefore the two components/elements of force of itself are, the quantity of energy input time’s the acceleration/speed of the energy input. And the four components/elements of a body of matters force of an impact are, Quantity of energy input times the acceleration/speed of energy input Relative to The inertial resistance of the body of matter, and any external factors of force or friction e.g. atmosphere or an underlying surface. And therefore the equation E = mc2 is a nonsense, because energy is simply energy, and force is energy times its acceleration which can be calculated as per Newton’s equation F = ma.
I gotta say that this is a great explanation, and the bit where you're shaking your fist and sending out gravitational waves was hilarious - why no one was cracking up is beyond me. I was LMAO!
Part of the problem associated with this topic is the limits of human language and the distortions that arise from using small mouth noises to describe Reality (same can be said for fishy math formulas too) Because we say "space time" we automatically divide the subject into 2 distinct meanings and associations. But we cannot experience "space" without experiencing "time" because to have 2 seperate points (space) we need time (duration) to create the illusion of seperation. We need a word that combines the two just like when use the word "light" and know it is acting as awave and particle at the same time.
When you breach the speed of sound, a sonic boom occurs, yet you can still hear your own voice... But light isnt a sound. Light is visual and no Boom (Supposedly). However, a visual boom may occur in opposition of light, thus visual distortion to our eyes. Objects flying toward a Black Hole will reach beyond the speed of light, thus become visually Distorted or gone by our visual perspective. But is it gone?
I've seen and listened to many videos on the explanation of space and time but this one here is going to be one of my favorites thank you for posting this video
@@rationalmartian WHY EINSTEIN'S EQUATIONS PREDICT THAT SPACE IS EXPANDING OR CONTRACTING IN AND WITH TIME, AS E=MC2 IS clearly F=MA ON BALANCE: Ultimately and truly, TIME is NECESSARILY possible/potential AND actual IN BALANCE; AS ELECTROMAGNETISM/energy is gravity; AS E=MC2 is CLEARLY F=ma IN BALANCE. INSTANTANEITY is FUNDAMENTAL to the FULL and proper understanding of physics/physical experience, AS E=MC2 is clearly F=ma ON BALANCE. This NECESSARILY represents, INVOLVES, AND describes what is possible/potential AND actual IN BALANCE, AS ELECTROMAGNETISM/energy is gravity. Gravity is ELECTROMAGNETISM/energy. Time DILATION ULTIMATELY proves ON BALANCE that electromagnetism/ENERGY IS GRAVITY, AS E=mc2 is clearly F=ma ON BALANCE. ACCORDINGLY, the known mathematical unification of Einstein's equations AND Maxwell's equations (given the addition of A FOURTH SPATIAL DIMENSION) is proven and explained. BALANCE AND completeness go hand in hand. A PHOTON may be placed at the center of what is THE SUN (as A POINT, of course), AS the reduction of SPACE is offset by (or BALANCED with) the speed of light (c); AS ELECTROMAGNETISM/energy is gravity; AS E=MC2 is CLEARLY F=ma ON BALANCE. The stars AND PLANETS are POINTS in the night sky. NOW, carefully consider what is THE EARTH/ground ON BALANCE !!! Great. Very importantly, outer "space" involves full inertia; AND it is fully invisible AND black. (Notice the term c4 from Einstein's equations.) It is all CLEARLY proven. Gravity IS ELECTROMAGNETISM/ENERGY. This is the ultimate mathematical unification of physics/physical experience. It ALL CLEARLY makes perfect sense. I have truly unified physics/physical experience. Consider THE MAN who IS standing on what is THE EARTH/ground. Touch AND feeling BLEND, AS ELECTROMAGNETISM/ENERGY IS GRAVITY; AS E=MC2 is CLEARLY F=ma. THOUGHTS ARE INVISIBLE. (Notice that THE DOME of a person's eye is ALSO VISIBLE.) OVERLAY what is THE EYE in BALANCED RELATION to/WITH what is THE EARTH. The INTEGRATED EXTENSIVENESS of THOUGHT (AND DESCRIPTION) is improved in the truly superior mind. Indeed, the ability of thought to describe OR reconfigure sensory experience is ULTIMATELY dependent upon the extent to which THOUGHT IS SIMILAR TO sensory experience. Time DILATION ULTIMATELY proves ON BALANCE that electromagnetism/ENERGY IS GRAVITY, AS E=mc2 is DIRECTLY and fundamentally derived from F=ma. It is ALL CLEARLY proven. In fact, I have also clarified, clearly identified, and corrected the limited notion of curved "SPACE" !!! MY BALANCED UNIFICATION OF PHYSICS SURPASSES ALL OTHERS. E=mc2 IS F=ma. A galaxy is basically FLAT. Think !!! GREAT. Notice the black space of what is THE EYE as well. ON BALANCE, it ALL CLEARLY makes perfect sense. (Stellar clustering ALSO proves ON BALANCE that ELECTROMAGNETISM/energy is gravity, AS E=MC2 is F=ma ON BALANCE.) ELECTROMAGNETISM/ENERGY IS GRAVITY. The Sun AND the Earth are F=ma AND E=mc2, AS E=mc2 IS F=ma. GREAT !!! LOOK at what is the BLUE SKY. The EARTH is ALSO blue. NOW, the stars AND PLANETS are POINTS in the night sky. Gravity AND ELECTROMAGNETISM/energy are linked AND BALANCED opposites, AS E=MC2 is clearly F=ma ON BALANCE; AS ELECTROMAGNETISM/energy is gravity ON BALANCE !!!! Energy has/involves GRAVITY, AND ENERGY has/involves inertia/INERTIAL RESISTANCE. Beautiful !!! BALANCED inertia/INERTIAL RESISTANCE is fundamental. Gravity/acceleration involves BALANCED inertia/INERTIAL RESISTANCE, AS ELECTROMAGNETISM/ENERGY IS GRAVITY. This CLEARY explains F=ma AND E=mc2 ON BALANCE !!! GREAT !!! ACCORDINGLY, the rotation of WHAT IS THE MOON MATCHES it's revolution. It is fully, CLEARLY, and consistently proven ON BALANCE !!! ELECTROMAGNETISM/ENERGY IS GRAVITY. Gravity IS ELECTROMAGNETISM/ENERGY. "Mass"/ENERGY involves BALANCED inertia/INERTIAL RESISTANCE consistent with/as what is BALANCED electromagnetic/gravitational force/ENERGY, AS E=MC2 is clearly F=ma (ON BALANCE); AS ELECTROMAGNETISM/energy is gravity. GRAVITATIONAL force/ENERGY IS proportional to (or BALANCED with/as) inertia/INERTIAL RESISTANCE, AS E=MC2 is CLEARLY proven to be F=ma ON BALANCE; AS ELECTROMAGNETISM/energy is gravity. Great. So, carefully consider what is the speed of light (c). Gravity AND ELECTROMAGNETISM/energy are linked AND BALANCED opposites, AS E=MC2 is CLEARLY proven to be F=ma ON BALANCE; AS ELECTROMAGNETISM/energy is gravity. Objects (and WHAT IS the falling MAN) fall at the SAME RATE (neglecting air resistance, of course), AS E=MC2 is F=ma; AS ELECTROMAGNETISM/energy is clearly gravity ON BALANCE. The stars AND PLANETS are POINTS in the night sky. I have also CLEARLY explained ON BALANCE why the planets will move away very, very, very slightly in relation to what is THE SUN. SO, BALANCE AND completeness go hand in hand; AS it ALL CLEARLY makes perfect sense !!! E=MC2 is F=ma ON BALANCE. Finally, carefully consider what is the speed of light (c) !!! NOW, ON BALANCE, carefully consider what is THE EARTH/ground as well !!! Great !!! E=MC2 is CLEARLY proven to be F=ma ON BALANCE, AS ELECTROMAGNETISM/energy is gravity. By Frank DiMeglio
therealnightwriter Can you point to a peer-reviewed article that supports your misinformed bullshit and demonstrates that these highly-educated people are a bunch of idiots?
The simplicity of a Simpleton who believes in such nonsense as the Electric Universe. E.U. is a hoax that it has been pushed by a greedy lawyer who doesn't have a clue about physics. "Debunking the Electric Universe - Professor Dave explains" & "Response to Ben Davidson - Professor Dave explains"
Gravity vs beauty making. you nailed it with pretty close to what might be an accuracy on Articulated level. yet its still interesting to study space, time, spacetime gravity. :)
The universe has fuckin' ZERO obligation to make sense to you. If it can be trialled and repeated, it's a FACT weather you 'like' it or not. Crazy shit and I love it. GO SCIENCE WOOH
Eggert Nielson How about the fact that relativity contradicts itself? Do you have the same response to that? "The universe has ZERO obligation to be logically sound"?
There is a saying that once the ancient Greek philosopher Thales asked what is the fastest thing in the world and his answer was "thought"! With the speed of thought, he said, one can travel to the most remote imaginable places in zero time! Thales conception of speed may have philosophical dimensions and differs from our modern conception that there is nothing that can surpass the speed of light which the French physicist Hippolyte Fizeau calculated its value in 1851 to almost 300 000 km/sec. Maybe in the future someone will find the value of the speed of thought and then things will take another more revolutionary turn! For the time being let us assume that Einstein was right attributing that light is the ultimate speed. I ,myself, enjoyed this video as a master piece of poetic science!
God created the universe by thought this is the big bang. God travels by thought from his dimension to ours or other planets with life. Thought don't have a speed limit but, it has a ( limiter). So if you thought about a planet that you wanted to go to and your buddy do believe you then he is limited so he will not be able to go with you because he cannot think it.
Well, if you can explain to me what God is and who on earth created this creature other than the imagination of human mind, then I can go on to have a discussion with you. Human imagination has no limits and can create any kind of theories but even crap. Nothing wrong with this, it is the way it is! The problem comes when we believe in the imaginary narrations make them dogmatic and perpetuate them by transmitting them to next generations. I am sure that no one knows how the universe is created, and no serious scientist will ever dare to say that before he proves it in a convincing way, the way Grigori Perelman proved the unsolved mathematical problem about Poincare´s conjecture that had been on the list of unsolved problems more that a century. Turn of the voice and put on the subtitles while watching this video. It may open your horizons to understand how things must be done in order to have a true value! There are six more unsolved problems of the same kind. Probably you will send us the solution and be rewarded with a Field medal and one million dollars! Your God is not interested of sending us solutions to any of our problems!видео.html
The Beginning of the Beginning is the gravitational field. The gravitational field and the aether are the same; that is, they have the same physical meaning. It is formed from gravitons in chaotic motion. The gravitational field (aether) penetrates the entire space and all masses. The Universe extends due to the extension of the gravitational field (aether). Graviton is an elementary quantum of energy when it is in the state of motion and an indivisible particle of mass when it is in the state of rest. Mass is a conglomerate of gravitons in the state of rest; that is, of gravitons, which have given the mass its kinetic energy of motion. It is possible to explain scientifically many physical phenomena which cannot be explained or explained naively by classical physics, if on the basis of physics the existence of the gravitational field (aether) is independent of the mass and the mass produced by the gravitational field (aether) is independent of the gravitational field (aether): 1. Where does the energy of the stars come from? 2. Why are the planets nuclei hot? 3. What kind of relationship exists between the potential and the thermal energy in any point inside the mass? 4. What is the propagation medium of the electromagnetic field? 5. Why does the mass accelerate when a constant force acts on it? 6. Why is the mass moving of inertia? 7. What is the maximum speed at which the given mass can move of inertia? 8. Why in the world are the tides? 9. What is the mass? Where from appeared the mass? 10. What is the Black Hole? Physics ZMV can provide an explanation for all these questions. Why ZMV? Because in space where there is no gravitational field the speed of the mass is directly proportional to the force and inversely proportional to the mass: F = zmV, where z - is a coefficient of proportionality. In any point inside the mass, the sum of the potential energy of the gravitational field (distorted by the mass) and the thermal energy of the mass (obtained from the gravitational field at the mass penetration) is a constant value for the given mass in the respective region of the gravitational field. This constant is named Constant of the mass in the gravitational field. THE MASSES ARE NOT GRAVITATIONALLY ATTRACTED TO EACH OTHER. The potential energies of the gravitational field (distorted by the masses) compress the masses. The compression of masses by the gravitational field (distorted by the masses) is named universal compression of masses. Universal compression of masses by potential energies of gravitational field (distorted by the masses) is the first fundamental law of Physics ZMV. The thermal energy of the mass (received from the gravitational field during mass penetration) heats the mass. This phenomenon is named heating of the mass by the gravitational field. Heating of the mass by the gravitational field (during penetration through the mass) is the second fundamental law of Physics ZMV. That part of gravitons, which gave their energy to the mass and contributed to the creation of the potential energy of the gravitational field and the thermal energy of the mass, remain in the mass and increase the amount of the mass. This phenomenon is named growth of the mass due to the gravitational field penetration through the mass. Growth of the mass by gravitational field (during penetration through the mass) is the third fundamental law of Physics ZMV. For a certain quantity of mass, the thermal energy of the mass is so high that the frequency of the maximum of the thermal energy radiation emitted by the mass coincides with the frequencies of the electromagnetic field perceived by the human eye. Such mass is named a star. The mass, which initially received a kinetic quantity of energy, is continuously moved by the inertial energy of the gravitational field. The inertial energy of the gravitational field is equal to the difference between the potential energy of the gravitational field (distorted by the mass and initial kinetic energy of the mass) in the back side of the mass and in the front side of the mass at the mass surface. The motion of the mass under the action of the inertial energy of the gravitational field is referred to as mass motion by inertial energy of the gravitational field or abbreviated mass motion of inertia. Mass motion by inertial energy of the gravitational field (distorted by the mass and initial kinetic energy of the mass) is the fourth fundamental law of Physics ZMV. In the gravitational field, the mass cannot move of inertia at a higher speed than the maximum speed (Vmax) corresponding to the given mass. The mass is not a function of its speed. The inertial energy of the gravitational field Ei depends on the speed of the given mass. The mass which obtained a rectilinear and angular motion (the rotation axis is perpendicular to the rectilinear speed vector) changes the volume of the parts of the mass in synchronous with the angular motion. This phenomenon is referred to as flux and re-flux of the mass. Flux and re-flux of the mass as result of the rectilinear and angular motion of the mass (when the rotation axis is perpendicular to the vector of rectilinear speed) is the fifth fundamental law of Physics ZMV. The gravitational field is the medium of propagation of the electromagnetic field. Zastavnitchi Mihail, Chisinau, Republic of Moldova. email: For more information, click on the link below:видео.html
The answer to will one's headlights will work at the speed of light is, Yes. The light is from one's own observed position. The next postulation about two vehicles passing one another in opposite direction at 75% of the speed of light. You would not see the other vehicle until after it had passed. Then I got bored.
Sam has explained the gravitational waves so well with all the possible tools. A question - will the such gravitational waves leave a permanent imprint on the Spacetime curvatures of an galaxy or on our solar system. Basically, will the spacetime change due to the impact of the gravitational waves for a galaxy or a solar system. In my view it should, because by conservation of energy or mass, if some energy had expended due to the impact of the gravitational waves (contraction and expansion), then the expended energy should get reflected in some form like the Spacetime curvature of earth around the sun is weakened.
The University of the Punjab, right on their page, has given the following a thumbs up. It is a most fundamental and gigantic unification of physics. University of the Punjab, a supreme masterpiece of physical understanding. Absolute, clear, ingenious, and perfect proof that gravity is ELECTROMAGNETISM/energy: It is impossible to understand gravity apart from both ELECTROMAGNETISM/energy AND inertia/inertial resistance. Balanced inertia/inertial resistance is fundamental, as gravity is ELECTROMAGNETISM/energy. Gravity and ELECTROMAGNETISM/energy are linked AND balanced, as gravity is ELECTROMAGNETISM/energy. Fantastic. Outer "space" involves full inertia, AND it is fully invisible AND black. The sun and photons are linked AND balanced, AND the speed of light is inertial resistance. ALSO, energy has/involves gravity; AND energy has/involves inertia/inertial resistance. So, ELECTROMAGNETISM/energy is gravity. Magnificent !! Indeed, E=mc2 AND F=ma are equivalently expressed or understood when gravity is ELECTROMAGNETISM/energy. Again, the speed of light is inertial resistance. Gravity/acceleration involves balanced inertia/inertial resistance, as gravity is ELECTROMAGNETISM/energy. (Both equations apply to the sun.) Great !! Gravity/acceleration involves balanced inertia/inertial resistance, as a given planet sweeps out equal areas in equal times in accordance with F=ma. Great !! So, gravity is ELECTROMAGNETISM/energy. Therefore, inertia/inertial resistance is proportional to (or balanced with/as) gravitational force/energy; as this unifies and balances ELECTROMAGNETISM/energy AND gravity; as this balances gravity and inertia. So, in the case of the "black holes", there is full gravity with/involving full and balanced inertia/inertial resistance. Accordingly, gravitational force/energy is proportional to (or balanced with/as) inertia/inertial resistance; as this balances and unifies gravity AND ELECTROMAGNETISM/energy; as this balances gravity and inertia. This explains E=mc2 AND F=ma, as ELECTROMAGNETISM/energy is gravity. Therefore, gravity/acceleration involves balanced inertia/inertial resistance; as gravity is ELECTROMAGNETISM/energy. (This also makes perfect sense of what is perpetual motion.) The "black hole(s)" AND photon(s)/speed of light are linked AND balanced opposites that reveal that ELECTROMAGNETISM/energy is gravity. So, "mass"/energy involves balanced inertia/inertial resistance in accordance with what is balanced gravitational/electromagnetic force/energy; as ELECTROMAGNETISM/energy is gravity. (This also explains the supergiant stars that were falsely deemed as being incapable of existence.) So, the falling man feels no gravity; as the feeling of gravity by the man who is standing on the earth/ground ALSO involves balanced inertia/inertial resistance; as ELECTROMAGNETISM/energy is gravity. Indeed, objects fall at the same rate in accordance with what is balanced inertia/inertial resistance AND gravity/acceleration; as gravity is ELECTROMAGNETISM/energy. Accordingly, inertia/inertial resistance is proportional to (or balanced with/as) gravitational force/energy; as this balances and unifies gravity AND ELECTROMAGNETISM/energy; as this balances gravity and inertia. Absolutely ingenious !!! I have now proven the fundamental, extensive, and true unification of physics. By Frank DiMeglio
WHY THE ROTATION OF WHAT IS THE MOON MATCHES IT'S REVOLUTION: If we understand E=mc2 and F=ma to be in balance, then gravity/acceleration involves BALANCED inertia/INERTIAL RESISTANCE. So, this then explains why the rotation of the Moon matches it's revolution. (The perpetual motion of the Moon is also clearly accounted for.) The stars AND PLANETS are POINTS in the night sky. Gravity and ELECTROMAGNETISM/energy are linked AND BALANCED opposites, as gravity is ELECTROMAGNETISM/energy. Accordingly, the planets will move away very, very, very slightly in relation to what is the Sun on balance. Consider the fully illuminated Moon AND the orange (and setting) Sun when manifest at eye level/body height. They are the same size as the eye as well. Now, the sky is blue; AND the Earth is also blue. The Moon is about one quarter (27 percent) the size of the Earth. The connection with lava is CLEAR. Indeed, it is a very great truth that THE SELF represents, FORMS, and experiences a COMPREHENSIVE approximation of experience in general by combining conscious and unconscious experience. I have a preponderance of evidence that clearly proves that the sizes of the setting Moon AND orange Sun are not meaningless or insignificant. Indeed, this is clearly CONNECTED with the fact that the rotation of WHAT IS the Moon matches it's revolution. By Frank DiMeglio
Headlights "work" by bouncing light off an object in front of you. Assuming you were able to travel at the speed of light, your time would be stopped with respect to any object in your path. From your perspective, you would instantaneously arrive at your destination. You would not have time to receive any reflected light off objects in front of you. Your headlights would not work.
Mass increases in a non-linear fashion as speed increases; the closer you get to the speed of light, the more your mass increases, and the more energy required to accelerate further. It's physically impossible, according to the Standard Model, for a human body mass (+ car ;) to hit C (light speed) - it gets to the point where all the energy in the universe is insufficient to continue your acceleration to, and achieve, C. That's precisely, literally what *_"you can't go that fast"_* means. (Not saying there aren't other considerations).
Yup, sorry you missed it.The present moment of now on earth, is seen or experienced after the fact. Life is simply unfolding faster than your brain can comprehend life. The late Dr. Walter Russell teachings should be presented here. I'm also reminded that: When you know the truth, most scientists will sadly lose their ability for funding, lol. Good video, made me think.
It's expensive to spend 700 million over 5 years on science but everyone's ok with spending 600 billion on military each year. Great priorities America.
So yo want America to be at the mercy of some North Korean dictator? Top military tech and weapons are a must, else some nuts in a fucked-up country could fuck up your country.
But the military number has lots of science hidden in it, so that is not 100% accurate. But I agree the US has abandoned it's learnership position in science, it's moved to Europe now.
K Marx, That is totally stupid. USA spends more on military than most other countries combined, such as Russia or China and North Korea can be taken down by those and many more countries (plus USA provokes North Korea). Instead of 600 billion (which about 200 are spend on "protecting" the oil rich areas and interests) the military could survive and be equally strong with much less funding. Plus, no one is going to attack the US which is one a different continent than any other important player.
Magnetism, vortex shape of the objects own EMF (electro magnetic field) makes it spin. Gravity is electromagnetism, everything have a EMF small or big. This also explains why solar systems and galixys order them selfes in a disc shape, the bigger objects EMF "push" the other smaller objects toward it's own plain of 0 inertia (EMF of an object can be described as having two balloons on opposit sides of a football "toutching" at the center of the fotball. In cross section the ballons would form a shape like the infinity sign. At the very center 90deg to the EMF "path" would be the plain of 0 inertia. Center of a north/south pole magnet. )
In our spiral galaxy, is our solar system being pulled toward our galactic center due to the gravitational pull of all that matter and mass in the galaxies center? Maybe even giving us a relative perspective of an expanding universe including a red shift of energy of far away galaxies?
Yeah, you can never reach light speed because it would take an infinite amount of energy or whatever, but the question implies that you are already travelling at the speed of light, so in this hypothetical scenario you don't require any energy! So what would happen when you switched on the headlights? Answer: You wouldn't have any time to switch on the headlights.
we cant see light until it reflects off of something. so already traveling at the speed of light you would not see anything, by the 'time' the light reflected off of something (the insides of your eye for example), you would already be far past that point. therefore the reason for "c squared" in most scientific calculations.
the trouble with the explanations he gives is that he keeps using "at the speed of light' and "faster than the speed of light" interchangeably. Which is correct? That you can travel at (but not faster than) the speed of light or that you can't travel at the speed of light? Rhetorical question btw as I already know the answer
To Sam Gralla: Regarding the 2 merging black holes, I guess you assume gravitational waves from the merger travelled at the speed of light. You calculated that the energy of 3 suns was released during the merger, which I guess implies that you would assume some electromagnetic waves and/or neutrinos from the merger also travelled at that same speed of light. So, were electromagnetic waves and/or neutrinos observed simultaneous with the gravitational waves observed, in the amount you would predict?
Yes, optical instruments located the source within minutes and the gravity waves were accompanied by electromagnetic waves simultaneously. That confirmed gravity waves traveled at the same speed. Science is actually cool if you just follow up on the sound bites.
Force (physics) does not exist physically in the same way that an object with mass, thus making it “not” the initial cause of pushing, pulling, shaping objects, motion, work or being a Vector Quantity (Magnitude + Direction). In physics, the word, “Force” as we know it, turns out to be nothing more than an expression to express an idea like one would use the word “Love” to express one's feelings. But, physics and in mathematics, still use “Force” as thou it were something physical that could enable the initial cause of motion making it counterintuitive. Example: Without applying the Energy from within you, choose an object of your choices to push and pull by simply applying “only” the Force or Net Force. Meaning that Energy (applied energy) is the origin of motion and not “Force”. Once Energy (E) is applied, it creates what is known as Momentum (p). When this Momentum (object in motion) comes in contact with another object(s), it makes a surface contact that will enable you to push and pull. Example: Ep=ma, Ep=mv and so on. Note: Ep is not to be confused as Kinetic Energy in any way. Momentum represents things like work, wave, gravity, light, lightning, tsunami, earthquake, current, electricity, motion, magnetism, hurricane, etc. Without Energy, there is no Momentum. Without Momentum, there is no surface contact on an object(s) to push, pull, work, shaping objects, motion, gravity, etc. Momentum does not and cannot exist without the applied Energy that creates it. Energy and Momentum or “Ep” is the one and only common denominator that links all fundamental forces of nature. Without Ep, all fundamental forces of nature would be inert and non-existence. Energy is energy, but it’s when Energy (E) is being applied that creates the Momentum (p) making it the initial cause of motion. Example: Ep. By applying the right amount of Energy, nothing is immovable or unstoppable. ~ Guadalupe Guerra
In addition: black holes are formed when a collapsing body reaches the Schwarzschild radius which is proportional to G and M and to the inverse of C squared. In order to shrink farther the vale of C should be trespassed, but nothing can exceed light speed i.e. C. Therefore it is impossible to have any “ singularity” where, according to some cosmologists, all would disappear from our universe!
There is a fundamental issue that I cannot understand, and I admit that I could be making incorrect assumptions, but I will try to explain what I mean. If spacetime is a fabric which must be present for the very existence of anything, when it is in contact with matter what happens? It curves? If this is the case, and it curves around matter, then how can it also still be present "underneath" the matter, as the matter needs that spacetime to even exist? So does the spacetime penetrate every molecule within some mass, which seems necessary if spacetime underlies the existence of all matter? How can spacetime still exist in the same form to have a mass embedded in it, yet be curved by that mass? I just cannot grasp how this works, and I have other similar questions regarding spacetime but this is the most fundamental.
the pictures he showed where a 2 dimensional analogy, of a ball distorting a sheet. In this analogy you can have an underneath the matter. But in reality spacetime is 4 dimensional, we cannot visualise distortion of a 4 dimensional space. The 2 dimensional visualisations are helpful but limited. The distortions of the 4 dimensional spacetime by matter lead to what we experience as the force of gravity.
I am not sure if I understand your question correctly. There are at least two possible interpretations. What I can say: Your question is great. 1. Interpretation: Q: Is there are a hard barrier between laws in quantum physics and classical laws or is there a smooth transition? A: The truth is, that the classical laws are approximations of the more correct laws of quantum physics (if actions are small compared to Planks constant). Like the law v=v1+v2 ist an approximation of the more correct relativistic law (if velocities are small compared to c) as explained in the video. And both statements can be made into a mathematical theorem. 2. Interpretation (more technical - idk how to simplify it in a short comment): Q: Is it known when the wave function collapses? A: The best explanation at the moment is *quantum decoherence* . The superposition of classical states (described by the wave function) will entangle with the measurement apparatus (including human brain etc.) and the superposition is transferred to this entanglement. This explains every at the moment testable phenomenon, but leaves a question. Why we perceive only one of the possible realities is still unclear. Some (like R. Penrose who worked with Hawking and is known for many contributions in mathematics and physics) expect that this last mystery will evolve quantum gravity. From a mathematical perspective this makes sense as a collapse of entangled states into a trace class operator (density matrix) violates conservation of energy. The only phenomenon known to do so is Einsteinian gravity.
@5:13 the question was not about the limitations of mass ass, it was about how light behaves and predictions of it when traveling at the speed of light, Alfred Finstein .
Sam talks about the merger of the black holes (36 + 29 Suns worth) and the resultant loss of energy (3 Suns worth) due to radiation (which we see as gravitational waves). The size of the black holes were indirectly measured from those gravitational waves. How is this possible? Isn't there any loss of energy to be account for here; perhaps due to surrounding gravitational bodies? Or is it that the gravitational waves propagate without losing their energy?
I think anything in an orbit will emit gravitational waves. Wikipedia's "Timline of the far future" page includes an entry for "time until the earth collides with the black dwarf sun due to emission of gravitational radiation".
The 'chirp' has a different build time for different mass black hole mergers. Smaller black holes spin up faster, putting the 'chirp' in our hearing range. Large black holes spin up slower and their 'chirp' would be too low frequency to detect. Supermassive black hole binaries start with a frequency of one crest every 40,000 years or more, not detectable directly. Not simple science in practice, only in theory.
40:30 - map shows all the stations around the equator, doesn't it make it tricky to triangulate the sources that come from the directions of poles? not really any prallax there. eh? to have full ambisonic sound - one would perfectly need microphones on missaligned planes (preferably a pair on each axis:x, y, z... no?
Question for those who are cleverer/more knowledgable about such things. If two black holes collide and merge then in addition to gravity waves shouldn't they also emit a high energy burst of eg: gamma rays, which should be detectable at the same time the gravity waves reach earth? If so, were they detected? Thanks
Very good. One thing concerns me though. If the universe is accelerating faster and faster, how is it that black holes find each other? It would make more sense that they are moving apart from one another.
Considering that massive objects distorts spacetime in a major way, it's not that hard to imagine. Imagine putting two bowling balls on a blanket held by four people on opposite ends. They will eventually meet at the center due to the distortion of the blanket they have caused by their mass. Same thing. Gravity attracts.
Eric Electron Sure. Local galaxies can collide and coalesce. No mystery their. What about galaxies far enough apart that they rush apart from each other? Their black holes theoretically will never meet. Wouldn't that end to the universe imply a big bang would be impossible in the first place?
If you could witness our universe from an outside perspective it would be like witnessing a fire cracker going off, you would experience the start and the finish of the event happen in a matter of seconds unlike our perspective of the universe from an inward perspective. This is because the scale of time for things with more mass are significantly greater than the scale of time of that of smaller objects because of being able to witness all angles of the event happening at the same time. Time is simply the rate at which information can be downloaded by brain and light is information. The clock tower experiment done by Einstein proves this point, the hands on the clock appeared to be slowing down because he was moving away from the clock tower at a constant speed so therefore it took longer for the light to be downloaded by the brain.
Au Contraire!! He never mentioned the speed of a Peter Forsberg Slapshot. I've gone frame by frame in 8k hi-def. The puck is completely invisible once it goes into motion. The only place you can observe the puck is when it comes to rest in the back of the net. Seeing this happen in real-time from 5 rows off the glass is even more perplexing. I think this phenomena somehow involves interdimentional travel. Please Advise?
If you were traveling at the speed of light and put your headlights on, the illumination of those headlights would be behind you, not in front of you, because you would pass through it faster than it could stay ahead of you.
I think the next thing will be an observatory looking at neutrino's or cosmic rays or some other particle that as of now we can't even detect..but I am really drooling with excitement to see what the James Web can show us...light from close to the big bang, galaxies and stars from the earliest times of this universe !
We need to distinguish between matter/energy level (where humans live ) and subatomic level where everything happening .The clasic physics in matter/energy level can not be applied on subatomic level,our observation is a reflection to what is happenning on subatomic level incloding time ,for example,what we experience it as heat is actually atoms vibrating on subatomic level,and what we see it shinning is actually photones created and ejected from an object undergoing transformation on subatomic level. The whole universe works on subatomic level,The universe don't see sun and earth and planets and trees and sees concentration of particles that form these objects, and with particles it deals,any term in physics associated with matter/energy is meaningless or does not exist on quantum level including (mass,force,time,energy,...etc) so in this case any physical laws that include these terms does not apply on quantum level..we need to find the aspects that play role and the physical laws that governe them on inerta scale and they are thousands if not millions including time.We can understand quantum physic beter if we use the term (behavior of particals of the universe) , there are nothing such as particles,there are only particles of the universe and the universe forces particles to behave on a certain way in certain conditions and one of these behaviors is gravity,gravity is behaior of particles,dark matter is behavior of particles , Why Oxygen is a gas and iron is solid metal is behavior of particles , any chemical process or reaction is behaviour of particles.movement is space is behavior of particles,the electrical charge (- and +) are behaviour of particals (so they are not properties of particles),double slit experiment is behavior of particles,the Gyroscope is behaviour of particles,the speed of light is behavior of particles,and all fundamental forces humans know are actually behavior of particles ,particles change their behavior accordingly with the circumstances surrounding them Tthe existence of black holes is still to be investigated ,but for the moment let's assume there is black hole in the center of each galaxy,the galactical behaviour is totally different than the behavior of mass on smaller scale like planets orbiting stars and solar systems which controlled by what we know as gravity ,on galactical scale it is totally different (no matter if they are close or far from the center of the galaxy) , where the stars far from the center of the galaxy orbit faster than the stars close to the center of the galaxy ,The only explination of this is that the behavior of particles is a function of distance (or space) lets take 2 magnets north and south and put them close to each other ,their particles will change behavior and pull each other and if we move them away from each other their particles behavior start to change, and the attraction force starts to weaken so space in fact change the behaviours of particles,the same applies for matter that circle the galaxy ,the space is much greater of matter in galaxies than space between the mass on solar systems ,that is why particles on galactical level behave diferently.This was explained by scientists by the effect of dark matter Anything beyond our universe is non existence ,The particles of the universe are the building blocks of the universe and the universe gives them their properties and their behaviour ,exactly like the cells of our bodies if any cell disattached from the body it dies So according to all This the origin of the universe was not the big bang but when particles start to get their properties and behaviours and atoms start to bond together and take shape to form matter and its companion energy ,the universe was different to what we see now ,The properties and behaviours of particle are ever changing ,and continou to do so for ever. Entropy is a good example for this. The issue with big bang theory is that it turned many aspects of the universe to constants,and we know very well that nothing in the universe is constant every thing is changing all the time (incloding properties and behaviours of particles ) and every thing is moving in space,and nothing is stand still. We have expansion of the universe and we have a big bang ,we just need to fill the gap between them and we have a theory of creation The behaviours of particles in your body is reacting to ,the particles surrounding them ,the particles of the planet you are on,the particles of the solar system your planet in,the particles of galaxy your solar system part of,and particles of all galaxies in the universe,particles have multy behaviours at the same time. So if we remove all galaxies in the universe ,and only remain you and the most far away galaxy then the particles of your body will behave according with this galaxy. The change in properties and behaviours over de course of time of particles was not equal or at the same rate everywhere in the universe,some regions didn't develop matter yet or developed to different properties We can say that vacuum is existence,or part of existence ,and what applies on every thing exists in the universe applies also on vacuum,but,humans observe vacuum from their prespective in matter/energy level ,but if we want to know and identify vacuum from prespective of quantum level then it will be something totally diferent,if we say vacuum is absence of particles (and I mean everything we call particle,even fundemantel particles) then still vacuum is influented by the same aspects of the universe that influent all particles and give particles their properties and behaviours,so vacuum in a way or another do carry the properties and behaviour by the influence of the aspects of the univers and because vacuum fill the gap between particles (at least what we know till now) then vacuum play majer role in "comunication" between the aspects of the univers and particle Was the early universe only vacuum ,till particles start to emerge.
Depending on the direction of rotation, you will see to your 3 o'clock, darkness all the way behind. Left of your 3, you will see whatever there is to see all the way to back as you far as you can twist your neck.
The purpose of a black hole in the Kinetic Aether universe to try and reduce the Dislocation Energy Density associated with mass (which is nothing more than Kinetic Aether particles which themselves are rotating) by resolving or transferring its energy to the center Kinetic Aether particle of the black hole in the form of angular moment......and yes, the center of the black hole is traveling at unimaginable speeds which are far far greater than the speed of light. Incidentally, this is also why we usually only see X-ray (or shorter wavelength) emissions from black holes. In order for an electromagnetic wave to get out of the black hole, the wave propagations through the Kinetic Aether Particles (KAPs) have to have a forward propagation speed which is faster than the localised rotational speed of the black hole. Not until you get to the event horizon, does the rotational speed of the KAPs slow down enough that an EMR wave propagation could make any "forward progress". Until you get to the event horizon, light is like a slow man walking up the down escalator. Not until you get to the boundary layer of the black hole where the KAP particles are not rotating, but are compressed and spherically packed, do you even create an EMR wave propagation. The rotating/swirling KAP particles between the boundary layer, on to the event horizon and beyond aren't arranged in a cubic centered form of lattice. It is this closely packed, cubic centered form of lattice that promotes this helical wave like propagation that we perceive relativistically as a transverse waveform. Because only very high energy pulses can develop the "faster than light" speed that is required to escape the event horizon, only high energy pulses are what strikes the boundary layer where EMR waveforms are first created....hence we only see high energy, short wavelength light coming out of black holes. All of the lower energy propagation forms are too slow to escape .
Can pilot wave be stretched and compressed by gravity waves? Does the lost mass mean gravity waves "escape" the gravitation field of a black holes, or are they ripples pushed away from near the event horizon?
pilot wave is the quantum anti-gravity wave as the relativistic mass of light - phonon energy as reverse entropy. So there is a "back reaction" by the pilot wave as the Law of Phase Harmony, - the "phase wave" of the particle is superluminal - that harmonizes with the "group wave" of mass. So gravity waves actually originate out of noncommutative phase waves - that is eternal motion - as dark energy. The entropy of linear time is a byproduct of the "collapse" of the non-local wave function that originates out of noncommutative time-frequency. So when light goes to zero as reverse phase - with zero rest mass - this means light still has relativistic mass as hidden momentum - the pilot wave from the future. I have details on my blog - Manfred Euler, the physicist in Germany, has figured out this secret of the Law of Phase Harmony. Gerard t'Hooft argues we exist with micro virtual black holes - everywhere - this is ER=EPR.
Read Astrophysicist Paul S. Wesson - a professor who died in 2015 - he did several papers on Louis de Broglie Law of Phase Harmony as the secret of the 5D black hole universe.
Roger Penrose argues it is gravity that causes the collapse of the wavefunction as the "bing" of self-conscious awareness of life. Proto-consciousness of the Universe is the non-local entanglement that is from noncommutative time-frequency. So Penrose says the secret of the Big Bang is that it's from asymmetric time - noncommutative - with a geometric dimension of zero, as Alain Connes explains.
in his illustration of the space time being warped by the massive round object, how will he conceive objects falling down to its north pole region and similar objects falling up to the south pole area?
That visualisation is just for the purposes of simplification, If one could sketch you how the actual curved 4D spacetime looks like, and your brain was able to somehow process and understand that, you would be shiiting your pants in horror! On our best we can visualise a 4D shadow of a 4D cube. And we are unable to ever percieve the 4D shadow of a 4D sphere... Let alone a curved spacetime!
Gravity and F = ma versus E = mc2 Reference, You Tube Video Einstein’s General Theory of Relativity - Michio Kaku Michio Kaku Quote: Newton said, if an object falls it is because of a mysterious force called gravity is pulling it down, but you know Isaac Newton himself was not satisfied by that. Contrary to this baseless assertion neither Keppler or Isaac Newton were anymore mystified by the force of gravity in their time, than physicists of today are regarding regard the theorized existence and nature of dark energy and dark matter. And this is made clear by the fact that far from their considering gravity to be of a mystical nature or of supernatural origin, Keppler and Newton’s scientific approach and groundwork, led on to Newton developing the law of universal gravitation and the three laws of motion. It was the combination of these four laws which not only served to demystify the nature of gravity, but also became the laws of classical mechanics upon which the orbital mechanics used in NASA space programs are founded. Reference: You Tube Video, Space Flight: The Application of Orbital Mechanics. 150,327 views NASA STI Program Space Flight: The Application of Orbital Mechanics 150,003 views Published on Sep 21, 2011: This is a primer on orbital mechanics originally intended for college-level physics students. Released 1989. Quoted Text from this Video: Isaac Newton the Father of classical mechanics laid the groundwork for orbital mechanics. He combined the work of Keppler and others to formulate the Law of Universal Gravitation, and the three Newtonian Laws of Motion. While Kepplers Laws had provided a conceptual model of orbital motions, Newton’s laws provided the foundation for the mathematical description of orbits which explain why a satellite stays in orbit. Newton’s Universal Law of Gravitation The more massive the objects are or the closer they are, the greater the gravitational pull between them. Newton’s First Law of Motion A satellite moves in a curved path around the Earth because the Earth’s gravitational pull acts as an external force on it. Newton’s Second Law of Motion Newton’s Second Law states that force equals mass times acceleration, it is this mathematical equation and the equation for the Law of Universal Gravitation that forms the basis for calculating orbits. Newton’s Third Law of Motion Newton’s Third Law of Motion explains how a satellite gets into orbit “For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction” if you blow up a balloon and let it go the balloon is pushed forward by the action of the air rushing out of it, a rockets exhaust gases are like the air rushing out of the balloon. The following (Refer to the NASA STI Program Video illustration) illustrates how a satellite stays in orbit. Back to Michio Kaku Quote: Objects move because they are pushed not because they are pulled. So what is pushing this? Newton didn’t know, so Newton simply threw his hands up in the air and said I don’t know, so I am going to invent something called gravitational pull. Given the achievements of both Joseph Keppler and Sir Isaac Newton some three and half centuries ago, during a time when absolutely nothing was known about the nature of gravity or outer-space. To say that Michio Kaku’s comments are disingenuous, and that they amount to slandering and undeservedly treating with contempt the *empirically proven scientific work* and the characters of two of history’s greatest geniuses, is putting the case mildly. But aside from this unwarranted attack and the belittling those of true genius as a means to boosting his own self-promoted image as to being a genius, what he clearly reveals and falls prey to in this video due to his hubris, is the degree of his shallow stupidity when stating quite absurdly, that objects only move when they are pushed, and do not move when they are pulled. Common knowledge: We are all aware, that if objects are either pushed or if they are pulled with an adequate amount of force, they move. If a ship needs help to move into a harbor, it is pulled into the harbor by a tugboat, it is not pushed into the harbor by a tugboat. Everything we eat, we first have to lift and pull from something or somewhere, before pushing it into our mouths. Physics: If two opposite poles of two permanent magnets are made proximate to each other, they each attract and move/pull together. Quite simply, if we push something it moves away from us, and if we pull something it moves toward us. And essentially and in a nutshell, what is revealed in this video is that Michio Kaku as with his hero Albert Einstein, who stated, Quote “If the facts do not fit the theory change the fact’s”. Is an adherent of that same dishonest philosophy. Prime Example Of Einstein’s: *If The Facts Do Not Fit The Theory Change The Facts* Einstein’s General Theory of Gravity and Acceleration Einstein stated that if a lift was taken into outer-space and a beam of light was shone across the inside of the lift. And the lift was then accelerated; the beam of light would bend due to the force of acceleration. The speed of light is 300, 000 kilometers per second Therefore for the light beam to bend due to the force of acceleration, the speed of acceleration applied to the lift, would have to exceed the light beams speed of 300, 000 kilometers per second. However ironically, it was Albert Einstein who through all of his life maintained that this would be impossible, because not mass or anything else in the universe *according to him* can travel faster than the speed of light. E = mc2 As to Einstein’s famous equation E = mc2 (Energy equals mass times the speed of light squared). Isaac Newton’s equation F = ma makes a total nonsense of the substitute equation E = mc2 used by Einstein to give an air of credibility to his invention. Although Newton’s equation F = ma gives the correct result regarding the speed of objects relative to quantity of their mass, and hence their force of impact. What it does not serve to explain is the fundamental nature of force, relative to the acceleration of a body of mass. Although in the equation F = ma force is expressed as to being equal to mass times acceleration, this does not mean that the element of force is the same thing as mass. Mass of itself is the quantity of matter that is present within a body of matter, which is often simply referred to as mass. The element of force is created by a *quantity of energy* multiplied by the *speed of its input* into a body of matter. It is the input of energy relative to its speed of input; that serves to deliver the force of forward impetus to a body of matter. As such, it is the ratio of the quantity of energy input and the speed of its input, relative to the inertial resistance of a body of matter. That serves to determine whether or not a body of matter is impelled into forward motion, and if so, the acceleration of the body of matters continued forward motion. Inertial Resistance For example in regard to a quantity of energy and the acceleration/speed of its input, if you kick a ball made of light balsa wood it will shoot away from your foot at great speed. However if you kick a ball of the same size but made of heavier wood, with the same amount of energy and speed as you used to kick the balsa wood ball. The heavier wood ball will barely move forward, due to the greater quantity/density of matter within its structure. Therefore the two components/elements of force of itself are, the quantity of energy input time’s the acceleration/speed of the energy input. And the four components/elements of a body of matters force of an impact are, Quantity of energy input times the acceleration/speed of energy input Relative to The inertial resistance of the body of matter, and any external factors of force or friction e.g. atmosphere or an underlying surface. And therefore the equation E = mc2 is a nonsense, because energy is simply energy, and force is energy times its acceleration which can be calculated as per Newton’s equation F = ma.
I think that a better description would be to say that gravity is the resulting displacement and densification of 4 dimensional space time around an object, with the resulting manifestation resembling the force of a pull, which we call gravity, when in actuality, it is a push caused by the Casimer Effect. The rubber sheet analogy is fundamentally flawed, as things do not "fall" towards the southern pole of an object, but towards its center of mass.
@James Brunton You know, I would so much rather sit and ponder what the nothingness of spacetime is composed of rather than watch celebrities or a presidential debate. Its fun!
The speed of light itself moves faster than the "speed of light". The "speed of light" is the forward propagation speed of the light WAVEFORM. The waveform has a longer path to travel than the distance the waveform travels in the forward direction. Because we are ultimately limited by the forward propagation speed of light to collect sequential data (i.e. perform a measurement), we are unable to see/measure a light waveform as it really travels....and ......I guess if a physicist can't measure it, it may not really be there.....even though we know it is there.....etc. etc. etc. WHY IS THE "SPEED OF LIGHT" LIMITED TO ~300,000 m/s? Why is this not the most important question being addressed in modern physics?
Interesting. Did you know in archery, the bow string measurement by the ATA is the bow length minus 3? That is according to it's AMO, which I had forgotten how it worked.
@@williamgreene4834 Energy will always be a powerful force that increases with its attribution to speed once integrated with the right mass; lesser mass and more energy will cause the mobilization of speed faster than light for light itself is also a form of energy.
@@williamgreene4834 Take a rocket for instant, heavy payload requires more energy at the combustion that produces thrust; the lesser the payload, the faster it will launch.
@@alphaomega5923 You are correct, but what does that have to do with energy being able to go faster than lightspeed?? Speeds involved in rocket engines is very slow compared to light. The rocket exhaust travels slower than the rocket's velocity strange as that sounds.
This is an invitation to see a theory on the nature of time! In this theory we have an emergent uncertain future continuously coming into existence relative to the spontaneous absorption and emission of photon energy. The future is unfolding with each photon electron coupling or dipole moment relative to the atoms of the periodic table and the wavelength of the electromagnetic spectrum. This is part of a universal process of energy exchange that forms the ever changing world of our everyday life.
@7:45, "we don't have any good experimental evidence that v = v1 + v2 when you're moving near the speed of light". How about "we don't have any good experimental evidence that the speed of light is constant in all inertial frames of reference"? Or do we?
Up until now, that's what every experiment involving high speeds show... I don't know if we would ever break the speed limit (and btw brake it relative to what?) but for now, the speed of light is not just the speed of light - it's the speed of causality!
NUKE I've never heard about an actual experiment showing that. I've only heard about conclusions made from assumptions and math. Also, how come that in order to get GPS working correctly they need to add or subtract the speed of the satellite to the speed of light, i.e. c+v?
Many people have tried their own "Get Drunken" experiments. Time seems to vanish. Space seems to be unstable. By the way, motion is said to be relative, so if you get a speeding ticket, simply argue that it was the road that was speeding.
If science videos had their own award show, this one would win the Oscar. Enlightening, engaging and thoroughly entertaining. Thank you Prof. Gralla
this presenter, Sam, will go far in his career as a “science speaker”! the talk was very well constructed, presented, and delivered. kudos!
Thanks jk lol
This is an excellent public lecture on a very intricate subject that allows even an averagely witted person like me to get an idea of what the physics behind the universe is about. Thank you Prof Gralla. You are a gifted teacher.
A grade teacher. Special talent for creating clear and useful explanations
Good presentation, was brought to the level where a layman could grasp the knowledge without stumbling on math equations.
Very good presentation. For those critiquing please realize this is a lecture for the general public not a scientific conference. Thank you for the upload.
Alexei Ramotar
lol..... obviously.... it's complete garbage.
There is no such thing astime or gravi...ty
How is it complete garbage?
@@bipolatelly9806 I see you are a person who doesn't grasp fundemental concepts very well. It's why you're quick to call it garbage. Because you can't understand it doesn't negate the factual presentation. You have a lot to learn.
@@cwdor Not if you have the understanding of a turnip. Gravity has been proven billions and billions of times. It is one of the things we can count on. Just as you will grow old and die like the rest of us. So much for your comment of no gravity or time. It shows your level of understanding to be totally infantile.
One of the best lecture I've seen lately ... just as good as my Mom's lecturing me on how long I take to get ready for work!!
that guy was amazing what a communicator!
that guy was amazing what a communicator!
How is it that a good ole' boy from the hills of West Virginia understood this lecture? I suspect that he is an excellent professor.
What a brilliant presentation and presenter. Lucky graduate and undergraduate students who get him as a teacher
this guy is a gem!
Whilst mainly listening to this lecture, I browsed through the comments and was amazed by the number of science deniers bashing Einstein. These people are using computer technology to make these comments; technology that is only possible because of the work of great intellects like Einstein and Tesla who laid the foundations for modern electronics to be possible at all. As an electronics engineer I understand the basics of electronics; PNP and NPN junctions on a silicon substrate. I studied in the 1980's when fibre optics was the new kid on the block, this technology is now the backbone of the modern Internet. I'm amazed at the arrogance of people who probably can't even fix a bicycle, let alone understand electronics, or even comprehend the concepts of Quantum Physics.
Great presentation, very well simplified and articulated. Gratitude.
relativity=fantasy agree with me?
@@kishorerajs.3606 The University of the Punjab, right on their page, has given the following a thumbs up. It is a most fundamental and gigantic unification of physics.
University of the Punjab, a supreme masterpiece of physical understanding.
Absolute, clear, ingenious, and perfect proof that gravity is ELECTROMAGNETISM/energy:
It is impossible to understand gravity apart from both ELECTROMAGNETISM/energy AND inertia/inertial resistance. Balanced inertia/inertial resistance is fundamental, as gravity is ELECTROMAGNETISM/energy. Gravity and ELECTROMAGNETISM/energy are linked AND balanced, as gravity is ELECTROMAGNETISM/energy. Fantastic.
Outer "space" involves full inertia, AND it is fully invisible AND black. The sun and photons are linked AND balanced, AND the speed of light is inertial resistance. ALSO, energy has/involves gravity; AND energy has/involves inertia/inertial resistance. So, ELECTROMAGNETISM/energy is gravity. Magnificent !!
Indeed, E=mc2 AND F=ma are equivalently expressed or understood when gravity is ELECTROMAGNETISM/energy. Again, the speed of light is inertial resistance. Gravity/acceleration involves balanced inertia/inertial resistance, as gravity is ELECTROMAGNETISM/energy. (Both equations apply to the sun.) Great !!
Gravity/acceleration involves balanced inertia/inertial resistance, as a given planet sweeps out equal areas in equal times in accordance with F=ma. Great !! So, gravity is ELECTROMAGNETISM/energy. Therefore, inertia/inertial resistance is proportional to (or balanced with/as) gravitational force/energy; as this unifies and balances ELECTROMAGNETISM/energy AND gravity; as this balances gravity and inertia. So, in the case of the "black holes", there is full gravity with/involving full and balanced inertia/inertial resistance. Accordingly, gravitational force/energy is proportional to (or balanced with/as) inertia/inertial resistance; as this balances and unifies gravity AND ELECTROMAGNETISM/energy; as this balances gravity and inertia. This explains E=mc2 AND F=ma, as ELECTROMAGNETISM/energy is gravity. Therefore, gravity/acceleration involves balanced inertia/inertial resistance; as gravity is ELECTROMAGNETISM/energy. (This also makes perfect sense of what is perpetual motion.)
The "black hole(s)" AND photon(s)/speed of light are linked AND balanced opposites that reveal that ELECTROMAGNETISM/energy is gravity. So, "mass"/energy involves balanced inertia/inertial resistance in accordance with what is balanced gravitational/electromagnetic force/energy; as ELECTROMAGNETISM/energy is gravity. (This also explains the supergiant stars that were falsely deemed as being incapable of existence.)
So, the falling man feels no gravity; as the feeling of gravity by the man who is standing on the earth/ground ALSO involves balanced inertia/inertial resistance; as ELECTROMAGNETISM/energy is gravity. Indeed, objects fall at the same rate in accordance with what is balanced inertia/inertial resistance AND gravity/acceleration; as gravity is ELECTROMAGNETISM/energy. Accordingly, inertia/inertial resistance is proportional to (or balanced with/as) gravitational force/energy; as this balances and unifies gravity AND ELECTROMAGNETISM/energy; as this balances gravity and inertia. Absolutely ingenious !!!
I have now proven the fundamental, extensive, and true unification of physics.
By Frank DiMeglio
That animation at 34 mins is phenomenal!
This talk is excellent. We have so-called scientific educators like Dr. Tyson and Dr. Kaku (sp?), spewing interdimensional this and that with fancy metaphors to a population who believes it wall based on authority. Dr. Sagan would be dismayed. This is super basic, thorough, and well done. This is the public science education that people should be receiving.
William Cornelius exactly.
I do think both is needed. It is important that the public is informed, on every level. Not only on a basic level. Therefore Tyson and Kaku are also needed. I'm not well educated but I can still understand them very well and I love their devotion in their work
Tyson and Kaku are more sensationalist than legitimate teachers. Kaku especially often talks about very fringe hypotheses and much of his own ideas and passes them off as credible, established science. All this does is confuse and misinform an uneducated audience. Their methodology is ironically pretty far from what one would call proper science. Though they speak about the scientific method a lot, their personal methods often contradict its tenets.
Gravity and F = ma versus E = mc2
Reference, You Tube Video Einstein’s General Theory of Relativity - Michio Kaku
Michio Kaku
Quote: Newton said, if an object falls it is because of a mysterious force called gravity is pulling it down, but you know Isaac Newton himself was not satisfied by that.
Contrary to this baseless assertion neither Keppler or Isaac Newton were anymore mystified by the force of gravity in their time, than physicists of today are regarding regard the theorized existence and nature of dark energy and dark matter.
And this is made clear by the fact that far from their considering gravity to be of a mystical nature or of supernatural origin, Keppler and Newton’s scientific approach and groundwork, led on to Newton developing the law of universal gravitation and the three laws of motion.
It was the combination of these four laws which not only served to demystify the nature of gravity, but also became the laws of classical mechanics upon which the orbital mechanics used in NASA space programs are founded.
Reference: You Tube Video, Space Flight: The Application of Orbital Mechanics.
NASA STI Program
Space Flight: The Application of Orbital Mechanics
150,003 views Published on Sep 21, 2011: This is a primer on orbital mechanics originally intended for college-level physics students. Released 1989.
Quoted Text from this Video:
Isaac Newton the Father of classical mechanics laid the groundwork for orbital mechanics. He combined the work of Keppler and others to formulate the Law of Universal Gravitation, and the three Newtonian Laws of Motion.
While Kepplers Laws had provided a conceptual model of orbital motions, Newton’s laws provided the foundation for the mathematical description of orbits which explain why a satellite stays in orbit.
Newton’s Universal Law of Gravitation
The more massive the objects are or the closer they are, the greater the gravitational pull between them.
Newton’s First Law of Motion
A satellite moves in a curved path around the Earth because the Earth’s gravitational pull acts as an external force on it.
Newton’s Second Law of Motion
Newton’s Second Law states that force equals mass times acceleration, it is this mathematical equation and the equation for the Law of Universal Gravitation that forms the basis for calculating orbits.
Newton’s Third Law of Motion
Newton’s Third Law of Motion explains how a satellite gets into orbit “For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction” if you blow up a balloon and let it go the balloon is pushed forward by the action of the air rushing out of it, a rockets exhaust gases are like the air rushing out of the balloon.
The following (Refer to the NASA STI Program Video illustration) illustrates how a satellite stays in orbit.
Back to Michio Kaku
Quote: Objects move because they are pushed not because they are pulled.
So what is pushing this? Newton didn’t know, so Newton simply threw his hands up in the air and said I don’t know, so I am going to invent something called gravitational pull.
Given the achievements of both Joseph Keppler and Sir Isaac Newton some three and half centuries ago, during a time when absolutely nothing was known about the nature of gravity or outer-space.
To say that Michio Kaku’s comments are disingenuous, and that they amount to slandering and undeservedly treating with contempt the *empirically proven scientific work* and the characters of two of history’s greatest geniuses, is putting the case mildly.
But aside from this unwarranted attack and the belittling those of true genius as a means to boosting his own self-promoted image as to being a genius, what he clearly reveals and falls prey to in this video due to his hubris, is the degree of his shallow stupidity when stating quite absurdly, that objects only move when they are pushed, and do not move when they are pulled.
Common knowledge: We are all aware, that if objects are either pushed or if they are pulled with an adequate amount of force, they move.
If a ship needs help to move into a harbor, it is pulled into the harbor by a tugboat, it is not pushed into the harbor by a tugboat. Everything we eat, we first have to lift and pull from something or somewhere, before pushing it into our mouths.
Physics: If two opposite poles of two permanent magnets are made proximate to each other, they each attract and move/pull together.
Quite simply, if we push something it moves away from us, and if we pull something it moves toward us.
And essentially and in a nutshell, what is revealed in this video is that Michio Kaku as with his hero Albert Einstein, who stated,
Quote “If the facts do not fit the theory change the fact’s”.
Is an adherent of that same dishonest philosophy.
Prime Example Of Einstein’s: *If The Facts Do Not Fit The Theory Change The Facts*
Einstein’s General Theory of Gravity and Acceleration
Einstein stated that if a lift was taken into outer-space and a beam of light was shone across the inside of the lift.
And the lift was then accelerated; the beam of light would bend due to the force of acceleration.
The speed of light is 300, 000 kilometers per second
Therefore for the light beam to bend due to the force of acceleration, the speed of acceleration applied to the lift, would have to exceed the light beams speed of 300, 000 kilometers per second.
However ironically, it was Albert Einstein who through all of his life maintained that this would be impossible, because not mass or anything else in the universe *according to him* can travel faster than the speed of light.
E = mc2
As to Einstein’s famous equation E = mc2 (Energy equals mass times the speed of light squared).
Isaac Newton’s equation F = ma makes a total nonsense of the substitute equation E = mc2 used by Einstein to give an air of credibility to his invention.
Although Newton’s equation F = ma gives the correct result regarding the speed of objects relative to quantity of their mass, and hence their force of impact.
What it does not serve to explain is the fundamental nature of force, relative to the acceleration of a body of mass.
Although in the equation F = ma force is expressed as to being equal to mass times acceleration, this does not mean that the element of force is the same thing as mass.
Mass of itself is the quantity of matter that is present within a body of matter, which is often simply referred to as mass.
The element of force is created by a *quantity of energy* multiplied by the *speed of its input* into a body of matter.
It is the input of energy relative to its speed of input; that serves to deliver the force of forward impetus to a body of matter.
As such, it is the ratio of the quantity of energy input and the speed of its input, relative to the inertial resistance of a body of matter.
That serves to determine whether or not a body of matter is impelled into forward motion, and if so, the acceleration of the body of matters continued forward motion.
Inertial Resistance
For example in regard to a quantity of energy and the acceleration/speed of its input, if you kick a ball made of light balsa wood it will shoot away from your foot at great speed.
However if you kick a ball of the same size but made of heavier wood, with the same amount of energy and speed as you used to kick the balsa wood ball.
The heavier wood ball will barely move forward, due to the greater quantity/density of matter within its structure.
Therefore the two components/elements of force of itself are, the quantity of energy input time’s the acceleration/speed of the energy input.
And the four components/elements of a body of matters force of an impact are,
Quantity of energy input times the acceleration/speed of energy input
Relative to
The inertial resistance of the body of matter, and any external factors of force or friction e.g. atmosphere or an underlying surface.
And therefore the equation E = mc2 is a nonsense, because energy is simply energy, and force is energy times its acceleration which can be calculated as per Newton’s equation F = ma.
Actors in a Hollywood believe this I would wonder what else you would fall into....
I admire this kid, When I was 12 years old I was skateboarding not giving lectures on gravitational waves 🐸
Doogie Howser's cousin. 😋
This gentleman is VERY pleasant to listen to. Well done, though I'm not a scientist in the conventional sense.
Not to know is different from wanting to know. Please may this information/knowledge get to those who want to know!
I gotta say that this is a great explanation, and the bit where you're shaking your fist and sending out gravitational waves was hilarious - why no one was cracking up is beyond me. I was LMAO!
Excellent stuff: accessible, fun, some great "wow" moments. Fascinating. Thanks very much.
Part of the problem associated with this topic is the limits of human language and the distortions that arise from using small mouth noises to describe Reality (same can be said for fishy math formulas too) Because we say "space time" we automatically divide the subject into 2 distinct meanings and associations. But we cannot experience "space" without experiencing "time" because to have 2 seperate points (space) we need time (duration) to create the illusion of seperation. We need a word that combines the two just like when use the word "light" and know it is acting as awave and particle at the same time.
One of the best talks about science on the internet!
When you breach the speed of sound, a sonic boom occurs, yet you can still hear your own voice... But light isnt a sound. Light is visual and no Boom (Supposedly). However, a visual boom may occur in opposition of light, thus visual distortion to our eyes. Objects flying toward a Black Hole will reach beyond the speed of light, thus become visually Distorted or gone by our visual perspective. But is it gone?
Outstanding presentation!
yeah, best presentation i saw on the subject : good teacher
I've seen and listened to many videos on the explanation of space and time but this one here is going to be one of my favorites thank you for posting this video
I agree. This was a particularly good one.
Ultimately and truly, TIME is NECESSARILY possible/potential AND actual IN BALANCE; AS ELECTROMAGNETISM/energy is gravity; AS E=MC2 is CLEARLY F=ma IN BALANCE. INSTANTANEITY is FUNDAMENTAL to the FULL and proper understanding of physics/physical experience, AS E=MC2 is clearly F=ma ON BALANCE. This NECESSARILY represents, INVOLVES, AND describes what is possible/potential AND actual IN BALANCE, AS ELECTROMAGNETISM/energy is gravity. Gravity is ELECTROMAGNETISM/energy. Time DILATION ULTIMATELY proves ON BALANCE that electromagnetism/ENERGY IS GRAVITY, AS E=mc2 is clearly F=ma ON BALANCE. ACCORDINGLY, the known mathematical unification of Einstein's equations AND Maxwell's equations (given the addition of A FOURTH SPATIAL DIMENSION) is proven and explained. BALANCE AND completeness go hand in hand. A PHOTON may be placed at the center of what is THE SUN (as A POINT, of course), AS the reduction of SPACE is offset by (or BALANCED with) the speed of light (c); AS ELECTROMAGNETISM/energy is gravity; AS E=MC2 is CLEARLY F=ma ON BALANCE. The stars AND PLANETS are POINTS in the night sky. NOW, carefully consider what is THE EARTH/ground ON BALANCE !!! Great. Very importantly, outer "space" involves full inertia; AND it is fully invisible AND black. (Notice the term c4 from Einstein's equations.) It is all CLEARLY proven. Gravity IS ELECTROMAGNETISM/ENERGY. This is the ultimate mathematical unification of physics/physical experience. It ALL CLEARLY makes perfect sense. I have truly unified physics/physical experience. Consider THE MAN who IS standing on what is THE EARTH/ground. Touch AND feeling BLEND, AS ELECTROMAGNETISM/ENERGY IS GRAVITY; AS E=MC2 is CLEARLY F=ma. THOUGHTS ARE INVISIBLE. (Notice that THE DOME of a person's eye is ALSO VISIBLE.) OVERLAY what is THE EYE in BALANCED RELATION to/WITH what is THE EARTH. The INTEGRATED EXTENSIVENESS of THOUGHT (AND DESCRIPTION) is improved in the truly superior mind. Indeed, the ability of thought to describe OR reconfigure sensory experience is ULTIMATELY dependent upon the extent to which THOUGHT IS SIMILAR TO sensory experience. Time DILATION ULTIMATELY proves ON BALANCE that electromagnetism/ENERGY IS GRAVITY, AS E=mc2 is DIRECTLY and fundamentally derived from F=ma. It is ALL CLEARLY proven. In fact, I have also clarified, clearly identified, and corrected the limited notion of curved "SPACE" !!! MY BALANCED UNIFICATION OF PHYSICS SURPASSES ALL OTHERS. E=mc2 IS F=ma. A galaxy is basically FLAT. Think !!! GREAT. Notice the black space of what is THE EYE as well. ON BALANCE, it ALL CLEARLY makes perfect sense. (Stellar clustering ALSO proves ON BALANCE that ELECTROMAGNETISM/energy is gravity, AS E=MC2 is F=ma ON BALANCE.) ELECTROMAGNETISM/ENERGY IS GRAVITY. The Sun AND the Earth are F=ma AND E=mc2, AS E=mc2 IS F=ma. GREAT !!! LOOK at what is the BLUE SKY. The EARTH is ALSO blue. NOW, the stars AND PLANETS are POINTS in the night sky. Gravity AND ELECTROMAGNETISM/energy are linked AND BALANCED opposites, AS E=MC2 is clearly F=ma ON BALANCE; AS ELECTROMAGNETISM/energy is gravity ON BALANCE !!!! Energy has/involves GRAVITY, AND ENERGY has/involves inertia/INERTIAL RESISTANCE. Beautiful !!! BALANCED inertia/INERTIAL RESISTANCE is fundamental. Gravity/acceleration involves BALANCED inertia/INERTIAL RESISTANCE, AS ELECTROMAGNETISM/ENERGY IS GRAVITY. This CLEARY explains F=ma AND E=mc2 ON BALANCE !!! GREAT !!! ACCORDINGLY, the rotation of WHAT IS THE MOON MATCHES it's revolution. It is fully, CLEARLY, and consistently proven ON BALANCE !!! ELECTROMAGNETISM/ENERGY IS GRAVITY. Gravity IS ELECTROMAGNETISM/ENERGY. "Mass"/ENERGY involves BALANCED inertia/INERTIAL RESISTANCE consistent with/as what is BALANCED electromagnetic/gravitational force/ENERGY, AS E=MC2 is clearly F=ma (ON BALANCE); AS ELECTROMAGNETISM/energy is gravity. GRAVITATIONAL force/ENERGY IS proportional to (or BALANCED with/as) inertia/INERTIAL RESISTANCE, AS E=MC2 is CLEARLY proven to be F=ma ON BALANCE; AS ELECTROMAGNETISM/energy is gravity. Great. So, carefully consider what is the speed of light (c). Gravity AND ELECTROMAGNETISM/energy are linked AND BALANCED opposites, AS E=MC2 is CLEARLY proven to be F=ma ON BALANCE; AS ELECTROMAGNETISM/energy is gravity. Objects (and WHAT IS the falling MAN) fall at the SAME RATE (neglecting air resistance, of course), AS E=MC2 is F=ma; AS ELECTROMAGNETISM/energy is clearly gravity ON BALANCE. The stars AND PLANETS are POINTS in the night sky. I have also CLEARLY explained ON BALANCE why the planets will move away very, very, very slightly in relation to what is THE SUN. SO, BALANCE AND completeness go hand in hand; AS it ALL CLEARLY makes perfect sense !!! E=MC2 is F=ma ON BALANCE. Finally, carefully consider what is the speed of light (c) !!! NOW, ON BALANCE, carefully consider what is THE EARTH/ground as well !!! Great !!! E=MC2 is CLEARLY proven to be F=ma ON BALANCE, AS ELECTROMAGNETISM/energy is gravity.
By Frank DiMeglio
Excellent presentation . Gravitational waves well explained . Thanks prof Sam
Rethinking reality, space, time and gravity
Oops there goes gravity,
Oops there goes reality,
Hands weak, palms sweaty,
Mom's spaghetti
....yup get Eminem to do a physics lecture.
baha nice, buddy looks like the spawn of neil Patrick harris and mcgruber.
therealnightwriter there is no such thing as the aether
true, michealson morly experiment showed that over 100 years ago, and ligo is giant michalson morly running for over 20 years... definitely no aether
therealnightwriter Can you point to a peer-reviewed article that supports your misinformed bullshit and demonstrates that these highly-educated people are a bunch of idiots?
Amazing lecture bringing light to an obscure and complex subject
Very excellent presentation!
Steven Wright joke:видео.html
Hammer vs. feather on the moon:видео.html
The elegant simplicity of the electric universe...⚡️⚡️⚡️🌞🌞🌞😀😀😀
The simplicity of a Simpleton who believes in such nonsense as the Electric Universe.
E.U. is a hoax that it has been pushed by a greedy lawyer who doesn't have a clue about physics.
"Debunking the Electric Universe - Professor Dave explains" &
"Response to Ben Davidson - Professor Dave explains"
@@enastypos4212 and who the f are you :)
@@bsemcz "I Yam What I Yam & Dats What I Yam" -Popeye The Sailor Man.
there is an elegant simplicity to the theory but it does not fit the facts. Therefore its elegant simplicity notwithstanding, it should be discarded.
Gravity vs beauty making. you nailed it with pretty close to what might be an accuracy on Articulated level. yet its still interesting to study space, time, spacetime gravity. :)
Lovely lecture! Engaging prof
The universe has fuckin' ZERO obligation to make sense to you. If it can be trialled and repeated, it's a FACT weather you 'like' it or not. Crazy shit and I love it. GO SCIENCE WOOH
Eggert Nielson How about the fact that relativity contradicts itself? Do you have the same response to that? "The universe has ZERO obligation to be logically sound"?
It's magnificent
Eggert Nielson well said
Great lecture thank you
There is a saying that once the ancient Greek philosopher Thales asked what is the fastest thing in the world and his answer was "thought"! With the speed of thought, he said, one can travel to the most remote imaginable places in zero time!
Thales conception of speed may have philosophical dimensions and differs from our modern conception that there is nothing that can surpass the speed of light which the French physicist Hippolyte Fizeau calculated its value in 1851 to almost 300 000 km/sec.
Maybe in the future someone will find the value of the speed of thought and then things will take another more revolutionary turn!
For the time being let us assume that Einstein was right attributing that light is the ultimate speed.
I ,myself, enjoyed this video as a master piece of poetic science!
God created the universe by thought this is the big bang. God travels by thought from his dimension to ours or other planets with life.
Thought don't have a speed limit but, it has a ( limiter). So if you thought about a planet that you wanted to go to and your buddy do believe you then he is limited so he will not be able to go with you because he cannot think it.
Well, if you can explain to me what God is and who on earth created this creature other than the imagination of human mind, then I can go on to have a discussion with you. Human imagination has no limits and can create any kind of theories but even crap. Nothing wrong with this, it is the way it is! The problem comes when we believe in the imaginary narrations make them dogmatic and perpetuate them by transmitting them to next generations.
I am sure that no one knows how the universe is created, and no serious scientist will ever dare to say that before he proves it in a convincing way, the way Grigori Perelman proved the unsolved mathematical problem about Poincare´s conjecture that had been on the list of unsolved problems more that a century.
Turn of the voice and put on the subtitles while watching this video. It may open your horizons to understand how things must be done in order to have a true value!
There are six more unsolved problems of the same kind. Probably you will send us the solution and be rewarded with a Field medal and one million dollars!
Your God is not interested of sending us solutions to any of our problems!видео.html
Ahhhh, the wonderful city of Tucson Az...
Great video
Oppenheimer once told his brother, "I need physics more than friends".
Erm...was he talking about Facebook friends?
Julia Camilo wow Julia...
The Beginning of the Beginning is the gravitational field. The gravitational field and the aether are the same; that is, they have the same physical meaning. It is formed from gravitons in chaotic motion. The gravitational field (aether) penetrates the entire space and all masses. The Universe extends due to the extension of the gravitational field (aether).
Graviton is an elementary quantum of energy when it is in the state of motion and an indivisible particle of mass when it is in the state of rest.
Mass is a conglomerate of gravitons in the state of rest; that is, of gravitons, which have given the mass its kinetic energy of motion.
It is possible to explain scientifically many physical phenomena which cannot be explained or explained naively by classical physics, if on the basis of physics the existence of the gravitational field (aether) is independent of the mass and the mass produced by the gravitational field (aether) is independent of the gravitational field (aether):
1. Where does the energy of the stars come from?
2. Why are the planets nuclei hot?
3. What kind of relationship exists between the potential and the thermal energy in any point inside the mass?
4. What is the propagation medium of the electromagnetic field?
5. Why does the mass accelerate when a constant force acts on it?
6. Why is the mass moving of inertia?
7. What is the maximum speed at which the given mass can move of inertia?
8. Why in the world are the tides?
9. What is the mass? Where from appeared the mass?
10. What is the Black Hole?
Physics ZMV can provide an explanation for all these questions. Why ZMV? Because in space where there is no gravitational field the speed of the mass is directly proportional to the force and inversely proportional to the mass:
F = zmV, where z - is a coefficient of proportionality.
In any point inside the mass, the sum of the potential energy of the gravitational field (distorted by the mass) and the thermal energy of the mass (obtained from the gravitational field at the mass penetration) is a constant value for the given mass in the respective region of the gravitational field. This constant is named Constant of the mass in the gravitational field.
THE MASSES ARE NOT GRAVITATIONALLY ATTRACTED TO EACH OTHER. The potential energies of the gravitational field (distorted by the masses) compress the masses. The compression of masses by the gravitational field (distorted by the masses) is named universal compression of masses.
Universal compression of masses by potential energies of gravitational field (distorted by the masses) is the first fundamental law of Physics ZMV.
The thermal energy of the mass (received from the gravitational field during mass penetration) heats the mass. This phenomenon is named heating of the mass by the gravitational field.
Heating of the mass by the gravitational field (during penetration through the mass) is the second fundamental law of Physics ZMV.
That part of gravitons, which gave their energy to the mass and contributed to the creation of the potential energy of the gravitational field and the thermal energy of the mass, remain in the mass and increase the amount of the mass. This phenomenon is named growth of the mass due to the gravitational field penetration through the mass.
Growth of the mass by gravitational field (during penetration through the mass) is the third fundamental law of Physics ZMV.
For a certain quantity of mass, the thermal energy of the mass is so high that the frequency of the maximum of the thermal energy radiation emitted by the mass coincides with the frequencies of the electromagnetic field perceived by the human eye. Such mass is named a star.
The mass, which initially received a kinetic quantity of energy, is continuously moved by the inertial energy of the gravitational field. The inertial energy of the gravitational field is equal to the difference between the potential energy of the gravitational field (distorted by the mass and initial kinetic energy of the mass) in the back side of the mass and in the front side of the mass at the mass surface.
The motion of the mass under the action of the inertial energy of the gravitational field is referred to as mass motion by inertial energy of the gravitational field or abbreviated mass motion of inertia.
Mass motion by inertial energy of the gravitational field (distorted by the mass and initial kinetic energy of the mass) is the fourth fundamental law of Physics ZMV.
In the gravitational field, the mass cannot move of inertia at a higher speed than the maximum speed (Vmax) corresponding to the given mass.
The mass is not a function of its speed. The inertial energy of the gravitational field Ei depends on the speed of the given mass.
The mass which obtained a rectilinear and angular motion (the rotation axis is perpendicular to the rectilinear speed vector) changes the volume of the parts of the mass in synchronous with the angular motion. This phenomenon is referred to as flux and re-flux of the mass.
Flux and re-flux of the mass as result of the rectilinear and angular motion of the mass (when the rotation axis is perpendicular to the vector of rectilinear speed) is the fifth fundamental law of Physics ZMV.
The gravitational field is the medium of propagation of the electromagnetic field.
Zastavnitchi Mihail, Chisinau, Republic of Moldova. email:
For more information, click on the link below:видео.html
What is the radius of curvature of space-time?
Thanks for this great information, keep up your good work.
I downloaded this Thank you
The answer to will one's headlights will work at the speed of light is, Yes. The light is from one's own observed position. The next postulation about two vehicles passing one another in opposite direction at 75% of the speed of light. You would not see the other vehicle until after it had passed. Then I got bored.
Lovely story.
Sam has explained the gravitational waves so well with all the possible tools.
A question - will the such gravitational waves leave a permanent imprint on the Spacetime curvatures of an galaxy or on our solar system. Basically, will the spacetime change due to the impact of the gravitational waves for a galaxy or a solar system. In my view it should, because by conservation of energy or mass, if some energy had expended due to the impact of the gravitational waves (contraction and expansion), then the expended energy should get reflected in some form like the Spacetime curvature of earth around the sun is weakened.
The University of the Punjab, right on their page, has given the following a thumbs up. It is a most fundamental and gigantic unification of physics.
University of the Punjab, a supreme masterpiece of physical understanding.
Absolute, clear, ingenious, and perfect proof that gravity is ELECTROMAGNETISM/energy:
It is impossible to understand gravity apart from both ELECTROMAGNETISM/energy AND inertia/inertial resistance. Balanced inertia/inertial resistance is fundamental, as gravity is ELECTROMAGNETISM/energy. Gravity and ELECTROMAGNETISM/energy are linked AND balanced, as gravity is ELECTROMAGNETISM/energy. Fantastic.
Outer "space" involves full inertia, AND it is fully invisible AND black. The sun and photons are linked AND balanced, AND the speed of light is inertial resistance. ALSO, energy has/involves gravity; AND energy has/involves inertia/inertial resistance. So, ELECTROMAGNETISM/energy is gravity. Magnificent !!
Indeed, E=mc2 AND F=ma are equivalently expressed or understood when gravity is ELECTROMAGNETISM/energy. Again, the speed of light is inertial resistance. Gravity/acceleration involves balanced inertia/inertial resistance, as gravity is ELECTROMAGNETISM/energy. (Both equations apply to the sun.) Great !!
Gravity/acceleration involves balanced inertia/inertial resistance, as a given planet sweeps out equal areas in equal times in accordance with F=ma. Great !! So, gravity is ELECTROMAGNETISM/energy. Therefore, inertia/inertial resistance is proportional to (or balanced with/as) gravitational force/energy; as this unifies and balances ELECTROMAGNETISM/energy AND gravity; as this balances gravity and inertia. So, in the case of the "black holes", there is full gravity with/involving full and balanced inertia/inertial resistance. Accordingly, gravitational force/energy is proportional to (or balanced with/as) inertia/inertial resistance; as this balances and unifies gravity AND ELECTROMAGNETISM/energy; as this balances gravity and inertia. This explains E=mc2 AND F=ma, as ELECTROMAGNETISM/energy is gravity. Therefore, gravity/acceleration involves balanced inertia/inertial resistance; as gravity is ELECTROMAGNETISM/energy. (This also makes perfect sense of what is perpetual motion.)
The "black hole(s)" AND photon(s)/speed of light are linked AND balanced opposites that reveal that ELECTROMAGNETISM/energy is gravity. So, "mass"/energy involves balanced inertia/inertial resistance in accordance with what is balanced gravitational/electromagnetic force/energy; as ELECTROMAGNETISM/energy is gravity. (This also explains the supergiant stars that were falsely deemed as being incapable of existence.)
So, the falling man feels no gravity; as the feeling of gravity by the man who is standing on the earth/ground ALSO involves balanced inertia/inertial resistance; as ELECTROMAGNETISM/energy is gravity. Indeed, objects fall at the same rate in accordance with what is balanced inertia/inertial resistance AND gravity/acceleration; as gravity is ELECTROMAGNETISM/energy. Accordingly, inertia/inertial resistance is proportional to (or balanced with/as) gravitational force/energy; as this balances and unifies gravity AND ELECTROMAGNETISM/energy; as this balances gravity and inertia. Absolutely ingenious !!!
I have now proven the fundamental, extensive, and true unification of physics.
By Frank DiMeglio
If we understand E=mc2 and F=ma to be in balance, then gravity/acceleration involves BALANCED inertia/INERTIAL RESISTANCE. So, this then explains why the rotation of the Moon matches it's revolution. (The perpetual motion of the Moon is also clearly accounted for.) The stars AND PLANETS are POINTS in the night sky. Gravity and ELECTROMAGNETISM/energy are linked AND BALANCED opposites, as gravity is ELECTROMAGNETISM/energy. Accordingly, the planets will move away very, very, very slightly in relation to what is the Sun on balance. Consider the fully illuminated Moon AND the orange (and setting) Sun when manifest at eye level/body height. They are the same size as the eye as well. Now, the sky is blue; AND the Earth is also blue. The Moon is about one quarter (27 percent) the size of the Earth. The connection with lava is CLEAR. Indeed, it is a very great truth that THE SELF represents, FORMS, and experiences a COMPREHENSIVE approximation of experience in general by combining conscious and unconscious experience. I have a preponderance of evidence that clearly proves that the sizes of the setting Moon AND orange Sun are not meaningless or insignificant. Indeed, this is clearly CONNECTED with the fact that the rotation of WHAT IS the Moon matches it's revolution.
By Frank DiMeglio
extremely brillient achievement ---science can very be proud
What is the velocity of gravitational waves?
Same as light.
Headlights "work" by bouncing light off an object in front of you. Assuming you were able to travel at the speed of light, your time would be stopped with respect to any object in your path. From your perspective, you would instantaneously arrive at your destination. You would not have time to receive any reflected light off objects in front of you. Your headlights would not work.
Mass increases in a non-linear fashion as speed increases; the closer you get to the speed of light, the more your mass increases, and the more energy required to accelerate further. It's physically impossible, according to the Standard Model, for a human body mass (+ car ;) to hit C (light speed) - it gets to the point where all the energy in the universe is insufficient to continue your acceleration to, and achieve, C.
That's precisely, literally what *_"you can't go that fast"_* means. (Not saying there aren't other considerations).
@Real Eyes. Realize. Real Lies. No, electromagnetic radiation (wifi, TV, etc) moves at light speed, never instantly.
Yup, sorry you missed it.The present moment of now on earth, is seen or experienced after the fact. Life is simply unfolding faster than your brain can comprehend life. The late Dr. Walter Russell teachings should be presented here. I'm also reminded that: When you know the truth, most scientists will sadly lose their ability for funding, lol.
Good video, made me think.
It's expensive to spend 700 million over 5 years on science but everyone's ok with spending 600 billion on military each year. Great priorities America.
πες τα
So yo want America to be at the mercy of some North Korean dictator? Top military tech and weapons are a must, else some nuts in a fucked-up country could fuck up your country.
But the military number has lots of science hidden in it, so that is not 100% accurate. But I agree the US has abandoned it's learnership position in science, it's moved to Europe now.
K Marx, That is totally stupid. USA spends more on military than most other countries combined, such as Russia or China and North Korea can be taken down by those and many more countries (plus USA provokes North Korea).
Instead of 600 billion (which about 200 are spend on "protecting" the oil rich areas and interests) the military could survive and be equally strong with much less funding.
Plus, no one is going to attack the US which is one a different continent than any other important player.
Who else is spending that much? Credit where credit is due.
Q -why does everything in the universe spin - no matter how small or how massive - ????
Magnetism, vortex shape of the objects own EMF (electro magnetic field) makes it spin. Gravity is electromagnetism, everything have a EMF small or big. This also explains why solar systems and galixys order them selfes in a disc shape, the bigger objects EMF "push" the other smaller objects toward it's own plain of 0 inertia (EMF of an object can be described as having two balloons on opposit sides of a football "toutching" at the center of the fotball. In cross section the ballons would form a shape like the infinity sign. At the very center 90deg to the EMF "path" would be the plain of 0 inertia. Center of a north/south pole magnet. )
In our spiral galaxy, is our solar system being pulled toward our galactic center due to the gravitational pull of all that matter and mass in the galaxies center? Maybe even giving us a relative perspective of an expanding universe including a red shift of energy of far away galaxies?
At 43:23 through almost 43:25, I hear some noise under the tone. What is that and is it signifgant?
Yeah, you can never reach light speed because it would take an infinite amount of energy or whatever, but the question implies that you are already travelling at the speed of light, so in this hypothetical scenario you don't require any energy! So what would happen when you switched on the headlights?
Answer: You wouldn't have any time to switch on the headlights.
nagualdesign you won't even think about it.
we cant see light until it reflects off of something. so already traveling at the speed of light you would not see anything, by the 'time' the light reflected off of something (the insides of your eye for example), you would already be far past that point. therefore the reason for "c squared" in most scientific calculations.
So when you look at the sun you are seeing light reflecting off of it, and not the light generated by the sun?
+J D In space no one can hear Einstein's screams. :-D
the trouble with the explanations he gives is that he keeps using "at the speed of light' and "faster than the speed of light" interchangeably. Which is correct? That you can travel at (but not faster than) the speed of light or that you can't travel at the speed of light? Rhetorical question btw as I already know the answer
To Sam Gralla: Regarding the 2 merging black holes, I guess you assume gravitational waves from the merger travelled at the speed of light. You calculated that the energy of 3 suns was released during the merger, which I guess implies that you would assume some electromagnetic waves and/or neutrinos from the merger also travelled at that same speed of light. So, were electromagnetic waves and/or neutrinos observed simultaneous with the gravitational waves observed, in the amount you would predict?
Yes, optical instruments located the source within minutes and the gravity waves were accompanied by electromagnetic waves simultaneously. That confirmed gravity waves traveled at the same speed. Science is actually cool if you just follow up on the sound bites.
Force (physics) does not exist physically in the same way that an object with mass,
thus making it “not” the initial cause of pushing, pulling, shaping objects,
motion, work or being a Vector Quantity (Magnitude + Direction).
In physics, the word, “Force” as we know it, turns out to be nothing more than an
expression to express an idea like one would use the word “Love” to express
one's feelings. But, physics and in
mathematics, still use “Force” as thou it were something physical that could
enable the initial cause of motion making it counterintuitive.
Example: Without applying the Energy from within you, choose an object of your choices
to push and pull by simply applying “only” the Force or Net Force.
Meaning that Energy (applied energy) is the origin of motion and not “Force”.
Once Energy (E) is applied, it creates what is known as Momentum (p).
When this Momentum (object in motion) comes in contact with another object(s),
it makes a surface contact that will enable you to push and pull. Example:
Ep=ma, Ep=mv and so on. Note: Ep is not to be confused as Kinetic Energy in
any way.
Momentum represents things like work, wave, gravity, light, lightning, tsunami,
earthquake, current, electricity, motion, magnetism, hurricane, etc.
Without Energy, there is no Momentum. Without Momentum, there is no surface
contact on an object(s) to push, pull, work, shaping objects, motion, gravity,
etc. Momentum does not and cannot exist without the applied Energy that
creates it. Energy and Momentum or “Ep” is
the one and only common denominator that links all fundamental forces of
nature. Without Ep, all fundamental forces
of nature would be inert and non-existence.
Energy is energy, but it’s when Energy (E) is being applied that creates the Momentum
(p) making it the initial cause of motion. Example: Ep.
By applying the right amount of Energy, nothing is immovable or unstoppable. ~ Guadalupe Guerra
In addition: black holes are formed when a collapsing body reaches the Schwarzschild radius which is proportional to G and M and to the inverse of C squared. In order to shrink farther the vale of C should be trespassed, but nothing can exceed light speed i.e. C. Therefore it is impossible to have any “ singularity” where, according to some cosmologists, all would disappear from our universe!
Would something like a kalman filter be applicable here or is the noise to signal too much
There is a fundamental issue that I cannot understand, and I admit that I could be making incorrect assumptions, but I will try to explain what I mean. If spacetime is a fabric which must be present for the very existence of anything, when it is in contact with matter what happens?
It curves? If this is the case, and it curves around matter, then how can it also still be present "underneath" the matter, as the matter needs that spacetime to even exist? So does the spacetime penetrate every molecule within some mass, which seems necessary if spacetime underlies the existence of all matter?
How can spacetime still exist in the same form to have a mass embedded in it, yet be curved by that mass? I just cannot grasp how this works, and I have other similar questions regarding spacetime but this is the most fundamental.
the pictures he showed where a 2 dimensional analogy, of a ball distorting a sheet. In this analogy you can have an underneath the matter. But in reality spacetime is 4 dimensional, we cannot visualise distortion of a 4 dimensional space. The 2 dimensional visualisations are helpful but limited. The distortions of the 4 dimensional spacetime by matter lead to what we experience as the force of gravity.
Im a layman apooogies if its a silly question. Has anyone discovered the boundary between quantum physics and physics and if they interact?
I am not sure if I understand your question correctly. There are at least two possible interpretations.
What I can say: Your question is great.
1. Interpretation:
Q: Is there are a hard barrier between laws in quantum physics and classical laws or is there a smooth transition?
A: The truth is, that the classical laws are approximations of the more correct laws of quantum physics (if actions are small compared to Planks constant). Like the law v=v1+v2 ist an approximation of the more correct relativistic law (if velocities are small compared to c) as explained in the video. And both statements can be made into a mathematical theorem.
2. Interpretation (more technical - idk how to simplify it in a short comment):
Q: Is it known when the wave function collapses?
The best explanation at the moment is *quantum decoherence* . The superposition of classical states (described by the wave function) will entangle with the measurement apparatus (including human brain etc.) and the superposition is transferred to this entanglement. This explains every at the moment testable phenomenon, but leaves a question. Why we perceive only one of the possible realities is still unclear. Some (like R. Penrose who worked with Hawking and is known for many contributions in mathematics and physics) expect that this last mystery will evolve quantum gravity. From a mathematical perspective this makes sense as a collapse of entangled states into a trace class operator (density matrix) violates conservation of energy. The only phenomenon known to do so is Einsteinian gravity.
@5:13 the question was not about the limitations of mass ass, it was about how light behaves and predictions of it when traveling at the speed of light, Alfred Finstein .
Is it possible despite this outstanding presentation be doubtful about thinking of blackholese
Travels speed of light.
Faster, light needs to reach what I think about before it's there. That's what I am making up everytime. Please know this.
Sam talks about the merger of the black holes (36 + 29 Suns worth) and the resultant loss of energy (3 Suns worth) due to radiation (which we see as gravitational waves). The size of the black holes were indirectly measured from those gravitational waves. How is this possible? Isn't there any loss of energy to be account for here; perhaps due to surrounding gravitational bodies? Or is it that the gravitational waves propagate without losing their energy?
I think anything in an orbit will emit gravitational waves. Wikipedia's "Timline of the far future" page includes an entry for "time until the earth collides with the black dwarf sun due to emission of gravitational radiation".
The 'chirp' has a different build time for different mass black hole mergers. Smaller black holes spin up faster, putting the 'chirp' in our hearing range. Large black holes spin up slower and their 'chirp' would be too low frequency to detect. Supermassive black hole binaries start with a frequency of one crest every 40,000 years or more, not detectable directly.
Not simple science in practice, only in theory.
Is it possible to measure the speed of thought?
Yes, it's been done. The speed of thought, at its fastest, is about three and a half inches per millisecond. ;)
40:30 - map shows all the stations around the equator, doesn't it make it tricky to triangulate the sources that come from the directions of poles? not really any prallax there. eh? to have full ambisonic sound - one would perfectly need microphones on missaligned planes (preferably a pair on each axis:x, y, z... no?
Didn't know air acted on/affected gravity,..gotdam it's true you really do learn something new everyday😤🤔
Question for those who are cleverer/more knowledgable about such things. If two black holes collide and merge then in addition to gravity waves shouldn't they also emit a high energy burst of eg: gamma rays, which should be detectable at the same time the gravity waves reach earth? If so, were they detected? Thanks
Very good.
One thing concerns me though.
If the universe is accelerating faster and faster, how is it that black holes find each other?
It would make more sense that they are moving apart from one another.
Considering that massive objects distorts spacetime in a major way, it's not that hard to imagine.
Imagine putting two bowling balls on a blanket held by four people on opposite ends. They will eventually meet at the center due to the distortion of the blanket they have caused by their mass. Same thing. Gravity attracts.
Eric Electron Sure. Local galaxies can collide and coalesce. No mystery their. What about galaxies far enough apart that they rush apart from each other? Their black holes theoretically will never meet. Wouldn't that end to the universe imply a big bang would be impossible in the first place?
If you could witness our universe from an outside perspective it would be like witnessing a fire cracker going off, you would experience the start and the finish of the event happen in a matter of seconds unlike our perspective of the universe from an inward perspective. This is because the scale of time for things with more mass are significantly greater than the scale of time of that of smaller objects because of being able to witness all angles of the event happening at the same time. Time is simply the rate at which information can be downloaded by brain and light is information. The clock tower experiment done by Einstein proves this point, the hands on the clock appeared to be slowing down because he was moving away from the clock tower at a constant speed so therefore it took longer for the light to be downloaded by the brain.
Au Contraire!! He never mentioned the speed of a Peter Forsberg Slapshot. I've gone frame by frame in 8k hi-def. The puck is completely invisible once it goes into motion. The only place you can observe the puck is when it comes to rest in the back of the net. Seeing this happen in real-time from 5 rows off the glass is even more perplexing. I think this phenomena somehow involves interdimentional travel.
Please Advise?
His tie is never-ending, unlike the Universe. :)
Please enable auto generated captions.
If you were traveling at the speed of light and put your headlights on, the illumination of those headlights would be behind you, not in front of you, because you would pass through it faster than it could stay ahead of you.
Did you post this before the video begun? I do hope so.
I also hope you watched the full video.
I think the next thing will be an observatory looking at neutrino's or cosmic rays or some other particle that as of now we can't even detect..but I am really drooling with excitement to see what the James Web can show us...light from close to the big bang, galaxies and stars from the earliest times of this universe !
We need to distinguish between matter/energy level (where humans live ) and subatomic level where everything happening .The clasic physics in matter/energy level can not be applied on subatomic level,our observation is a reflection to what is happenning on subatomic level incloding time ,for example,what we experience it as heat is actually atoms vibrating on subatomic level,and what we see it shinning is actually photones created and ejected from an object undergoing transformation on subatomic level.
The whole universe works on subatomic level,The universe don't see sun and earth and planets and trees and sees concentration of particles that form these objects, and with particles it deals,any term in physics associated with matter/energy is meaningless or does not exist on quantum level including (mass,force,time,energy,...etc) so in this case any physical laws that include these terms does not apply on quantum level..we need to find the aspects that play role and the physical laws that governe them on inerta scale and they are thousands if not millions including time.We can understand quantum physic beter if we use the term (behavior of particals of the universe) , there are nothing such as particles,there are only particles of the universe and the universe forces particles to behave on a certain way in certain conditions and one of these behaviors is gravity,gravity is behaior of particles,dark matter is behavior of particles , Why Oxygen is a gas and iron is solid metal is behavior of particles , any chemical process or reaction is behaviour of particles.movement is space is behavior of particles,the electrical charge (- and +) are behaviour of particals (so they are not properties of particles),double slit experiment is behavior of particles,the Gyroscope is behaviour of particles,the speed of light is behavior of particles,and all fundamental forces humans know are actually behavior of particles ,particles change their behavior accordingly with the circumstances surrounding them
Tthe existence of black holes is still to be investigated ,but for the moment let's assume there is black hole in the center of each galaxy,the galactical behaviour is totally different than the behavior of mass on smaller scale like planets orbiting stars and solar systems which controlled by what we know as gravity ,on galactical scale it is totally different (no matter if they are close or far from the center of the galaxy) , where the stars far from the center of the galaxy orbit faster than the stars close to the center of the galaxy ,The only explination of this is that the behavior of particles is a function of distance (or space)
lets take 2 magnets north and south and put them close to each other ,their particles will change behavior and pull each other and if we move them away from each other their particles behavior start to change, and the attraction force starts to weaken so space in fact change the behaviours of particles,the same applies for matter that circle the galaxy ,the space is much greater of matter in galaxies than space between the mass on solar systems ,that is why particles on galactical level behave diferently.This was explained by scientists by the effect of dark matter
Anything beyond our universe is non existence ,The particles of the universe are the building blocks of the universe and the universe gives them their properties and their behaviour ,exactly like the cells of our bodies if any cell disattached from the body it dies
So according to all This the origin of the universe was not the big bang but when particles start to get their properties and behaviours and atoms start to bond together and take shape to form matter and its companion energy ,the universe was different to what we see now ,The properties and behaviours of particle are ever changing ,and continou to do so for ever. Entropy is a good example for this.
The issue with big bang theory is that it turned many aspects of the universe to constants,and we know very well that nothing in the universe is constant every thing is changing all the time (incloding properties and behaviours of particles ) and every thing is moving in space,and nothing is stand still. We have expansion of the universe and we have a big bang ,we just need to fill the gap between them and we have a theory of creation
The behaviours of particles in your body is reacting to ,the particles surrounding them ,the particles of the planet you are on,the particles of the solar system your planet in,the particles of galaxy your solar system part of,and particles of all galaxies in the universe,particles have multy behaviours at the same time. So if we remove all galaxies in the universe ,and only remain you and the most far away galaxy then the particles of your body will behave according with this galaxy.
The change in properties and behaviours over de course of time of particles was not equal or at the same rate everywhere in the universe,some regions didn't develop matter yet or developed to different properties
We can say that vacuum is existence,or part of existence ,and what applies on every thing exists in the universe applies also on vacuum,but,humans observe vacuum from their prespective in matter/energy level ,but if we want to know and identify vacuum from prespective of quantum level then it will be something totally diferent,if we say vacuum is absence of particles (and I mean everything we call particle,even fundemantel particles) then still vacuum is influented by the same aspects of the universe that influent all particles and give particles their properties and behaviours,so vacuum in a way or another do carry the properties and behaviour by the influence of the aspects of the univers and because vacuum fill the gap between particles (at least what we know till now) then vacuum play majer role in "comunication" between the aspects of the univers and particle Was the early universe only vacuum ,till particles start to emerge.
After Brian Green. this professor makes science easy and fun to understand.
Brian Greene is knowingly and deceitfully lying about physics. He is not a genius. He is political. Here are the facts. Here is the proof.
Moscow Aviation Institute - MAI - International Student's Page has given the following the thumbs up. It's all clearly correct.
The Institute of Physics, Patna has now given the following writing the thumbs up. Excellent.♥️
Very importantly, outer "space" involves full inertia; AND it is FULLY INVISIBLE AND black. The perpetual motion of WHAT IS THE EARTH is NOW explained. GREAT !!! The idea that THE PLANETS are "falling" in what is "curved space" in RELATION to what is THE SUN is PROVEN to be NONSENSE. So, the falling objects must be considered in RELATION to WHAT IS THEN THE ORBITING EARTH. GREAT !!!!!!!!!!
By Frank DiMeglio
You are going the speed of light and rotating! Describe what you see as you rotate?
The puff of smoke that was you.
Depending on the direction of rotation, you will see to your 3 o'clock, darkness all the way behind. Left of your 3, you will see whatever there is to see all the way to back as you far as you can twist your neck.
The purpose of a black hole in the Kinetic Aether universe to try and reduce the Dislocation Energy Density associated with mass (which is nothing more than Kinetic Aether particles which themselves are rotating) by resolving or transferring its energy to the center Kinetic Aether particle of the black hole in the form of angular moment......and yes, the center of the black hole is traveling at unimaginable speeds which are far far greater than the speed of light.
Incidentally, this is also why we usually only see X-ray (or shorter wavelength) emissions from black holes. In order for an electromagnetic wave to get out of the black hole, the wave propagations through the Kinetic Aether Particles (KAPs) have to have a forward propagation speed which is faster than the localised rotational speed of the black hole. Not until you get to the event horizon, does the rotational speed of the KAPs slow down enough that an EMR wave propagation could make any "forward progress". Until you get to the event horizon, light is like a slow man walking up the down escalator. Not until you get to the boundary layer of the black hole where the KAP particles are not rotating, but are compressed and spherically packed, do you even create an EMR wave propagation. The rotating/swirling KAP particles between the boundary layer, on to the event horizon and beyond aren't arranged in a cubic centered form of lattice. It is this closely packed, cubic centered form of lattice that promotes this helical wave like propagation that we perceive relativistically as a transverse waveform. Because only very high energy pulses can develop the "faster than light" speed that is required to escape the event horizon, only high energy pulses are what strikes the boundary layer where EMR waveforms are first created....hence we only see high energy, short wavelength light coming out of black holes. All of the lower energy propagation forms are too slow to escape .
Can pilot wave be stretched and compressed by gravity waves?
Does the lost mass mean gravity waves "escape" the gravitation field of a black holes, or are they ripples pushed away from near the event horizon?
pilot wave is the quantum anti-gravity wave as the relativistic mass of light - phonon energy as reverse entropy. So there is a "back reaction" by the pilot wave as the Law of Phase Harmony, - the "phase wave" of the particle is superluminal - that harmonizes with the "group wave" of mass. So gravity waves actually originate out of noncommutative phase waves - that is eternal motion - as dark energy. The entropy of linear time is a byproduct of the "collapse" of the non-local wave function that originates out of noncommutative time-frequency. So when light goes to zero as reverse phase - with zero rest mass - this means light still has relativistic mass as hidden momentum - the pilot wave from the future. I have details on my blog - Manfred Euler, the physicist in Germany, has figured out this secret of the Law of Phase Harmony. Gerard t'Hooft argues we exist with micro virtual black holes - everywhere - this is ER=EPR.
Read Astrophysicist Paul S. Wesson - a professor who died in 2015 - he did several papers on Louis de Broglie Law of Phase Harmony as the secret of the 5D black hole universe.
Roger Penrose argues it is gravity that causes the collapse of the wavefunction as the "bing" of self-conscious awareness of life. Proto-consciousness of the Universe is the non-local entanglement that is from noncommutative time-frequency. So Penrose says the secret of the Big Bang is that it's from asymmetric time - noncommutative - with a geometric dimension of zero, as Alain Connes explains.
"within what" ... it seems increasingly less radical to say "quantum fields exist"...
in his illustration of the space time being warped by the massive round object, how will he conceive objects falling down to its north pole region and similar objects falling up to the south pole area?
That visualisation is just for the purposes of simplification, If one could sketch you how the actual curved 4D spacetime looks like, and your brain was able to somehow process and understand that, you would be shiiting your pants in horror!
On our best we can visualise a 4D shadow of a 4D cube. And we are unable to ever percieve the 4D shadow of a 4D sphere... Let alone a curved spacetime!
That is very mindblowing!
Gravity and F = ma versus E = mc2
Reference, You Tube Video Einstein’s General Theory of Relativity - Michio Kaku
Michio Kaku
Quote: Newton said, if an object falls it is because of a mysterious force called gravity is pulling it down, but you know Isaac Newton himself was not satisfied by that.
Contrary to this baseless assertion neither Keppler or Isaac Newton were anymore mystified by the force of gravity in their time, than physicists of today are regarding regard the theorized existence and nature of dark energy and dark matter.
And this is made clear by the fact that far from their considering gravity to be of a mystical nature or of supernatural origin, Keppler and Newton’s scientific approach and groundwork, led on to Newton developing the law of universal gravitation and the three laws of motion.
It was the combination of these four laws which not only served to demystify the nature of gravity, but also became the laws of classical mechanics upon which the orbital mechanics used in NASA space programs are founded.
Reference: You Tube Video, Space Flight: The Application of Orbital Mechanics.
NASA STI Program
Space Flight: The Application of Orbital Mechanics
150,003 views Published on Sep 21, 2011: This is a primer on orbital mechanics originally intended for college-level physics students. Released 1989.
Quoted Text from this Video:
Isaac Newton the Father of classical mechanics laid the groundwork for orbital mechanics. He combined the work of Keppler and others to formulate the Law of Universal Gravitation, and the three Newtonian Laws of Motion.
While Kepplers Laws had provided a conceptual model of orbital motions, Newton’s laws provided the foundation for the mathematical description of orbits which explain why a satellite stays in orbit.
Newton’s Universal Law of Gravitation
The more massive the objects are or the closer they are, the greater the gravitational pull between them.
Newton’s First Law of Motion
A satellite moves in a curved path around the Earth because the Earth’s gravitational pull acts as an external force on it.
Newton’s Second Law of Motion
Newton’s Second Law states that force equals mass times acceleration, it is this mathematical equation and the equation for the Law of Universal Gravitation that forms the basis for calculating orbits.
Newton’s Third Law of Motion
Newton’s Third Law of Motion explains how a satellite gets into orbit “For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction” if you blow up a balloon and let it go the balloon is pushed forward by the action of the air rushing out of it, a rockets exhaust gases are like the air rushing out of the balloon.
The following (Refer to the NASA STI Program Video illustration) illustrates how a satellite stays in orbit.
Back to Michio Kaku
Quote: Objects move because they are pushed not because they are pulled.
So what is pushing this? Newton didn’t know, so Newton simply threw his hands up in the air and said I don’t know, so I am going to invent something called gravitational pull.
Given the achievements of both Joseph Keppler and Sir Isaac Newton some three and half centuries ago, during a time when absolutely nothing was known about the nature of gravity or outer-space.
To say that Michio Kaku’s comments are disingenuous, and that they amount to slandering and undeservedly treating with contempt the *empirically proven scientific work* and the characters of two of history’s greatest geniuses, is putting the case mildly.
But aside from this unwarranted attack and the belittling those of true genius as a means to boosting his own self-promoted image as to being a genius, what he clearly reveals and falls prey to in this video due to his hubris, is the degree of his shallow stupidity when stating quite absurdly, that objects only move when they are pushed, and do not move when they are pulled.
Common knowledge: We are all aware, that if objects are either pushed or if they are pulled with an adequate amount of force, they move.
If a ship needs help to move into a harbor, it is pulled into the harbor by a tugboat, it is not pushed into the harbor by a tugboat. Everything we eat, we first have to lift and pull from something or somewhere, before pushing it into our mouths.
Physics: If two opposite poles of two permanent magnets are made proximate to each other, they each attract and move/pull together.
Quite simply, if we push something it moves away from us, and if we pull something it moves toward us.
And essentially and in a nutshell, what is revealed in this video is that Michio Kaku as with his hero Albert Einstein, who stated,
Quote “If the facts do not fit the theory change the fact’s”.
Is an adherent of that same dishonest philosophy.
Prime Example Of Einstein’s: *If The Facts Do Not Fit The Theory Change The Facts*
Einstein’s General Theory of Gravity and Acceleration
Einstein stated that if a lift was taken into outer-space and a beam of light was shone across the inside of the lift.
And the lift was then accelerated; the beam of light would bend due to the force of acceleration.
The speed of light is 300, 000 kilometers per second
Therefore for the light beam to bend due to the force of acceleration, the speed of acceleration applied to the lift, would have to exceed the light beams speed of 300, 000 kilometers per second.
However ironically, it was Albert Einstein who through all of his life maintained that this would be impossible, because not mass or anything else in the universe *according to him* can travel faster than the speed of light.
E = mc2
As to Einstein’s famous equation E = mc2 (Energy equals mass times the speed of light squared).
Isaac Newton’s equation F = ma makes a total nonsense of the substitute equation E = mc2 used by Einstein to give an air of credibility to his invention.
Although Newton’s equation F = ma gives the correct result regarding the speed of objects relative to quantity of their mass, and hence their force of impact.
What it does not serve to explain is the fundamental nature of force, relative to the acceleration of a body of mass.
Although in the equation F = ma force is expressed as to being equal to mass times acceleration, this does not mean that the element of force is the same thing as mass.
Mass of itself is the quantity of matter that is present within a body of matter, which is often simply referred to as mass.
The element of force is created by a *quantity of energy* multiplied by the *speed of its input* into a body of matter.
It is the input of energy relative to its speed of input; that serves to deliver the force of forward impetus to a body of matter.
As such, it is the ratio of the quantity of energy input and the speed of its input, relative to the inertial resistance of a body of matter.
That serves to determine whether or not a body of matter is impelled into forward motion, and if so, the acceleration of the body of matters continued forward motion.
Inertial Resistance
For example in regard to a quantity of energy and the acceleration/speed of its input, if you kick a ball made of light balsa wood it will shoot away from your foot at great speed.
However if you kick a ball of the same size but made of heavier wood, with the same amount of energy and speed as you used to kick the balsa wood ball.
The heavier wood ball will barely move forward, due to the greater quantity/density of matter within its structure.
Therefore the two components/elements of force of itself are, the quantity of energy input time’s the acceleration/speed of the energy input.
And the four components/elements of a body of matters force of an impact are,
Quantity of energy input times the acceleration/speed of energy input
Relative to
The inertial resistance of the body of matter, and any external factors of force or friction e.g. atmosphere or an underlying surface.
And therefore the equation E = mc2 is a nonsense, because energy is simply energy, and force is energy times its acceleration which can be calculated as per Newton’s equation F = ma.
@Nuke: when profanities are used to mask ignorance, it does a very poor job.
quite good.. just wonder why isn't this 98 % liked
Thanks, Neil Patrick Ramsey.
I think that a better description would be to say that gravity is the resulting displacement and densification of 4 dimensional space time around an object, with the resulting manifestation resembling the force of a pull, which we call gravity, when in actuality, it is a push caused by the Casimer Effect.
The rubber sheet analogy is fundamentally flawed, as things do not "fall" towards the southern pole of an object, but towards its center of mass.
@James Brunton You know, I would so much rather sit and ponder what the nothingness of spacetime is composed of rather than watch celebrities or a presidential debate. Its fun!
Awesome, so now when I see a picture of me and I look fat, I can just blame it on gravitational waves stretching my helpless, faultless body.
The speed of light itself moves faster than the "speed of light". The "speed of light" is the forward propagation speed of the light WAVEFORM. The waveform has a longer path to travel than the distance the waveform travels in the forward direction. Because we are ultimately limited by the forward propagation speed of light to collect sequential data (i.e. perform a measurement), we are unable to see/measure a light waveform as it really travels....and ......I guess if a physicist can't measure it, it may not really be there.....even though we know it is there.....etc. etc. etc.
WHY IS THE "SPEED OF LIGHT" LIMITED TO ~300,000 m/s? Why is this not the most important question being addressed in modern physics?
Interesting. Did you know in archery, the bow string measurement by the ATA is the bow length minus 3? That is according to it's AMO, which I had forgotten how it worked.
You have stated that nothing can go that fast, but with "energy" you can really go beyond the speed of light.
He was speaking of things with mass. How do you know that energy can exceed the speed of light. If it's electromagnetic energy then no it can't.
@@williamgreene4834 Energy will always be a powerful force that increases with its attribution to speed once integrated with the right mass; lesser mass and more energy will cause the mobilization of speed faster than light for light itself is also a form of energy.
@@williamgreene4834 Take a rocket for instant, heavy payload requires more energy at the combustion that produces thrust; the lesser the payload, the faster it will launch.
@@alphaomega5923 You are correct, but what does that have to do with energy being able to go faster than lightspeed?? Speeds involved in rocket engines is very slow compared to light. The rocket exhaust travels slower than the rocket's velocity strange as that sounds.
@@williamgreene4834 Agree, but my point is that e = mc2 was the perfect example of energy, speed and light.
The answer is that we are going at the speed of light in relation to a distance galaxy on the edge of the visible universe. So the lights do work.
This is an invitation to see a theory on the nature of time! In this theory we have an emergent uncertain future continuously coming into existence relative to the spontaneous absorption and emission of photon energy. The future is unfolding with each photon electron coupling or dipole moment relative to the atoms of the periodic table and the wavelength of the electromagnetic spectrum. This is part of a universal process of energy exchange that forms the ever changing world of our everyday life.
@7:45, "we don't have any good experimental evidence that v = v1 + v2 when you're moving near the speed of light". How about "we don't have any good experimental evidence that the speed of light is constant in all inertial frames of reference"? Or do we?
we do
/\'Cypheir, would you like to elaborate? Is there a paper to read somewhere?
Up until now, that's what every experiment involving high speeds show... I don't know if we would ever break the speed limit (and btw brake it relative to what?)
but for now, the speed of light is not just the speed of light - it's the speed of causality!
NUKE I've never heard about an actual experiment showing that. I've only heard about conclusions made from assumptions and math. Also, how come that in order to get GPS working correctly they need to add or subtract the speed of the satellite to the speed of light, i.e. c+v?
Many people have tried their own "Get Drunken" experiments. Time seems to vanish. Space seems to be unstable.
By the way, motion is said to be relative, so if you get a speeding ticket, simply argue that it was the road that was speeding.
There are 5 aspects or dimensions of Time .
Could gravitational waves be the attributed to the repulsive nature of dark energy?
SORRY: forgot to include magnitude 10^-16 in my division by c^2. Your equation is "obvious;ly" correct. DOOOOUGH