Thank you Brad, I’m recovering from two brain surgeries and I listen to this almost every night to help me sleep. I grew up with train tracks in our backyard, thank you so much!
I listen to this to mask what sounds like someone dragging bricks across the floor above me, punctuated by the occasional abrupt and startling smack sound like they’re killing a spider with a giant flip flop on the same spot, multiple times day and night, but never a regular, consistent pattern-when my noise canceling headphones aren’t enough to block this racket courtesy of my upstairs neighbors. Thank you for this. It really is the best one I’ve found.
Well, it’s 3 a.m. and here I am again. Awake worrying about work, and turning to one of Mr. McBride’s videos to try and ease my mind back to sleep. Thanks for Your art Brad, you are the best in your field.
Brad, I spent several months in the hospital recovering from a severe injury. Once home, it took me some time to adjust to the pure silence of a bedroom. Even now, five years later, I still sometimes miss the hospital noises. The rhythmic beeping of a heart rate machine, the low whir of the monitors, the gentle rumble of a nurse's cart rolling past the door, the hum of the desk fan, the footsteps as a doctor passed by the door, and the occasional page for someone to go somewhere. If you ever made a "hospital at night" video if fall asleep to it every night.
The rumble of the train combined with the patter of rain is perfect for fiction-writing. So soothing. So evocative. It helps center my mind on the task at hand, making it doubly pleasurable. You, sir, are a Godsend. :-)
Wat a amazing cured my insomnia when i was working in an hectic hour job in an defence contracting some years back..i remember after i m done with my dinner..lying in bed with this played loud in my home theatre..
I like that the high pitch tone of the rain is muffled and the low tones of the THUNDER ROLLING GIVE THE SOUND FOUNDATION... the train has enough clickety sounds..railroad track etc.... 👁️ BRAVO
Can't wait to give this one a try tonight! Every night I pick one of your sounds to go to sleep with - its almost becoming a chore! Choices, choices...But a chore I indeed treasure. Thanks Brad for all your efforts!
Wow... youtube is marking an incredible amount of innocent comments as spam. I even found one of my comments - on my own video, mind you - marked as spam.
I'm wondering if YT now has to use G+ database for spam... maybe once you are labeled a spammer ( whether true or not) you might always be considered a spammer.
I went on a few train rides. It has been 4 month since the last one and I already miss it. Most of them where in rain or heavy snow. Nothing is more relaxing and helpfull for inspiration . I love to travel with the train. I remember my last ride... It started around 20:30. I remember that at around 22 a very pretty girl entered the cabin, or how ever is that space called. She fell asleep very fast. I think that until 1 or 2 I just admired how beautiful she was... The way the light was moving on her face... It was a very cold ride. I had my coat on my shoulders... There just is something about traveling with train that makes you feel so good, so...alive. Thank you for posting this.
This is the best rain and train sounds I've heard and I've tried them All. Most don't have clacking wheel sounds..a must..the rain is clear. And the chatter at the beginning is nice..not to long.and watching out the window very cool.
Amazing video, Brad! The opening give us a great atmosphere and feeling that we're into an Agatha Christie story, and of course the sounds helps us to relax and imagining ourselves in a train.
Brad McBride 😯 Brilliant( I wish I had though of it) Juxtaposed things that intrigue and penetrate the human soul "thunderstorms steam engine rhythm and crime on the open road WOW thnx😯
homesick clifford the k 00k kkkk 00k09k kk0kk 000k kkk kk 00k00 kkk 0kk 0kk I k 00kk k k 0kkk k k 00k009kk kkk kkkk kk k 00k kkk 0kk k k k k k k09k m I I k0kk k m n 00kk k k k 009k k k kk k k k k k 000k 00kk k km I k k k k k k 000kkk 0kk 00 0kk 0k kk kk kk k09k 000k0000k k k90kk kkk 00kk kk0kk kk0kk00k 00k k I kkkk k k k09k k 00k00kk 00k k kkkk k k kk kkkk k k k09k 00k k00 k k kkk 00kkk 0kk kk k9 k 00kk k kk k kk 0kk 00kk00kk 00kk k k 00kkk 00kk k k 00kk0k 00kkkk 0k k09k 00kkk00k k k k 09kkm 00kk k k 0000 n 00kk k0kk 0kkk 09kkk k kkk I kk kk 00k 00o kkk m m 00 kkkkk 00kk 00k kk kk k k 09 k00 k09k 09kkk kk kk kk kkk k 00k k 00kkk kk k9 00kk kkk k 0kkk kk000kkk k k00 0kkk kk 0kk kk k k k k09k00k 09 of k k n k m kkk k n 00k 99 0k9 kk 09kkk kkk 0k k09k k k0kk k0kk kkk 0kk k k k k n 0 k 0kk kk k9 m k9 m 09kkk k k 0kk k9 00 k k0kk 9k k k kkkkkk k 00kk k kk0k m00kkk 00k moo00k to 0kk 0kk9 kk 0kk 0kk 0kk 00 k k 0k k09k kk k k k kk k 0kk 0kkkk k k k kk00kk 00k 0 kkk09k09 kkk09k k k 00k k00k km 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Brad, I loved the video clips you selected, the typewritten story opening, and the mix of the thunder and train sounds. Excellent melding of media and mellowing sounds. Well done!
Brad McBride The only sound missing on this one is the snoring from the next pullman berth. :D Brad, I liked this melding of video (movie clips) with the ambient sound scape. I am sure you must have fun (and a lot of work to make it). I was just listening to your B17 recording, and thought it would be cool for you to make a similar video montage, showing either scenes from WW2 movies (12 o'clock high etc. movies with the China Clippers etc.) or from some of the romantic or other Hollywood travel movies showing people on prop planes (with no dialog). Seeing the characters, acting, without dialog, like a silent film, leads to imaginative story making in the viewer's mind, before one falls asleep. Anyway, cool stuff you do!
Can you please give me the typewriting part only? Without the words on it... I want to save that part of the video - just woman typewriting in the dark
Hi Steadman - i love your comments - and agree with you. not everyone takes the time to compose their thoughts or write so well. (you also have a wonderful name - do you live in Germany or thereabouts?)
"And I guess the sound of the Outward bound, made him a slave....... to his wandering ways...... And the Wayward Wind, is a restless wind.... etc" I totally agree with your thoughts too.
One of my all-time favorite sleeping videos. Listening to it it as I try to get some sleep at 4:40am. Woke up and couldn't get back to sleep, so I put this on. See you in the morning.. oh, and I have always wondered where the cell phone noise (Nokia ringtone) came from? It plays 3 times total, I think...
Nothing more soothing than a good book, a cup of a tea and a goose liver sandwich on a rainy trip aboard a trusty train in a thunderstorm. Murder indeed, I told Holmes we should never ride coach!
Gotta appreciate the users who take the time to make detailed videos for sharing. I find this very abstract but choreographed in a way that took me to a place where I could dream. Good work and thanks. No, this is not spam! :)
Love these relaxing train sounds,they are soo relaxing❤️ but if you can PLEASE add more with the Severe Thunderstorms in the video and more 10- 12 hrs, with Black Screens, love em they're my saving grace DT me having Yrs of Chronic insomnia🛏️💤🎧🛏️😴💤💤😌
I really like this. It doesn't have that clickerty click sound. It is very soothing. What is it about trains ? As far as I know I never lived by train tracks as a young child. I just love them especially mixed wit the rain and the whistles . For anybody know why we like it so much.? I would love feedback on this.
Wow, this one is great. I collect sleep sound ambient videos, and this is definitely a top couple favorite. To me variety in the sounds (ie. city street sounds, etc as compared to solid 'white noise' which is too boring) make the best kind. Love the video too.
NEdit Thanks so much. After 25+ years of tinnitus ( ears ringing) I decided that noise masking and sounds that can be visualized worked best for me and my particular sleep issues.
As an example... the UK guy that says 'All aboard!' is a guy that sent me that sample gratis on Twitter. The second 'all aboard' in the distance is me.
Thank you Brad, I’m recovering from two brain surgeries and I listen to this almost every night to help me sleep. I grew up with train tracks in our backyard, thank you so much!
Hope you have successfully recovered and are doing well!
How you doin Indras?
Bless you.
Brad McBride is angel..he cured my insomnia with these amazing vedios 👍🏽
Hi I wish you well and hope that you are recovering well. Take care my friend.
This has to be possibly the best sleep sound video ever made, now we just need more of these type.
I listen to this to mask what sounds like someone dragging bricks across the floor above me, punctuated by the occasional abrupt and startling smack sound like they’re killing a spider with a giant flip flop on the same spot, multiple times day and night, but never a regular, consistent pattern-when my noise canceling headphones aren’t enough to block this racket courtesy of my upstairs neighbors. Thank you for this. It really is the best one I’ve found.
Well, it’s 3 a.m. and here I am again. Awake worrying about work, and turning to one of Mr. McBride’s videos to try and ease my mind back to sleep. Thanks for Your art Brad, you are the best in your field.
I used to live 3 blocks from a the railroad tracks and I miss the sounds of the trains rolling through in the night... Cheers :)
Used to live next to railroad tracks, and a flight path overhead the trailer. Unbelievable comfort. 👊👊
Ps brad is a yt ambience og
Thank you Brad - had a glorious night and slept like a log! A train will always do it for me.
geneva lantrip It is wonderful to listen to I think you would enjoy it. Merry Christmas to you as well and a safe and Happy New Year
I used to sleep like a baby when on a train, so the sound is very soothing to me still.
This is my favorite way to fall asleep. I listen to it every night.
Brad, I spent several months in the hospital recovering from a severe injury. Once home, it took me some time to adjust to the pure silence of a bedroom. Even now, five years later, I still sometimes miss the hospital noises. The rhythmic beeping of a heart rate machine, the low whir of the monitors, the gentle rumble of a nurse's cart rolling past the door, the hum of the desk fan, the footsteps as a doctor passed by the door, and the occasional page for someone to go somewhere. If you ever made a "hospital at night" video if fall asleep to it every night.
Crew9t Interesting idea... I might experiment with it. Thanks!
+Brad McBride can u come up with like a haunted hosp idea with added thunderstorm effects outside??
Ditto. That'd be especially relaxing.
Life-changing experience man.
Brad McBride h
The rumble of the train combined with the patter of rain is perfect for fiction-writing. So soothing. So evocative. It helps center my mind on the task at hand, making it doubly pleasurable. You, sir, are a Godsend. :-)
Happy 2019 been listening to this on and off for years thanks for the wonderful sleep
I found this video in 2017 and I still listen to it on and off in 2024 when I can't sleep. If you're still out there, know that you do good work!
Wat a amazing cured my insomnia when i was working in an hectic hour job in an defence contracting some years back..i remember after i m done with my dinner..lying in bed with this played loud in my home theatre..
I like that the high pitch tone of the rain is muffled and the low tones of the THUNDER ROLLING GIVE THE SOUND FOUNDATION...
the train has enough clickety sounds..railroad track etc.... 👁️ BRAVO
Now all this needs are some vocals and we got an album. Call it Thunder Road!
This is great! It started of like a film noir.
It helps people visualize a scene.. which helps them fall asleep
Great train storytelling promo of Sherlock Holmes film. Althoughmurder happens, the audio calms and creates a sleeply mood. Thank you for this.
I love this one so much. Please do a version for Eight hours . Thanks from a Fan !
Can't wait to give this one a try tonight! Every night I pick one of your sounds to go to sleep with - its almost becoming a chore! Choices, choices...But a chore I indeed treasure. Thanks Brad for all your efforts!
You are very welcome... lots o' visualization can be had with this one ;:^)
Been going through some stuff. Thanks Brad for taking me away for a bit. Live good and live happy.
Wonderful clips at the start, jolly good to watch before nodding off to your soothing audio.
To whoever reads this message, I wish you receive everything you want and everything you need. I wish you much love, health and success 🍀❤🌼
Two of my favorite movies, Ghost Train and Terror by Night. Thanks
Just absolutely FANTASTIC! Can't wait to share this with my steam locomotive loving Dad! Cleverly done, love the intro.
Wow... youtube is marking an incredible amount of innocent comments as spam. I even found one of my comments - on my own video, mind you - marked as spam.
I`m starting to think YT mabey picked up a few outta work Govt contractors
I'm wondering if YT now has to use G+ database for spam... maybe once you are labeled a spammer ( whether true or not) you might always be considered a spammer.
you prolly just nailed it
***** unbelievably, your comment was mark as spam. I had to un-mark it.
I think some people just have nothing better to do besides marking random comments as spam.
I went on a few train rides. It has been 4 month since the last one and I already miss it. Most of them where in rain or heavy snow. Nothing is more relaxing and helpfull for inspiration . I love to travel with the train. I remember my last ride... It started around 20:30. I remember that at around 22 a very pretty girl entered the cabin, or how ever is that space called. She fell asleep very fast. I think that until 1 or 2 I just admired how beautiful she was... The way the light was moving on her face... It was a very cold ride. I had my coat on my shoulders...
There just is something about traveling with train that makes you feel so good, so...alive.
Thank you for posting this.
Thanks. I, too, have been fortunate enough to take long train rides across the USA. You can meet very interesting people on a train ;:^)
Pass. The one time I took a long train ride, someone stole the book I was reading while I was asleep!
This is the best rain and train sounds I've heard and I've tried them All. Most don't have clacking wheel sounds..a must..the rain is clear. And the chatter at the beginning is nice..not to long.and watching out the window very cool.
I just love your videos..I love the clip from sherlock holmes in it!!
Terror by night.
Okay, just love the Thunder Train! It really helps me fall asleep. I enjoy when you mix thunder with other sounds and add film clips at the beginning.
Amazing video, Brad! The opening give us a great atmosphere and feeling that we're into an Agatha Christie story, and of course the sounds helps us to relax and imagining ourselves in a train.
Dániel Soós That's the idea!! ;:^)
Mr Mcbride you are a genius!!!! Enough said!!!!!
Luis Meloni thanks so much! The visuals help set the mood ;:^)
Brad McBride 😯
Brilliant( I wish I had though of it) Juxtaposed things that intrigue and penetrate the human soul "thunderstorms steam engine rhythm and crime on the open road WOW thnx😯
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Sends my boy right to sleep! Thanks for this awesome video.
Amazing black/white video at the beginning. Love those intro's! It helps very good to go into sleep!
Awesome,!!! I spent my childhood listening to the trains !!rock me to sleep.TY
Brad, I loved the video clips you selected, the typewritten story opening, and the mix of the thunder and train sounds. Excellent melding of media and mellowing sounds. Well done!
Steadman Uhlich Thanks so much! They were fun to do.
Brad McBride
The only sound missing on this one is the snoring from the next pullman berth. :D
Brad, I liked this melding of video (movie clips) with the ambient sound scape. I am sure you must have fun (and a lot of work to make it). I was just listening to your B17 recording, and thought it would be cool for you to make a similar video montage, showing either scenes from WW2 movies (12 o'clock high etc. movies with the China Clippers etc.) or from some of the romantic or other Hollywood travel movies showing people on prop planes (with no dialog). Seeing the characters, acting, without dialog, like a silent film, leads to imaginative story making in the viewer's mind, before one falls asleep. Anyway, cool stuff you do!
Can you please give me the typewriting part only? Without the words on it... I want to save that part of the video - just woman typewriting in the dark
Hi Steadman - i love your comments - and agree with you. not everyone takes the time to compose their thoughts or write so well.
(you also have a wonderful name - do you live in Germany or thereabouts?)
i would love something like this, mixed with more steam train whistles, they just sound forlorn and lonely yet beautiful.
"And I guess the sound of the Outward bound, made him a slave....... to his wandering ways...... And the Wayward Wind, is a restless wind.... etc" I totally agree with your thoughts too.
Hi Brad - love the beginning of this video. the black and white films have a special aura that "in color" films just never have. . .
I love the train and rain one.
as a busy working mother of five, ive found it really helps me sleep...
Sending my prayers, and huge respect, to a mom of 5! We need more like you. Thank you
One of my all-time favorite sleeping videos. Listening to it it as I try to get some sleep at 4:40am. Woke up and couldn't get back to sleep, so I put this on. See you in the morning.. oh, and I have always wondered where the cell phone noise (Nokia ringtone) came from? It plays 3 times total, I think...
Jonathan Bailie just ambient noise in a recording... I noticed it to and I think I referenced it
I did see that in the story text. Didn't know if you put it in deliberately or what. I think it adds a bit of character anyways.
+Jonathan Bailie it's like the old westerns when an airplane would suddenly fly overhead. That might have bèen why they set so many in the present.
This is so artistic and well presented!!Such a good job and so effective... thank you !👍up from Greece!!
youve helped me and my family out alot just lately.brad,THANKYOU.
You are very welcome. I'm glad to see I am not the only one that likes these unique sounds!
Love this train ride into my sleep world. Thanks
I love this!! I fall asleep faster every time. Thank you for taking the time.
Nothing more soothing than a good book, a cup of a tea and a goose liver sandwich on a rainy trip aboard a trusty train in a thunderstorm. Murder indeed, I told Holmes we should never ride coach!
Goose liver ? How much money you make a year
You sound very British Sir
Please do more, I love these spooky journey on a rainy night videos. I can't sleep without listening to it 👍🏻
I always love listening to these while I Roleplay online. It helps for background noise and always seems to fit in. Thanks so much~!
I went ahead and bought this, thank you.
4nciite Thanks!
J'adore le bruit du de surcroît sous la pluie...c'est le TOP...thanks...
Merci. J'ai essayer de faire des sons différents
I love this. The only thing it's missing is the occasional steam train horn. 🚂
Nicely compiled video. Hats off.
Great!!! Wonderful for sleeping time!! Thank you
Want to say thanks brad you make some really gd movies thanks to you I get a gd night sleep. THANK YOU
Glad you like them :)
Cool .. and late merry christmas back in your 2013.. we call that Blessing in Time Travel essence..
Perfectly done. I love it. Thank you Brad
This is one of my top three sleepy sounds - I love the beginning, painting the scene..
Thanks. All my soundscapes are available for download at my website ;:^)
Appreciate this so much! Thank's for your efforts and time Cheers!🙂✌
Your videos are the best of their kind on YT - my father and I love the haunting storm and
Thanks Brad for this my boyfriend is pilot for BA and sometimes he gets home and he really stressed so i put this on and he falls sleep thank you
Brad, you're so awesome! You have the best ideas for sleep sounds! Thanks so much:)
Thanks... some of the best nature / relaxing sounds we have were suggestions.
This has become my favorite video on youtube :)
ColbertSmith same here it's so cozy
Have been suffering from insomnia like condition(postpone sleep to be accurate). This really helps me sleep...thank you very much!!
Love this, i helps me concentrate when reading books as I'm often distracted but now 30 minutes passed and I thought it had only been 10 something.
These presentations are great!
Gotta appreciate the users who take the time to make detailed videos for sharing. I find this very abstract but choreographed in a way that took me to a place where I could dream. Good work and thanks. No, this is not spam! :)
it is odd what YT considers spam. I had a story in mind for the train but gave up after a day. Now it just sets the mood.
This must help lower BP ( unless you're a guard ) . Very relaxing. Thanks.
Love the clips from Sherlock Holmes, and your subtitles. Another hit !
Thanks. There were only a few old public domain films featuring trains... so I scraped up what I could
Love these relaxing train sounds,they are soo relaxing❤️ but if you can PLEASE add more with the Severe Thunderstorms in the video and more 10- 12 hrs, with Black Screens, love em they're my saving grace DT me having Yrs of Chronic insomnia🛏️💤🎧🛏️😴💤💤😌
I am loving all of theses, watching one right after these other, sleep later.. fun, cool.
Thank you Brad . . . what a treat
My pleasure :)
I Watch this video so many times. Awesome, really.
I love the trains 💙
Very nice background sounds. Quite like it!
I request you do a longer version of my favorite video: this one.
I have an eight hour version on my YT channel ;:^)
i cant find the longer version :((
Michelle Carmona your not looking that’s why
I can’t find it either
Thank you sir! Fantastic work!
Sir Tomaz Thanks!!
love this....immediately subscribed!
+stella georgian Thanks!
I really enjoyed your humour. Thankyou for this.
Great Work Brad!!! You can do no wrong.....
All your output is amazing. I love the variation of audio effects. You know your stuff!
I really like this. It doesn't have that clickerty click sound. It is very soothing. What is it about trains ? As far as I know I never lived by train tracks as a young child. I just love them especially mixed wit the rain and the whistles . For anybody know why we like it so much.? I would love feedback on this.
Lara O'neal so would i
Lara O'neal may be because it is synchronized with our heartbeats?
Awesome job brother 👍....set in the perfect time... black and white films always have cinematic feel.... great sound track 👊 thanks so much
Yet again, nice work Brad! LOVE it.
Now if I could just get my bed to gently rock back and forth.
That's what i'm saying, it'd be so much more immersive and i would fall asleep faster
Thank you Brad your channel really helps me relax to sleep. And sleep is a wonderful thing. Thank you again sir very much
Kris Potts Glad it helps!
Love this one Brad well thought up!! Its my sleep aid now that I look forward too😉 Thanks so much,Cheerz
+Ken Kowalski Glad it works for you!
Great as always Brad.
Glad you like it!
This has trained me to focus better.
Its great how your painting a "Sound Sculpture" (new word) with multiple sounds triggering dream activity, or just relaxation.
Chardo Chickentimber Thanks. I really like the term 'sound sculpture' ! ;:^)
Mr McBride you my friend are a genius!
very nice! thanks for this wonderful work.
My favorite! Thank u.
This is the best. I love your RUclips channel 😴😊
This is cool!! Thanks!
You are very welcome!
Good post,Brad!🚂🚂🚂
This is one of my absolute favorites. I find it very hard to sleep but this has been a lifesaver many a times, thank you!
I love this video so much thank you ❤️
Grt work. Thanks brad.
Magnificient! I simply love all your sleep sounds they are the Best! This one is my new favourite. Good night :)
Thank you so much... falling asleep is all about visualizing a scene. Glad they help!!
Keep it up. My favorite is still ghost town
Thanks... I think 'Night in a Ghost Town' got lost in the shuffle but I enjoyed making it
What A Great train ride.I love it 13.2
Wow, this one is great. I collect sleep sound ambient videos, and this is definitely a top couple favorite. To me variety in the sounds (ie. city street sounds, etc as compared to solid 'white noise' which is too boring) make the best kind.
Love the video too.
NEdit Thanks so much. After 25+ years of tinnitus ( ears ringing) I decided that noise masking and sounds that can be visualized worked best for me and my particular sleep issues.
There are over 60 different audio samples in this one.
As an example... the UK guy that says 'All aboard!' is a guy that sent me that sample gratis on Twitter. The second 'all aboard' in the distance is me.
***** It might have been... don't really remember but I put dozens of ambient sounds near the start of the audio
***** LOL. I leave it on repeat. It goes all night. Love waking up to the sound going.
this is awesomely odd to fall asleep or study to...thanks!!
Love this video.. it's one of my main go tos