Stabilize the grey market price and also bring back the client just buy couple used watches and will get the hot model then will help the AD a bit and the market price
Yes no one want to buy higher price for used watches I think that’s the way they do so the AD can make money because they can’t selling new watches in higher price but the used one Rolex won’t control the price
勞力士其實已經部署好多年去做依個二手市場 由轉NFC咭 亂碼 就係唔比你地知隻錶係咩年份生產 咩地方入(eg. 以前888)令到全世界嘅勞力士統一化 價錢統一化 令到勞力士錶升價及保值不跌 其實都係抄RM(2015年開始做二手買賣)做法一模一樣 2015年前RM 60萬就有 依家就可以玩到200+萬起 勞力士就係想咁玩 至於AD賣二手勞力士都係勞力士嘅策略之一 只賣3年內二手錶係因為巳經同上所講(NFC咭 亂碼)之後AD會一樣冇全新勞或炒款賣 除非你食骨 但d骨就會變左要食二手勞先比你做vip 再買夠至比新錶你 令到全部客連食骨都係勞力士 唔會益到其他牌子 咁至係佢嘅目的 賺到盡 咁樣就唔會令到廣華街嗰類型嘅錶鋪冇得撈 可以大家馬照跑 舞照跳 勞力士目的唔係要整死二手錶鋪 反而係極需要二手錶鋪大家共存去繼續幫自己炒 二手錶鋪唔洗出糧比佢又唔洗幫佢比鋪租 真係物盡其用 所以話勞力士做生意真係好勁 我佩服到五體投地 我做生意嘅都真係要向佢學習🙏
係歐洲冇咩二手錶店 而且有啲價錢好離地 所以個preowned certified 都可能有市場嘅
Stabilize the grey market price and also bring back the client just buy couple used watches and will get the hot model then will help the AD a bit and the market price
but I won't buy higher price pre owned watch to get the watch I want....😅
@@LuxMarketInsightLMI 其實咪同以前一樣 你要AD正價排錶咪要食骨囉 只不過之後d骨變咗做二手嘅勞之麻 你重有jetso啦 二手勞骨點都易放d 價錢點都放得高過D Omega啦
@@LuxMarketInsightLMI 第日呀 d 2手鋪咪又係睇住AD d 二手勞價嚟玩之麻 同一隻2手勞 AD賣10萬 2手鋪咪賣9萬5囉 到時你想喺AD度入正價新錶 咁你咪自己選擇之麻 明未?😂
如果係你budget內276000我覺得都OK嘅,因為之前都上到好高同埋喱隻款係長青不死好受歡迎嘅款,good choice!
本身好想買多隻半金DJ41 依家根本買唔到 可以慳返
Yes no one want to buy higher price for used watches I think that’s the way they do so the AD can make money because they can’t selling new watches in higher price but the used one Rolex won’t control the price
I don't think it is a good idea for Rolex to sell used watches. Wish you good health and Merry Christmas.
I think so too, Merry Christmas Eugene!
Stabil gray market.
yes, thats what rolex want
@@LuxMarketInsightLMI 就系買個安心,當出面既吾知咩錶舖有一隻全新白地熊貓,而AD亦有一隻全新熊貓。就算AD貴D都會同AD買啦。衹系分享個人睇法。冇意頂撞。吾好介意。我衹系一位玩錶用家。🙂
咁咪連2手鋪都跟AD d 2手升囉 咁變相2手勞力士咪忽然再升囉 咁咪再一錶難求囉 新表咪又炒貴d囉 RM翻版條路之麻🤷🏻♂️見意有錢入定d貨 之後真係會貴到RM咁遙不可及😢
到最後2手同新錶都升到飛天 我地玩錶嘅只有2個選擇 一係買 一係唔買 可能有d屎忽鬼就會話寧願買AP PP 囉 你咪發夢啦!人地咪一樣照跟住勞嚟炒上去囉🤣🤣沒有最貴 只有更貴👏👏