bancassurance Highest Profit Rates But Low Satisfactory Customers

  • Опубликовано: 1 июл 2024
  • Although Bancassurance provides you with highest profit rates in the industry but it has low satisfaction of the customers.
    Bancassurance is originally the product of the insurance companies like Jubilee insurance, Adam jee insurance or State Life but it is sold to customers through the platforms of the banking channels.
    Its hard to sell insurance products through insurance companies own insurance agents that why insurance companies collaborate with banks a the banks have the higher credibility. Moreover the insurance companies can easily capture the prospective customers in the banks. The banks assign monthly and annually targets to its managers and insurance companies appoint their team member who sits in the branch to persuade customers to buy the policy.
    But customers are not told completely about the policy rather they are told wrong information about policy profit, breakeven point and maturity. It creates dissatisfaction among the customers and most of them surrender the policy within next few days or months.
    Breakeven point is when customer will receive own principal amount. before this point if policy is surrendered the applicant will not even receive his own principal amount.

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