Even in England alone, English has many different flavors or accents, the pronunciation differs according to the region. I live and teach in the United States for almost 50 years, I don't have any problem with their accent. So stop thinking that you speak perfect English and that they don't sing in good English. Their performance is just admirable and very enjoyable!
For heaven’s sake, English is not their mother tongue. Why pick on their hardly noticeable wrong pronunciation and detract from their amazing performance. They have such beautiful voices. Have you heard Jose Carreras singing the Chinese song “In a place far far away” in Mandarin. His pronunciation is far from perfect. Just enjoy their beautiful voices and the songs.
I'm a native English speaker. Their pronunciation is perfectly understandable, and there is no reason they should be expected to have perfect pronunciation as long as it is good enough to communicate their message, which it is. To be honest, while I can definitely tell English is not their mother tongue, I can understand their accented pronunciation better than some native English dialects. The musical talent matters more to me, and they are both very talented vocalists.
I personally think that a little bit of accent is actually beautiful and lovely, it’s totally okay. As English is a universal language, hearing them speak with their own accent in it makes it more interesting (of course it has to be understandable, which in this case it is). Also they definitely understand the lyrics as they need to sing with feelings in it. If they pay too much attention on the accent, their performance would be soulless
@@mtv565 this is just the way of diction in musical theatre. In musical theatre singers have to overdo diction so audiences from 100 yards away understand their lines. The reason why it makes you cringe is probably because one of them (whose diction isn't so great), despite trying rly hard, didn't put emphasis on the right places, and it turns out a bit awkward to listen to, but the other one has great diction. Accent isn't a problem because in the professional world no one cares about accents, it's not important, but in terms of diction they are picky as hell.
作為一個雙母語是中文和英文的香港人,而且是音樂劇表演者和愛好者,我可以大膽地說他們的口音完全沒有任何問題。 chinese and english are languages I’ve spoken since birth, and as a lover and performer of musicals myself, i have to say that their accents are much better than a lot of singers I’ve seen.
Max & Sujy React Hi! Just want to find out your opinion on how their English pronunciation sound to you? I am presuming that's your primary language since your comments are always in English. There has been a lot of discussion on this matter. Personally I am supporting them as both of them were trained in China. For Zheng Yunlong on the right, English is his second language, and for Ayunga on the left, English is his third language as he is Mongolian Chinese and he did not learn Chinese till his college years. Do you know they are roommates in college and they were musical theatre majors in Beijing Dance College (not 100% sure of the official English name). They have been friends for more than 10 years and this program brought them together and now they are at the top of the Weibo search list. Chinese people call them "double Yun" as both of their middle names are Yun. Thank you!
@@mayfung3433 Their English is really really good! It doesn't sound like casual American English, it sounds like authentic theatrical British English which is fitting because The Phantom of the Opera was first preformed in London. There are a few words that aren't pronounced fully, but that doesn't take away from their amazing performance. I really love their chemistry and how intense their gazes were ^^ 他们很好 !
其實,那些認為他們發音有問題的人,多半不是因為英文太好,而是已經習慣內地學校教出來的錯誤發音。我在北美發現很多留學生都有嚴重的發音問題,特別是母音。Sorry to say so, 但我只是實話實說。雖然我一樣有口音,但至少是和白人一起工作,這樣的耳朵聽這二位vocalists的發音,真沒什麼大問題,倒是這二人的歌與演,十在到位至極!Bravo!!!
The phantom of the opera is my favorite forever and this version performed by Ayanga & Zheng Yunlong became my favorite forever !!! - just perfect in every way!!!
Who cares for pronunciation? :) Great performance: completely frightening at the end. They are both sop convincing. Even Ayunga whose face is usually calm and lovely.
While people are debating and commenting on their accents, I can only say this about Yunlong and Ayunga, these two can just vocalize the whole song and I'll still be mesmerized. 🤩👍
And can we applaud the orchestra? The key signatures for this song are ridiculously hard. Plus they have to put in just as much practice as the vocalists
Charming from A YunGa from this role is so impressive that I think barely anyone can beat it on the globe wise including those masters. Good looking that is in a sexy mature man way makes him so unique. His combination makes it enjoyable simply watching him on the stage. Superb!
这版歌剧魅影双桶真心好味道,美美的吃了吃了!对原剧尤其偏爱25周年版的我今天反复听了很多遍双云这段,戏剧张力十足!对阿云嘎的中国版魅影无比期待!嘎嘎真心是魅影本影帅呆了👍🏻!!其实周深要是唱小C,他们三个人改编一场就太美了,可惜被隔壁王阿姨抢走了。失去深深的双云,大龙自动就唱小C的部分了哈哈,其实我觉得比起饭桶他更适合子爵。希望国版歌剧魅影里嘎子魅影,大龙子爵,这个梦还是可以做一做的~没准有戏呢。 个人对双云的作品还是非常满意,并且评委们也没挑啥演唱的毛病。第一个瑕疵其实是女高声部缺失(晰哥我恨你),第二个瑕疵是这次乐队伴奏软绵绵,鼓声缺失和风琴间奏的不太给力,听着伴奏觉得提着一口气没发出去,戏剧气氛全靠俩人唱。尤其phantom of the opera部分,在伴奏有些疲软对气氛不加反减的情况下,嘎子开口瞬间就把人带入魅影情绪,真的是相当厉害! 对于听非母语的人唱歌还纠结发音的我就不说啥了,反正俩人唱得很好,龙小土味儿的口音我也听得挺开心的,嘎用力的咬字儿我也挺喜欢的,就酱。
Got curious with the thumbnail, click it and was blown away with their performance. Superb singing voice, wonderful stage, and great overall performance by the contestants. Good job to the producer/creator of this show.
Even in England alone, English has many different flavors or accents, the pronunciation differs according to the region. I live and teach in the United States for almost 50 years, I don't have any problem with their accent. So stop thinking that you speak perfect English and that they don't sing in good English. Their performance is just admirable and very enjoyable!
Very well said! We should just enjoy their fantastic performance!
Totally agree with you ^^
Despite of the language barrier, they gave the emotion that the song needed.
Yep. We do have different accents and I guessed it was understandable since not all grew on same country.
For heaven’s sake, English is not their mother tongue. Why pick on their hardly noticeable wrong pronunciation and detract from their amazing performance. They have such beautiful voices.
Have you heard Jose Carreras singing the Chinese song “In a place far far away” in Mandarin. His pronunciation is far from perfect.
Just enjoy their beautiful voices and the songs.
I'm a native English speaker. Their pronunciation is perfectly understandable, and there is no reason they should be expected to have perfect pronunciation as long as it is good enough to communicate their message, which it is. To be honest, while I can definitely tell English is not their mother tongue, I can understand their accented pronunciation better than some native English dialects. The musical talent matters more to me, and they are both very talented vocalists.
I personally think that a little bit of accent is actually beautiful and lovely, it’s totally okay. As English is a universal language, hearing them speak with their own accent in it makes it more interesting (of course it has to be understandable, which in this case it is). Also they definitely understand the lyrics as they need to sing with feelings in it. If they pay too much attention on the accent, their performance would be soulless
Their pronunciation of some words makes me cringe. They're like overdoing it. Really
@@mtv565 they're singing for a chinese audience on a chinese show, so what if it's not perfect?
@@mtv565 this is just the way of diction in musical theatre. In musical theatre singers have to overdo diction so audiences from 100 yards away understand their lines. The reason why it makes you cringe is probably because one of them (whose diction isn't so great), despite trying rly hard, didn't put emphasis on the right places, and it turns out a bit awkward to listen to, but the other one has great diction. Accent isn't a problem because in the professional world no one cares about accents, it's not important, but in terms of diction they are picky as hell.
@@jerryy7650 : Even Sarah Brightmsn don't overdo diction in the original recording.
@@angel16773 这段我看的好尬,没有女主高音很难受
@@lily_swine 重點他歌詞順序都不對
@@lily_swine 而且中文腔還在唱起來完全沒有原版的震撼感
@@angel16773 说真的 人家说的是这里的舞台 不是你歌剧院的舞台😓
觉得嘎子哥老是有一种委屈和不服输的劲头, 特让人心疼.
@@ilkagan8461 有道理!谢谢分析!
別説abcd了, 中文也是自學的。 今年(2020) 他的英語發音進步好多, 還能唱法語, 能不佩服他嗎?!
@surna 哇!辛苦過來的,這蒙古人真能吃苦,英文也都才學的。佩服啊!
@@serenafu9183 我也想说:人家当年汉语都没说溜就当了北漂了。现学现卖英文唱首歌才到哪。😆
他俩口音没问题 不影响享受旋律和歌词 意大利男高音唱英语也会有口音 很正常 他俩舞台表现力都非常出色 应该走向国际舞台
Sensational never get tied of hearing
Great voices ❤
歌劇不要太 挑剔他們嘅發音 以我個人看法只要是聲音嘅表達 面部演繹嘅表達這才是重要 把這首歌劇 從他們嘅表情聲音裏發揮到極點 大龍 和 阿雲格 正是可以做到 兩位出色歌劇男演員 應該是亞洲人的驕傲
我去 我也是 。。。。老粉加腐女 🤣
喜欢讨论口音的朋友,让我来舉一个例子。前陣子著名的指挥家Andre Rieu 请了兩名中国的女声乐家在欧洲不同国家唱粤语名曲上海灘,甚受欢迎,我是香港人也受过舞台训练,听着她们用不大標準的粤语来在世界舞台表演,只感到自豪和享受,忘记了甚么標準不標準。Rieu老师分享的是音乐,不是口音。
ce n'est pas coreen ?
I believe that if Zheng Yunlong learns to sing in foreign languages, he'd be world-famous!
2022年8月仍舊聽得我 雞皮疙瘩!真誠生命力量永不 抹滅!
chinese and english are languages I’ve spoken since birth, and as a lover and performer of musicals myself, i have to say that their accents are much better than a lot of singers I’ve seen.
@Fiona Angelina Sebayang 赞同,你说到重点了,喜欢就留言支持,他们同时站在同一个舞台,很难得
English is clearly not your native language
@@言东-i6r 怎麼不行?
@@言东-i6r 夠帥有流量就可以
阿云嘎好有the phantom的邪魅的感觉👍,看过原版的,表现力完全不逊色
@@yangkun4636 歌劇魅影是現代作品,沒有那麼久遠。
My favorite performance of the season so far (that I have seen). Not only great singing but great performance, they were really into it!
Max & Sujy React Hi! Just want to find out your opinion on how their English pronunciation sound to you? I am presuming that's your primary language since your comments are always in English. There has been a lot of discussion on this matter. Personally I am supporting them as both of them were trained in China. For Zheng Yunlong on the right, English is his second language, and for Ayunga on the left, English is his third language as he is Mongolian Chinese and he did not learn Chinese till his college years. Do you know they are roommates in college and they were musical theatre majors in Beijing Dance College (not 100% sure of the official English name). They have been friends for more than 10 years and this program brought them together and now they are at the top of the Weibo search list. Chinese people call them "double Yun" as both of their middle names are Yun. Thank you!
@@mayfung3433 Their English is really really good! It doesn't sound like casual American English, it sounds like authentic theatrical British English which is fitting because The Phantom of the Opera was first preformed in London. There are a few words that aren't pronounced fully, but that doesn't take away from their amazing performance. I really love their chemistry and how intense their gazes were ^^ 他们很好
Max & Sujy React 卜
What I'm most impressed with is the fact that the other guy sang Christine's part and made it sound so dominant. Amazing performance.
哎妈呀,阿云嘎phantom 郑文龙 raoul妥妥的,太赞了!
我在美国生活 两位帅哥英语的发音超好
我喜欢他们的表演 眼神杀
As someone who grew up in Canada, their English was great y’all just can’t find anything else to criticize bc their performance Slapped so hard
And this was on the spot no rehearsal at all
English is perfect! I can understand everything with my eyes closed. Ayanga🥰🥰😘😘
其實,那些認為他們發音有問題的人,多半不是因為英文太好,而是已經習慣內地學校教出來的錯誤發音。我在北美發現很多留學生都有嚴重的發音問題,特別是母音。Sorry to say so, 但我只是實話實說。雖然我一樣有口音,但至少是和白人一起工作,這樣的耳朵聽這二位vocalists的發音,真沒什麼大問題,倒是這二人的歌與演,十在到位至極!Bravo!!!
The phantom of the opera is my favorite forever and this version performed by Ayanga & Zheng Yunlong became my favorite forever !!! - just perfect in every way!!!
Nothing is perfect ,but their performance is closed to perfect and you can't ask more......
两人感觉太棒了! 改编也好! 结果最不重要的一次表演! 两个人都在尽力去做到最好。当然私心也是希望二人以后能够去到国外深造,一定会更加强大的。对于音乐剧这样的泊来品,这样的国内演员应该超级支持啊! 嘎子一开口就是Phantom的感觉啊! 大龙也比我想象的更好
Ayanga very very good 💔
Omg there English is really good!!!! A bit of an accent but who really cares?!?!? I’m really impressed! 🖤🖤
So am I. super vocals and acting.
Yes I am agree with you ^ω^^ω^^ω^
一直一直非常喜欢这两位 才华横溢 英俊潇洒 特别特别努力向前的音乐剧演员👍👍㊗️㊗️
sounds like a person in his deepest moment of self reflection
讲真唯一一次口音我不介意的。。。整首歌信息量太大了 云次方女孩磕到头痛
港真 嘎子哥在唱sing! angel of music~的时候我差点被他可爱的口音萌到跌下椅子😂😂😂
May Fung 我今天也听了好多遍 可能粉丝滤镜太重我还是觉得好好听😂开头一下就把人带进戏里了!
Who cares for pronunciation? :)
Great performance: completely frightening at the end. They are both sop convincing. Even Ayunga whose face is usually calm and lovely.
I'm glad to see your comment ≧ω≦
他们的发音完全OK啊 作为英专 雅思口语7.5 但平常说英语唱英文歌也有口音啊 这非常正常啊
Shannon Huang 完全同上
Well for this song which they performed, I think their accent won’t be a problem at all.
While people are debating and commenting on their accents, I can only say this about Yunlong and Ayunga, these two can just vocalize the whole song and I'll still be mesmerized. 🤩👍
支持阿雲嘎當魅影 聲音太棒了😭😭😭
Love from phillipines 🇵🇭😘🥰😉😉
The 2 most charismatic of this Reality Show. My opinion of course!.
Definitely they both studied theater in fact they where in the same school
两位歌唱时的舞台魅力真是无法挡·你们丰富的声音和眼神都深深的打动了我·由其把西方人的Phantom of the Opera 被两位歌剧小天王唱活了👍👍👍加油❤💛💚❤🖤💜💖💞🖤
作为一个留学生我觉得发音可接受没问题啊.. 别酸了吧多好听啊 我爱了
Both of them has beautiful and great voices. Charismatic and handsome. Pity they no longer performs together. 💖
纠结口音的人说明你还没有欣赏这首作品的缘分 另外郑云龙的发音已经非常到位 就这
在你歷經千錘百鍊、最成熟耀眼的時候遇見你跟你的作品,是我 三生有幸。
And can we applaud the orchestra? The key signatures for this song are ridiculously hard. Plus they have to put in just as much practice as the vocalists
这首歌没赢简直就是... 无法接受,简直好听到不行…
超好听的😍 双云最棒了 真的是让我想去看一场音乐剧
Charming from A YunGa from this role is so impressive that I think barely anyone can beat it on the globe wise including those masters. Good looking that is in a sexy mature man way makes him so unique. His combination makes it enjoyable simply watching him on the stage. Superb!
个人对双云的作品还是非常满意,并且评委们也没挑啥演唱的毛病。第一个瑕疵其实是女高声部缺失(晰哥我恨你),第二个瑕疵是这次乐队伴奏软绵绵,鼓声缺失和风琴间奏的不太给力,听着伴奏觉得提着一口气没发出去,戏剧气氛全靠俩人唱。尤其phantom of the opera部分,在伴奏有些疲软对气氛不加反减的情况下,嘎子开口瞬间就把人带入魅影情绪,真的是相当厉害!
Sherry D 真的!嘎子现在就是我心里的中文版魅影本影没跑了!
I’m really impressed with Ayungas abilities 👍🏻
Got curious with the thumbnail, click it and was blown away with their performance. Superb singing voice, wonderful stage, and great overall performance by the contestants. Good job to the producer/creator of this show.
One of the best performances from Zheng Yunlong and Ayanga. Amazing talent from both of them
阿云嘎 更深入我心